CSG :: Volume #14

#1381: two world's war ( 2 )

Suddenly, in several Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor eyes glitters is soaring to the heavens fighting intent, hits by the swiftest and fiercest attack to companion. 突然间,数名圣弃界圣帝眼中闪烁着冲天战意,以最为凌厉的攻击打向身边的同伴。 .” Unexpected, made into the severe wound by Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor of companion sneak attack suddenly immediately, the mouth spat flying upside down of blood. “噗。”猝不及防之下,被同伴突然偷袭的圣弃界圣帝顿时被打成了重伤,口吐鲜血的倒飞了出去。 Similar also happened in various battlefield places, more than 30 Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor wield the weapon in hand suddenly cuts to companion, these people no one has thought that the own companion will begin to own unexpectedly suddenly, therefore does not have under the protection, made into the severe wound in abundance, even unlucky Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor suffered several companions to besiege jointly, only insisted several time of breath, on hit flesh body smashing, escaped Primordial Spirit to escape to the distant place. 同样的一幕还发生在战场各处,足足有三十余名圣弃界圣帝突然将手中的兵器挥砍向身边的同伴,这些人谁都沒有想到自己的同伴竟然会突然间对自己动手,因此毫无防备之下,纷纷被打成了重伤,甚至还有一名倒霉的圣弃界圣帝遭受到了数名同伴联手围攻,仅仅坚持了数个呼吸的时间,就被打的肉身粉碎,遁出元神逃向远方。 However when this Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor Primordial Spirit just departed the battlefield, had to be similar to mighty bell Lu's zither's music to pass on together greatly, this zither's music fell in his ear, like the startling thunderclap crack, the powerful sound wave aroused layer upon layer the space ripples, shook the smashing this Saint Emperor Primordial Spirit. 不过这名圣弃界圣帝元神刚飞出战场时,就有一道如同洪钟大吕的琴音传了过來,这道琴音落在他的耳中,如同惊雷炸响,强大的声波激起层层空间涟漪,将这名圣帝元神震成了粉碎。 After this one noisy, in the Abandoned Saint World camp presented an unrest, tight in a minute, several Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor die in the companion hand of own, was attacked by several people completely jointly, nurses a grievance dead. 经此一闹,圣弃界的阵营中出现了一阵骚乱,紧紧片刻间,就有数名圣弃界圣帝死在自己的同伴手中,全部都是被数人联手攻击,含冤而死。 They came under the influence of zither's music, was controlled by zither's music, discovers the person who plays a stringed musical instrument quickly, cut him.” In the Abandoned Saint World camp, Saint Emperor powerhouse face upwards drinks greatly, the sound like the thunder, shaking the world is violent trembles. “他们受到了琴音的影响,被琴音控制了,快找出弹琴的人,斩了他。”圣弃界阵营中,一名圣帝强者仰天大喝,声音如雷,震得天地都是猛烈一颤。 This is powerful Saint Emperor, has reached the Saint Emperor peak, his drinks greatly, immediately nearly must awaken by the person who zither's music controls some. 这是一名实力非常强大的圣帝,已经达到了圣帝巅峰,他这一声大喝,顿时将一些险些要被琴音所控的人醒悟了过來。 At this moment, powerful sword qi transmits from his behind, terrifying killing intent covers his whole body instantaneously, making this strength reach the Saint Emperor peak Abandoned Saint World powerhouse to hit one to tremble unrestrainedly, without hesitation, moved aside toward side by quickest speed immediately. 就在这时,一股绝强剑气从他身后传來,恐怖的杀意瞬间笼罩他全身,令这名实力已经达到圣帝巅峰的圣弃界强者情不自禁的打了一个寒颤,不假思索,立即以最快的速度向着旁边躲闪。 Sees only Divine Sword to be wrapped by rich purple light, bringing radiant sword light the position that just stood from him to pass through like lightning, sword glow touches with his clothing, the clothing was changed into one group of powder in the silence. 只见一柄神剑被一层浓郁的紫光包裹着,带着璀璨的剑光从他刚刚所站的位置闪电般穿过,剑芒与他的衣衫相触,衣衫在悄无声息间被化为了一团粉末。 Jian Chen grasps Zi Ying Sword to kill, saw this Saint Emperor to avoid him to strike unexpectedly, in the vision revealed one to be astonished immediately however, but in the hand the movement has not actually hesitated, a wrist/skill revolution, Qing Suo Sword changed into purple long rainbow to puncture together, mixed in also dazzling white light, sword qi that after this was Jian Chen comprehended Sword Dao, displays. 剑尘手持紫郢剑杀到,见这名圣帝竟然躲开了他的这一击,目光中顿时露出一丝讶然,不过手中动作却沒有丝毫迟疑,手腕一转,青索剑化为一道紫色长虹刺出,夹杂在其中的还有一股刺目的白光,这是剑尘领悟剑道后施展出的剑气 This sword qi, is regular condensation, has gone beyond the common sword qi range, at this moment melts with Purple Azure Dual Swords, its might was obviously stronger. 这种剑气,是规则的凝聚,已经超出寻常剑气的范围了,此刻与紫青双剑相融,其威力显然更强了。 powerhouse of Abandoned Saint World this Saint Emperor peak does not have the scared look, he drank one lowly, the whole body energy seethes like the tsunami, from within the body turbulent expression, formed a guard/shield to cover his whole body, the hand grasps a broadsword to cut to Jian Chen. 圣弃界这名圣帝巅峰的强者毫无惧色,他低喝一声,浑身能量如同海啸般翻腾了起來,从体内汹涌的宣泄而出,形成一层护罩笼罩他全身,手握一柄大刀斩向剑尘 The broadsword jumps projects grey rays of light, filled death qi, forms a prison to cover Jian Chen instantaneously. 大刀迸射出一股灰色光芒,充满了死气,瞬间形成一个囚牢将剑尘笼罩在内。 In prison that deep place grey death qi forms, Jian Chen felt immediately own received a suppression of mysterious strength, and surroundings whether there is grey rays of light completely invades his within the body, is obliterating his within the body life force / vitality rapidly. 深处灰色死气形成的囚牢中,剑尘顿时感觉自己受到了一股神秘力量的压制,并且周围有无尽的灰色光芒侵入他的体内,迅速磨灭着他体内生机 The Jian Chen vision concentrates, Chaos Force billowing flowing of within the body, will invade within the body death qi to obliterate rapidly, disregards a dusky prison, Zi Ying Sword in hand brings the unprecedented potential thorn at present to the front. 剑尘目光一凝,体内混沌之力滚滚流动,迅速将侵入体内死气磨灭,无视眼前一片灰蒙蒙的囚牢,手中的紫郢剑带着一往无前之势刺向前方。 Ding.” Only hears a steel junction called the sound to transmit, Zi Ying Sword broke through the prison that grey death qi formed, shelled in the Abandoned Saint World that most peak Saint Emperor broadsword together, saw only the broadsword to be cut two by a Zi Ying Sword sword, shivering that the knife kept, exuded humming sound the sound, seemed at the wail. “叮。”只听见一声钢铁交鸣般的声音传來,紫郢剑冲破了灰色死气形成的囚牢,与圣弃界那名绝巅圣帝的大刀轰击在一起,只见大刀被紫郢剑一剑斩成了两段,刀身不停的颤抖,发出嗡嗡之声,好似在哀鸣。 Abandoned Saint World that most peak Saint Emperor vision blankly looked in the hand to break two sections of broadswords, on the face was full of the shock, this has followed his several thousand years the broadsword, in this period went on an expedition innumerably, as he grew, now even with the same rank powerhouse life and death war, will not make his weapon be injured tiny bit, but at this moment could not block in front of Jian Chen unexpectedly strikes, such as tofu cut off. 圣弃界那名绝巅圣帝目光呆呆的望着手中断裂成两截的大刀,脸上充满了震惊,这把大刀已经跟随他数千年,期间征战无数,一路随着他成长,如今即便是与同阶强者生死大战,都不会让他的兵器受到一丝一毫的伤害,而此刻在剑尘面前竟然挡不住一击,如豆腐般的被斩断。 You... you are Origin Realm powerhouse.” Perhaps this most peak Saint Emperor color in great surprise, in his cognition, only had Origin Realm powerhouse to achieve so the situation, but he has not felt that oppression of Origin Realm powerhouse from Jian Chen. “你…你是源境界强者。”这名绝巅圣帝大惊之色,在他的认知之中,恐怕也唯有源境界强者才能做到如此地步了,可他从剑尘身上并沒有感受到源境界强者的那股压迫。 Jian Chen is unemotional, the vision is indifferent, Zi Ying Sword after cutting off broadsword, remaining power does not reduce in the slightest, finally pricked the chest of this most peak Saint Emperor, contains powerful sword qi in immortal sword to erupt immediately, not only in instantaneous destruction his five main internal organs, pure sword qi counter flushed on, entered the head from his within the body, extinguished his Primordial Spirit. 剑尘面无表情,目光冷漠,紫郢剑在斩断了大刀之后,余势不减分毫,最终刺入了这名绝巅圣帝的胸膛,蕴含在仙剑中的强大剑气顿时爆发出來,不仅在瞬间毁灭了他的五脏六腑,更有一股精纯的剑气逆冲而上,从他体内进入了头部,灭了他的元神 In Jian Chen not far away, azure sword light in shuttle fast, pesters with dozens Saint Emperor together, is Jian Chen by Spiritual Consciousness control Qing Suo Sword. 剑尘不远处,一道青色剑光在飞快的穿梭,与数十名圣帝纠缠,正是剑尘神识掌控的青索剑 Qing Suo Sword in the Jian Chen hand, the might that can play is not far less than Zi Ying Sword to be powerful, but it was a has had mystical powers after all the immortal sword, the sword qi lasing, no one dares to work as, in the short time has cut to add up totals Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor, caused heavy losses to dozens Saint Emperor, now, many Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor had united, jointly coped with this hard to deal with Qing Suo Sword. 青索剑不在剑尘手中,所能发挥出的威力远不如紫郢剑强大,但它毕竟是一柄已经有灵了仙剑,剑气激射,无人敢当,短短时间内就已经斩杀数名圣弃界圣帝,重创数十名圣帝,如今,已经有不少圣弃界圣帝联合了起來,共同对付这把难缠的青索剑 Little Gold also acted, although he has the Origin Realm strength, but he not slaughters Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor like Jian Chen and Little Spirit wantonly, but is small hand one stroke, surrounds several Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor by golden barrier, then on standing of blankly there, a face curious looks when Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor that in golden barrier shouts and wrangles, often only then in Changyang Zu howls several people encounter the danger, Little Gold will intend to help, repel the archenemy. 小金也出手了,虽然他拥有源境界的实力,但他并未像剑尘小灵一样大肆屠杀圣弃界圣帝,而是小手一划,以金色结界困住数名圣弃界圣帝,然后就呆呆的站在那里,一脸好奇的看着在金色结界内大呼小叫的圣弃界圣帝,往往只有在长阳祖啸几人遇到危险时,小金才会出手帮忙,击退大敌。 Little Gold does not act already, acts , then amazes the world with a single brilliant feat, the direct fist explodes the body that Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor hits, body and soul completely eliminated, the fist was verve and overbearing, feared all Human Race Saint Sovereign. 小金不出手则已,一出手则一鸣惊人,直接一拳就将一名圣弃界圣帝打的身躯爆裂,形神俱灭,拳头刚猛而霸道,惊住了身边的所有人族圣皇 These 500 Saint Emperor overwhelming majorities of Abandoned Saint World coming constrains by Jian Chen and Little Spirit two people, only then Saint Emperor of small part attacks to four clan people, now died in Jian Chen and Saint Emperor in Little Spirit two people hand has achieved hundred, but in four clans the falls/dies person has achieved several hundred people, the severely wounded person was countless. 圣弃界过來的这五百名圣帝绝大多数都被剑尘小灵两人拖住,只有一小部分的圣帝攻向四族众人,如今死在剑尘小灵两人手中的圣帝已经达到了百位,但四族中陨落的人已经达到了数百人,重伤的人更是不计其数。 In this period, Elf Ancient Divine Tree blossomed in radiant splendor, the prestige that it showed can make Elf Clan powerhouse be startled, although its score and Jian Chen as well as Little Spirit compared is not really worth mentioning, but died Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor on this old tree has pressed up to ten, did not have the exception, all Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor by Elf Ancient Divine Tree by the branch winding, then extinction complete life force / vitality died, only left behind skinny corpses. 期间,精灵古神树大放异彩,它展现出的威能让精灵族强者都大吃一惊,虽然它的战绩和剑尘以及小灵比起來实在是不值一提,但死在这名古树上的圣弃界圣帝已经直逼十位了,毫无例外,所有圣弃界圣帝都被精灵古神树以树枝缠绕,然后吸光全部的生机而死,只留下一具具皮包骨头的尸体。 However after absorbing several Saint Emperor within the body boundless life force / vitality, Elf Ancient Divine Tree sent out to fill is life aura green rays of light was even more dazzling, boundless life force / vitality covered the entire battlefield, provided the help for the injured people. 不过在吸收了数名圣帝体内的磅礴生机之后,精灵古神树散发出充满是生命气息的绿色光芒愈加的耀眼了,磅礴的生机笼罩整个战场,为己方受伤的人提供帮助。 The performance of Elf Ancient Divine Tree, lets think to this Divine Tree extremely understanding Elf Clan powerhouse extremely curious, the years that this Divine Tree has are indeed remote, have spread since the antiquity period, are never withered, have been very strong, the strength that but show now actually and in the old book records is not quite same. 精灵古神树的表现,让自认为对这株神树极为了解的精灵族强者都极为的好奇,这株神树存在的岁月的确非常久远,从上古时期一直流传至今,从未干枯,一直都很强壮,只是现在展现出的实力却与古籍中记载的不太一样。 Because the Elf Ancient Divine Tree main body is unable to leave the Elf Clan territory, time what this they bring is not the Elf Ancient Divine Tree main body, but is a branch of Elf Ancient Divine Tree. 因为精灵古神树的本体根本就无法离开精灵族的领地,这一次他们带來的并不是精灵古神树的本体,而是精灵古神树的一根树枝。
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