CSG :: Volume #14

#1387: ……

In Jian Chen heart one startled, Sword Art that he displays passes on pristipomoides typus Purple-Azure Sword Spirits, although can only be Sword Art of foundation, but from World of Immortals, has not the unimaginable fearful might after all, however at this moment in front of Holy Spirit King unexpectedly so easily was decoded, this makes him feel unbelievable. 剑尘心中一惊,他施展出的剑诀可是传子鱼紫青剑灵,尽管只能算是基础的剑诀,但毕竟是來自于仙界,拥有无法想象的可怕威力,然而此刻在圣灵王面前竟然如此轻易的就被破解了,这让他感到难以置信。 If said that Holy Spirit King true body/this senior kisses/intimate, can so decode his Sword Art superficially, that can also to accept, but opposite Holy Spirit King keeps a energy in sword as well as together Primordial Spirit. 若是说圣灵王本尊亲至,能如此轻描淡写的破解他的剑诀,那还可以让人接受,可偏偏对面的圣灵王只是留在剑中的一股能量以及一道元神 „The Holy Spirit King Sword Dao boundary is higher than me, he in the advantage in Sword Dao boundary, can so easily block my Sword Art.” In Jian Chen heart thought racing, but in the hand the movement has not actually stopped, in the hand Zi Ying Sword wields, displays second Sword Art, projects three sword qi to shoot at the Holy Spirit King direction like lightning. 圣灵王剑道境界高于我,难道他是凭着在剑道境界上的优势,才能这般轻易的挡住我的剑诀。”剑尘心中念头急转,但手中动作却沒有丝毫停顿,手中紫郢剑一挥,施展第二种剑诀,射出三道剑气闪电般射向圣灵王的方向。 These three sword qi not direct attacks to Holy Spirit King, but is shoots at the Holy Spirit King surroundings to form one trapped/sleepy, assumes the triangle to siege Holy Spirit King in inside, each sword qi is two meters, sends out dazzling rays of light, three sword qi coordinate with each other across a great distance, the strength links blocked this void. 这三道剑气并沒有直接攻击向圣灵王,而是射向圣灵王的周围形成一个困阵,呈三角形将圣灵王围困在里面,每一道剑气都有两米长,散发出刺目的光芒,三道剑气遥相呼应,力量结合在一起封锁了这片虚空。 Jian Chen imposing manner surges upward, grasps Zi Ying Sword above a top of the head that moves sideways to arrive at Holy Spirit King, at the same time, Qing Suo Sword also changes into azure sword glow to fly Holy Spirit King under the control of his thought together, then two swords are up and down, change into lightning simultaneously to shoot at Holy Spirit King. 剑尘身上气势高涨,手持紫郢剑一个闪身來到圣灵王的头顶上方,同一时间,青索剑也在他意念的操控下化为一道青色剑芒飞到圣灵王的下方,而后两把剑一上一下,化为一道闪电齐齐射向圣灵王 Sees only one purple, one azure two rays of light to tow legend of long sword light in void, speed is quick inconceivable, if not middle also Holy Spirit King keeps off there, seems like these two swords as if to hit mutually together. 只见一紫一青道光芒拖着长长的剑光在虚空中传说,速度快得不可思议,若非中间还有一个圣灵王挡在那里,看上去这两把剑就仿佛是要互相撞击在一起。 to break the formation.” On the Holy Spirit King face the expression has not transformed, he drinks one lowly, in the hand a Flowing Cloud Sword sword thorn to void, immediately the mysterious strengths hit in trapped/sleepy that Jian Chen displays, only hears bang a sound sound, Jian Chen projects trapped/sleepy that three sword qi arrange by Holy Spirit King easy broke, then Holy Spirit King shoots up to the sky, having the terrifying imposing manner to welcome to Jian Chen that shoots like lightning from the top of the head. 破阵。”圣灵王脸上表情沒有丝毫变换,他低喝一声,手中流云剑一剑刺向虚空,顿时有一股神秘的力量打在剑尘施展的困阵上,只听见“轰”的一声响声,剑尘射出三道剑气布置下來的困阵被圣灵王轻而易举的破了,然后圣灵王冲天而起,带着恐怖的气势迎向从头顶上闪电般射來的剑尘 But in the under foot of Holy Spirit King, the Qing Suo Sword azure glow explodes flashes, changes into together the azure lightning direct impact on, with the Zi Ying Sword coordination with each other, being up and down converging attack Holy Spirit King, is faint to have air/Qi of faint trace moon to send out, but on Zi Ying Sword, is faint to have Sun Power sending out. 而在圣灵王的脚下,青索剑青芒爆闪,化为一道青色的闪电直冲而上,与紫郢剑相互配合,一上一下夹击圣灵王,隐隐间已经有一丝丝太阴之气散发出來,而紫郢剑上,隐隐间则是有太阳之力散发而出。 This is the world inaugurates, by Chaos Force Yin-Yang Qi, is the Purple-Azure Sword Spirits strength, because although the Purple-Azure Sword Spirits vitality damages severely, Yin-Yang Qi becomes cannot withstand weakly, but moon and Sun, if unifies, will erupt the inconceivable might. 这是天地初开,由混沌之力所化的阴阳二气,乃是紫青剑灵的力量,虽然因为紫青剑灵元气大伤,阴阳二气也变得虚弱不堪,但太阴与太阳若是结合起來,将会爆发出不可思议的威力。 Holy Spirit King just about to contacts with Zi Ying Sword, the induction to is then indistinct from Zi Ying Sword that faint trace Sun Power that sends out, immediately has warning omen, has not hesitated, the momentum of first flushing stops suddenly, the figure in a flash, has appeared beyond the kilometer. 圣灵王刚要与紫郢剑接触,便感应到从紫郢剑上隐约间散发出的那一丝丝太阳之力,顿时心生警兆,沒有丝毫迟疑,前冲的势头戛然而止,身形一晃,已经出现在千米之外。 The Holy Spirit King form just disappeared, radiant sword light that Zi Ying Sword and Qing Suo Sword send out overlaps in the same place, but two swords have not touched in the same place, but is separated by less than three cuns (2.5 cm) distance to interlock, wisp of internal energy that the air/Qi and Sun air/Qi of moon send out melts, erupts the terrifying of unexpectedly filling destructive fluctuates. 圣灵王的身影刚刚消失,紫郢剑青索剑散发出的璀璨剑光就重叠在一起,不过两把剑并未相触在一起,而是在相隔三寸不到的距离交错而过,太阴之气与太阳之气散发出的一缕气机相融,竟爆发出一股充满毁灭性的恐怖波动。 Nine Gods Secret Art , Killing Attack Technique.” In the past the distant place, Little Spirit expression is dignified, displays to tall Shenjue who Mo Tianyun stayed behind , Nine Gods Secret Art, sees only her both hands to become claw, the terrifying energy is condensing, then grasps ruthlessly to the front. 九神诀,,攻杀术。”远方,小灵神色庄严,施展当年莫天云留下的至高神诀,,九神诀,只见她双手成爪,恐怖的能量在凝聚,然后狠狠抓向前方。 A claw leaves, making the universe tremble void, this claw, Little Spirit crushed void before body, at once sees only incomparably intense strength of murdering to change into the crescent moon shape to crush together chops void to Holy Spirit King, killing intent that releases intense annihilates the world sufficiently, affects Primordial Spirit of person, if the strength weak person, is terrifying murderous aura that the strength of this sofa releases can make their Primordial Spirit be defeated and dispersed merely. 一爪出,让宇宙虚空都为之震颤,这一爪,小灵粉碎了身前的虚空,旋即只见一道无比强烈的杀伐之力化为月牙形状一路粉碎虚空劈向圣灵王,那释放出的杀意之强烈足以湮灭天地,影响到一个人的元神,若是实力弱一些的人,仅仅是这道沙发之力释放出的恐怖杀气就能让他们的元神溃散。 The Jian Chen vision concentrates, he has seen Saint Rank battle skill does not know to have many, Nine Gods Secret Art that but Little Spirit displays had surpassed the Saint Rank battle skill domain by far, merely with the power and influence that this Killing Attack Technique releases, he had concluded that this Nine Gods Secret Art grade Purple-Azure Sword Spirits does not teach to own these Sword Art under again, even on even more stronger many. 剑尘的目光一凝,他见过的圣阶战技不知道有多少,但小灵施展出的九神诀已经远远的超出了圣阶战技的领域了,仅仅凭着这道攻杀术释放出的威势,他就已经断定这九神诀的品级决不再紫青剑灵传授给自己的那些剑诀之下,甚至还要强上不少。 Because Saint Rank battle skill only suits Saint King, the Saint Sovereign use, to Saint Emperor, the function is not too obvious, but this Nine Gods Secret Art achieves Origin Returning Realm Little Spirit still also to the strength unexpectedly so uses greatly, that can only explain Rank very high of this Nine Gods Secret Art. 因为圣阶战技只适合圣王,圣皇使用,对圣帝來说,作用就已经不是太明显了,而这九神诀竟然对实力达到归源境界小灵依然还有如此大用,那只能说明这九神诀品阶非常之高。 Holy Spirit King that light pupil light in an instant becomes fiery, flickers stares to crush to divide strength of murdering that void, facing this strength of murdering, in his heart has the feeling that one type is unable to avoid unexpectedly, as if own what kind of moving aside, will be caught up with by this strength of murdering. 圣灵王那平淡的眸光刹那间变得炯炯有神,一瞬不瞬的盯着一路粉碎虚空劈來的杀伐之力,面对这道杀伐之力,他心中竟然生出了一种无法躲避的感觉,仿佛自己如何的躲闪,都会被这道杀伐之力追上。 Holy Spirit King held up Flowing Cloud Sword in hand, the endless white light condenses to come from void, in an instant, Flowing Cloud Sword becomes brilliant light to soar to the heavens, then the body changes into the remnant shadow to rush over together, cuts by Flowing Cloud Sword in the strength of sofa. 圣灵王举起了手中的流云剑,无尽的白光从虚空中凝聚而來,刹那间,流云剑就变得光华冲天,而后身子化为一道残影冲了过去,以流云剑斩在沙发之力上。 Bang.” “轰。” In the giant bellow, strength of murdering was scattered by Flowing Cloud Sword, but Holy Spirit King with sword also attacked flew upside down by far, his is condensed the body of becoming to become the fuzzy several points by the energy. 巨大的轰鸣声中,杀伐之力流云剑打散,而圣灵王连人带剑也被冲击的远远的倒飞了出去,他那由能量凝聚而成的身躯变得模糊的几分。 In backing up on the way, Holy Spirit King throws to act Flowing Cloud Sword, Flowing Cloud Sword glitters pitch-black rays of light such as to hide the poisonous snake in darkness, fast shoots toward Little Spirit. 在倒退的途中,圣灵王扔出了手中的流云剑,流云剑闪烁着乌黑光芒如一条隐藏在黑暗中的毒蛇似地,飞快的向着小灵射去。 The Jian Chen thought moves, uses the method of sword-controlling with the soul, controls Purple Azure Dual Swords simultaneously to shoot at Flowing Cloud Sword, intercepted Flowing Cloud Sword, but he was displays Illusionary Flash to catch up with Holy Spirit King in flying upside down, the right hand condensed a Divine Sword direct thorn by sword qi to the Holy Spirit King body. 剑尘意念一动,施展以神御剑之法,控制紫青双剑齐齐射向流云剑,将流云剑拦截了下來,而他本身则是施展瞬影千幻身追上了倒飞中的圣灵王,右手以剑气凝聚一柄神剑直接刺向圣灵王的身躯。 Nine Gods Secret Art , Sealing Heaven and Earth.” 九神诀,,封天地。” Holy Spirit King just wants to oppose the enemy in the same fashion, but at this time, Little Spirit displayed Nine Gods Secret Art again, froze this side to be void in a flash, Holy Spirit King unexpected , the body was hard to move there by imprisonment firmly. 圣灵王刚想以同样的方式來对敌,但这时候,小灵再次施展九神诀,一瞬间冻结了这方虚空,圣灵王猝不及防之下,身躯被牢牢的禁锢在那里难以动弹。 This Nine Gods Secret Art might is not that several foundation Sword Art that Jian Chen grasps can compare, now is achieved Origin Returning Realm Little Spirit to display by the strength, the might that shows is more powerful, only if Holy Spirit King kisses/intimate, otherwise, not possible to break open in the flash by the strength of his clone. 九神诀的威力之强绝非剑尘掌握的那几种基础剑诀能比拟的,现在由实力达到归源境界小灵施展出來,展现出的威力更加强大,除非圣灵王本身亲至,否则的话,以他这道分身之力根本就不可能在一瞬间破开。 sword qi that in the Jian Chen hand condenses pierced the Holy Spirit King body, without the blood flows out, but made the Holy Spirit King body gloomy, his by the form that a strength as well as wisp of Primordial Spirit condensed rapid weakened. 剑尘手中凝聚的剑气洞穿了圣灵王的身躯,沒有鲜血流出,只是让圣灵王的身躯变得暗淡了许多,他这道以一股力量以及一缕元神凝聚的身影正在飞速的减弱 By hitting hard, Holy Spirit King still a calm of face, the stance that peaceful landslide in withstand/top is without turning a hair, sees only around his body to emerge endless white glow, changes into around the innumerable sharp sword directions of fire void, broke open Little Spirit restraint, the right hand counted on the fingers, projected sword qi to pierce the chest of Jian Chen. 遭受重击,圣灵王依然一脸的沉稳,一副泰山崩于顶而面不改色的姿态,只见他身体周围涌现无尽的白芒,化为无数的利剑射向周围虚空,破开了小灵束缚,右手屈指一点,射出一道剑气洞穿了剑尘的胸膛。 Jian Chen is the flesh and blood, is not condenses by the strength like Holy Spirit King together, he exudes a stuffy hum/snort, the body backs up like lightning, in his within the body, that sword qi that Holy Spirit King projects, just like a poisonous snake is scurrying about, place visited, his flesh or five main internal organs were crushed. 剑尘乃血肉之躯,不像圣灵王是由一道力量凝聚而成,他发出一声闷哼声,身子闪电般倒退,在他的体内,圣灵王射出的那股剑气正如一条毒蛇似地在四处乱窜,所过之处,无论是他的血肉还是五脏六腑纷纷被粉碎。 This sword qi is regular condensation, are more than sword qi even more powerful that he displays, Jian Chen does not dare to be negligent, immediately transfers within the body Chaos Force this sword qi package, simultaneously by the sensibility of own to Sword Dao boundary, starts to eliminate Holy Spirit King to keep his within the body the sword qi. 这股剑气是规则的凝聚,比他施展出的剑气还要强大很多,剑尘丝毫不敢大意,立即调动体内混沌之力将这股剑气包裹,同时以自己剑道境界的感悟,开始消灭圣灵王留在他体内的这股剑气 Meanwhile, Holy Spirit King is also experiencing with the Jian Chen same aspect, in his is condensed in the body of becoming by the energy, similarly has wisp of sword qi that Jian Chen leaves behind to batter, but comprehension of Holy Spirit King in Sword Dao boundary is higher than Jian Chen, quick obliterates sword qi that Jian Chen left behind. 与此同时,圣灵王也经历着和剑尘一样的局面,在他那由能量凝聚而成的身躯之内,同样有剑尘留下的一缕剑气在横冲直撞,但圣灵王剑道境界上的领悟高于剑尘,很快就把剑尘留下的剑气磨灭了。 big brother.” Sees Jian Chen injured, Little Spirit complexion immediately one anxious, reveals to worry about the color, but she also knows , to help Jian Chen, that must defeat Holy Spirit King, immediately immediately restrains the mind, both hands ties seal, displays Nine Gods Secret Art again. 大哥哥。”见剑尘受伤,小灵面色顿时一急,露出担忧之色,不过她也知道要想帮助剑尘,那就必须将圣灵王打败,当下立即收敛心神,双手结印,再次施展九神诀 Nine Gods Secret Art , Saint Beast Descends.” 九神诀,,圣兽降临。” A giant white tiger in Little Spirit back manifest, powerful standing erect above nine days, sacred inviolable, arrives just like Heavenly God, white tiger face upwards to exude one to roar, then jumps to leap, this leaps, it as if passed through Space-Time, disregards the space distance, such as flickers to move appears in front of Holy Spirit King generally, a tiger claw has the fearful power and influence on grasp to Holy Spirit King, this claw, brings strength of murdering, filled murderous aura. 一头巨大的白虎在小灵的背部显化而出,威风凛凛的屹立在九天之上,神圣不可侵犯,宛如天神降临,白虎仰天发出一声咆哮,而后纵身一跃,这一跃,它仿佛穿越了时空,无视空间的距离,如瞬移一般出现在圣灵王面前,一只虎爪带着可怕的威势抓向圣灵王,这一爪,同样带着一股杀伐之力,充满了杀气 Holy Spirit King complexion first time became dignified several points, his whole body imposing manner surged upward, recalls Flowing Cloud Sword, the Sword Primary small accomplishment boundary displays peak, Flowing Cloud Sword brings piece of dazzling rays of light to cut to white tiger illusory shadow. 圣灵王脸色头一次变得凝重了几分,他浑身气势高涨,召回流云剑,剑元小成境界发挥到极致,流云剑带着一片刺目的光芒斩向白虎虚影 PS: The symbol condition is not very good, this chapter wrote long time, o( PS:码字状态很不好,这一章写了很长时间,o(
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