BE :: Volume #10

#926: Anger! Anger! Anger! 【Two】

To floating world far that person, Xie Aoyu does not have the favorable impression, because of day sacred place, therefore is always haughty overbearingly, thinks that others must lower his head, is sinister unites Zhuo Fan Ting to plan him, has used Ten Kings Level angry sea suddenly Yuan, Xie Aoyu is kills certainly intent to soar to the heavens to him. 对浮世远其人,谢傲宇毫无好感,就是因为来自天罗圣地,故向来狂傲骄横,自以为别人都要低他一头,更是阴险的联合卓凡婷算计他,动用了十王级的怒海暴猿,谢傲宇对他当然是杀意冲天。 Only kills, can deter other people. 唯有杀,方能威慑他人。 Only kills, can the remove hatred. 唯有杀,方能解除恨意。 Xie Aoyu executes Divine Knife also to delimit together the void bolt of white silk, outlined together the wonderful golden light arc, coordinated the airborne white clouds, the blue sky, constituted a moving heart and soul picture. 谢傲宇的诛神刀也划过一道虚空匹练,勾勒出一道美妙的金光弧线,配合空中朵朵白云,蓝天,构成一幅动人心魄的画面。 In this beautiful , is actually infinite killing intent. 只是在这美艳之下,却是无穷的杀意。 Kills!” “杀!” Receives the infection of Xie Aoyu mood, two Saint island masters explode simultaneously drink. 受到谢傲宇情绪的感染,两圣岛高手同声爆喝。 Killing intent that condensation becomes, psychic force fluctuation of constitution actually their respective sides from day sacred place and evil Luo Shengdi, scud island, south the masters in day of island shaking retreating in defeat again and again. 那凝聚而成的杀意,构成的精神力波动硬是将他们各自身边的来自天罗圣地、邪罗圣地、飞云岛、南天岛的高手给震的节节败退。 This is the intention such as a strength. 这是心念如一的力量。 Kills!” “杀!” Xie Aoyu also drinks to make noise, is inspiring that two mahatma island more than ten thousand masters killing along with it exploding character strength with a body, the sound wave strength that the constitution not measures together mysteriously. 谢傲宇也随之爆喝出声,引动着那两大圣岛万余名高手的“杀”字力量与一体,构成一道玄妙莫测的声波力量。 Killing character exit, in surrounding area 600 meters world loudly explosive, spatial warping. 一个“杀”字出口,方圆600米的天地间轰然爆响,空间扭曲。 Many invading enemy shaken spitting blood in abundance. 诸多来犯之敌纷纷被震的吐血。 Even if is better than Zhuo Fan Ting such as to be also struck by lightning, the heart ping jumps madly, probably must jump from the throat, her complexion pallid retreating in defeat again and again. 哪怕是强如卓凡婷也如遭雷击,心脏砰砰乱跳,好像要从嗓子内跳出来了,她脸色煞白的节节败退。 What this time Zhuo Fan Ting felt was the fear. 这时候的卓凡婷感到的是恐惧。 Because he is very clear, only has prestigious prestige of Xie Aoyu in two Saint islands to reach the unusual altitude, can form this unusual strength, can say that this strength is unusual, actually also universal, so long as a person reaches the unusual altitude in mind of one group of people, can constitute in certain environment. 因为他很清楚,唯有谢傲宇在两圣岛内的威望威信达到非常的高度,才能够形成这种奇特的力量,可以说这力量奇特,却也普遍,只要一个人在一群人的心目中达到超凡的高度,就能够在一定的环境下构成。 In Zhuo Fan Ting knows, all previous dynasties are these elders characters of noble character and high prestige have the opportunity, but Xie Aoyu actually only then over 20 years old, what does this mean? 只是在卓凡婷所知中,历代都是那些德高望重的老辈人物才有机会,可谢傲宇却只有20多岁,这意味着什么? Her first time feels that at present the hosts of this two Saint islands have the ability of achievement sea area overlord, the choice support scud island perhaps is a mistake. 她第一次感觉到,眼前这位两圣岛之主有着成就海域霸主的能力,选择支持飞云岛或许是个错误。 I cannot die!” Floats the world far sharp cry to cut void, grating incomparable. “我不能死!”浮世远尖锐的叫声划破虚空,刺耳无比。 He said cannot die, but does not want dead, this saying also makes Xie Aoyu slightly one hesitant, he also knows, six mahatma masters when six mahatmas also receive some restraint, then arrives at this Angel Holy Island, only then two goals, one is to destroy the keel sword, one is to aim at mixes the owners of world three demon swords. 他说的是不能死,而非不想死,这话也只是让谢傲宇略微一犹豫,他也知道,六大圣地高手在六大圣地还受到某种约束的时候,便来到这天使圣岛,只有两个目的,一个是摧毁龙骨剑,一个就是针对混世三魔剑的主人。 Judges to the situation of false keel sword on them, indeed is six people collaborates to display the strongest strength, therefore floats the world if dies, feared that is mixes the owners of world three demon swords to have the possibility of reactivating. 就他们对付龙骨剑的情形来判断,的确是六人联手才能够发挥最强力量,所以浮世远若死,怕是混世三魔剑的主人真的有复活的可能。 Once that person reactivates, the human the king bloodline seal will certainly be disillusioned. 一旦那人复活,人王血脉封印必将被破灭。 Having been through repeatedly for several thousand years later, constrained humanity will move toward antiquity time that magnificent time. 那么在历经数万年之后,被压抑的人类又将走向上古时期那个辉煌的时代。 Regarding this, Xie Aoyu has impulsive, there is a restlessness. 对此,谢傲宇有冲动,也有不安。 He hopes to eradicate the person Wangfeng seal, such will then change the present practice pattern, moves toward the road of genuine powerhouse \; Feels restless, once so, perhaps will have a more terrorist crisis, after all the person king bloodline seal has the goal that he so makes, once remove, feared that is the earth-shaking big magnificent time, was the greatly bloody age. 他希望破除人王封印,那样便会改变现在的修炼格局,走向真正的强者之路\;却感到不安,一旦如此,恐怕会有更为恐怖的危机,毕竟人王血脉封印有着他如此做的目的,一旦解除,怕是天翻地覆的大辉煌时代,也是大血腥的年代了。 Under blade keeps the human!” “刀下留人!” At this time, whooshed transmits. 就在这时候,一声嘶吼传来。 Together the form to be above speed of imagination, has drawn together the white line from the distant place mountain top, then overran, sharp sword also one horizontally before floating world far body. 一道身影以超乎想象的速度,从远处山头上划过一道白线,便冲了过去,利剑也一下横在浮世远身前。 Works as!” “当!” Executes Divine Knife to cut that long sword. 神刀斩中那长剑。 The clangour passes on three kilometers, deafening. 铿锵声传三千米,震耳欲聋。 Xie Aoyu executes Divine Knife to be rebounded, he also backed up one step, but gets rid stop one to hit floats the world to be far, will float to spurt the blood that the world hits to fly once again, the pitiful yell continues, he also again and again retrocedes 67 steps, every step leaves behind one a depth of 45 centimeters footprint. 谢傲宇的诛神刀被反弹开,他也倒退了一步,而出手阻拦者则一下撞中浮世远,将浮世远撞的再度喷血飞出去,惨叫不止,他本人也连连后退67步,每一步都留下一个深达45厘米的脚印。 Die Ge Sarah!” The Xie Aoyu vision concentrate. 迭戈萨拉!”谢傲宇目光一凝。 Prevents Xie Aoyu Die Ge Sarah, in six mahatma masters, only then his strength can threaten Xie Aoyu. 阻挡谢傲宇的正是迭戈萨拉,在六大圣地高手中,也只有他的实力能够威胁到谢傲宇的。 Island host, but also please let off floats world this time.” Die Ge Sarah steady mind and body, shakes the hand of sword also in slight shivering, in his eye flashes through wipes the surprised color. “岛主,还请放过浮世远这次。”迭戈萨拉稳了稳心身,握剑的手还在轻微的颤抖,他的眼中闪过一抹惊讶之色。 Why!” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu lets somebody cool off or calm down. “为什么!”谢傲宇冷冷的道。 Because he cannot die!” “因为他不能死!” cold Ao voice from Xie Aoyu transmits, what speech is the startled day of day of lonesome mountain, in addition, easy southern China of Xuantian Gong. 冷傲的声音从谢傲宇的身后传来,说话的是天寂山的项惊天,除此之外,还有玄天宫的易华南。 Yaqi in six mahatma abatement hei deep pool palaces, to. \\ N 六大圣地除却黒渊殿的雅琪,全到了。\\n Xie Aoyu has a look at Die Ge Sarah, startled days and easy southern China three people, on the face to reveal to wipe cold meaning, you come also is really prompt, should already not arrive.” 谢傲宇看看迭戈萨拉、项惊天、易华南三人,脸上流露出一抹冷意,“你们来的还真是及时啊,该不会是早就来到了吧。” Also is what kind.” Startled sun. “是又怎样。”项惊天道。 The heart of Xie Aoyu jumped fiercely, he looks to Die Ge Sarah and easy southern China, on their faces flashes through an awkward color, this made Xie Aoyu feel that anger flaming burnt. 谢傲宇的心脏猛跳了一下,他看向迭戈萨拉和易华南,两人的脸上都闪过一丝尴尬之色,这令谢傲宇感到一股怒火熊熊燃烧起来。 These people already arrived unexpectedly, in other words, they know that floats the world to be far and Zhuo Fan Ting's plot, has not actually gotten rid to stop, what then their goals are? 这些人居然早就到了,也就是说,他们知道浮世远和卓凡婷的阴谋,却没有出手阻拦,那么他们的目的是什么? The fools can think that they also want to capture the source of Saint dragon. 傻子都能想到,他们也想夺取圣龙之源。 If do not hurry back, once the Ru Yan danger, the source of Saint dragon appears, then these people will decide however will come to rob, will also be these people, in some time ago, them also to oneself was the method that adopted to win over, in the back actually did so is aiming at own dirty matter. 如果自己赶不回来,一旦如烟危险,圣龙之源出现,那么这些人定然会现身抢夺的,而也是这些人,在不久前,他们还对自己是采取拉拢的手段,背地里却干着如此针对自己的龌龊事情。 How this makes Xie Aoyu not get angry. 这让谢傲宇如何不怒。 If I do want to kill him?” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “若我一定要杀他呢?”谢傲宇沉声道。 The startled day taunted: You give a try, several of us decide however send you and deathtrap!” 项惊天嘲讽道:“你试试看,我们几个定然致你与死地!” Xie Aoyu despises visits him, said: Also matches depending on you!” During the speeches, a wild imposing manner erupts loudly, he originally to these person of violent not being feeling well, imposing manner oppression of being outspoken. 谢傲宇蔑视的看着他,道:“凭你也配!”说话间,一股狂暴的气势轰然爆发出来,他本就对这些人极端的不爽,毫无保留的气势压迫。 Bang!” “嘭!” Startled day oppressed almost spurts the blood, has drawn back backward three steps, stands firm the personal appearance. 项惊天被压迫的差点喷血,向后退了三步,才稳住身形。 On the strength, Xie Aoyu defeats him to be easy, but kills him quite to be perhaps troublesome, therefore Xie Aoyu so aims at him, was takes a startled day person not to dare with him to fight. 论实力,谢傲宇打败他轻而易举,只是杀他或许比较麻烦一点罢了,故而谢傲宇这般针对他,也是拿准了项惊天一个人不敢与他交手。 Island host.” Die Ge chats, depends on just now the prestige of island main that blade, I acknowledged that our five people collaborate also not necessarily are the island main matches, but the island mainly considers clearly, once floated the world to be far, then our duties definitely will be defeated, but this was the matter that six mahatmas did not allow to have, that also means that our six mahatmas definitely will dispatch troops to sea area, cancelled Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island.” “岛主。”迭戈萨拉道,“就凭方才岛主那一刀之威,我承认我们五人联手也未必是岛主的对手,但是岛主要考虑清楚,一旦浮世远死了,那么我们的任务必然会失败,而这是六大圣地决不允许发生的事情,那也就意味着,我们六大圣地必然会出兵海域,将云雾圣岛圣甲岛抹去。” Very light expression, is actually passing the intense threat. 很平淡的语气,却透着强烈的威胁。 In the chest cavity of Xie Aoyu air/Qi the anger burns crazily. 谢傲宇气的胸腔内怒火狂燃。 „The strengths of six mahatma places are far from the island main can imagine.” The easy southern China of Xuantian Gong also to open the mouth saying that nowadays Xie Aoyu Holy City, Wu Dongtian Brilliant City, Zheng Batian strength is most formidable, but they and compared with our six mahatma any sacred place, makes an analogy, this three parties collaborate, can contend with two mahatmas, the premise is our six mahatma in some special existing does not join the situation, therefore Die Ge Sarah said right, once floats the world to be killed, island main two Saint islands also on.” “六大圣地的实力绝非岛主所能想象的。”玄天宫的易华南也开口道,“现如今谢傲宇圣城,武动天的神武城,还有郑霸天的力量是最强大的,但是他们与我们六大圣地任何一个圣地相比,打个比喻,这三方联手,也就是能够与两大圣地抗衡而已,前提还是我们六大圣地内的一些特殊的存在不加入的情况,所以迭戈萨拉说的没错,一旦浮世远被杀,岛主的两个圣岛也就完了。” Xie Aoyu is unwilling, he stares maliciously is floating the world to be far. 谢傲宇心有不甘,他狠狠的盯着浮世远。 Just like but they said that six mahatma places, he could not have offended, do not say six, perhaps is a sacred place, he behind all strengths will add, reluctantly resists, how can anger six mahatma places. 可是正如他们所说,六大圣地,他还得罪不起,不要说六个,恐怕是一个圣地,他将背后所有的力量加起来,也就勉强对抗吧,如何能够惹怒六大圣地。 Therefore he can only endure! 所以他只能忍! Good, does not kill!” After Xie Aoyu is nipping molar, stiff say (way), „, but, I cannot such cheap they!” “好,不杀!”谢傲宇咬着后槽牙,生硬的道,“但是,我也决不能这么便宜了他们!” Die Ge Sarah grows the one breath, if after all Xie Aoyu must kill people really cruel-heartedly, he likely cannot stop, such result, is the defeat, six mahatmas will lose one's temper will destroy completely two Saint islands, but their several also will be the losers, similarly will be the total destruction, therefore Xie Aoyu will not kill, was equal to rescuing their surname life. 迭戈萨拉长出一口气,毕竟如果谢傲宇真要狠心杀人的话,他很可能阻拦不住,那样的结果,是失败,六大圣地动怒会灭掉两圣岛,而他们几个也是失败者,同样是灭顶之灾,所以谢傲宇不杀,也等于救了他们双方的姓命。 Naturally, they must pay the price, this point I agree with the island main request.” Die Ge Sarah said. “当然,他们一定要付出代价,这一点我同意岛主的要求。”迭戈萨拉说道。 Yi Huanan also said with a smile: I also agreed that very approves.” 易华南也笑道:“我也同意,十分赞同。” Visits them, Xie Aoyu criticizes, double dealings, annihilates to cheat the sly generation! 看着他们两人,谢傲宇暗骂不已,两面三刀,歼诈狡猾之辈!
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