BE :: Volume #10

#925: Anger! Anger! Anger! 【One】

Xie Aoyu sees that station from afar time, floats the world also to arrive, is raising the sword in the upper air bird's eye view, has not begun, thus it can be seen the Xie Aoyu speed displayed any situation. 谢傲宇远远地看到那驻地的时候,浮世远也只是到达而已,提着剑在高空俯瞰着,还没有动手,由此可见谢傲宇的速度发挥到了什么地步。 He waits and sees the battlefield indifferently. 他冷眼观望战场。 Tangled warfare! 混战! Is primarily Zhuo Fan Ting, has launched a tangled warfare, Zhuo Fan Ting fights Ru Yan, inextricably involved that they kill, has again is the scud island, south the masters in day of island also, and collaborates to fight Luo Ke Dru by Choir and SheLu Xin, got the winning side. 以卓凡婷为主,展开了一场混战,其中卓凡婷大战如烟,两人杀的难解难分,再有就是飞云岛、南天岛的高手也在其中,并且以乔伊尔和佘卢辛两人联手大战洛克德鲁,已经占据上风。 Another three people of wars made the Xie Aoyu nervousness relax. 另外三人的大战则令谢傲宇紧张的心情舒缓了下来。 That fight impressively is Bing Wu war a man and a woman, these two men and women respectively come from evil sacred place and day sacred place, looked that its boundary also just entered into the Emperor level superior boundary, but Bing Wu also strided in the Emperor level superior boundary exactly, should rush just in time, this breaks through, not, but Ru Yan can fight the words of Zhuo Fan Ting in addition these two Emperor level superior masters, the possibility of only then suffering defeat. 那场战斗赫然是冰舞大战一男一女,这两个男女分别来自邪罗圣地和天罗圣地,看其境界也不过是刚刚迈入天王级上位境界,而冰舞恰恰也是跨入了天王级上位境界,应该是正巧赶到,这才解围的,不然以如烟之能大战卓凡婷外加这两个天王级上位高手的话,那只有败北的可能。 Floats the world to be far, did Qin Ziao die arrogantly?” Zhuo Fan Ting fights Ru Yan time, asked loudly, this was the master in intentional stimulation two Saint islands, attacked their morale. “浮世远,秦紫傲可是已死?”卓凡婷大战如烟的时候,大声问道,这是在故意的刺激两圣岛的高手,打击他们的士气。 Floats the world to laugh saying: Died probably, facing Ten Kings Level angry sea suddenly Yuan, even if the Ten Kings Level master is also far from his match, let alone is the Emperor level superior person.” 浮世远哈哈大笑道:“大概已经死了吧,面对十王级的怒海暴猿,就算是十王级的高手也绝非其对手的,何况是天王级上位的人。” Mean!” Ru Yan reprimanded. “卑鄙!”如烟斥道。 Is meaner.” Floats the world far to say with a smile ferociously, „the smoke madame is so fierce, that lets me and Zhuo girl comes to dispute with you together.” “还有更卑鄙的。”浮世远狞笑道,“烟儿夫人如此厉害,那就让我和卓姑娘一起来与你较量一下吧。” He lifts the sword then to attack. 他举剑便欲出击。 Xie Aoyu that just rushed to killed to read rebellion, moved sideways, then floated the world to be far from behind cut-throat killing, his whole person was similar to changes to hold up a day of great blade. 刚刚赶到的谢傲宇杀念暴动,一闪身,便从后面凶狠的扑杀浮世远,他整个人都如同化作一把擎天巨刀。 Golden light sparkle, pressure turbulent several hundred meters. 金光闪耀,威压动荡数百米。 Be careful!” “小心!” Floats behind the brother!” “浮兄背后!” As if saw the floating world far spirit that the source of Saint dragon succeeds in obtaining has such absent-minded, when hears the reminder, induces has the murderous intention to the back time, Xie Aoyu arrived at behind him less than three meters distance. 仿佛看到圣龙之源到手的浮世远精神有那么一丝恍惚,待听到提醒,感应到背后有杀机的时候,谢傲宇已经到了他背后不足三米的距离。 Cut-throat killing read thoroughly to send, making one be afraid. 凶狠的杀念透发出来,令人不寒而栗。 Life and death instantaneous, floats the world to turn around rapidly, the horizontal sword resists. 生死瞬间,浮世远急速转身,横剑抵挡。 Works as!” “当!” In grating bang sound, golden light spatters in all directions, Mars four shoot. 刺耳的巨响声中,金光迸溅,火星四射。 The golden light wave to four proliferates together from the sword hit point, one then backing up that the surrounding person shakes entirely, but that floats the world is the blowout together blood from the pores of the feet, the personal appearance seems the kite of broken line, flies backward, hits to fly dozens people, he falls down, still slid more than ten meters, stands firm the personal appearance with the sword. 一道金色的光波从刀剑撞击点向四下扩散出去,一下便将周围的人统统震的倒退,而那浮世远更是喷出一道血箭,身形好似断线的风筝,向后飞去,撞飞数十人,他才跌倒在地,仍然滑出去十多米,才用剑稳住身形。 Xie Aoyu does not give him the least bit time to regroup, attacks once again. 谢傲宇不给他半点喘息机会,再度出击。 He got angry really! 他真的怒了! Manages your anything sacred place, now only wants to kill people with hate of solution heart. 管你什么圣地不圣地的,现在只想杀人以解心头之恨。 His personal appearance rocks slightly, once again changes to together the golden ray, is carrying the strong winds, the hurricane, flying upside down that the master of body week shakes entirely, leaves behind together the channel of vacuum. 他身形微微晃动一下,又一次化作一道金色的光线,携带着狂风,一路狂飙,将身周的高手统统震的倒飞出去,留下一道真空的通道。 Day Luo life and death shield!” “天罗生死盾!” Floats the world to feel rupturing that the five main internal organs (entrails) must be shaken, under the severe pain, in his hand sword fast waving, will have pressed the bottom the last resort to take. 浮世远感到五脏六腑都要被震的爆裂了,剧痛之下,他手中剑快速的舞动,将压箱底的最后手段拿了出来。 Day Luo life and death shield, one of the day sacred place most formidable defense Fights Technique, this Fights Technique once ran amuck several thousand years ago for a while, becomes one of the time symbols, with other five mahatma places most defends Fights Technique to be the same, is the masters in day of sacred place arrives at the unsurpassed method that the final time has been able to use. 天罗生死盾,天罗圣地最强大的防御斗技之一,此斗技在数万年前就曾横行一时,成为一个时代的标志之一,与其他五大圣地的最强防御斗技一样,都是天罗圣地的高手到了最后时刻才会施展的无上手段。 The hearsay, day Luo life and death shield, isolates the life and death Ying-Yang. 传闻,天罗生死盾一出,隔绝生死阴阳。 Floats the world then to with this day Luo life and death shield aid itself, saves own life. 浮世远便要用这天罗生死盾来护佑自己,保住自己的生命。 As his long sword brandishes, has the giant shield of Qi constitution to appear before together floating the world far body, this shield also about one meter altitude, all over the body pan- the metallic luster, some above also strange Incantation technique marks, are similar to real exists general, to human a sincere feeling. 随着他长剑挥舞,一道有斗气构成的巨大的盾牌出现在浮世远的身前,这盾牌也不过一米左右的高度,通体泛起金属光泽,上面还有一些奇异的咒术符号,如同真实的存在一般,给人一种厚重感。 Breaks the wave to cut! 断浪斩! Xie Aoyu has also displayed Clouds Holy Island unsurpassed Fights Technique. 谢傲宇也将云雾圣岛无上斗技施展了出来。 This Fights Technique, because his speed is too fast, the bystander is unable to see clearly his status, now knew, because breaks the wave to cut is the Clouds Holy Island island main symbol. 斗技一出,由于他速度太快,外人无法看清楚他的身份,现在则知道了,因为断浪斩就是云雾圣岛岛主的象征。 Qin Ziao is arrogant! This is impossible!” 秦紫傲!这不可能!” How can he escape from Ten Kings Level anger sea suddenly Yuan chasing down?” “他怎么能够逃出十王级怒海暴猿的追杀?” Island advocates!” “岛主回来啦!” The unbelievable sound and cheers resound through the skies together. 难以置信的声音和欢呼声一起响彻云霄。 Xie Aoyu wields is executing Divine Knife, is binding the dreadful invincible might, a blade separate void hindrance, is having the epoch-making prestige, numerous bang on day Luo life and death shield. 谢傲宇则挥动着诛神刀,裹着滔天神威,一刀割裂虚空阻碍,带着开天辟地之威,重重的轰在天罗生死盾上面。 Time in this moment as if static. 时间在这一刻仿佛静止了。 All person stop fights as if by prior agreement, looked at the past. 所有人都不约而同的停止战斗,看过去。 The blade cut down the shield. 刀劈盾牌。 The endless ray sends radiantly, reappears several halos on the day Luo life and death shield, as if sidereal revolution stars, radiant incomparable, each other outlined silk threads to be connected. 无尽光芒璀璨而发,在天罗生死盾上面浮现十几点光晕,仿佛周天星辰,璀璨无比,彼此勾勒出一条条的丝线相连。 Bang!” “轰!” In the bang sound, they also retrocede. 巨响声中,两人同时后退。 On that day Luo life and death shield also damaged a point. 那天罗生死盾也只是破损了一点而已。 You are unable to break the day of Luo life and death shield, even if the masters of close ten king peak levels, is certainly difficult to explain to break, the day Luo life and death shield, the same level perfection, does not have to explain.” Floats the world to say with a smile broadly. “你是无法打破天罗生死盾的,就算是接近十王巅峰级的高手,也绝难破解打破,天罗生死盾,同级不败,无可破解。”浮世远大笑道。 Clank!” “铮铮!” Executes Divine Knife to send out blades to recite. 神刀发出一声声的刀吟。 Xie Aoyu stands firm void, cold -ly snorted and said: I then break this same level not broken myth.” 谢傲宇虚空站定,冷哼道:“那我便打破这同级不破的神话。” Brush! 刷! It seems at top speed, Xie Aoyu is once again imminent, executes Divine Knife to bloom the radiant golden light, still based on broke the wave to cut attack, numerous dividing cut, that void is one sways from side to side, as if the space was twisted stiffly, making the image blur, compelled the blade wind of person to break the ground, sends out sound that cracked. 好似流星赶月,谢傲宇再度迫近,诛神刀绽放出璀璨的金光,仍旧是以“断浪斩”为基础的出击,重重的劈斩过去,那虚空都是一阵扭动,仿佛空间被硬生生的扭曲了,使得影像都模糊了,迫人的刀风震碎了地面,发出崩裂的响动。 Floats the world to hold up the day of Luo life and death shield resistance. 浮世远举起天罗生死盾抗击。 Blade shield junction strikes once more, exudes the sonorous sound, eye-catching gold sparkles, has put on a golden brilliance for them, is similar to two god demons is battling. 刀盾再次交击,发出铿锵之声,夺目的金芒闪耀,为两人披上了一层金色的光彩,如同两尊神魔在激战。 Separated once again, floats the world far complexion changes. 再度分开,浮世远的脸色变了。 He felt that shield has the sign of breakage, what is main, the shield is unable to resist the attack of Xie Aoyu unexpectedly completely, made his both arms numb and aching, as if must break general, he then used the movement, depended upon movement partly visible drifting from place to place of day sacred place, making one is unable to catch his personal appearance. 他感到那盾牌有破裂的迹象,更主要的是,盾牌居然无法完全抵挡住谢傲宇的攻击,令他双臂酸麻,似乎要断裂一般,他便施展身法,依靠天罗圣地的身法若隐若现的飘忽不定,令人无法捕捉到他的身形。 „The third blade!” “第三刀!” The Xie Aoyu personal appearance and upper air revolve, the world vitality crazy trundle of agitation, constituted giant tornado centered on him, meets the day continually, but he in that center, waves is executing Divine Knife, another dive. 谢傲宇身形与高空旋转起来,搅动的天地元气疯狂的滚动,以他为中心构成了一道巨大的龙卷风,接天连地,而他就在那中心,舞动着诛神刀,又一次的俯冲下去。 Even if floats the world far movement to be unique, drifts from place to place, making the human ascertain airtight, but Xie Aoyu kills, he felt immediately is unable to move aside. 就算是浮世远身法独特,飘忽不定,让人捉摸不透,可是谢傲宇杀至,他登时就感到根本无法躲闪。 That tornado strength collapses swiftly. 那龙卷风似地力量倏然崩溃。 Xie Aoyu seems the flood dragon goes to sea, executes Divine Knife to send out the unparalleled demon prestige to urge falling of crack side world. 谢傲宇好似蛟龙出海,诛神刀散发着盖世魔威催裂一方天地的落下。 The eruption of compensation! 全部力量的爆发! Floats the world crazily also hissing, sends out the day of Luo life and death shield forward, and on that day on Luo life and death shield 18 glittered the luminous spot of halo is becoming is very swiftly bright, is similar to the airborne star, dazzling, the line that outlined was glittering the silver glory. 浮世远也狂嘶一声,向前送出天罗生死盾,且那天罗生死盾上面的18个闪烁着光晕的光点倏然变得无比明亮起来,如同空中明星,璀璨夺目,勾勒出的线条更是闪烁着银色的光辉。 Sonorous!” “铿锵!” Suddenly the golden light and silver light disintegration comes, is similar to big piece shining is sprinkling, brilliant incomparable, but inside is actually concealing the infinite murderous intention. 一时间金光与银光崩碎开来,如同大片的流光溢彩在洒落,绚烂无比,可内里却隐含着无穷的杀机。 Bang bang bang bang “嘭嘭嘭嘭” 18 silver luminous spot rupturing. 18个银色的光点一个个的爆裂。 In an instant, 18 silver luminous spots disrupt entirely, the silver ray that they each other outlined also broke, the corresponding day Luo life and death shield such disrupted. 刹那间,18个银色光点统统碎裂,它们彼此勾勒的银色光线也随之断裂,相应的天罗生死盾就这么碎裂了。 Floats the world to fly upside down once again. 浮世远再度倒飞出去。 Day Luo life and death shield is disillusioned! 天罗生死盾破灭! The day Luo life and death shield that the hearsay same level cannot be broken, was broken this myth by Xie Aoyu, this made Zhuo Fan Ting and other mahatma places the heart of looking at shook crazily, even if witnessed, still cannot believe. 传闻同级不可破的天罗生死盾,被谢傲宇打破了这个神话,这一幕令卓凡婷等两大圣地的看的心头狂震,就算是亲眼目睹,仍旧不敢相信。 The people of two mahatma places are fierce of clear day Luo life and death shield. 两大圣地的人最是清楚天罗生死盾的厉害。 The so-called life and death shield, that is one rupiah separates the Ying-Yang life and death, so long as there is this shield, can get rid of the threat of death, this is almost the fable that for several thousand years Fights Technique leaves behind from this. 所谓生死盾,那就是一盾隔断阴阳生死,只要有此盾在,就能够摆脱死亡的威胁,这几乎是数万年来由此斗技留下的传说。 Today was broken by Xie Aoyu. 今天被谢傲宇打破。 Is so neat defeating. 还是如此干净利落的击破。 Is disillusioned the day of Luo life and death shield, the Xie Aoyu void steps, treads continuously with the upper air more than ten steps, each step, his personal appearance can dodge extinguishes, seems flickering move, must kill to float the world to be far. 破灭天罗生死盾,谢傲宇虚空踏步,与高空连续踏出十多步,每一步,他的身形都会一闪一灭,仿佛在瞬移似地,必杀浮世远。 Sea certainly!” “沧溟绝!” Floats the world far crazy hissing, the waterfall that hair as if flows backwards stands erect generally, both eyes burst out swiftly and fiercely are similar to the Excalibur compel a person of cold glow, in the hand the sword are glittering the dark ray of death, seized the life. 浮世远狂嘶,头发仿佛倒流的瀑布一般竖立起来,双目迸发出凌厉如同神剑般的迫人寒芒,手中剑闪烁着死亡的幽暗光芒,夺命而出。 Breaks the wave to cut!” “断浪斩!” Xie Aoyu on with this Fights Technique foreign, the thought of simply not having changed. 谢傲宇就以此斗技对外,根本没有变化的念头。 Only needs one move, is disillusioned all Fights Technique! 只需一招,破灭一切斗技 Their junctions strike in airborne, if the startling thunderclap thunders, strong shaking. 两人的交击在空中若惊雷般轰鸣,强势的撼动。 Brilliant energy storm sends out from their bodies, sweeps across four wild eight sides, floats the world to be repelled once again, in the hand the sword has the sign of collapse, Xie Aoyu is in power does not forgive the human, must kill the heart to bud, he continues to follow up, still cut to clear the way by the wave. 绚烂的能量风暴从他们的身上散发出去,席卷四野八方,浮世远再度被击退,手中剑更是出现崩溃的迹象,谢傲宇得势不饶人,必杀之心已经萌动,他继续跟进,仍旧是以断浪斩开道。 Works as ding-dong!” “当当当咔嚓!” The consecutively six blades, will float flying of world distant shock more than 600 meters, but the sixth blade floating the world far sword cuts off at the scene, afterward the seventh blade also arrived. 连续六刀,将浮世远震的飞出去600多米,而第六刀更是将浮世远的剑给当场斩断,随后第七刀也到了。 Like the masters of six mahatma places, must defeat them perhaps is not too difficult, but must cut to kill them, is actually very difficult, their strong surnames are too strong, moreover Fights Technique as well as secret that emerges one after another incessantly, virtually impossible to guard against, therefore cuts to kill to float the world to be far, can play the role that frightens absolutely. 像六大圣地的高手,要击败他们或许不是太难,但是要斩杀他们,却是非常困难的,他们的韧姓太强,而且层出不穷的斗技以及秘技,令人防不胜防,故而斩杀浮世远,绝对能够起到震慑的作用。 Now Xie Aoyu murder opportunity came. 现在谢傲宇杀人机会来了。 Cold and gloomy executes Divine Knife to hold up high, if the Xie Aoyu person rushed ahead the past like lightning once again, took to float the world to be far. 森冷的诛神刀高高举起,谢傲宇人若闪电般再度冲杀过去,直取浮世远。 You cannot kill me to float the world far scream to say. “你不能杀我”浮世远尖叫道。 Xie Aoyu cold sound track: Kills is you!” 谢傲宇寒声道:“杀的就是你!”
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