BE :: Volume #10

#934: One egg twin 【One】

Condenses the wing of angel! 凝聚天使之翼! Xie Aoyu wants not to want then to give up, the wing of angel to him, does not affect, by the speed, he has Wind and rain line, therefore grass controls own Qi to control on the day of immediately causes the gentle bright energy that it tears send out. 谢傲宇想也不想便放弃了,天使之翼对他而言,毫无作用,论速度,他有风雨行,所以当即艹控着自己的斗气去控制那天使之泪散发出来的柔和的光明能量。 He forces that bright energy to fuse with his Qi immediately. 他当即强迫着那股光明能量与自己的斗气进行融合。 Both eventually are not the surnames. 两者终究是不同属姓的。 Brightly is the surname, one is the thunder, earth and wooden three species surnames, is the wood is the surname wants to approach with it, made the strength conflict a little slow down reluctantly slightly, was actually not the leading role. 一个是光明属姓,一个则是雷、土、木三种属姓,其中也就是木属姓与之想接近罢了,勉强令力量冲突稍微有点减缓,却不是主要作用。 Two strength fusions, conflict, fuse and conflict, so repeated is carrying on. 两股力量融合、冲突、融合、冲突,如此反复的进行着。 This is uses the body of Xie Aoyu as the carrier, tearing that conflict produces, made his also ache must die, Xie Aoyu was suppressing the ache, was riding this process, he instantly stands up, pure dependence both hands started all Fights Technique that displayed him to grasp, through swaying Fights Technique, makes two strengths carry on the thorough fusion. 这是以谢傲宇的身体为载体的,那种冲突产生的撕扯,令他也疼痛的要死,谢傲宇强忍着疼痛,乘着这份过程,他即刻站起身,纯粹依靠双手开始施展他所掌握的一切斗技,通过挥洒斗技,来令两股力量进行彻底的融合。 His whole body skeleton that seven Fights Technique repeated displaying of Dragon Overlord Boxing fist deep meanings, hit is vibrating, makes the hammering shivering sound, gave to put down this summit all bulge places. 七种霸龙拳奥义的斗技反复的施展,打的他全身骨骼都在震动,发出打铁般的颤抖声响,更是将这山巅所有的凸起地方都给扫平了。 Afterward is Broken Shield Cut, Lei Baosha wait / etc. Fights Technique. 随后就是破盾斩,雷爆杀等等斗技 So optional swaying Fights Technique, enabling Xie Aoyu to have a feeling of soaring, not only the fusion of that bright energy is speeding up, what made his joyful was, he really also had some new understanding to these Fights Technique. 如此随意的挥洒斗技,使得谢傲宇有一种腾飞的感觉,不但那光明能量的融合在加快,更令他欣喜的是,他对这些斗技竟然又有了一些新的认识。 Then, Xie Aoyu displaying Fights Technique repeatedly. 就这样,谢傲宇一遍一遍的施展斗技 Until said falls, he still immersed was inescapably involved. 直至曰落,他仍然沉浸其中不能自拔。 His Qi has not consumed in this swaying, instead throughout is maintaining an astonishing altitude, is at the peak, the condition has not had slight fluctuating. 他的斗气并没有在这种挥洒中消耗,反而始终保持着一种惊人的高度,处于巅峰时期,状态也未曾有丝毫的起伏。 The bright energy also in swaying Fights Technique integrated in Qi. 光明能量也已经在挥洒斗技中融入到了斗气内。 Xie Aoyu then felt that own Qi obtained the suitable enhancement, he displays in Fights Technique, is inducing the circulation in within the body Qi, that bright energy little exuviae turn into his Qi. 谢傲宇便感到自己的斗气得到了相当的增强,他施展斗技中,感应着体内斗气的流转,那光明能量一点点的蜕变成他的斗气 After saying falls, everywhere stars. 曰落之后,漫天繁星。 A form flies from the distant place, she according to the source of hauling Saint dragon, goes Ru Yan that seeks , the excitement of this time her whole face, its bosom was also holding a great egg of outsize, then compared with before Ru Yan and Xie Aoyu the Demon Beast egg that the bright demon tiger that saw was at also wanted big one time. 一条身影从远处飞来,她正是根据圣龙之源牵引,前去寻找的如烟,这时候的她满脸的兴奋之情,其怀抱还抱着一枚特大号的巨蛋,那比如烟谢傲宇之前看到的光明魔虎所在的魔兽蛋还要大一倍有余。 Holds the so great egg to fly, Ru Yan appears by the great egg somewhat is small, to the human a strenuous feeling, is Ru Yan actually quite excited. 抱着如此巨蛋飞行,如烟都被巨蛋显得有些小,给人一种吃力的感觉,可是如烟却相当的兴奋。 Profound Spirit between her glabellas is glittering the gentle halo, inside reappeared a form of Saint dragon, that is not the inborn Saint dragon, but is the Saint dragon that the day after tomorrow will evolve becomes, its form will be partly visible, is sending out the gentle halo, as if with that great egg tow. 她那眉心间的玄灵闪烁着柔和的光晕,里面更是浮现了一条圣龙的身影,那不是天生的圣龙,而是后天进化而成的圣龙,它的身影若隐若现,散发着柔和的光晕,似乎与那巨蛋相牵引似地。 Arrives at the destination, Ru Yan puts down great egg. 到达目的地,如烟将巨蛋放下。 She saw Xie Aoyu still immersion in, was swaying various Fights Technique unceasingly, but Xie Aoyu displays Fights Technique now, display strength no longer focusing on destruction, but seizing the chance in, in a deeper level, or unearthed the Fights Technique mystery as well as the innovation. 她看到谢傲宇仍然沉浸其中,不断地挥洒着各种斗技,只是现在谢傲宇施展斗技,发挥的力量不再是以破坏为主的,而是趁机其中,在更深层次的,或者说去挖掘斗技的奥妙以及创新。 Sees only Xie Aoyu to wield in both hands, surrounding area in hundred meters void will then present the shake, as the observer, Ru Yan can realize profoundly that vibration the great strength of strength, with is the Emperor level superior boundary, Ru Yan even suspected one display strongest Fights Technique fully, feared that is irresistibly. 只见谢傲宇挥动双手间,方圆百米内的虚空便会出现震荡,作为旁观者,如烟能够深刻的体会到,那震动的力量之强大,同为天王级上位境界,如烟甚至怀疑自己全力发挥出最强斗技,怕是都无法抵抗吧。 In the same month the upper culmination, Xie Aoyu stopped, sat cross-legged to sit. 当月上中天,谢傲宇才停下来,盘腿而坐。 He as if to all not slight feeling of outside. 他仿佛对外界的一切都没有丝毫的感觉。 Is calm and steady along with him, the Qi long line in within the body then rolling flows, the pure divine and wonderful spirit between world seemed found a round of drain port, surging forward to his within the body convergance. 随着他安稳下来,体内的斗气长龙便滚滚而流,天地间的纯粹灵气好似找到发泄口似地,汹涌澎湃的向他的体内会聚。 Can break through?” In the Ru Yan beautiful pupil flashes through wipes pleasantly surprised. “要突破了?”如烟美眸中闪过一抹惊喜。 She is holding the great egg, will flutter about hundred meters, will wait and see in the distant place, so as to avoid the Xie Aoyu strength will erupt, will destroy the great egg, that was awful. 她抱着巨蛋,飘飞出去将近百米,在远处观望,免得谢傲宇的力量爆发出来,会摧毁巨蛋,那就糟糕了。 Time little passing. 时间一点点的流逝。 The moonset said rises. 月落曰升。 Xu said raises slowly, wiped the sunlight to sprinkle from the East, was falling above the Xie Aoyu top of the head, making him seem seems fills with the aura of god. 旭曰冉冉升起,一抹阳光从东方洒下,正落在谢傲宇的头顶上方,令他看上去好似充满神的气息。 Xie Aoyu has opened the eye slowly. 谢傲宇缓缓地睁开了眼睛。 What kind of? Broke through?” Ru Yan excited overrunning, anxious asking. “怎么样?突破了吗?”如烟激动的冲过去,紧张的问道。 Xie Aoyu shakes the head, said: Where is so easy.” 谢傲宇摇摇头,道:“哪有那么容易。” Not, your practice talent, in addition tears of the angel, even if strength losing are many, but you arrived at the Emperor level superior breakthrough edge, how hasn't been able to break through?” Is the Ru Yan puzzled say (way), Ma Li Ya is being up to mischief really? Did she make your practice speed reduce speed really?” “不会吧,你的修炼天赋,加上一枚天使之泪,就算是力量遗失很多的,可你本身就已经到了天王级上位突破边缘了,怎会还无法突破呢?”如烟不解的道,“难道真的是玛丽娅在搞鬼?她真的让你的修炼速度减慢了?” Should be, does not know any means that she uses, my practice speed indeed has reduced speed.” Xie Aoyu said with a sigh, „, if not so, by last night condition, can definitely exceed, now thinks, initially I the position breakthrough edge in the Emperor level wandered was so long, feared was also Ma Li Ya dry, it seems like that the inference of tyrannosaurus real, Ma Li Ya moved certainly any hands and feet to me, making my speed slow down.” He shrugs immediately, say (way) with a laugh, what is good, I was the practice speed have reduced speed, still wanted quick Wu Dongtian and Zheng Batian are many, even if now, I was also a foot strided in the Ten Kings Level boundary, exactly said that can also be the accurate Ten Kings Level master.” “应该是了,不知道她用的什么办法,我的修炼速度的确有所减慢了。”谢傲宇叹息道,“若非如此,以昨晚的状态,完全可以一举突破的,现在想一下,当初我在天王级中位突破边缘徘徊了那么久,怕也是玛丽娅干的吧,看来霸王龙的推断都是真的,玛丽娅一定给我动了什么手脚,让我速度减缓的。”他随即耸耸肩,笑呵呵的道,“还好的是,我就算是修炼速度减慢了,仍旧要快过武动天和郑霸天很多,就算是现在,我也是一只脚跨入了十王级境界,确切的说,也可以算是准十王级的高手了。” Ru Yan said: May like this to your practice always not wonderful, we must find the way to remove Ma Li Ya as soon as possible are the keys, has her, I always did not feel relieved.” 如烟道:“可这样对你的修炼总是不妙的啊,我们必须想办法尽快除掉玛丽娅才是关键,有她在,我总是不放心。” The chuckle, Xie Aoyu said: Will have the means that moreover last night I practiced, faintly feelings, in slow-down of Emperor level boundary practice speed, as if to my some advantage, but I suddenly have not done to understand.” 轻笑了一下,谢傲宇道:“会有办法的,而且昨晚我修炼的时候,隐隐有一种感觉,在天王级境界修炼速度的减慢,似乎对我有一些好处,只是我一时间还没有搞明白。” Advantage?” Ru Yan stunned say (way). “好处?”如烟错愕的道。 Um, right, indeed is so, as if has any strength to let Ma Li Ya to my action, should change the effect.” Xie Aoyu said. “嗯,没错,的确是如此的,似乎有什么力量在让玛丽娅对我的举措,该给改变了效果。”谢傲宇道。 This saying lets the Ru Yan smile was bewildered. 这话更让如烟听的莫名其妙了。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Concrete I do not talk clearly, but felt that as if the mystical strengths in helping me, fuse the bright strength in me that flash, I accidentally discovered that but I had not actually found the source, the intuition told me, I slowed down in the practice of Emperor level boundary, after being very likely is I will stride in the Ten Kings Level boundary, a foundation that can rapidly promote, completely crushed the Ma Li Ya plot.” 谢傲宇笑道:“具体的我也说不清楚,只是感到似乎有一股神秘的力量在帮我,就在我融合光明力量的那一瞬间,我才无意中发现的,可我却没找到源头,直觉告诉我,我在天王级境界的修炼减缓,极有可能会是我跨入十王级境界之后,能够更加快速提升的一个基础,彻底粉碎玛丽娅的阴谋。” Always isn't in your body also will have a soul?” The Ru Yan doubt said. “总不会是你身体内还有个灵魂吧?”如烟狐疑道。 Xie Aoyu shakes the head, he does not think yes what's the matter. 谢傲宇摇摇头,他也想不明白怎么回事。 Is airtight, no longer goes to think that Xie Aoyu then looks to that super great egg, this should be the dragon egg, very thick Dragon Clan aura.” 想不透,就不再去想,谢傲宇转而看向那枚超级巨蛋,“这应该是龙蛋了,很浓厚的龙族气息啊。” Yes, Long Dan, moreover is not the common dragon egg, you have a look.” Ru Yan has referred to own forehead Profound Spirit place. “是啊,龙蛋,而且不是一般的龙蛋,你看看。”如烟指了指自己的眉心玄灵处。 Xie Aoyu then, only then a Saint Long Long soul that noted in that Profound Spirit to reappear did not say that source of Saint dragon the ideology of nine Saint Long Long Hun did vanish? Possibly how this Saint Long Long Hun also has, was, should not be this Long Dan is under its birth, will therefore tow us to seek.” 谢傲宇这才注意到那玄灵内浮现的只有一条圣龙龙魂“不是说圣龙之源的九条圣龙龙魂的思想意识都已经被消失了吗?怎么可能这条圣龙龙魂还有哦,是了,该不会是这龙蛋就是它诞下的吧,所以才会牵引我们来寻。” Ru Yan said: Should so.” 如烟道:“应该如此。” Saint Long Dan! 圣龙蛋! The heart of Xie Aoyu somewhat surges, the Saint Long descendant, naturally not ordinary Dragon Clan can compared with, was later grown, the might is more uncommon. 谢傲宇的心有些激荡起来,圣龙的后代,自然绝非普通龙族所能比的了,以后成年,威力更是不凡的。 Moreover this dragon egg is so giant, obviously is not ordinary. 而且这龙蛋如此巨大,显然也不一般。 Before they arrive at the giant dragon egg, in high spirits. 两人兴冲冲的来到巨大的龙蛋前。 I hatch it.” The Ru Yan excited -ly said, her right hand according to that dragon egg, stimulates to movement the strength of whole body immediately, then made the source of Saint dragon lend the intense Saint dragon aura, this was also the acme that Ru Yan can achieve, the boundless Saint dragon aura circulation entered that giant Long Dannei, immediately rocked, that Saint Long Hun who particularly in that Profound Spirit reappeared was also glittering the light halo, seemed also assisting Ru Yan to hatch this dragon egg. “我来孵化它。”如烟兴奋地道,她右手按在那龙蛋上面,当即催动全身的力量,进而令圣龙之源散发出强烈的圣龙气息,这也是如烟所能做到的极致,磅礴的圣龙气息流转进入那巨型龙蛋内,登时晃动了起来,尤其是那玄灵内浮现的那圣龙魂也闪烁着淡淡的光晕,似乎也在协助如烟孵化这枚龙蛋。 Receives the Saint Long Long Qi stimulation, Long Dan rocked. 受到圣龙龙气的刺激,龙蛋晃动了起来。 Ka ka “咔咔咔咔” Cracks from the palm place outward diffusion of Ru Yan, instantaneous entire Long Dan are the cracks, inside also reappeared the form of dragonet. 一道道的裂缝从如烟的手掌心处向外扩散开来,瞬间整个龙蛋都是裂缝,里面也浮现了小龙的身影。 Bang!” “嘭!” A dragonet head searched. 一个小龙脑袋探了出来。 Bang!” “嘭!” Another dragonet head searched. 紧接着,又一个小龙脑袋探出来了。 Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan look one, cannot help but smiles, they have also guessed correctly, so giant dragon egg, an egg that only then in that fable a probability is extremely born twin. 谢傲宇如烟对望一眼,不由得一笑,他们也猜到了,如此巨大的龙蛋,只有那传说中万分之一几率诞生的一蛋双生。 Two dragonets are the twin. 两条小龙属于双胞胎。 „!” “咔嚓!咔嚓” After two dragonets find out the head, the first movement is opens the mouth to start to eat the egg shell, the huge egg shell thoroughly was eaten by them quickly. 两条小龙探出脑袋之后,第一个动作就是张开嘴巴开始吃起蛋壳,庞大的蛋壳很快就被它们彻底吃下去。 The energy in Saint dragon egg shell with the energies of other big dragon egg shells is obviously different, must be much more, even if two dragonets swallows together, their transformations are also super astonishing. 圣龙蛋壳内的能量显然与其他巨龙蛋壳的能量不一样,要多得多,就算是两条小龙一起吞噬,它们的蜕变也是超级惊人的。 With two dragonets stretches out the neck long hissing, their statures start the fast enlargement. 伴随着两条小龙的引颈长嘶,它们的身躯开始快速的放大。 The imposing manner is increasing. 气势在攀升。 The strength is increasing sharply. 力量在激增。 Their appearances are without change, the degree of enlargement is also same, even if witnesses them born, Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan also very much suspected, if they separate to meet with them, feared that whom cannot branch out is, looked like. 它们的长相一般无二,放大的程度也一样,就算是亲眼目睹它们诞生的,谢傲宇如烟也很怀疑,如果它们分开来与两人见面,怕是都分不出谁是谁,太像了。 Roar!” “吼!” The left dragon exudes one to neigh, vibrates the wing, the whole body is surging the fluctuation of strong river system energy, the right dragon is very calm and steady standing in the one side. 左侧的龙发出一声嘶鸣,震动羽翼,周身涌动着浓厚的水系能量的波动,右侧的龙则是很安稳的站在一旁。 Two Long standards are different. 两条龙姓格迥异。 Emperor level superior.” Xie Aoyu is staring at these two dragons, cannot help but the chuckle, Ru Yan, they may want to be stronger than too many before your Jingang Dragon King transforms just the birth time.” 天王级上位。”谢傲宇盯着这两条龙,不由得轻笑了起来,“如烟,它们可比你的金刚龙王蜕变前刚出生时候要强得太多了。” Ru Yan said with a smile: Yes, you did not think that they also do have a more astounding place? Their mothers are the Saint dragons that Dragon King evolves becomes, after they are born, is to have Dragon King potential, is with for Dragon King potential, why the earth Jingang dragon was just born to swallow the egg shell, is only the Emperor level lower position, are they actually the Emperor level superiors?” 如烟笑道:“是啊,你不觉得它们还有更让人惊奇的地方吗?它们的母亲是龙王进化而成的圣龙,它们诞生之后也是有着龙王潜力的,可是同为龙王潜力的,为什么大地金刚龙刚诞生吞下蛋壳,只是天王级下位,它们却是天王级上位呢?” In the Xie Aoyu heart moves, joyful say (way): They are in the Dragon Clan fable 谢傲宇心中一动,欣喜的道:“难道它们就是龙族传说中的”
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