CSG :: Volume #14

#1383: Tie Ta enters the war

Outside, Jian Chen grasps a immortal sword to batter in the Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor army, no one may keep off, although in these Saint Emperor has the strengths of many people to achieve the Saint Emperor peak boundary, however is still hard to support three rounds in the Jian Chen hand. 外面,剑尘手持一柄仙剑在圣弃界圣帝大军中横冲直撞,无人可挡,尽管这些圣帝中有许多人的实力都达到圣帝巅峰境界,但是在剑尘手中依然难以支撑三个回合。 The Zi Ying Sword might was too strong, the weapons in their hand, are these defense strength strong Battle Armor of body clothing, is similar to the tofu general frailty in front of Zi Ying Sword. 紫郢剑的威力太强了,无论是他们手中的兵器,还是身上穿戴的那些防御力超强的战甲,在紫郢剑面前都是如同豆腐一般的脆弱。 Now, Jian Chen and Little Spirit have killed does Saint Emperor to be scared, everyone sees him, if sees the devil, the avoidance, this created Jian Chen and Little Spirit often charges into some direction, Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor in abundance face panic-stricken evasion in all directions that direction. 现在,剑尘小灵已经杀的一干圣帝胆寒,人人见他如见魔鬼似地,纷纷躲避,这就造成了剑尘小灵往往冲向某个方向,那个方向的圣弃界圣帝就纷纷一脸惊恐的四处回避。 War very intense, always in the deceased person, in the sky the menstruation rain has fluttered about, the land hit settlement of release, revealed the abyss of being too deep to see the bottom, the terrifying heat waves transmit from the place bottom deep place, this is the high temperature that the magma of bottom deep place sends out. 大战非常的激烈,无时无刻都在死人,天空中已经血雨纷飞,下放的大地都被打的沉陷,露出了深不见底的深渊,更有一股股恐怖的热浪从地底深处传递上来,这是地底深处的岩浆散发出的高温。 Not only Mercenary City was ruined completely, the region in surrounding area hundred thousand li (50,000 km) was hit by destructive, the mountains or the rivers have vanished, changed into the history, but affected region broad, entire Tian Yuan Continent land violent shake, swaying. 不仅佣兵之城被完全毁掉了,就连方圆十万里内的地域都遭受了毁灭性的破坏,无论是山川还是河流都已经消失,化为了历史,而受到影响的地域则更加的广阔,整个天元大陆的大地都在猛烈的震荡,摇晃着。 Sea Region three big Palace Master lead numerous Saint Sovereign powerhouse in respective territory to hurry along to participate in the fight finally, the Sea Region overall strength originally compared with Tian Yuan Continent and on Beast Clan stronger many, but these almost turns out in full strength time, the come Saint Sovereign quantity also wants on many 2-3 times compared with Tian Yuan Continent, first and Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor battled. 海域的三大殿主率领着各自领地中的众多圣皇强者终于赶路过来参与战斗,海域的整体实力本来就比天元大陆兽族要强上不少,而这一次几乎是倾巢而出,前来的圣皇数量比天元大陆都还要多上2-3倍,第一时间与圣弃界圣帝交战了起来。 Flood Dragon Temple Palace Master and Heaven’s Spirit Hall Palace Master injury did not have completely healed, is dragging the body and the Abandoned Saint World being wounded Saint Emperor war. 蛟神殿殿主天灵殿殿主身上的伤势还没有痊愈,拖着带伤之躯与圣弃界圣帝大战。 But the imposing manner on Ya Di Lan Mo sending out on as if such as the vast expanse of water sea, lets some Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor till dreaded, because her present strength has reached the Saint Emperor peak, touched that barrier to lead to Origin Realm. 亚蒂蓝魔身上散发出来的气势就仿佛如一片汪洋大海,让一些圣弃界圣帝都为止忌惮,因为她现在的实力已经达到圣帝巅峰了,触及了通向源境界的那一层隔膜 In addition, in Sea Region powerhouse also had/left Saint Emperor, was known as that in Sea Region Ya Di Lan Si of first temple elder, she with the aid of the grasping principles tea as well as Purple Cloud Immortal Peach that Jian Chen leaves behind, smooth to become Emperor. 除此之外,海域强者中还多出了一名圣帝,正是号称海域中第一神殿长老的亚蒂兰斯,她借助剑尘留下的悟道茶以及紫云仙桃,已经顺利成帝 Although here had the support of Sea Clan four Saint Emperor, but here occupies is still not able to reverse, besides Jian Chen, some Little Spirit as well as by Little Gold asylum Human Race powerhouse, other clans is fatal, so far, died in battle Human Race has been over half. 尽管这里得到了海族四名圣帝的支持,但这里的占据依然无法扭转,除了剑尘,小灵以及被小金庇护的一些人族强者外,其他各族都是死伤惨重,到目前为止,阵亡的人族已经超过一半了。 The loss of Abandoned Saint World is also huge, loss Saint Emperor achieved more than 200, dies of hand of Jian Chen and Little Spirit completely. 圣弃界的损失同样巨大,损失的圣帝都达到了两百多名,全部都是死于剑尘小灵之手。 At this time, the Jian Chen vision congealed, he had received Item Spirit summon, among a thought, lasing of Saint Item from his forehead, just arrived at outside, the powerful energy storm volume seat came, Saint Item fierce swaying of impact. 这时,剑尘的目光一凝,他已经收到了器灵传讯,念动之间,圣器从他眉心中激射而出,刚来到外面,就有一股强大的能量风暴卷席而来,冲击的圣器一阵剧烈的摇晃。 a golden light flashes, the Tie Ta form suddenly appears here, had come out from Saint Item space, but Saint Item after emitting Tie Ta, does not dare to have the moment to delay, immediately entered in Jian Chen Sea of Consciousness to vanish does not see. 金光一闪,铁塔的身影突然出现在这里,已经从圣器空间里面出来了,而圣器在放出了铁塔之后,不敢有片刻耽误,立即进入了剑尘意识海中消失不见。 This outside war was too violent, is Saint Emperor is all entering the war, is the energy storm that arouses can annihilate a side to be void merely, destroyed it sufficiently. 这外面的大战太猛烈了,全是圣帝在参战,仅仅是激起的能量风暴就能湮灭一方虚空,足以毁了它。 Tie Ta, conducted killing, invades the person in our homeland to hurry back these completely!” Jian Chen is shouting to clear the way to Tie Ta coldly, then continues to kill to another Saint Emperor crowded place. 铁塔,进行的杀,将这些侵略我们家园的人全部都赶回去!”剑尘对着铁塔冷喝道,然后继续杀向另一片圣帝密集的地方。 Tie Ta nod of ruthlessly, flaming combustion of flames of war in blood, making his blood be about to boil. 铁塔狠狠的点了点头,战火在血液中熊熊燃烧,令得他的血液都快沸腾了。 Dazzling golden rays of light erupts from Tie Ta within the body, covers his whole person, Jin Guangyao day, covers the radiant green light that gold/metal spirit Ancient Divine Tree had sent out brightly, as if changed into only between world. 刺目的金色光芒铁塔体内爆发出来,将他整个人都笼罩在内,金光耀天烁地,盖过了金灵古神树散发出的璀璨绿光,仿佛化为了天地间的唯一。 Meanwhile, most powerful fighting will fills the air in the world, this fighting will has the ability of Primordial Spirit attack, all people who feel this fighting will, in heart had one to fear intent to Tie Ta, the fight courage reduces greatly. 与此同时,更有一股至强的战斗意志弥漫在天地间,这股战斗意志具备元神攻击的能力,所有感受到这股战斗意志的人,心中都不由的对铁塔产生了一丝惧意,战斗勇气大减。 battling heavens deep meaning —— Breaking Temporals Technique!” Tie Ta face upwards drinks greatly, the sound enters for nine days, continuous reverberation in the world, sees only him to lift up high the golden great axe, the great axe blooms the dazzling golden light, combines into one with the fighting will knot, changes into has hundred meters axe shadow to divide together fully to the front. 战天奥义——破凡诀!”铁塔仰天大喝,声音直入九天,在天地间连绵回荡,只见他高举金色巨斧,巨斧绽放出刺目的金光,与战斗意志结合而为一,化为一道足有百米长的斧影劈向前方。 battle-axe chops, space disrupted, presented a huge gap, having the unprecedented potential to see four Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor in this straight line to cover. 战斧劈下,空间碎裂,出现了一条巨大的鸿沟,带着一往无前之势见这一条直线上的四名圣弃界圣帝笼罩。 battle-axe illusory shadow no hindrance one from four Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor puts on, that four Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor form is also suddenly one stiff, at once disrupts two halves, Primordial Spirit has not escaped, such falls/dies. 战斧虚影毫无阻碍的从四名圣弃界圣帝身上一穿而过,那四名圣弃界圣帝身影也是骤然一僵,旋即碎裂成两半,元神都没有逃脱出来,就这样陨落了。 Initially when Sea Region, the Tie Ta strength has not conducted the breakthrough, can with a Flood Dragon Temple Palace Master war, now he in Saint Item space break through to another boundary, the rise of strength is incomparably huge, cut to kill Saint Emperor, such as has moistened at fingertips. 当初在海域,铁塔的实力还没有进行突破时,就可以与蛟神殿殿主一战,如今他在圣器空间内突破到另一个境界,实力的提升是无比巨大的,斩杀圣帝,已经如信手沾来。 War God, is War God, War God appeared......” 战神,是战神,战神出现了……” Heaven has eyes, I saw War God finally......” “苍天有眼,我终于看见战神了……” Good, good, our Hundred Clans War God reappeared, my clan again magnificent......” “太好了,太好了,我们百族战神再现,我族将会再度辉煌……” Oh! heavens! I saw anything, a War God axe divided four Saint Emperor unexpectedly, my was not has a dream......” “噢!天啊!我看到了什么,战神竟然一斧头劈死了四名圣帝,我这不是做梦吧……” Heaven's blessing my clan, my clan War God not only appears again, but also has grown to the so powerful situation, Heaven's blessing my clan......” “天佑我族,我族战神不仅再次出现,而且已经成长到这般强大的地步了,天佑我族啊……” The appearance of Tie Ta, making Hundred Clans one group of people boil, exuded the heavenshaking cheers, the call of forgetting kindnesses, some old people have even been moved to tears, excited cannot. 铁塔的出现,让百族的一群人沸腾了,一个个发出震天的欢呼声,忘情的呐喊着,一些老人甚至已经热泪盈眶,激动的不能自我。 War God, is not only the Hundred Clans consecrated god, is their beliefs, their souls. 战神,不仅是百族供奉的神,更是他们的信仰,他们的灵魂。 Tie Ta grasps golden battle-axe to kill the four directions greatly, kills directly to the Hundred Clans direction, initially when he absorbed drop of blood of previous generation War God Arukins, obtained Arukins part to remember, knows the own status was Hundred Clans War God, the Hundred Clans people were his people. Now Hundred Clans there has no powerhouse, the death was quite serious, Forbidden Item was destroyed several, Dwarf Race Heaven Resisting Shield broke, the situation was not very optimistic, he must pass to help them, became the Hundred Clans lance and shield, blocked the mighty force. 铁塔手持金色战斧大杀四方,径直杀向百族的方向,当初他吸收上一代战神阿瑞金斯的一滴血液时,就得到了阿瑞金斯的一部分记忆,知道自己的身份是百族战神,百族众人都是他的子民。如今百族那里没有什么强者,死亡极为惨重,禁器都被打碎了好几件,就连矮人族御天盾都破碎了,情形很不乐观,他要过去帮助他们,成为百族的矛与盾,挡住千军万马。 At this moment, the clear sword cry sound transmits to come from space channel of place bottom deep place together, although the sword cry sound is not big, but has to put on prestige of gold/metal Lieshi, zither's music that the pressed and covered. all voice, Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress played was suppressed 就在这时,一道清脆的剑鸣声从地底深处的空间通道内传递而来,剑鸣声虽然不大,但却有穿金裂石之威,压盖了场中的所有声音,就连琴圣天魔女弹奏的琴音都被压制了下去。 Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress stopped playing, if white/in vain the luxuriant jade finger square of suet in the string, that pair bewitches to seize the mortal form in beautiful eyes to be full of dignified color looking to space channel of place bottom deep place. 琴圣天魔女停止了弹奏,白若羊脂的芊芊玉指平方在琴弦上,那双勾魂夺魄的美目中充满凝重之色的望向地底深处的空间通道 The Jian Chen mind also shakes, receives the sword to stand, suspended stares at space channel of bottom deep place in void of violent fluctuation, complexion finally became dignified, followed in also one shock that was hard to conceal. 剑尘的心神也是一震,收剑而立,悬浮在猛烈波动的虚空中凝望地底深处的空间通道,脸色终于变得凝重了起来,伴随在其中的还有一股难以掩饰的震惊。 This sword cry sound transmits, makes his Primordial Spirit tremble unexpectedly, in a flash, he understood clearly the lots, will have a very formidable opponent soon to arrive clearly, and opposite party also comprehended the Sword Dao boundary, achievement above own. 这道剑鸣声传来,竟让他的元神都是一颤,一瞬间,他洞悉了很多东西,明白有一个非常可怕的对手即将到来,并且对方同样领悟了剑道境界,成就在自己之上。 Sword Primary boundary small accomplishment, will soon march into big accomplishment, the master, this person is very fierce, you are careful.” Purple-Azure Sword Spirits passes message, is very dignified. 剑元境界小成,即将步入大成,主人,这个人很厉害,你要小心。”紫青剑灵传音,很是凝重。 In Jian Chen heart one cold, he knows that in Sword Dao five big boundaries, each single layer boundary was divided to cross the threshold, small accomplishment, big accomplishment, great perfection these four small boundaries, he achievement on Sword Dao stays in the Sword Primary basic boundary now merely, but opposite party's achievement in Sword Dao boundary achieves Sword Primary small accomplishment unexpectedly, will soon march into big accomplishment, this is an incomparably powerful rival. 剑尘心中一凛,他知道剑道五大境界中,每一重境界又被分为入门,小成,大成,大圆满这四个小境界,现在他在剑道上的成就仅仅停留在剑元入门境,而对方在剑道境界上的成就竟然达到剑元小成,即将步入大成,这是一个无比强大的敌手。
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