BE :: Volume #10

#935: One egg twin 【Two】

Dragon Clan has one about the Dragon Clan super magnificent fable. 龙族有一个关于龙族超级辉煌的传说。 Historically the Dragon Clan achievement can three nights relate with three days, long of time they have, wants longer than humanity, currently has the writing record of record, the Dragon Clan earliest history 100,000 years ago, but in these 100,000 years of history, the Dragon Clan experience passes through a time super magnificent time, twice magnificent time. 在历史上龙族的成就可以用三天三夜来诉说,它们存在的时间之长,比人类还要长一些,就目前有记载的文字记录,龙族最早的历史是在100000年前,而在这100000年的历史中,龙族历经过一次超级辉煌时代,两次辉煌时代。 So-called magnificent time, most famous was the antiquity Saint Emperor age. 所谓的辉煌时代,最有名的就是上古圣皇年代。 But another time was the person king age of before the Flood end. 而另外一次则是上古时代末期的人王年代。 As for the super magnificent age, the hearsay 100,000 years ago, at that time was called the myth time, the fable origin of bright demon, original Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan do not believe that but the tyrannosaurus has given the conclusion, this was real, even beside world, but also had god and hell demon, but was given the seal by antiquity Saint Emperor. 至于超级辉煌年代,传闻是在100000年前,那时候又被称为神话时代,有神魔的传说起源,本来谢傲宇如烟是不相信的,可是霸王龙已经给出结论,这都是真实的,甚至在人间界之外,还存在神界和地狱魔界,只是都被上古圣皇给封印了起来。 That super magnificent age, Dragon Clan is world most tyrannical existence, the command was known as that what in history most formidable time was antiquity Angel Clan must be apprehensive, even finally low-spirited retreating. 那个超级辉煌的年代,龙族是人间界最强横的存在,令号称史上最强大时代的是上古天使族都要忌惮三分,甚至最后黯然的退却。 At that time, the strong presences of Dragon Clan not only emperor nine Saint hundred Dragon King, another big dragons of several special existence, they are pick up the Dragon Clan super magnificent time the key, that is the associated Saint dragon, after the dragon emperor , after the dragon, tumultuous times dragon of three Brontosaurus wait / etc. different races in many Dragon Clan. 就在那时候,龙族不但有一皇九圣百龙王的强大势力,还有另外几种特殊的存在的巨龙,它们才是托起龙族超级辉煌时代的关键,那就是伴生圣龙,龙皇之后龙后、乱世之龙三眼雷龙等等诸多龙族中的异类。 The associated Saint dragon, is egg twin Dragon Clan. 伴生圣龙,就是一蛋双生的龙族 It is well known, even if the Dragon Clan largest times, never over 50,000 numbers, that is because of the Dragon Clan multiplication unusual difficulty, an egg twin is difficult, even if occasionally exists, is only in the middle of ordinary Dragon Clan, Saint dragon and Dragon King level is impossible, quantity limit. 众所周知,就算是龙族数量最多的时候,也从未有超过50000之数,那是因为龙族的繁衍非常的困难,一蛋双生更是困难,就算是偶尔存在,也只是普通龙族当中,圣龙、龙王级的根本不可能,数量限制的。 May in the super magnificent time, have birth of associated Shuanglong. 可在超级辉煌时代,就有伴生双龙的出世。 Therefore leaves behind a Dragon Clan fable, dragon of associated Saint dragon auspicious omen, dragon of three Brontosaurus tumultuous times , if also born, is reappearance of Dragon Clan super magnificent time. 故此留下一个龙族传说,祥瑞之龙伴生圣龙,乱世之龙三眼雷龙如若同时诞生,那么就是龙族超级辉煌时代的再现。 Their mother deep sea quiet night Saint dragon also evolves from deep sea quiet night Dragon King, therefore under birth can only be Dragon King potential, to become the Saint dragon, must depend upon own effort, but they is a birth twin, and has Dragon King potential, goes beyond the ability of normal Dragon King, that had one type to explain.” Ru Yan spoke of here, looks at that two deep sea quiet night Dragon King, you gave me an answer.” “它们的母亲深海幽夜圣龙也是从深海幽夜龙王进化而成的,所以诞下的只能是龙王潜力的,要想成为圣龙,必须依靠自己的努力,可是它们是一诞双生,且都拥有龙王潜力,还是超过正常龙王的能力,那就只有一种解释了。”如烟说到这里,看着那两条深海幽夜龙王,“你们给我一个答案。” Because probably Ru Yan has the source of Saint dragon, and soul of the Saint dragon is their mother's reasons, two Dragon King both very much respects to Ru Yan. 大概因为如烟拥有圣龙之源,且其中一条圣龙之魂还是它们母亲的缘故,两条龙王都对如烟很尊敬。 And left Xiaolong kingly way: We just have been inherited to remember that mother has left behind a dragon source to us, on that mountain.” 其中左侧的小龙王道:“我们刚刚得到传承记忆,母亲给我们留下了一份龙源,就在那座山上。” Dragon source, associated Saint dragon transformation basic strength.” Xie Aoyu has smiled, you are really the associated Saint dragons, Ha Ha, the dragon of auspicious omen was born, the dragon of tumultuous times early appeared, does not know that the Dragon Clan super magnificent time in fable approached, I start to anticipate now Xing Yun has spoken a few words.” He and Ru Yan looks at each other, they also said: Dragon Clan tumultuous times!” “龙源,伴生圣龙蜕变根本之力。”谢傲宇笑了,“你们果然是伴生圣龙,哈哈,祥瑞之龙诞生了,乱世之龙早已经出现了,就是不知道传说中的龙族超级辉煌时代是不是真的来临了,我现在开始期待星云说过的一句话了。”他和如烟相视一眼,两人同时说道:“龙族乱世!” The so-called Dragon Clan tumultuous times, Xie Aoyu had thought at first is also rising of Dragon Clan, now knows that the sentiment is that fable oncoming of Dragon Clan most magnificent age. 所谓的龙族乱世,起初谢傲宇一直觉得也就是龙族的崛起,现在才知道,感情是那传说中的龙族最辉煌年代的来临。 This was indicating that this time is also in history the most magnificent time? 这是不是在表明,这个时代也将是史上最辉煌的时代呢? The Xie Aoyu vision cannot help but looked that to the utmost locates, there is floating the mountain range, mixed the owners of world three demon swords to be going born, several thousand years of person king bloodline seals also otherwise also arrived at remove time? 谢傲宇的目光不由得看向极尽处,那里一座漂浮着的山峦,混世三魔剑的主人将要出世了,数万年的人王血脉封印也否也到了解除的时候了呢? All as if are developing to this aspect. 一切似乎都在向这方面发展着。 Ru Yan, you said that you are the source of Saint dragon master, Long Chong has this becomes Jingang Dragon King of Saint dragon hope, but non- these tyrannical can Dragon Clan, somewhat lose?” Xie Aoyu smiles to ask. 如烟,你说你身为圣龙之源的主人,龙宠却只是有这成为圣龙希望的金刚龙王,而非那些强横的龙族,会否有些失落呢?”谢傲宇笑问道。 Ru Yan has also smiled, said: No.” 如烟也笑了,道:“没有。” Really?” Xie Aoyu said in consternation. “真的?”谢傲宇愕然道。 Naturally, you do not know that Jingang Dragon King takes Long Lingjing to complete the transformation, that after it grows to build the solid foundation.” Ru Yan cracks into a chuckle, actually Jingang Dragon King is only the variation first step, its future also will be the Dragon Clan super magnificent age, one of the most mysterious Dragon Clan.” “当然,难道你不知道金刚龙王服用龙灵晶完成蜕变,那只是为它以后成长打下坚实的基础而已。”如烟嘻嘻一笑,“其实金刚龙王只是变异的第一步,它的未来也将是龙族超级辉煌年代,最神奇的龙族之一呢。” „? Is the dragon latter clan?” The Xie Aoyu bursting out laughing said. “哦?难道是龙后一族?”谢傲宇哑然道。 Since there are emperor, naturally has the empress. 既然有皇帝,自然就有皇后。 Dragon Clan has Long Huang, similarly after also has the dragon, is only the birth after dragon very difficult, in history has also been born twice, besides the greatly magnificent time, was person of Wang Niandai was born one, what a pity died, it is said after the dragon, was the strength is next to Long Huang super Dragon Clan, grew, must surmount the Saint dragon, with dragon emperor same level, but the battle efficiency was not as good as a line. 龙族有龙皇,同样也有龙后,只是龙后的诞生非常的艰难,史上也只是诞生过两次,除了大辉煌时代,还有就是人王年代曾经诞生过一只,可惜已经陨落了,据说龙后是实力仅次于龙皇一线的超级龙族,成长起来,要超越圣龙的,与龙皇同级,只是战斗力略逊一线罢了。 Naturally is not, the dragon latter clan is inborn, is not the variation.” Ru Yan is drawing carrying on the back of his jumping up small Dragon King, I am unable to conclude temporarily, the feeling of but according to the source of Saint dragon bringing, definite Jingang Dragon King can evolve very mysterious Dragon Clan, so-called Dragon Clan hundred kinds, at least ten Dragon Clan have the symbolic significance, for example three Brontosaurus will be the dragon of tumultuous times, Jingang Dragon King will decide in the future however also has its unusual significance.” She said that taps the head of small Dragon King, walks, seeks your mother to the dragon source that you leave behind.” “当然不是,龙后一族是天生的,可不是变异的。”如烟拉着他跳上小龙王的背上,“我暂时也无法断定,只是根据圣龙之源带来的感觉,确定的金刚龙王能够进化成一种非常神奇的龙族,所谓龙族百类,其中至少有十种龙族是有象征意义的,比如三眼雷龙是乱世之龙,金刚龙王未来定然也有它奇特的意义的。”她说完一拍小龙王的脑袋,“走吧,去寻找你母亲给你们留下的龙源。” Left small Dragon King sends out Long Yin, the vibration dragon wing soars. 左侧小龙王发出一声龙吟,震动龙翼高飞。 Remembers through the inheritance that two small Dragon King already knew Long Yuan Site. 通过传承记忆,两条小龙王早就知道龙源所在地了。 They then rush to that to have one side of Long Yuan the mountain quickly, this Shan Zu has ten thousand meters high, and is similar to a long spear stands erect all over the body, in -line clouds, all around completely is the sheer precipice, path that simply on foot has not climbed a mountain. 他们很快便赶到那座存有龙源的高山一侧,这山足有万米之高,且通体就如同一条长枪竖立,直插云霄,四周尽是悬崖峭壁,根本没有徒步爬山的道路。 Arrives here, Ru Yan the source of Saint dragon then bright. 到达这里,如烟的圣龙之源便明亮了起来。 They float in the midair, to the east side cliff of that mountain, probably from the summit has 200 meters from the position. 他们漂浮在半空中,对着那山的东侧悬崖,大概距离山巅有200米的距离位置。 „!” “咻!” Does not need to direct, the source of that Saint dragon has been projecting immediately light beam to the cliff. 不需要指引,那圣龙之源当即对着悬崖就射出了一道光束。 bo “啵” The light beam hits one and common cave, in that cave experiences together the fluctuation of energy immediately, is a special ban, the light beam hits impressively is similar to a water drop falls into the tranquil stagnant water, pan- a ripple piece by piece. 光束击中其中的一个并不起眼的山洞,那山洞内登时出现一道能量波动,赫然是一种特殊的禁制,光束击中如同一滴水落入平静的死水中,泛起一片片的波纹。 This light beam has not struck the ban. 这光束并未击开禁制。 Two small Dragon King goes to the forward flight, exudes one to neigh respectively, is turbulent their strengths, the strengths of two small Dragon King superimpose, attacks the ban together. 两条小龙王则是向前飞去,各自发出一声嘶鸣,动荡出它们的力量,两条小龙王的力量相叠加,一起冲击禁制。 So, banned that was opened. 如此,禁制才被打开。 This is the dual bans, what need is the strength of source and associated Saint dragon Saint dragon can open. 这是双重禁制,需要的是圣龙之源和伴生圣龙的力量才能够打开。 The ban starts, then flew. 禁制开启,便都飞了进去。 The cave is very deep, some inside also Incantation technique establish, but after meeting two small Dragon King, voluntarily disintegrates the smashing, has not encountered the hindrance. 山洞很深,里面也有一些咒术设置,但是遇到两条小龙王之后,都是自行瓦解粉碎的,并没有遇到阻碍。 Enters to most deep place, in a place above of similar small sacrificial altar, has giant photosphere, this photosphere diameter has 34 meters fully, is sending out the light golden halo, the small photospheres of inside two beats, are similar to the adorable mischievous children, back and forth is dancing in the air, to human a cheerful feeling. 进入到最深处,在一个类似小祭台的上方,有着一个巨大的光球,这个光球直径足有34米,散发着淡淡的金色光晕,里面则有两个跳动的小光球,如同可爱的小淘气,来回的飞舞着,给人一种欢快的感觉。 „Is this Long Yuan?” Xie Aoyu said. “这是龙源?”谢傲宇道。 Ru Yan said: Should not be wrong.” She then looks to two small Dragon King, you go, we come to protect buddhist law for you, some people will not disturb.” 如烟道:“应该不会错的。”她转而看向两条小龙王,“你们去吧,我们来为你们护法,不会有人打扰的。” Roar!” “吼!” Small Dragon King exudes one to neigh, their stature rapid reductions. 小龙王发出一声嘶鸣,它们的身躯迅速的缩小。 Has one meter high situation probably, this stops reducing, two small Dragon King together has then flown into Long Yuannei, afterward that dragon source brilliance Sheng, from inside to outside sends out a greenishness halo greatly, covers the entire photo source, at first sight comes up, is similar to the green great egg. 大概只有一米高的地步,这才停止缩小,两条小龙王便一起飞入了龙源内,随后那龙源光华大盛,从内往外散发出一丝浅绿色的光晕,将整个光源笼罩起来,乍看上去,如同绿色的巨蛋。 Ru Yan, you already know that the Dragon Clan most magnificent time did approach?” Xie Aoyu looks at Ru Yan throughout is a calm manner, cannot help but has had a suspicion. 如烟,你是不是早就知道龙族最辉煌时代来临了?”谢傲宇看着如烟始终都是一副淡定的神态,不由得产生了一丝怀疑。 The Ru Yan nod said: „The earth Jingang dragon transforms into Jingang Dragon King time, I have guessed correctly, but does not have the full assurance.” She has referred to the source of Saint dragon, I felt that the mystery of source of Saint dragon as if not lie in can take to me many abilities, but to the help of Dragon Clan is.” 如烟点头道:“大地金刚龙蜕变为金刚龙王的时候,我就猜到了,只是没有十足的把握罢了。”她指了指圣龙之源,“我感觉圣龙之源的奥妙似乎并不在于能够带给我多少能力,而是对龙族的帮助才是。” If so, pours can also understand that after all on that day made it source take to my feeling, is a little abnormal, but Wynter of Emperor level superior can urge to send it to display the self- repair wound ability, the source of Saint dragon actually needs to reach the Battle Emperor level, this has very big disparity obviously, only if the function of source of Saint dragon lies in Dragon Clan.” Xie Aoyu hesitates slightly, then said own judgment, „. Moreover the dragon soul of this deep sea quiet night Saint dragon can maintain a weak consciousness does not extinguish, definitely also has other goals, Ru Yan, you draw support from they swallow Long Yuan the time now carries on the practice, has a look to be able with a deep sea quiet night Saint Long Long Hun wisp of consciousness to communicate while convenient.” “若是如此,倒也能理解,毕竟那天使之源带给我的感觉,有点变态,只是天王级上位的温特都能够催发它发挥出自我修复创伤的能力,圣龙之源却需要达到战皇级才可以,这显然有着很大的差距,除非是圣龙之源的作用在于龙族。”谢傲宇略微沉吟一下,便说出了自己的判断,“而且这深海幽夜圣龙的龙魂能够保持一丝微弱的意识不灭,肯定还有着其他的目的,如烟,你现在就借助它们吞服龙源的时候进行修炼吧,顺便看看能不能与深海幽夜圣龙龙魂的一缕意识进行沟通。” Um.” Ru Yan complies with one, then before flying that seemed the green Long Danban dragon source. “嗯。”如烟答应一声,便飞到了那好似绿色龙蛋般的龙源前。 She starts the communication Saint dragon source of as far as possible. 她开始尽量的沟通圣龙之源。 Xie Aoyu looks at all smoothly, he does not dare to be negligent, if there is any person or Demon Beast destroys, that will swallow Long Yuan to have the threat to two small Dragon King. 谢傲宇看着一切进行顺利,他则不敢大意,若是有什么人或者魔兽来破坏,那会对两条小龙王吞服龙源有着威胁的。 He opens the auricle to pass comprehensively, sits cross-legged near mountain cave entrance. 他全面开启心耳通,盘坐在山洞口附近。 Practices with seven points of mind, strives as far as possible completes to surmount to enter Ten Kings Level the pass, he felt faintly, after striding in the Ten Kings Level boundary, may open the reason of that mystical feeling. 用七分的心神去修炼,争取尽可能的完成跨越进入十王级的这一关,他隐隐感觉,跨入十王级境界之后,或许会揭开那神秘感觉的原因。 He is very strange, why the Emperor level practice speed slows down, will have one type to have the feeling of advantage to him. 他很奇怪,为什么天王级修炼速度减缓,会有一种对他更有好处的感觉。 Three points of energy is paying attention to outside. 三分的精力关注着外面。 On quick that such time passes, hears the speaking voice until outside, Xie Aoyu stopped the practice, this sound, he somewhat is familiar, is the day lonesome mountain top startled day! 就这样时间过去的很快,直到外面传来说话声,谢傲宇才停止了修炼,这声音,他还有些熟悉,正是天寂山项惊天!
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