BE :: Volume #10

#928: King 【Two】

Aggrieved! 憋屈! Zhuo Fan Ting and floats the world to feel that the incomparable aggrievedness, they think from six mahatma places, is a cut above other people, had already fostered that superiority feeling, to be forced how could so. 卓凡婷和浮世远感到无比的憋屈,他们自认为来自六大圣地,就是高人一等的,早就养成了那种优越感,何曾受到如此胁迫。 Xie Aoyu is that strong. 偏偏谢傲宇就是那么强势。 Most is afraid just now collaborates the war to be easy to accommodate later Bing Wu that master with gold Yue from day sacred place, he is also the Emperor level superior master, realized, Xie Aoyu to his killing intent, anxious looks floats the world to be far, was worried his putting out lets the thing that Xie Aoyu looks at does not glance. 最为害怕的还是方才与金月联手大战易容之后的冰舞的那名来自天罗圣地的高手,他也是天王级上位高手,也意识到,谢傲宇对他的杀意,一阵紧张的看着浮世远,担心他拿出让谢傲宇看不上眼的东西。 Qin Daozhu, weren't you intentionally regarded as the trash the good thing?” Floats the world also to feel that Xie Aoyu strong killing intent, he felt that as if Xie Aoyu may look for the excuse murder intentionally. “秦岛主,你不会故意将好东西当做是垃圾吧?”浮世远也感觉到了谢傲宇浓重的杀意,他感到仿佛谢傲宇是有可能故意找借口杀人的。 Xie Aoyu hey said with a smile: That is uncertain, you had better be able put out to let my heart movement the thing.” 谢傲宇嘿嘿笑道:“那可不一定,你们最好能拿出让我心动的东西。” You!” Floats the world far air/Qi on the face the muscle spasm. “你!”浮世远气的脸上肌肉抽动。 „!” “嚓!” The Xie Aoyu backhand will execute Divine Knife to insert in the ground, the both arms hold the chest. 谢傲宇反手将诛神刀插在地上,双臂抱胸。 That executes Divine Knife tremor slightly, was saying fiercely glitters the golden light, the knife point is flashing the cold and gloomy chill in the air, seems is releasing the bloodthirsty the flavor. 那诛神刀微微的颤动,在烈曰下闪烁着金光,刀锋更是闪动着森冷的寒意,好似在释放出嗜血的味道。 This movement floating world far side the Emperor level superior masters in that day sacred place frightening can not help back up one step, he believes that once Xie Aoyu begins, first killed definitely is he. 这动作把浮世远身边的那名天罗圣地的天王级上位高手给吓的情不自禁倒退一步,他坚信,一旦谢傲宇动手,第一个被杀的肯定是他。 Floats the fellow apprentice.” This person of trembling sound track. “浮师兄。”此人颤声道。 Floats the world to suppress the anger, has looked one with Zhuo Fan Ting. 浮世远强忍着怒火,和卓凡婷对望了一眼。 They simultaneously have put out the thing from Space Ring. 他们两人同时从空间戒指内拿出了东西。 The goods place before the body. 物品摆放在身前。 „!” “啊!” Almost all people exuded one to call out in alarm, they put out unexpectedly was the same goods, and was sending out very strong fluctuation of energy. 几乎所有人都发出了一声惊呼,两人拿出的居然是一样的物品,且都散发着非常强的能量波动。 Is Die Ge Sarah, on Yi Huanan and other faces reveals to wipe the greedy color. 就是迭戈萨拉、易华南等人脸上都流露出一抹贪婪之色。 That is two dragon egg egg shells. 那是两枚龙蛋蛋壳。 Nowadays the keel sword is born, all Dragon Clan broken shells, the dragon egg egg shell was almost swallowed completely completely, all dragon egg egg shells are very precious, but these two dragon egg egg shells especially precious, the fluctuation of energy that all because they contain, judges at the Xie Aoyu eyesight, favors the dragon egg egg shell of earth Jingang dragon to want formidable many many compared with Ru Yan that dragon, but the earth Jingang dragon is Dragon King rank, it can be imagined, the ranks of these two dragon egg egg shells, obviously are the Saint Long Longdan egg shells. 现如今龙骨剑出世,所有的龙族全部破壳而出,龙蛋蛋壳几乎被吞噬殆尽,所有龙蛋蛋壳很珍贵,可这两枚龙蛋蛋壳格外的珍贵,皆因它们所蕴含的能量波动,以谢傲宇的眼力来判断,比如烟那条龙宠大地金刚龙的龙蛋蛋壳要强大的多的多,而大地金刚龙乃是龙王级别的,可想而知,这两枚龙蛋蛋壳的级别,显然是圣龙龙蛋的蛋壳。 Saint dragon egg shell, your unexpectedly person.” Xie Aoyu was excited, Saint dragon egg shell was not the ordinary egg shell can compare, did not say that inside the energy of implication far exceeded the ordinary Dragon King rank the egg shell strength, but also has certain probability change to swallow the Saint dragon egg shell the Dragon Clan potential. “圣龙蛋壳,你们两人居然一人一枚。”谢傲宇心动了,圣龙蛋壳可不是普通的蛋壳所能比的,不说里面蕴含的能量远远超出普通的龙王级别的蛋壳力量,还有着一定几率改变吞噬圣龙蛋壳的龙族的潜力。 This time you should satisfy.” Floats the world long way. “这次你该满意了吧。”浮世远道。 Xie Aoyu grasps void, two egg shells then fly into his hand, said with a smile: „, The main island is also main, this time forgave you.” 谢傲宇虚空一抓,两枚蛋壳便飞入他的手中,笑道:“还可以吧,本岛主宽宏大量,这次就饶过你们了。” Broadminded?! 宽宏大量?! Zhuo Fan Ting and floats the world almost air/Qi to faint, sees excessively broadminded, such broadminded has not seen, that is the Saint dragon egg shell. 卓凡婷和浮世远差点气昏过去,见过宽宏大量的,这么宽宏大量的从来没见过,那可是圣龙蛋壳啊。 We walk.” Floats world say (way) maliciously. “我们走。”浮世远狠狠的道。 Zhuo Fan Ting also makes the human bring gold Yue the corpse, stared Xie Aoyu one wickedly, left. 卓凡婷也让人带着金月的尸体,恶狠狠的瞪了谢傲宇一眼,离开了。 The startled day is naturally full to the Xie Aoyu hatred, will not stay behind. 项惊天自然是对谢傲宇恨意十足,根本不会留下。 Only has Die Ge Sarah and easy southern China, they look at each other to smile bitterly, what they smile bitterly is hei deep pool palace Yaqi has not come unexpectedly, in this command two people of hearts has some ideas unavoidably, one is to fear Yaqi does not come, will make her with the opportunity that it unites bigger \; Again one is, they are very strange, why Yaqi believes that Xie Aoyu can not get angry sea suddenly Yuanji to kill? \\ N 唯有迭戈萨拉和易华南,两人相视苦笑,他们苦笑的是黒渊殿雅琪居然没有来,这令两人心中不免生出一些想法,一个是恐怕雅琪不来,会使得她与之联合的机会更大\;再有一个就是,他们很奇怪,雅琪为什么会相信谢傲宇能够不被怒海暴猿击杀呢?\\n Where they know that Yaqi early has seen through the Xie Aoyu real status. 他们哪里知道,雅琪早已经识破谢傲宇的真实身份了。 Their awkward said goodbye with Xie Aoyu. 两人尴尬的与谢傲宇告别。 So two Saint island stations also peaceful. 如此两圣岛驻地也安静了下来。 The Xie Aoyu life person battlefield cleanup, he temporarily left with Bing Wu and Ru Yan, to distant place. 谢傲宇命人打扫战场,他则与冰舞如烟暂时离开了,到了远处。 This time many thanks Sister Bing Wu, promptness that if not the Bing Wu younger sister comes, perhaps I was really dangerous.” Ru Yan racket milk-white bosom, a fear appearance. “这次多谢冰舞妹妹了,若非冰舞妹子来的及时,恐怕我真的要危险了。”如烟拍拍酥胸,一副后怕的模样儿。 How Xie Aoyu also wonders Bing Wu to come so prompt. 谢傲宇也纳闷怎么冰舞来的如此及时。 Bing Wu said with a smile: I also fortunately, practice in the dragon valley, can break through, after stable boundary, comes out to have a look.” 冰舞笑道:“我也只是凑巧,在龙谷内修炼,得以突破,稳固境界之后,就出来走走看看。” Cluck-cluck, the Bing Wu younger sister, you told the facts, was worried about elder sister overthrowing your family man?” The Ru Yan obvious mood is very high, simply exposed in the Bing Wu heart to think very much. “咯咯,冰舞妹子,你就实话实说了吧,是不是担心姐姐把你家男人给推倒了啊?”如烟显然心情很高,很干脆的点破了冰舞心中所想。 Was said the concern Bing Wu elegant face immediately red. 被说中心事的冰舞俏脸登时就红了起来。 Not.” Bing Wu awkward say (way). “不是的。”冰舞尴尬的道。 Ru Yan said: You felt relieved that you did not agree, your family man continually does not have to the guts that I raise a rumpus, did not need to be too anxious, yeah, the elder sister charm was insufficient.” Speaks, but also blinks to Xie Aoyu, that smart-alecky appearance made a heart that Xie Aoyu looked at be hard to take itchy. 如烟道:“你放心吧,你不同意,你家男人可是连对我动手动脚的胆量都没有的,不用太紧张了,哎,姐姐魅力不够啊。”说着话,还向谢傲宇眨眨眼睛,那俏皮的模样儿令谢傲宇看的一阵心痒难耐。 What does not dare to raise a rumpus, if were not disturbed, I advanced you, Xie Aoyu whispered at heart, on the mouth said: Wants me to raise a rumpus to you now.” 什么叫不敢动手动脚,若非被人打扰,我已经将你推到了,谢傲宇心里嘀咕道,嘴上则说道:“要不要我现在就对你动手动脚啊。” Good, you, if did not fear that Bing Wu younger sister vitality, you come.” Ru Yan very draws out the milk-white bosom intentionally, is in front of Bing Wu, entices. “好啊,你要是不怕冰舞妹子生气,你就来吧。”如烟故意挺起酥胸,当着冰舞的面,进行诱惑。 Xie Aoyu searches the hand to grasp to that milk-white bosom. 谢傲宇探手就向那酥胸抓去。 „!” “啊!” Ru Yan has not thought that Xie Aoyu dares to begin, calls out in alarm one, hurried backlash, she, although the practice has mystical powers to want hundred changes the technique, and is the accomplishment boundary, may after all virgin's body, is in front of Bing Wu, where can not blush bashfully. 如烟没想到谢傲宇真的敢动手,惊呼一声,急忙后退,她虽然修炼有灵欲百变术,且已经是大成境界,可毕竟还是处子之身,还是当着冰舞的面,哪能不羞赧。 Ao Yu.” Bing Wu put out a hand to pinch Xie Aoyu waist maliciously, „was still deliberately creating trouble, now the situation is not wonderful.” 傲宇。”冰舞伸手狠狠的掐了谢傲宇的腰间一把,“还在胡闹,现在我们的形势可是不妙啊。” Mentioned the proper business, the Ru Yan delicate eyebrows were also pressed, said: This time after Yaqi in hei deep pool palace knows our status, believes that we can deal with, other people came, obviously has very big idea to the source of Saint dragon, these person of wild ambitions, are difficult to guarantee them not to begin again.” \\ N 提及正事,如烟也秀眉蹙起,道:“这次除了黒渊殿的雅琪知道我们的身份之后,相信我们能应付,其他人都来了,显然都对圣龙之源有着很大的想法,这些人狼子野心,难保他们不会再动手。”\\n Xie Aoyu is also the complexion becomes dignified. 谢傲宇也是脸色变得凝重起来。 Including Yaqi, feared that is the wild ambitions, after all the attraction of source of Saint dragon was too big, had not had grass to control the source of Saint dragon in Ru Yan, communicates with Dragon Clan, before controlling Dragon Clan, can say that anybody has very big idea to the source of Saint dragon. 包括雅琪在内,怕都是狼子野心,毕竟圣龙之源的诱惑力太大了,在如烟还没有拥有艹控圣龙之源,与龙族进行沟通,驾驭龙族之前,可以说任何人都对圣龙之源有着非常大的想法的。 „Does Yaqi know our status?” In addition Bing Wu does not know this matter. “雅琪知道我们的身份?”冰舞尚且不知道此事。 Ru Yan then in detail said the matter. 如烟便将事情详细说了一遍。 Bing Wu only knows the serious surname of matter, „, if this, our crises were bigger, Ao Yu, you may once think any means do not have.” 冰舞这才知道事情的严重姓,“若是这样,我们的危机就更大了,傲宇,你可曾想过什么办法没有。” When I catch up from Freshlake, has thought that is some ideas, you come to see whether feasible.” Xie Aoyu slightly does to hesitate, then said that first, must play the awesome effect, only has to demonstrate that our absolute tyrannical, can make them have to dread the heart, at least in Angel Holy Island, some people will again not disturb.” “在我从清水湖赶来的时候,想了一下,是有些想法,你们来看看是否可行。”谢傲宇略作沉吟,便说道,“第一,必须起到震慑作用,唯有显示出我们绝对的强横,才能够令他们有忌惮之心,至少在天使圣岛,不会有人再来捣乱。” This must carry on.” Bing Wu said. “这个的确要进行。”冰舞道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: I cut to kill gold Yue before intentionally, calculates that warned, but affects is very obviously limited, the best means participating in scud island Choir and day of island SheLu Xin Zhansha of this motion, hold a memorial service for the brothers who died with their heads, the awesome effect is bigger.” 谢傲宇笑道:“我之前故意斩杀金月,也算一点警告了,但作用显然很有限,最好的办法是将参加此次行动的飞云岛乔伊尔和南天岛的佘卢辛斩杀,用他们两人的脑袋来祭奠死去的兄弟,震慑作用更大。” Two females each other look one, reveals to wipe the murderous intention. 两女彼此对望一眼,都流露出一抹杀机。 If not the masters in these two islands meddle, they are also insufficient so passively. 若非这两岛的高手插手,他们也不至于如此被动。 They indeed damn, moreover kills them, does not need to fear the scud island and south the retaliation of day of island, these two islands itself are dependence day sacred place and evil sacred place.” Bing Wu said. “他们的确该死,而且杀他们,不用惧怕飞云岛和南天岛的报复,这两岛本身就是依靠天罗圣地和邪罗圣地的。”冰舞道。 Xie Aoyu said: „The second point, that is seeks for one to have the strength of enough deterrent force.” 谢傲宇道:“还有第二点,那就是寻找一个有着足够威慑力的力量。” Your today's performance was enough.” Ru Yan said. “你今天的表现足够了。”如烟道。 No, but also is insufficient, person who has the idea to us is not 12 individuals, in front of the quantity, I am alone insufficient, but also needs a formidable strength, best is the true Ten Kings Level strength.” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track, „, therefore I want to cut to kill Choir and SheLu Xin, Bing Wu remains to assume personal command, I and Ru Yan seek for Dragon Clan, in addition two Saint dragon egg shells, can definitely be born a Ten Kings Level big dragon, so can play the deterrent role truly.” “不,还不够,对我们有想法的人可不是12个人,数量面前,单独我一个人还不够,还需要一股强大的力量,最好是真正十王级的力量。”谢傲宇沉声道,“所以我想斩杀了乔伊尔和佘卢辛,冰舞留守坐镇,我和如烟去寻找龙族,加上两枚圣龙蛋壳,完全可以诞生一名十王级的巨龙,如此便可真正的起到威慑作用。” Ru Yan has the source of Saint dragon, may make these have the influence of big dragon unable to use the big dragon to aim at us, if there is Ten Kings Level big dragon to assume personal command again, in addition the Ao Yu strength, can indeed guarantee in the Angel Holy Island above security.” The Bing Wu nod said that „. Moreover, you, if can look for several dragons, instead can attack on own initiative.” 如烟拥有圣龙之源,可令那些拥有巨龙的势力无法动用巨龙针对我们,如果再有十王级巨龙坐镇,加上傲宇的实力,的确可以保证在天使圣岛上面的安全。”冰舞点头道,“而且,你们若能多找几条龙的话,反而能够主动进攻了。” Ru Yan just wanted to start talking, felt that summoned badge one to shiver. 如烟刚欲开口说话,就感到召唤徽章一阵颤抖。 Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu cannot help but simultaneously wear a look of pleasantly surprised looks to summoning the badge. 谢傲宇冰舞不由得同时面带惊喜的看向召唤徽章。 Earth Jingang Long did Wancheng transform? 大地金刚龙完成蜕变了? Initially the earth Jingang dragon had eaten up Long Lingjing, carried on a brand-new transformation, regarding its transformation result, all people have many anticipations. 当初大地金刚龙吃下了龙灵晶,进行一次全新的蜕变,对于它的蜕变结果,所有人都有着很多期待的。 Ru Yan joyful presses to summon badge. 如烟欣喜的一按召唤徽章。 Roar!” “吼!” Long Yinxiang, the pressure is turbulent. 龙吟响,威压动荡。 A gold dragon appears in their front. 一条金龙出现在他们的面前。 This Long tall has ten meters, all over the body is golden yellow, that dense golden scale covers, four pillar dragon legs show the strong powerful feeling, Long Yi extends, flashes gently, leads the strong winds. 此龙高有十米,通体都是金黄色,那密实的金色鳞片覆盖,四条柱子般的龙腿透出强劲有力的感觉,龙翼伸展,轻轻闪动,带动狂风。 Jingang Dragon King!” “金刚龙王!” The Xie Aoyu three people saw that the earth Jingang dragon completes the appearance after transformation, cannot help but pleasantly surprised calling out. 谢傲宇三人看到大地金刚龙完成蜕变之后的样子,不由得惊喜的叫道。 Roar!” “吼!” Jingang Dragon King raises the head to send out deafening roaring. 金刚龙王仰首发出一声震耳欲聋的吼叫。 In king the king, it seems like Ru Yan will quickly have a Saint dragon.” Bing Wu said with a smile. “王中之王啊,看来如烟很快就会拥有一条圣龙了。”冰舞笑道。 Ru Yan also full is excited color. 如烟也满是兴奋之色。 Dragon King also has differently, the Dragon Clan hundred kinds, each kind will be born a Dragon King, but the battle efficiency is different, but Jinjia explodes Dragon King is the battle efficiency place can be first three, Jinjia explodes the evolution version of Dragon King, that is Jingang Dragon King, is the King of popular name. 龙王也是有不同的,龙族百类,每一类都会诞生一名龙王,但是战斗力不同,而其中金甲爆龙王则是战斗力排名可以位列前三的,金甲爆龙王的进化版,那就是金刚龙王,也就是俗称的王中王。 The so-called King, that is in fable the accurate Saint dragon. 所谓王中王,那就是传说中准圣龙。 Once the chance arrives, instantly promotes for the body of Saint dragon. 一旦机缘到来,即刻晋升为圣龙之体。 We are seeking for the Ten Kings Level powerhouse, it came out, if early comes out for a half hour, may have more splendid matter occurrence.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “我们正在找寻十王级的强者,它就出来了,要是早出来半个小时,或许会有更精彩的事情发生。”谢傲宇笑道。 Bing Wu said: Has Jingang Dragon King to assume personal command, you can feel at ease to seek for some big dragons, had better be able look, we form a dragon to ride the armed forces, can contend with six mahatmas.” 冰舞道:“有金刚龙王坐镇,你们可以安心去寻找一些巨龙了,最好能多找一些,我们组建一支龙骑军,也能与六大圣地抗衡一下了。” Three people look at each other, reveals the color of rousing. 三人相视一眼,都流露出振奋之色。
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