CSG :: Volume #15

#1405: Fourth 9th-Rank Magic Beast

The arrival of Jian Chen naturally is to make Qin Country Imperial Palace vibrate greatly, returns to soon four Imperial Protector from Gesun Kingdom, leads large numbers of nobles and ministers to come out to greet together with the Qin Country king, the etiquette is grand, besides Qin Country four Imperial Protector, fears the honest fear that others display honestly. 剑尘的到來自然是让秦皇国皇宫大为震动,才从格森王国返回不久的四位护国国师,连同秦皇国的国王率领着大批王公大臣出來迎接,礼仪隆重之极,除了秦皇国四位护国国师之外,其余所有人都表现的诚恐诚惶。 Jian Chen and King Qin Country as well as four Imperial Protector exchanged greetings, then inquired directly: King Your Majesty, does not know Third Prince Qin Ji to be possible in Imperial Palace.” 剑尘秦皇国国王以及四位护国国师寒暄了一番,便径直询问道:“国王陛下,不知三皇子秦记可在皇宫之中。” What although faces is only an age and own son almost big later generation, but the Qin Country king actually reveals the respectful stance, said: Returns to the Imperial Protector words, my three sons are going out to go hunting, my sends people to go to ask him to come back.” 尽管面对的只是一名年纪和自己的儿子差不多大的后辈,但秦皇国的国王却露出毕恭毕敬的姿态,道:“回护国国师的话,我那三儿正外出打猎中,我这就派人前去叫他回來。” King Your Majesty does not need is so constrained, we knew also period of not short time, wants initially, Jian Chen also more than once exhausted Your Majesty, if not the help of Your Majesty, Jian Chen was impossible initially that smoothly led the soldiers of Qin Country five hundred thousand East Divine Sword regiments to rush to Gesun Kingdom through Space Gate, said, Your Majesty also had the graciousness to me, Jian Chen had not forgotten.” Jian Chen said with a smile pale. “国王陛下不必如此拘束,我们认识也有一段不短的时间了吧,想当初,剑尘还不止一次的劳烦过陛下,若非陛下的帮助,当初剑尘也不可能那么顺利的带着秦皇国十万东方神剑军团的士兵通过空间之门赶往格森王国,说起來,陛下对我也是有恩,剑尘也一直沒有忘记。”剑尘淡笑道。 Listened to this saying, Qin Country king to raise the heart on throat to relax finally, he knows that the own previous worry was more, although now Jian Chen the position and past compared to be different, however his person actually has not changed, did not have the own arrogance like other powerhouse, looked at compares anything the own dignity to be important. 听了这话,秦皇国的国王一颗提在嗓子上的心终于放松了下來,他知道自己先前的担心是多于的,如今剑尘虽然地位和从前比起來大不一样了,但是他的人却是沒有变,不像其他强者那样拥有自己的傲气,把自己的威严看得比什么都重要。 King Qin Country on the face shows the from the heart smile, immediately no longer restricts, such as treats the good friend to talk with Jian Chen generally. 秦皇国国王脸上露出开怀的笑容,当即不再拘束,如对待好朋友一般与剑尘交谈。 In Qin Country Imperial Palace has five Qin Heavenly Palace, is in Qin Country the most sacred place, because this is for five position respect/honorable Imperial Protector preparation temporary palace, is the places of their delicate. 秦皇国皇宫中有五座秦天殿,乃是秦皇国内最为神圣的地方因为这是为五名地位尊敬护国国师准备的行宫,同时也是他们的清秀之地。 Jian Chen moved in Qin Heavenly Palace immediately, here waits for the return of Third Prince Qin Ji. 剑尘当即入住了秦天殿中,在这里等候三皇子秦记的归來。 Initially he when Gesun Kingdom is the Qin Country four Imperial Protector promotion strengths, he can call four Imperial Protector also to take Qin Ji, but he has not actually done that because Qin Ji is one of the he best friends, he planned to come Gesun Kingdom to see Third Prince Qin Ji personally, as well as had helped his Commander Qin Wuming three father and son of several Country's Expert and Eastern Divine Sword regiment initially. 当初他在格森王国秦皇国四位护国国师提升实力时,他本可以叫四名护国国师秦记也带上,但他却沒有这么做,因为秦记是他最好的朋友之一,他打算亲自來格森王国见一见三皇子秦记,以及当初帮助过他的几名国师和东方神剑军团的统领秦武明三父子。 In the afternoon, Qin Ji then received the news that Jian Chen arrived at to be travel-worn, but hurried back from outside, when saw Jian Chen, among Qin Ji expression was also full of the sigh, no one is able to imagine in the past and him in the brothers who in Mercenary City trial space fought side-by-side, now has actually been far in excess of own, stood in Tian Yuan Continent most most peak. 当日下午,秦记便收到剑尘到來的消息风尘仆仆但从外面赶回,见到剑尘时,秦记神色间也充满了感叹,谁也无法想象当年和他在佣兵之城的试炼空间中并肩作战的兄弟,如今却已经远远的超越了自己,站在了天元大陆的最绝巅 Leaves for many years, Qin Ji changes is not big, besides mature and steady, the body also has the dignity that is for a long time fosters top, but now he is also like Qin Xiao, has been a father, takes in Qin Country a top family's beloved daughter is the wife, and child three years old. 一别多年,秦记变化并不大,除了更加的成熟与稳重外,身上还具备着一股长期处于高位而养成的威严,不过现在他也和琴箫一样,已经身为人父,取秦皇国内一顶尖家族的掌上明珠为妻,并且孩子已经三岁大了。 Afterward, Xiao Tian, Heavenly Net, Qing Shaofan, Dongyi Junbai, Cao Keqin five followed him goes to Gesun Kingdom to go on an expedition five Country's Expert also to come Qin Heavenly Palace to meet Jian Chen initially together in abundance, command Qin Wuming of Eastern Divine Sword regiment, Qin Wujian, the Qin Wutian three father and son also received the invitation of Jian Chen, in people copolymerization Qin Heavenly Palace. 随后,啸天,天罗,庆少凡,东逸君百,曹克勤五名当初跟随着他一同前往格森王国征战过的五名国师也纷纷來秦天殿叩见剑尘,东方神剑军团的统帅秦武明,秦武建,秦武天三父子也收到了剑尘的邀请,众人共聚秦天殿中。 In Qin Heavenly Palace, Jian Chen chats the banquet, entertains by the good wine, raises glass to drink to heart's content, discusses the tips that was having initially, does not have to be Human Race first powerhouse rack quite the same as. 秦天殿内,剑尘大摆宴席,以美酒招待诸位,举杯痛饮,谈论着当初发生的点点滴滴,浑然沒有身为人族第一强者的架子。 On table other person and Jian Chen was together after some time, touched the Jian Chen disposition in abundance, from most started restricting that gradually also became heroic. 餐桌上的其余人与剑尘相处了一段时间之后,也纷纷摸准了剑尘的脾性,从最开始的拘束,渐渐的也变得豪迈了起來。 Imperial Protector, my Qing Shaofan knows initially you will decide in the future however will become Tian Yuan Continent man of the hour, how long finally then to pass, Imperial Protector has become the Tian Yuan Continent first person, really makes me and others admire, making me and others yearn.” 护国国师,我庆少凡当初就知道您将來定然会成为天元大陆的风云人物,结果这才过去多久,护国国师就已经成为了天元大陆的第一人,真是让我等敬佩,让我等向往啊。” „The Imperial Protector natural talent extremely, is unprecedented melts now non- world rare talent, was known as the Mo Tianyun reincarnation of antiquity Era on Tian Yuan Continent, although we know that Imperial Protector was not Mo Tianyun is reincarnated, but we believe that Imperial Protector will exceed Mo Tianyun in the future sooner or later, became first Supreme through the ages.” 护国国师天资绝顶,乃是旷古烁今的不世奇才,在天元大陆上号称上古时代莫天云转世,虽然我们知道护国国师不是莫天云转世,但我们相信护国国师日后迟早会超越莫天云,成为古往今來的第一至尊。” ...... …… The alcoholic intoxication three points, several people almost tell one another everything on the table, having nothing unsaid, but Qing Shaofan and the others also forgot quite the same as own is in Qin Country to be most sacred, most has in dignified Qin Heavenly Palace, in the past, this Qin Heavenly Palace, even if hard to enter by their Country's Expert status. 醉酒三分,几人在桌上几乎是无话不谈,无话不说,而庆少凡等人也浑然忘记了自己身在秦皇国内最神圣,最具威严的秦天殿中,在往日间,这秦天殿,即便以他们国师的身份都难以进入。 Unknowingly, under the setting sun west, the curtain of night covers the land, making in the world fall into a darkness, late at night, Jian Chen led these people to leave Qin Country quietly, went out to seek for peaceful place to enhance the strength for them. 不知不觉,斜阳西下,夜幕笼罩大地,令天地间陷入了一片黑暗之中,深夜,剑尘带着这些人悄然离开了秦皇国,外出寻找一处安静之地为他们提升实力。 After several days, including Qin Ji, everyone to become king/emperor, reveals the color of being wild with joy completely, just before leaving before, Jian Chen leaves behind one group of Heaven and Earth Divine Water to Qin Ji, is to his son's small gift. 数日后,包括秦记在内,所有人全部成皇,一个个都露出欣喜若狂之色,临走前,剑尘留下一团天地神水秦记,算是给他儿子的一个小礼物。 Too inconceivable, Jian Chen Imperial Protector made us break through to the Saint Sovereign boundary unexpectedly in just several days......” “太不可思议了,剑尘护国国师竟然在短短数天的时间内就让我们所有人突破至圣皇境界……” „The Jian Chen Imperial Protector non- average man, we and Sir Imperial Protector are only the higher authority and subordinate's relations, Sir Imperial Protector actually had not really forgotten to the deeds that we once made, not parsimonious putting out so precious heavenly material treasure enjoys to us......” 剑尘护国国师果然非常人,我们和护国国师大人只是上级与下属的关系,护国国师大人却对我们曾经做出的事迹始终沒有忘记,并毫不吝啬的拿出如此珍贵的天材地宝给我们享用……” After Jian Chen walks, Qing Shaofan several Country's Expert and Qin Wuming three father and son voice the opinions, stands in same place silently looks at Jian Chen to vanish the direction that for a very long time is not willing to depart. 剑尘走后,庆少凡几名国师秦武明三父子纷纷发出感叹,站在原地默默的望着剑尘消失的方向,久久不愿离去。 Concluded Qin Country one line, Jian Chen controlled Zi Ying Sword to change into long rainbow to fly together to the boundless sea, met with the Qin Xiao Qin Ji two people, they have become the father, this made the Jian Chen mind also receive touching, remembered in overseas Three Saints Island Shangguan Aojian, now, he several years time has not seen Shangguan Aojian, cannot say that was a good father, does not know that Shangguan Aojian crossed may be good. 结束了秦皇国一行,剑尘驾驭紫郢剑化为一道长虹飞向了茫茫大海,和琴箫秦记二人相见,他们都已经成为人父,这让剑尘的心灵也受到了触动,想起了远在海外三圣岛上官傲剑,如今,他已经数年时间沒有见到上官傲剑了,称不上是一个好父亲,更也不知上官傲剑过得可好。 At this moment, Jian Chen expression moves, immediately controlled Zi Ying Sword to stop, at once a payment to a tutor light projects from his forehead, that was golden small tower. 就在这时,剑尘神色一动,立即控制住紫郢剑停了下來,旋即一束金光从他眉心中射出,那是一个金色小塔 a golden light flashes, wears golden clothes, leaves leeway Nubisi of golden long hair to appear in void, he maintains the stance that is sitting cross-legged to sit, both eyes shuts tightly, the whole body golden light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), terrifying fluctuations of energy spread from his within the body, lets tremble void. 金光一闪之间,身穿金衣,留有一头金色长发的努比斯出现在虚空中,他保持着盘膝而坐的姿态,双目紧闭,浑身金光万丈,一股股恐怖的能量波动从他体内扩散而出,让虚空震颤。 Nubisi must break through unexpectedly.” Jian Chen looked the happy expression, Tian Yuan Continent will soon present fourth 9th-Rank Magic Beast. 努比斯竟然要突破了。”剑尘面露喜色,天元大陆即将出现第四只九阶魔兽了。 Nubisi to become Emperor, the momentum is vast, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden glow punctured the nighttime sky, exaggerates dazzling golden color the trim world, moreover in his top of the head, the source essence broken top, charges into the upper air, condenses a golden large snake to submerge in the cloud layers, partly visible, stirs the cloud layer fierce surging. 努比斯成帝,声势非常浩大,万丈金芒刺破了夜空,将整片天地都渲染成一片炫目的金色,而且在他的头顶,更有一股本源精气破顶而出,冲向高空,凝聚成一条金色的长蛇沒入云层之间,若隐若现,搅得云层都在剧烈的涌动。
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