CSG :: Volume #14

#1384: passage fierce combat

At the same time, Little Spirit also stopped killing the enemy, moves sideways to arrive in front of Jian Chen, both eyes bring the timid color is staring at space channel of touchdown bottom deep place intense, expression to hold 11 arms of Jian Chen, saying that fears: „It is not good, big brother, that big bastard also came.” Initially in the place bottom deep place, Little Spirit was away from the seal to face Holy Spirit King, powerful deep shaking of Holy Spirit King Little Spirit that frail mind, from now, Holy Spirit King cast a shadow in the Little Spirit heart, one type powerful to invincible shadow, once at this moment soon really facing made own frightened the person, in the Little Spirit heart has the fear of being able to say. 同一时间,小灵也停止了杀敌,一个闪身來到剑尘面前,双目带着怯怯之色盯着地底深处的空间通道,神色紧张的抱着剑尘的一一条手臂,怕怕的说道:“不好了,大哥哥,那个大坏蛋也过來了。”当初在地底深处,小灵隔着封印面对过圣灵王,圣灵王的强大深深的震住了小灵那脆弱的心灵,从此以后,圣灵王就在小灵心中留下了一层阴影,一种强大到不可战胜的阴影,此刻即将真的面对曾让自己恐惧过的人,小灵心中有着说不出的害怕。 Little Spirit, do not fear, big brother.” Jian Chen spoke the comfort, but in his heart was also a dying in battle bottom, although has not seen that powerful enemy, but that enemy had created very tremendous pressure on Jian Chen, lets assurance that Jian Chen cannot win. 小灵,别怕,还有大哥哥在呢。”剑尘出言安慰,不过他心中也是一阵沒底,虽然还未见到那名强大的敌人,但那名敌人已经给剑尘带來了很大的压力,让剑尘都沒有必胜的把握。 Little Spirit gently un, nod of ruthlessly, but grasped the hand of Jian Chen arm to be tighter, in the innermost feelings was very obviously anxious. 小灵轻轻的“嗯”的一声,狠狠的点了点头,但抱住剑尘臂膀的手更紧了,内心中显然十分紧张。 Abandoned Saint World did Saint Emperor also to hear that sword cry sound that heard from the place bottom deep place, on faces revealed the exciting color immediately, Holy Spirit King was powerful they are very clear, this absolutely was Abandoned Saint World in history most powerful Holy Spirit King. 圣弃界的一干圣帝也听到了从地底深处传來的那声剑鸣声,一个个脸上顿时露出激动之色,圣灵王的强大他们是非常清楚,这绝对是圣弃界有史以來最为强大的圣灵王 About the Holy Spirit King legend, already in noisy that Abandoned Saint World passed on, now, Holy Spirit King has become a Abandoned Saint World myth, because he to just step into the Highest Origin Realm strength, then in has only achieved source middle-stage former generation Holy Spirit King to cut a strength in ten moves under the sword, casting his magnificence. 关于圣灵王的传说,早已在圣弃界传的沸沸扬扬,如今,圣灵王早已成为了圣弃界的一个神话,因为他以刚踏入本源境界的实力,便在十招只内将一名实力已经达到本源中期的上代圣灵王斩于剑下,铸造了他的辉煌。 Moreover in behind, Abandoned Saint World another two strengths respectively achieves source middle-stage and source late-stage former generation Holy Spirit King challenges jointly, both sides after the fierce struggle two double-hour, these two strengths respectively were cut to kill by new Holy Spirit King in source middle-stage as well as late-stage former generation Holy Spirit King completely, composed an invincible myth, spread over entire Abandoned Saint World, will be recorded the history forever. 而且在后面,圣弃界另外两名实力分别达到本源中期本源后期的上代圣灵王联手挑战,双方在激斗了两个时辰之后,这两名实力分别在本源中期以及后期的上代圣灵王全部都被新任圣灵王斩杀,谱写了一段无敌神话,传遍了整个圣弃界,被永记历史。 Therefore, what although this Holy Spirit King comes is only Divine Sword, but this after all is Holy Spirit King Divine Sword, once had contaminated the blood of three source powerhouse, even Tian Yuan Continent 2-3 Origin Realm powerhouse, but Abandoned Saint World numerous Saint Emperor still do not think that the Tian Yuan Continent person can be the Holy Spirit King opponent. 因此,虽然这一次圣灵王过來的只是一把神剑,但这毕竟是圣灵王神剑,曾沾染过三名本源强者的鲜血,即便天元大陆有2-3名源境界强者,但圣弃界的众多圣帝依然不认为天元大陆的人会是圣灵王的对手。 The Little Gold vision also goes to the bottom deep place, is suppressing the mouth, the vision curious is looking there. 小金的目光也投向地底深处,憋着嘴,目光充满好奇的望着那里。 Little Gold, you stay here to protect Ancestral Grandfather they, must assure their securities.” Jian Chen passes message to Little Gold ding is, he did not feel relieved that Changyang Zu howls and the others, therefore has kept side Little Gold them, but he makes the person who Little Gold protects be possible not only then they, in addition has Hao Wu, Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress, Mercenary City several elders as well as some and his some friendship powerhouse. 小金,你留在这里保护好祖爷爷他们,一定要保证他们的安全。”剑尘小金传音叮属,他不放心长阳祖啸等人,因此一直把小金留在他们身边,不过他让小金保护的人可不仅仅只有他们,另外还有昊无,琴圣天魔女,佣兵之城的几位长老以及一些与他有些交情的强者 Then, Jian Chen looked at the Tie Ta position, draws Little Spirit to enter the bottom deep place together. 而后,剑尘望了眼铁塔的方位,拉着小灵一同进入地底深处。 The bottom deep place, often wild energies shake from space channel, strikes to the sky, the intensity of this wild energy, lets Saint Sovereign powerhouse falls/dies sufficiently instantaneously, even Saint Emperor if not careful, will experience personally the heavy losses. 地底深处,不时的有一股股狂暴的能量从空间通道中震荡出來,击向天空,这股狂暴的能量之强烈,足以瞬间让圣皇强者陨落,即便是圣帝若是不小心,都会身受重创。 Jian Chen and Little Spirit, in arrives at opposite of space channel together directly, has the wild energy storm to clash to swing from space channel, does not need him to act, in lifting the hands resisted by Little Spirit, these energy storms are fatal regarding Saint Sovereign, however in front of Little Spirit, will not pose the slight threat. 剑尘小灵在一起径直來到空间通道对面,一有狂暴的能量风暴从空间通道中冲荡出來,不用他出手,就被小灵在抬手之间抵挡了下來,这些能量风暴对于圣皇來说是致命的,但是在小灵面前,根本就不会构成丝毫威胁。 In space channel is very unstable, inside Space-Time twists, the scene is fuzzy, seems like piece of Chaos, is unable to forget opposite of Sichuan. 空间通道内很不稳定,里面时空扭曲,景象模糊,看上去一片混沌,根本就无法忘川对面。 However is indistinct, can see a pitch-black iron sword to be slow and good in space channel, the might of iron sword was really strong, although sword glow is reserved, let ordinary that own changed vigorously, conducted the self- suppression, but the iron sword place visited, behind space was still shatter, changed into the nihility, transformed in Chaos and darkness. 不过隐约间,能看见一柄乌黑的铁剑正在空间通道内缓慢而行,铁剑的威力实在是太强了,尽管已经剑芒内敛,极力让自己变的普通,进行自我压制,但铁剑所过之处,身后空间依然是一片一片的破碎,化为了虚无,在混沌与黑暗中转换。 Jian Chen grasps Zi Ying Sword to stand in front of space channel, vision swift and fierce is staring in the iron sword that in space channel visibles faintly, suddenly, a soaring to the heavens balloon sends out from him, this sword qi, suppressed the energy turbulent flow that shakes from space channel unexpectedly shortly, then changed into visible sword qi to rush to sky from the place bottom deep place, changed into visible sword qi to be built on the world. 剑尘手握紫郢剑站在空间通道面前,目光凌厉的盯着在空间通道中隐约可见的铁剑,骤然间,一股冲天的件气球从他身上散发而出,这股剑气之强,竟然短暂的压制了从空间通道中震荡出來的能量乱流,而后化为了一柄有形剑气从地底深处冲上高天,化为了一柄有形剑气立于天地之间。 This time, the Jian Chen whole person as if incarnation is peerless Divine Sword, the whole body sends out the dazzling white light, endless sword qi starts from come in all directions, the Sword Primary boundary had been displayed peak by him. 这一次,剑尘整个人仿佛化身为一柄绝世神剑,周身散发出刺目的白光,无尽的剑气开始从四面八方而來,剑元境界已经被他发挥到极致 Zi Ying Sword wields, immediately has hundred zhang (333 m) long huge sword glow to inject space channel together fully, the sword glow purple light twinkle, is dazzling and bright, strikes directly to the pitch-black iron sword that in space channel goes forward. 紫郢剑一挥,顿时有一道足有百丈长的巨大剑芒射入空间通道,剑芒紫光闪烁,炫目而灿烂,直接击向在空间通道中前进的乌黑铁剑。 purple sword glow enters space channel, lets the space channel violent vibration, originally very unstable space channel frequency near shatter. 紫色剑芒一进入空间通道,就让空间通道猛烈的震动,原本就很不稳定的空间通道频临破碎。 Jian Chen saw that this space channel is very difficult to withstand to exceed the energy impact of Saint Emperor boundary, but the might of pitch-black iron sword obviously has surpassed the limit of space channel, although conducts the self- suppression, but leads the way in space channel is still very difficult, once this space channel crashes, that consequence is very difficult to expect, what he must do is before the pitch-black iron sword arrives at Tian Yuan Continent, drives back the pitch-black iron sword directly, even ruins this space channel. 剑尘一眼就看出这个空间通道很难承受超越圣帝境界的能量冲击,而乌黑铁剑的威力显然已经超出了空间通道的限制,尽管进行自我压制,但在空间通道中前行依然十分困难,一旦这个空间通道崩塌,那后果很难预料,他要做的是就是在乌黑铁剑降临天元大陆之前,直接逼退乌黑铁剑,甚至是毁掉这个空间通道 The pitch-black iron sword also discovered obviously the front danger, the sword blade trembles slightly, spreads a low and deep sword cry sound, the sword cry sound forms a sound porter to purple sword qi that Jian Chen projects, although is still not able to resist purple sword qi, but actually weakened several points the purple sword qi might. 乌黑铁剑显然也发现了前方的危险,剑身轻微一颤,传出一阵低沉的剑鸣声,剑鸣声形成一种声波打向剑尘射出的紫色剑气,虽然依然无法抵挡紫色剑气,但却将紫色剑气的威力削弱了几分。 Then, the pitch-black iron sword sends out the weak black glow, advance speed speeds up suddenly, such as a flying arrow shoots at the front directly. 而后,乌黑铁剑散发出微弱的黑芒,前进的速度骤然加快,如一根离弦之箭径直射向前方。 Bang.” “轰。” The pitch-black iron sword is sword qi is still reserved, is conducting the self- suppression, hits by the sword body and purple sword qi together, contends with sword body's flintiness and purple sword qi. 乌黑铁剑依旧是剑气内敛,进行着自我压制,以剑体与紫色剑气撞击在一起,凭着剑体本身的坚硬度与紫色剑气抗衡。 Because this space channel is very unstable, this purple sword qi that Jian Chen projects makes this space channel frequency be near the shatter, pitch-black iron sword does not dare to erupt, this will only accelerate the collapse of space channel. 因为这个空间通道很不稳定,剑尘射出的这一道紫色剑气都让这个空间通道频临破碎,乌黑铁剑根本就不敢爆发,这只会加速空间通道的崩溃。 Both bump into, produced terrifying energy fallout made more violent, was indistinct periphery had presented a faint trace fault/chasm that space channel shook, making this space channel seem like will soon break. 两者相撞,产生的恐怖能量余波空间通道震荡的更加猛烈了,隐约间周围已经出现了一丝丝断层,让这个空间通道看起來即将断裂。 The pitch-black iron sword, then continued to charge into the front, left this unstablest region, then sends out the light black glow, speed is getting quicker and quicker, wants to leave this passage as soon as possible. 乌黑铁剑顿了顿,然后继续冲向前方,离开了这片最不稳定的区域,而后散发出淡淡的黑芒,速度越來越快,想要尽快离开这个通道 In Jian Chen both eyes bursts out the radiant god glow, he loosened the hand that grips Zi Ying Sword, used the method of sword-controlling with the soul, Zi Ying Sword changes into the purple glow to fly into space channel immediately, battled with the pitch-black iron sword together. 剑尘双目中迸发出璀璨神芒,他松开了握住紫郢剑的手,施展以神御剑之法,紫郢剑顿时化为紫芒飞入了空间通道中,与乌黑铁剑交战在一起。 Although the pitch-black iron stand no one controls, but inside leaves leeway Holy Spirit King Primordial Spirit of strength, a Holy Spirit King complete experience and fight skill drippinged the display that completely sent, with intense war of Zi Ying Sword in space, the sonorous sound unceasing whisper, terrifying energy fallout wreaked havoc in space channel, the moment made this space channel barrier produce the crack merely, presented the fault/chasm again, was more serious than before. 乌黑铁架虽然沒有人掌控,但里面留有圣灵王的一股力量的元神,圣灵王一身累计的全部经验以及战斗技巧淋淋尽致的发挥了出來,与紫郢剑空间通中激烈大战,铿锵之声不绝耳语,恐怖的能量余波空间通道中肆虐,仅仅片刻就让这处空间通道的壁垒产生了裂缝,再次出现断层,比之前更加严重。
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