CSG :: Volume #14

#1385: Origin Realm reappears

The pitch-black iron sword similarly is not every thing, the grade is not under Zi Ying Sword, when with the Zi Ying Sword battle, not only does not drop the side, and accomplishes a task with ease, after space channel presents the serious fault/chasm, the pitch-black iron sword with the Zi Ying Sword dogfight, is not getting blocks the Zi Ying Sword offensive, at the same time fast flies toward the exit|to speak position. 乌黑铁剑同样不是凡物,品级不在紫郢剑之下,与紫郢剑交战时不仅丝毫不落下方,并且游刃有余,不过当空间通道出现严重的断层之后,乌黑铁剑不在与紫郢剑缠斗,一变挡住紫郢剑的攻势,一边飞快的向着出口的方位飞去。 Saw unable to do to the pitch-black iron sword, Jian Chen took back Zi Ying Sword decisively, utilized the Purple-Azure Sword Spirits instruction Sword Art, projected three powerful sword qi to condense trapped/sleepy to be stranded the pitch-black iron sword lock in space channel, then kept wielding Zi Ying Sword, projected powerful sword qi to hit to the space channel fault/chasm place, let fault/chasm expansion fast, wanted to ruin this space channel. 见奈何不了乌黑铁剑,剑尘果断收回了紫郢剑,运用紫青剑灵传授的剑诀,射出三道强大的剑气凝聚成一种困阵将乌黑铁剑锁困在空间通道中,然后不停挥动紫郢剑,射出一道道强大的剑气打向空间通道的断层处,让断层飞快的扩大,想要毁掉这个空间通道 At the same time, Little Spirit also acted, she also studies the Jian Chen touching type full power to intend to start to attack space channel, so long as space channel ruins, that can temporary prevented the invasion of Abandoned Saint World. 同一时间,小灵也出手了,她也学着剑尘的摸样全力出手开始攻击空间通道,只要空间通道毁掉,那就可以暂时性的阻止圣弃界的入侵了。 Was attacked by two people, space channel starts the large surface area avalanche, inside Space-Time twists, the thick crack continuous appearance, shatter unusual is serious. 受到两人的攻击,空间通道开始大面积崩塌,里面时空扭曲,粗大的裂缝接连不断的出现,破碎的非常严重。 But this space channel tenacious is also above resembling of Jian Chen, old feelings remain after a severed relationship, in the surface broke unexpectedly, but always the faint trace mysterious strength links in together, is unable to destroy thoroughly. 但这个空间通道的顽强也超乎剑尘的相像,竟然藕断丝连,表面上断裂了,但始终有一丝丝神秘的力量链接在一起,根本无法彻底毁坏。 Meanwhile, the pitch-black iron sword also assumed an awe-inspiring pose finally, an incomparably powerful energy erupts from the iron sword, crushed trapped/sleepy of Jian Chen under instantaneously by sword qi arrange/cloth, brings intense black glow by if quickly speed like lightning flies to the exit|to speak, place visited, in surroundings more than ten meters range void all changed into the eternal darkness, for a very long time is unable to heal. 与此同时,乌黑铁剑也终于发威了,一股无比强大的能量自铁剑内爆发出來,瞬间粉碎了剑尘剑气布下的困阵,带着一股强烈的黑芒以快若闪电般的速度飞向出口,所过之处,周围十余米范围内的虚空皆是化为了永恒的黑暗,久久无法愈合 Is under the ultra intensity impact of pitch-black iron sword, space channel shatter was more serious, even had presented a section of abruption, but these abruptions were always linked by a faint trace energy together, but the pitch-black iron sword has understood this space channel is unable to destroy, disregards these directly, erupts the strongest might, flushed by quickest speed. 受到乌黑铁剑的超强度冲击,空间通道破碎的更严重了,甚至已经出现了一截断路,但这些断路始终被一丝丝能量链接在一起,而乌黑铁剑已经明白了这个空间通道根本无法摧毁,直接无视这些,爆发出最强大的威力,以最快的速度冲了出去。 In a flash, the iron sword took finally this section of road, arrived at the exit, then remaining power did not reduce in the slightest, the thorn of threatening to Jian Chen. 一瞬间,铁剑就走完了最后这一段路,來到了出口处,然后余势不减分毫,气势汹汹的刺向剑尘 One side Jian Chen complexion, immediately the Zi Ying Sword cross piece before the body. 剑尘面色一面,立即将紫郢剑横档在身前。 Ding.” “叮。” Iron sword that sharp sword has the incomparably powerful strength to puncture sharp on Zi Ying Sword, sends out an exceptionally grating metal vibrato, powerful energy fallout erupts, the place bottom magma that made in the place bottom deep place curls up dreadful monstrous waves, rushed to the upper air. 铁剑那锋利的剑尖带着无比强大的力量刺在紫郢剑上,发出一声异常刺耳的金属颤音,强大的能量余波在地底深处爆发,令的地底的岩浆都卷起一股股滔天巨浪,冲上了高空。 But iron sword that sharp sword goes straight to sharp on Zi Ying Sword, erupted the complete might, ran out of the ground with the sword Jian Chen, suddenly changed into a sunspot to vanish in the upper air. 而铁剑那锋利的剑尖则一直抵在紫郢剑上,爆发出了全部的威力,将剑尘连人带剑冲出了地面,眨眼间就化为了一个黑点消失在高空中。 big brother.” Little Spirit exudes one to call out in alarm, pursued rapidly, suddenly also vanishes on sky. 大哥哥。”小灵发出一声惊呼,迅速追了上去,眨眼间也消失在高天上。 The following war is still held, although was short of Jian Chen, but also were many Tie Ta this powerhouse, therefore the strength of Tian Yuan Continent this side is still not weak, but in four clans the person casualties still had not weakened, the population of loss has achieved 2/3. 下面的大战依然在进行,虽然少了剑尘,但又多了铁塔这名强者,因此天元大陆这一方的实力依然不弱,不过四族中人伤亡仍然沒有衰减,损失的人数已经达到三分之二了。 But Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor powerhouse, although was killed much by Tie Ta, but now as before also more than 100 people, the Beast God Continent king, Tiger Emperor Lang Kangli, the Human Race Saint Emperor Human's Desire Daoist Master three people, have withdrawn from the battlefield to escape due to excessive injuries to the distant place, in Beast Clan only then the Peng Clan Saint Emperor Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) whole body is bathed in blood, pesters by speed and Abandoned Saint World of these Saint Emperor first under heaven, but does not dare to bump hardly. 圣弃界圣帝强者,虽然被铁塔杀了不少,但现在依旧还有一百多人,其中兽神大陆的王,虎帝狼康利斯,人族圣帝人欲道道主三人已经因伤势过重,退出了战场逃向远方,兽族中只有鹏族圣帝苍穹浑身浴血,以天下第一的速度圣弃界这些圣帝纠缠,但也不敢硬碰。 Sea Clan this side loss is very serious, brought person is only also left over is less than half, Sea God Temple Palace Master grasps the trident with Abandoned Saint World several Saint Emperor wars, her whole body was been blood-stained, has own, there is an enemy, is injured very heavily. 海族这方损失也是非常惨重,带來的人只剩下不到一半,海神殿殿主手持三叉戟正与圣弃界数名圣帝大战,她浑身都被鲜血染红,有自己的,也有敌人的,受伤非常重。 Just became Saint Emperor Ya Di Lan Si already not outside, she suffered the incomparably serious wound, falls/dies, the moment was almost rescued by Ya Di Lan Mo finally, received a temple that carried along. 刚刚成为圣帝亚蒂兰斯已经不在外面了,她遭受了无比严重的创伤,差点陨落,最后关头被亚蒂蓝魔所救,收入了随身携带的一座神殿中。 At this time, two brights from the distant place came, having the powerful fluctuation of energy to put in the battlefield air-splitting, put in an appearance pierced the heads of two Saint Emperor, let its body and soul completely eliminated. 这时,两道亮光从远方破空而來,带着强大的能量波动投入了战场,一个照面就洞穿了两名圣帝的头颅,让其形神俱灭 Was our family's Emperor Armament, Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor helps.” “是我们家族的帝王神器,老祖,老祖來援了。” Tyrant Blade Sect and Changyang Mansion several powerhouse spirits feel pumped up, because of weapon Tyrant Blade Sect Ancestral Item Breaking Waves Blade as well as Changyang Mansion that Ancestral Item Zhangyang sword these two come air-splitting, at this moment is sending out to sell the Saint Emperor powerhouse palpitation the terrifying power and influence on enter the battlefield. 霸刀门长阳府的几名强者精神为之一振,因为这两把破空而來的兵器正是霸刀门祖器破浪刀以及长阳府祖器正阳剑,此刻正散发出让圣帝强者都心悸的恐怖威势杀入战场。 Breaking Waves Blade and Zhangyang sword, although does not have Purple Azure Dual Swords is the pitch-black iron sword is even fierce, but these two weapons cope with Saint Emperor powerhouse not to have the too tremendous pressure, in the one-to-one situation, Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor is not the opponents of these two weapons, in ten moves was killed by these two weapons, even several Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor collaborate, still can only spells with the Zhangyang sword and Breaking Waves Blade well-matched. 破浪刀正阳剑虽然沒有紫青双剑甚至是乌黑铁剑厉害,但这两把兵器对付圣帝强者却沒有太大的压力,在一对一的情况下,圣弃界圣帝根本就不是这两把兵器的对手,十招之内就被这两把兵器击毙,即便是数名圣弃界圣帝联手,也只能和正阳剑和破浪刀拼的旗鼓相当而已。 Damn, this is Origin Realm powerhouse Divine Weapons, has not thought that here also has Origin Realm powerhouse......” “该死的,这是源境界强者神兵,沒想到这里还有源境界强者……” Is impossible, this world does not have source here, world vitality also thin incomparable, was impossible born so many Origin Realm Supreme to come out, has presented 1-2 already enough heaven defying......” “不可能,这个世界沒有本源这里,天地元气也稀薄无比,根本就不可能诞生出这么多源境界至尊出來,出现过1-2已经够逆天了……” „It is not right, these two Origin Realm powerhouse Divine Weapons have the issue, probably suffered the heavy losses, the vitality has damaged severely, dropped from the Saint Item grade got down...” “不对,这两把源境界强者神兵有问題,好像曾经遭受过重创,元气大伤,从圣器的品级上跌落了下來…” Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor calls out in alarm in abundance, but some quick people of the unusualities that discovered these two weapons, a language said. 圣弃界圣帝纷纷惊呼,但很快就有人发现了这两把兵器的异常,一语道出。 Because Origin Realm powerhouse has never cut off in Abandoned Saint World, therefore came from Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor to this boundary extreme understanding, they grasp the information about Origin Realm is not Tian Yuan Continent can compare, after all Tian Yuan Continent had only presented four Origin Realm Supreme, and 1 million years ago, this makes the record of Tian Yuan Continent to Origin Realm extremely scarce, almost does not have. 因为源境界强者圣弃界从未断绝过,因此许多來自于圣弃界圣帝对这一境界都极为的了解,他们所掌握的关于源境界的信息绝非天元大陆所能比拟的,毕竟天元大陆曾经只出现过四位源境界至尊,并且还是在百万年前,这就使得天元大陆源境界的记载极为的稀少,几乎是沒有。 beyond the heavens is void, temperature very low, coldly, even if Earth Saint Master arrived here, the situation that is unable to survive, in void side, was huge white planet, the other aspect, was vast universe starry sky. 天外虚空,温度非常之低,冷到即便是大地圣师來到这里,都无法存活下去的地步了,在虚空的一面,是一颗巨大的白色星球,另一面,则是一片浩瀚的宇宙星空。 Here does not have the gravity, without the sense of direction, cannot branch out high and low about, similarly does not have the world vitality, even if better than Saint Emperor to enter here, Saint Force of within the body consumption is unable to supplement. 这里沒有重力,沒有方向感,分不出上下左右,同样也沒有天地元气,即便强如圣帝进入这里,体内消耗的圣之力都无法补充。 At this moment, Jian Chen is grasping Zi Ying Sword, was being wrapped suspended by one group of dazzling white glow there, the whole body imposing manner like the sea, fighting intent soars to the heavens, such as a has Divine Sword of sheath to stand erect there. 此刻,剑尘正手持紫郢剑,被一团刺目的白芒包裹着悬浮在那里,周身气势如海,战意冲天,如一柄出鞘的神剑似地屹立在那里。 Little Spirit stands in Jian Chen side not far away, a face anxious is staring at the opposite, on that pure small cheek has several points to be afraid, but was full of vigilant and alert, is critical situation. 小灵就站在剑尘身边不远处,一脸紧张的盯着对面,那纯真的小脸蛋上带着几分害怕,但又充满了警惕和戒备,如临大敌。 In their two people opposite, pitch-black iron sword suspended there stay still, the sword glow turnover, punctures void is twisting, then rich black glow sends out from the iron sword, swiftly condenses a big person's shadow. 在他们两人的对面,乌黑铁剑悬浮在那里静止不动,剑芒吞吐,刺得虚空都在扭曲,而后一股浓郁的黑芒从铁剑内散发而出,迅速凝聚成一个高大的人影。 This is one is not longer much wonderful middle-aged man, the stature is great, the imposing manner like the mountain, is calm and calm, he crosses the hands behind the back to stand, seems melts with the world for a body, a heaven was stepped on the feeling of under foot. 这是一名长得平平无奇的中年男子,身材伟岸,气势如山岳,沉稳而冷静,他负手而立,好似与天地融为了一体,更给人一种苍天都被踩在脚下的感觉。
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