BE :: Volume #10

#927: King 【One】

Can not die, floats the world is also dark the one breath, he puts out the miracle cure to take hurriedly, when the machine repairs oneself injury, in his hand the compounded drug obviously is best quality goods, is about several minutes, floated the world far complexion then ruddy, wound also obvious has changed for the better. 得以不死,浮世远也是暗出一口气,他急忙拿出灵丹服用,当机修复自己伤势,他手中丹药显然是一种极品,不过几分钟,浮世远的脸色便红润了起来,伤口也明显的有所好转。 Xie Aoyu is only looks indifferently. 谢傲宇只是冷眼看着。 How his is calculating at heart still to blackmail, after all this time was makes him lose one's temper, is unable to kill people, can only plunder in this aspect, can solve hate of heart. 他的心里还在盘算着如何敲诈,毕竟这次真的是让他动怒了,偏偏又无法杀人,只能在这方面掠夺一番,才能一解心头之恨。 Looks at his vision twinkle, Zhuo Fan Ting feels a headache. 看着他目光闪烁,卓凡婷就感到一阵头疼。 The masters in evil sacred place gathered at her side, including that Emperor level superior female, this female with initially was cut the silver moon/month of killing by Xie Aoyu, the appearance is very similar, she is staring at Xie Aoyu, look how many are a little anxious, „can island hosts once see my elder sister silver moon/month?” 邪罗圣地的高手已经聚集在她的身旁,包括那名天王级上位的女子,此女与当初被谢傲宇斩杀的银月,模样儿很相似,她盯着谢傲宇,神色多少有点紧张,“岛主可曾见到我姐姐银月呢?” Silver moon/month?” Xie Aoyu visits her indifferently, died!” “银月?”谢傲宇冷眼看着她,“死了!” What, died? You have killed her.” This female startled anger said. “什么,死了?你杀了她。”此女惊怒道。 Xie Aoyu said: Right, I kill, blade two halves, now corpse, if had not been eaten by Demon Beast, is fluttering probably still in Freshlake.” 谢傲宇道:“没错,我杀的,一刀两半,现在尸体要是没被魔兽吃掉的话,大概还在清水湖上飘着。” I spelled with you!” “我跟你拼了!” This woman both eyes are red, raise sword then to begin. 这女人双目通红,提剑便要动手。 Xie Aoyu turns around swiftly, faces her directly, on the face reappears wipes cold meaning, the people of these six mahatma places are not similar to float the world to be far, the abatement their six, other people, Xie Aoyu do not care kill several, even if Die Ge Sarah et al. is also speechless. 谢傲宇倏然转身,正面面对她,脸上浮现一抹冷意,这六大圣地的人并非都如同浮世远一般,除却他们六个,其他人,谢傲宇可不在乎多杀几个,就算是迭戈萨拉等人也无话可说的。 Gold moon/month, should not be swindled, this is stirs up you to begin, must seize the chance to kill you.” Zhuo Fan Ting low shouts to clear the way, blocks the woman who must begin reckless. “金月,不要上当,他这是激你动手,要趁机杀你。”卓凡婷低喝道,拦住了不顾一切要动手的女人。 Called gold Yue female said: My elder sister hasn't she died?” 被称金月的女子道:“我姐姐她难道没死?” Zhuo Fan Ting sneers saying: Death? You too visited him high, although he has caught up, that was not he has defeated angry sea suddenly Yuan, has killed your elder sister, in my opinion, feared that got angry sea suddenly Yuan to chase down, he will get angry sea suddenly Yuanyin to walk, oneself had the opportunity withdrew to catch up, you must know, but angry sea suddenly Yuan Ten Kings Level.” 卓凡婷冷笑道:“死?你太高看他了,虽然他赶了过来,那可不是他打败了怒海暴猿,杀了你姐姐,依我看,怕是被怒海暴猿追杀,他将怒海暴猿引走,自己才有机会脱身赶过来的吧,你要知道,怒海暴猿可是十王级的。” Was right, was right, I was almost swindled.” gold Yue the joyful say (way), angry sea suddenly Yuanke is not ordinary Demon Beast, can display Fights Technique, but can also utilize heterogeneous Demon Beast of weapon, in the middle of Ten Kings Level is almost invincible existence, the master who depends on his Emperor level superior how can be the match who gets angry sea suddenly Yuan, he is lying!” “对了,对了,我差点上当。”金月欣喜的道,“怒海暴猿可不是普通的魔兽,是能够施展斗技的,还能够运用武器的异种魔兽,十王级当中几乎是无敌的存在,就凭他一个天王级上位的高手如何能够是怒海暴猿的对手,他在说谎!” Listens to two female exchanges, Xie Aoyu to sneer. 听着两女的交流,谢傲宇冷笑不已。 Then by Xie Aoyu shaking backing up, felt that the honor unattractive startled day seizes the chance to satirize: Some people will boast, can blowing not to be uncertain angry sea suddenly Yuan.” 那被谢傲宇给震的倒退,感到脸面不好看的项惊天则趁机讽刺道:“有些人可是会吹牛的,能够把怒海暴猿给吹死也不一定。” Angry sea violent ape was actually killed by me.” Xie Aoyu light say (way). “怒海暴猿却被我所杀。”谢傲宇淡淡的道。 Ha Ha “哈哈” The startled day is loud to smile immediately strangely, the point refers to Xie Aoyu, said: Hears not to have, to hear not to have, depends on him also to kill angry sea suddenly Yuan unexpectedly, is really funny funny.” 项惊天当即大声怪笑起来,点指谢傲宇,道:“听到没有,听到没有,就凭他居然也能杀死怒海暴猿,真是好笑啊好笑。” Several other people also reveal a happy expression, obviously does not believe. 其他几人也都流露出一丝笑意,显然均不相信。 Also no wonder, after all angry sea suddenly Yuan is not ordinary Ten Kings Level, is at the waters war, must defeat it to be difficult, do not say that killed people. 也难怪,毕竟怒海暴猿不是普通的十王级,还是在水域大战,要打败它都非常困难,更不要说杀人了。 Kills Ten Kings Level to be very inconceivable? As far as I know, Holy City Xie Aoyu has killed many Ten Kings Level masters.” Xie Aoyu tranquil say (way). “杀十王级很不可思议吗?据我所知,圣城谢傲宇可是杀过不少十王级的高手。”谢傲宇平静的道。 That different.” Xuantian Gong Yi Huanan said that reason that as far as I know, Xie Aoyu can cut to kill Ten Kings Level, completely relies on energetic storm taboo secret, if not this secret, he is certainly difficult to contend with Ten Kings Level Master, even if this time already he who approaches the Ten Kings Level boundary, after all defeats and murder is the complete two concepts.” “那不同。”玄天宫易华南说道,“据我所知,谢傲宇之所以能够斩杀十王级,完全依赖于精神风暴这门禁忌秘技,若非此秘技,他绝难与十王级高手抗衡,哪怕是此时已经接近十王级境界的他,毕竟打败和杀人是完全两个概念。” Xie Aoyu said: Since there is an energetic storm type to extinguish kills the Ten Kings Level secret, why I can't have?” 谢傲宇道:“既然有精神风暴这种可以灭杀十王级的秘技,为何我就不能拥有呢?” Yi Huanan shakes the head with a smile, said: Cannot.” 易华南笑着摇头,道:“不会的。” „? Yi did the brother so affirm?” The Xie Aoyu bursting out laughing said. “哦?易兄如此肯定?”谢傲宇哑然道。 Affirmed very much.” Yi Huanan said that reason that Xie Aoyu can use the energetic storm to strike to kill Ten Kings Level, in the final analysis, that is wants his psychic force to achieve actually with the situation that Ten Kings Level compares favorably with, if his psychic force achieves the Emperor level superior, even if displays the energetic storm certainly to be also difficult to strike to kill Ten Kings Level Master, therefore Xie Aoyu cannot pure divides his strength his Qi boundary, if displays Fights Technique with pure Qi, defeats Ten Kings Level by the Emperor level superior boundary, there is a possibility, my six mahatmas in have this excellent Fights Technique, may probably kill Ten Kings Level, difficult! Let alone gets angry the powerhouse in sea violent ape or the Ten Kings Level.” “很肯定。”易华南说道,“谢傲宇之所以能够使用精神风暴击杀十王级,说到底,其实那还是要他的精神力能够达到与十王级媲美的地步,若是他的精神力只是达到天王级上位,就算是施展精神风暴也绝难击杀十王级高手的,所以谢傲宇并不能纯粹的将他斗气境界来划分他的实力的,可是要是用纯粹的斗气来施展斗技,以天王级上位境界击败十王级,还是有可能的,我六大圣地内就有这种高超的斗技,可要杀十王级,难!更何况怒海暴猿还是十王级中的强者。” His saying, some Xie Aoyu also approvals. 他这话,谢傲宇也有些许赞同。 In the world of ice and snow sudden enlightenment, psychic force suddenly to increase, Xie Aoyu also knows that own true strength is very difficult to divide, in addition the psychic force, the Emperor level lower position can depend upon the energetic storm to kill Ten Kings Level, may except the psychic force, that be difficult, at most when the Emperor level lower position boundary kills some ordinary Emperor level superior masters, or these general ideas proud. 在冰天雪地顿悟,精神力暴增,谢傲宇也知道自己的真正战力是很难划分的,加上精神力,天王级下位就能够依靠精神风暴杀十王级,可除去精神力,那就难喽,顶多在天王级下位境界的时候干掉一些普通的天王级上位高手,或者那些大意的骄傲的。 But he does not approve, because he has indeed killed Ten Kings Level angry sea suddenly Yuan, what depends on is Qi, Fights Technique, but non- psychic force. 可他也不赞同,因为他的确杀了十王级的怒海暴猿,凭的是斗气,斗技,而非精神力。 Angry sea suddenly Yuan, but has the associated weapon tyrannosaurus stick inborn, after that tyrannosaurus stick is gets angry sea suddenly Yuan is born, its parental essence and blood congeals, quite Yu Chaosheng, because its loud, can definitely compare favorably with the Emperor level god soldier sharp weapon, in this case, must kill angry sea suddenly Yuan, scoffs!” Zhuo Fan Ting exudes one to laugh. “怒海暴猿可是天生有伴生兵器暴龙棍的,那暴龙棍是怒海暴猿诞生之后,它父母精血凝结而成的,相当于超圣器,又因为其粗重,完全可以媲美天王级神兵利器,在这种情况下,要杀怒海暴猿,嗤!”卓凡婷发出一声嗤笑。 Xie Aoyu looks at several people, puts out a hand slowly into Space Ring. 谢傲宇看着几人,缓缓地伸手入空间戒指 In all person gazes, two interruption sticks took. 在所有人注视中,两截断棍被拿了出来。 Tyrannosaurus stick!” “暴龙棍!” That is cuts off!” “那是被斩断!” Does not believe the people who angry sea suddenly Yuan died have exuded the screams, stares the big eye to stare at that cut off tyrannosaurus stick, full is the unbelievable expression. 本来不相信怒海暴猿已死的人都发出了惊呼声,瞪大眼睛盯着那被斩断的暴龙棍,满是难以置信的表情。 Zhuo Fan Ting is trembling sound track: Tyrannosaurus stick that you, you cut off? No, is impossible, you simply do not have that ability, definitely will be you will get angry sea suddenly Yuanyin to arrive at some terror Demon Beast there, will cut to kill it with the strength of Demon Beast.” 卓凡婷更是颤声道:“你,你斩断的暴龙棍?不,绝不可能,你根本没有那份能力,肯定是你将怒海暴猿引到了一些恐怖魔兽那里,借魔兽之力将其斩杀的。” „The people in evil sacred place came back.” Xie Aoyu light say (way). “邪罗圣地的人回来了。”谢傲宇淡淡的道。 These encircle kill Chilao et al., finally Xie Aoyu ran away in fear already somewhat arrived here by evil sacred place and masters in day that sacred place. 那些围杀奇拉奥等人,结果被谢傲宇吓跑的邪罗圣地和天罗圣地的高手已然有些来到了这里。 Zhuo Fan Ting called a female immediately. 卓凡婷当即叫过来一名女子。 Said, angry sea suddenly Yuan?” Zhuo Fan Ting drinks to ask. “说,怒海暴猿呢?”卓凡婷喝问道。 The female gingerly say (way) of that evil sacred place: Quilt, by homicide.” 那邪罗圣地的女子战战兢兢的道:“被,被他杀了。” „Do you see with one's own eyes?” Zhuo Fan Ting said. “你亲眼看到的?”卓凡婷道。 They fight under Freshlake, I noticed that the angry sea violent ape was divided together with the tyrannosaurus stick for two halves together.” Some female fears looked at Xie Aoyu one. “他们在清水湖下大战的,我看到怒海暴猿连同暴龙棍一起被劈为了两半。”那女子有些恐惧的看了谢傲宇一眼。 Her words made the scene all of a sudden peaceful. 她的话令现场一下子安静了下来。 Just now vowed solemnly easy southern China and startled day of not believing have also opened the mouth, unbelievable look at Xie Aoyu, suddenly, do not know that said any good. 方才信誓旦旦绝不相信的易华南和项惊天也都张大了嘴巴,难以置信的看着谢傲宇,一时间,也不知道说些什么好。 Xie Aoyu is only the look indifferent say (way): „The death of silver moon/month, floats the world also personally to see, you must revenge for your elder sister, can begin.” 谢傲宇只是神色淡然的道:“银月之死,浮世远也是亲眼所见,你要为你姐姐报仇,可以动手了。” I, I, I gold moon/month tightened in the hand the sword, looks at that ground the breaking stick, does not dare to rush to revenge obstinately once again. “我,我,我”金月紧了紧手中剑,看着那地上的断棍,愣是没有敢再度冲上去报仇。 Xie Aoyu despises has swept her one eyes, then looked that and floats the world to be far to Zhuo Fan Ting, your plot plans me, now we can calculate this account.” 谢傲宇蔑视的扫了她一眼,转而看向卓凡婷和浮世远,“你们两人阴谋算计我,现在咱们可以算算这笔帐了吧。” Your intermediate total is you are incompetent.” Zhuo Fan Ting sneers to say. “你中计是你无能。”卓凡婷冷笑道。 You said right, my intermediate total is I am incompetent.” The Xie Aoyu corners of the mouth overflow one to sneer, may I, if kills people, irresistibly, similarly is incompetent.” “你说的没错,我中计是我无能。”谢傲宇嘴角溢出一丝冷笑,“可我若杀人,无法抵抗,同样是无能。” Zhuo Fan Ting cluck-cluck smiles, said: „Do you kill me? Good, kills, I guarantee do not hit back, so long as you have that guts, you did not fear that Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island were extinguished.” 卓凡婷咯咯一笑,道:“你杀我?好啊,来杀吧,我保证不还手,只要你有那个胆量,你不怕云雾圣岛圣甲岛被灭。” In the Xie Aoyu eye kills intent to flash, I indeed am afraid, kill you not to be good, other people in evil sacred place, ahem, I change them completely slaughter now, does not remain!” 谢傲宇眼中杀意闪动,“我的确害怕,杀你不行,邪罗圣地的其他人呢,哼哼,我现在变将他们全部屠杀,一个不留!” You dare!” Zhuo Fan Ting gets angry shouts to clear the way. “你敢!”卓凡婷怒喝道 Whiz!” “嗖!” Replied that her is sudden attack of Xie Aoyu. 回答她的是谢傲宇的突然出击。 Extremely in suddenly, and under observing the situation of many masters, no one has thought that Xie Aoyu said begins to kill people, including stop without enough time. 太过于突然,并且在诸多高手的环视之下,谁也没有想到谢傲宇说动手就杀人,连阻拦都来不及。 Gold moon/month is careful!” Zhuo Fan Ting was startled to call out, her also horizontal body in the past, was the gold moon/month resisted attack of Xie Aoyu. “金月小心!”卓凡婷惊叫道,她本人也横身过去,为金月抵挡谢傲宇的出击。 Go away!” “滚开!” If only to defeat Zhuo Fan Ting, but does not kill her, to Xie Aoyu, that was too easy, does not use the blade, flew a foot then to trample. 若是只为打败卓凡婷,而不是杀她的话,对谢傲宇而言,那就太容易了,根本不用刀,飞起一脚便踹了过去。 Center a foot Zhuo Fan Ting's sharp sword. 一脚正中卓凡婷的利剑。 Bang!” “嘭!” Is better than Zhuo Fan Ting also by the body lift-off that a Xie Aoyu foot tramples, from the top of the head fluttering of gold moon/month in the past, Zhuo Fan Ting himself also shaken is a little uncomfortable, may actually expose gold Yue. 强如卓凡婷也被谢傲宇一脚踹的身体离地而起,从金月的头顶翻飞过去,卓凡婷本身也只是被震的有点不舒服,可却将金月暴露了出来。 Xie Aoyu executes Divine Knife also along with it falling. 谢傲宇的诛神刀也随之落下。 I spelled with you!” gold Yue eventually is the Emperor level superior master, at this time not weak wields a sword the cut-throat counter-attack, female lion that is similar to going crazy. “我跟你拼了!”金月终究是天王级上位高手,这时候也不软弱的挥剑凶狠的反击,如同一只发狂的母狮子。 Spells? You have that qualifications.” The say (way) that Xie Aoyu despises, executes Divine Knife along with it falling. “拼?你有那个资格吗。”谢傲宇蔑视的道,诛神刀随之落下。 „!” “咔嚓!” The sharp sword cut off with ease. 利剑被轻松斩断。 Executes the Divine Knife knife point also to submerge gold Yue the crown about 56 centimeters, the golden light has delimited, gold Yue called out pitifully, was killed violently at the scene, the corpse happen to poured in Zhuo Fan Ting's front. 神刀刀尖也没入金月的天灵盖约有56厘米,金光划过,金月惨叫一声,当场毙命,尸体正好倒在卓凡婷的面前。 You, you have killed her, you dare to kill the person in my evil sacred place unexpectedly.” The whole body that Zhuo Fan Ting is mad shivers. “你,你杀了她,你竟然敢杀我邪罗圣地的人。”卓凡婷气的浑身颤抖。 How kills the people in your evil sacred place, if not your status is special, the main island host links you also to kill.” The Xie Aoyu indifferent say (way), „the present asked again your, is willing to put out the compensation, if not hope, main island main now evil sacred place besides you, all person complete slaughters completely, does not remain!” “杀你邪罗圣地的人又如何,若非你身份特殊,本岛主连你也杀。”谢傲宇冷漠的道,“现在再问你一遍,愿不愿意拿出补偿,若不愿,本岛主现在将邪罗圣地除你之外,所有人全部屠尽,一个不留!” Zhuo Fan Ting bites the silver slivers tooth, ferocious sound track: „Don't you fear the retaliation of my evil sacred place?” 卓凡婷咬碎银牙,狞声道:“你就不怕我邪罗圣地的报复吗?” „Does retaliation, how many unimportant people, need to retaliate me? Do you think the possibility? Snort, if not you have the important matter in the body, feared that cuts to kill you, evil sacred place is also not necessarily able to lose one's temper.” The Xie Aoyu taunt said. “报复,为了几个小人物,要报复我?你觉得可能吗?哼,若非你有要务在身,怕是将你斩杀,邪罗圣地也未必会真的动怒吧。”谢傲宇嘲讽道。 One that Zhuo Fan Ting complexion brushes becomes pale. 卓凡婷脸色刷的一下变得惨白起来。 Several other people such as Die Ge Sarah, a startled day and easy southern China, to float the world far and other people are the look are also ugly, they in the status of six mahatma places, because completely their six are the beast spirit bodies, can store up six big Demon Beast soul strengths temporarily, if not so, they are only the unimportant people, at least is unable to make sacred place lose one's temper for him to one is having the enormous potential, may be forming an alliance object the hosts of Saint island will launch an attack. 其他几人如迭戈萨拉、项惊天、易华南、浮世远等四人也是神色难看起来,他们在六大圣地的地位,完全因为他们六个是兽灵体,能够暂时储存六大魔兽的灵魂力量而已,若非如此,他们只是小人物而已,至少是无法为了他一人而令圣地动怒对一个拥有着极大潜力,可能会是结盟对象的圣岛之主发难的。 Zhuo girl, since there is a mistake, recognized.” Die Ge Sarah said that also to a Zhuo Fan Ting stair under. “卓姑娘,既然有过错,就认了吧。”迭戈萨拉说道,也是给卓凡婷一个台阶下。 Zhuo Fan Ting clenches teeth, say (way) bitterly: Good, I compensate!” 卓凡婷咬着牙,恨恨的道:“好,我补偿!” Xie Aoyu said: Should better not to put out the trash thing to me, if I look do not glance, that also then kills your evil sacred place ten people.” He turns head to look that to floating the world is far, the say (way) that lets somebody cool off or calm down: You are also!” 谢傲宇道:“最好不要拿出垃圾东西给我,若是我看不上眼,那也便杀你邪罗圣地十人。”他扭头看向浮世远,冷冷的道:“你也是!”
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