BWH :: Volume #6 力量即正义,魔法即强权!

#908: terrifying thunderstorm and space node

Main text Chapter 908 terrifying thunderstorm and space node 正文第908章恐怖的雷暴与空间节点 Meanwhile, in the open area of jungle deep place, two wizards after the prepare protected magic, then looks is being that Wizard of head, says. 与此同时,丛林深处的一块空地上,两位男巫在布置好了防护魔法后,便望着为首的那名巫师,开口说道。 magic array that Mr. Grindelwald, you need already prepare.” 格林德沃先生,您需要的法阵已经布置好了。” Very good! You do very good......” Grindelwald walked to go forward on two people shoulders to pat the racket, saying of appreciation, then looked to that only caught Thunderbird. “很好!你们做的很不错……”格林德沃走上前在两人的肩膀上拍了拍,赞赏的说道,接着又回头看向那只被捕获的雷鸟 Just suffered one to beat savagely, before the Thunderbird again no longer, like that arrogant appearance, seemed like very pitiful, a long wound has extended from the chest to the left wing on, the blood of scarlet-red infiltrated from the wound place unceasingly, dyed the golden red the end feather. 刚刚遭受了一通暴打,雷鸟再不复之前那般高傲的模样,看起来十分的凄惨,一道长长的伤口从胸口一直延伸到左边的翅膀上,赤红色的血液不断从伤口处渗透而出,将尾部羽毛都染成了金红色。 In order to prevent Thunderbird escapes, Wizard manufactured several giant chains to fetter firmly the opposite party with Transfiguration, in addition the weak incantation and arrangement in all around protection magic, Thunderbird let alone escaped, moved difficultly several. 为了防止雷鸟逃脱,巫师们更是用变形术制作了数条巨大的锁链将对方牢牢的束缚住,再加上虚弱咒以及布置在四周的防护魔法,雷鸟别说逃跑了,就连动弹几下都难。 The matter cannot be delayed, you prepare, we start now.” Grindelwald spoke to say. “事不宜迟,你们准备一下,我们现在就开始。”格林德沃出言说道。 Four wizards each other looked at each other one, added to hold shield charm to oneself backhandedly, then fell back on the corner of distant place discretely. 四名男巫彼此对视了一眼,反手给自己加持上了铁甲咒,然后谨慎的退到了远处的角落里。 Although vented the anger, before making me have a look at your strength......” Grindelwald is staring at the body, huge Thunderbird, before wielding gently wand was relieving, exerts the weak incantation on opposite party. “尽管发泄愤怒吧,让我看看你的力量……”格林德沃凝视着身前巨大的雷鸟,轻轻挥动着魔杖解除了之前施加在对方身上的虚弱咒。 Restored the Thunderbird hatred of ability to act is staring at Grindelwald, the golden pupil full is the color of anger, its high raises six wings, exudes together the grating wailing sound, under the magic power circulation, dozens sturdy lightnings pound to fall from the sky immediately under! 重新恢复了行动能力的雷鸟怨毒的盯着格林德沃,金色的瞳孔满是愤怒之色,它高高的扬起六翼,发出一道刺耳的尖啸声,魔力流转之下,数十道粗壮的闪电顿时从天空砸落而下! The electric arc of twinkle gathered to arouse a thunderstorm together instantaneously, the shock-wave swept along with the giant bellow to all directions, but the danger the fast lightning spread like the spider web. 闪烁的电弧汇聚在一起瞬间激起了一阵雷暴,冲击波伴随着巨大的轰鸣声扫向四面八方,危险而迅捷的闪电更是如同蛛网蔓延开来。 Has four Wizard that expects early, although made fully the protection ahead of time, but came under the influence inevitably, solid shield charm almost then burst in a flash under the natural mighty force. 早有预料的四名巫师虽然提前做足了防护,但还是不可避免的受到了影响,结实的铁甲咒在自然的伟力下几乎转瞬间便破裂开来。 Was good protection magic under arrangement has an effect because of this time ahead of time, solid magic barriers raised from the place bottom, probably four walls isolated the thunderstorm region. 好在这时提前布置下的防护魔法起了作用,一道道结实的魔法屏障从地底升起,像是四堵墙壁将雷暴区域隔绝了开来。 Sees the terrifying thunderstorm unable the final protection to defeat, several Wizard relaxing, are worried later is the worship sees situated in the thunderstorm central that form. 恐怖的雷暴并没能将最后的防护击破,几名巫师不由的松了一口气,随后即是担忧又是崇拜的看着位于雷暴中央的那个身影。 The body of Grindelwald flashes through several magic power fluorescence, densely covered lightning after entering whole body, then rapid quiet, throws over just like the cape of silk goods to appear the gods and ghosts to be incomparable on the body similarly, directly the terrifying high temperature that the thunderstorm caused isolating. 格林德沃的身上闪过数道魔力的荧光,密布的闪电在进入周身后,便迅速的沉寂了下去,披在身上犹如丝织物的斗篷更同样显得神异无比,直接将雷暴引起的恐怖高温给隔绝了开来。 Grindelwald such static standing seeks for that to be hidden the space node in the thunderstorm center, under so the thunderstorm influence of terrifying, hidden very deep magic trace will then reveal. 格林德沃就这么静静的站在雷暴中央寻找着那个被隐藏空间节点,在如此恐怖的雷暴影响下,一些被藏的很深的魔法痕迹便会显露出来。 Effort is insufficient!” Grindelwald opens the eye fiercely, lifted Elder Wand to aim at Thunderbird, discussed. “力度还不够!”格林德沃猛地睁开眼睛,抬起老魔杖指向了雷鸟,念道。 ~( Crucio)” ~(钻心剜骨)” The wail sound that Thunderbird sends out an intermittent pain, lightning continuously falls from the dark cloud, arouses the startling thunderclap sound, the electric arc of twinkle became even more crowded, in the strong magic power barrier also appeared the close crack. 雷鸟发出一阵阵痛苦的哀鸣声,连续不断的闪电从乌云中落下,激起道道惊雷声,闪烁的电弧变得越发的密集了起来,原本坚挺的魔力屏障上也浮现出细密的裂纹。 Hides only feels scalp tingles in four Wizard of surrounding, was praying the magic power barrier can consolidate to be stronger, unconscious will draw back in the future several steps. 躲在外围的四名巫师只感到一阵头皮发麻,祈祷着魔力屏障能稳固坚挺一些,不自觉的又往后退了几步。 The corners of the mouth of Grindelwald brought back a smile, after the thunderstorm intensifies again, he has been able the obvious feeling the junction between two spaces...... 格林德沃的嘴角勾起了一丝笑容,雷暴再度加剧后,他已经能够明显的感觉到两个空间之间的连接点…… In this instance, Grindelwald accurate lifted Elder Wand to puncture to the node position, looked like punctures a blister, the ripples of scattering in all directions toward transmitted in all directions, soon, a width high approximately three meters channel then appeared in the people at present. 就在这个瞬间,格林德沃精准的抬起老魔杖对着节点的位置刺了上去,就像是刺破了一个水泡,四散的涟漪向着四面八方传递开来,不多时,一个宽高约三米的通道便出现在了众人的眼前。 The terrifying electric arc gradually subsided, the continual inspiring lightning made injured Thunderbird fall into the weak condition, what was more important was it had discovered that own all sorts of methods were invalid to front Wizard, 恐怖的电弧逐渐平息了下去,连续的引动闪电让本就受伤的雷鸟陷入了虚弱状态,更重要的是它已经发现自己的种种手段对面前的巫师无效, Was used by the opposite party on the contrary was achieving some goal. Covers is with a crash stave in this moment in the surrounding magic power barrier, Wizard encircled cautiously, to Grindelwald instruction next step Quest. 反倒是被对方利用着达成了某种目的。笼罩在周围的魔力屏障在这一刻砰然破碎,巫师们小心翼翼的围了过来,向格林德沃请示下一步的任务 You defend here, do not let others come.” Grindelwald straightforward saying, then stride made great strides forward in the dark magic channel. “你们守在这里,别让其他人进来。”格林德沃直接了当的说道,接着便大步的迈进了黝黑的魔法通道里。 What he must go is a Alchemy Master residence and is buried, inside has various types of dangerous magic traps inevitably, does not need even white to lose the manpower. 他要前往的是一位炼金大师的住所和葬身地,里面必然有着各种危险的魔法陷阱,没有必要平白损失人手。 After Grindelwald leaves, this is opened temporarily, not very stable channel slowly closed. 格林德沃离开后,这个被临时开辟出来,不怎么稳定的通道就缓缓的闭合了起来。 ...... …… Such terrifying thunderstorm, actually does Grindelwald want to make what?” According to the jungle several hundred meters away , Ivan astonished looks the lightning that in the sky drops unceasingly muttered is talking to oneself. “这么恐怖的雷暴,格林德沃究竟想做什么?”据此数百米外的密林里,伊凡惊愕的看着天空中不断落下的闪电喃喃的自语着。 He did not think caught Thunderbird can make the so vigorous resistance under the hand of Grindelwald, therefore this inevitably is the opposite party intentionally! 他可不觉得被捕获的雷鸟能在格林德沃的手底下做出如此激烈的反抗,所以说这必然是对方故意的! Also the opposite party seizes Thunderbird to make this thunderstorm or! 又或者说,对方抓捕雷鸟就是为了制造这场雷暴! In Ivan’s mind silently is thinking, the speed of again picking up, the front made such big noise, even if he did not hear in the air is filling the smell of blood, can still know where Thunderbird is. 伊凡的脑海中默默的想着,再度加快的速度,前方闹出了这么大的动静,他即便不闻空气中弥漫着的血腥味,也能知道雷鸟在哪。 However more approaches, Ivan more thought that all around woods even more familiar, when he seems to have come to here...... 然而越是靠近,伊凡就越觉得四周的树林越发的熟悉,他似乎什么时候来过这里…… While Ivan was considering time, the forms of front four wizards have appeared at present...... 正当伊凡思虑着的时候,前方四名男巫的身影已经出现在了眼前…… Grindelwald as if not on the scene, Ivan first confirmed this information, but actually actually cannot settle on is the opposite party to leave, or this is a trap...... 格林德沃似乎并不在场,伊凡第一眼就确认了这个情报,不过却拿不定究竟是对方已经离开,又或者说这是一个陷阱…… Remembered the thunderstorm, looked at the front by the lightning and a shock-wave plow over dreary scene, Ivan determined quickly this probably was not a trap, otherwise does not need to do such gaudily. 想起刚才的雷暴,又看了看前方被闪电和冲击波犁过一遍的惨淡景象,伊凡很快就确定这大概不是陷阱,否则没有必要搞得这么花里胡哨。 The delayed moment, Rolf had pursued from behind, he bends down the body to hide in the grove lowly, four Wizard of glanced at not far away, say. My left your right person of two!” 耽搁的片刻,罗尔夫已经从后面追了过来,他低伏着身体躲在树丛里,看了一眼不远处的四名巫师,开口说道。“我左你右一人两个!” Does not need! You hid well......” Ivan to decline the Rolf's help on the line, during speech then from hiding to leap. “不必了!你藏好就行……”伊凡回绝了罗尔夫的帮助,在说话的同时便从藏身地跃了出去。 The speed of cheetah the quick astonishment, held in the magic power in addition, can only see together the remnant shadow, depended recent that Wizard does not have the response time, was flown by a claw racket. 猎豹的速度本就快的惊人,在魔力的加持上,更是只能看见一道残影,靠的最近的那名巫师连反应的时间都没有,就被一爪拍飞了出去。 Enemy raids, is Wizard!” “敌袭,是巫师!” Can follow Wizard that Grindelwald comes out naturally is elite, although attacks only happened in the flash, but some people first discovered is not right, the normal cheetah is impossible to run is so quick, a claw pats not to mention flies. 能跟随格林德沃出来的巫师自然都是精锐,虽然袭击只发生在一瞬间,但还是有人第一时间发现了不对,正常的猎豹绝不可能跑的那么快,更别提一爪子将人拍飞。 Therefore only has a possibility raider is Animagus...... 所以只有一种可能袭击者是阿尼玛格斯…… Still in looking for " Bloodline Wizard of Hogwarts " free novel? 还在找"霍格沃茨之血脉巫师"免费小说? hundred degrees celsius direct search: "……" Looked that the novel is very simple! 百度直接搜索:""看小说很简单!
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