BE :: Volume #10

#940: The secret of queue 【Three】

Cloudy spirit can be said as the variant of soul, its can disregard the physical attack of major part, actually completely does not disregard, sees the cloudy spirit appearance, Xie Aoyu gets rid immediately, cuts directly with Moon Falling Blade. 阴灵可说是灵魂的变异体,其能够无视绝大部分的物理攻击,却并非完全无视,看到阴灵出现,谢傲宇当即出手,直接用月陨刀斩去。 Naturally he do not depend upon Moon Falling Blade to cut to kill the cloudy spirit, but lets the two souls in Moon Falling Blade, Gold Flame Hawk and Long Hunlai copes cloudy this spirit. 自然他并非是要依靠月陨刀斩杀阴灵,而是让月陨刀内的两个灵魂,金焱神鹰和一丝龙魂来对付这阴灵。 Result that Gold Flame Hawk then bursts out together the shining brilliance immediately. 结果那金焱神鹰当即便迸发出一道金灿灿的光焰。 That is Gold Flame! 那是金焱 Although this Gold Flame was inferior that Supreme Gold Flame of Master Ge Telixie, is in the fire similarly the best quality goods, particularly after having been through repeatedly quenchings, its might absolutely compared with ordinary Qi Huo fuse the later might to be also larger, even in the Xie Aoyu mind, has will overtake the Supreme Gold Flame potential in the future, was only a pity that he is unable to grasp. 金焱虽不如哥特里谢大师的至尊金焱,却同样属于火中极品,尤其是历经一些淬炼之后,其威力绝对要比普通的奇火融合之后的威力还要大的多,甚至在谢傲宇的心目中,有着未来追及至尊金焱的潜力,只可惜他本人无法掌握。 Gold Flame wait / etc. these only has existence in average person fable regarding the soul, the cloudy spirit and deep spirit and dark spirit, similarly has the extraordinary function. 金焱对于灵魂、阴灵、冥灵、暗灵等等那些只存在普通人传说中的存在,同样有着非凡的作用。 This is Qi Huo, Spirit Wind ability is. 这就是奇火、灵风的能力所在。 Gold Flame, that cloudy spirit has sent out sad and shrill whooshing immediately. 金焱所过,那阴灵当即发出一声凄厉的嘶吼。 Itself cloudy forms spirit is very difficult to have the thought that mostly only knows existence that slaughters, this time the cloudy spirit can have own consciousness naturally has its special ability. 本身阴灵形成是很难拥有思想的,大都是只知道杀戮的存在,此番阴灵能够拥有自己的意识自然是有着其特殊的能力。 Gold Flame, this is Gold Flame!” Cloudy spirit fired called, blurred the personal appearance to be fuzzier. 金焱,这是金焱!”阴灵被灼烧的嗷嗷直叫,本来就模糊地身形更加模糊了。 Xie Aoyu lets on Moon Falling Blade fierce of Gold Flame combustion, sneers saying: You best honest, otherwise, ahem, does not take it ill me not to be impolite, burnt with Gold Flame.” 谢傲宇月陨刀上面金焱燃烧的更加剧烈,冷笑道:“你最好老实点,不然的话,哼哼,就休怪我不客气了,用金焱烧死了。” Hissing “嘶” Angry cloudy sends out gloomy whooshing spirit. 愤怒的阴灵发出阴森的嘶吼。 Its personal appearance immediately became fuzzier, said with a smile ferociously: Stupid fellow, you have seen like me cloudy spirit, can start talking, the power of thought that Gold Flame can injure me at most, is actually hard to kill me, Qi Huo who only if you can use Supreme Gold Flame that level.” 它的身形当即变得更加模糊了,狞笑道:“愚蠢的家伙,你见过像我这样的阴灵吗,能够开口说话,还有思维能力,金焱顶多能够伤害我,却难以杀我,除非你能使用至尊金焱那个层次的奇火。” Right?” Xie Aoyu sneers saying that wields Moon Falling Blade, Gold Flame then has shot together. “是吗?”谢傲宇冷笑道,挥动月陨刀,一道金焱便射了出去。 „!” “啪!” That cloudy spirit is towering cracks. 那阴灵则是突兀的崩裂开来。 So Gold Flame from flying to shoot, has not constituted the injury to him, but the form that cracks fuses, constitutes a brand-new cloudy spirit once again. 如此金焱从飞射过去,并未对他构成伤害,而崩裂的身影重新融合,再度构成一条全新的阴灵。 You cannot kill me.” Cloudy spirit said with a smile ferociously, I remembered your appearance, when I went back, certainly will send out the massive companions to kill your.” “你根本杀不死我。”阴灵狞笑道,“我记住你的样子了,等我回去,一定会派出大量的同伴来袭杀你的。” Its sinister smile, the body is once again lax. 它阴笑着,身体再度涣散。 As if one group of fog are defeated and dispersed, that was the air, could not branch out their main bodies there. 仿佛一团云雾溃散开来,那就是空气了,根本分不出它们的本体在那里。 The Xie Aoyu complexion changes, the auricle passes the comprehensive operation, hopes that judges through the sound, simultaneously room Fights Technique, four heavy space superimposition techniques block this place, waves Moon Falling Blade, sprinkles golden hot flame that everywhere dances in the air, goal, only then, that cloudy spirit staying behind. 谢傲宇脸色微变,心耳通全面运行,希望通过声音来判断,同时施展空间斗技,四重空间叠加术封锁此地,舞动月陨刀,洒下漫天飞舞的金色火炎,目的只有一个,那就是将阴灵给留下。 Once cloudy runs away spirit, the consequence is dreadful. 一旦阴灵逃走,后果不堪设想。 First he displays Clouds Holy Island Fights Technique, once disclosed that then Qin Ziao arrogantly was his incarnation, definitely will expose, this matter present is also not the exposure time. 首先他施展云雾圣岛斗技,一旦透露出去,那么秦紫傲就是他的化身,必然会曝光,此事现在还远不是曝光的时候。 Has again is this group of mystical lunatics therefore possibly sends the merit in view of the attack of Holy City, that is not he desired, after all behind of this group of lunatics has existences of three accurate Battle Emperor levels, once attacks, even if Long Gu has Dragon Clan to ban that feared is also hard to resist. 再有就是这群神秘的疯子可能因此发功针对圣城的攻击,那也不是他希望看到的,毕竟这群疯子的后面可是有着三名准战皇级的存在,一旦出击,就算龙谷有龙族禁制,怕也难以抵抗的。 Bang bang bang “嘭嘭嘭” The transparent space has the hit sign. 透明的空间出现被撞击的迹象。 Xie Aoyu turns round suddenly, a blade has divided, above Gold Flame seems changes to everywhere Mars to dance in the air, falls to that hit space region. 谢傲宇猛然回身,一刀劈了出去,上面的金焱好似化作漫天的火星飞舞,落向那被撞击的空间区域。 Suddenly the hot rainy day falls. 一时间火雨天降。 That place transmits sad and shrill pitiful yell immediately, cloudy spirit appears once again. 那地方登时传来凄厉的惨叫,阴灵再度出现。 Gold Flame cannot kill him, can actually make him fall into the pain. 金焱杀不死他,却能够令他陷入痛苦之中。 You want to walk also difficultly!” Xie Aoyu sneers to say. “你想走也难!”谢傲宇冷笑道。 Cloudy spirit fierce is staring at Xie Aoyu, wished one could to eat him, „, so long as I can leave, wanted you to live to might as well die!” 阴灵狰狞的盯着谢傲宇,恨不得吃了他,“只要我能够离开,一定要你生不如死!” You feared that did not have the opportunity!” “你怕是没有机会了!” cold Ao the voice never the distant place transmits. 冷傲的声音从不远处传来。 Sees only Ru Yan, if the female celestial comes, in her is two dragons, they have more than five meters high, all over the body pan- water blue halo. 只见如烟若仙女般飘然而至,在她的身后则是两条龙,它们都有五米多高,通体泛起水蓝色的光晕。 Associated Saint dragon!” Sees two dragons cloudy spirit, immediately sends out an unbelievable scream, then nearly crazy hit that space blockade. “伴生圣龙!”阴灵看到两条龙,登时发出一声难以置信的尖叫,接着近乎疯狂的撞击那空间封锁。 Obviously associated Saint Long made it be afraid. 显然伴生圣龙令它感到了恐惧。 Roar!” “吼!” Sees the queue corpse everywhere, two associated Saint dragons have sent out wild with rage whooshing immediately, is that always temperate was angry. 看到满地的人龙尸体,两条伴生圣龙当即发出了狂怒的嘶吼,就是那条一向温和的都愤怒了。 Xie Aoyu shows a faint smile, withdraws four heavy space superimposition techniques. 谢傲宇微微一笑,撤去四重空间叠加术。 Sees that cloudy spirit, goes crazy running away. 阴灵见状,发疯似的逃走。 Roar!” “吼!” Two dragon rapid closing up, their bodies explode immediately project one group of dazzling hydron blue colored light glow, then two dragons unexpectedly changed to the coordinated process. 两条龙迅速的靠拢,它们的身体登时爆射出一团刺眼的水蓝色光芒,接着两条龙竟然化作了一条龙。 Saint dragon! 圣龙! Their aura incomparable holiness, and height also rises to ten meters altitude. 它们的气息无比的圣洁,并且身高也攀升至十米的高度。 Roar!” “吼!” Shuanglong combined and complemented one another deep sea quiet night Saint dragon that became to cloudy spirit to send out angry roaring, an invisible sound wave rapid proliferation. 双龙合璧而成的深海幽夜圣龙对着阴灵就发出了一声愤怒的吼叫,一道无形的声波迅速的扩散出去。 In an instant, saw that is turning over the body cloudy spirit crazily, wants to escape, actually fettering to be descending by a powerful strength. 刹那间,就看到那阴灵疯狂的翻转着身体,想要逃脱出去,却被一股强盛的力量给束缚着降落下来。 Reads his memory, writes off thoroughly!” Ru Yan shouts to clear the way. “读取他的记忆,彻底抹杀掉!”如烟喝道 The Saint dragon to that cloudy spirit is sending out calling out in alarm to whoosh, then both eyes explode project light beam, enters the cloudy spirit forehead position. 圣龙对着那阴灵就发出一声声的惊呼嘶吼,接着双目爆射出一道光束,直入阴灵的头部位置。 The read remembers! 读取记忆! This is some Dragon Clan Saint dragon special abilities, is the Dragon Clan unique one skill. 这是龙族一些圣龙特殊的能力,也算是龙族特有的一种本事。 „” “啊啊啊啊” Sends out sad and shrill whooshing cloudy spirit, wants to resist, but the strength is limited, is unable to resist the strength of associated Saint dragon, must know after these two deep sea quiet night Dragon King swallow the dragon source, their strengths strided in the Ten Kings Level boundary, but two dragon fusions Cheng Shenglong, that is existences of ten king peak levels, can it be that a small cloudy spirit can resist. 阴灵发出凄厉的嘶吼,想要抵抗,怎奈力量有限,根本无法抗拒伴生圣龙的力量,要知道这两条深海幽夜龙王吞服龙源之后,它们的实力已经跨入十王级的境界,两龙融合而成圣龙,那就是十王巅峰级的存在,岂是一个小小的阴灵能够抗拒。 The quick cloudy spirit neighing sound, his form is also getting smaller getting more and more fuzzy. 很快阴灵的嘶鸣声越来越小,他的身影也越来越模糊。 The needless moment, cloudy agile dissipated thoroughly. 不消片刻,阴灵便彻底的消散了。 Roar!” “吼!” The associated Saint dragon exudes one to whoosh, flashes along with it ray, they restored the respective main body appearance. 伴生圣龙发出一声嘶吼,随之光芒闪动间,它们恢复了各自的本体模样儿。 What memory read?” Xie Aoyu asked. “读到了什么记忆?”谢傲宇问道。 He regarding the cloudy spirit origin, as well as behind the status of that group of lunatics has very big interest, naturally also has the overall strength of that group of lunatics strong. 他对于阴灵的来历,以及背后那群疯子的身份有着非常大的兴趣,当然还有那群疯子的整体实力到底有多强。 The left deep sea quiet night Dragon King said: He is only side that group of lunatics is given up, refined the cloudy spirit it, itself cloudy spirit did not send out, was falls into the deep sleep, therefore he was very fuzzy regarding before death matter, but fragmentary had several special pictures to him very important after dozens years was awakened.” 左侧的深海幽夜龙王道:“他只是那群疯子身边被放弃的,将其炼制成了阴灵,本身阴灵不出动的时候,都是陷入沉睡中的,故而他自己对于生前的事情都很模糊,只是零碎的有几个特别的画面对他很重要的经过数十年的时间才被唤醒的。” Any picture, mentioned listens.” Xie Aoyu said. “什么画面,说来听听。”谢傲宇道。 „The first picture is his before death, as well as his these companions, in the position of left chest, the golden designs, that design are very complex, he thinks is in that design, the sword, this picture is profound in his memory, as if there is extraordinary function regarding their one group of people.” Deep sea quiet night Dragon King said. “第一个画面是他的生前,以及他的那些同伴们,在左胸口的位置,有一个金色的图案,那图案很复杂,他想起来的就是那图案之中,有一把剑,这个画面在他的记忆中非常深刻,似乎对于他们一群人有着非凡的作用。”深海幽夜龙王说道。 In complex golden design has a sword. 复杂的金色图案里面有一把剑。 Xie Aoyu takes down secretly, he fully realized that this will be a clue, will could through some materials, will look up the thing about this aspect. 谢傲宇暗自记下,他深知,这将是一个线索,或许能够通过一些资料,查出来关于这方面的东西。 „?” Xie Aoyu said. “还有呢?”谢傲宇道。 „Several other pictures are too fuzzy, the forms of several people, but does not look clearly, should gives up him, refines to create shade the spirit person him.” Deep sea quiet night Dragon King said that in picture that these people present, the common grounds, that was unceasingly is cursing antiquity Saint Emperor.” “其他几个画面太模糊,是有几个人的身影,但是看不清晰,应该是放弃他,将他炼制成阴灵的人。”深海幽夜龙王说道,“这些人出现的画面中,都有一个共同点,那就是在不断地诅咒上古圣皇。” Curse antiquity Saint Emperor?!” Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan look one, the somewhat surprised say (way), „did you determine?” “诅咒上古圣皇?!”谢傲宇如烟对望一眼,都有些吃惊的道,“你确定?” Deep sea quiet night Dragon King nodded. 深海幽夜龙王点了点头。 This may make them feel situation was surnamed seriously, actually how cursed antiquity Saint Emperor, but is the antiquity Saint Emperor distance now close 60,000 years, so remote time, but also cursed antiquity Saint Emperor, that said that these lunatics were the antiquity Saint Emperor time, the descendants of these antiquity Saint Emperor enemies? 这可让两人感到事态的严重姓了,倒不是诅咒上古圣皇如何,而是上古圣皇距离现在接近60000年的时间,如此遥远的时间,还诅咒上古圣皇,那是不是说,这些疯子是上古圣皇时代,那些上古圣皇敌人的后裔呢? Some time ago, what Xie Aoyu witnesses cloudy spirit grass to control the queue to display was antiquity Fights Technique. 还有不久前,谢傲宇亲眼目睹阴灵艹控人龙施展的乃是上古斗技 This all sorts combine, was not indicating that this group of lunatics were very possible are the descendants of before the Flood these antiquity Saint Emperor enemies. 这种种组合起来,不正是表明,这群疯子很可能是上古时代那些上古圣皇敌人的后裔。 Really was the descendant of antiquity Saint Emperor enemy?” The Ru Yan delicate eyebrows are pressed, some cannot believe. “真的是上古圣皇敌人的后裔?”如烟秀眉蹙起,有些不敢相信。 Deep sea quiet night Dragon King said: Absolutely is not.” 深海幽夜龙王道:“绝对不是。” Um? Why?” Ru Yan said in consternation. “嗯?为什么?”如烟愕然道。 Remembers according to the inheritance that my mother leaves behind that the content is very clear, after it will enter Angel Holy Island 1000, there is Dragon Clan to enter Angel Holy Island, will be the Saint dragon, will tell my mother explicitly, all antiquity Saint Emperor enemies either hurried back to god and hell demon, either was cut to kill, they should collaborate to compose a brand-new race.” Deep sea quiet night Dragon King said. “根据我母亲留下的传承记忆,内容很明确,它进入天使圣岛1000年之后,又有龙族进入天使圣岛,也是圣龙,明确告诉我母亲,所有上古圣皇的敌人要么被赶回了神界和地狱魔界,要么就被斩杀了,他们应该联手组成了一个全新的种族。”深海幽夜龙王道。 Tianzai Clan!” Xie Aoyu said that „the past all antiquity Saint Emperor enemies, collaborated to constitute day of Disaster Saint Monument, now had been ruined, reactivating of three look Monarch completely were disillusioned, looking from this aspect, indeed not too possible was the antiquity Saint Emperor enemy descendant, after all was extremely remote, has not kept many including antiquity Saint Emperor arteries, how they preserved.” 天灾族!”谢傲宇说道,“当年所有的上古圣皇的敌人,联手构成了天灾圣碑,现在已经被毁掉了,就连三眼神君的复活都被彻底破灭了,从这方面看,的确不太可能是上古圣皇的敌人后裔,毕竟太过遥远了,连上古圣皇一脉都没有留下来多少,他们怎么存留下来。” Ru Yan said: „It is not words, they are any origins.” 如烟道:“不是的话,他们又是什么来历。” Deep sea quiet night Dragon King turned head to look to the float mountain of horizon to the utmost place. 深海幽夜龙王扭头看向了天边极尽处的悬浮之山。 Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan as if by prior agreement looks to it, what meaning do you look at that float mountain are?” 谢傲宇如烟不约而同的看向它,“你看那悬浮之山是什么意思?” According to reading cloudy spirit memory showed that they create the queue and have the cloudy spirit of thought that its goal is not used to fight.” Deep sea quiet night Dragon King slowly saying command Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan shakes the answer. “根据读取阴灵的记忆显示,他们创造人龙和拥有思想的阴灵,其目的不是用来战斗的。”深海幽夜龙王缓缓的说出一段令谢傲宇如烟都是一震的答案。 Why does that is use?” Xie Aoyu said. “那是干什么用的?”谢傲宇道。 Deep sea quiet night Dragon King said: For that float mountain, but is specifically what kind , the cloudy spirit status, simply does not have the qualifications to know, but understands that the function of queue lies in the float mountain.” 深海幽夜龙王道:“为了那座悬浮之山,但是具体是怎样的,阴灵的身份,根本没有资格知道,只是明白人龙的作用就在于悬浮之山。” Xie Aoyu hesitates saying: Just now the masters of six mahatma places release the animal bones sword time, protection Demon Beast of six mahatma places the short appearance, had caused on the float mountain getting rid attack of that mystical person, the technique of using with unusual is similar, are this group of lunatics who this cloudy displays spirit really on the float mountain the person of that mystical person?” 谢傲宇沉吟道:“方才六大圣地的高手释放出兽骨剑的时候,六大圣地的守护魔兽曾经短暂的出现过,引起悬浮之山上那位神秘人的出手攻击,用的手法与这阴灵施展的非常相似,难道这群疯子真的是悬浮之山上那神秘人的人?” Should not mistakenly.” Ru Yan said. “应该不会错了。”如烟道。 Xie Aoyu is looking at that float mountain, the say (way) of muttering: „But who on that mountain is? He can be kills Dragon Clan and Angel Clan chief criminal, what status is he? Probably after only then he reactivates, can untie this riddle topic.” 谢傲宇望着那悬浮之山,喃喃自语的道:“可那山上又是谁呢?他能够是杀死龙族天使族的罪魁祸首,他到底是什么身份?大概只有他复活之后,才能解开这个谜题吧。” They tidy up in the heart to have doubts, then left this place. 他们收拾心中疑惑,便离开了此地。 Because also one month of Angel Holy Island closes, they do not want to waste the time again, can obtain the associated Saint dragon, is the huge luck. 由于还有一个月天使圣岛关闭,他们也不想再浪费时间了,能够得到伴生圣龙,已经是天大的运气了。 Therefore returned to two Saint island stations together. 于是一起返回了两圣岛驻地。 The result comes back, obtains the news that shocks. 结果一回来,就得到一个更震撼的消息。
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