BE :: Volume #10

#931: The tears of angel 【One】

Hears their conversations, the Xie Aoyu innermost feelings shocks. 听到他们的交谈,谢傲宇内心震撼不已。 Xin Jie Clan really once more rose, there is a striving for hegemony world capital, bright Demon Beast that Luss return, before the Flood Angel Clan left behind. 心劫族果然再次崛起了,又有了争霸天下的资本,勒斯曼的回归,上古时代天使族留下的光明魔兽 All these made the Xin Jie Clan strength multiply, made Xie Aoyu feel what crisis was, after the heart tied the clan completed the transformation, because of that fatal weakness, they have not been born, but hid south a sea area island throughout, resting and building up strength of innumerable years, their strengths already abundantly to what degree? Feared that was quite astonishing. 这一切都令心劫族的实力倍增,更令谢傲宇感到危机的是,心结族完成蜕变之后,因为那致命的弱点,他们并没有出世,而是始终隐藏在海域南端的一个海岛上,无数岁月的休养生息,他们的实力已经雄厚到什么程度了?怕是相当的惊人了。 If adds on Xin Jie Clan, was ten big influences strives for hegemony. 若是加上心劫族,那么就是十大势力争霸了。 The so complex situation, compared with the antiquity Saint Emperor time, as if must trouble. 如此复杂的局势,比上古圣皇的时代,似乎还要麻烦。 Xie Aoyu depresses the shock in heart , to continue to intercept. 谢傲宇压下心中的震惊,继续窃听。 We indeed had the happy reason, but do not forget, our Xin Jie Clan before the transformation, Angel Clan is other race consistent goals, although lives after several thousand years of training, is difficult to guarantee us born, will bring in the attack that they collaborate.” Wynter is very calm. “我们的确有了高兴的理由,但是不要忘了,我们心劫族在蜕变之前,天使族是其他种族一致的目标,虽然历经数万年的修养生息,也难保我们出世,会引来他们联手的攻击。”温特很冷静。 These damn bastards, have the skill to challenge with us one-on-one, always depends upon the population to win.” Say (Way) that Crue was foul-mouthed. “这些该死的混蛋,有本事与我们单对单的挑战,总是依靠人数来取胜。”奥克鲁骂骂咧咧的道。 Wynter's light say (way): Population is also a superiority.” His thread of conversation revolution, we can also defeat in detail, among them have the conflicts of interest after all, contradictory is also very big, good of use, instead is favorable for us, but, the essential target promotes the strength now, other no matter totally, must before Angel Holy Island closes, discovers two bright condors again!” 温特淡淡的道:“人数也是一种优势。”他话锋一转,“我们还可以各个击破,毕竟他们之间也是有利益冲突的,矛盾也很大,利用的好,反而对我们更加有利,不过,现在我们的主要目标是提升实力,其他的一概不管,还有就是务必在天使圣岛关闭之前,再找出两只光明神鹰!” Crue said with a smile: Relax, the ancestors have left behind over a hundred bright condor eggs, according to 30% variation success ratios, do not say ten king of beasts potential bright condors, even if 20, even 30 have the possibility, perhaps, can be born 2-3 beastly emperor potential bright condors.” 奥克鲁笑道:“放心吧,先祖们可是留下了上百的光明神鹰蛋,根据30的变异成功率,不要说十个兽王潜力的光明神鹰,就算是20个,甚至30个都有可能,说不定,能够诞生两三只的兽皇潜力光明神鹰呢。” Wynter also smiled. 温特也笑了。 The beastly emperor potential and king of beasts potential completely are two concepts, that significance is not ordinary. 兽皇潜力和兽王潜力完全是两个概念,那意义也是非常不一般的。 Demon Beast of 23 king of beasts potential, can carry on.” Wynter said suddenly. “23只兽王潜力的魔兽,可以进行了。”温特突然道。 Um.” “嗯。” Crue et al. also nod. 奥克鲁等人同时点头。 Their in abundance flies outward, stands around Wynter more than 30 meters the places, but that 23 Demon Beast respectively forward, surrounds about ten meters a place around Wynter, constituted a circle. 他们纷纷的向外飞去,站在温特周围大约30多米的地方,而那23只魔兽则分别向前,环绕在温特周围大约十米的地方,也构成了一个圆圈。 In Wynter mouth recited the incantation, the finger rapid point. 温特口中念动咒语,手指飞速的点动。 Cream halos fall on the body of bright Demon Beast, these bright Demon Beast then in abundance lie on the ground, their bodies also surge the fluctuation of strong bright magic element, forms the strange magic mark with the body week encirclement, these magic marks fall under their bodies, constituted strange magic. 一道道的乳白色光晕落在光明魔兽的身上,这些光明魔兽便纷纷趴在地上,它们的身上也涌动出浓重的光明魔法元素的波动,与身周环绕形成奇异的魔法符号,这些魔法符号落在它们的身下,构成了一个个奇异的魔法阵。 23 magic emergence, Wynter looks the reverent color, puts out three to appear the waterdrop shape the crystal, holds in the palm, he also once again recited the incantation. 23个魔法阵出现,温特面露虔诚之色,拿出三枚呈水滴状的晶体,托在手掌心,他也再度念动咒语。 Three water-drop crystals then slowly flew upwards, sends out the point halo, after surrounding Wynter flew three, with his back assumes standing firm of triangle, then projects magic of ray under with that 23 Demon Beast bodies to unite. 三枚水滴般的晶体便缓缓地飞升了起来,散发出点点的光晕,环绕温特飞行了三圈之后,与他的背后呈三角形的稳住,接着便射出一道道的光线与那23只魔兽身下的魔法阵相联。 Xie Aoyu is staring at that three water-drop crystal, the say (way) of muttering: „The tears of angel! Unexpectedly is the tears of angel!” 谢傲宇盯着那三枚水滴般的晶体,喃喃自语的道:“天使之泪!竟然是天使之泪!” The tears of angel, it is said were the antiquity time, before the Angel Clan unsurpassed powerhouse at the point of death, tears that left behind, was that unsurpassed powerhouse part of essence gathers. 天使之泪,据说是上古时期,天使族无上强者临死前,留下的泪水,乃是那无上强者一部分精气所汇聚而成的。 This goods may be called the marvelous work. 此物品堪称神品。 Because in has the essence of unsurpassed powerhouse, once absorbs, then can significantly promote the boundary, it is said before the Flood, before seal bloodline, tears of the angel can make one have the leap promotion of 45 ranks, naturally the tears of obvious strengths these three angels drained are serious, at least relies on the Xie Aoyu sensation ability, unexpectedly also merely induces to having a weak fluctuation of energy, may so, the attraction to Xie Aoyu also be very big, he has touched the Ten Kings Level boundary edge now, if obtains the tears of these three angel, the strength drains. Also most likely, can make him complete the breakthrough. 因为里面有着无上强者的精气,一旦吸收,便可以大幅度的提升境界,据说在上古时代,没有封印血脉之前,一枚天使之泪就能够令人有45个等级的跨越式提升,自然这三枚天使之泪显然力量已经流失非常严重的,至少凭借谢傲宇的感知能力,居然也仅仅是感应到有一丝微弱的能量波动而已,可就算如此,对谢傲宇的诱惑力也是非常大的,他现在已经触摸到十王级境界的边缘,若是得到这三枚天使之泪,就算力量流失。十之八九,也能够令他完成突破的。 He as if noticed that the Ten Kings Level boundary is waving to him. 他仿佛看到十王级境界在向他招手。 The heart of Xie Aoyu seethed with excitement. 谢傲宇的心沸腾了。 He has swept Crue et al., the strength, but to present Xie Aoyu, is not a problem, is only 23 king of beasts potential bright Demon Beast is quite troublesome, the abatement 13 strengths are only the Emperor level lower position boundaries, unexpectedly also three are only the Emperor level superior boundaries, seven are only in the Emperor level the position boundary, if they can begin, in addition Wynter, that somewhat troubled. 他扫了一眼奥克鲁等人,实力还可以,但是对现在的谢傲宇而言,根本不成问题,只是23只兽王潜力的光明魔兽比较麻烦,除却13只实力只是天王级下位境界的,竟然还有三只是天王级上位境界的,七只是天王级中位境界的,若是它们能够动手的话,再加上温特,那就有些麻烦了。 How Xie Aoyu calculates is beginning, Profound Spirit actually shivered. 谢傲宇盘算着如何动手,玄灵却颤动了起来。 Ru Yan was summoning him. 如烟在召唤他。 Xie Aoyu then displays Earth Escape Technique to come out from the mountain valley, is converging with Ru Yan same place. 谢傲宇便施展土遁术从山谷内出来,与如烟在原地汇合。 Who has a look at that is.” Ru Yan waits him to appear, then puts out a hand a figure to be away from them more than 20 meters places, some people of small at the foot of the hill. “看看那是谁。”如烟待他出现,便伸手一指距离他们大约20多米的地方,小山脚下的一些人。 Tianzai Clan!” Xie Aoyu also knew several people, initially entered Night Fire Space time the sinister smile that bumps into is near, Pa Jin Si grandson Tolgot Sadik et al., they come also is really the time.” 天灾族!”谢傲宇还认识其中的几个人,当初进入夜火空间的时候碰到的阴笑临,还有帕金斯孙子多利萨德克等人,“他们来的还真是时候。” Ru Yan said with a smile: They do not catch up fortunately, I heard them to talk a moment ago, they since arrive at Angel Holy Island, had not treated with Zheng Batian et al. in the same place, but is tracking the Xin Jie Clan person throughout, this time said that is Wynter must evolve to Xin Jie Clan, comes to destroy especially.” 如烟笑道:“他们不是凑巧赶上,我刚才听到他们交谈,他们自从来到天使圣岛,就一直没有和郑霸天等人待在一起,而是始终跟踪着心劫族人的,这次说是温特要向心劫族进化,特地前来破坏的。” So that's how it is. 原来如此。 Xie Aoyu has smiled, what Tianzai Clan most fears is the wood is the surname, next brightly is the surname, they were also the natural enemies, Tianzai Clan took care of them with emphasis also in the reason.” 谢傲宇不由的笑了,“天灾族最惧怕的是木属姓,其次是光明属姓,他们也算是天敌了,天灾族重点照顾他们也在情理之中。” May not only so, Tianzai Clan as if want to obtain the same thing in Xin Jie Clan hand, this thing has any very huge function to Tianzai Clan probably, concrete is anything, they had not said.” Ru Yan said. “可不仅仅如此,天灾族似乎想要得到心劫族手中的一样东西,这东西对天灾族好像有什么非常巨大的作用,具体是什么,他们也没说。”如烟道。 To the Tianzai Clan huge function? That definitely was not common marvelous work, but how this type of thing will place Wynter et al., definitely on Luss was right.” The Xie Aoyu doubts said. “对天灾族巨大的作用?那肯定不是一般的神品了,可这种东西如何会放在温特等人身上,肯定是在勒斯曼身上才对啊。”谢傲宇疑惑道。 Ru Yan said with a smile: This who knows that resembles the source of Saint dragon, places arrow Wang Lingzun to believe on the senior to be better, but it approved me, something were do not talk clearly.” 如烟笑道:“这个谁知道呢,就好像圣龙之源,放在箭王灵尊信前辈身上更好,可是偏偏它就认可我了,有些事情是说不清的。” Xie Aoyu nods, said: Perhaps this actually, that past years created the Profound Spirit antiquity Saint Emperor imperial concubine and Dragon Clan has anything to relate, otherwise why the source of Profound Spirit evolution and Saint dragon can also relate.” 谢傲宇点点头,道:“这倒是,说不定啊,那当年创造玄灵的上古圣皇的妃子与龙族有着什么关系呢,不然为什么玄灵进化与圣龙之源还能有所联系。” They exchange, saw that Tianzai Clan many masters started to take action, outside fast Mukaiyamadani moves. 他们交流中,就看到天灾族的诸多高手已经开始行动,快速的向山谷外行动。 The Tianzai Clan large number of elderly persons, has 500 audiences fully. 天灾族人数众多,足有500之众。 By the visual observation of Xie Aoyu, Emperor level superior boundary has about ten people of quantities, Tolgot Sadik, sinister smile that was disregarded by Xie Aoyu near strided in the Emperor level superior boundary unexpectedly, particularly Tolgot Sadik is not that type just broke through, but takes a stride in the Emperor level superior boundary forward that. 谢傲宇的目力观察,其中天王级上位境界的有将近十人的数量,其中那原本被谢傲宇无视的多利萨德克、阴笑临居然都已经跨入天王级上位境界,尤其是多利萨德克已非那种刚刚突破的,而是在天王级上位境界向前跨出一大步的那种。 Tolgot Sadik's talent is not indeed low, but is also equally matched with Bing Wu, has not achieved with the situation that Zhou Zhenwang, Yan Ling Wu compare, the so quick promotion, indeed somewhat stems from unexpected of Xie Aoyu. 多利萨德克的天赋的确不低,但也就是与冰舞不相上下,还没有达到和周震王、燕玲舞相比的地步,如此快的提升,的确有些出乎谢傲宇的意料之外。 500 Tianzai Clan masters in a disorderly way stand existence of similar square formation, but inside some lines outlined, all people were hold up to surge the sharp sword of death aura. 500名天灾族高手有规律的站成一个类似方阵的存在,只是里面有些线条勾勒,所有人都是举起涌动着死亡气息的利剑。 Tolgot Sadik stands in the front line. 多利萨德克站在最前方。 All people revolve Qi, fast revolving. 所有人都运转斗气,快速的旋转起来。 The formidable death Qi fluctuation was pasting on body, so formidable death aura fluctuated, making their surrounding flowers and plants trees wither entirely, turned into the dead grey. 强大的死亡斗气波动在身上流转着,如此强大的死亡气息波动,使得他们周围的花草树木统统枯萎,变成了死灰色。 As their strength revolutions are getting more and more intense, the ground also started to turn into the black, some stones were corroded, was sending out the odor black smoke. 随着他们的力量运转越来越强烈,地面也开始变成了黑色,一些石块都被腐蚀了,散发着恶臭的黑烟。 Thump “咚咚咚” Receives the infection of this strength, that originally transparent ban suddenly bright, pan- the cream halo, inside transmits the deafening sound. 受到这力量的感染,那本来透明的禁制突然明亮了起来,泛起乳白色的光晕,里面更是传来震耳欲聋的声响。 Obviously the Tianzai Clan action, has alarmed Crue rank. 显然天灾族的举动,惊动了奥克鲁等人。 Cuts!” “斩!” Tolgot Sadik violent shouts to clear the way. 多利萨德克暴喝道 More than 500 Tianzai Clan masters cut the next sword along with Tolgot Sadik together loudly. 500余名天灾族高手随着多利萨德克一起轰然斩下一剑。 „!” “咻!” The sharp howl resounds. 尖锐的啸声响起。 Huge has more than ten meters to be long fully, glitters the dead grey great sword to appear in the upper air, was then dividing to cut to the bright ban of that Xin Jie Clan. 一道巨大的足有十米多长,闪烁着死灰色的巨剑出现在高空,对着那心劫族的光明禁制便劈斩出去了。 The syntheses of 500 people of strengths, may make Ten Kings Level be overshadowed fully. 500人力量的综合,足可令十王级为之黯然失色。 Bang!” “轰!” That light banned that at the scene divided disruption, the formidable grey great sword was still having the energy of deconstruction surname, with stuffy thunderclap, in numerous falling mountain valleys. 那光明禁制当场被劈的碎裂开来,强大的灰色巨剑仍旧带着毁灭姓的能量,伴随着闷雷声中,重重的落入山谷内。 The bang explosive sound is unceasing. 巨响爆炸声不断。 Kills!” “杀!” Tolgot Sadik big hand wields, issues the order. 多利萨德克大手一挥,下达命令。 More than 500 people were crying out rushes ahead, large number of elderly persons, and defense that many Emperor level superior master, an impact composed Crue et al. washing out, and is more than ten people besieges one person, gets the absolute winning side, Tolgot Sadik, sinister smile kill near et al. to Wynter as well as 23 Demon Beast. 500余人呐喊着冲杀进去,人数众多,且不乏天王级上位高手,一次冲击就将奥克鲁等人组成的防御给冲散了,并且是十多人围攻一人,占据绝对的上风,多利萨德克、阴笑临等人则扑杀向温特以及23只魔兽 Wynter, must evolve is Xin Jie Clan, you have not hoped!” Tolgot Sadik flies high to Wynter is being a sword cut-throat kills. “温特,要进化为心劫族,你没希望了!”多利萨德克凌空对着温特就是一剑凶狠的杀出去。 The tears of Wynter surrounding that water-drop angel shiver gently, bloom misty luminous, covers him, has blocked this sword, simultaneously 23 are squatting has king of beasts potential magic under bright Demon Beast body rumbling rupturing, they are also whooshing the rush. 温特周围那水滴般的天使之泪轻轻颤抖,绽放出蒙蒙的光亮,将他笼罩起来,挡住了这一剑,同时23只蹲着的有着兽王潜力的光明魔兽身下的魔法阵轰轰的爆裂,它们也嘶吼着冲杀。 A tangled warfare is unavoidable. 一场混战在所难免。 23 only then the bright Demon Beast strength of king of beasts potential is very no doubt strong, what they face is several hundred Tianzai Clan masters, many powerhouses, some people have the beast to favor, therefore was still the situation of besieging, only had Tolgot Sadik, sinister smile the people surrounding Wynter near and other. 23只有着兽王潜力的光明魔兽实力固然很强,但是它们面对的是数百的天灾族高手,其中也不乏强者,更有一些人也有兽宠,所以仍旧是围攻的局势,唯有多利萨德克、阴笑临等四人将温特给包围了起来。 Their four people disregard other fights, unceasingly attacks to attack to kill Wynter to use the protection of tears of constitution angel. 他们四人无视其他战斗,就是不断出击攻杀温特利用天使之泪构成的保护。 Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan also quietly arrive at, they pay attention has the difference, one is eight bright condors, had again is Wynter. 谢傲宇如烟也悄然来到近前,他们关注的只有两样,一个是八只光明神鹰,再有就是温特了。 The bright condor must eradicate, so as to avoid birth beastly emperor potential. 光明神鹰必须铲除,免得诞生兽皇潜力的。 Has again is the tears of angel attraction. 再有就是天使之泪的诱惑力。 I wait for an opportunity to cut to kill two bright condors, you cope with Wynter.” Ru Yan said in a low voice that I always felt on Wynter as if there is thing that any Tolgot Sadik et al. need.” “我伺机斩杀两只光明神鹰,你对付温特。”如烟低声说道,“我总感觉温特身上似乎有什么多利萨德克等人所需要的东西。” In the Xie Aoyu heart moves, said: Is the feeling that the source of Saint dragon brings?” 谢傲宇心中一动,道:“是不是圣龙之源带来的感觉?” The formation of source of Saint dragon, in the final analysis because of Angel Clan, the hatred that both sides each other forever difficultly will dispel, since Dragon Clan can use the Incantation technique curse variation, making the ordinary big dragon transform into Dragon King potential, Angel Clan also mastered such skill, then who dares saying that they didn't have existence of source of similar Saint dragon? 圣龙之源的形成,归根结底还是因为天使族,双方彼此就是永难化解的仇恨,既然龙族能够使用咒术诅咒变异,令普通巨龙蜕变为龙王潜力,天使族也掌握了此等技巧,那么谁又敢说他们没有类似圣龙之源的存在呢? A little.” The Ru Yan nod said. “有一点。”如烟点头道。 „Before you , is the induction of source of Saint dragon, this?” Xie Aoyu said. “那你之前圣龙之源的感应,就是这个?”谢傲宇道。 Ru Yan shook the head, said: „It is not.” 如烟摇了摇头,道:“不是。” Regarding the understanding of source of Saint dragon, is too limited, and Ru Yan present boundary, does not have the ability clear induction to the ability that the source of Saint dragon has anything to affect. 对于圣龙之源的了解,实在太有限,且如烟现在的境界,也远没有能力清晰的感应到圣龙之源有什么作用的能力。 May no matter how, since can make the source of Saint dragon have the induction, obviously is not the ordinary thing, is precisely the body of mortal enemy, Xie Aoyu also only then a thought that then cuts to kill it, by never recurring trouble. 可不管如何,既然能够令圣龙之源产生感应,显然不是普通的东西,且是死敌的身上,谢傲宇也只有一个念头,便是将其斩杀,以绝后患。
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