BE :: Volume #10

#923: Ten Wang Ji gets angry sea suddenly Yuan 【One】

The breeze blows gently, blows to wrinkle like the mirror lake water. 微风习习,吹皱如镜般的湖水。 The cool feeling of faint trace blows, is bringing Mercury, is very neat, but floats the action that world far that is as deep as a well to make Xie Aoyu feel that the matter feared simplicity that will not imagine. 丝丝的凉意拂面,带着水星,很清爽,可是浮世远那高深莫测的举动却令谢傲宇感觉到,事情怕是不会想象的那么简单。 The haughty wildly arrogant floating world is a gentle stance, to exceed made one have the suspicion. 狂傲骄狂的浮世远越是一副平和的姿态,越令人产生怀疑。 How many does island main have to understand regarding the source of Saint dragon?” Floats the world not to reply that the words of Xie Aoyu inquiry, instead raised such an issue. “岛主对于圣龙之源有多少了解?”浮世远没有回答谢傲宇询问的话,反而抛出了这么一个问题。 The Xie Aoyu heart is one tight, he felt faintly had underestimated floats the world far overbearing domineering, on the mouth said: Only knows, it is said antiquity Saint Emperor relies on source of rein Dragon Clan Saint dragon.” 谢傲宇心就是一紧,他隐隐感到低估了浮世远的骄横跋扈,嘴上则说道:“只知道一点,据说上古圣皇就是凭借圣龙之源统御龙族的。” This is not it is said that but is the fact.” Floats the world far-end to have the wine class, surface toward Freshlake, my day sacred place intrinsic this aspect has the explicit record, antiquity Saint Emperor obtains the source of Saint dragon with 23 years old, 25 years old achieve to stimulate to movement the source of compensation Saint dragon foundation, afterward vanish in the Dragon Clan station for one year, when he is born once again, still has mainland the ability of vertically and horizontally, and becomes Dragon Clan control, and also had a special ability, that can sign a special contract with Dragon Clan.” “这不是据说,而是事实。”浮世远端起酒杯,面朝清水湖,“我天罗圣地内在这方面有着明确的记载,上古圣皇与23岁获得圣龙之源,25岁达到可以催动圣龙之源全部力量的基础,随后在龙族驻地消失一年,待他再度出世,依然是有着纵横大陆的能力,并且成为龙族的掌控者,并且还拥有了一个特殊的能力,那就是能够与龙族签订一份特殊的契约。” What contract?” Xie Aoyu knows that his goal, the human instead relaxed. “什么契约?”谢傲宇已经知道他的目的了,人反而放松了下来。 Floats the world to say with a smile: This contract after Dragon Clan the onset and retreat, perhaps seems this contract is very altogether simple, the regulations function is very very big, can the base industry that antiquity Saint Emperor established why the be continuous several thousand years? Actually the function of this contract occupied 70%, even many merit, the influence of any humanity, has the rise and fall after all, but Dragon Clan is different, Dragon Clan discussed the status by the strength, and Dragon Clan biggest hobby slept, therefore Dragon Clan throughout was maintaining prosperous, Dragon Clan for Yasumoto industry, are many, even did not hesitate to take Dragon Clan that it can be said that paid for this reason in the future for the price, will join in this Angel Holy Island, perished together with Angel Clan, this was the function of this contract.” 浮世远笑道:“这份契约就是与龙族以后共进退,或许看上去这份契约很简单,实则作用很大很大,上古圣皇建立的基业为什么能够绵延数万年?其实这份契约的作用足足占据了七成,甚至更多的功劳,毕竟任何人类的势力,都有盛衰,可龙族不同,龙族就是以实力论地位的,并且龙族最大的爱好是睡觉,所以龙族始终保持着兴盛,在此期间,龙族为保基业,可说是付出的非常非常多,甚至为此不惜以龙族的未来为代价,加入这天使圣岛内,与天使族同归于尽,这便是这份契约的作用。” Similarly carries the wine class, Xie Aoyu also faces the lake water, said with a smile lightly: Six mahatmas are the accumulated grievances are very deep with Dragon Clan, because now perhaps that mixes the owners of world three demon swords, has no time to pester with Dragon Clan, but must erupt the war sooner or later, but the growth of Dragon Clan was too fearful, even was also born in the Dragon Clan history the first unrivalled incomparable keel sword, once has the conflict with Dragon Clan, then six mahatmas have the division of rise and fall inevitably, if can obtain the source of Saint dragon, that if controlled the sacred place prosperous life, but even can here, by other sacred place collapsing, become the strongest influence, can?” 同样端起酒杯,谢傲宇也面对湖水,轻笑道:“六大圣地与龙族已是积怨很深,现在或许因为那位混世三魔剑的主人,无暇与龙族纠缠,可是早晚都是要爆发大战的,而龙族的成长太可怕了,甚至还诞生了龙族史上第一把旷世无匹的龙骨剑,所以一旦与龙族发生冲突,那么六大圣地必然有盛衰之分,若是能够得到圣龙之源,那等若掌握了圣地昌盛的命脉,而甚至可以借此机会,让其他圣地垮塌,成为最强势力,可对?” Ha Ha, island main really fierce, understands everything right off.” Floats the world to laugh heartily to say. “哈哈,岛主果然厉害,一点就透。”浮世远纵声大笑道。 Was a pity that you do not have opportunity to attain the source of Saint dragon.” Xie Aoyu look light saying. “可惜,你并没有机会拿到圣龙之源。”谢傲宇则神色平淡的说道。 Ease is holding appreciatively the wine class, floats the world long way: If the source of Saint dragon in island main, I indeed do not have the opportunity, I never have also thought must capture the source of Saint dragon, what I think ruins him, or will never encroach upon the contract with island main signing, but the source of Saint dragon not in island main, but on that smoke madame's body, then I have the opportunity.” 悠然的把玩着酒杯,浮世远道:“如果圣龙之源在岛主身上的话,我的确没有机会,我也从未想过要夺取圣龙之源,我想的是毁掉他,或者与岛主签订永不侵犯契约,可圣龙之源并不在岛主身上,而是在那位烟儿夫人的身上,那么我就有机会。” Raises the neck, drinks the good wine in wine class. 一扬脖,将酒杯内的美酒饮下。 Xie Aoyu washes one's hands of the wine class ejects. 谢傲宇抖手将酒杯抛出。 Bang!” “嘭!” The wine class falls in the water, splashes water splash, the water in this Freshlake surged immediately, as if terrifying Demon Beast is regaining consciousness. 酒杯落入水中,溅起一片水花,这清水湖内的水登时涌动了起来,仿佛一只恐怖的魔兽在苏醒。 Floats the world far eyebrow to select, some bursting out laughing looks to Xie Aoyu, said: What did island hosts guess correctly?” 浮世远眉毛一挑,有些哑然的看向谢傲宇,道:“岛主猜到什么了?” You make me to come, must begin to smoke, plunders the source of Saint dragon, but my two issues do not think clearly, but also please float the brother to explain 12.” Xie Aoyu said. “你约我来,是要对烟儿动手,掠夺圣龙之源,可我有两个问题想不明白,还请浮兄解释12。”谢傲宇说道。 Island main please say.” Floats the world long way. “岛主请说。”浮世远道。 First, why you divert me.” The Xie Aoyu light say (way), is not the main island host despises to float the brother, depends on your strength, if I attack fully, with is less than three moves, must be possible to cut to kill you.” “第一,你凭什么牵制我。”谢傲宇淡淡的道,“不是本岛主小看浮兄,就凭你的实力,我若全力出击,用不到三招,必可将你斩杀。” Floats the world far complexion suddenly changes, his both eyes explode the semination light to stare at Xie Aoyu, indeed he had already been ready, is regarding despising of Xie Aoyu, still made him somewhat be hard to accept, he always bragged high, how could the human so belittled, what is main, he confessed after previous time suffered defeat, the self-torture, already had the suitable promotion diligently, at least can maintain life on Xie Aoyu is not a problem. 浮世远的脸色骤然一变,他双目爆射精光盯着谢傲宇,诚然他早就做好了准备,可是对于谢傲宇的蔑视,仍然令他有些难以接受,他向来自诩甚高,何曾被人如此小觑的时候,更主要的是,他自认上次败北之后,努力苦修,已然有了相当的提升,至少能在谢傲宇手上保命不成问题的。 He is somewhat angry. 他有些恼怒。 Deeply inspires, depresses in the heart is not convinced, floats the world long way: I acknowledged that is not the island main match, but the island main three moves kill me, exaggerated.” 深吸一口气,压下心中的不服气,浮世远道:“我承认不是岛主的对手,但是岛主要三招杀我,是不是太夸大其词了。” Can try!” Xie Aoyu turns around suddenly, the imposing manner erupts. “可以一试!”谢傲宇猛然转身,气势随之爆发。 Already knows that floated world far goal, must divert itself, then began to Ru Yan, how Xie Aoyu can permit, he naturally wanted first to begin to withdraw. 已然知道浮世远的目标,是要牵制自己,进而对如烟动手,谢傲宇如何能够允许,他当然要第一时间动手脱身。 Whiz!” “嗖!” He just had an action to perform, a physique of beautiful fascinating'winsome then from the distant place rapidly shoots, behind also has considerable amount of masters in it, gave to surround the entire center of the lake island. 他刚刚有所动作,一条婀娜的身姿便从远处急速射至,在其身后还有相当数量的高手,将整个湖心岛都给包围了。 This female comes, then tenderly said with a smile: Island host, we met.” 此女一现身,便娇笑道:“岛主,我们又见面了。” Silver moon/month!” The Xie Aoyu eye narrows the eyes, cold Mang glitters. “银月!”谢傲宇眼睛眯起,冷芒闪烁。 Came the human some time ago to pull him to see Zhuo Fan Ting's evil sacred place master silver moon/month impressively. 来人赫然是不久前要扯着他去见卓凡婷的邪罗圣地高手银月。 „Is island main very definitely strange?” Say (Way) of silver moon/month smiling. “岛主肯定很奇怪吧?”银月笑眯眯的道。 You collaborated!” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “你们联手了!”谢傲宇沉声道。 The silver moon/month said with a smile: Island hosts have not looked at source about the Saint dragon to take to the antiquity Saint Emperor concrete advantage, naturally does not know that what attraction that has, for the source of Saint dragon, our battle several thousand years of two mahatmas has also been able to collaborate temporarily, because of the source of also function Saint dragon, that is makes nine mahatma dragons transform into standard Long Huang, hundred Dragon King transforms into the Saint dragon, in other words, the source of Saint dragon can make in the Dragon Clan strength and history most powerful Angel Clan contends, but does not drop the wind, therefore grasped the source of Saint dragon, that almost on being equal to having. Has dominated all foundations.” 银月笑道:“岛主没看过关于圣龙之源带给上古圣皇的具体好处,自然不知道那会有着什么样的诱惑力,为了圣龙之源,我们争斗了数万年的两大圣地也可以暂时联手的,因为圣龙之源还有一个作用,那就是令九大圣龙蜕变为准龙皇,百大龙王蜕变为准圣龙,也就是说,圣龙之源可以令龙族的实力与史上最强盛的天使族抗衡而不落下风,所以掌握了圣龙之源,那几乎就等于拥有。了称霸一切的基础。” Xie Aoyu nods, said: In front of absolute benefit, gratitude and grudges are the nonsense!” 谢傲宇点点头,道:“绝对的利益面前,恩怨都是狗屁!” Words thick principle is not thick, is actually so.” On silver moon/month elegant face full is the smiling face, „before me, contacts with you, making you see my family elder sister, when makes you go, the protracted time, directs here you intentionally finally again, such time is longer, your smoke madame feared that was more impossible to preserve the source of Saint dragon, what a pity the island advocated too early, therefore we can only use the strongest strength to cope with the island hosts.” “话粗理不粗,却是如此。”银月俏脸上满是笑容,“我之前与你接触,引你去见我家姐姐的,在引你去的时候,故意拖延时间,最后再将你引到这里,这样时间更久,你那位烟儿夫人怕是更加不可能保住圣龙之源了,可惜岛主来的太早了,所以我们只能动用最强的力量对付岛主了。” You must complete, before your strongest strength rushes, can support not by the situation that I cut to kill!” The Xie Aoyu words have not said that the human flushed. “那你们也要做好,你们最强力量赶到之前,能否支持住没有被我斩杀的地步!”谢傲宇话还未说完,人就冲了出去。 Whiz!” “嗖!” One is glittering the shining ray long blade also leap upper air. 一把闪烁着金灿灿光芒的长刀也飞跃高空。 Executes Divine Knife! 神刀 Xie Aoyu and upper air grasp the blade, was then dividing to cut to that silver moon/month, reason that he choice silver moon/month, but did not float the world to be far, perhaps that was floats the world far strength to be not enough with him to contend, but was far from one move can strike to kill it, therefore the best choice first killed one person. 谢傲宇与高空握刀,对着那银月便劈斩了出去,他之所以选择银月而非浮世远,那就是浮世远的实力或许不足以和他抗衡,但是绝非一招就能将其击杀的,所以最好的选择就是先杀一人。 Island host ~~ silver moon/month was absorbed by that imposing manner, the facial features are suffering from injustice, a delicate appearance, still resisted by her Flatters Tech­nique. “岛主~~”银月被那气势所摄,面容委屈,一副柔弱的样子,仍然是凭借她的媚术来对抗。 When Flatters Tech­nique utilization, in her hand also presents a short-sword, backs up backward, gets rid to click, the sword air/Qi of implication ignition heat aura pierces together. 媚术运用之时,她的手中也出现一把短剑,向后倒退中,出手点击,一道蕴含着火热气息的剑气洞穿出去。 Taboo Fights Technique said Yao day evilly! 禁忌斗技邪曰耀天! Xie Aoyu may not have a leisurely mood to dispute with her, gets rid is kills to incur, was initially evilly said that taboo Fights Technique of palace, has very terrifying strength. 谢傲宇可没有一点闲心与她较量,出手便是杀招,乃是当初邪曰殿的禁忌斗技,有着非常恐怖的力量。 A blade leaves, black said fiercely reappears. 一刀出,黑色的烈曰浮现。 Bang! 轰! Said black with executing Divine Knife ruptures. 黑曰伴随着诛神刀爆裂开来。 In startled day bang sound, is mixing with several sad and shrill pitiful yells. 惊天巨响声中,夹杂着十几声凄厉的惨叫。 Blade killing, Xie Aoyu instantly in the airborne imaginary point, the under foot towering appearance together water column, Clouds Holy Island Fights Technique treads the wave technique. 一刀扑杀,谢傲宇即刻在空中虚点,脚下突兀的出现一道水柱,正是云雾圣岛斗技踏浪术。 The water column was recommending Xie Aoyu instead kills to floating the world is far. 水柱推举着谢傲宇反杀向浮世远。 Floated world far this time also to see the silver moon/month, was already divided as two halves, and was also cut to kill by a Xie Aoyu blade in silver moon/month behind more than ten masters, making the clear water level of the lake cover scarlet. 浮世远此时也看到了银月,已然被劈为两半,并且在银月身后的十多名高手也都被谢傲宇一刀斩杀,使得清水湖面覆盖一层血色。 Roar!” “吼!” Meanwhile, submarine transmits a beast to roar. 于此同时,水下传来一声兽吼。 The clear water lake water fierce tumbling, a huge form from submarine rushes ahead, and with submarine sends out has two meters water arrow fire together fully. 清水湖水剧烈的翻滚起来,一个庞大的身影从水下冲杀上来,并且与水下发出一道足有两米长的水箭射击。 Whiz! 嗖! A Xie Aoyu under foot point, the human then soars to jump, evades the attack of that water arrow exactly, but treads the wave technique constitution the water column to exude bang the sound, numerous to submarine flushes away, has prevented Demon Beast that clashes stiffly. 谢傲宇脚下一点,人便腾空跃起,恰恰躲过那水箭的袭击,而踏浪术构成的水柱则发出轰隆响声,重重的向水下冲去,将那冲上来的魔兽硬生生的阻挡了一下。 Such the flash, Xie Aoyu threw to float the world far front. 只是这么一瞬间,谢傲宇已经扑到了浮世远的面前。 Breaks the wave to cut! 断浪斩! Xie Aoyu executed Divine Knife to delimit dazzling golden light, the passing over gently and swiftly upper air, cut rapidly, the world vitality of inspiring was a fierce tumbling. 谢傲宇的诛神刀划过一道刺眼的金光,掠过高空,飞速斩下,引动的天地元气都是一阵剧烈的翻滚。 Breaks the wave to cut is Clouds Holy Island shaking island Fights Technique, only has the island main to practice, can say that practices the person of wave cutting, that is the Clouds Holy Island island host, thus it can be seen breaks the intrepid place that the wave cuts. 断浪斩乃是云雾圣岛的震岛斗技,唯有岛主才能够修炼的,可以说修炼断浪斩之人,那就是云雾圣岛的岛主,由此可见断浪斩的强悍之处。 Floats world far rave one, leaves the sword resistance. 浮世远狂吼一声,出剑抵抗。 „!” “咔嚓!” That sword light touches is then executed Divine Knife to cut off directly. 那剑光一触便被诛神刀直接斩断。 Even if the ultra Saint sword, is unable to resist to blend to mediate execution Divine Knife that the wave cuts, that executes the Divine Knife whereabouts the speed not to reduce, rapid before floating the world far nape of the neck cancels. 就算是超圣剑,也无法抗拒融汇了断浪斩的诛神刀,那诛神刀下落的速度不减,飞速的向浮世远的脖颈前抹去。 Floats the world far two circles entire, diligently backward Yang Shen. 浮世远两眼圆整,努力地向后仰身。 Brush! 刷! Executes Divine Knife to pass over gently and swiftly his at present, was startled cold sweat. 神刀掠过他的眼前,惊出一声冷汗。 The blade, the Xie Aoyu foot has lifted, maliciously treads. 刀过,谢傲宇的脚丫子则抬起了起来,狠狠的踏下去。 Roar!” “吼!” Wild with rage beast roar resounds once more, this roars to mix with the endless anger, gives swaying that the center of the lake island shakes actually, and appears sign that splits, will float the world shaking throwing down. 狂怒的兽吼再次响起,这怒吼夹杂着无尽的愤怒,硬是将湖心岛都给震的摇晃,并且出现裂开的迹象,将浮世远给震的摔倒。 But Xie Aoyu also felt the back attack, but must partly turn around, the foot that will tread kicked outward, prevented the attack of back Demon Beast. 谢傲宇也感觉到了背后的袭击,无奈只得半转身,将踏出去的脚丫子向外踢出,阻止背后魔兽的袭击。 Bang!” “嘭!” A formidable strength transmits. 一股强大的力量传来。 Xie Aoyu felt that right leg numb and aching, the human also flies along with the it shaken lift-off, will fly upside down more than ten meters distances to fall. 谢傲宇就感到右腿一阵酸麻,人也随之被震的离地飞起,倒飞出去将近十多米的距离才落下来。 He can see clearly that Demon Beast form at this time. 他这时候才得以看清那魔兽的身影。
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