BWH :: Volume #6 力量即正义,魔法即强权!

#909: 3 Saint

Main text Chapter 909 Three Hallows Is hegemon Something went wrong in addition 正文第909章三圣器【为盟主[Not Found]加更】 Reducto ~( Reducto)” “reducto~(粉身碎骨)” Petrificus ~( Petrificus Totalus)” “petrificus~(统统石化)” Another two wizards did not respond slowly, flurried extracted wand to aim at that only to brave the cheetah that suddenly, several charms light beams will then fly to shoot shortly. 另外两名男巫反应一点也不慢,慌乱的抽出魔杖指向那只突然冒出来的猎豹,数道魔咒光束顷刻间便飞射了过去。 Faces several people of attacks, Ivan is not dodging does not evade, the light beam that figure circulation collapse Sancheng one group of flame, fly to shoot goes through from his body directly. 面对着几人的攻击,伊凡不闪不避,身形流转崩散成一团火焰,飞射过来的光束直接从他的身体中穿行而过。 What witchcraft is this?” Was witnessing this several wizards cannot believe oneself eye simply, however has not waited for them to master this is what situation, that group of flame hit to them. “这是什么巫术?”目睹着这一幕的几名男巫简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,然而还没等他们搞懂这到底是什么情况,那团火焰就冲着他们撞了过来。 The flame flash of that raising the fierce explosive sound resounds in the jungle, three people to the bang flew. 剧烈的爆炸声在密林之中响起,扬起的的火光一瞬间就将三人给轰飞了出去。 Again then, collapse leisurely/scatter the flame gathered gradually in the same place, the Ivan form then appears in the open area quickly again. 再接着,崩散的火焰渐渐聚拢在一起,伊凡的身影很快便再度出现在了空地上。 Extraordinary......” Rolf from hiding to go out, looks at everywhere in confusion, wand that will just take silently putting, been able to bear said with emotion. “了不起……”罗尔夫从藏身地走出,看着满地狼藉,默默将刚拿出来的魔杖给放了回去,忍不住的感慨道。 He somewhat believes that now European Daily the headline was not boasting, the opposite party graduates really the upfront defeated three elite Auror probably. 他现在有些相信欧洲日报的头条不是在吹牛了,对方毕业的时候大概真的正面击败了三名精英傲罗 ...... 噼里啪啦…… The sound that an electric arc plunders passed on suddenly, Ivan has turned the head glanced at, then saw that right by the iron chain is tying up Thunderbird is lowered is bending down the body, exudes low and deep songs and calls, this is feels the threat the defense stance...... 一阵电弧掠起的声音突然传了过来,伊凡转过头看了一眼,便见到右侧被铁链拴着的雷鸟正低伏着身体,发出一道道低沉的鸣叫声,这是感受到威胁的防御姿态…… You comfort it!” Ivan was saying to Rolf, was flown later a moment ago in front of that wizard by his palm of the hand racket on arriving of stride, collar that catches the opposite party, the force opposite party looks straight ahead own eyes. “你来安抚它!”伊凡对着罗尔夫说了一句,随后就大步的走到刚才被他一巴掌拍飞了那名男巫面前,一把拽住对方的衣领,强迫对方直视自己的双眼。 Legilimency!】 摄神取念!】 That wizard also planned to revolt, but on the head suffered a claw whole person to be dizzy before, was sinking with Ivan that moment mind of pair of eyes looking at each other completely. 那名男巫本来还打算反抗,但之前脑袋上挨了一爪整个人都晕晕乎乎的,在和伊凡双眸对视的那一刻心神就完全沉了进去。 Massive shatter memory fragments flooded into Ivan’s mind rapidly. 大量破碎的记忆片段迅速的涌入了伊凡的脑海里。 Since opposite party these months, after the impressive memory has given swept, the Ivan complexion immediately becomes very ugly. 在将对方这几个月以来,印象深刻的记忆都给扫了一遍后,伊凡的脸色顿时变得很是难看。 He has understood why Grindelwald will go to France to come the opposite party to look for the Nicolas Flamel residence suddenly, or changes a view, Grindelwald comes to Resurrection Stone! 他已经明白格林德沃为什么会突然跑到法兰西来了对方在找尼可-勒梅的住所,又或者换个说法,格林德沃是冲着复活石来的! This is Three Hallows last, once makes Grindelwald go well, what matter Ivan will have to be unknown, but can definitely not be what good deed! 这是三圣器的最后一件,一旦让格林德沃得手,会发生什么样的事情伊凡不得而知,但可以肯定绝不会是什么好事! Ivan many are somewhat puzzled, how Grindelwald will know Resurrection Stone in the Nicolas Flamel safe house, how also to locate the space node position. 只是伊凡多少有些不解,格林德沃怎么会知道复活石尼可-勒梅的安全屋里,又是怎么确定空间节点位置的。 Before must know Nicolas Flamel at the point of death , for was not disturbed is to make fully the preparation, even gave to erase the coordinates in his mind, was nothing less than discrete, Grindelwald did not have the truth to know this two information to be right. 要知道尼可-勒梅临死前为了不受打扰可谓是做足了准备,甚至将他脑海中的坐标都给抹掉了,不可谓不谨慎,格林德沃没有道理知晓这两个情报才对。 Was Dumbledore says? Ivan thinks that thought is unlikely, Dumbledore will not have the truth to betray own old friend. 难道是邓布利多说的?伊凡想了想觉得不太可能,邓布利多没道理会背叛自己的老友。 What discovered?” Rolf walked, spoke the inquiry to say. “发现什么了吗?”罗尔夫走了过来,出言询问道。 Grindelwald entered the Alchemy Master Nicolas Flamel residence, I must stop him!” Ivan is saying, while turns toward the position that in the wizard memory Grindelwald stands to walk, closes eyes to feel in this space the residual magic trace. 格林德沃进入了炼金大师尼可-勒梅的住所,我得去制止他!”伊凡一边说着,一边向着男巫记忆中格林德沃站立的位置走去,闭目感受着这片空间中残留的魔法痕迹。 Before channel that because enters several minutes, had just opened one time, the method very crudely, the magic trace that therefore remains is obvious, Ivan can the clear induction, not need to make many preparations like Grindelwald again ahead of time. 由于进入的通道几分钟前才刚刚开启过一次,方法又十分的粗暴,所以残留下来的魔法痕迹非常明显,伊凡能够清晰的感应到,不必再像格林德沃那样提前做诸多准备。 After the moment, Ivan opens eyes, fast wielding wand, the jet black space channel then appeared. 片刻后,伊凡重新睁开眼,迅捷的挥动魔杖,漆黑的空间通道便浮现了出来。 „Do you plan to go in? Hals? Since we know his goal, that is best to inform the Ministry of Magic's person to process!” Rolf consoles was saying, although the Ivan strength went beyond his expectation, but Grindelwald after all is illustrious Dark Lord, “你打算就这么进去吗?哈尔斯?我们既然知道了他的目的,那最好通知魔法部的人来处理!”罗尔夫劝慰着说道,虽然伊凡的实力超出了他的预料,可格林德沃毕竟是赫赫有名的黑魔头, Rushes depending on their two person and brings death not different. Without enough time, Nicolas Flamel is my teacher, I will not look on Grindelwald to destroy his tomb and residence.” Ivan categorical saying. 就凭他们两个人闯进去与送死无异。“来不及了,尼可-勒梅是我的老师,我绝不会坐视格林德沃破坏他的墓地和住所。”伊凡斩钉截铁的说道。 If pursued before time he also has the onlooking and cannot be victorious on the thought of escaping, that present is only left over to stop the faith of opposite party! 如果说之前追击的时候他还有着旁观和打不过就逃跑的念头,那现在就只剩下必须制止对方的信念! Moreover, Grindelwald stayed at least the two moon/month in France, who knows that in Ministry of Magic of France has the informer of opposite party, moreover this came time Grindelwald to go well! 另外,格林德沃在法兰西待了至少两个月,谁知道法兰西的魔法部里有没有对方的眼线,而且这一来一回的功夫格林德沃早就得手了! Thinks of here, Ivan trod without hesitation, naturally before leaving, has not forgotten to tell that Rolf looks at Dark Wizard that these faint. 想到这里,伊凡就毫不犹豫的踏了进去,当然临走前也没忘了吩咐罗尔夫看着那些昏过去的黑巫师 Rolf wields wand to change several ropes to tie up entirely Dark Wizard, lies is actually digs up to draw the claw in smelling of his shoulder, worrying looked that...... it smelled the treasure flavor to the direction of space channel. 罗尔夫挥动魔杖变出几条绳索将黑巫师统统捆缚起来,趴在他肩头的嗅嗅却是扒拉着爪子,着急的看向空间通道的方向……它嗅到了宝物的味道。 You also thought that we should help?” Rolf comforts to smell, muttered is talking to oneself, he also did not feel relieved that very much made a Ivan person pursue, perhaps but could not help by his strength. “你也觉得我们应该去帮忙吗?”罗尔夫安抚着嗅嗅,喃喃的自语着,他同样很不放心让伊凡一个人追过去,只是以他的实力恐怕帮不上什么忙。 Wait...... also has machine Rolf suddenly Thunderbird that probably looked at a side to tie up, a moment ago in the mountain forest, he was experiences the thunderstorm of opposite party to have terrifying how, this absolutely was a great war strength! “等等……好像也不是没有机罗尔夫突然偏头看了眼身旁被捆缚住的雷鸟,刚才在山林里的时候,他可是见识过对方的雷暴有多么的恐怖,这绝对是一大战力! Not to mention the Thunderbird speed is quicker, in the crisis situation can also lead them to travel. 更别提雷鸟的速度很快,危机情况下还能带着他们跑路。 The consideration over and over, Rolf then wielded wand to break furiously iron chain that fettered Thunderbird, before he was treats the wound to comfort, had won the trust of Thunderbird initially, therefore poured was not worried that the opposite party will attack himself. 思虑再三,罗尔夫便奋力挥动魔杖打断了束缚雷鸟的铁链,之前他又是治伤又是安抚,已经初步取得了雷鸟的信任,所以倒也不担心对方会攻击自己。 I know that you do not like Wizard, but we are cope to attack your person, therefore needs your help.” Rolf very patient nearness step by step, gently is stroking the Thunderbird shining feather, finally is probing conducting the back that rode the opposite party. “我知道你不怎么喜欢巫师,但我们是去对付袭击你的那个人,所以需要你的帮助。”罗尔夫十分耐心的一步步靠近,轻轻的抚摸着雷鸟金灿灿的羽毛,最后试探着骑到了对方的背上。 Understood the Rolf's words probably, Thunderbird from not conducting the back to catch up Rolf, stimulating the channel that several lightnings will soon close to expand, then fanned the wing to bring Rolf to worm one's way into together. 大概是听懂了罗尔夫的话语,雷鸟也没有将罗尔夫从背上赶下来,激发出几道闪电将快要关闭的通道扩大了一些,然后扇动翅膀带着罗尔夫一起钻了进去。 ...... …… Transforms along with a space, waits for Ivan to recover again, in a broad garden then heaves in sight. 伴随着一阵空间转换,等伊凡再度回过神来的时候,一座宽阔的庭院内便映入眼帘。 When with beforehand come several times different, here was wreaked, entrance knight for decorative purpose made an idol makes into several, these alchemy creature of trim flowers and plants also only had a fragment of place. 和之前几次来时不同,这里遭到了严重的破坏,门口的装饰用的骑士塑像被打成了好几节,修剪花草的那些炼金生物们也仅剩下了一地的碎片。 They had resisted obviously very much heroically, but failed, cannot stop the invasion of enemy. 很显然它们都曾经英勇的抵抗过,只是失败了,没能制止敌人的入侵。 On the wall of front house was made a large cave/hole, quiet blue fiendfyre is licking to lick along the edge unceasingly, Ivan spent the 2~3 second will give to suppress, so as to avoid burns down the entire house, then got hold of wand to run rapidly...... 前方房屋的墙壁上则是被打出了一个大洞,幽蓝色厉火正沿着边缘不断舔舐着,伊凡花了两三秒的时间将给压制了下去,免得烧掉整栋房子,接着便握紧魔杖急速的跑了进去…… Still in looking for " Bloodline Wizard of Hogwarts " free novel? 还在找"霍格沃茨之血脉巫师"免费小说? hundred degrees celsius direct search: "……" Looked that the novel is very simple! 百度直接搜索:""看小说很简单!
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