BE :: Volume #10

#929: Seeks the travel of dragon 【One】

Six mahatmas tyrannical incomparable, can say that now the Holy City strength also forces to contend with a mahatma, contends merely reluctantly, after all Holy City most is also arrow Wang Lingzun believes that but also is only accurate Battle Emperor, but six mahatmas at least will have the accurate Battle Emperor peak boundary powerhouse, therefore was still in the weak trend. 六大圣地强横无匹,可以说现在圣城的力量也就是勉强与一大圣地抗衡而已,也仅仅是勉强抗衡,毕竟圣城最强也就是箭王灵尊信,还只是准战皇,可六大圣地至少会有准战皇巅峰境界的强者,所以仍旧处于弱势。 However Dragon Clan is different. 但是龙族不同。 Dragon Clan once again rises, starting from nothing, was still one of the recognition most formidable existences, dominated the tyrannosaurus born, the Saint dragon was also born 56, had Dragon King large quantities of emergence, was still not restrainable powerful rises, in addition the Dragon Clan strength, they entirely believe that can resist sacred place. 龙族就算是再度崛起,从零开始,仍旧是公认的最强大的存在之一,霸霸王龙诞生,圣龙也出世56条,更有龙王大批的出现,依然是无可遏制的强势崛起,加上龙族的力量,他们完全相信,能够抗拒圣地。 It can be said that Dragon Clan comprehensive recovery, that is a turning point. 可以说龙族全面复苏,那就是一个契机。 Now because the tyrannosaurus and Saint dragon source of this side Holy City, can definitely say, this turning point by Holy City holding. 现在因为霸王龙和圣龙之源都在圣城这一边,完全可以说,这个契机已经被圣城给抓住了。 At the present Jingang Dragon King is born, remains to assume personal command with Bing Wu, then sought the travel of dragon also to put on to say the regulation! 而今金刚龙王出世,与冰舞留守坐镇,那么寻龙之旅也就可以提上曰程了! By the source of Saint dragon, they have the confidence to obtain the certain amount of big dragon to join, can establish certain relation with other Dragon Clan, so after Ru Yan by the source of Saint dragon, rein Dragon Clan, decides however has the enormous advantage. 凭借圣龙之源,他们有信心能够获得一定数量的巨龙加入,更能够与其他龙族建立一定的联系,如此对于如烟以后凭借圣龙之源,统御龙族,定然有着极大的好处。 Before launching to seek the travel of dragon, they unanimously decided that seizes to kill Choir and SheLu Xin to come deters these to have the person of ambition. 在展开寻龙之旅前,他们还是一致的决定,擒杀乔伊尔和佘卢辛来威慑那些有野心之人。 All preparations are appropriate, Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan then go to the scud island and south the day of island station. 一切准备妥当,谢傲宇如烟便前往飞云岛和南天岛驻地。 Island host, island host “岛主,岛主” Just went out of the tent, saw Chilao to run over. 刚走出帐篷,就看到奇拉奥跑了过来。 What matter?” Xie Aoyu said. “什么事?”谢傲宇道。 Island host, Sun Qianlai.” Chilao said. “岛主,孙谦来了。”奇拉奥道。 Um? 嗯? Some Xie Aoyu bursting out laughing, this grandson very much has the person of surname modestly, he has rejected the request of joining, how to come suddenly. 谢傲宇有些哑然,这个孙谦可是很有个姓的一个人,他拒绝了加入的要求,怎么会突然前来。 Where?” Xie Aoyu asked. “在什么地方?”谢傲宇问道。 In outside, he is not willing to come, said that must see the island host.” Chilao is pointing at outside the station. “就在外面,他不肯进来,说是要见岛主。”奇拉奥指着驻地外面。 Xie Aoyu turns head to look that really sees grandson modest look indifferent standing outside, only waits and sees from his bearing, Xie Aoyu is then predicable, Sun Qian already strided in the Emperor level superior boundary. 谢傲宇扭头看去,果然看到孙谦神色淡然的站在外面,仅从他的气度观望,谢傲宇便可断定,孙谦已然跨入天王级上位境界。 He then walked. 他便走了过去。 „Do you look for me?” Xie Aoyu said. “你来找我?”谢傲宇道。 I had said I owe your friendship, I.” Grandson modest tranquil say (way). “我说过我欠你的情分,我会还的。”孙谦平静的道。 The chuckle, Xie Aoyu said: Indifferent, I have not cared.” 轻笑了一声,谢傲宇道:“无所谓,我并没有放在心上。” Grandson modest light say (way): But I care, my Sun Qian never owes people the benevolence, recently several side masters came to disturb, I am closing up, has not caught up, today took their number of people especially, is also your human sentiment.” He was saying puts out two numbers of people to throw on the ground conveniently. 孙谦淡淡的道:“但我放在心上,我孙谦从不欠人恩情,前次几方高手前来捣乱,我在闭关,并没有赶上,今天特地取了两人人头,算是还你人情。”他说着拿出两个人头随手扔在地上。 The number of people bloodstained, vaguely can also see clearly the facial features. 人头血迹斑斑,依稀还能看清面容。 Chilao sees two numbers of people, shouted lowly: Choir! SheLu Xin!” 奇拉奥看到两颗人头,不由的低呼道:“乔伊尔!佘卢辛!” These two Xie Aoyu planned the leaders of two Island Younger generation puts to death, Choir and day of island SheLu Xin of scud island. 这两人正是谢傲宇打算去诛杀的两岛年轻一代的领军人物,飞云岛的乔伊尔和南天岛的佘卢辛。 „Do you rush in their station to kill?” After Xie Aoyu sees these two died, still coagulated the expression that cannot believe that then inquired. “你闯进他们驻地杀的?”谢傲宇看到这两人死后,仍然凝固着不敢相信的表情,便询问道。 Sun Qiandao: Does not need to ask that my your benevolence, from now, your I respectively have not owed.” After he said that does not need the Xie Aoyu aperture, then to soar to go. 孙谦道:“无需多问,我只是还你恩情罢了,从此以后,你我各不相欠。”他说完之后,也不待谢傲宇开口,便腾空而去。 Comes in a hurry, goes in a hurry, chic and smooth. 来匆匆,去匆匆,潇洒自如。 The back that Xie Aoyu looks at Sun Qian, sobbed, if can with the beloved woman, roam through the world, that was what kind free and unrestrained, what a pity the philistine was encumbered, feared that did not have this opportunity. 谢傲宇看着孙谦的背影,唏嘘不已,若是能够与自己心爱的女人,遨游天下,那是何等的逍遥自在,可惜自己俗物缠身,怕是没这种机会了。 „Does island host, this number of people, process?” Chilao said. “岛主,这人头,怎么处理?”奇拉奥道。 On the Xie Aoyu face reappears wipes cold meaning, said: Hangs up to expose to the public the number of people!” 谢傲宇脸上浮现一抹冷意,道:“将人头挂起来示众!” Processes this matter, Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan also started. 处理完此事,谢傲宇如烟也启程了。 Their will carry on one time to seek the travel of dragon. 他们的将进行一次寻龙之旅。 South Angel Holy Island, the mountain range fluctuates, wind has blown, loosen Tao is intermittent, once for a while has Demon Beast to whoosh the sound to get up, stands in the upper air looks, here as if 100,000 mountains, cannot look at side and mountain range. 天使圣岛南端,山峦起伏,风吹过,松涛阵阵,时不时的有魔兽嘶吼声响起,站在高空看去,这里就仿佛100000大山般,一眼望不到边及的山脉。 A white clothing, the look charming startled day is the man who the white tight-fitting vigor installs stands with 12 in summit of the mountain, is staring at the distant place. 一袭白衣,相貌帅气的项惊天与12名都是白色紧身劲装的男子站在一座高山之巅,凝望着远方。 Few, we this time move, can prevent to mix the world three demon sword owners to reactivate to prepare?” In 12 white clothing men stands in the person of forefront inquires in a low voice. “项少,我们此番行动,是不是要为阻止混世三魔剑主人复活而做准备?”12名白衣男子中站在最前面之人低声询问道。 Um.” The startled day nods, you know why your 12 humanities are brother's protect guards, can actually send to me?” “嗯。”项惊天微点头,“你知道为什么你们12人本是大哥的护卫,却要派给我吗?” The man said: Should for this matter.” 那男子道:“应该是为此事。” Startled day nod said: Right, this time moves, if can succeed, will force out to mix reactivating of world three demon sword owners, the success ratio will increase, will be many with my six mahatma advantage.” 项惊天点头道:“没错,此番行动,若能成功,封杀混世三魔剑主人的复活,成功率将会大增,与我六大圣地好处多多。” Few, the subordinate has the incident to be puzzled, does not know, when does not work as to ask.” The men said. “项少,属下有一事不解,不知当不当问。”男子道。 Said.” Startled sun. “说吧。”项惊天道。 The men wave backward, after that 11 people in abundance, falls back on about ten meters, he then low voice said: Our six mahatmas were still being fettered by that formidable strength, if this mixes master reactivating of world three demon swords, not only person king bloodline seal remove, the fetter to our sacred place should also meet remove, why can we prevent him?” 男子向后挥挥手,那11人纷纷后退到大约十米开外,他这才小声说道:“我们六大圣地至今仍被那强大的力量束缚着,如果这混世三魔剑的主人复活,不但人王血脉封印解除,对我们圣地的束缚也应该会解除的,为什么我们一定要阻止他呢?” Smiles, startled sun: You wonder very much, if no that strength fetter, our six mahatmas already became present age the overlords.” 轻轻一笑,项惊天道:“你是不是很纳闷,若是没有那力量束缚,我们六大圣地早就成为当世霸主了。” Yes.” The men do not evade. “是。”男子也不避讳。 Startled sun: I told you, if this person reactivated, depending on his strength, our six mahatmas collaborated, was hard with it contending, waited for that our was the death!” 项惊天道:“那我告诉你,此人若复活,凭他的实力,我们六大圣地联手,也难以与之抗衡,等待我们的是死亡!” Hissing “嘶” This answer made the man suck in cold air. 这答案令男子倒抽一口凉气。 This, this is how possible.” The man panic-stricken say (way). “这,这怎么可能。”男子惊骇的道。 Startled day cold -ly snorted and said: This is Senior greatly main says personally, therefore told me explicitly, if were defeated, I do not need to live again.” 项惊天冷哼道:“此乃大尊主亲口所言,所以明确告诉我,若是失败,我也没必要再活着了。” Hears Senior host greatly three characters, on the male face reveals to wipe the color of deep respect. 听到“大尊主”三个字,男子脸上流露出一抹深深的崇敬之色。 Other five people also with my general treatment, therefore we must succeed, cannot be defeated.” The startled day sinking sound track, we walk.” “其他五人也与我一般的待遇,所以我们必须成功,绝不能失败。”项惊天沉声道,“我们走吧。” The group entered in this be continuous several thousand li (0.5km) mountain range. 一行人进入了这绵延数万里的山脉中。 Meanwhile, Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan also arrived at the Angel Holy Island south. 与此同时,谢傲宇如烟也来到了天使圣岛的南部。 According to Ru Yan, through the source of Saint dragon, she felt that Dragon Clan aura heaviest place in the Angel Holy Island north, there big dragon should be most, but the source of Saint dragon actually directed her to arrive at the south, as if had anything to attract the source of Saint dragon in the south, this feeling was very weak, such as non- Ru Yan carried on to seek the travel of dragon, but also has not noted. 按照如烟所言,通过圣龙之源,她感觉到龙族气息最重的地方是在天使圣岛的北部,那里的巨龙应该最多,可是圣龙之源却指引她来到了南部,似乎在南部有什么吸引着圣龙之源,这种感觉很微弱,如非如烟进行寻龙之旅,还真没注意到。 Therefore they then arrived here. 于是两人便来到了这里。 Their this time comes by true body, but with the status of Qin Ziao Ao Heyan, so the bystander does not think that they have not assumed in two mahatma island stations. 他们这次都是以真身现身的,而非用秦紫傲和烟儿的身份,如此外人也不会想到他们没有坐镇两大圣岛驻地内。 They fly, relies on source of that Saint dragon weakly to tow to the aura that almost cannot induce completely, flies toward the mountain range. 两人一路飞行,完全是凭借着圣龙之源那一丝微弱到几乎感应不到的气息牵引着,向着山脉内飞去。 Flies, sees many Demon Beast, is Ten Kings Level Demon Beast is also not infrequent, these locally born Demon Beast on Angel Holy Island, not by the rule restrict of Angel Holy Island, their not active threat humanity. 一路飞行,也看到不少的魔兽,其中更是十王级魔兽也不在少数,这些在天使圣岛上土生土长的魔兽,并不受天使圣岛的规则约束,它们也不怎么主动攻击人类。 Ru Yan, depending on your feeling, if your achievement Ten Kings Level boundary, the source of Saint dragon can reluctant grass vertical?” In the Xie Aoyu flight, is observing all around situation, on the mouth with Ru Yan with pauses was chatting. 如烟,凭你的感觉,若是你成就十王级境界的话,圣龙之源能不能勉强艹纵一下?”谢傲宇飞行中,观察着四周的情形,嘴上与如烟有一搭没一搭的聊着。 Regarding the source of Saint dragon, they have an idea, why is the source of Saint dragon can rein Dragon Clan, after all after is only the Saint dragon dies the soul, has certain deterrent force to Dragon Clan of present age, but will definitely not have to force the surname, why can say can rein Dragon Clan? 对于圣龙之源,他们都有着一种想法,就是圣龙之源到底凭什么能够统御龙族,毕竟只是圣龙死后的灵魂所化,对当代的龙族有一定的威慑力,但绝对不会有强制姓,为什么要说能够统御龙族呢? Therefore Xie Aoyu wants to do the source of clear Saint dragon secret, to complete to be able the rein Dragon Clan ability, after all now Dragon Clan just rose, definitely some people will start to do everything possible carries on the relation with Dragon Clan, therefore Dragon Clan may also before Ru Yan completely grasps the source of Saint dragon splits. 所以谢傲宇想搞明白圣龙之源的秘密,以做好能够统御龙族的能力,毕竟现在龙族刚刚崛起,必然会有人开始想方设法的与龙族进行联系,故而龙族也有可能在如烟完全掌握圣龙之源之前分裂的。 Perhaps is very difficult.” Ru Yan sighed, according to my judgment, to actuate the source of Saint dragon, must reach the Battle Emperor level to be good, Ten Kings Level feared that was hard to have anything to affect, but defers to me to make the source of Saint dragon lend the Saint dragon aura now the situation to judge reluctantly, if I broke through into Ten Kings Level, can definitely have some changes.” “恐怕很难。”如烟叹气道,“根据我的判断,要想驱动圣龙之源,必须达到战皇级才行,十王级怕是难以有什么作用,但按照我现在能够勉强令圣龙之源散发出圣龙气息的情形来判断,若我突破成为十王级,肯定能够有一些变化。” Xie Aoyu turns head to look that is similar to the beautiful appearance that suddenly to Ru Yan that the heaven carves becomes, said with a smile: Dragon Clan good silver, will therefore have massive Inferior Dragon Beast to appear, antiquity Saint Emperor was also the imperial concubine are it is said innumerable, you said that can be the male and female synthesis can display the source of Saint dragon strength.” 谢傲宇忽然扭头看向如烟那如同上天雕琢而成的绝美容颜,笑道:“龙族好银,所以才会有大量的亚龙兽出现,上古圣皇据说也是妃嫔无数,你说会不会是男女合体就能够发挥圣龙之源的力量了。” Ru Yan elegant face slightly red, snort said: Knows that indulges in flights of fancy.” 如烟俏脸微红,哼道:“就知道胡思乱想。” Um? Did you blush?” Xie Aoyu collects, put out a hand to touch the Ru Yan tender and delicate cheek, ruddy boiling hot, this probably was not your style, should not be last night you and Bing Wu will have a sexual intercourse, what did you have to exchange? Come, told me.” “嗯?你脸红了?”谢傲宇凑过去,伸手摸了一下如烟娇嫩的脸蛋儿,红扑扑的滚烫的,“这好像不是你的风格啊,该不会是昨晚你和冰舞同房,你们有过什么交流吧?来,跟我说说。” Being disinclined manages you.” Ru Yan blushes, accelerates to fly. “懒得理你。”如烟红着脸,加速飞行。 Xie Aoyu laughs, he felt obviously through Profound Spirit a flurry of Ru Yan, this made him is believes that Ru Yan and content of Bing Wu exchange definitely had the issue. 谢傲宇哈哈一笑,他通过玄灵明显感觉到如烟的一丝慌乱,这令他更是相信如烟冰舞交流的内容肯定有问题。 He picked up the speed to pursue. 他加快速度追了上去。 Later does not permit to be again colored to my mouth, does not permit to raise a rumpus casually.” Ru Yan sees him to pursue, immediately blushes, serious saying. “以后不准再对我口花花,也不准随便动手动脚。”如烟看到他追过来,当即红着脸,严肃的说道。 Xie Aoyu said in consternation: Why?” 谢傲宇愕然道:“为什么?” This is his big pleasure. 这可是他的一大乐趣。 Because, because Ru Yan as if somewhat bashfully blushes. “因为,因为”如烟似乎有些羞赧。 This expression made Xie Aoyu stunned, Flatters Tech­nique that Ru Yan practiced, should be insufficient so, was, the Bing Wu dragon favored is the female celestial dragon, the outstanding person in Saint dragon, it should tell the means of source of display function some Bing Wu command Saint dragons, hey, should not be I will guess right, wanted the synthesis to be good.” 这表情令谢傲宇不禁错愕,如烟可是修炼的媚术,应该不至于如此啊,“是了,冰舞的龙宠是仙女龙,圣龙中的佼佼者,它应该告诉了冰舞一些令圣龙之源发挥作用的办法,嘿嘿,该不会是我猜对了吧,真的要合体才行。” Ru Yan deeply inspires, making oneself tranquil. 如烟深吸一口气,令自己平静下来。 Female celestial dragon indeed told the matter of Bing Wu source about Saint dragon.” Blushing on Ru Yan that cheek also vanished, „it is said , to control the source of Saint dragon completely, must with the host of synthesis tyrannosaurus, and “仙女龙的确告诉了冰舞关于圣龙之源的事情。”如烟那脸蛋儿上的红晕也消失了一些,“它说要想完全掌控圣龙之源,必须与霸王龙之主合体,而且” Ha Ha, I guess and that's the end.” Xie Aoyu laughs to say. “哈哈,我猜就是了。”谢傲宇大笑道。 „It is not now, must they reach the Battle Emperor level to be good.” Ru Yan spoke of here, lay near the ear of Xie Aoyu said one in a low voice. “不是现在,必须两人都达到战皇级才行。”如烟说到这里,顿了顿,又趴在谢傲宇的耳边低声说了一句。 Xie Aoyu stares first, immediately laughs heartily. 谢傲宇先是一愣,随即纵声大笑起来。 Ru Yan has kicked his foot, does not want happily too early, are you so fierce? Finally have not become the embroidering pillow, the light looks, no matter uses.” 如烟踢了他一脚,“不要高兴的太早了,你有那么厉害吗?别最后成了绣花枕头,光看不管用。” You dare to suspect me, now makes you know my fierce.” Xie Aoyu is angry, puts out a hand to support Ru Yan in the bosom. “你敢怀疑我,现在就让你知道我的厉害。”谢傲宇大怒,伸手将如烟拥在怀中。 Ru Yan cracks into a chuckle, to sway from side to side the snake waist intentionally, with the Xie Aoyu personal friction, then made the Xie Aoyu desire come up in great numbers and from all sides all of a sudden, two wanted to torch. 如烟嘻嘻一笑,故意扭动蛇腰,与谢傲宇贴身摩擦,一下子便令谢傲宇欲望横生,两眼直欲喷火。 Hurried to nip the tongue, Xie Aoyu has wanted to execute a captured offender on the spot Ru Yan very much, but the female celestial dragon also said that must be able to take Ru Yan in the Battle Emperor level above, in other words, present Ru Yan can only look that was unedible. 赶紧咬了一下舌头,谢傲宇很想将如烟就地正法,可仙女龙也说了,必须要在战皇级以上才能够拿下如烟,也就是说,现在的如烟只能看,不能吃。 Later also dares to tease me, makes you uncomfortable.” Some Ru Yan cheek blood flushes, breath is a little also rapid, obviously also some sentiments moved, but she practices is the spirit desire hundred changes the technique, controlling force in this aspect very astonishing, deeply attracts several tones, then tranquil, saw the tent that Xie Aoyu that very has, cannot help but tenderly smiles. “以后还敢挑逗我,就让你难受。”如烟脸蛋儿也有些潮红,呼吸有点急促,显然也有些情动了,只是她修炼的是灵欲百变术,在这方面的控制力非常的惊人,深吸几口气,便平静了下来,看到谢傲宇那挺起的帐篷,不由得娇笑起来。 Xie Aoyu looks at that moving tender body, because smiles the curve that forms to be turbulent tenderly, is more fiery, hurries to turn head to look to elsewhere, „, I have a look to have the big dragon here.” 谢傲宇看着那动人的娇躯因为娇笑而形成的曲线动荡,更是火热,赶紧扭头看向别处,“嗯,我看看有没有巨龙在这里。” Saying, his rapid seeks forward. 说着,他飞速的向前寻找起来。 The Ru Yan laughter was more resounding. 如烟的笑声更响亮了。 „Is that the Demon Beast egg or Long Dan?” Xie Aoyu wants to be put down the homocentric desire by oneself, finally actually saw a giant egg is splitting. “那是魔兽蛋还是龙蛋?”谢傲宇只是想让自己平复心中欲望,结果却看到了一枚巨大的蛋正在裂开。
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