CSG :: Volume #14

#1380: two world's war ( 1 )

By Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor that Elf Ancient Divine Tree ties down struggling that starts to go all out, the fearful fluctuations of energy shake from his within the body, wants to shake the winding of Elf Ancient Divine Tree. 精灵古神树缠住的圣弃界圣帝开始拼命的挣扎,更有一股股可怕的能量波动从他体内震荡而出,想要震断精灵古神树的缠绕。 However Elf Clan Ancient Divine Tree the ancient life that has from the antiquity period, cannot with the common branch describe that its great strength, at this moment it has twined all trunk and branches completely on Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor, ties up this Saint Emperor like a big cocoon, what kind of effort regardless of this Saint Emperor, is unable to work loose Elf Ancient Divine Tree restraint. 然而精灵族古神树是从上古时期就存在的古老生命,决不能与寻常树枝來形容它的强大,此刻它已经将所有的枝干全部都缠绕在圣弃界圣帝身上,将这名圣帝捆绑成如同一个大茧似地,无论这名圣帝如何的努力,都无法挣脱精灵古神树束缚 His within the body huge life force / vitality in continuous was absorbed by Elf Ancient Divine Tree, after passing these life force / vitality, Abandoned Saint World this Saint Emperor aura rapid weakened, the effort of struggling is also being getting smaller, is moving toward unceasingly weakly. 体内庞大的生机在源源不断的被精灵古神树吸收,在流逝了这些生机之后,圣弃界这名圣帝气息正在飞速的减弱,挣扎的力度也是越來越小,正不断的走向虚弱。 But reviews Elf Ancient Divine Tree, green rays of light even more powerful, huge tree's shadow that the body sends out also in unceasing congealing reality. 而反观精灵古神树,身上散发出的绿色光芒愈加的强盛,庞大的树影也在不断的凝实。 If carefully observes, is not difficult to discover that this Elf Ancient Divine Tree is not an entity, but is illusory. 若是仔细观察,不难发现这精灵古神树并非实体,而是虚幻的。 Behind Hundred Clans, werewolf one group reveals the battle condition, turns into the bodies of half -and-a-half people of wolf, the head is a person, but the body is actually the shape of wolf, the body was covered with the dense and numerous black wools, strength of the binding number person is blocking Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor together. 百族后方,狼人一组纷纷露出战斗状态,变成半人半狼之躯,头部是人,但身躯却是狼的形状,身上长满了密密麻麻的黑毛,正结合数人之力共同挡住一名圣弃界圣帝 Even so, but they do not beat, shortly after battle, several Werewolf Clan Saint Sovereign powerhouse by the severe wound that Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor hits, the blood is dyed the whole body. 即便是如此,但他们也是不敌,交战不久,几名狼人族圣皇强者就被圣弃界一名圣帝打的重伤,血染全身。 A crazy soldier clan, the monster hot clan, Spirit Snake Clan, Werewolf Clan is the same, is several Saint Sovereign even is more than ten Saint Sovereign ties down Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor jointly, but between Saint Emperor and Saint Sovereign have very big disparity, even so, they do not beat, all people are scarred, but reviews Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor, injured unusual is scarce. 狂化战士一族,妖火族,灵蛇族,狼人族一样,都是数名圣皇甚至是十几名圣皇联手缠住圣弃界一名圣帝,但圣帝圣皇之间有着非常大的差距,即便是如此,他们也是不敌,所有人身上都伤痕累累,而反观圣弃界圣帝,受伤的非常稀少。 In the Hundred Clans final side, one crowd of whole bodies cover the person in gray cape strongly in the same place, their population are not many, only several hundred people, but these people are not completely Saint Sovereign, mixes in some also many Saint King, Heaven Saint Master, the person under Earth Saint Master even Earth Saint Master. 百族最后方,还有一群全身都笼罩在灰色斗篷中的人集中在一起,他们的人数并不多,仅有数百人,但这些人并非全部都是圣皇,夹杂在其中的还有许多圣王,天空圣师,大地圣师甚至大地圣师之下的人。 At this moment, they sit cross-legged to sit on the ground completely, forms strange great formation, both hands ties seal, in the mouth mumbles. 此刻,他们全部都盘膝坐在地上,形成一个古怪的大阵,双手结印,口中念念有词。 These is a witch monster clan in Hundred Clans, battle strength are not strong, now the entire ethnic group under less than more than thousand people, have been well-known by the curse technique solitarily. 这些是百族中的巫妖一族,战斗力并不强,如今整个族群已经只身下不到千余人,以诅咒术闻名。 Big day dies out.” Suddenly, witch Monster Race everyone simultaneously cried out, is hoarse-voiced, but actually the infinite charms flood to be one of them, unexpectedly has covered. that heavenshaking war cry “大天寂灭。”突然,巫妖族所有人齐齐呐喊,声音沙哑,但却有一股无穷的魔力充斥在其中,竟然盖过了场中那震天的喊杀声。 Sees only a strange ripple to send out from witch Monster Race everyone, finally condenses to shoot at together Saint Emperor. 只见一股奇异的波纹从巫妖族每一个人身上散发而出,最终凝聚成一道射向其中一名圣帝 This ripple as if passed through space, spanned Space-Time, the flash did well in one just and Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor of crazy soldier clan war. 这股波纹仿佛穿越了空间,跨越了时空,一瞬间就弄好在一名正和狂化战士一族大战的圣弃界圣帝 This Saint Emperor body suddenly one stiff, such as was put out a blood by hit hard the opens the mouth, his body had cracks like the ceramics, in an instant becomes the whole body to be bathed in blood. 这名圣帝身体骤然一僵,如受重击似地张口吐出一口鲜血,他的身体如陶瓷似地出现了一道道裂缝,转眼间就变得浑身浴血。 Meanwhile, several crazy soldiers attack violently also stroke on this Saint Emperor, at the scene the crack that the body of this Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor hits, turned into the innumerable fragments, only then Primordial Spirit survived, reveals the panic-stricken color. 与此同时,数名狂化战士猛烈的攻击也击打在这名圣帝身上,当场将这名圣弃界圣帝的身体打的龟裂,化成了无数碎片,只有元神存活了下來,露出惊恐之色。 However his Primordial Spirit has not escaped with enough time, cleft in two by a crazy soldier, body and soul completely eliminated. 不过他的元神还沒來得及逃跑,就被一名狂化战士劈成了两半,形神俱灭 In the battlefield of Hundred Clans this side, two forms hide in void, without least bit aura sends out, does not have the mark to seek completely, Saint Emperor is hard to discover that their existences, even space in the violent vibration, is unable to compel their form, this two people silver long gown, is slender, mysteriously appearing and disappearing, always when the enemy is unexpected the quiet appearance in the back, then gives fatally strikes. 百族这方的战场中,还有两道身影隐藏在虚空中,沒有半点气息散发出來,完全无迹可寻,圣帝都难以发现他们的存在,即便是空间在猛烈的抖动,也无法逼出他们的身影,这两人一身银色长袍,身材修长,神出鬼沒,总是在敌人猝不及防的时候悄无声息的出现在背后,然后给予致命一击。 This is the Shadow Race person, has the magnificent past in the antiquity years, but has declined now, the entire ethnic group only then few dozens people, nearly exterminate, but this two people is in Shadow Race the strongest two King, the strength respectively in Saint Sovereign 5-layer as well as Saint Sovereign 7-layer. 这是影族的人,在上古年间有着辉煌的过去,但如今已经沒落了,整个族群只有寥寥数十人,近乎灭绝,而这两人则是影族内最强的两名王者,实力分别在圣皇五重天以及圣皇七重天 The land in violent shivering, several body high enough has hundred meters stone giant to stand in the land resists with Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor, body that their comprised of the rock although incomparable hardness, but cannot withstand the attack of Saint Emperor powerhouse, Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor each attack hits on them, can shatter a large stone, even pierces their bodies. 大地在猛烈的颤抖,数名身高足有百米的石巨人站在大地上与圣弃界圣帝对抗,他们那由山石组成的身躯虽然无比的坚硬,但也承受不住圣帝强者的攻击,圣弃界圣帝每一次攻击打在他们身上,都能震裂一大块石头,甚至是将它们的身躯洞穿。 But these stone giants are also out of the ordinary, they do not have the flesh, vitality strong, the body reorganizes in times, although seems like hit horrible to look, but battle strength does not have the half a point to drop. 但这些石巨人也是非比寻常,他们沒有血肉,生命力超强,身躯在一次次进行重组,尽管看上去已经被打的惨不忍睹,但战力却沒有半分下降。 Sea Clan this side is most pitiful, Saint Sovereign that they come only has Sea God Temple few people, and without Saint Emperor keeps off in the forefront, is withstanding the attacks of several Saint Emperor directly, the battle tight moment, already five Saint Sovereign falls/dies, three people of body and soul completely eliminated, only then two people Primordial Spirit escaped. 海族这方最为凄惨,他们前來的圣皇仅有海神殿的一部分人,并且沒有圣帝挡在最前面,直接承受着数名圣帝的攻击,交战紧紧片刻,就已经有五名圣皇陨落,其中三人形神俱灭,只有两人元神逃了出去。 Three Saint Emperor fights of Beast Clan in the first line, their strengths are powerful, in adding on the body of Magic Beast, the flesh body defense strength is exceptionally powerful, in the one-to-one situation, Abandoned Saint World few person is their opponents. 兽族的三名圣帝战斗在第一线,他们的实力都非常强大,在加上魔兽之躯,肉身防御力异常强大,在一对一的情况下,圣弃界少有人是他们的对手。 Did not mean that the Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor strength is weak, but was Beast Clan three Saint Emperor has achieved a high position in this boundary, boundary on Abandoned Saint World many Saint Emperor, can therefore suppress their head. 并不是说圣弃界圣帝实力弱,而是兽族的三位圣帝在这一境界上已经达到了一个较高的位置,本身的境界就强于圣弃界许多圣帝,因此才能压制他们一头。 However now, the king, Tiger Emperor, the Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) three people are the whole body are also bathed in blood, are injured heavily, what because their three people resist is several Saint Emperor. 但是现在,王,虎帝,苍穹三人也是浑身浴血,受伤不轻,因为他们三人抵挡的是数名圣帝 Earth-shattering that here fight hits, sun and moon does not have the light, the land few places are complete, presented the potholes of innumerable being too deep to see the bottom, inside has the steam to send out faintly, already the magma level of avenue of approach bottom deep place. 这里的战斗打的天崩地裂,日月无光,大地已经沒有几处完好了,出现了无数深不见底的坑洞,里面隐隐有热气散发出來,已经接近地底深处的岩浆层了。 Entire Tian Yuan Continent the violent vibration, in the central location that the war breaks out, the land is facing the shatter crisis, the void jet black gap continuously, the space crack is unable about shutting for a very long time. 整个天元大陆都在猛烈的震动,在大战爆发的中心位置,陆地都面临着破碎的危机,虚空中漆黑的鸿沟连绵不断,空间裂缝久久无法合闭。 The pressure that in four clans Hundred Clans, Sea Clan, Beast Clan faces is big, each one has powerhouse falls/dies, only has Human Race this side to be relaxed. 四族中百族,海族,兽族面临的压力都非常大,各自都有强者陨落,唯有人族这方还算轻松。 Jian Chen and Little Spirit lead the Human Race powerhouse fight in the enemy deep place, Little Gold to be arranged to Changyang Zu to howl and the others side by Jian Chen, protects they several people of safety. 剑尘小灵率领人族强者战斗在敌方深处,小金则被剑尘安排到长阳祖啸等人身边,保护他们几人的安全。 Although the Little Spirit disposition has not grown completely, but begins actually very decisively, without slightly benevolent, she is Origin Realm powerhouse, Saint Emperor such as the ants is not in her eyes different, waves, then sends out a piece of white light to sweep to Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor, the white light has the strength of fairy not measuring, Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor, once contaminates, then the mouth spits the blood, experiences personally the heavy losses, some strength weak people even are direct falls/dies. 小灵的心性虽然还未完全成长,但动起手來却是非常的果断,沒有丝毫仁慈,她是一名源境界强者,圣帝在她眼中如蝼蚁沒什么两样,挥手间,便发出一片白光扫向圣弃界圣帝,白光拥有神鬼莫测之力,圣弃界圣帝一旦沾染,便纷纷口吐鲜血,身受重创,一些实力弱的人甚至是直接陨落 At this moment, in the Little Spirit hand, manifests Saint Emperor truly such as the myth of ants. 这一刻,在小灵手中,真正体现出圣帝如蝼蚁的神话。 Jian Chen also acted full power, he grasped Zi Ying Sword to break in the crowd, a strength unretentive display, Chaos Force supplemented with the Sword Dao boundary, displayed peak battle strength, the short moment, struck to kill more than ten Saint Emperor, wound Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor in his hands were more. 剑尘也全力出手了,他手持紫郢剑冲入了人群之中,一身实力毫无保留的发挥了出來,混沌之力辅以剑道境界,将战力发挥到极致,短短片刻,就击杀了十几名圣帝,伤在他手中的圣弃界圣帝更多。 Qing Suo Sword has not been idling, by him by the Spiritual Consciousness control, was diverted attention two to use, grasps Zi Ying Sword to kill the enemy, while controls Qing Suo Sword to shuttle back and forth in the sky in the method of sword-controlling with the soul, attacks does Saint Emperor to Abandoned Saint World. 青索剑也沒有闲着,被他以神识掌控,分心二用,一边手持紫郢剑杀敌,一边以以神御剑之法控制青索剑在天空中穿梭,攻向圣弃界一干圣帝 In their rear Human Race powerhouse, many people display Saint Rank battle skill, draws out the world pressure, often several people cope with Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor jointly. 在他们后方的人族强者,也有多人纷纷施展圣阶战技,引出天地威压,往往数人联手对付一名圣弃界圣帝 Behind the battlefield, Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress sits high void, Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry by her traverse on knees, vision dedicated will stare at ancient zither to gather the essence to play, each note will be seemingly gentle, but will seem makes the mighty bell greatly Lu's voice, has covered. war cry, clear spread to everyone ear 在战场后方,琴圣天魔女高坐虚空,天魔鸣音琴被她横放在双膝上,目光专注的盯着古琴聚精会弹奏,每一道音符看似轻柔,但好似发出洪钟大吕的声音,盖过了场中的喊杀声,清晰的传入了所有人耳中。 zither's music aims, everything falls into the Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor ear, everyone felt immediately a Primordial Spirit tremor of own, from time to time is absent-minded, from time to time is murky, and at present often appears some illusions. 琴音有针对,凡是落入圣弃界圣帝耳中,所有人顿时感觉自己元神一阵颤动,时而恍惚,时而昏沉,并且眼前不时的浮现出一些幻象。 But in Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress behind, is indistinct seems has huge ancient zither manifest in void, 36 are clearly discernible with the string, the string trembles slightly, produced the resonance with Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry. 而在琴圣天魔女身后,隐约间好似有一张巨大的古琴显化在虚空中,三十六跟琴弦清晰可见,琴弦轻微震颤,与天魔鸣音琴产生了共鸣。
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