BE :: Volume #10

#932: The tears of angel 【Two】

Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan hideaway hidden place, watches changes quietly. 谢傲宇如烟隐藏暗处,静观其变。 They in waiting opportunity. 他们在等待机会。 The strength of both sides has the disparity, is actually not too big, the powerhouse in Xin Jie Clan aspect are more, even if some people wins finally, feared that is also the result of remnant victory. 双方的实力有差距,却也不是太大,心劫族方面的强者更多,就算是最后有人获胜,怕也是残胜的结果。 Contends with the freshwater mussel, benefits as the third party in a dispute is their goal. 和蚌相争,渔翁得利才是两人的目的。 The fight is brutal, slaughters keeps. 战斗残酷无比,杀戮不停。 , Tianzai Clan starts to get winning side gradually, they were the population have the too big superiority eventually, that Tolgot Sadik, sinister smile the people collaborated to attack dozens times near and other, the strength defenses of tears of constitutions that three angels also started to be weaken large scale, had the sign of breakage greatly. 渐渐的,天灾族开始占据上风,他们终究是人数占据太大的优势了,那多利萨德克、阴笑临等四人联手攻击数十次,那有三枚天使之泪构成的力量防御也开始大幅度的减弱了,大有破裂的迹象。 Wynter, you must insist that the strength of tears of angel feared less than 1/20, if you continued to waste again, they are unable to satisfy you to evolve to Xin Jie Clan, cannot evolution Xin Jie Clan, you obtain caring for of antiquity Angel Clan, was doomed to become the Xin Jie Clan criminal!” Tolgot Sadik laughs to say. “温特,你还要坚持吗,天使之泪的力量怕是不足1了吧,如果你再继续浪费,它们就无法满足你向心劫族进化了,不能进化心劫族,你就算得到上古天使族的眷顾,也注定要成为心劫族的罪人!”多利萨德克大笑道。 The sinister smile said near the connection: Brother why haggles over with him, since the day of he wants to waste causes it tears, we help him, I do not believe that the tears of itself disappearing major part strength angel, now feared that can be equal to the Emperor level superior strength at most, can insist for several minutes, kills!” 阴笑临接口道:“大哥何必与他计较,他既然想浪费这天使之泪,那我们就成全他,我就不信,天使之泪本身就散失绝大部分力量,现在怕是顶多能够相当于天王级上位的力量,能够坚持几分钟,杀!” He is shouting wildly, wields a sword to hit hard. 他狂呼着,挥剑重击。 Bang!” “轰!” Under a sword, that defense then presented fissures. 一剑之下,那防御便出现了一道道的裂痕。 Tolgot Sadik et al. saw that cannot help but laughs, attack swift and violent. 多利萨德克等人见状,不由得大笑起来,攻击更加的迅猛。 Brush! 刷! Then at this time, a Wynter hand move, the tears of three angel then returned to his hand, tight was grasping, look cold say (way): Your this is courts death!” 便在这时,温特手一招,三枚天使之泪便重新回归他的手中,紧紧的握着,神色冷冽的道:“你们这是找死!” Hey, fearing of courting death is you, had the antiquity Angel Clan endless hope, you dared to choose unexpectedly in this place carry on the evolution of Xin Jie Clan not to be right!” Tolgot Sadik spoke of here, two pan- the none remaining, in this mountain valley had suddenly “嘿嘿,找死的怕是你吧,身怀上古天使族无尽希望,你竟然敢于选择在此地进行心劫族的进化不对!”多利萨德克说到这里,猛然一顿,两眼泛起精光,“这山谷内难道拥有” Right!” Wynter's desolate say (way). “没错!”温特冷森森的道。 Tolgot Sadik complexion suddenly changes, big shouts to clear the way: Kills! Do not have any retention!” 多利萨德克脸色陡然一变,大喝道:“杀!不要有任何保留!” Listens to him to shout out, all Tianzai Clan masters erupt the strongest strength the bang to kill entirely, these then cuts to kill several Xin Jie Clan masters, two Demon Beast die. 听他呼喝,所有的天灾族高手统统的爆发出最强力量的轰杀,这一下便将数名心劫族高手斩杀,还有两只魔兽陨落。 Tolgot Sadik, sinister smile near and other people are crazy firing into Wynter. 多利萨德克、阴笑临等四人更是疯狂的冲向温特。 Sees only Wynter corners of the mouth pan- a callous happy expression, the left hand grasps void, a strange fluctuation of energy sends out from his within the body. 只见温特嘴角泛起一丝冷酷的笑意,左手虚空一抓,一股奇异的能量波动从他的体内散发出来。 Pit-a-pat “突突” Meanwhile, in the Ru Yan glabellas the source of Saint dragon also suddenly shivers. 于此同时,如烟的眉心间圣龙之源也陡然颤动起来。 That nine Saint dragon souls are partly visible. 那九圣龙魂若隐若现。 Awful!” Ru Yan shouted lowly, her heartbeat sped up suddenly, the blood in fast flowing, the complexion became somewhat is also dignified, „the strength of source of Saint dragon wanted the rebellion, I was beyond control.” “糟糕!”如烟低呼道,她的心跳骤然加快,血液也在快速的流动,脸色变得有些凝重起来,“圣龙之源的力量要暴动,我无法控制。” You leave here immediately.” Xie Aoyu knew in the heart, once source of Saint dragon strength rebellion, Ru Yan is beyond control, that consequence is very likely to link him and Ru Yan leads into together. “你马上离开这里。”谢傲宇心知一旦圣龙之源的力量暴动,如烟无法控制,那后果极有可能连他和如烟一起带入其中。 You are careful!” A Ru Yan slightly nod, without any scruple rapid departure. “你要小心!”如烟微一点头,没有任何迟疑的迅速离去。 Xie Aoyu gave Moon Falling Blade with. 谢傲宇则将月陨刀给拿了出来。 He watches critically. 他冷眼旁观。 Sees only Wynter left hand to find out, grasps void, its back partly visible reappears a pair of unreal white wing, gently is fanning, the movement is not quick, but is away from he very near Tolgot Sadik four people to attack fully, unexpectedly does not have the speed that the wing fans to be quick. 只见温特左手探出,虚空一抓,其背后若隐若现的浮现一对虚幻的白色羽翼,轻轻的扇动着,动作不快,可是距离他很近的多利萨德克四人全力冲击,居然没有羽翼扇动的速度快捷。 Comes out, transformation the source of basic angel!” Wynter exclaimed lowly. “出来吧,蜕变之根本天使之源!”温特低吼道。 Thump “咚咚咚” The earth starts to vibrate, as if the heart of earth is beating. 大地开始震动,仿佛大地的心脏在跳动。 But this vibration is having the intense sound wave impulse, making the Xie Aoyu heart of hidden place uncontrolled, the fast beat, momentarily possibly jumped out the feeling of throat. 可这种震动却带着强烈的音波冲击力,令暗处的谢傲宇都有一种心脏不受控制,快速跳动,随时都可能跳出嗓子眼的感觉。 Among many Tianzai Clan masters, is better than Tolgot Sadik also complexion pallid backing up backward, is covering the heart position, is controlling itself diligently, is weak as for these strengths, is killed violently directly at the scene, the heart explosion tragic death, the quantity is also not infrequent, reviews Crue et al., injury is recovering rapidly. 诸多天灾族高手当中,强如多利萨德克者也脸色煞白的向后倒退,捂着心脏位置,努力的控制着自己,至于那些实力弱的,直接当场毙命,心脏爆炸惨死,数量还不在少数,反观奥克鲁等人,身上的伤势迅速的复原着。 The earth vibration sound is getting quicker and quicker. 大地震动声越来越快。 Xie Aoyu also felt that own heartbeat is getting quicker and quicker, he deeply inspires, diligently is constraining, then at this time, the heart located ray to sparkle, speeds up the heart that beat swiftly gently. 谢傲宇也感到自己的心跳越来越快,他深吸一口气,努力的压抑着,便在这时,心脏处一道光线闪耀,加快跳动的心脏倏然平缓了下来。 That is Extremely Night God Light! 那是极夜神光 Xie Aoyu looks down Extremely Night God Light, cannot help but a bursting out laughing, this Extremely Night God Light recently continuously twice had displayed to affect, moreover played almost the situation of the death line pulling back to him. 谢傲宇低头看着极夜神光,不由得一阵哑然,这极夜神光最近已经连续两次发挥作用了,而且对他都起到了几乎是从死亡线拉回来的地步。 Bang!” “嘭!” The mountain valley central place blasts open loudly. 山谷中心位置轰然炸裂。 As if there is thing to be unearthed. 似乎有东西要出土。 But this blasting open was similar to is also representing oncoming of death, as long as cultivation for the Tianzai Clan master who has not achieved the Emperor level boundary shortly complete heart blasting open will die, even if were Tianzai Clan master also body soft throwing down of Emperor level above boundary on the ground, puffing in gulps, as if must suffocate general, the body in slight twitching, the look was also lax. 可这一声炸裂也如同代表着死亡的来临,但凡修为没有达到天王级境界的天灾族高手顷刻间全部心脏炸裂而死,就算是天王级以上境界的天灾族高手也都身体绵软的摔倒在地上,大口大口的喘着粗气,仿佛要窒息一般,身体也在轻微的抽搐,眼神涣散。 23 king of beasts potential bright Demon Beast, seven Xin Jie Clan masters, I understood, I understood, no wonder you have not led other clansmen to come, originally on this day enables it source strength to have the function to any Light Bright Department, person who if comes were many, will then absorb source of one point of angel strength, so the strength of source of angel will then be weaken, you obtain, but therefore the might reduces greatly.” Tolgot Sadik puffs to say. “23只兽王潜力光明魔兽,七个心劫族高手,我明白了,我明白了,难怪你没有带其他族人前来,原来这天使之源的力量对任何光明系都有作用,若是来的人多了,便会多吸收一分天使之源的力量,如此天使之源的力量便会减弱,你就算是得到,也会因此而威力大减的。”多利萨德克喘着粗气道。 Wynter cold say (way): Right, the source of angel is not the source of Saint dragon, its function is bigger, but limits is bigger, the source of angel itself will be born will then send out the unnecessary strength, this strength, how I can make it waste, their 30 happen to can buy in this strength, will have certain strength promotion respectively.” 温特冷然道:“没错,天使之源可不是圣龙之源,它的作用更大,但是限制更大,天使之源本身出世便会散发多余的力量,这力量,我如何能让它浪费,他们30个正好可以吸纳这力量,各自有一定的实力提升。” Right?” On Tolgot Sadik's face revealed has wiped the smiling face. “是吗?”多利萨德克的脸上露出了一抹笑容。 You!” A Wynter's pupil contraction. “你!”温特的瞳孔一阵收缩。 Saw Tolgot Sadik suddenly to stress a black twinkle the token of rich death aura to exist from Space Ring, washes one's hands of ejects it. 就见多利萨德克突然从空间戒指内抓出一把黑色的闪烁着浓郁死亡气息的令牌似地存在,抖手将其抛出。 That goods enter mountain valley center blasting open the place. 那物品直入山谷中心炸裂的地方。 Brushes!” “刷!” Wynter had a big shock, washes one's hands to fight with the fists. 温特大惊失色,抖手一拳打了出去。 Other Xin Jie Clan masters and bright Demon Beast also respectively make a strength, shells that token thing. 其他的心劫族高手和光明魔兽也各自打出一股力量,轰击那令牌似地东西。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” Many bright strengths and bodies, the thing of that token erupts the dead grey fluctuation of energy immediately, gives entirely being disillusioned that attack actually. 诸多光明力量及身,那令牌似的东西登时爆发出死灰色的能量波动,硬是将那攻击给统统的破灭。 This delays, that mountain valley center rupturing place, then ascends a bone body. 这一耽搁,那山谷中心爆裂地方,便升腾起一副骨体。 The bone body of human, the back has the bone wing, in an eye is flashing the cream flame, the aura that bursts out is the terror. 人的骨体,背后有着骨翼,一双眼睛内闪动着乳白色的火焰,迸发出的气息更是恐怖之极。 Bang!” “轰!” This bone body just came out, the thing of that token has then pounded, transmits an earthshaking large explosion at the scene, but sees that bone body directly exploded smashing, only then two groups of white flame have not been defeated and dispersed, turns toward Wynter to fly as before. 这副骨体刚刚出来,那令牌似的东西便砸了过去,当场传来一声惊天动地的大爆炸,但见那副骨体直接被炸的粉碎,只有两团白色的火焰没有溃散,依旧向着温特飞去。 The white flame is burning, sends out the extremely formidable bright energy, although does not have what attack surname, Tolgot Sadik et al. but who still oppressed are unable to begin. 白色火焰燃烧着,散发出极为强大的光明能量,虽然没有什么攻击姓,可是仍旧压迫的多利萨德克等人无法动手。 The source of angel? 天使之源? Hidden place Xie Aoyu is staring at that white flame, then feelings, this seems the source of angel, is only rupturing of that bone body, caused to make it source be similar on this day some slight defects, at least the Wynter that nearly crazy complexion can see that the source of angel was no longer perfect. 暗处谢傲宇盯着那白色火焰,便有一种感觉,这似乎就是天使之源,只是那副骨体的爆裂,使得这天使之源仿佛有些瑕疵了,至少温特那近乎疯狂的脸色能够看出,天使之源不再完美了。 Whiz whiz whiz “嗖嗖嗖” Wynter washes one's hands of the tears of three drops of angel will grab to eject. 温特抖手将抓着的三滴天使之泪抛出。 He must give up evolution Xin Jie Clan, with foundation that the source of tears of repair angel angel bursts.” The sinister smile near startled called out. “他要放弃进化心劫族,用天使之泪修复天使之源破裂的根基。”阴笑临惊叫道。 Roar!” “吼!” Tolgot Sadik crazy hissing, suddenly ejection upper air. 多利萨德克狂嘶一声,骤然弹射高空。 In Wynter eyes the murderous intention flashes, he also soars to jump, the hindrance kills Tolgot Sadik, preventing him to destroy, simultaneously shouts to clear the way: Kills! Kill! Kills!” 温特眼中杀机闪动,他也腾空跃起,阻杀多利萨德克,防止他进行破坏,同时喝道:“杀!杀!杀!” Obtained Crue of source of strength repair angel et al. and beasts to get down the extreme methods by source of oppression angel the masters of many Tianzai Clan in abundance. 得到天使之源力量修复的奥克鲁等人、兽纷纷向被天使之源压迫的诸多天灾族的高手下了死手。 Should get rid! 该出手了! Xie Aoyu looks at the change of aspect, finally the decision attacks. 谢傲宇看着局面的变化,终于决定出击。 If rain wind! 如雨似风! He then displays strongest movement Fights Technique immediately, the human baseless vanish, towering appearance in front of paths of tears of flights that three angel. 他当即便施展最强的身法斗技,人凭空消失似地,突兀的出现在那三枚天使之泪飞行的轨迹前面。 Xie Aoyu!” 谢傲宇!” Prevents him, do not make him win the tears of angel!” “阻止他,不要让他夺走天使之泪!” Calls out in alarm the sound to transmit from all parties. 惊叫声从各方传来。 Tolgot Sadik responded that also very rapid, immediately from airborne turns around, wields a sword to resist a sword with Wynter actually, they simultaneously shaken backlash, he helped Xie Aoyu win time. 多利萨德克反应也非常的迅疾,当即从空中转身,硬是挥剑与温特对抗一剑,两人同时被震的后退,他帮谢傲宇争取到了一线时间。 This time they have common interests, that aims at the source of angel. 这时候的他们是有着共同利益的,那就是针对天使之源。 Has the time of this flash, Xie Aoyu snatches to grasp to the tears of that three angel. 有这一瞬间的时间,谢傲宇劈手抓向那三枚天使之泪。 Hissing “嘶” Then at this time, neighed suddenly crack. 便在这时,一声嘶鸣突然炸响。 But sees bright condor body towering rising suddenly in that eight bright condor, the strength is rises crazily, the aura that flies also to resemble also from flooded the pressure exuviae of king of beasts to turn into the aura of beastly emperor that emperor pressure. 但见那八只光明神鹰中的一只光明神鹰身体突兀的暴涨,力量更是飞也似的狂涨起来,气息也从原来充斥着兽王的威压蜕变成了兽皇那种皇者威压的气息。 Its unexpectedly achievement beastly emperor potential! 它居然成就了兽皇潜力! In transformation bright hawk emperor neighing sound, the yawn blowout bright ball, pounds together to Xie Aoyu, simultaneously the wings vibrates, to be above the speed rush of imagination in the past. 蜕变的光明鹰皇嘶鸣声中,张口喷出一道光明球,砸向谢傲宇,同时双翼震动,以超乎想象的速度冲杀过去。 Ten Kings Level! 十王级 Before had the king of beasts potential, is the Emperor level superior boundary, this time completed the transformation, the achievement beastly emperor potential, the strength also correspondingly evolves, became the Ten Kings Level bright hawk emperor. 之前拥有兽王潜力,就已经是天王级上位境界,此番完成蜕变,成就兽皇潜力,实力也相应进化,成为十王级的光明鹰皇。 Once has the beastly emperor potential, then its future will be when person king bloodline seal, will be doomed to be able the achievement accurate Battle Emperor boundary, absolutely will be the super potential stock. 一旦拥有兽皇潜力,那么它的未来就算是在人王血脉封印的时候,也注定能够成就准战皇境界的,绝对是超级潜力股。 The attack of Ten Kings Level, the speed is also astonishing, the hand of Xie Aoyu moves tears of the angel time, that attack arrived, his Moon Falling Blade also forward delivers. 十王级的攻击,速度也是惊人,谢傲宇的手触碰到一枚天使之泪的时候,那攻击已经到了,他的月陨刀也向前一送。 Bang!” “轰!” Xie Aoyu that the formidable strength shakes immediately backs up backward two steps, his left hand also held tears of the angel, the tears of another two angels also from his about two bank in the past, enabled it source to fly toward that day. 强大的力量登时震的谢傲宇向后倒退两步,他的左手也抓住了一枚天使之泪,另外两枚天使之泪也从他的左右两侧飞过去,向着那天使之源飞去。 Meanwhile, the bright hawk emperor also rushed. 同时,光明鹰皇也赶到了。 Blocked Tolgot Sadik Wynter who also to roar killing in the past. 挡住多利萨德克的温特也怒吼着扑杀过去。 The tears of three angel can be repaired reluctantly by disabled person the source of angel Tianzai Clan hits, loses one, then the source of being doomed angel will be incomplete, function also large scale weakening, this is Wynter cannot permit absolutely, he nearly rushes ahead crazily. 三枚天使之泪才能勉强将被天灾族打的残废的天使之源修复过来,失去一枚,那么注定天使之源都将是残缺的,作用也将大幅度的减弱,这是温特绝对不能允许的,他近乎疯狂的冲杀。 Other such as Crue et al. and bright Demon Beast also in abundance whooshes to rush ahead. 其他诸如奥克鲁等人和光明魔兽也纷纷的嘶吼着冲杀上去。 Was cut to kill by one as for Tianzai Clan, remains were not many, and receives the oppression of source of strength angel, was incapable of getting rid to stop radically. 至于天灾族被一通斩杀,所剩已经不多,且还受到天使之源力量的压迫,根本无力出手阻拦了。 Visual many master attacks, the corners of the mouth of Xie Aoyu overflow a happy expression, he held up the moon/month to fall immediately the Emperor blade. 目视诸多高手攻击,谢傲宇的嘴角溢出一丝笑意,他当即举起了月陨天王刀。 Ten thousand dragon worships! 万龙朝拜! Strongest Fights Technique gets rid. 最强斗技出手。 Xie Aoyu seems incarnation tyrannosaurus, golden light explodes all over the body dodges, making him probably put on god Armor that the tyrannosaurus builds becomes, the whole body emits the steaming god fire. 谢傲宇好似化身霸王龙,通体金光爆闪,令他又好像穿着霸王龙打造而成的神甲,周身冒出腾腾的神火。 Before Xie Aoyu displayed, the golden yellow god fire has not appeared, Xie Aoyu apparent this extremely possibly was receives the disturbance of source of angel to be the result, may erupt a more astonishing strength. 之前谢傲宇施展,并没有金黄色的神火出现,谢傲宇便知这极可能是受到天使之源的干扰所致,或许会爆发出更加惊人的力量。 Roar!” “吼!” Tyrannosaurus form neighed. 霸王龙身影一声嘶鸣。 Endless big dragon form towering emergence, reappeared the forms of nine Saint dragons, form of one flock of Dragon King level big dragons. 无尽的巨龙身影突兀的出现,其中更是浮现了九条圣龙的身影,还有一群龙王级巨龙的身影。 Xie Aoyu looks at such change, great happiness, he understood, the deep meanings of these ten thousand dragon worships, he has not comprehended completely, at least does not have the stimulation of source of angel, is impossible to present so formidable dragon shade. 谢傲宇一看此等变化,不由的大喜,他明白了,这万龙朝拜的奥义,他还没有完全领悟,至少没有天使之源的刺激,不可能出现如此强大的龙影。 The innumerable Dragon Clan form encirclement dances in the air, sends out neighs intermittently. 无数的龙族身影环绕飞舞,发出阵阵嘶鸣。 Shake bright strength in mountain valley also presented the intense tumbling, has the sign of being defeated and dispersed, made to cause it source on that day pit-a-pat the tremor. 震荡的山谷内的光明力量也出现了强烈的翻滚,有溃散的迹象,令那天使之源都突突的颤动起来。 Cut! 斩! Moon Falling Blade cut down the day to fall. 月陨刀劈天落下。 Endless dragon shade converges on Moon Falling Blade swiftly, made as if with changing to a Shenlong, this to a strong blade, if epoch-making, cut loudly. 无尽的龙影倏然会聚到月陨刀上面,令其如同化作一条神龙,这至强的一刀若开天辟地般,轰然斩下。
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