BE :: Volume #10

#930: Seeks the travel of dragon 【Two】

Ru Yan also flew. 如烟也飞了过去。 Sees only in running water under mountain stream, in the silt reveals egg shell the surface, this egg shell surface is having cracks to appear, inside existence also in struggling furiously, causes the egg shell from the submarine silt slowly is moving outward. 只见在一处山涧下的流水中,淤泥内露出一个蛋壳的表面,这蛋壳表面正有一道道的裂缝出现,里面的存在也在奋力的挣扎,使得蛋壳从水下淤泥内缓缓的往外移动着。 This is the Demon Beast egg, does not have a Dragon Clan aura.” Ru Yan said. “这是魔兽蛋,没有一丝的龙族气息。”如烟道。 Xie Aoyu said: Since the Demon Beast egg, why I do feel on this egg shell also some fluctuations of energy? Except for Dragon Clan, what Demon Beast but also there is also to be able in the egg to practice, gathers on the strength the egg shell, after being born, eats up the egg shell promotion strength?” 谢傲宇道:“既然魔兽蛋,为什么我感觉这蛋壳上面也有能量波动呢?难道说除了龙族,还有什么魔兽也能够在蛋内修炼,将力量汇聚到蛋壳上,出世之后,吃下蛋壳提升实力的吗?” Ru Yan shakes the head. 如烟摇摇头。 This matter indeed is passing strangely. 此事的确透着古怪。 Even if Dragon Clan, that is also because received the Dragon Clan special curse, is used to make ordinary Dragon Clan transform Dragon King, is not a habit. 就算是龙族,那也是因为受到了龙族特殊的诅咒,用来令普通的龙族蜕变龙王的,并非常态。 But the Demon Beast kind, never has this situation occurrence. 可是魔兽类,却从未有过这种情况发生。 Regarding this unusual Demon Beast egg, they have not disturbed its birth, but in the one side, the observation, wants to have a look at this in secret is any Demon Beast, after all Angel Holy Island is in itself very unusual existence, if born some strange Demon Beast is not impossible. 对于这奇特的魔兽蛋,两人并没有去干扰它的出世,而是在一旁,暗中观察,想看看这是什么魔兽,毕竟天使圣岛本身就是一个很奇特的存在,若是诞生一些稀奇古怪的魔兽也不是不可能的。 Ka ka “咔咔咔” The crack of egg shell is increasing, and inside small Demon Beast unceasing arches, the Demon Beast egg that leads outward also gradually is separated from the silt. 蛋壳的裂缝在加大,并且里面的小魔兽不断的往外拱,带动的魔兽蛋也逐渐的从淤泥内脱离出来。 The Demon Beast egg is very big, Xie Aoyu looked that feeling this Demon Beast egg was more similar than the dragon egg of Jingang Dragon King birth time, and on the egg shell was containing energy as if also similar. 魔兽蛋很大,谢傲宇一看,就感觉此魔兽蛋比金刚龙王出生时候的龙蛋差不多,并且蛋壳上面蕴含着的能量似乎也差不多。 „!” “咔嚓!” When the Demon Beast egg comes out from the silt, that egg shell also burst. 魔兽蛋从淤泥内出来,那蛋壳也破裂了。 A adorable noble appearance has braved from inside. 一个可爱的虎头从里面冒了出来。 Egg shell place that its will burst biting, along with, even if swallows, its action is to also be similar to the Dragon Clan birth is ordinary, eats the egg shell. 它一口将破裂开的蛋壳处给咬了下去,随即便吞咽下去,其举动也是如同龙族诞生一般,吃掉蛋壳。 Several, the big dragon egg egg shell completely was swallowed down by it. 只是几下,偌大的龙蛋蛋壳就被它给全部吞下去了。 Roar!” “吼!” This small tiger sends out a tiger's roar, the stature rapid inflation. 这小虎发出一声虎啸,身躯迅速的膨胀。 Quick, it grew up three meters altitude, snow white, did not have mixed wool all over the body, the only black was that eye, black profoundness. 很快,它就长大到了三米的高度,通体雪白,没一丝的杂毛,唯一的黑色就是那双眼睛,黑的深邃。 Bright demon tiger!” The Xie Aoyu complexion becomes somewhat ugly. “光明魔虎!”谢傲宇脸色变得有些难看。 Ru Yan sinking sound track: This is Angel Clan unique Demon Beast, they unexpectedly are also are similar to the Dragon Clan same growth, Angel Clan had also adopted similar Dragon Clan method in the past, in this case, how could it not be then Angel Clan Light Bright Department Demon Beast also does have?” 如烟沉声道:“这是天使族特有的魔兽,它们居然也是如同龙族一样的成长,难道当年天使族也采取了类似龙族的手段,若是这样的话,那么天使族光明系魔兽岂非也有很多吗?” Xie Aoyu brow tight wrinkle. 谢傲宇眉头紧皱。 Dragon Clan is born, huge quantity, and evolution for Dragon King rank quite many, instead is the ordinary Dragon Clan quantity is few, this is doomed rising of Dragon Clan unable to prevent, and is strong. 龙族诞生,数量庞大,且其中进化为龙王级别的相当多,反而是普通龙族的数量很少,这就注定龙族的崛起是无法阻止的,并且非常强势。 May the present bright demon tiger be Angel Clan unique Demon Beast, and Light Bright Department Demon Beast was rare in the antiquity time, it is said mostly has the more or less relation with Angel Clan, but can in Light Bright Department Demon Beast that in Angel Holy Island was born, very obviously that was Angel Clan Demon Beast. 可眼前的光明魔虎则是天使族特有的魔兽,并且光明系魔兽在上古时期非常稀有的,据说大都是与天使族有着或多或少的联系,而能够在天使圣岛内诞生的光明系魔兽,很显然那就是天使族魔兽 They will definitely go with Angel Clan and Xin Jie Clan convergence, in this case, Angel Clan and Xin Jie Clan strength naturally is suddenly to increase. 它们肯定都会去和天使族心劫族汇合的,这样的话,天使族心劫族的实力自然是暴增的。 Especially this bright demon tiger, very obviously is not ordinary Demon Beast, belongs to Light Bright Department Demon Beast, has the king of beasts potential, is in the middle of similar Dragon Clan these transforms Dragon King level, has the achievement Dragon King potential big dragon to be the same, issue here, if before this bright demon tiger, is only ordinary Demon Beast, because transforms to have the achievement king of beasts potential in the egg shell, was Angel Clan also has stolen the Dragon Clan ability, so Angel Clan Light Bright Department Demon Beast will fear the strength to increase sharply, thus enabled Angel Clan Xin Jie Clan to have the striving for hegemony world ability again. 尤其是这只光明魔虎,很明显不是普通的魔兽,属于光明系魔兽中,有着兽王潜力的,也就是类似龙族当中那些蜕变成龙王级,有着成就龙王潜力的巨龙一样,问题就在这里,如果这只光明魔虎之前只是普通的魔兽,因为在蛋壳内蜕变而拥有成就兽王潜力的话,那么就是天使族也窃取了龙族的能力,如此天使族光明系魔兽恐怕实力将会激增,从而使得天使族心劫族再有争霸天下的能力了。 I go to seize it, asked that understands.” Xie Aoyu said. “我去将它擒下,问个明白。”谢傲宇道。 Thinks that that most fearful possible surname, Xie Aoyu somewhat to be afraid, itself Holy City, Brilliant City and Zheng the Xiao Fang three influences strive for hegemony, was very fatiguesome, now emits six mahatma places, making the aspect become more complex, if Angel Clan and Xin Jie Clan powerful rose once again, that seriously was the chaos of country divided into rival baronies. 想到那最可怕的可能姓,谢傲宇就有些不寒而栗,本身圣城神武城、郑萧方三股势力争霸,已经很让人疲惫了,现在冒出六大圣地,令局面变得更加复杂,如果天使族心劫族再度强势崛起,那当真是群雄割据的混乱局面了。 „” “喳喳” The birdsong has also made a sound at this time. 鸟鸣声也在这时响了起来。 Sees snow white bird to fly an all over the body from the upper air, was shouting to the bright demon tiger. 就见一只通体雪白的飞鸟从高空飞下来,对着光明魔虎叫嚷了起来。 Roar!” “吼!” The bright demon tiger has understood obviously also the meaning of this bird, sends out low and deep roaring, that bird then forward south flies, but the bright demon tiger follows in behind. 光明魔虎显然也听懂了这飞鸟的意思,发出一声低沉的吼叫,那飞鸟便向前南方飞去,而光明魔虎则在后面跟随。 Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan look one, they have not exchanged, then together in secret follows. 谢傲宇如烟对望一眼,他们也未曾交流,便一起暗中跟随。 A speed of tiger bird is quick. 一虎一鸟的速度还很快。 After under this bright demon tiger swallows egg shell, the strength then evolution is the Emperor level lower position boundary, is very intrepid, with initial earth Jingang dragon general boundary, explained that it is king of beasts potential Demon Beast. 这光明魔虎吞服下蛋壳之后,实力便进化为天王级下位的境界,已经是非常强悍了,与当初的大地金刚龙一般的境界,也说明它是兽王潜力的魔兽 Then, flew for more than 40 minutes, a bird tiger arrives at outside a mountain valley. 就这样,飞行了大约40多分钟,一鸟一虎来到一处山谷外。 „” “喳喳” The bird was calling two to the bright demon tiger. 飞鸟对着光明魔虎叫了两声。 Before the bright demon tiger arrives at that mountain valley entrance, to void is then sending out a tiger's roar. 光明魔虎来到那山谷入口前,对着虚空便发出一声虎啸。 In the tiger's roar sound is mixing with faint trace a fluctuation of bright magic, arrives at the mountain mouth place, saw that void presents the cream halo to fluctuate together. 虎啸声中夹杂着一丝丝的光明魔法的波动,到达山谷口处,就看到虚空中出现一道乳白色的光晕波动起来。 That is the ban. 那是禁制。 Along with it, that ban then presented the fissure, a person's shadow walked from inside. 随之,那禁制便出现了裂痕,一条人影从里面走了出来。 Crue, he here.” Xie Aoyu said. “奥克鲁,他在这里。”谢傲宇道。 Ru Yan said: Here feared that was Angel Clan and a Xin Jie Clan secret, moreover looked that the stance seemed in secret is searching for Light Bright Department Demon Beast.” 如烟道:“这里怕是天使族心劫族的一处秘密所在了,而且看架势似乎是在暗中搜寻光明系魔兽。” We also go to have a look.” Xie Aoyu said. “我们也进去看看。”谢傲宇道。 Words that some bans, going, feared that will be discovered that if that Luss in inside, were dangerous.” The Ru Yan reminder said. “有禁制,进去的话,怕是会被发现,要是那个勒斯曼在里面的话,就危险了。”如烟提醒道。 Chuckle, Xie Aoyu said: Do not forget my Earth Escape Technique, was not discovered that again said you do think Luss possibly here?” 轻笑一声,谢傲宇道:“别忘了我的土遁术,不被发现还是可以的,再说你觉得勒斯曼可能在这里吗?” Why is impossible?” Ru Yan has been startled. “为什么不可能?”如烟怔了一下。 Xie Aoyu said: In a big way has two to practice sacred place in Angel Holy Island, one is Long Gu, one is Tiantangshan, they definitely know Tiantangshan is, institute Il Sman is very likely there, after all his curse in remove, but also by Li Qingbiao severe wound, moreover Li Qingbiao also threatened that must destroy completely his race, he definitely is makes the best use of the time to restore, and must attack the Battle Emperor level boundary, after all the practice quickest place is Tiantangshan, how he will waste the time possibly.” 谢傲宇道:“在天使圣岛有两大修炼圣地,一个是龙谷,一个是天堂山,他们肯定知道天堂山的所在,所以勒斯曼极有可能在那里,毕竟他的诅咒正在解除中,还被李庆彪重伤,而且李庆彪还扬言要灭掉他的种族,他肯定是抓紧时间恢复,并要冲击战皇级境界了,毕竟修炼最快的地方就是天堂山,他怎么会容许浪费时间。” This analysis, Ru Yan also thought that is such a matter. 这一分析,如烟也觉得是这么回事。 She urged: You must handle affairs carefully, cannot take risk.” 她还是叮嘱道:“那你也要小心行事,不能冒险。” Relax.” Xie Aoyu pinches the Ru Yan tender and delicate cheek, has not come one spacious saying that with you lasting hand-to-hand fighting, how I can take risk.” Was saying has kissed Ru Yan lip, stamped the feet gently then did not have the trace. “放心吧。”谢傲宇捏捏如烟娇嫩的脸蛋儿,“还没和你来一场旷曰持久的肉搏战,我怎么能去冒险呢。”说着亲了如烟的嘴唇一下,轻轻一跺脚便没了踪影。 Around the mountain valley has the ban of secret. 山谷周围有着隐秘的禁制。 This ban has the imaginary technique, making one look that as if can see in the mountain valley anything not general, very easy to move the ban in the situation of not knowing the circumstances of the matter. 此禁制带有幻术,令人看去,仿佛能够看到山谷内什么都没有一般,很容易在不知情的情况下触碰禁制的。 However ban not in underground. 但是禁制并不在地下。 Xie Aoyu through Earth Escape Technique, one entered in the mountain valley, but he observed through Earth Escape Technique, this mountain valley is not big, is 300-400 square meters appearance, some flowers and plants trees, the rugged rock, he then hide, in approaches behind the megalith of mountain valley most edge position. 谢傲宇通过土遁术,一下进入了山谷内,只是他通过土遁术观察了一下,这山谷并不大,也就是三四百平米的样子,有一些花草树木,嶙峋怪石的,他便隐藏在一处靠近山谷最边缘位置的巨石后面。 The station here, Xie Aoyu then starts to observe the concrete situation in valley. 站在这里,谢傲宇这才开始观察谷内的具体情形。 The people are not many, is 78 people. 人不多,也就是78人而已。 These people are actually strength strong several, Wynter, Crue , several other are also the strength reaches in the Emperor level the position breakthrough edge. 这些人却都是实力强劲的几个,温特、奥克鲁都在,其他几位也都是实力达到天王级中位突破边缘的。 Besides them, some Demon Beast, all are Light Bright Department, the bright demon tiger of Xie Aoyu track also , the quantity fully has more than 20, all has king of beasts potential Demon Beast. 除了他们,还有一些魔兽,全都是光明系的,其中谢傲宇跟踪的光明魔虎也在其中,数量足有20多,全都是有着兽王潜力的魔兽 Except for of bright demon tiger, most is in Light Bright Department Demon Beast is impressively easiest to have the beastly emperor rank, has the most formidable bird of paradise of possibility in Light Bright Department Demon Beast with the bright condor that contends with, in this bright condor if it is said can simultaneously be born ten, only then king of beasts potential, then may present one to evolve, the achievement has beastly emperor potential Demon Beast. 除了光明魔虎,最多的赫然是光明系魔兽中最容易产生兽皇级别,也就是有可能与光明系魔兽中最强大的天堂鸟抗衡的光明神鹰,这中光明神鹰据说若能同时诞生十只有着兽王潜力的,那么就有可能出现一只进化,成就拥有兽皇潜力的魔兽 The beastly emperor potential, that means that passes a Tianlong lion rank with the dragon emperor tyrannosaurus and bird of paradise super existed. 兽皇潜力,那就意味着与龙皇霸王龙、天堂鸟、通天龙狮一个级别的超级存在了。 Xie Aoyu has counted, unexpectedly eight bright condors, and has the king of beasts potential, in other words, if two, might the bright condors evolve again. 谢傲宇数了一下,居然有八只光明神鹰,且都是有着兽王潜力的,也就是说,若是再有两只,就有可能有一只光明神鹰进化了。 Must remove! 必须除掉! In Xie Aoyu heart murderous intention. 谢傲宇心中动了杀机。 23 king of beasts potential bright Demon Beast, um, it seems like in the past the older generations acted according to the brand-new Demon Beast variation method that the Dragon Clan method creates, the successful probability wants high compared with the Dragon Clan method many.” Wynter noticed that the bright demon tiger arrives, cannot help but has shown the smile of understanding. “23只兽王潜力的光明魔兽,嗯,看来当年先辈们根据龙族的手段创造出来的全新的魔兽变异手段,成功几率比龙族的方法要高的多啊。”温特看到光明魔虎到来,不由得露出了会心的微笑。 Crue's excited say (way): Yes, the Dragon Clan curse variation, the successful probability is also 13%, but our at least also has achieved 30% probabilities.” His inspired say (way), „, if Sir Luss can study to expedite the Demon Beast method, then we can definitely in one year, cultivates and Dragon Clan has Dragon King level potential big dragon quantity equally matched king of beasts potential Demon Beast.” 奥克鲁兴奋的道:“是啊,龙族的诅咒变异,成功几率也不过是13而已,可是我们的至少也达到了30的几率了。”他振奋的道,“如果勒斯曼大人能够研究出催生魔兽的手段,那么我们完全可以在一年的时间内,培育出和龙族拥有龙王级潜力的巨龙数量不相上下的兽王潜力的魔兽。” You think Sir Luss, since said that the meeting hasn't grasped?” Wynter said with a smile. “你觉得勒斯曼大人既然说出来,会没有把握吗?”温特笑道。 „Did you say?” Crue stares the big eye. “你是说?”奥克鲁瞪大眼睛。 Wynter nods, said: Sir Luss had discovered in Tiantangshan the older generations stay behind the material about this aspect, after with his research results contrast, draws the conclusion, 90% assurances are at least successful.” 温特点点头,道:“勒斯曼大人在天堂山发现了先辈们留下的一些关于这方面的资料,经过与他自己的研究成果对比,得出结论,至少有九成的把握成功。” Good!” “太好了!” Our Angel Clan must rise.” “我们天使族又要崛起了。” Crue et al. excitedly shouted. 奥克鲁等人都兴奋地叫嚷了起来。 Wynter investigates the correct path: „It is not Angel Clan, is Xin Jie Clan!” 温特纠正道:“不是天使族,是心劫族!” Right, Xin Jie Clan, Ha Ha, Ma Li Ya that smelly woman gave our race evolution to leave behind a fatal weakness in the past intentionally, but she has not actually thought that our Xin Jie Clan was born Sir Luss, remove this weakness, our Xin Jie Clan was still the most advantageous competitor of mainland overlord!” Crue is brandishing fist excitedly. “对,心劫族,哈哈,玛丽娅那个臭女人当年故意给我们的种族进化留下一个致命的弱点,可她却没想到我们心劫族诞生了勒斯曼大人,解除了这个弱点,我们心劫族仍将是大陆霸主的最有利竞争者!”奥克鲁兴奋的挥舞着拳头。
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