BE :: Volume #10

#933: The tears of angel 【Three】

Hissing “嘶” That just transformed into Demon Beast of bright hawk emperor is Ten Kings Level Demon Beast, its induction force is sensitive, immediately realized Xie Aoyu this blade is containing strength, that absolutely is the terror, can make it at the scene for the terrorist force that it is killed violently absolutely. 那刚刚蜕变为光明鹰皇的魔兽身为十王级魔兽,其感应力最是敏感,当即就察觉到谢傲宇这一刀所蕴含着的力量,那绝对是恐怖之极的,绝对能够有着令它当场为之毙命的恐怖力量。 The life and death instantaneous, bright hawk emperor also displayed the complete strength. 生死瞬间,光明鹰皇也发挥出了全部的力量。 Its snow white feather pan- the gentle halo, neighed with that formed one greatly was similar to vortex one group of fluctuations of energy, exploded to shoot. 它的身上雪白的羽毛泛起柔和的光晕,随着那一声嘶鸣,形成一道巨大的如同漩涡似地一团能量波动,爆射出去。 That is in the bright magic extremely fearful light broken demon artillery! 那是光明魔法中极其可怕的光明破魔炮! Similarly to strong attack. 同样是至强的攻击。 The strength of both sides encounters instantaneously, as for sign that other such as Wynter, Crue et al. and Demon Beast attack slightly has not weakened, they do not think that Xie Aoyu can defeat the strongest magic attack of bright hawk emperor, then attacks them, attack that therefore they are outspoken. 双方的力量瞬间交锋,至于其他诸如温特、奥克鲁等人、魔兽的攻击则丝毫没有减弱的迹象,他们根本就不认为谢傲宇能够打败光明鹰皇的最强魔法攻击,进而攻击到他们,故而他们毫无保留的出击。 Roar!” “吼!” A Xie Aoyu blade cuts, that Moon Falling Blade as if changes to a Shenlong, smiles the arrogant vault of heaven, numerous dividing cut above the magic attack of that bright hawk emperor. 谢傲宇一刀斩下,那月陨刀仿佛化作一条神龙,笑傲苍穹,重重的劈斩在那光明鹰皇的魔法攻击上面。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” The airing sound resounds suddenly, is centered on junction to strike to select, the surrounding area the space within 300 meters everywhere is the sound of explosion, is the magic by the sign of being disillusioned. 气爆声骤然响起,以交击点为中心,方圆300米内的空间到处都是爆炸的响动,是魔法被破灭的迹象。 In that cream halo, Moon Falling Blade seems black dragon entering the sea, confuses it, the smashing, to four splashes. 在那乳白色的光晕中,月陨刀好似苍龙入海,将其搅乱,粉碎,向四下飞溅出去。 Hissing “嘶” The bright magic is to shatter, formidable strength also instead shakes, center bright hawk emperor. 光明魔法破碎,强大的力量也反震出去,正中光明鹰皇。 It in pitiful yell sound, feather snaps immediately, leaves behind a piece of blood, entire changes to the shell of chest cavity, hits backward, one three Demon Beast sur- masters hitting to four flies. 它当即惨叫声中,身上的羽毛乱射,留下一片鲜血,整个化作出膛的炮弹,向后撞去,一下将三只魔兽外加一名高手给撞的向四下飞去。 Remaining strength of that ten thousand dragon worships is easily accomplished flushing away forward, one collides with many master and Demon Beast attacks once again together. 那万龙朝拜的残余力量更是摧枯拉朽的向前冲去,一下就与诸多高手和魔兽的攻击再度碰撞在一起。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” In the explosive sound of day startled earth movement, forms fly to the distant place. 天惊地动的爆炸声中,一条条身影向远处飞去。 Is the Xie Aoyu also shaken vitality turns wells up, the both arms numb and aching, backs up backward again and again 78 steps, his hard anti- bright hawk emperor Ten Kings Level powerhouse is many powerhouses of head strikes, actually merely received a minor wound, reviews Wynter et al. and bright Demon Beast, is dirty, particularly strength has not reached Emperor level superior boundary Demon Beast to fall from the sky entirely, only then Wynter, Crue and three Emperor level superior Demon Beast had not been cut to fall. 就是谢傲宇也被震的气血翻涌,双臂酸麻,向后连连倒退78步,他一人硬抗光明鹰皇这十王级的强者为首的诸多强者一击,却是仅仅受到了一丝轻伤,反观温特等人和光明魔兽,全都是灰头土脸的,尤其是其中的实力未达天王级上位境界的魔兽统统陨落,只有温特、奥克鲁和三只天王级上位魔兽没有被斩落。 The entire mountain valley also caved. 整个山谷也塌陷了。 This is the unrivalled invincible mights of ten thousand dragon worships. 这就是万龙朝拜的旷世神威。 Coughs “咳咳咳” The rapid light sighing broke the dreariness after explosion. 急促的轻咳声打破了爆炸之后的沉寂。 Sees only vibration that a weeds soil covers several, a person's shadow crawled from below, he impressively is distance fierce combat range recent Tianzai Clan master Tolgot Sadik. 只见一堆杂草泥土覆盖的抖动了几下,一条人影从下面爬了起来,他赫然是距离激战范围最近的天灾族高手多利萨德克。 Also has the sinister smile in its side near and other Tianzai Clan masters, is dirty, by that strength complementary waves shocking the mountain valley almost buried. 在其身边还有阴笑临等几名天灾族高手,也是一个个灰头土脸,被那力量余波给震破的山谷差点掩埋了。 Xie Aoyu!” Tolgot Sadik is temporarily collaborates to cope with Xin Jie Clan with Xie Aoyu, still by Xie Aoyu just now a that unrivalled incomparable blade deep has shocked, several years do not see, your battle efficiency went to so the situation unexpectedly, if not personally sees, I cannot believe.” 谢傲宇!”多利萨德克就算是暂时与谢傲宇联手对付心劫族,仍旧被谢傲宇方才那旷世无匹的一刀深深的震撼了,“几年不见,你的战斗力居然达到了如此地步,若非亲眼所见,我都不敢相信。” The sinister smile near is also staring at Xie Aoyu that lets somebody cool off or calm down, puffs, the muscle on face is also twitching, „, although I do not want to acknowledge very much, but I have saying that your Xie Aoyu has arrived in front of me.” 阴笑临也是冷冷的盯着谢傲宇,喘着粗气,脸上的肌肉也在抽动,“虽然我很不想承认,可我不得不说,你谢傲宇已经走到我前面去了。” Does the Tianzai Clan people to look at Xie Aoyu with the surprised vision, they are still shocking. 一干天灾族人都是用惊奇的目光看着谢傲宇,他们还在震撼。 After all just now is a Ten Kings Level bright hawk emperor, in addition Emperor level superior powerhouse five, the Emperor level masters of many other ranks collaborate to strike. 毕竟方才可是一名十王级的光明鹰皇,加上天王级上位强者五名,还有诸多其他等级的天王级高手联手一击啊。 Xie Aoyu not only melts, unexpectedly also got the absolute winning side. 谢傲宇不但化解,居然还占据了绝对上风。 How not to be startled. 如何不惊。 „It is indeed strong, youth one generation that the strong oddness, Angel Holy Island comes, your Xie Aoyu may be called the first person!” The ice-cold sound conveys from the one side, Wynter fills to kill the vision of intent seems two substantive cold Mang, desolate is staring at Xie Aoyu, may your scenery also should finish.” “的确很强,强的离谱,天使圣岛前来的青年一代,你谢傲宇堪称第一人!”冰冷的声音从一旁传来,温特充满杀意的目光好似两道实质般的冷芒,冷森森的盯着谢傲宇,“可你的风光也该结束了。” His voice falls, people noticed that ascends one group of cream flame in Wynter's back, that impressively is the source of angel. 他话音落下的时候,众人就看到在温特的背后升腾起一团乳白色的火焰,那赫然是天使之源。 Your actually good luck.” Xie Aoyu knits the brows slightly, his original intention must use this move, not only attacks Wynter they, but must shake disperses the source of angel, who knew the source of angel instead to enter in Wynter hand unexpectedly, how not to make him feel odd, even thought somewhat inconceivable. “你倒是好运气。”谢傲宇微微一皱眉,他本意是要动用这一招,不但攻击温特他们,还要震散天使之源的,谁知天使之源居然反入温特手中去了,怎不令他感到奇怪,甚至觉得有些不可思议。 Wynter sneers saying: Luck is also a symbol of person strength.” His intention moves, on that day made it source then depart from his back, flew to his mouth. 温特冷笑道:“运气也是一个人实力的象征。”他心念一动,那天使之源便从他的背后飞出,向他的口中飞去。 He must swallow the source of angel. 他要吞噬天使之源。 Prevents him!” Xie Aoyu breaks shouts to clear the way. “阻止他!”谢傲宇喝道 The Tianzai Clan master almost simultaneously attacks. 天灾族高手几乎是同时出击的。 To them, once Wynter obtains the approval of source of angel, regarding the threat of Tianzai Clan is biggest, therefore they kill entirely. 对于他们而言,一旦温特得到天使之源的认可,对于天灾族的威胁才是最大的,所以他们统统扑杀出去。 Was Xie Aoyu also attacks. 就是谢傲宇也出击了。 If rain wind! 如雨似风! The speed to attack of limit, must strike to quickly kill. 速度快到极限的出击,务必一击必杀。 Source of recovery angel!” Wynter low shouts to clear the way. “天使之源复苏!”温特低喝道 Sees the source of that white flame angel to erupt one group of cream halos suddenly, rapid covers in a surrounding area hundred meters range. 就见那白色的火焰般的天使之源骤然爆发出一团乳白色的光晕,迅速的覆盖方圆百米的范围内。 Hissing “嘶” Roar!” “吼!” The crazy hissing, the beastly roar is deafening. 狂嘶声,兽吼声震耳欲聋。 Is headed by being injured the heaviest bright hawk emperor, unexpectedly shortly entirely restoration such as beginning, and has reached strength most peak once again. 以受伤最重的光明鹰皇为首,居然在顷刻间统统的恢复如初,并且再度达到了力量的最巅峰。 Wynter swallows the source of angel, simultaneously the personal appearance flies upside down backward. 温特则一口将天使之源吞下,同时身形向后倒飞出去。 He just left same place, cold blade light then appeared. 他刚刚离开原地,一把冷冽的刀光便出现了。 That is Xie Aoyu. 那是谢傲宇 Under his absolute speed, even if farthest from Wynter, was still Bidolli Sadik et al. ten meters arrived at Wynter's nearby ahead of time. 他绝对的速度之下,就算距离温特最远,仍旧是比多利萨德克等人提前十米到达了温特的附近。 Brushes!” “刷!” Wynter both hands overlap, a bright Qi shield reappears before the body. 温特双手交叠,一个光明斗气盾浮现在身前。 Bang!” “嘭!” The blade light, that bright Qi shield has burst immediately then. 刀光所过,那光明斗气盾当即便破裂了。 The formidable strength also hits hard above the Wynter overlapping both arms, immediately the blood light spattered in all directions, making that both arms reveal the dense bones of the dead, opened to the both sides balls, the remaining prestige fell on Wynter chest, did not have the strength that must kill, but has broken the skin, left behind a long blood trough. 强大的力量也重击在温特交叉的双臂之上,当即血光迸溅,令那双臂都露出了森森的白骨,向两侧弹开,余威落在温特前胸,却已无必杀的力量,只是破开了皮肤,留下一条长长的血槽而已。 At this time, bright hawk emperor and other rapid protected Wynter. 这时候,光明鹰皇等迅速的将温特保护起来。 The so heavy injury, Wynter is only in an instant, noticed that the forehead a white flame design to flash before, the cream halo passed over gently and swiftly, the whole body wound will shortly recover. 如此重的伤势,温特只是一念之间,就看到眉心处一道白色的火焰图案闪现,乳白色的光晕掠过,全身伤口顷刻间复原。 This is source of one of the angel deep meanings! 这是天使之源的奥义之一! Is unexpectedly fiercer than the source of Saint dragon, on this day enables the stimulation of movement request of it source also to be far from source of request Saint dragon high of that antiquity Angel Clan seriously was fierce, not only improved Dragon Clan to let the ability of young dragon evolution using the curse, but also had the so high improvement in source of angel.” Xie Aoyu sighed at heart secretly the great strength and development of ability antiquity Angel Clan, had the source of angel the repair injury ability, only if can strike to kill off the bright hawk emperor, otherwise was impossible to cut to kill Wynter, ruined the source of angel, but I already used ten thousand dragon worships, consumption certain strength, can display at most again one time, even if has succeeded, will beset with a crisis by oneself.” “竟然比圣龙之源还厉害,这天使之源的催动要求也远远没有圣龙之源要求的那么高,上古天使族当真是厉害,不但改进了龙族利用诅咒让幼龙进化的能力,还在天使之源方面也有如此高的改进。”谢傲宇心里暗自感叹上古天使族的强大和开拓能力,“有天使之源的这种修复伤势的能力,除非能够一击必杀光明鹰皇,否则根本不可能斩杀温特,毁掉天使之源,可我已然使用一次万龙朝拜,消耗一定力量,顶多再能施展一次,哪怕成功了,也会让自己陷入危机的。” Deep looked at a Wynter, already obtained source of angel him, the makings have the change, Xie Aoyu open the left hand palm, tears of the angel are rolling. 深深的看了一眼温特,已然得到天使之源的他,气质也在发生变化,谢傲宇张开左手手掌,有一枚天使之泪在滚动。 Beset with a crisis with it by oneself, not, if departs, when the conditions be ripe again kill Wynter, thinks of here, Xie Aoyu turning around courageously then walks. 与其让自己陷入危机,不若离去,待时机成熟再杀温特,想到这里,谢傲宇当机立断的转身便走。 He simply does not have a hesitation. 他根本没有一丝的犹豫。 This decisive action made Wynter instead look more dignified, low and deep say (way): Does not impulse for the temporary benefit, Xie Aoyu, must be I biggest enemy in the future.” 这种果断的举动令温特反而神色更加凝重,低沉的道:“不为一时的利益而冲动,谢傲宇,将来必是我最大的敌人。” Xie Aoyu displays such as the rain wind, in their lines of sight, partly visible, but the moment, then did not have the trail. 谢傲宇施展如雨似风,就在他们的视线中,若隐若现,不过片刻,便没了踪迹。 The decisiveness that he walks, a reason, that is the tears of angel makes the source of angel not achieve perfectly, if stays behind, may make the tears of this angel again for the source of angel obtained, then on real gain does not equal the loss, moreover on this day causes in it tears also the fluctuation of energy, he happen to can absorb. 他走的果断,还有一个原因,那就是天使之泪令天使之源没有达到完美,如果留下,就有可能使得这枚天使之泪再为天使之源所得,那就真的得不偿失了,而且这天使之泪内还有一丝能量波动,他正好可以吸收一下。 Through the Profound Spirit sensation, Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan gather. 通过玄灵感知,谢傲宇如烟相聚。 They walk, Xie Aoyu also related the process of matter, said finally: „The stimulation of movement request of source of angel is not high, at least now Wynter can stimulate to movement its strength.” 两人边走,谢傲宇也将事情的经过诉说了一遍,最后道:“天使之源的催动要求并不高,至少现在温特就能够催动它的力量。” On this day has causes it source therapy the function, must kill him to be perhaps more difficult.” Ru Yan sighed lightly that she after the source of angel is born, taking the opportunity is trying with the Saint dragon source communication, but the result disappoints her , the source of Saint dragon still from giving a thought to conduct, she is unable truly to contact with the source of Saint dragon. “有这天使之源的自我疗伤作用,要杀他恐怕更难了。”如烟轻叹道,她在天使之源出世之后,也借机试着与圣龙之源沟通,可是结果让她很失望,圣龙之源仍旧是自顾行事,她根本无法与圣龙之源真正联系。 Next time will meet, must strike fatally is good.” The Xie Aoyu sinking sound track, he also felt that day caused the birth of it source, enabling Wynter to have the tremendous changes, feared that was because this day caused it source, entire Xin Jie Clan might occur some changes marvelously. “下次见面,一定要一击致命才行。”谢傲宇沉声道,他也感觉到那天使之源的诞生,使得温特有了翻天覆地的变化,怕是因为这天使之源,整个心劫族都有可能发生一些奇妙的变化了。 But, the transformation of bright condor, keeping him from cutting to kill Wynter, first time displays ten thousand dragon worship strengths to be dispersed, second time displayed the effect not to be good, after all the bright hawk emperor was not a fool, its speed can definitely carry on to move aside, by the severe wound, had the source of angel to make its fast restoration at most, so two, instead Xie Aoyu because will consume greatly, fell into the middle of the crisis. 怎奈,光明神鹰的蜕变,使得他根本无法斩杀温特,第一次施展万龙朝拜力量被分散,第二次施展效果就没有那么好了,毕竟光明鹰皇可不是傻瓜,它的速度完全能够进行躲闪的,顶多被重伤,有天使之源令其快速复原,如此两下,反而谢傲宇会因为消耗巨大,落入危机当中。 They leap the numerous mountain ranges. 他们飞跃重重山峦。 With summit of the mountain, Xie Aoyu stopped, he must absorb the strength in tears of angel, has a look whether to make itself step forward this step. 与一座高山之巅,谢傲宇停了下来,他要吸收天使之泪内的力量,看看能否令自己跨出这一步。 The tears of angel contained the essence of antiquity angel powerhouse to converge, the itself might was big, is only present strength losing completely, only remaining one. 天使之泪内含上古天使强者的精气所会聚,本身威力非常大,只是现在力量遗失殆尽,仅剩下一丝而已。 Even if so, then to Xie Aoyu, was still a large number of strengths, after all the boundaries of these antiquity angel powerhouses the influence of king bloodline seal, the strength were not much higher than the Battle Emperor boundary. 就算如此,那对谢傲宇而言,仍旧是相当一部分力量了,毕竟那些上古天使强者的境界不受人王血脉封印的影响,实力远远高出战皇境界的。 The palm tears on angel are glittering a halo, it of waterdrop shape seems the pearl is ordinary. 手掌心上的天使之泪闪烁着点点光晕,水滴状的它好似珍珠一般。 Xie Aoyu grasps, stimulates to movement Qi. 谢傲宇手掌握起,催动斗气 The tears of angel then burst. 天使之泪便破裂了。 A gentle fluctuation of energy spreads, by the Xie Aoyu palm, enters his body, the climate passes the whole body, the entire brains incomparable Pure Brightness, the body is the incomparable happiness. 一丝柔和的能量波动传出,透过谢傲宇的手掌心,进入他的身体,顿时气透全身,整个头脑都无比的清明,身体更是无比的舒畅。 A that feeling command body is unexpectedly graceful, has the impulsion that floating goes. 那感觉竟然有一种令身体飘飘欲仙,产生飘然而去的冲动。 Xie Aoyu does utmost to depress this marvelous feeling, afterward he felt on that day made the strength of it tears turn toward his dorsal gathering unexpectedly in the past, and sign that one type must clash from the back. 谢傲宇竭尽全力压下这种奇妙的感觉,随后他就感到那天使之泪的力量居然向着他的后背汇聚过去,并且有一种要从后背冲出来的迹象。 The wing of angel?! 天使之翼?!
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