BE :: Volume #10

#922: Sea area rare talent 【Two】

Has been ordered, Chilao then flushed. 得到命令,奇拉奥便冲了出去。 Nowadays Chilao is away from breaks through, misses one, can say that only needs a turning point, can stride in the Emperor level superior the boundary, this time moves, is speed Qi Kuai, suddenly then rushed to the near, directly after faced that desire to kill the grandson modest person to hit. 现如今的奇拉奥距离突破,就差一线,可以说只需要一个契机,就能够跨入天王级上位的境界,此番一动,也是速度奇快,眨眼间便冲到了近前,直接从后面对着那欲杀孙谦之人就打了过去。 This humanities the severe wound, induced the danger, moves aside hurriedly. 此人本已重伤,感应到危险,急忙躲闪。 Go away, otherwise does not take it ill me to be heartless.” Chilao loud shouts to clear the way. “滚,不然休怪我无情。”奇拉奥大声喝道 On the strength, this person Chilao is not bad many, but the severe wound in the body, he has a look at Chilao who the condition is in the peak, must leave bitterly. 论实力,此人并不比奇拉奥差多少,怎奈重伤在身,他看看状态处于巅峰的奇拉奥,只得恨恨的离开了。 Chilao stands up from failure flushes away downward, falls to the ground before the grandson modestly, its grasps. 奇拉奥则翻身向下冲去,与孙谦落地前,将其抱住。 Afterward then holds Sun Qian to arrive at the Xie Aoyu front. 随后便抱着孙谦来到谢傲宇的面前。 Xie Aoyu has put out some compounded drugs, this is the Zi Yan refinement, the drug efficacy is good, arrives to the grandson modest mouth, eats, restores the injury to have the advantage to you.” 谢傲宇拿出了一些丹药,这是紫嫣炼制的,药效非常不错,抵到孙谦的嘴边,“吃下去吧,对你恢复伤势有好处。” The grandson modest opening eye that diligently almost faints painful, he looked at Xie Aoyu, the pupil is a contraction, has hesitated slightly, then has opened the mouth, swallowed Xie Aoyu to give his miracle cure. 几乎痛昏过去的孙谦努力的睁开眼睛,他看了一眼谢傲宇,瞳孔就是一阵收缩,略微沉吟了一下,便张开了嘴巴,吞下了谢傲宇给予他的一枚灵丹。 The compounded drug entrance, Sun Qianbian has closed the eye. 丹药入口,孙谦便闭上了眼睛。 In the moment, the grandson modest facial features that looked deathly pale ruddy, then struggles stands, although moves the wound is very the ache, has not actually stopped. 没过片刻,原本脸色惨白的孙谦面容红润了起来,便挣扎的站起来,虽然触碰到伤口很是疼痛,却没有停下。 He is nipping standing up, „are you Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island island advocate Qin Ziao to be arrogant?” 他咬着站起身,“你是云雾圣岛圣甲岛的岛主秦紫傲?” Is I.” Xie Aoyu has not thought the accident but actually, he by the Qin Ziao arrogant status, Ru Yan the number of times in outside making an appearance is not few with the Qin Ziao arrogant status, was recognized not to be strange. “是我。”谢傲宇倒没觉得意外,他以秦紫傲的身份,还有如烟秦紫傲的身份在外面露面的次数并不算少,被认出来也不奇怪。 Many thanks you have saved me.” The grandson modest look is usual, „the graciousness of life-saving, my grandson is modest he saying that must repay.” Said that turns around then to walk. “多谢你救了我。”孙谦神色如常,“救命之恩,我孙谦他曰必会偿还的。”说完转身便走。 This manner made Xie Aoyu be startled. 这态度令谢傲宇都怔了一下。 Chilao said: Hello, did you such walk? Our island main also had the words to say.” 奇拉奥道:“喂,你就这么走了?我们岛主还有话要说呢。” Sun Qiantou does not return, light say (way): Makes me join Clouds Holy Island or Holy Armor Island?” He spoke of here, the chuckle, invited my subscriber there are numerous similar cases, but I have never considered, because I liked the freedom, free hovering, therefore I will not join any influence.” 孙谦头也不回,淡淡的道:“是不是让我加入云雾圣岛或者圣甲岛?”他说到这里,轻笑了一声,“邀请我加入者不知凡几,但我从未考虑过,因为我喜欢自由,自由自在的翱翔,所以我是不会加入任何势力的。” Likes the freedom? 喜欢自由? Four characters, are very ordinary, but Xie Aoyu felt that Sun Qian said the time that sincerity of these four characters, he likes. 区区四个字,很平常,可是谢傲宇则感觉到了孙谦说这四个字的时候那份真诚,他是真的喜欢。 Xie Aoyu sighed one darkly, wants initially, he also to think became one generation of masters, how could to have thought must join any influence, but the matter actually compelled him to so, even , could strive for success in engaging in factional strife of various influences. 谢傲宇暗叹一声,想当初,他也只是想着成为一代高手,何曾想过要加入什么势力,可是事情却逼得他不得不如此,甚至以后都可能要在各种势力的倾轧中拼搏。 You can stay behind temporarily, after waiting for the wound to be good, leaves again.” Xie Aoyu said. “你可以暂时留下,等伤好之后再离开。”谢傲宇道。 „Thanks I do not need.” Sun Qian stand forth, his step is gradually slow and powerful, gradually walks into the covering range of that float mountain. “谢了,我不需要。”孙谦一步一步向前走去,他的步伐缓慢而有力,渐渐的走入那悬浮之山的笼罩范围之内。 He walked more than 300 meters, is such short distance, has actually spent for nearly ten minutes, the step that but his limps gradually became safe, the body has also stood, as if the injury to be above the speed of imagination is restoring, and is having a change including the imposing manner. 他走了将近300多米,就是这么短的距离,却花费了将近十分钟,但是他那蹒跚的步伐渐渐地变得稳当了,身体也站直了,似乎伤势正在以超乎想象的速度恢复着,并且连气势都在发生着一丝变化。 Xie Aoyu narrows the back that focuses on looking at Sun Qian, the say (way) of muttering: „It is not simple, this grandson is really not modestly simple, unexpectedly draws support from the pressure that this time is injured to make itself make the breakthrough.” 谢傲宇眯着眼看着孙谦的背影,喃喃自语的道:“不简单,这个孙谦真不简单,居然借助这次受伤产生的压力令自己做出突破。” Suddenly breakthrough?” Chilao stares the big eye, cannot believe the color completely. “突突破?”奇拉奥瞪大眼睛,满是不敢相信之色。 The Xie Aoyu nod said: Right, he is breaking through, perhaps soon, he was the Emperor level superior boundary.” 谢傲宇点头道:“没错,他在突破,或许用不了多久,他就是天王级上位境界了。” This modification!” The say (way) of Chilao somewhat envy, initially he was the Sage level superior time, I was in the Emperor level the position, now I trace to the Emperor level superior edge, he must stride in the Emperor level superior boundary unexpectedly.” “这个变态!”奇拉奥有些嫉妒的道,“当初他还是至圣级上位的时候,我就是天王级中位了,现在我才摸到天王级上位的边缘,他居然要跨入天王级上位境界了。” This is Angel Holy Island, so long as enters, because originally these practice condition is very bad, the talent very high person, will have the opportunity of progressing by leaps and bounds in Angel Holy Island, leaves Angel Holy Island time, is they step the onstage the time, but these completely depend upon the family background, the person of race support, will be thrown after behind.” Xie Aoyu said that „the tour of Angel Holy Island ended, is superior win and inferior wash out is completed, youth one generation of genuine powerhouses will be born.” In his mind reappeared match Wu Yuanfang of Angel Holy Island first war, that time Wu Yuanfang in the position by Emperor can sweep away the Brilliant City master who just entered the Emperor level superior becomes youth one generation of first masters, nowadays, Wu Yuanfang of self-torture, feared constantly was the strength was stronger, he should be a powerful match. “这就是天使圣岛啊,只要进入其中,原本那些因为修炼条件很差,天赋却很高的人,会在天使圣岛有突飞猛进的机会,离开天使圣岛的时候,也就是他们踏上前台的时候,而那些完全依靠家族背景,种族支持的人,将会被抛在身后。”谢傲宇道,“天使圣岛之行结束,也就是优胜劣汰完成的时候,青年一代真正的强者才会诞生。”他的脑海中不由的浮现了天使圣岛第一战的对手武元放,那时候的武元放以天王中位就能横扫刚入天王级上位的神武城高手成为青年一代第一高手,现如今,一味苦修的武元放,怕是实力更强了,他应该是一个强有力的对手。 Gazes after the grandson to vanish in the line of sight modestly, Xie Aoyu et al. then once more start. 目送孙谦消失在视线中,谢傲宇等人这才再次启程。 Freshlake attended a meeting, although there is a time agreement, but Xie Aoyu had not planned that according to interest that the time rushes, he must make the floating world of day of sacred place wait, must truncate his face. 清水湖赴会,虽有时间约定,可是谢傲宇并没有打算按照时间赶到的兴趣,他就是要让天罗圣地的浮世远等候,就是要削他的面子。 Island main walks slowly!” “岛主慢走!” Just once more hurried along, then the voice of woman conveyed. 刚再次赶路,便有一个女人的声音传来。 Xie Aoyu turns head to look, but sees one to put on a female of tight-fitting white skirt to fly from the distant place, her Man Tou golden hair waves with the wind, a beautiful face is really beautiful, particularly a bright and intelligent big eye, the black and shining, is glittering the brilliance, is passing a wild surname beautiful. 谢傲宇回头一看,但见一名穿着一袭紧身的白色裙子的女子从远处飞来,她满头的金发随风舞动,一张玉容甚是美艳,尤其是一双水汪汪的大眼睛,黑溜溜的,闪烁着光彩,透着一份野姓美。 This is the woman from desert, Xie Aoyu sees this female first eyes, then gives birth so felt that the inland female entirely different style of desert female, is appearance some especially is surnamed. 这是来自沙漠的女人,谢傲宇看到此女第一眼,便生出如此感觉,沙漠女子与内陆女子截然不同的风格,就是长相有些特姓。 Person in evil sacred place?” Xie Aoyu said. “邪罗圣地的人?”谢傲宇道。 Female hear [words/that], has then chortled, reveals the teeth of two rows of snow white, island main is really intelligent extremely, saw me is the people in evil sacred place, others called the silver moon/month, was presents the life of my family Zhuo elder sister to come.” 女子闻言,便咯咯笑了起来,露出两排雪白的牙齿,“岛主果然是聪慧绝顶,一眼就看出我是邪罗圣地的人了,人家叫银月,是奉我家卓姐姐之命前来的。” Xie Aoyu light say (way): „Does Zhuo Fan Ting want you to do?” 谢傲宇淡淡的道:“卓凡婷要你来干什么?” elder sister wants me to invite island host, my family elder sister is awaiting respectfully now, must main discuss something with the island well.” Said that called the female wonderful item of fresh splendor of silver moon/month, the sound was delightful. 姐姐要我邀请岛主,我家姐姐现在正在恭候,要与岛主好好商谈一些事情。”自称叫银月的女子妙目生辉,声音悦耳无比。 What matter wants halfway truncation I, when I finish talking with the floating world of day sacred place, didn't discuss again well?” On the Xie Aoyu mouth was saying, said with a smile at heart, was the people of other three mahatma places does not want to collaborate in view of me probably, wants to cooperate with me, they missed an opportunity with it, not, if collaborated, prepared to change the strategy? “什么事情非要半路截我,等我与天罗圣地的浮世远谈完,再谈不好吗?”谢傲宇嘴上说着,心里却笑道,大概是其他三大圣地的人不想联手针对我,都想与我合作,他们与其错过机会,不若联手,准备改变策略? The silver moon/month said: With floating the world has anything to talk about, that person is conceited, the island main does not need to talk with him, said again that after my family elder sister has discussed that perhaps you will give up with other people cooperating, for before and island main between some small misunderstanding, my family elder sister has put out the heavy ritual reward, for example others 银月道:“和浮世远有什么好谈的,那个人狂妄自大,岛主根本没必要和他交谈的,再说,与我家姐姐谈过之后,或许你会放弃与其他人合作呢,为了之前与岛主之间的一些小误会,我家姐姐可是拿出了重礼酬谢哦,比如人家” Her charming very draws out the milk-white bosom, gives to appear the chest perfect outline, enticement that could not say. 她娇媚的挺起酥胸,将胸部完美的轮廓都给显现出来,说不出的诱惑。 I complied to float the world to be far, if broke a contract, did not have the credit, I must go, as for saw Zhuo Fan Ting, that and other tomorrow, I visit again.” Xie Aoyu slightly did to hesitate, has given the answer. “我答应了浮世远,若是违约,就是没信用,我必须去,至于去见卓凡婷,那等明天吧,我再去拜会。”谢傲宇略作沉吟,给出了答案。 Island host ~~ silver moon/month goes forward one step, put out a hand to grasp the arm of Xie Aoyu, was rubbing with the full chest, say (way) of speaking in a coaxing voice. “岛主~~”银月上前一步,伸手抱住了谢傲宇的胳膊,用饱满的胸部摩擦着,嗲声嗲气的道。 That sound may make the bone of man crisp fully. 那声音足可令男人的骨头都酥了。 Itself her stature is very hot, is full of the foreign land character and style. 本身她的身材就很火辣,更是充满异域风情。 The Xie Aoyu look is indifferent, in the heart pan- the whisper, should actually recently not meet, I display and ambiguous between Yaqi intentionally, making Zhuo Fan Ting think that I like the woman, therefore arranges this woman to come. 谢傲宇神色淡然,心中却泛起了嘀咕,该不会是前次见面,我故意表现出和雅琪之间的暧昧,让卓凡婷认为我喜欢女人,所以才安排这个女人来的吧。 Island host, others very much worships you, so long as you go to and my family elder sister meet, others later were your.” The silver moon/month is charming. “岛主,人家可是很崇拜你哦,只要你去和我家姐姐见面,人家以后就是你的了。”银月媚态十足。 Xie Aoyu in a flash arm gently, works loose from the bosom of silver moon/month, said: „If Zhuo Fan Ting gives to me oneself, I may consider to go now.” 谢傲宇轻轻的一晃手臂,从银月的怀中挣脱出来,道:“如果是卓凡婷把自己送给我的话,我或许会考虑现在就去。” The silver moon/month was startled immediately. 银月顿时怔住了。 Xie Aoyu no longer responds her, flies to distant place, goes back to tell Zhuo Fan Ting, my Ming said that naturally will visit her.” 谢傲宇不再搭理她,向远处飞去,“回去告诉卓凡婷,我明曰自然会去拜会她的。” Regarding this silver moon/month, he does not have the interest, this Flatters Tech­nique is useful to the average person, to him is the reaction, was really too artificial, did not have that aesthetic sense. 对于这银月,他是毫无兴趣,这种媚术对一般人有用,对他是起反作用的,实在是太做作了,没有那种美感。 Gets rid of this silver moon/month entanglement, Xie Aoyu then picks up the speed to rush to Freshlake. 摆脱这个银月的纠缠,谢傲宇便加快速度赶往清水湖。 Freshlake is also other Angel Holy Island many world vitality relative places wants one of the powerful regions, although cannot compare Long Gu, actually is also very good. 清水湖也算是天使圣岛诸多天地元气相对其他地方要强盛的区域之一,虽然比不得龙谷,却也是很不错的。 Approximately many after very minutes, they then arrived at the destination. 大约十分多分钟之后,他们便到了目的地。 Freshlake is a very big lake, the surroundings are the mountain range of changing, uneven, the bund trees create shade, the flowers and plants are prosperous, many precious Demon Beast are playing to play, the center of the lake position has a center of the lake island, is not big, is more than 100 square meters appearances, at this time in that center of the lake island one, is placing a table, above has the fine dessert, pot liquor, two cups, float the world to grasp the folding fan, is waiting there. 清水湖是一个很大的湖泊,周围是跌宕起伏的山峦,高低不平,湖边树木成荫,花草繁盛,不少珍奇魔兽在玩耍嬉戏,湖心的位置有一处湖心岛,不大,也就是100多平米的样子,此时在那湖心岛一处,摆放着一张桌子,上面有精美的点心,还有一壶酒,两个杯子,浮世远手持折扇,在那里等候着。 Island host, here invited.” Floats the world not, because Xie Aoyu comes late to be angry, sees him, greeted on own initiative, on the face was hanging the smiling face. “岛主,这边请。”浮世远并没有因为谢傲宇来迟而生气,看到他,主动打招呼,脸上挂着笑容。 This person to the feeling of Xie Aoyu, is always haughty arrogant, this time is late intentionally, unexpectedly has not lost one's temper, Xie Aoyu thought on the contrary is not a little normal. 此人给谢傲宇的感觉,向来都是狂傲自大,此番故意迟到,居然没有动怒,谢傲宇反倒觉得有点不正常了。 Xie Aoyu leads Chilao et al. to arrive in the center of the lake island. 谢傲宇带着奇拉奥等人来到湖心岛上。 Floats the brother, making you wait for a long time.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile, on road has run into a matter.” “浮兄,让你久等了。”谢傲宇笑道,“路上碰到了点事情。” Might as well, might as well, island hosts can your honorable self visit, is my being honored.” Floats the world the posture that puts out a hand to make invitation, island hosts please sit down.” “无妨,无妨,岛主能够大驾光临,就是我的荣幸啊。”浮世远伸手做出一个请的姿势,“岛主请坐。” Xie Aoyu looks to float the world far amiable appearance, in the heart a whisper, he then sat. 谢傲宇看着浮世远一副谦和的样子,心中一阵嘀咕,他便坐了下来。 Floats the world to take up the wine pot to give Xie Aoyu to fill personally. 浮世远拿起酒壶亲自给谢傲宇斟满。 Island host, before and island main celebrating a holiday, nothing because of the struggle of spirit, is I floats the person in world far practicing moderation day sacred place, thinks that the person of non- sacred place, is unable to place on a par with me, may now say at this time that I was understood, the island main absolutely was the unrivalled rare talent, I did not float the world far to compare.” Floats the world to hold up the wine class, I respect the island to advocate one cup, is apologizes.” “岛主,之前与岛主的过节,也无非就是因为意气之争,是我浮世远自持天罗圣地的人,以为非圣地之人,无法与我相提并论,可今时今曰,我算是明白了,岛主绝对是旷世奇才,非我浮世远所能比啊。”浮世远举起酒杯,“我敬岛主一杯,算是赔罪。” Floated the brother to be polite.” Xie Aoyu took up the wine class, Medical Spirit Finger did not respond, obviously non-toxic. “浮兄客气了。”谢傲宇拿起了酒杯,药神指毫无反应,显然是无毒的。 They clink glasses with drinking. 两人碰杯同饮。 Floats the world to put down the wine class, has a person of but actually liquor, said: Island host, this time invited you to come, in fact wants to discuss a matter with you.” 浮世远放下酒杯,自有人倒酒,道:“岛主,此番邀请你来,实际上是想与你商谈一件事的。” Do not cooperate with me?” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “不会是要与我合作吧?”谢傲宇笑道。 „It is not.” Floats the world to shake the head with a smile. “不是。”浮世远笑着摇摇头。 Um? 嗯? Original Xie Aoyu sees to float the world so, but also thinks that is decides to change the strategy, must cooperate with, this may stem from his unexpected greatly, that does not know that what matter discusses?” 本来谢傲宇见浮世远如此,还以为是决定改变策略,要与自己合作的,这可大大出乎他的意料之外了,“那不知是商谈什么事?”
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