CSG :: Volume #14

#1382: Tie Ta to become Emperor

North Pole, on a plain of stretch of the world of ice and snow, seems like ice sculpture temple static standing erect there, temple all over the body snow white, seems melts with the world for a body, sends out a dignity imperceptibly, vast aura. 北极,一片冰天雪地的平原上,一座好似如冰雕似地神殿正静静的屹立在那里,神殿通体雪白,好似与天地融为了一体,无形中散发出一股威严,浩大的气息 At this moment, in the highest place of this temple, the whole body packages Imperial Guardian Shui in silver-white armor to stand like the ice sculpture there immovability, her face was covered by the helmet, only then pair of ice-cold pupil reveal outside, is staring at the Tian Yuan Continent direction. 此刻,在这座神殿的最高处,全身都包裹在一层银白色铠甲之内的水侍卫如冰雕似地站在那里不动如山,她的面部被头盔遮挡,只有一双冰冷的眸子露在外面,正在凝望天元大陆的方向。 Although North Pole Ice Temple has very remote distance from Mercenary City, but the Imperial Guardian Shui vision seemed look through Space-Time, can clear saw there to have all that. 虽然北极冰神殿距离佣兵之城有着非常遥远的距离,但水侍卫的目光好似望穿时空,能清晰的看见那里发生的一切。 This Jian Chen the small accomplishment climate, never expected that he has comprehended the Sword Dao boundary now quickly, now in the Saint Emperor boundary, no one is his opponent, only has Origin Realm to suppress him.” “这个剑尘现在已经小成气候了,沒想到他这么快就领悟了剑道境界,如今圣帝境界中,已经沒有人是他的对手了,唯有源境界才能压制住他。” Abandoned Saint World that person strength is stronger, similarly comprehended the Sword Dao boundary, and achievement on Sword Dao comprehending is also higher than Jian Chen, although this Jian Chen growth speed is quicker than Abandoned Saint World that person, how long but could not want, that person can arrive at Tian Yuan Continent, endured by him compared with person God Realm battle strength, this Jian Chen was not his opponent, only had the dead end.” “不过圣弃界的那个人实力更强,同样领悟了剑道境界,并且在剑道上领悟的成就也远比剑尘高,虽然这剑尘的成长速度圣弃界的那个人要快,但要不了多久,那个人就可以來到天元大陆了,以他堪比人神境界战力,这剑尘绝非是他的对手,唯有死路一条。” your highness also shields this younger brother now, but Jian Chen eventually is the Purple Night Sword Sect successor, in the future sooner or later must stand with your highness in the hostile standpoint, although I comply with Mo Tianyun not to intervene matter between your highness and Jian Chen, but Jian Chen, if were killed by Abandoned Saint World that person, that also has nothing to do with me......” 殿下现在还十分袒护她这位弟弟,可剑尘终究是紫宵剑宗的传人,将來迟早要和殿下站在敌对的立场上,我虽然答应过莫天云不干预殿下剑尘之间的事,但剑尘若是被圣弃界的那个人杀了,那也与我无关……” Jian Chen growth very heaven defying, his time , if not die, how long will unable to catch up with the footsteps of Abandoned Saint World that person, moreover by him and your highness relations, will wait for your highness to go to Saint Realm in the future, perhaps this Jian Chen can also add on busily some......” “不过剑尘的成长非常逆天,他这次若是不死,要不了多久就会追上圣弃界那个人的脚步,而且以他和殿下的关系,等将來殿下去了圣界,这剑尘或许也能帮上一些忙……” Imperial Guardian Shui twittering talked to oneself, in the eye the rays of light twinkle is uncertain. 水侍卫独自一人呢喃自语,眼中光芒闪烁不定。 In Saint Item space, Tie Ta, Nubisi cultivates as before here, Jian Chen various heavenly material treasure obtained from Black and Yellow Small Heaven almost placed here completely, Tie Ta and Nubisi two people can enjoyment heartily. 圣器空间内,铁塔,努比斯依旧在这里修炼,剑尘玄黄小天界内获得的各种天材地宝几乎全部都放在了这里,铁塔努比斯两人可以尽情的享用。 Nubisi not only drank massive Heaven and Earth Divine Water to make own be reborn, and Jian Chen placed here various heavenly material treasure he has not fallen, oneself used much, strength continuously rapid promotion, and he some time ago was spring of Zhu thing nature best life pot grasping principles tea, took Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach, making his present strength achieve the Saint Sovereign great perfection boundary, and Purple Cloud Immortal Peach boundless vitality had not been absorbed by him completely, making his strength bit by bit make great strides forward toward the Saint Emperor boundary. 努比斯不仅饮用了大量的天地神水自己脱胎换骨,并且剑尘放在这里的各种天材地宝他是一个都沒有落下,自个儿品用了不少,实力一直都在飞速的提升,并且他不久前更是用品质最好的生命之泉煮了一壶悟道茶,又服用了一颗仙级五品紫云仙桃,令得他如今的实力已经达到圣皇大圆满境界了,并且紫云仙桃的磅礴元气还未被他完全吸收,让他的实力正一点一点朝着圣帝境界迈进。 The Tie Ta strength also has very big promotion, at this moment his whole body golden light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), sit cross-legged just like a golden body giant there, the turnover world essence, sends out everywhere Cai Xia (colored clouds), sends out aura that from him vastly like the mountain, makes Saint Sovereign powerhouse suffocate sufficiently. 铁塔的实力也有很大的提升,此刻他浑身金光万丈,宛如一个金身巨人盘坐在那里,吞吐天地精气,散发出漫天彩霞,从他身上散发出的气息浩大如山岳,足以让圣皇强者窒息。 What Tie Ta treads is road of the different cultivation, his boundary is unable to weigh in the Tian Yuan Continent standard, becomes a system, when achieves the corresponding boundary, will then conduct a transformation, results in World's preaching. 铁塔踏出的是一条不同的修炼之路,他的境界无法以天元大陆的标准來衡量,自成一个体系,每当达到相应境界时,便会进行一次蜕变,得天地传法 Suddenly, depressed sound transmits from Tie Ta within the body, immediately, an incomparably powerful fluctuation of energy erupts, is shaking surrounding void violent shivering, must disrupt faintly, but when Tie Ta cultivation the palace that chooses, changed into the smashing under this powerful energy fallout impact directly. 突然间,一声沉闷的响声从铁塔体内传來,顿时,一股无比强大的能量波动爆发出來,震荡着周围的虚空猛烈的颤抖,隐隐要碎裂了,而铁塔修炼时所选的这栋宫殿,在这股强大的能量余波冲击之下直接化为了粉碎。 Entire Saint Item space came under the influence, this world is having slight trembling, is centered on the Tie Ta position, the land split one after another deep gap. 整个圣器空间都受到了影响,这片世界都在发生着轻微的震颤,以铁塔的位置为中心,大地裂开了一条又一条深深的鸿沟。 And, erupts that energy that not to dissipate from Tie Ta within the body, but changed into ripples fast spreads to go toward all around, everywhere one visit, the land crack, mountain peak collapsing, space the extremely unstable fluctuation, must bring disaster to two palaces that Nubisi and small white tiger close up shortly. 且,从铁塔体内爆发出的那股能量并未消散,而是化为了一股涟漪飞快的向着四周扩散而去,所到之处,大地龟裂,山峰垮塌,空间都在极不稳定的波动,眼看就要殃及到努比斯和小白虎闭关的两座宫殿。 At this moment, the Item Spirit quiet appearance, waves, moves to the distant place several other palaces, then immediately controls the Saint Item space strength to prevent is proliferating to the energy ripples in all directions. 就在这时,器灵悄无声息的出现,挥手间,将其余的几座宫殿搬到远处,然后立即掌控圣器空间的力量去阻挡正扩散向四面八方的能量涟漪。 Finally, Saint Item Item Spirit was the good time-comsuming, finally blocked this powerful energy ripples, stopped it the momentum that continues to expand. 最终,圣器器灵费了好一番功夫,才终于挡住了这股强大的能量涟漪,制止了它继续扩展下去的势头。 However at this moment, is a dull thumping sound transmits from Tie Ta within the body, such as depressed drumbeat, along with sound, was powerful energy storm erupted from Tie Ta within the body, formed ripples by his center, fast proliferated toward all around. 然而就在这时,又是一声闷响从铁塔体内传來,如沉闷的中鼓声,伴随着声音,又是一股强大的能量风暴从铁塔体内爆发了出來,形成一圈涟漪以他的中心,飞快的向着四周扩散。 This time, Saint Item Item Spirit was ready, immediately controls the Saint Item strength to prevent. 这一次,圣器器灵做好了准备,立即控制圣器的力量去阻止。 The third tone, the fourth tone same sound continued to pass from Tie Ta within the body, each result was exactly the same time, each sound transmitted, then the powerful energies erupted from Tie Ta within the body. 紧接着,第三声,第四声同样的响声继续从铁塔体内传了出來,每一次的结果都是一模一样,每一道响声传來,便有一股强大的能量从铁塔体内爆发出來。 The Tie Ta strength had arrived at a bottleneck, at present is breaking through, advances to a higher boundary, Cultivation Technique that because he cultivates is quite uncommon, derives in the world, when breakthrough the move that makes is very big, is entirely different from the average man. 铁塔的实力已经到了一个瓶颈,目前正在突破,迈向更高的境界,不过由于他所修炼的功法极为不凡,得自于天地,因此突破时弄出的动静很大,也与常人大不相同。 Sees the eruption that Tie Ta seems not stops rests the so powerful energy to come out, Item Spirit expression also became serious finally, if long-time this way, that this Saint Item will unable to withstand to toss about. 铁塔好似无止休的爆发出如此强大的能量出來,器灵神色也终于变得严肃了起來,若是长久这样下去,那这圣器也会经不起折腾的。 Because the Tie Ta present strength has achieved Saint Emperor, has the sufficient strength to ruin this Saint Item space. 因为铁塔如今的实力已经达到圣帝,已经拥有足够的实力毁掉这个圣器空间了。 Item Spirit has not hesitated, both hands wield, control Saint Item space all strengths to condense to come toward here, finally condenses huge energy shield Tie Ta including in inside. 器灵沒有迟疑,双手挥动,控制圣器空间的所有力量朝着这里凝聚而來,最终凝聚成一个巨大的能量护罩铁塔包括在里面。 This is completely energy shield that is condensed by Radiant Saint Force becomes, similarly has strong defense strength, looks at from afar seems a giant cocoon Tie Ta in inside. 这是完全由光明圣力凝聚而成的能量护罩,同样具有非常强大的防御力,远远望去仿佛是一个巨大的茧将铁塔在里面。 Bang, bang. 砰,砰。 energy shield under Item Spirit arrange/cloth was under the impact intensely, starts violent shivering, had a faint trace tiny crack, spreads entire energy shield, finally finally with the ninth dull thumping sound sound, but explodes loudly. 器灵布下的能量护罩受到了强烈了冲击,开始猛烈的颤抖,出现了一丝丝细小的裂缝,蔓延整个能量护罩,最后终于随着第九声闷响声而轰然爆裂。 Immediately, powerful to making the world from Tie Ta sends out for fearful aura that it trembles, lets entire Saint Item space violent trembling, the surrounding void distortion, seemed pressed by this aura caved, entire Saint Item space is facing the shatter disaster. 顿时,一股强大到令天地都为之震颤的可怕气息铁塔身上散发出來,让整个圣器空间都在猛烈的震颤,周围的虚空扭曲,仿佛被这股气息压得塌陷了,整个圣器空间都面临着破碎的劫难。 Item Spirit color in great surprise, aura that sends out from Tie Ta is by far bigger than common Saint Emperor stronger, although Tie Ta just broke through, but he actually gives Item Spirit to bring one type faced with the feeling of Saint Emperor most peak. 器灵大惊之色,从铁塔身上散发出來的气息远远比寻常圣帝要强大许多,铁塔虽然刚刚才突破,但他却给器灵带來一种面临圣帝绝巅的感觉。 Tie Ta to become Emperor, but the strength after his to become Emperor cannot weigh in the Tian Yuan Continent standard completely, because of his strength at this moment, is not common Saint Emperor can compare. 铁塔成帝了,但他成帝后的实力完全不能以天元大陆的标准來衡量,因为他此刻的实力,绝非寻常圣帝可以比拟的。 Heaven-Fighting God Clan is lived by the world, since old times then came down in a continuous line, by thinking of fondly of ascending the sky, battle strength may be called the world's first, their each breakthrough, will conduct a qualitative leap, achieves altitude that the average man can not hold a candle. 战天神族由天地所生,自古便是一脉相传,受上天的眷念,战力堪称天地间第一,他们的每一次突破,都会进行一次质的飞跃,达到常人望尘莫及的高度。 Stops quickly, this space soon crashed.” Item Spirit calls out in alarm loudly, at this moment obviously saw a flurried color on his face, Tie Ta was too strong, although without attacking this Saint Item space, the terrifying aura that but sends out merely from him, ruins this space sufficiently. “快停下來,这个空间快要崩塌了。”器灵大声惊呼,此刻在他的脸上明显看到了一丝慌乱之色,铁塔太强了,尽管沒有攻击这个圣器空间,但仅仅是从他身上散发出的这股恐怖的气息,就足以毁掉这个空间 Because in this aura, has one incomparably intense fight one finger/refers, is damaging. 因为这股气息之中,带着一股无比强烈的战斗一指,极具破坏性。 Tie Ta as if heard Item Spirit that almost to bring shouting of several points of entreaty, started to restrain slowly, gradual made Saint Item space return to normal. 铁塔似乎听到了器灵那几乎带着几分哀求的呼喊,开始缓缓的收敛了起來,逐渐的让圣器空间恢复了平静。 „The Item Spirit friend, I had felt that outside is having the fierce battle, Saint Emperor are many, because of should be the Abandoned Saint World person came, you make me go out, I must go to fight with Jian Chen together.” Tie Ta stood from the ground, jar sound jar air/Qi was saying to Item Spirit, in the vision filled intense fighting intent. 器灵朋友,俺已经感觉到外面正发生着激烈战斗,圣帝非常多,因该是圣弃界的人來了,你让俺出去吧,俺要去和剑尘一起战斗。”铁塔从地上站了起來,瓮声瓮气的对着器灵说道,目光中充满了强烈的战意 In Item Spirit heart one startled, Saint Item space is a close world, and is also in Jian Chen Sea of Consciousness, Tie Ta in such environment can feel that unexpectedly outside war, this makes him feel inconceivable. 器灵心中一惊,圣器空间是一个封闭的世界,并且目前还处于剑尘意识海中,在这样的环境下铁塔竟然能感觉到外面的大战,这让他感到不可思议
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