BE :: Volume #10

#941: Frightening

The people in two mahatma island stations left, only before leaving behind two, once followed Xie Aoyu to go to Freshlake meeting to float the world far master. 两大圣岛驻地的人都已经离开,只留下两名之前曾经跟随谢傲宇去清水湖会见浮世远的高手。 They have informed the Xie Aoyu whole story. 他们告知了谢傲宇原委。 Unexpectedly is Tiantangshan is attacked and captured, Luss was leading Wynter, some Crue as well as bright Demon Beast is forced to run away, evacuated Angel Holy Island. 居然是天堂山被攻克,勒斯曼带着温特、奥克鲁以及一些光明魔兽被迫逃走,撤离了天使圣岛 But getting rid unexpectedly is three cape people. 而出手者居然是三个斗篷人。 Is behind queue that group of lunatics, that three cape people likely are three masters of accurate Battle Emperor levels, under collaborates, Luss obviously possibly is not a match.” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “又是人龙背后的那群疯子,那三个斗篷人很可能就是三名准战皇级的高手,联手之下,勒斯曼显然不可能是对手。”谢傲宇沉声道。 Ru Yan said: Why do they want to get rid?” 如烟道:“他们为什么要出手呢?” Xie Aoyu shakes the head, said: Possibly is the worry when the time comes, Luss does lend a hand to help one another masters of six mahatma places to prevent that to mix reactivating of world three demon sword owners? But this is not right, if so, they can definitely begin to eradicate the masters of six mahatma places ahead of time are.” He is smiling bitterly shaking the head, „is really one group of messes, thinks are more, is complex.” 谢傲宇摇摇头,道:“可能是担心到时候,勒斯曼出手相助六大圣地的高手阻止那混世三魔剑主人的复活?可这不对啊,若是如此,他们完全可以提前动手将六大圣地的高手铲除才是。”他苦笑着摇摇头,“真是一团乱麻,想的越多,越是复杂。” That does not think that allows nature to take its course.” Ru Yan said with a smile. “那就不想了,顺其自然。”如烟笑道。 Did not go to think.” Xie Aoyu shakes, Tiantangshan, since emptied, then practiced sacred place, definitely snatched, we also overtook.” “不去想了。”谢傲宇甩甩头,“天堂山既然空出来了,那么一个修炼圣地,肯定都去抢了,我们也赶过去吧。” Angel Holy Island has two mahatma places. 天使圣岛有两大圣地。 Long Gu was occupied by Holy City, now can say that Holy City youth master continuously in inside self-torture, cultivation to naturally progress by leaps and bounds, must say that pulls open thoroughly with the distances of other youth masters, is not quite a little realistic, but at least can in overall strength strong many, can achieve. 龙谷被圣城占据,现在可以说圣城的青年高手一直都在里面苦修,修为自然是突飞猛进的,要说彻底拉开与其他各方青年高手的距离,有点不太现实,但至少能够在整体实力方面强过许多,还是能做到的。 The remaining Tiantangshan because of Luss reason, nobody dare to inquire about. 剩下的天堂山因为勒斯曼的缘故,无人敢于过问。 Now Luss was expelled, that group of mystical lunatics abandon it to Tiantangshan like the shoes, naturally must make other influences the ideas, wants to capture this sacred place to practice. 如今勒斯曼被打跑,那群神秘疯子对天堂山弃之如履,当然要引起其他各方势力的想法了,想要夺取这圣地来修炼。 Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan hurricane. 谢傲宇如烟一路狂飙。 Kept the view of personnel according to that two, Bing Wu started for nearly day, although the large military force flying speed was slower, might occur to conflict with other influences. 按照那两名留下来人员的说法,冰舞已经启程将近一天了,虽然大队人马飞行速度慢一些,却也有可能与其他势力发生冲突了。 The position of Tiantangshan and dragon valley is opposite. 天堂山与龙谷的位置恰好相反。 In east, in Spain. 一个在东,一个在西。 Rapidly flight, three after probably hours, they arrived outside Tiantangshan. 急速飞行,大概三个小时之后,他们到达了天堂山外。 On this day Tang Shan has 50,000-60,000 meters high, stands at the foot of the hill, the human was inferior including the ant that was too simply huge, raises the head to look at the day, as if on this day Tang Shan is the prop that the support day do not collapse. 这天堂山高有五六万米,站在山脚下,人连蚂蚁都不如,简直太庞大了,仰首望天,仿佛这天堂山就是支撑天不要塌下来的支柱。 Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan transformed status. 谢傲宇如烟都已经转变身份。 One is two Saint islands advocates Qin Ziao to be arrogant, one is the smoke madame. 一个是两圣岛之主秦紫傲,一个是烟儿夫人。 Flies to more than 30,000 meters altitudes, that Tiantangshan had the furcation, as if in this position, the mountain changed to three mountains, in -line clouds. 飞临大约30000多米的高度,那天堂山有了分叉,仿佛在这个位置,有一座山化作了三座高山,直插云霄。 Has about hundreds of thousands of people to converge fully here. 足有将近数十万人会聚在这里。 They have been divided into the three parties, is in a position respectively, forms the aspect of confronting. 他们分成了三方,各自占据一处位置,形成对峙的局面。 Three parties Wu Dongtian is Brilliant City of head, struggles Zheng Batian is Zheng Xiao Fang of head, Bing Wu is head the masters in sea area two mahatma islands. 三方正是武动天为首的神武城,争郑霸天为首的郑萧方,还有冰舞为首的海域两大圣岛的高手。 Brilliant City and Zheng Xiao Fang 100,000 people, enormous and powerful, with overpowering momentum, only has the masters in sea area two mahatma islands to cross ten thousand, pure above missed. 只是神武城和郑萧方都有100000人,浩浩荡荡的,气势磅礴,唯有海域两大圣岛的高手才过万而已,单纯上面就差了很多。 Girl, how the strengths of your two Saint islands, you have not known that even if were your island advocates Qin Ziao to come arrogantly personally, was impossible to compete for on this day the vitality heaviest place, you can only in that two places, optional as the place of practice.” Wu Dongtian light say (way). “姑娘,你两圣岛的力量如何,你还不知道吗,就算是你们岛主秦紫傲亲自来了,也不可能争夺这天地元气最重的地方,你们只能在那两个地方,任选一处作为修炼之地了。”武动天淡淡的道。 Bing Wu cold -ly snorted and said: Depends on your people many?” 冰舞冷哼道:“就凭你们人多吗?” Human are many and what kind, if you refuse to accept, I cancel you immediately thoroughly!” Zheng Batian has gotten angry with sea area thoroughly, is almost arrogantly is killed by Xie Aoyu incarnation Qin Ziao, gets angry and hate, the yawn is then having the threat. “人多又怎样,你若不服,我立刻将你们彻底抹去!”郑霸天已经与海域彻底翻脸,更是差点被谢傲宇化身的秦紫傲杀死,更是恼恨,张口便带着威胁。 Good, you give a try, my two mahatma islands never fear anybody's threat!” Thought that Bing Wu has not shown weakness slightly. “好啊,那你就来试试看,我两大圣岛从来不惧怕任何人的威胁!”冰舞丝毫没有示弱的念头。 She also settled on. 她也看准了。 Brilliant City and Zheng Xiao Fang diverts mutually, the strength is similar. 神武城和郑萧方相互牵制,实力差不多。 If this side has the conflict with any side, will then make another side profit, ominous that therefore Zheng Batian called, not necessarily dares to begin. 如果她这一方与任何一方发生冲突的话,那么都会令另外一方得利的,所以郑霸天叫的凶,未必敢动手。 Wu brother Zheng Ba sun. “武兄”郑霸天道。 Wu Dongtian shrugs, said: Zheng brother is not no need saying that you and Qin Daozhu had the conflict, that was your matters, should better not to pull into us.” 武动天耸耸肩,道:“郑兄不必多说了,你与秦岛主有冲突,那是你们的事情,最好不要将我们扯入其中。” Zheng Batian has experienced a setback, the look is ugly. 郑霸天碰了个软钉子,神色更是难看。 Tiantangshan has the places of three practice, can accommodate 200,000-300,000 people, if the girl does not shut out, not, if we move into on this day the vitality most abundant place together, under girl intent how?” Wu Dongtian has sent out own proposition with a laugh. “天堂山有三个修炼之地,均能容纳二三十万人,如果姑娘不嫌弃的话,不若我们一起入驻这天地元气最盛的地方,姑娘意下如何?”武动天笑呵呵的发出了自己的提议。 100,000 people with 10,000 people, the disparity are too many, even if the opposite party has not harbored evil intentions, may also probably guard, instead influence own mood is unable to be calm and steady, with concentration practice, if I, will not agree absolutely.” Zheng Batian Bi Yuzhen light saying. “100000人与10000人,差距太多,就算是对方没有安坏心,可也要提防的,反而影响自己的心境无法安稳下来,潜心修炼,若是我的话,绝对不会同意的。”郑霸天身边的毕玉真淡淡的说道。 She seems like does not have the anger words, actually points to the issue conscience. 她看似没有火气的话语,却直指问题本心。 Two influences, each other under the premise of any sincere cooperation, certainly must by no means guard mutually, so naturally will affect to practice. 试问,两股势力,彼此并非什么真诚合作的前提下,肯定要互相提防的,如此自然就会影响修炼了。 Such being the case, that this day vitality most abundant place, has my sea area two Saint islands to have.” The incarnation is Qin Ziao arrogant Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan from the distant place flies, but. “既然如此,那这天地元气最盛的地方,就有我海域两圣岛拥有吧。”化身为秦紫傲的谢傲宇如烟从远处飞临而至。 They fall to the ground, immediately made Wu Dongtian and Zheng Batian is the look changes. 他们两人落地,当即令武动天和郑霸天都是神色微变。 Recently Xie Aoyu in view of day sacred place and action of evil sacred place, the person who threatened two mahatma places put out the thing to maintain life, already deterred a side. 最近谢傲宇针对天罗圣地、邪罗圣地的举动,威胁两大圣地的人拿出东西来保命,早就威慑一方了。 Qin Ziao arrogant itself of Xie Aoyu incarnation has the considerably large influence. 谢傲宇化身的秦紫傲本身就有着相当大的影响力。 He appears, is not at with him, completely is two concepts. 他出现,与他不在,完全是两个概念。 Qin Ziao is arrogant, do not think that own strength is very strong, can decide that a war, your trivial more than 10,000 people, have any qualifications to intimidate my 100,000 people for your making way place.” Say (Way) that Zheng Batian lets somebody cool off or calm down. 秦紫傲,不要以为自己的实力很强,就能够决定一场战事,你区区10000多人,有什么资格来威逼我100000人为你让开地方。”郑霸天冷冷的道。 Xie Aoyu light say (way): It seems like previous time makes you run away by luck, has not realized my fierce.” He is staring at Zheng Batian, „do you believe that I now have killed you!” 谢傲宇淡淡的道:“看来上次让你侥幸逃走,还是没有体会到我的厉害啊。”他盯着郑霸天,“你信不信,我现在就杀了你!” Brushes 刷刷刷 More than ten person's shadow rapid forwarding, keep off Zheng Batian after behind, they are the body are all surging roaring flame Qi, obviously came from the master of fierce fire god clan. 十多条人影迅速的向前,将郑霸天挡在身后,他们全都是身上涌动着烈焰斗气,显然是来自烈火神族的高手。 I do not believe!” Zheng Batian has a look about, as long as arrives at Angel Holy Island, before also came back in alone the genuine master of practice, the confidence also rises sharply. “我不信!”郑霸天看看左右,但凡来到天使圣岛的,之前都在独自修炼的真正的高手也已经回来了,信心也是大涨。 Xie Aoyu shows a faint smile, said: Right?” 谢傲宇微微一笑,道:“是吗?” He put out a hand to pat gently two. 他伸出手轻轻的拍了两下。 Ru Yan and Bing Wu also forward, are placed his about, in the Ru Yan glabellas is glittering the source of Saint dragon design, naturally does not have the design demonstration of Profound Spirit, prevents the exposed status. 如烟冰舞同时向前,分列他的左右,其中如烟眉心间闪烁着圣龙之源的图案,自然是没有玄灵的图案显示的,防止暴露身份。 Roar!” “吼!” Long Yinsui empties. 一声龙吟碎空。 The evolution is Ten Kings Level Jingang Dragon King runs, imposing manner startled day. 进化为十王级的金刚龙王奔跑出来,气势惊天。 Roar!” “吼!” Two Long Yin and upper air spread. 紧接着两声龙吟与高空传出。 Two deep sea quiet night Dragon King and high sympathize empty-handed in the same place, erupts the dazzling ray, the incarnation is a Ten Kings Level peak boundary Saint dragon, circles with the upper air. 两条深海幽夜龙王与高空身体贴在一起,爆发出刺眼的光芒,化身为一条十王级巅峰境界的圣龙,与高空盘旋。 Their combinations, pressure enormous and powerful kilometer remote, frightens to present all people. 他们的组合,威压浩荡千米之遥,震慑在场所有人。 I, if kills you, you possibly do keep off?” Xie Aoyu cold say (way). “我若杀你,你可能挡?”谢傲宇冷然道。 Sees so the strength, Zheng Batian complexion changed. 看到如此力量,郑霸天的脸色变了。 Two Ten Kings Level big dragons attack, may help Xie Aoyu drive out the stop fully, may kill seriously his, what is main, existence of Ru Yan, making him have three Brontosaurus spatially, but cannot release, the source of Saint dragon has formidable deterrent force to all Dragon Clan. 有两条十王级的巨龙出击,足可帮助谢傲宇驱除阻拦,当真可杀他的,最主要的是,如烟的存在,令他空有三眼雷龙而不能释放出来,圣龙之源对一切龙族都有着非常强大的威慑力。 Xie Aoyu has swept Zheng Batian, has a look at Wu Dongtian, opens the mouth saying: Luo Ke Dru, Chilao, you lead the human to climb mountains.” 谢傲宇扫了一眼郑霸天,又看看武动天,开口道:“洛克德鲁、奇拉奥,你们两人率人上山。” Compliant.” “遵命。” They simultaneously comply with one. 两人同时答应一声。 They led the audiences to fly to a that day vitality heaviest mountain top. 他们率众向那天地元气最重的一座山颠飞去。 Qin Ziao is arrogant, you thought that the trivial two dragons can prevent us? That associated Saint dragon is also ten king peak levels, has not grown.” Zheng Batian cold -ly snorted and said. 秦紫傲,你觉得,区区两条龙就能够阻挡我们吗?那伴生圣龙也不过是十王巅峰级而已,还没成长起来。”郑霸天冷哼道。 Wu Dongtian sinking sound track: Associated Saint dragon, island hosts had such a fierce wife, is really the luck is good, what a pity it has not grown.” 武动天沉声道:“伴生圣龙,岛主拥有了这么一位厉害的夫人,真是运气不错啊,可惜它还没成长起来。” Immediately grows!” The Xie Aoyu skill turns, from floating the world is far and Saint dragon egg shell that Zhuo Fan Ting there obtains throws conveniently to the upper air. “马上成长起来!”谢傲宇手腕一翻,从浮世远和卓凡婷那里得到的圣龙蛋壳随手抛向高空。 That associated Saint dragon dives immediately, swallows. 那伴生圣龙当即俯冲下去,一口吞下。 Saw that the imposing manner of associated Saint dragon rises suddenly, the stature also instantaneously achieves has 20 meters altitude fully, raises the head to send out one to whoosh, the vibration world is shaking. 随之就看到伴生圣龙的气势暴涨,身躯也瞬间达到足有20米的高度,仰首发出一阵嘶吼,震动天地都在摇颤。 Enters the step! 进阶! Battle King level! 战王级! Pressure that this boundary releases may be far from the Emperor level master can compare favorably, is only Long Yin, the world wind and cloud color deterioration of inspiring, the enormous and powerful strength fluctuation, fully may give to destroy this side world, that terrifying strength deep has shocked all people. 这个境界释放出来的威压可远非天王级高手能够媲美的,只是一声龙吟,就引动的天地风云变色,浩荡的力量波动,足可将这方天地都给摧毁,那种恐怖的力量深深的震撼了所有人。 Wu Dongtian, Zheng Batian complexion is pale. 武动天、郑霸天两人脸色铁青。 Saint dragon that about 300,000 people naturally will not fear a Battle King level, was they actually of one mind, is not Xie Aoyu clarifies do not resist with them hardly, but pointed to them, was once began, depended on helping one another of these two dragons, with hundreds of thousands of people, took their heads, this has the possibility, thinks that this consequence, they instigated. 将近300000人自然不惧怕一条战王级的圣龙,可是他们两人却不齐心,还有就是谢傲宇摆明了不是要与他们硬抗,而是直指他们两人,也就是一旦动手,倚仗这两条龙的相助,与数十万人中,取两人头颅,这还是有可能的,想到这个后果,两人都怂了。 Xie Aoyu, Bing Wu and Ru Yan three people also slowly raise, under bird's eye view about 300,000 youth masters, „, if refuses to accept, although comes up a war, the main island host accompanies.” 谢傲宇冰舞如烟三人也冉冉升起,俯瞰下方将近300000的青年高手,“谁若不服,尽管上来一战,本岛主奉陪。”
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