BE :: Volume #10

#924: Ten Wang Ji gets angry sea suddenly Yuan 【Two】

Demon Beast is the human stands, is tall, the hand has grown the knee, has been all over the body covered with the tall and slender soft mildew, seems wave fluttering with the wind, a countenance of apes and monkeys, although is Demon Beast, actually grabs one to have three meters long long stick fully, that stick has the sea lip thickly, non- gold Feimu, does not know that builds with any material quality becomes. 魔兽是人立的,身材高大,手长过膝,通体都长满了细长柔软的白毛,好似水波般的随风飘动,一副猿猴的嘴脸,虽是魔兽,却抓着一条足有三米多长的长棍,那棍子粗有大海碗口,非金非木,不知用什么材质打造而成的。 Angry sea suddenly Yuan! 怒海暴猿! Sees clearly this Demon Beast, Xie Aoyu cannot help but knits the brows, all because this Demon Beast is not only inborn powerful, what is main, it has the ability that any other Demon Beast are unable to compare favorably with, that will use the weapon, and can display some simple human Fights Technique, making its battle efficiency very intrepid. 看清这魔兽,谢傲宇不由得一皱眉,皆因此魔兽不但天生实力强大,更主要的是,它有一种其他任何魔兽都无法媲美的能力,那就是会使用武器,并且能够施展一些简单的人类斗技,使得其战斗力非常的强悍。 This angry sea violent ape inborn was the different races in Demon Beast, the birth has very high wisdom, was different from other Demon Beast, even if these Demon Beast were very Advanced level, required certain time to open the spirit wisdom, was the angry sea violent ape is different, inborn intelligent, and imitation ability was very strong, was extremely clever, its, once grown, that was the Ten Kings Level strength, in addition can simple displaying Fights Technique, using the weapon, be able to say in Ten Kings Level Demon Beast, angry sea violent ape that was invincible, almost did not have no Demon Beast to dare and their battle. 这怒海暴猿天生便是魔兽中的异类,出生就有着很高的智慧,与其他魔兽不同,那些魔兽哪怕是非常高级的,也需要一定的时间来开启灵智,可是怒海暴猿不同,天生聪慧,且模仿能力很强,极其通灵,其一旦成年,那就是十王级的实力,加上能够简单的施展斗技,运用武器,可以说十王级魔兽中,怒海暴猿那就是所向无敌的,几乎没有什么魔兽敢和它们争斗。 This for the strongest strength that you prepare, Ten Kings Level angry sea suddenly Yuan!” Floats the world far to say with a smile crazily. “这就是为你准备的最强力量,十王级的怒海暴猿!”浮世远狂笑道。 Ten Kings Level, according to Xie Aoyu with real status, if can display the energetic storm time, can definitely disregard, was the present is different. 十王级,按在谢傲宇用真实身份,若是能够施展精神风暴的时候,完全可以无视的,可是现在不同了。 He is Qin Ziao is arrogant, and his energetic storm had no way to use, only if repaired to reach the Battle King level, possibly used the energetic storm. 他是秦紫傲,并且他的精神风暴也没法使用了,除非修为达到战王级,才可能动用精神风暴。 Island host, we block it, you walk quickly.” Chilao et al. rushed. “岛主,我们来拦住它,你快走。”奇拉奥等人冲了上去。 Floats the world far to say with a smile ferociously: You cannot be inescapable.” 浮世远狞笑道:“你们也跑不了。” All around large quantities of masters also killed the past, Chilao et al. surrounding, a frigid war, was unavoidable. 四周大批的高手也扑杀过去,将奇拉奥等人给包围了起来,一场惨烈的大战,已经是在所难免了。 Xie Aoyu is staring at angry sea suddenly Yuan, if he walks, is not difficult, but the angry sea violent ape can definitely pursue, is doomed to fight, therefore the best means are presently are solved it. 谢傲宇盯着怒海暴猿,他若是走,并不难,但是怒海暴猿完全可以追去,注定还是要一战的,所以最好的办法是现将其解决掉。 Ha Ha, I captured the source of Saint dragon, Qin Daozhu, you here and angry sea suddenly Yuan exchanged well.” Floated the world to laugh wildly is leaving. “哈哈,我去夺取圣龙之源了,秦岛主,你就在这里和怒海暴猿好好交流交流吧。”浮世远狂笑着离开了。 He also worried that the source of Saint dragon Zhuo Fan Ting by day sacred place will be snatched. 他也担心圣龙之源会被天罗圣地的卓凡婷抢去。 Roar!” “吼!” Angry sea suddenly Yuan rave, brandished the giant long stick then to pound. 怒海暴猿狂吼一声,抡起巨大的长棍便砸了过去。 Xie Aoyu has not counter-attacked, but moved sideways to shunt. 谢傲宇没有反击,而是一闪身躲开了。 Bang!” “轰!” The long stick falls on the center of the lake island, immediately entire center of the lake island then by this stick pounding being split up, to splashes in all directions. 长棍落在湖心岛上面,登时整个湖心岛便被这一棍给砸的四分五裂,向四面八方飞溅出去。 The master who Chilao who this stick also shakes and others battled calls out in alarm to flee in abundance, even if you so, some people shaking injured by the complementary waves, this was intrepid of Ten Kings Level. 这一棍也震的奇拉奥等交战的高手纷纷惊叫着逃离出去,就算你如此,还是有人被余波给震伤了,这便是十王级的强悍。 Angry sea violent ape brandishes long stick to attack once again. 怒海暴猿抡起长棍再度攻击。 The movement that the Xie Aoyu choice drifts from place to place deals, throughout has not counter-attacked, he is watching, the Ten Kings Level strength, the abatement energetic storm, he may have extinguishing to kill the means. 谢傲宇选择飘忽不定的身法来应对,始终没有反击,他在观看,十王级的实力,除却精神风暴,他可有将之灭杀之办法。 Suddenly, long stick, if falling of squally shower. 眨眼间,长棍若狂风骤雨的落下。 It seems a small boat, Xie Aoyu dances in the breeze in that angry sea raging waves, throughout has not made angry sea suddenly Yuan bring anything to injure to him makes easy hot tempered angry sea suddenly Yuangeng is wild with rage. 好似一叶扁舟,谢傲宇在那怒海狂涛中飘舞,始终没有让怒海暴猿给他带来什么伤害令本就容易暴躁的怒海暴猿更是狂怒不已。 Humanity, you have the skill to get rid, we meet the tough head-on with toughness.” Angry sea violent ape consecutively over a hundred moves, are invalid to Xie Aoyu, cannot help but is the vitality. “人类,你有本事出手,我们硬碰硬。”怒海暴猿连续上百招,对谢傲宇都无效,不由得更是生气。 In Xie Aoyu eye cold light twinkle, good, must divide the victory and defeat with me, submarine sees the true facts!” 谢傲宇眼中冷光闪烁,“好,要与我分胜负,水下见真章!” His words fall, then enters in Freshlake. 他话落,便直入清水湖内。 Ha Ha, humanity you court death simply, must fight in the water with me unexpectedly, you do not know in the water, nobody is my match.” Angry sea suddenly Yuan laughs to clash. “哈哈,人类你简直是找死,竟然要和我在水中大战,你不知道在水中,没有谁是我的对手吗。”怒海暴猿大笑着冲下去。 Freshlake occupies a land area is very broad, and water depth amounts to more than 200 meters. 清水湖占地很广,且水深达200多米。 Xie Aoyu enters the water to move under water. 谢傲宇入水潜行。 He the speed in the water is also extremely quick, has to tread the wave technique utilization, leaves the center of the lake island position probably more than 1000 meters instantaneously, and direct link deepest position, approaches 300 meters place probably. 他在水中速度也是极快,有踏浪术运用,瞬间离开湖心岛位置大概有1000多米,并且直达最深的位置,大概接近300米的地方。 Stopped the personal appearance, Xie Aoyu mentions slowly has executed Divine Knife, stared at angry sea suddenly Yuan who was pursuing indifferently. 停下身形,谢傲宇缓缓地提起了诛神刀,冷眼盯着追来的怒海暴猿。 Angry sea suddenly Yuan, suffers to death!” “怒海暴猿,受死!” Xie Aoyu raised is executing Divine Knife then to recoil the past. 谢傲宇提着诛神刀便反冲了过去。 Ha Ha, humanity you court death!” Angry sea suddenly Yuannu exclaimed. “哈哈,人类你才是找死!”怒海暴猿怒吼道。 Rapidly in flight, imposing manner swift and violent increasing of Xie Aoyu, Qi of whole body fierce stirs, is surging the endless fluctuation of energy. 急速飞行中,谢傲宇的气势迅猛的攀升,全身的斗气都剧烈的鼓荡起来,涌动着无尽的能量波动。 Was Xie Aoyu my makings also as if had the great change. 就是谢傲宇本人的气质也仿佛发生了巨变。 At this moment, is similar to that vertically and horizontally world, with the unsurpassed supreme tyrannosaurus of world battle. 这一刻,就如同那纵横天地间,与天地争斗的无上至尊霸王龙。 He must display is also Dragon Overlord Boxing fist last. 他要施展的也是霸龙拳最后一式。 Ten thousand dragon worships! 万龙朝拜! As Dragon Overlord Boxing fist most formidable that Ye Chaofeng creates, this Fights Technique absolutely is super tyrannical, Xie Aoyu utilizes the gesture, his makings send the change of taking root original surname, is sends out the dragon emperor tyrannosaurus unique that bi to cast a sidelong glance all imposing manners. 作为叶超峰创造的霸龙拳最强大的一式,此斗技绝对是超级强横的,谢傲宇只是运用起手式,他的气质就发生了根本姓的变化,更是散发出龙皇霸王龙所特有的那股聛睨一切的气势。 As Demon Beast, even if that is known as most formidable Demon Beast, when meets the tyrannosaurus, will have the dread, after all tyrannosaurus representative is not only individual strength, but also after being in violation, formidable Dragon Clan. 作为魔兽,就算是那号称最为强大的魔兽,在遇到霸王龙的时候,都是会产生恐惧心理的,毕竟霸王龙代表的不仅仅是个人实力,还有背后强大的龙族 Xie Aoyu is similar to tyrannosaurus imposing manner, immediately made the angry sea violent ape reveal the color of being startled. 谢傲宇如同霸王龙般的气势一出,登时令怒海暴猿流露出吃惊之色。 Roar!” “吼!” Receives ten thousand dragons to worship the influence of Fights Technique, the Xie Aoyu blood ebullition, has the intense impulsion, impulsion that must vent, he then raises the head to exude one to roar. 受到万龙朝拜斗技的影响,谢傲宇的血液沸腾,生出强烈的冲动,要发泄的冲动,他便仰首发出一声咆哮。 This sound is similar to Long Yin, earthshaking, agitation Freshlake entire was similar to the angry sea raging tide rebellion. 这声音如同龙吟,惊天动地,搅动的清水湖整个都如同怒海狂澜般的暴动了起来。 Xie Aoyu was similar to changed to a tyrannosaurus, haughty incomparable. 谢傲宇更如同化作了一条霸王龙,狂傲无匹。 All around dragon shade flashes. 四周龙影闪动。 The innumerable dragons start to appear, high and low dances in the air vertically and horizontally, sends out the formidable imposing manner, with Xie Aoyu executes Divine Knife to hold up, that innumerable dragon gathering in abundance has then executed above Divine Knife, causes to execute the Divine Knife golden light to be dazzling, seemed united the strengths of ten thousand big dragons. 无数条龙开始出现,上下飞舞纵横,发出强大的气势,伴随着谢傲宇的诛神刀举起,那无数条龙便纷纷的汇聚到了诛神刀之上,使得诛神刀金光刺眼夺目,好似凝聚了万条巨龙的力量。 Bang!” “轰!” Executes Divine Knife to cut immediately, seems ten thousand Long Qiyin, is similar to ten thousand thunder sounds together, that power and influence is unapproachable, is similar to must give to be disillusioned general this day. 神刀当即斩下,好似万龙齐吟,如同万雷齐鸣,那威势无可匹敌,就如同要将这天地都给破灭一般。 This blade falls, Freshlake was separated immediately. 这刀落下,清水湖顿时被分开了。 The blade, has presented a piece of vacuum. 刀之所过,呈现一片真空。 Roar!” “吼!” Faces unsurpassedly is striking, when angry sea suddenly Yuan is panic-stricken, has sent out the rave of shouting oneself hoarse, he goes all out attacks with that long stick fully. 面对着无上一击,怒海暴猿惊恐之余,也发出了声嘶力竭的狂吼,他拼命的用那长棍全力出击。 The Ten Kings Level formidable strength was also displayed by it. 十王级强大的力量也被它发挥出来。 Blade stick airborne junction strikes. 刀棍空中交击。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” Suddenly, centered on them, in the surroundings more than 100 meters scopes, erupts a series of airing sounds, above the clear water level of the lake is the water column soars to the heavens, gives to fly the masters of all wars, nobody who shakes can above Freshlake. 一时间,以他们为中心,周围100多米的范围内,爆发出一连串的气爆声,清水湖面之上更是水柱冲天,将所有大战的高手都给震的飞出去,无人能够在清水湖上方。 Is containing ten thousand dragon invincible mights executes Divine Knife in having been through repeatedly after three seconds of stop, then immediately cuts off that long stick, but executes Divine Knife to glitter the cold and gloomy cold glow, in the angry sea suddenly Yuan panic-stricken vision, cuts to fall, will get angry a sea suddenly Yuan blade to divide for two halves, but the formidable blade air/Qi vertically and horizontally more than hundred meters, leave behind a long gulley bottom of Freshlake. 蕴含着万龙神威的诛神刀在历经不足三秒钟的停顿之后,便将那长棍当即斩断,而诛神刀闪烁着森冷的寒芒,在怒海暴猿的惊恐的目光中,斩落下去,将怒海暴猿一刀劈为两半,而强大的刀气纵横百余米,在清水湖底端留下一条长长的深沟。 Shouted “呼” Xie Aoyu grows the one breath, looks at that ground the remnant corpse, is somewhat excited. 谢傲宇长出一口气,看着那地上的残尸,还是有些激动。 He cut to kill Ten Kings Level angry sea suddenly Yuan. 他斩杀了十王级的怒海暴猿。 Must know angry sea suddenly Yuan, but in Ten Kings Level very formidable existence, can strike to kill him, regarding Xie Aoyu , to promote the morale absolutely. 要知道怒海暴猿可是十王级中非常强大的存在,能够击杀他,对于谢傲宇而言,绝对是提升士气的。 Similarly, this also confirmed a point, ten thousand dragon worships truly are far from other Fights Technique can compare, his self-sensation, if angry sea suddenly Yuanzai is stronger, he can still cut to kill it. 同样的,这也证实了一点,万龙朝拜确实远非其他斗技所能比拟的,他自我感觉,若是怒海暴猿再强一些,他仍然能够将其斩杀。 Displays ten thousand dragon worships, the consumption somewhat is also big, Xie Aoyu put out one bottle of Fond Il­lu­sion Licor to fill, quickly then restored, he grabbed is two sections of long sticks, from Freshlake. 施展万龙朝拜,消耗也有些大,谢傲宇拿出一瓶迷梦酒灌了下去,很快便恢复了过来,他抓着断为两截的长棍,从清水湖下上来了。 At this time the bilateral masters stopped fighting, all person visual Freshlake. 此时双方高手都已经停止战斗,所有人都目视清水湖。 They know that is tranquil, means that the water following fight had ended. 他们知道,平静下来,就意味着水下面的战斗已经结束了。 When Xie Aoyu steps on the water column is appearing together, Chilao et al. immediately cheer, reviews day of sacred place and masters in evil sacred place panic-stricken looks at that to break is two sections of long sticks, where also dares to stay behind, flees to the wilderness in abundance, Ten Kings Level angry sea suddenly Yuan are not a match, they are not better. 谢傲宇踩着一道水柱出现的时候,奇拉奥等人登时欢呼起来,反观天罗圣地和邪罗圣地的高手则是惊恐的看着那断为两截的长棍,哪里还敢留下,纷纷落荒而逃,连十王级的怒海暴猿都不是对手,他们就更不行了。 Island host!” Chilao et al., although some injuries, the spirit is high. “岛主!”奇拉奥等人虽有些伤势,却精神高昂。 Xie Aoyu said: You slightly make the conditioning, immediately returns to the station, I advance.” 谢傲宇道:“你们略作修整,马上返回驻地,我先行一步。” Told that Xie Aoyu received that two interruption sticks, launched the speed, full speed hurried back to the stations of two Saint islands. 吩咐完毕,谢傲宇收起那两截断棍,展开速度,全速赶回两圣岛的驻地。 This fight, evil sacred place Zhuo Fan Ting has not always appeared, obviously was leads the human to attack the stations of two mahatma islands to go, the goal was Ru Yan, by two mahatmas and south the relations of day of island with the scud island, these two islands also very much might get rid, in the situation, Ru Yan was so dangerous. 这次战斗,邪罗圣地卓凡婷始终没有出现,显然是率人去攻打两大圣岛的驻地去了,目标就是如烟,以两大圣地与飞云岛和南天岛的关系,这两个海岛也很有可能出手的,如此情况下,如烟就危险了。 Getting rid that after all in two mahatma islands, takes truly is also Ru Yan and Luo Ke Dru, and Ru Yan cannot expose own status, but also receives some limits. 毕竟两大圣岛内,真正拿的出手的也就是如烟洛克德鲁,且如烟不能暴露自己的身份,还受到一些限制的。 Thinks of these, Xie Aoyu is somewhat burning with impatience, kills to read is heavier, the speed also hurricane to the limit, has been similar to together the electric light plunders the spatial flight. 想到这些,谢傲宇有些心急如焚,杀念更重,速度也狂飙至了极限,如同一道电光掠空飞行。 Needs more than 50 minutes of distances, he to use less than 25 minutes, then rushed to the stations of two Saint islands. 原本需要将近50多分钟的路程,他只是用了不足25分钟,便赶到了两圣岛的驻地。
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