BE :: Volume #10

#939: The secret of queue 【Two】

Above the summit, kills intent to surge, if the ice-cold cold wind sways, seems the cloudy and cold air currents from nine quiet world, sweeps across the ground dust to fly upwards, the dead twigs and withered leaves dance in the air up and down. 山巅之上,杀意涌动,若冰冷的寒风吹拂,好似来自九幽世界的阴冷气流,席卷地面尘土飞扬,枯枝败叶上下飞舞。 Two person's shadows, an arrogant standing ground, an float upper air. 两条人影,一个孤傲站立地面,一个悬浮高空。 Each other faces one another, flows strong killing intent. 彼此相望,都流动出浓重的杀意。 Roar!” “吼!” The animal bones sword has not destroyed, three companions were actually killed, this queue anger can be imagined, suitable is not happy, he raises the head crazily hissing, the body erupts one group of green flame, flaming is burning, the binocular cold brightness flashes, opens the mouth, reveals the white tooth, both hands gets hold , a suction spreads. 兽骨剑没有摧毁,三名同伴却被杀了,这人龙愤怒情绪可想而知,相当的不痛快,他仰首狂嘶,身上爆发出一团绿色的火焰,熊熊燃烧着,双目寒光闪动,张开嘴巴,露出白森森的牙齿,双手握紧,一股吸力传出。 Then in within the body of killed dragon then departs a slurred dragon soul. 那被杀死的龙的体内便飞出一条模糊不清的龙魂。 Swallows?! 吞噬?! Xie Aoyu both eyes pan- wipe cold brightness, backhanded a blade then to divide to cut, he must advance this Long Hun cutting to extinguish, cuts off that queue promotion strength the opportunity. 谢傲宇双目泛起一抹寒光,反手一刀便劈斩了出去,他要先行将这龙魂给斩灭,断绝那人龙提升实力的机会。 Brushes!” “刷!” A blade cuts the mesosaurus soul, then strength of the soft rebound transmits. 一刀斩中龙魂,便有一丝绵软的反弹之力传来。 Xie Aoyu felt that Moon Falling Blade seemed is stucked, in dragon of that hilt place transmitted low and deep Long to recite, similarly spread a formidable suction, all of a sudden then this dragon soul attracting the past. 谢傲宇就感到月陨刀好似被黏住了,那刀柄处的龙首内传来低沉的龙吟,同样传出一股强大的吸力,一下子便将这条龙魂给吸引了过去。 The queue sees that direct dive under. 人龙见状,直接俯冲而下。 He seems the shell of chest cavity, is carrying the unusual energy, hit maliciously in the past. 他好似出膛的炮弹,携带着超凡的能量,狠狠的撞击过去。 The Xie Aoyu right hand is grasping Moon Falling Blade, maintains Moon Falling Blade swallows Long Hun, his left hand lifts, gets hold of the fist, to void has been pounding. 谢傲宇右手握着月陨刀,保持月陨刀吞噬龙魂,他的左手抬起来,握紧拳头,对着虚空就砸了出去。 Crazy Dragon Kill of Dragon Overlord Boxing fist! 霸龙拳之狂龙杀 Haughty, cold Ao, arrogance, as if gathering world crazy intent as one, Xie Aoyu that strength extremely bursts out all of a sudden, that fist was also similar to changed to a Shenlong, brought to tear all strengths, shelled. 狂傲、冷傲、孤傲,仿佛集合天下狂意于一体,谢傲宇那绝顶的力量一下子迸发出来,那一拳也如同化作了一条神龙,带着撕裂一切的力量,轰击出去。 Bang!” “嘭!” This queue both hands held the fist of Xie Aoyu, the formidable Crazy Dragon Kill strength spends, his yawn blowout blood from the pores of the feet of vibration, actually the standing firm personal appearance stiffly, has not backed together up, his eye also becomes Scarlet-red, the smiling face on fierce dragon revealing the gloomy terror. 这人龙双手抓住了谢傲宇的拳头,强大的狂龙杀力量破出,震动的他张口喷出一道血箭,却硬生生的稳住身形,没有倒退,他的眼睛也变得赤红起来,狰狞的龙首上面流露出阴森恐怖的笑容。 He makes an effort to pull suddenly. 他猛然用力一扯。 Must be similar to other people are same, gives to rip the fragment Xie Aoyu. 是要如同其他人一样,将谢傲宇也给撕成碎片。 God Armor Technique! 神甲术 Since Xie Aoyu has been one person has disguised as two status, one is he, one is Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island common island advocates Qin Ziao to be arrogant again, to distinguish them, he always divides the use Fights Technique, never displays another status with a status Fights Technique. 一直以来,谢傲宇都是一人假扮两个身份,一个是他本人,再有一个就是云雾圣岛圣甲岛的共同岛主秦紫傲,为了区别两人,他始终都将斗技划分开来使用,从未用一个身份去施展另外一个身份的斗技 But Xie Aoyu understands, if two Fights Technique coincide, his battle efficiency is stronger, the main point is the God Armor Technique function that the Qin Ziao arrogant status can display is too big. 谢傲宇明白,如若两种斗技相合的话,他的战斗力更强,主要一点就是秦紫傲身份所能施展的神甲术作用太大。 This Fights Technique defends invincibly. 斗技防御无敌。 Dragon Overlord Boxing fist that and other Fights Technique coordinates Xie Aoyu to grasp attacking kill the ability, may be called matches certainly. 配合谢傲宇掌握的霸龙拳等斗技的攻杀能力,堪称绝配。 Formerly he because of the status reason, is unable to display, now was different, this place only then this queue, only need kill eliminating a potential informant then, naturally did not need to be worried. 先前他因为身份原因,无法施展,现在不同了,此地只有这人龙,只需杀之灭口便可以,自然不用担心了。 God Armor Technique, the cover decides his whole body immediately. 神甲术一出,登时罩定他的全身。 Clang! Clang!” “锵!锵!” Queue two make an effort to tear, finally is similar to tears the metal to be ordinary, cannot shake the Xie Aoyu golden light to cover a point actually, instead his both hands shaking painful. 人龙两手用力撕扯,结果如同撕扯金属一般,硬是没能撼动谢傲宇的金色光罩一分,反而将他的双手给震的生疼。 This change made the queue be startled. 这变化令人龙就是一怔。 Xie Aoyu is the skill turns, the shake fist has pounded once again, on him that shining time light covers the rapid gathering above the left hand, as if the left hand has put on the golden gaunglet (glove). 谢傲宇则是手腕一翻,再度震荡拳头砸了出去,他身上那金灿灿的流光般的光罩迅速的汇聚到左手之上,仿佛左手戴上了金色的拳套。 Bang!” “嘭!” This time, queue immediately hit backing up. 这一次,人龙当即被打的倒退。 The Xie Aoyu right hand raises the blade, is progressive with body, the left fist rumbles one after another, is based on the defense of Jinjia technique, rumbles to the Dragon Overlord Boxing fist of strong attack. 谢傲宇右手提刀,跟身进步,左拳接连轰出,以金甲术的防御为基础,轰出至强攻击的霸龙拳。 Two Fights Technique fuse in such way together, shows the unusual might. 两种斗技以此等方式融合在一起,展现出超凡的威力。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang “嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭” Queue both hands scale that consecutively three fight with the fists flies randomly, arm break, both arms also shaken almost must break, spurts the blood to back up again and again, is seriously battered. 连续三拳打的人龙双手鳞片乱飞,手骨断裂,双臂也被震的几乎要断裂,连连喷血倒退,遭受重创。 Xie Aoyu does not stop, he must give the queue fiercest attack. 谢傲宇根本不停下,他要一口气给予人龙最厉害的打击。 Roar!” “吼!” The overwhelming power fourth fist arrives shortly, the queue exudes one immediately crazily hissing, body green ray Sheng, faint his in both eyes presents a whole face greatly is blood the form of human man, he whooshes fiercely intermittently, body circumference around innumerable incantation marks. 眼看更威猛的第四拳到来,人龙当即发出一声狂嘶,身上绿色光芒大盛,隐隐中他的双目中出现一个满脸是血的人类男子的身影,他狰狞的嘶吼阵阵,身周环绕着无数的咒文符号。 Pit-a-pat “突突突” Finally was just fallen by the Xie Aoyu moon/month the Emperor blade hilt locates Long Xing swallowing that queue the soul of dragon of melting immediately then strenuous vibration, is separated, direct fluttering fires into that queue. 结果刚刚被谢傲宇的月陨天王刀刀柄处龙形给吞噬的那条人龙所化之龙的灵魂登时便剧烈震动一下,脱离出来,直接翻飞的冲向那人龙。 The Xie Aoyu vision like the electricity, is staring at that person's shadow in queue eye cold. 谢傲宇的目光如电,冷然盯着人龙眼睛内的那条人影。 The intuition told him, that person's shadow absolutely was not this queue the human soul of within the body. 直觉告诉他,那条人影绝对不是这人龙的体内的人类灵魂。 Roar!” “吼!” Queue crazy hissing, yawn that Long Hun swallowing. 人龙狂嘶一声,张口将那龙魂给吞噬了下去。 His personal appearance enlarges swiftly once again, has reached three meters five altitude all of a sudden, all over the body green scale dense, an aperture, the sound also had the change, so intrepid dragon soul, I wanted!” 他的身形倏然再度放大,一下子达到了三米五的高度,通体绿色鳞片更加的密实,一开口,声音也发生了变化,“如此强悍的龙魂,我要了!” Xie Aoyu both eyes one cold, because this aperture unexpectedly is the words that in the queue eye that humanity spoke. 谢傲宇双目一冷,因为这开口的居然是人龙眼睛内那人类说的话。 Who you are!” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “你是谁!”谢傲宇沉声道。 I quickly became your master.” That human dark saying with a smile. “我很快就将成为你的主人了。”那人类阴阴的笑道。 An intention revolution, Xie Aoyu said: You are the master of queue, you are Long Dan and humanity of that crowd in one person that with bastard lunatic create humanity.” 心念一转,谢傲宇道:“你是人龙的主人,你就是那群用龙蛋和人类创造出人类的混蛋疯子中的一人。” That human hear [words/that], has been startled, immediately laughs saying: Lunatic? Ha, lunatic called me to like.” 那人类闻言,怔了一下,随即大笑道:“疯子?哈哈哈,疯子这个称呼我喜欢。” „Who you are, why so does.” Xie Aoyu sinks shouts to clear the way. “你们到底是什么人,为什么如此做。”谢傲宇喝道 „Who we are, do you have the qualifications to ask?” That human haughty say (way), is six mahatma places, only if their main hall hosts, Senior the host to flow greatly, perhaps was entitled, other people did not have the qualifications!” “我们是什么人,你有资格问吗?”那人类狂傲的道,“就算是六大圣地,除非他们的大殿主、大尊主之流来了,或许还有资格,其他人没资格!” Xie Aoyu smile is one startled, he is not startled the haughtiness of this humanity, but was he so said that also disclosed indirectly a point, that was their status absolutely is not ordinary. 谢傲宇听的就是一惊,他不是吃惊这人类的狂傲,而是他如此说,也间接地透露了一点,那就是他们的身份绝对不一般。 Qualifications not with mouth.” Xie Aoyu light say (way), you, if arrived here, I must a blade cut to kill you!” “资格不是用嘴巴来说的。”谢傲宇淡淡的道,“你若来到这里,我必一刀将你斩杀!” Ha Ha “哈哈” That humanity has actually sent out laughing wildly, humanity, I arrived, I am the queue, the queue am I!” 那人类却发出了狂笑,“人类,我已经来到了,我就是人龙,人龙就是我!” He spoke, that humanity also sent out whooshes intermittently, showed. 他说话中,那人类也发出阵阵嘶吼,进行证明。 How can, your soul obviously not be the queue.” Xie Aoyu hesitated, in the foreheads then tightly wrinkled, these three queues were your grass vertical, your soul and they were coincide, you died, the queue died \; The queue dies, you also die.” “怎么会,你的灵魂明明不是人龙的。”谢傲宇沉吟一下,眉宇间便紧皱了起来,“这三个人龙是你艹纵的,你的灵魂与他们是相合的,你死,人龙死\;人龙死,你也死。” It seems like you are not silly.” That humanity said. “看来你还不傻。”那人类道。 Clank!” “铮铮!” Moon Falling Blade shivered. 月陨刀颤动了一下。 The body of Xie Aoyu surges the formidable fluctuation of energy, ice-cold both eyes are glittering the woods cold ray, is cruel to the enemy, so is also cruel to oneself, gives up own body, changes to the soul half spirit to exist, said that you for cloudy spirit, probably is also right.” 谢傲宇的身上涌动出强大的能量波动,冰冷的双目闪烁着森寒的光芒,“对敌人残忍,对自己也如此残忍,放弃自己的身体,化作灵魂半的魂灵存在,称你为阴灵,大概也是对的吧。” The cloudy spirit, is gloomiest, one of the worst existences, does not have the entity, disregards most physical attacks, is absorbs the gloomiest aura, is existence of present age most taboo. 阴灵,最阴暗,最邪恶的存在之一,没有实体,无视绝大多数的物理攻击,是吸收最阴暗的气息而成的,属于当世最禁忌的存在。 Hey “嘿嘿” That humanity exuded the cloudy and cold laughter cloudy spirit, in the eye had seemed to be that the black flame was beating, obviously the Xie Aoyu words touched his taboo to be. 那人类阴灵发出了阴冷的笑声,眼睛内似有黑色的火焰在跳动,显然谢傲宇的话已经触动了他的禁忌所在。 I have seen cruelly, is so cruel like your this group of lunatics virulently, first time sees.” Xie Aoyu was also stimulated strong killing intent. “我见过很多残忍的,像你们这群疯子如此残忍、恶毒的,还是第一次见到。”谢傲宇也被激发了浓重的杀意。 A person to oneself so, do not say to others. 一个人对自己都这般,更不要说对别人了。 This radically is the lunatic who one group of nobody are surnamed. 这根本就是一群没有人姓的疯子。 Only has to kill it, can the remove future trouble. 唯有杀之,才能解除后患。 I want you dead!!!” Humanity sends out crazy whooshing cloudy spirit. “我要你死!!!”人类阴灵发出疯狂的嘶吼。 The queue also sends out sad and shrill whooshing, whole body energy surging forward is surging, but that human cloudy spirit rapid reading the incantation, is reappearing in his body week the innumerable Incantation technique marks, but corresponding was the body week of queue also had the change, the world vitality tumbled, the fusion, condensed innumerable sharp knife blade existences. 人龙也发出一声凄厉的嘶吼,全身能量汹涌澎湃的涌动着,而那人类阴灵则飞速的念动着咒语,在他的身周浮现无数的咒术符号,而相应的就是人龙的身周也出现了变化,天地元气翻滚,融合,凝聚成无数的利刃般的存在。 Antiquity Fights Technique! 上古斗技 Two that Xie Aoyu looks at burst out together cold Mang, this Fights Technique was not and some time ago, did that mix Fights Technique that the world three demon sword owners displayed to be without change? 谢傲宇看的两眼迸发出一道冷芒,此斗技不是与不久前,那混世三魔剑主人施展的斗技一般无二吗? Are this group of lunatics mix the strength that the world three demon sword owners leave behind to be inadequate?! 难道这群疯子就是混世三魔剑主人遗留下来的力量不成?! Thousand swords bite!” “千剑噬!” Sad and shrill whooshing sends out from that human cloudy spirit mouth, the queue the complete strength will also erupt, injects that innumerable world vitality constitution in the middle of the sharp knife blade. 凄厉的嘶吼从那人类阴灵口中发出,人龙也将全部的力量爆发出来,注入那无数的天地元气构成的利刃当中。 Suddenly, the sharp sword that everywhere dances in the air, crowded such as flying of raindrop shoots, but. 一时间,漫天飞舞的利剑,密集如雨点的飞射而至。 On each sharp sword is containing the formidable strength, very formidable. 每一道利剑上面都蕴含着强大的力量,都是非常的强大。 Xie Aoyu stares at so many sword edges to dance in the air, in his mind also reappeared just now saw that on the float mountain that sword rain danced in the air that divided to strike. 谢傲宇盯着如此多的剑刃飞舞,他的脑海中也浮现了方才看到悬浮之山上那剑雨飞舞劈击的一幕。 Both overlap mutually. 两者相互重叠。 A Ming became aware to climb up heart. 一股明悟爬上了心头。 Before he had a sensibility, as if comprehended anything from that antiquity Fights Technique, but did not have the time to be peaceful the reorganization, this time saw once again, moreover was the different strengths is displaying, his as if eyes looked through mystery to be. 之前他就有一丝感悟,仿佛从那上古斗技中领悟到了什么,只是没有时间安静下来整理罢了,此番再度看到,而且是不同的力量在施展,他仿佛一眼就看破了其中的奥妙所在。 The thoughts are nimble and resourceful, the Xie Aoyu mind sublimates infinitely. 心思灵动间,谢傲宇心神无限升华。 The antiquity Fights Technique deep meaning broke the wave to cut the negligences to fuse with that. 上古斗技的奥义与那断浪斩疏忽间融合了起来。 Can so fast comprehension new Fights Technique, before the key or Xie Aoyu, absorbs the tears of angel time, makes use to practice Fights Technique, regarding each Fights Technique more profound understanding, seeks for mystery to be, can agree with present antiquity Fights Technique, only has the wave to cut. 能够如此快速的领悟一种新的斗技,关键还是谢傲宇之前吸收天使之泪的时候,趁势修炼斗技,对于每一种斗技更加深刻的理解,寻找其中的奥妙所在,能够与现在的上古斗技契合着,唯有断浪斩。 Under, Xie Aoyu also has held in this way up Moon Falling Blade. 如斯之下,谢傲宇也举起了月陨刀 Thousand edges break the wave to cut!” “千刃断浪斩!” Suddenly, void presents the limitless blade shade, each blade shade is breaks the wave to cut the strength the set, but breaks the wave to cut is Clouds Holy Island strongest Fights Technique, so the strength set, its strength may be called shocking. 一时间,虚空中出现漫无边际的刀影,每一道刀影都是断浪斩力量的集合,而断浪斩更是云雾圣岛最强斗技,这般力量的集合,其力量堪称骇人听闻。 Explodes “爆爆爆” Above the summit, everywhere blade shade sword light dances in the air the hit, has the intermittent report, the inspiring world vitality fierce tumbling, gives to cover Xie Aoyu and queue. 山巅之上,漫天刀影剑光飞舞撞击,发生阵阵的爆裂声,引动天地元气都剧烈的翻滚,将谢傲宇和人龙都给笼罩其中。 Saw Mars that the airborne hit produces four shoot. 只是看到空中撞击所产生的火星四射。 When Mars fall, actually saw still had the massive blade shades to exist, altogether entirely submerged that queue the body, all of a sudden then it dismembering. 待火星落下,却见仍有大量的刀影存在,扑簌簌的一股脑儿统统的没入那人龙的身体,一下子便将其给分尸了。 „, I do not want to keep the living witness.” Xie Aoyu somewhat was also startled, his original intention must keep the living witness, asked about something, there thinks Fights Technique that one comprehended newly so was unexpectedly strong, can ten thousand dragon worship close 7/10 might, make the revision probably again, even could become ten thousand dragon worship Fights Technique like that not to be uncertain. “不会吧,我还想留活口的。”谢傲宇也有些怔住了,他本意是要留活口的,询问一些事情,那里想到自己新领悟来的斗技居然如此强,大概能够有万龙朝拜接近7的威力了,再做修改,甚至有望成为万龙朝拜那般的斗技也不一定。 He is thinking that cloudy spirit can resist the majority of physical attack, hides in queue within the body, properly speaking, should be insufficient to be disillusioned is, then walked. 他想着那阴灵可以抵御大部分的物理攻击,又是隐藏在人龙体内的,按理说,应该不至于破灭才是,便走了过去。 Bang!” “嘭!” Result rupturing has made a sound, the gloomy aura flutters, making the summit that this blood dyed appear the terror, a fuzzy person's shadow has flown from inside. 结果一声爆裂响过,阴森森的气息飘荡出来,使得这本就血染的山巅更显得恐怖,一条模糊的人影从里面飞离了出来。 Cloudy spirit! 阴灵!
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