BWH :: Volume #6 力量即正义,魔法即强权!

#910: Unceasingly redundant room

Main text Chapter 910 unceasingly redundant room 正文第910章不断重复的房间 Just stepped into gate Ivan to realize was not right, because the scene in room and he estimated complete different, inside was a square room, besides wall, only then corresponded three directions three leaves of doors. 刚踏进门伊凡就意识到了不对,因为屋子里的景象和他预想中的完全不同,里面是一个四四方方的房间,除了墙壁之外,只有对应三个方向的三扇房门。 He treated for several months in the Nicolas Flamel room, has not seen such room. 他在尼可-勒梅的屋子里待了好几个月,从来都没有见过这样的房间。 Is some special defense mechanism? 是某种特殊的防御机制吗? Ivan silently is thinking. 伊凡默默的想着。 However the time is limited, Ivan does not dare to delay too for a long time, after spending more than ten seconds of observation, then exploratory opened the right door. 不过时间有限,伊凡也不敢耽搁太久,在花了十几秒的观察之后,便试探性的打开了右边的房门。 The front is a long corridor, but the end of corridor is another door, the Ivan half step walked, after that door opens, impressively discovered this unexpectedly is one besides the gate, being empty room. 前方是一条长长的过道,而过道的尽头是另一扇门,伊凡快步的走了进去,将那扇门打开之后,赫然发现这竟然又是一个除了门之外,空无一物的房间。 In the heart of Ivan had an unclear premonition inexplicably, is trying and was like choose a door to hit a moment ago again, sure enough the front is a long and narrow corridor. 伊凡的心中莫名有了种不详的预感,便试着和刚才一样再度选一扇门打了开来,果不其然面前是一处狭长的过道。 Attempted for several minutes, the Ivan brow wrinkle is tighter, he discovered that here seems like a space of endless circulation, which door regardless of he opens, the following scene is nondistinctive. 就这么尝试了好几分钟,伊凡的眉头越皱越紧,他发现这里好像是一个无尽循环的空间,无论他打开哪一扇门,后面的景象都毫无区别。 In some rooms has the annoying magic trap and guard, Ivan must suspect oneself returned the zero point. 要不是其中一些房间内有着烦人的魔法陷阱和守卫,伊凡都要怀疑自己是不是又重新回到了原点。 After rushing to one carelessly, Ivan forces itself to be tranquil, how even if now to worry not to help matters again, instead will only waste the time. 胡乱闯了一阵后,伊凡强制自己平静下来,现在就算是再怎么着急也无济于事,反而只会白费功夫。 Actually is rule what?” Ivan is observing the situation front this approximately 30 square meter room, stared on all around four leafed doors for a long time, attempted to find some clues above, but looked no matter how these leafed doors were exactly the same. “规律究竟是什么?”伊凡环视着面前这个大约三十平米的房间,在前后左右四扇门上凝视了许久,企图在上面找到一些线索,但不管怎么看这几扇门都是一模一样的。 Difficult to be inadequate simply does not have the rule, all are stochastic, can walk to depend entirely on the luck? 难不成根本没有规律,一切都是随机的,能否走出去全靠运气? Said Nicolas Flamel, for after dying, was not disturbed, from the start does not have the establishment so-called exit|to speak, plans to consume the enemy in unceasingly the redundant room? 还是说尼可-勒梅为了死后不受打扰,压根就没有设置所谓的出口,打算将敌人耗死在不断重复的房间里? one by one of many thoughts in Ivan’s mind flash through, if this that couldn't go out? 诸多的念头在伊凡的脑海一一闪过,要是这样的话那自己岂不是出不去了? Naturally, a quite extreme decoding method, that direct cast spell blows up these rooms, has a look whether to find the exit|to speak. 当然,还有一个比较极端的破解方法,那就是直接施法炸毁这些房间,看看能否找到出口。 However then, might cause Nicolas Flamel to crash with the independent space that magic opens thoroughly, buries all things together. 不过如此一来,很可能会导致尼可-勒梅魔法开辟出来的独立空间彻底崩塌,将所有的东西一同埋葬。 So long as cast spell definitely will stay behind is talking to oneself, tried to close eyes to induce, dissociation magic power that the magic power trace......” Ivan muttered was similar to the tentacle to be the same, gradually covered in the entire room. “只要施法就必然会留下魔力的痕迹……”伊凡喃喃的自语着,试着闭目感应了起来,游离的魔力就如同触手一般,逐渐覆盖在整个房间里。 Induces below Ivan then to discover in magic power, all rooms unexpectedly are illusory magic creation, and was being colluded by some strength. 魔力感应的下伊凡这才发现,所有的房间竟然都是虚幻的魔法造物,并且彼此之间被某种力量勾连着。 Realized this, Ivan tries to enter the second, third, fourth room, quick discovered their slight differences, this difference did not put in the surface, but in the magic power level. 意识到这点,伊凡又试着进入了第二、第三、第四个房间,很快就发现了它们细微的不同之处,这种差别不是付诸于表面,而是在魔力层面上的。 By easy to understand words, his place is similar to a giant labyrinth, but magic power gave each room different serial numbers, if can clarify the order of these numbering representative, he can find the exit|to speak the position! 以一种通俗易懂的话语来说,他所处的地方就如同一个巨大的迷宫,而魔力赋予了每个房间不同的编号,如果能弄清楚这些编号代表的顺序,那他就能找到出口的位置! Realized this point, Ivan then regroups after a defeat in this innumerable room and in the corridor explored. 意识到这一点,伊凡便重整旗鼓在这数不清的房间与过道中探索了起来。 Because has studied Legilimency as well as Occlumency, the Ivan memory far supernormal person, can remember oneself have opened each door clearly, and by this in the mind constructs entire labyrinth the stereoscopic view. 由于修习过摄神取念以及大脑封闭术,伊凡的记忆力远超常人,能够清楚的记住自己打开过的每一扇门,并以此在脑海中构筑出了整个“迷宫”的立体图像。 When Ivan opens the 40 two leafed doors, the living room in that memory appears in him finally at present. 就在伊凡打开第四十二扇门的时候,那个记忆中的客厅终于出现在了他的眼前。 Was suffered almost Ivan relaxing of slowly collapse by the labyrinth. 被迷宫折磨到几近崩溃的伊凡缓缓的松了口气。 However at this moment, warning sign surges from his heart suddenly, in the ground was only left over the knight of half body made an idol no indication to grasp the long sword to divide. 然而就在这时,一阵警兆突然从他的心头涌起,地面上只剩下半截身体的骑士塑像毫无征兆的握着长剑劈了过来。 The heavy stone dagger cuts horizontally, the quick being hard imagination, Ivan only hears a grating howling sound, the long sword is then close at hand, enters from the shoulder his whole person cleaves in two! 沉重的石剑横斩而过,快的难以想象,伊凡只听到一阵刺耳的呼啸声,长剑便已经近在眼前,从肩膀直入将他整个人劈成了两半! However what is strange is the separate wound place and has no blood to flow out, 不过诡异的是割裂的伤口处并没有任何血液流出, Ivan separated body rapid being defeated and dispersed becomes the flame, gathered. Reducto ~( Reducto)” hid attack Ivan to wield wand backhandedly, gorgeous charms light beam made an idol exploding the fragment the knight instantaneously. 伊凡分开的身体迅速的溃散成火焰,又重新聚拢了起来。“reducto~(粉身碎骨)”躲了袭击的伊凡反手挥动魔杖,一道绚丽的魔咒光束瞬间就将骑士塑像给炸成了碎片。 magic that teacher leaves behind guards also really disregards another's feelings......” Ivan sigh with emotion saying, looked at the eye toward all around, here also has had been invaded the trace, everywhere is the magic trap of shatter statue as well as destruction, connected the revolving staircases to two buildings blasting the half. “老师留下的魔法守卫还真是不留情面啊……”伊凡感慨的说道,向着四周看了眼,这里同样有着被入侵过的痕迹,到处都是破碎的塑像以及毁坏的魔法陷阱,连通向二楼的旋转楼梯给炸掉了半截。 This means that Grindelwald had passed here, the heart of Ivan raised immediately, the magic protection that while praying Nicolas Flamel is leaving behind can resist 1~2, at the maximum speed mounts the staircase, is seeking for the Grindelwald form. 这意味着格林德沃已经通过了这里,伊凡的心顿时提了起来,在祈祷着尼可-勒梅留下的魔法防护能抵挡一二的同时,以最快的速度登上楼梯,寻找着格林德沃的身影。 Two building first even/including several rooms are empty, inside bed and cabinet vanish without the trace, probably Grindelwald to find Resurrection Stone will use some method the irrelevant thing to erase entirely. 二楼一连几个房间都是空荡荡的,里面的床铺、柜子都消失无踪,大概格林德沃为了找到复活石是用了某种方法将无关的东西统统抹除掉了。 Ivan only has the vision projects to that room of corridor end, Nicolas Flamel exhorted him do not open, but can ignore so many now. 伊凡唯有将目光投射到走廊尽头的那个房间里,尼可-勒梅曾经嘱咐过他不要打开,但现在也顾不得那么多了。 Opens the door gently, in the room is very dark, the space actually must be broader than expected, looks to look like a solemn and respectful assembly hall. 轻轻推开门,房间里很是幽暗,空间却比预想的要更加宽阔,一眼望过去就像是一个肃穆的礼堂。 Both sides golden red torch flaming is burning, has extended to room the stage in end, there is laying aside two pure white inner and outer coffins, does not need to think that Ivan also knows in the inner and outer coffin is lying down certainly is Nicolas Flamel and his wife. 两旁金红色的火炬熊熊燃烧着,一直延伸到房间的尽头的高台上,那里放置着两具纯白色的棺椁,不用想伊凡也知道棺椁里躺着的一定就是尼可-勒梅和他的妻子。 But Grindelwald stands under of stage at this moment, the vision is staring at the rhombus crystal of embed on opposite wall, but he has not gone forward rashly, because there has the establishment ingenious magic barrier together, even still is quite to him thorny. 格林德沃此刻就站在高台的下方,目光凝视着镶嵌在对面墙壁上的菱形晶体,不过他并没有冒然上前,因为那里有着一道设置巧妙的魔法屏障,即便对他而言也颇为棘手。 Sectumsempra...... 神锋无影…… The meaning that Ivan has not greeted, while the gap that Grindelwald loses concentration, silent sound cast spell, lifting the hand is kills to incur! Receives cashPays attention to vx Duke also to receive the cash! 伊凡没有打招呼的意思,趁着格林德沃分神的间隙,默声施法,抬手便是杀招!领现金】关注vx公还可领现金! The blade of invisible no shadow magic power has from the sky delimited, directly the thorn to the brain of Grindelwald...... in the previous quarter that must hit, latter keen leaning leaning head, danger dangerous hid. 无形无影的魔力之刃在空中划过,径直刺向格林德沃的大脑……就在要击中的前一刻,后者敏锐的偏了偏头,险之又险的躲了过去。 The blade of magic power hit directly in the rear magic barrier, actually cannot start the least bit ripples...... 魔力之刃直接撞在了后方的魔法屏障上,却没能掀起半点涟漪…… Ivan Hals......” the Grindelwald revolutions is excessive, looks to Ivan that enters step by step, faint saying. Never expected that you will come to France.” 伊凡-哈尔斯……”格林德沃转过了头,望向一步步走进的伊凡,淡漠的说道。“没想到你会到法兰西来。” I naturally here, Nicolas Flamel is my teacher, but here is his tomb!” The Ivan tone is very bad, compares so-called Resurrection Stone, his angrier opposite party disturbed sleeping soundly of Nicolas Flamel. “我当然会在这里,尼可-勒梅是我的老师,而这里是他的墓地!”伊凡的语气很是不善,相比起所谓的复活石,他更加愤怒对方打扰了尼可-勒梅的安眠。 ( Ps: Today could not finish two chapters, waits tomorrow in in addition.) (ps:今天写不完两章了,等明天在加更吧。) Still in looking for " Bloodline Wizard of Hogwarts " free novel? 还在找"霍格沃茨之血脉巫师"免费小说? hundred degrees celsius direct search: "……" Looked that the novel is very simple! 百度直接搜索:""看小说很简单!
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