BE :: Volume #10

#936: The thing of seeking 【One】

Passes by the auricle hears the sound, Xie Aoyu to conclude that beyond an abatement startled day, the breathing of 12 people, he somewhat wonders, this startled day for no reason rushes to here to do? 凭借心耳通听声音,谢傲宇能断定,除却项惊天之外,还有12个人的呼吸声,他有些纳闷,这项惊天平白无故的跑到这里来干什么? Must say that Angel Holy Island practice best region, here excludes absolutely. 要说天使圣岛的修炼最佳的区域,这里绝对排除在外的。 By the startled day status, can definitely occupy a practice quite good place, words that being all right, is impossible to leave casually, after all can practice for day to be equal in Angel Holy Island in the ten times of speeds of outside, whose rash giving up practice, will go out to run all over the place. 以项惊天的身份,完全可以占据一处修炼比较不错的地方的,没事的话,不可能随便离开的,毕竟能在天使圣岛修炼一天可是相当于外界的十倍速度,谁会轻率的放弃修炼,外出乱跑啊。 He comes this to have the goal!” Xie Aoyu then wants to have problems to be at quickly. “他来此有目的!”谢傲宇很快便想出了问题所在。 Can make a startled day attach great importance, obviously is not the ordinary matter. 能够令项惊天重视的,显然不是普通的事情。 To aim at mixes the world three demon sword owners to reactivate, but is? 难道是为针对混世三魔剑主人复活而为? The Xie Aoyu thoughts rotation, then must have a look. 谢傲宇心思转动,便要出去看看。 Is a startled day?” Ru Yan also heard outside speaking voice, has opened the eye, the Profound Spirit twinkle between glabellas is uncertain, inside deep sea quiet night Saint dragon soul ray was dim. “是项惊天?”如烟也听到了外面的说话声,睁开了眼睛,眉心间的玄灵闪烁不定,里面的深海幽夜圣龙魂光芒黯淡了许多。 Xie Aoyu nods, does not know that he must do, I have a look.” 谢傲宇点点头,“不知他要干什么,我出去看看。” And other.” Ru Yan stops by calling him. “等一下。”如烟喊住他。 Um?” Xie Aoyu turns head to visit her. “嗯?”谢傲宇回头看着她。 Ru Yan is pointing in the glabellas the design, said: Just the deep sea quiet night Saint dragon soul spread a news, if the startled day meets troublesome, you must help him.” 如烟指着眉心间图案,道:“刚刚深海幽夜圣龙魂传来一丝消息,如果项惊天遇到麻烦,你要帮助他。” Xie Aoyu one smile that this desire leaves, then stopped, „do I help a startled day? The startled day is a person of day of lonesome mountains six mahatma places, they and don't Dragon Clan have the hatred? Makes me help him unexpectedly? Hasn't made a mistake?” 本欲离开的谢傲宇一听,便停了下来,“我帮助项惊天?项惊天可是六大圣地之一天寂山的人,他们和龙族不是有仇恨吗?竟然让我帮助他?没弄错?” Right , helping him.” Ru Yan earnest say (way). “没错,就是帮助他。”如烟认真的道。 How this is Xie Aoyu suddenly, stares the big eye, the pleasantly surprised say (way), you and can the deep sea quiet night Saint dragon soul communicate?” “这是怎么”谢傲宇猛然一顿,瞪大眼睛,惊喜的道,“你和深海幽夜圣龙魂能够沟通了?” Smiles, Ru Yan said: Was is OK, its consciousness in fast disappearance, but made me tell you, must help a startled day obtain it to want.” 轻轻一笑,如烟道:“算是可以了吧,它的意识正在快速的消失,只是让我告诉你,一定要帮项惊天得到它想要的。” Xie Aoyu touches the nose, is somewhat puzzled, may such being the case say, he also knows that definitely has the reason, then has nodded assent, afterward left the cave. 谢傲宇摸摸鼻子,有些不解,可既然如此说了,他也知道,肯定有原因,便点头同意了,随后离开了山洞。 The cave is located in the cliff, Xie Aoyu with a stone stopping up, the words that carefully did not look , was very difficult to discover that he then to transmitting the sound place flew. 山洞位于悬崖边,谢傲宇用一块石头给堵住了,不仔细看的话,是很难发现的,他这才向传来声音的地方飞去。 The speaking voice arrived at the summit. 说话声已经到了山巅。 Xie Aoyu arrives at the summit then to hide in hidden place observes. 谢傲宇来到山巅便隐藏在暗处观察。 Sees only a startled day to lead 12 white clothing men to stand in the mountain center place, in his hand takes the goods that similar enchanter stick Demon Beast bone is building together becomes, gently is wielding, a halo of faint trace then sends out from the Demon Beast bone, covers this summit. 只见项惊天带着12名白衣男子站在山中心的地方,他的手中拿着一块类似咒师杖般的魔兽骨头打造而成的物品,轻轻的挥动着,一丝丝的光晕便从魔兽骨头上面散发出来,覆盖这山巅。 Whiz!” “嗖!” The startled day recited an incantation, ejected the Demon Beast bone conveniently. 项惊天念动一句咒语,随手将魔兽骨头抛出。 Saw after that Demon Beast bone arrives at upper air, then slightly shivered two, along with a it changing together time lasing startled day behind about ten meters place. 就看到那魔兽骨头到达高空之后,便微微的颤动了两下,随之化作一道流光激射项惊天身后大约十米的地方。 Bang!” “轰!” A bang, the crushed stone dances in the air. 一声巨响,碎石飞舞。 That Demon Beast bone then fell into underground. 魔兽骨头便陷入了地下。 Found!” The startled day excited -ly said, he ran rapidly, 12 white clothing man also whole faces excited with the past, surrounds the place that Demon Beast bone pounded. “找到了!”项惊天兴奋地道,他飞速的跑了过去,12名白衣男子也满脸激动的跟过去,将那魔兽骨头砸出的地方环绕起来。 Xie Aoyu stands in the distant place, cannot see inside situation, can actually feel that as if the weak fluctuation of energy passes from that. 谢傲宇站在远处,看不到里面的情况,却能够感觉到似乎有一丝微弱的能量波动从那里面传出来。 He raises up the ear to listen attentively. 他竖起耳朵倾听。 But his auricle passes receives is the surname limit, is unable like Zi Yan, purely by listening attentively to the sound, can reappear the real picture in the mind. 怎奈他的心耳通受到属姓限制,无法像紫嫣那样,单纯凭借倾听声音,就能够在脑海中浮现真实的画面。 Splash!” Splash!” Splash!” Splash!” “扑通!”“扑通!”“扑通!”“扑通!” Is headed by a startled day, all people knee down in abundance. 以项惊天为首,所有人纷纷跪倒在地。 Had found, finally looked to hit.” Startled day excited -ly said. “找到了,终于找打了。”项惊天兴奋地道。 And 12 white clothing men's the man of head said: Few, this treasure by the seal, was also being sent out so the fluctuation of energy, once is born, the inevitable energy is astonishing, feared that will bring in the destruction of person with high aspirations.” 其中12名白衣男子之首的男人道:“项少,这宝物还被封印着,就散发出这般能量波动,一旦出世,必然能量惊人,怕是会引来有心人的破坏。” Destruction? Who dares to destroy? Who can destroy?” The startled day said proudly that view entire Angel Holy Island, can we pose the threat also be Xie Aoyu and Qin Ziao arrogant two people, if they dare to destroy, must withstand six mahatma places the anger, does not have as for other people fully is the worry.” “破坏?谁敢来破坏?谁又能够破坏?”项惊天傲然道,“遍观整个天使圣岛,能够对我们构成威胁的也就是谢傲宇秦紫傲两个人,他们若敢破坏,就要承受六大圣地的怒火,至于其他人根本无足为虑。” Is really crazy enough! 真够狂的! Xie Aoyu taunted secretly, if not for the deep sea quiet night Saint dragon soul made him help one another, but was not the destruction words, he decides however will begin, at the worst utterly destroyed these people, who can know that was he does, naturally, two status both had been thought by the startled day formidable, was worth very much happily. 谢傲宇暗自嘲讽,若不是深海幽夜圣龙魂让他相助,而不是破坏的话,他定然会动手的,大不了将这些人斩尽杀绝,谁能知道是他干的,当然了,两个身份都被项惊天认为强大,还是很值得高兴的。 That Xin Jie Clan? Our information indicated that final a number of Angel Clan also thorough evolutions are Xin Jie Clan, but their predecessor as it concerns us, still has very big hatred, after all our six mahatma past years also in view of their, can destroy? After all this treasure is used to cope to mix the world three demon sword owners, if remove a person of king has left behind several thousand years of the bloodline seal, many things that antiquity Angel Clan kept can use, was favorable for them.” That man said his worry. “那心劫族呢?我们的情报显示,最后的一批天使族也彻底的进化为心劫族,可他们前身对于我们而言,仍旧有着非常大的仇恨,毕竟我们六大圣地当年也是针对他们的,会不会来破坏?毕竟这宝物是用来对付混世三魔剑主人的,若是解除了人王留下数万年之久的血脉封印,上古天使族留下来的许多东西都可以使用的,对他们有利无害。”那名男子将自己的担心说了出来。 The startled day said with a smile: Otherwise, Luss condition, you also knew, if did not untie the person king's bloodline seal, after he became the Battle Emperor level, that was invincible existence, if untied, hey, he may need to continue the self-torture to be hopeful, therefore he should most not hope to untie the bloodline seal, will therefore definitely not meddle.” He pats the shoulder of that man, we always need to be careful that you were examining in all directions, if some people come, entirely cuts to kill them.” 项惊天笑道:“不然,勒斯曼的状况,你也知道了吧,如果不解开人王之血脉封印的话,他成为战皇级之后,那就是无敌的存在,若是解开的话,嘿嘿,他可就需要继续苦修才有希望了,所以他应该是最不希望解开血脉封印的,故而肯定不会插手。”他拍拍那名男子的肩头,“我们总是需要小心的,你们在四处查看,若是有人来,就将他们统统斩杀。” 12 white clothing men comply with one, then disperses. 12名白衣男子答应一声,便分散开来。 They surround in the summit, high and low dances in the air. 他们环绕在山巅的附近,上下飞舞。 Xie Aoyu watches, a funniness, is the white clothes, this not in intentional telling person with high aspirations, you here? 谢傲宇看在眼里,一阵好笑,都是白色衣服,这不是在故意的告诉有心人,你们在这里吗? This probably is the habit that the people of six mahatma places form. 这大概就是六大圣地之人养成的习惯吧。 Beastly god on, my startled day is the beast spirit body that you select, now follows orders to come the strength that brings back you to leave behind, completes your desire.” Startled day whole face is the reverent color, in the mouth is talking over anything. “兽神在上,我项惊天乃是您选中的兽灵体,今奉命前来取回您留下的力量,完成您的愿望。”项惊天满脸都是虔诚之色,口中念叨着什么。 Hides in Xie Aoyu of hidden place guards is discovered by 12 white clothing men, while carefully is watching, saw after a startled day talked over big bunch of things, both hands intersect in the front, recited one jerky incomparable incantations, his body then released a strange fluctuation of energy. 隐藏在暗处的谢傲宇一边防备着被12名白衣男子发现,一边仔细观看着,就看到项惊天念叨了一大堆东西之后,双手交叉在胸前,念动起了一串生涩无比的咒语,他的身上便释放出一丝奇异的能量波动。 Demon Beast strength! 魔兽力量! Xie Aoyu then induced immediately, he once saw with one's own eyes the day lonesome mountain to protect one of the Demon Beast day lonesome demon wolf above mentioned item startled day body, but also had once fought, can therefore the earliest possible time judge, a startled day within the body is surging now the strength of day lonesome demon wolf. 谢傲宇当即便感应出来了,他曾亲眼看到过天寂山守护魔兽天寂魔狼上项惊天身体的一幕,还曾交过手,故而能够第一时间判断出,项惊天现在体内激荡着的正是天寂魔狼的力量。 Incantation fast is carrying on, the startled day back reappears gradually a form. 咒语快速的进行着,项惊天的背后渐渐地浮现一个身影。 That impressively is day of lonesome demon wolf. 那赫然是天寂魔狼。 When 6 th the mahatma master together must exterminate the keel sword, abatement day sacred place and two of evil sacred place big protect the Demon Beast Beastly Soul strength to be won by Xie Aoyu, the Demon Beast Beastly Soul strengths of other four mahatma places respectively were obtained by them. 当初六大圣地高手一起要灭绝龙骨剑,除却天罗圣地和邪罗圣地的两大守护魔兽兽魂的力量被谢傲宇夺走,其他的四大圣地的魔兽兽魂力量都被他们各自得到了。 On this day the form of lonesome demon wolf has more than three meters high, incomparable clarity fully. 这天寂魔狼的身影足有三米多高,无比的真切。 Takes possession!” “附体!” The startled day drinks one lowly, both hands presses suddenly in the ground, so the four limbs are well-grounded, on that day Beastly Soul of lonesome demon wolf then arrived, falls on startled day within the body. 项惊天低喝一声,双手忽然按在地面上,如此四肢着地,那天寂魔狼的兽魂便降临下来,落在项惊天的体内。 Saw that a startled day had the great change. 随之就看到项惊天发生了巨变。 His face was forward prominent, changed to the wolf head, the facial features were fierce, both eyes shut tightly, the whole face was the black hair, the body is starts to change, the four limbs changed to the demon wolf four limbs to be well-grounded, on the buttocks stretches out a tail. 他的面庞向前突出,化作了狼首,面容狰狞可怕,双目紧闭,满脸都是黑色的毛发,身体更是开始变样,四肢化作魔狼四肢着地,屁股上更是伸出一条尾巴。 Unexpectedly changed to the appearance of day lonesome demon wolf. 居然化作了天寂魔狼的样子。 Roar!” “吼!” A wolf eats delicacies, is turbulent a formidable pressure. 一声狼啸,动荡出一股强大的威压。 Hides some that looks in Xie Aoyu of hidden place does not dare to believe that he knows that the fable of beast spirit body, that is this person, its system close Demon Beast, is quick in the practice speed, and can through the special physique, master Demon Beast some special abilities. 隐藏在暗处的谢傲宇看的有些不敢置信,他知道兽灵体的传说,那就是这种人,其体制接近魔兽,在修炼方面速度是很快的,并且能够通过特殊的体质,掌握魔兽的一些特殊的能力。 Belongs to the middle of the human different races. 属于人类当中的异类。 Xie Aoyu has never thought that unexpectedly some people can the incarnation be Demon Beast, moreover after Demon Beast changes the body, the strength has very strong promotion obviously. 只是谢傲宇从未想过,居然有人可以化身为魔兽,而且魔兽变身之后,力量明显有着非常强的提升。 Brush! 刷! After completing changes the body, both eyes of startled day shutting tightly suddenly open. 完成变身之后,项惊天紧闭的双目陡然睁开。 Wipes the green laser to explode to shoot, seems substantive, the penetration is void, making the front two megaliths rupture loudly, body rocking slightly, a fluctuation of energy of faint trace then sends out, such as the running water to four spreads. 一抹绿光爆射出去,好似实质般,穿透虚空,令前面的两块巨石轰然爆裂,身体微微的晃动,一丝丝的能量波动便散发出来,如流水般向四下蔓延开来。 The Xie Aoyu secret passage is not wonderful, he displays the earth to escape hurriedly. 谢傲宇暗道不妙,他急忙施展土遁。 Surname earth escaped 300 meters far place. 一次姓土遁到了300米远的地方。 That energy spreads to stop to more than 100 meters regions, at this time a startled talent lowered the head to that gulf in has been sending out low and deep whooshing. 那能量则蔓延至100多米的区域才停下来,这时候项惊天才低头对着那深坑内发出了一声声的低沉嘶吼。 The sound changes to the aperture, flows unceasingly. 声音化作光圈,不断地流动下去。 Xie Aoyu felt that the following fluctuation of energy started to strengthen, as if had the ban by remove, similarly, unceasing release energy the aura of startled day was weaken. 谢傲宇就感到下面的能量波动开始加强了,仿佛有禁制正在被解除,同样的,不断释放能量的项惊天的气息则在减弱。 Although 12 white clothing men outside examination, but at this time, strongly started the attention to a startled day, was somewhat anxious, anticipation looks. 12名白衣男子虽然在查看外面,但这时候,也开始将注意力集中到了项惊天身上,有些紧张,期待的看着。 So continues for nearly a half hour. 如此持续将近半个小时。 The startled day aura to the freezing point, that incarnation presented shivering for the body of day lonesome demon wolf appearance weakly, the wolf wool of consubstantiality is soaked by the sweat, tight post on body, often flowing off sweat. 项惊天的气息已经微弱到了冰点,那化身为天寂魔狼模样儿的躯体出现了颤抖,同体的狼毛都被汗水湿透了,紧紧贴在身上,不时的流下汗水。 Is strengthening as for the fluctuation of energy that in that gulf sends out, has the nattierblue halo to send out together from inside, reflects to shine on the body of day lonesome demon wolf, is appears fierce fearful. 至于那深坑内散发出来的能量波动则在加强,更是有一道淡青色的光晕从里面散发出来,映映照在天寂魔狼的身上,更是显得狰狞可怕。 Bang!” “嘭!” Vibrates in the day lonesome demon wolf four limbs, soon weak time, under hears a report. 在天寂魔狼四肢抖动,即将不支的时候,下方传来一声爆裂声。 Then a day lonesome demon wolf stature fierce vibration, then one falls down, its stature also starts to change gradually, restores a startled day the appearance. 接着天寂魔狼身躯剧烈的一抖动,便一下倒在地上,它的身躯也开始渐渐地发生变化,恢复项惊天的模样儿。 „!” “咻!” The formidable energy light beam flies to shoot together suddenly from the gulf, enters the upper air, pierced the world, making the highest heaven cloud layer shiver, changed to the form of day of lonesome demon wolf with the upper air. 一道强大的能量光束陡然从深坑内飞射出来,直入高空,洞穿了天地,令九霄云层为之颤动,与高空化作天寂魔狼的身影。 Meanwhile, almost does not divide priority, five light beams soar to the heavens. 于此同时,几乎是不分先后的,又有五道光束冲天。 That five light beams in Xie Aoyu in all around of position, are distanced not to know that separately many distances, is only that strength fluctuation is extremely intense, and brilliance is dazzling, clear that can look. 那五道光束分别在谢傲宇所在位置的四周,相距也不知有多少距离,只是那力量波动太过强烈,并且光华刺眼,才能看的清晰。 Five light beams and upper air constituted five forms similarly. 五道光束与高空同样构成了五条身影。 Their bright sea protects Demon Beast to swallow the sea beast! 它们正是光明海守护魔兽吞海兽! The hei deep pool palace protects the Demon Beast dark hydra! \\ N 黒渊殿守护魔兽暗黑九头蛇!\\n Evil Luo Shengdi protects Demon Beast to crack Sky Demon Niu Wang! 邪罗圣地守护魔兽天魔牛王! Day Luo Shengdi protects the Demon Beast violence demon bear! 天罗圣地守护魔兽暴力魔熊! Xuantian Gong protects the Demon Beast Tianlong lion! 玄天宫守护魔兽通天龙狮!
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