CSG :: Volume #14

#1388: beyond the heavens battles ( 3 )

Gloom that a illusory shadow Holy Spirit King sword of white tiger cuts, but the claw of white tiger also brought the air/Qi of incomparably powerful Murdering to penetrate the Holy Spirit King body, making Holy Spirit King this body of being condensed becomes by the energy start to twist, the character started to distort, changed into one group of pure and powerful energies. 白虎的虚影圣灵王一剑斩的暗淡,但白虎的这一爪也带着无比强大的杀伐之气击穿了圣灵王的身躯,让圣灵王这道由能量凝聚而成的身躯开始扭曲,人物开始变形,化为了一团精纯而强大的能量。 But Holy Spirit King wisp of Primordial Spirit still, at the Yuan Soul Control strength, almost makes his energy the body take shape in next instantaneously again, but his body has turned into half empty at this moment the condition, withstood white tiger this claw, lets his strength consumption unusual is quick. 圣灵王的一缕元神尚在,以元神控制力量,几乎是在下一个瞬间就让他那能量化的身躯再次成型,但此刻他的身躯已经变成半虚化的状态了,承受了白虎这一爪,让他的力量消耗的非常快。 White tiger has not vanished, powerful standing erect in the world, although withstood Holy Spirit King striking to make its body gloomy, but still sent out the fearful power and influence, then found out a claw to bring strength of murdering to crush again hit void to Holy Spirit King. 白虎并未消失,威风凛凛的屹立在天地之间,尽管承受了圣灵王一击让它身躯暗淡,但依然散发出可怕的威势,然后再次探出一爪带着杀伐之力粉碎了虚空打向圣灵王 The Holy Spirit King strength was too strong, and Sword Primary boundary small accomplishment, has let his battle strength far ultra same rank powerhouse, therefore this clone then has is not weak in the Origin Returning Realm strength, he sends out for the second time strikes full power with white tiger resists, has not retained, displays peak this clone battle strength. 圣灵王的实力太强了,并且已经剑元境界小成,让他的战力远超同阶强者,因此这一道分身便拥有不弱于归源境界的实力,他第二次发出全力一击与白虎对抗,沒有丝毫保留,将这具分身战力发挥到极致 After twice strong in strong after spelling, white tiger illusory shadow was scattered finally, but Holy Spirit King also suffered the heavy losses, the body of energy becomes extremely gloomy, for all this, but still shows the invincible elegant demeanor on his face, the body imposing manner does not reduce in the slightest. 经过两次强于强的对拼之后,白虎虚影终于被打散,而圣灵王也遭受了重创,能量化的身躯变得极为的暗淡,尽管如此,但在他的脸上依然展现出无敌的风采,身上气势不减分毫 Grasps Flowing Cloud Sword rays of light in his hands also becomes gloomy, these fight times, has let strength consumption almost that Holy Spirit King leaves behind, remains are not many. 握在他手中的流云剑光芒也变得暗淡,这几次交手,已经让圣灵王留下的力量消耗的七七八八,所剩不多了。 Moreover Holy Spirit King true body/this senior in the future, is unable to supplement in the this World's consumption. 而且圣灵王本尊未來,在这一界的消耗根本就无法补充。 At this time, Jian Chen also eliminated Holy Spirit King to keep own within the body that sword qi, the corners of the mouth is hanging the blood, complexion was somewhat pale, he naturally also saw the Holy Spirit King condition, could ignore the own injury, immediately rushed goes with the Holy Spirit King war in the same place, wanted to consume the light Holy Spirit King this clone strength as soon as possible. 这时候,剑尘也消灭了圣灵王留在自己体内的那道剑气,嘴角挂着鲜血,脸色有些苍白,他自然也看出了圣灵王的状态,顾不得自己的伤势,立即冲上前去与圣灵王大战在一起,想要尽快耗光圣灵王这一道分身的力量。 Little Spirit also acted, fought Holy Spirit King with Jian Chen jointly, Nine Gods Secret Art is also displayed by her several times, these nine type divine ability each types had the prestige energy that the fairy measured not, the attack and coexist auxiliary, all attacked divine ability to have the air/Qi of Murdering, and following several type divine ability had white tiger illusory shadow to appear, a type was fiercer than a type. 小灵也出手了,和剑尘联手大战圣灵王,九神诀也数次被她施展了出來,这九式神通每一式都有神鬼莫测的威能,攻击与辅助并存,所有攻击神通都带有杀伐之气,且后面几式神通都有白虎虚影显现,一式比一式厉害。 Three people at the beyond the heavens void war unusual is intense, hit makes void shatter, the stars are gloomy, the body of Holy Spirit King that energy is more and more weak, to directly entered in Flowing Cloud Sword finally, is in one with Flowing Cloud Sword friendly, controls the Flowing Cloud Sword fight. 三人在天外虚空中大战的非常激烈,打的让虚空破碎,星辰暗淡,圣灵王那能量化的身躯是越來越虚弱,到最后直接进入了流云剑中,与流云剑融合为一体,操控流云剑战斗。 Jian Chen is injured is also very serious, the body left behind the several ferocious name terrifying wound, pierced the body, making his whole body be bathed in blood, in each wound had powerful sword qi to flash before, is hard to heal. 剑尘受伤也是非常严重,身上留下了几道狞狰恐怖的伤口,洞穿了身躯,令他浑身浴血,每一道伤口内都有强大的剑气在闪现,难以愈合 Suddenly, during one dazzling blue rays of light injected beyond the heavens to be void from below planet like lightning, sent out an incomparably huge imposing manner along the way, making surrounding space want to solidify. 骤然间,一片耀眼的蓝色光芒从下方的星球上闪电般射入了天外虚空之中,沿途散发出一股无比庞大的气势,让周围的空间都直欲凝固。 God Of Sea Clan entered the war, her whole body covers in the strength of incomparably rich water element, sends out the fluctuation of energy of terrifying, is hard to look at its appearance/portrait. 海族之神参战了,她全身都笼罩在无比浓郁的水元素之力中,散发出恐怖的能量波动,难以看其真容。 Initially Sea God just modelled the sleeve to finish, sought for top-secret place to close up the training immediately, now finally restores the complete strength, making her battle strength be the peak. 当初海神刚刚塑体完毕,就立即寻找一处绝密之地闭关修养,如今终于恢复了全部的实力,让她战力达到了巅峰时期。 A trident throws from the Sea God hand, by one group of intense blue flame packages, was sent out the terrifying aura and Flowing Cloud Sword hits in together, exudes a deafening bellow immediately, making that piece void crash. 一柄三叉戟自海神手中投掷而出,被一团强烈的蓝焰包裹,散发出恐怖的气息流云剑撞击在一起,顿时发出一声震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,让那片虚空都在崩塌。 Trident blue light gloomy flying upside down returns, was met by Sea God in the hand, then she grasps the trident to bully the body on, sends out the terrifying the imposing manner to approach Flowing Cloud Sword, with the Flowing Cloud Sword war. 三叉戟蓝光暗淡的倒飞而回,被海神接在了手中,然后她手持三叉戟欺身而上,散发出恐怖的气势逼近流云剑,与流云剑大战。 At the same time, Jian Chen and Little Spirit are also acting, Jian Chen Zi Ying Sword sends out purple, the grey and white three rays of light, strikes to cut full power on Flowing Cloud Sword, sends out steel to hand over the whining noise, will become gloomy Flowing Cloud Sword to repel dozens kilometers far. 同一时间,剑尘小灵也在行动,剑尘紫郢剑散发出紫色,灰色和白色三种光芒,全力一击斩在流云剑上,发出一声钢铁般的交鸣声,将变得暗淡的流云剑击退了数十公里之远。 Powerful strength of murdering sent out powerful killing intent to crush together void, did not divide hitting with Zi Ying Sword on Flowing Cloud Sword, making the sword blade make sound of the slight trembling. 一道强大的杀伐之力散发出绝强杀意粉碎了虚空,与紫郢剑不分先后的打在流云剑上,让剑身都发出一声轻微的震颤之音。 Holy Spirit King strength originally consumed almost, is not much left, could not insist how long, in adding on Sea God enters the war now, making him increase a strong enemy again, made him fall all of a sudden leeward, in three people of jointly under hit retreating in defeat again and again. 圣灵王的力量本來就被消耗的七七八八,所剩无几,根本就坚持不了多久,在加上如今海神参战,让他再次增添了一名强劲的敌人,一下子让他落入了下风,在三人联手之下被打的节节败退。 Today is in my life, when with Rank the opponent fights for the first time when ends in failure, this to me is a painful lesson, I will remember this failure forever.” “今日是我这一生中,第一次在与同阶级的对手大战时以失败而告终,这对我來说是一个惨痛的教训,我会永远记住这一次的失败。” Never expected that your this World's Origin Realm powerhouse one, was I misplaced your strength incessantly, thus made the wrong decision, caused today's failure, but you are still not able to prevent us to come here footsteps, on this day will not be remote.” The Holy Spirit King sound passed from Flowing Cloud Sword, sound zheng zheng powerful, then controlled Flowing Cloud Sword to change into black light to leave here together, shot at the Tian Yuan Continent direction to vanish does not see, left here through space channel. “沒想到你们这一界的源境界强者不止一名,是我错估了你们的实力,从而做出了错误的决定,导致了今日的失败,但你们依然无法阻止我们來到这里的脚步,这一天不会太久远。”圣灵王的声音从流云剑中传了出來,声音铮铮有力,而后驾驭流云剑化为一道乌光离开了这里,射向天元大陆的方向消失不见,通过空间通道离开了这里。 Jian Chen, Little Spirit and Sea God have not prevented, the Holy Spirit King strength is too strong, although what comes is only a sword and clone, but their three people still do not have the ability to leave behind him. 剑尘,小灵海神都沒有阻止,圣灵王的实力太强,尽管前來的只是一把剑和一具分身,但他们三人依然沒有能力留下他。 , was quite fierce, this person real very powerful, I used fiercest divine ability Nine Gods Secret Art that the master left behind, could not have killed him unexpectedly, finally made him run away.” Little Spirit long implored the tone, patted the chest, voices opinions, then her moves sideways to arrive at side Jian Chen, seeing the appearance that the Jian Chen whole body is bathed in blood, in both eyes to produce some mist immediately, with having several points of sobbing tone was saying: big brother, you were injured, flowed many blood.” “呼,,好厉害,这个人真的好强啊,我把主人留下的最厉害的神通九神诀都用了出來,竟然还杀不死他,最后还是让他逃走了。”小灵长吁了口气,拍了拍胸膛,发出一阵感叹,而后她一个闪身來到剑尘身边,看见剑尘浑身浴血的样子,双目中顿时产生了一些水雾,用带着几分呜咽的语气说道:“大哥哥,你受伤了,流了好多血。” On the face of Jian Chen shows a smile of victory, touches the head of Little Spirit, said: big brother is all right, some small wounds, are nothing to big brother, quick can completely healed.” The voice falls, the body of Jian Chen is wrapping by a rich and gentle white light, under covering of this rays of light, his injury immediately is restoring by visible speed. 剑尘的脸上露出一丝胜利的微笑,摸了摸小灵的脑袋,道:“大哥哥沒事,一些小伤罢了,对大哥哥來说算不了什么,很快就会痊愈。”话音一落,剑尘的身体就被一股浓郁而柔和的白光包裹着,在这股光芒的笼罩之下,他身上的伤势立即以肉眼可见的速度恢复着。 Jian Chen is 7th-Rank Radiant Saint Master, this he did not use own Radiant Saint Force source strength healing time parsimoniously, Chaos Body the strong resiliency in the coordination, making his injury restore speed to go to the inconceivable situation, quick on completely healed. 剑尘本身就是一名七阶光明圣师,这一次他毫不吝啬的动用了自己的一道光明圣力本源之力疗伤,在配合上混沌之体的超强恢复力,让他身上的伤势恢复速度达到了不可思议的地步,很快就痊愈了。 Although Holy Spirit King retreated, but the fight on Tian Yuan Continent still had not ended, he must make own restore as soon as possible, then invests into the fight, casualties that reduces own this side. 圣灵王虽然退走了,但天元大陆上的战斗仍然沒有结束,他必须尽快让自己恢复,然后投入到战斗中,减少自己这方的伤亡。 After the Jian Chen injury restores, discovered that Sea God has left beyond the heavens to be void, participates in below fight, only then Little Spirit is blinking eagerly in the one side is looking at own. 剑尘的伤势恢复之后,发现海神已经离开了天外虚空,参与到下方的战斗中去了,只有小灵在一旁眨着眼睛眼巴巴的望着自己 Little Spirit, we get down.” Jian Chen was saying to Little Spirit, then returns to Tian Yuan Continent with Little Spirit. 小灵,我们下去。”剑尘对着小灵说道,然后和小灵重新返回天元大陆 Under the interventions of three Origin Realm powerhouse, Saint Emperor that Abandoned Saint World remains is killed completely, even if some people escaped to all around, but was still hard to maintain a livelihood under chasing down of Origin Realm powerhouse, died in battle completely. 在三位源境界强者的干预下,圣弃界残留下來的圣帝全部都被击毙,即便有一些人逃向了四周,但在源境界强者的追杀下依然难以活命,全部阵亡。
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