CSG :: Volume #14

#1386: beyond the heavens battles ( 1 )

The middle-aged man looks to opposite Jian Chen and Little Spirit, complexion is indifferent, the vision is profound, in looking to Jian Chen that moment, the eyeground deep place flashes through a surprised color, he has not thought actually, this World besides Little Spirit that he met initially, hidden a strength to endure compared with Origin Realm powerhouse unexpectedly, without thinking of this person also stepped into the Sword Dao boundary unexpectedly similarly, although the boundary is lower than own, but only in his heart is clear, actually to step into the Sword Dao boundary to have difficulty how. 中年男子望向对面的剑尘小灵,面色淡然,目光深邃,不过在看向剑尘的那一刻,眼底深处闪过一丝惊讶之色,他倒是沒有想到,这一界除了当初他遇见的小灵之外,竟然还隐藏着一名实力堪比源境强者,更沒有想到此人竟然同样也踏入了剑道境界,虽然境界比自己低,但只有他心中才清楚,要想踏入剑道境界究竟有多么的困难。 Even in Abandoned Saint World, are innumerable with powerhouse of sword, person who steps into Origin Realm many, but does not have the exception, has not stepped into Sword Dao. 即便是在圣弃界,用剑的强者无数,其中不乏踏入源境界的人,但毫无例外,都沒有踏入剑道 Let alone, at present this person who comprehends the Sword Dao boundary, does not have source strength in this, in Origin Realm powerhouse incomparably scarce world. 更何况,眼前这名领悟剑道境界的人,还是在这个已经沒有了本源之力,源境界强者无比稀少的世界里。 At once, the vision of middle-aged man looks to under foot that huge planet, stares at the Tian Yuan Continent direction, the brow immediately a wrinkle, twittering said in a low voice: I misplaced your here strengths actually.” 旋即,中年男子的目光又望向脚下那颗巨大的星球,凝望天元大陆的方向,眉头顿时一皱,低声呢喃道:“我倒是错估了你们这边的实力。” Who you are.” The Jian Chen sinking sound asked that although he had seen opposite person came was not its true body, was only together the strength and Primordial Spirit, even so, the opposite party also brought to him like the mountain pressure, if the opposite party true body kissed, that is a how formidable opponent. “你是谁。”剑尘沉声问道,虽然他已经看出对面的人來的不是其真身,只是一道力量和元神,但即便如此,对方也给他带來了如山般的压力,若是对方真身亲至,那将会是一个多么可怕的对手。 You can call me Holy Spirit King.” Middle-aged man tone light saying. “你可以叫我圣灵王。”中年男子语气平淡的说道。 In Jian Chen heart one cold, said: Holy Spirit King, the Abandoned Saint World ruler, is really you, but this stretch of the world belongs to our world, is not the place that you should come.” 剑尘心中一凛,道:“圣灵王,圣弃界的统治者,果然是你,不过这片天地是属于我们的世界,不是你们该來的地方。” This place we must come, no one is able to prevent.” The tone of Holy Spirit King speech is still very light, but disclosed a firm determination. “这个地方我们必须要來,谁都无法阻止。”圣灵王说话的语气依然很平淡,但却透露出一股坚定的决心。 Jian Chen vision one cold, the strength of opposite party somewhat is freely scary, but is not true body/this senior kisses/intimate to eventually, he pours fearlessly, cold voice said: Since this, that has to fight.” 剑尘目光一寒,尽管对方的实力有些吓人,但终究不是本尊亲至,他倒无所畏惧,冷声道:“既然这样,那就只好一战了。” Jian Chen grips tightly Zi Ying Sword, the whole body condenses frightening sword qi, sends out dazzling white rays of light to cover his whole body, making this piece void the violent shake, but Zi Ying Sword erupts unprecedented intense rays of light, shakes terrifying fluctuations of energy, then Jian Chen seems with the body sword, the person the sword unites, changes into together the purple glow with the speed thorn like lightning to Holy Spirit King. 剑尘紧握紫郢剑,周身凝聚惊天剑气,散发出刺目的白色光芒笼罩他全身,让这片虚空都在猛烈的震荡,而紫郢剑更是爆发出前所未有的强烈光芒,震荡出一股股恐怖的能量波动,而后剑尘好似以身化剑,人剑合一,化为一道紫芒以闪电般的速度刺向圣灵王 He has not kept the hand, this strikes is he sends out full power, 4-layer Chaos Force or the Sword Dao boundary was displayed peak by him, Chaos Force becomes through the Zi Ying Sword oscillation amplitude more powerful, coordinated Sword Dao is being the might multiplies, the strength of the striking made has far exceeded the Saint Emperor boundary, was the Origin Realm powerhouse attack intensity. 他沒有留手,这一击已经是他全力发出,无论是第四层混沌之力还是剑道的境界都被他发挥到极致,混沌之力通过紫郢剑的振幅变得更强大,配合着剑道更是威力倍增,令的这一击之力已经远远超出了圣帝境界,达到了源境界强者的攻击强度。 The purple glow air-splitting, the void disruption, was cut open one several hundred meters, more than ten meters wide giant void cracks, the might of Jian Chen this sword was too strong, if hits on Tian Yuan Continent, even can cut a scrap Tian Yuan Continent. 紫芒破空,虚空碎裂,被割开了一条数百米长,十余米宽的巨大虚空裂缝,剑尘这一剑的威力太强了,若是打在天元大陆上,甚至能将天元大陆斩掉一小块。 Holy Spirit King immovability, is calm and calm, brings an incomparably powerful self-confidence on his body, that great body as if becomes incomparably big, can haunch a stretch of the world alone. 圣灵王不动如山,从容而镇定,在他的身上带着一股无比强大的自信,那伟岸的身躯仿佛变得无比高大,能独自撑起一片天地。 His right hand grips Flowing Cloud Sword, on Flowing Cloud Sword the black light sparkle, as powerful gathers not to send in Flowing Cloud Sword as the peak strength, then by the most basic straight thrust point to Zi Ying Sword that the front surface shoots. 他右手握住流云剑,流云剑乌光闪耀,一股强大到极致的力量在流云剑内蓄而不发,然后以最为基本的直刺点向迎面射來的紫郢剑 This is the straight thrust of ordinary sword technique most foundation, however this strikes actually to show the outstanding might in the Holy Spirit King hand, a simple straight thrust, seemingly contained unsurpassed divine ability, making this strike seemingly does not have in the surface is so simple, the strength of implication world, melts with. 这是普通剑术最为基础的一个直刺,然而这一击在圣灵王手中却展现出不同凡响的威力,简简单单的一个直刺,却放佛包含了一种无上的神通在内,让这一击看起來沒有表面上那么简单,暗含天地之力,与道相融。 Bang.” “轰。” Flowing Cloud Sword and Zi Ying Sword sword sharp violent clicked in together, erupts a deafening bellow immediately, powerful energy fallout changed into terrifying energy storm volume seats to all directions, let tremble void, the group star was low-spirited. 流云剑紫郢剑的剑尖猛烈的点击在一起,顿时爆发出一股震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,绝强能量余波化为了一股股恐怖的能量风暴卷席向四面八方,让虚空震颤,群星黯然。 Before Zi Ying Sword , the momentum of flushing stops suddenly, but the Jian Chen figure also revealed that his whole body is covered by the purple light that Zi Ying Sword sends out, seems like as if has combined with Zi Ying Sword. 紫郢剑前冲的势头戛然而止,而剑尘的身形也显露了出來,他浑身被紫郢剑散发出的紫光笼罩,看上去仿佛已经与紫郢剑合二为一。 Zi Ying Sword and Flowing Cloud Sword are not the separations, two Divine Sword swords touch sharp, refused to compromise in void, the huge energy divulges from two Divine Sword, wants to compete. 紫郢剑流云剑并非分离,两把神剑的剑尖相触,在虚空中僵持了下來,庞大的能量纷纷从两把神剑上宣泄而出,想要一争高下。 With the competition of energy, making there space start to disrupt, two Divine Sword sword sharp places, even had presented black hole, is expanding fast, when two Divine Sword competions energy fallout that produced entered in this black hole to vanish in abundance does not see. 随着能量的比拼,让那里的空间开始碎裂了,两把神剑的剑尖处,甚至已经出现了一个黑洞,正在飞快的扩大,两把神剑比拼时产生的能量余波纷纷进入了这个黑洞之中消失不见。 Jian Chen and Holy Spirit King refused to compromise like this, although Holy Spirit King has the Highest Origin Realm strength, time what does to this him to come is not true body/this senior, only left behind a strength in Flowing Cloud Sword, a strength is unable to display completely. 剑尘圣灵王就这样僵持了下來,圣灵王虽然拥有本源境界的实力,但奈何这一次他前來的并非本尊,只留下了一股力量在流云剑内,一身实力根本就无法完全发挥出來。 At this time, Little Spirit also acted, she depressed timid in innermost feelings, quietly appeared behind Holy Spirit King, raised the small fist to pound ruthlessly, the fist just made, let the surrounding void avalanche, the might of Little Spirit this fist was too strong, this struck to compare to go beyond with Jian Chen. 这时,小灵也出手了,她压下了内心中的胆怯,悄然之间出现在圣灵王背后,扬起小拳头就狠狠的砸了过去,拳头刚一打出,就让周围的虚空崩塌,小灵这一拳的威力太强,和剑尘这一击比起來有过之而无不及。 Holy Spirit King is not flurried, in an instant, his left hand condenses together powerful sword qi, sends out the dazzling white light, is shining surrounding void. 圣灵王毫不慌乱,刹那间,他的左手就凝聚出一道强大的剑气,散发出刺目的白光,照耀着周围的一片虚空。 This is he by sword qi that the Sword Dao boundary displays, is not the pure energy, is regular condensation, are more than sword qi even more powerful that Jian Chen displays. 这是他以剑道境界施展出的剑气,并非单纯的能量所化,乃是规则的凝聚,比剑尘施展出來的剑气还要强大很多。 Holy Spirit King does not return, the left hand holds the sword to cut the rearward like lightning, compelling Little Spirit to take back the fist, then resists the attack of sword qi. 圣灵王头也不回,左手持剑闪电般斩向后方,逼得小灵不得不收回拳头,转而抵挡剑气的攻击。 Bumps.” As depressed sound transmits, sword qi dissipates, Little Spirit successfully blocked Holy Spirit King the strikes, but she was also driven back several kilometers far. “碰。”随着一声沉闷的响声传來,剑气消散,小灵成功挡住了圣灵王的这一击,但她也被逼退了数公里之远。 Quite fierce.” Little Spirit expresses an exclamation, expression that in that simple-hearted big eye completely cannot believe that her strength has achieved Origin Returning Realm, clone that however Holy Spirit King true body/this senior , the energy has not condensed merely together drives back her. “好厉害。”小灵发出一阵惊叹,那双天真无邪的大眼睛中尽是不敢相信的神色,她的实力已经达到归源境界,然而圣灵王本尊未至,仅仅一道能量凝聚成的分身就把她逼退。 Broken.” Holy Spirit King light tai, the arm shakes suddenly, immediately the powerful strength erupts from Flowing Cloud Sword, undermined the balance of Zi Ying Sword instantaneously, the flash suppressed Jian Chen completely, shook with the sword Jian Chen distant flew upside down. “破。”圣灵王轻呔,手臂猛然一震,顿时有一股绝强的力量从流云剑内爆发出來,瞬间打破了紫郢剑的平衡,一瞬间完全压制住了剑尘,将剑尘连人带剑震的远远倒飞了出去。 Jian Chen expression becomes the unprecedented dignity, Holy Spirit King powerful much more than he expected, has not thought that continually together clone becomes so fierce. 剑尘神色变得前所未有的凝重,圣灵王的强大远远超出他意料,沒想到连一道分身都变得这般厉害。 Jian Chen lives in the figure in the distant place stably, the hand pinches Sword Art, both hands is transforming various tedious hand imprints fast, then drinks greatly: Heaven-Splitting Sword.” In an instant, Zi Ying Sword turns into one to have hundred meters Divine Sword fully, purple sword qi ascends, cuts like lightning to Holy Spirit King. 剑尘在远处稳定住身形,手捏剑诀,双手飞快的变换着各种繁琐的手印,而后大喝:“一剑劈天。”刹那间,紫郢剑变成一把足有百米长的神剑,紫色剑气升腾,闪电般斩向圣灵王 This is Zi Ying Sword teaches to one of the Jian Chen Sword Art spirit, although in the Purple-Azure Sword Spirits eye is the foundation, but this moment Jian Chen displays, can actually erupt to exceed his strength the might, just like Saint King to display Saint Rank battle skill, can cause heavy losses to Saint Sovereign powerhouse. 这是紫郢剑灵传授给剑尘剑诀之一,虽然在紫青剑灵眼中算是基础,但此刻剑尘施展出來,却能爆发出超越他本身实力的威力,就犹如一名圣王施展圣阶战技似地,可以重创圣皇强者 And, this Sword Art might were too more than Saint Rank battle skill even more powerful are too many. 且,这剑诀的威力比圣阶战技还要强大太多太多了。 The Holy Spirit King vision concentrates, he had been locked aura, is unable to dodge, only has hard resisting, moreover in process that cuts under Zi Ying Sword, he is felt that the body of own seemed by a mysterious strength imprisoning, became heavy like the mountain. 圣灵王目光一凝,他已经被锁定了气息,根本就无法闪避,唯有硬抗,而且在紫郢剑下斩的过程中,他更是感觉自己的身体好似被一股神秘的力量给禁锢了,变得沉重如山。 This is sword domain.” Holy Spirit King muttered said that in the eye the fine glow flashed, but did not have the least bit to dread, instead fighting intent soared to the heavens, drank lowly: Broken.” Flowing Cloud Sword has not erupted how powerful prestige energy, sees only its black light to flash, clicks in void, immediately lives in his invisible strength to rout restraint. “这是剑域。”圣灵王喃喃说道,眼中精芒一闪,不过却毫无半点畏惧,反而战意冲天,低喝:“破界。”流云剑并沒有爆发出多么强大的威能,只见它乌光一闪,点击在虚空中,顿时将束缚住他的那股无形的力量击溃。 Broken sword.” Holy Spirit King drinks again lowly, grasps Flowing Cloud Sword to charge into hundred meters Zi Ying Sword directly, on Flowing Cloud Sword has a strange strength to past, on Zi Ying Sword. “破剑。”圣灵王再次低喝,手持流云剑直接冲向百米大小的紫郢剑,流云剑上有一股奇异的力量在流转,点在紫郢剑上。 Ding.” As a clear junction whining noise transmits, the rubber ball that Jian Chen displays Heaven-Splitting Sword to erupt the power and influence of such as is discouraged immediately, starts the rapid feebleness, in a minute, Zi Ying Sword regained the normal state to fly back to his hand. “叮。”随着一声清脆的交鸣声传來,剑尘施展出一剑劈天爆发出來的威势顿时如泄了气的皮球似地,开始飞速的衰弱,片刻间,紫郢剑就恢复了正常状态飞回了他的手中。
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