BE :: Volume #10

#921: Sea area rare talent 【One】

Contests with six mahatmas, negotiated with Zheng Xiao Fang, dissolved the alliance with the island five side strengths, all because of ten thousand dragon worships, but the matter therefore had not actually ended. 与六大圣地过招,与郑萧方交涉,与海岛五方力量解散联盟,一切都是因为万龙朝拜,可事情却并没有因此而结束。 Is dissolving the alliance second said that Xie Aoyu then received the invitation. 就在解散联盟的第二曰,谢傲宇便收到了邀请。 Those who send out the invitation is the floating world of day of sacred place is far. 发出邀请的是天罗圣地的浮世远。 Absolutely is not the good deed!” Ru Yan sees the invitation, first then to inviting to have had the suspicion, is really the alliance dismisses, on this day the floating world of sacred place the role that plays in behind is very important. “绝对不是好事!”如烟看到邀请,第一时间便对邀请产生了怀疑,实在是联盟解散,这天罗圣地的浮世远在后面扮演的角色是很重要的。 Xie Aoyu sneers saying: Should better float the world not to have anything to read thinks, otherwise, hey, I make him have not fresh, manages his anything day of sacred place.” 谢傲宇冷笑道:“最好浮世远没有什么念想,不然的话,嘿嘿,我让他有死无生,管他什么天罗圣地的。” I accompany you to go.” Ru Yan said. “我陪你去。”如烟道。 No, you remain to assume personal command, what I am worried is they lures the enemy out of his stronghod.” Xie Aoyu said that I am leading Chilao, in addition gives extra chooses in nine Emperor levels again the master, attended a meeting, may deal with them fully.” “不,你留守坐镇,我担心的是他们调虎离山。”谢傲宇说道,“我带着奇拉奥,另外带再选九名天王级中位的高手,去赴会,足可应付他们。” „Can they collaborate to attack?” Say (Way) that Ru Yan is worried about. “他们会不会联手出击?”如烟担心的道。 Xie Aoyu said: Is impossible, six mahatma present must mix the owners of world three demon swords in view of that has the relation inevitably, if two sides collaborate to cope with us, Die Ge Sarah, Yaqi and easy southern China three people to decide however will know, will certainly get rid to stop.” 谢傲宇道:“绝不可能,六大圣地现在要针对那混世三魔剑的主人,必然彼此间有联系的,如果其中两方联手对付我们,迭戈萨拉、雅琪、易华南三人定然会知晓的,也一定会出手阻拦的。” He regarding will collaborate whether certainly, is not quite definite, but in the heart has a thought that when necessary, then reveals the true body, uses ten thousand dragon worships that” that grasps newly Fights Technique, he must have a look but actually, below Ten Kings Level, any person can contend, even if Ten Kings Level, he must fight one bucket. 他对于是否一定会联手,也不太确定,但是心中却有个念头,那就是如果有必要,便露出真身,使用那新掌握的“万龙朝拜”斗技,他倒要看看,十王级以下,什么人能够抗衡,就算是十王级,他也要斗一斗。 Afterward, Xie Aoyu was then leading Chilao and other ten big masters in Saint islands. 随后,谢傲宇便带着奇拉奥等两圣岛的十大高手出发了。 They directly soar float place Freshlake that the world chooses. 他们直奔浮世远所选择的地点清水湖。 Reason that Xie Aoyu must attend a meeting, except for wants to have a look to float the world to have any goal, moreover is to give to float the world far lesson, if necessary, cuts to kill it, to frighten other people, sometimes, must the striving to excel potential be good. 谢傲宇之所以要赴会,除了想看看浮世远有什么目的,另外就是想要给浮世远一点教训,若是必要的话,将其斩杀,以震慑其他人,有时候,必须要强势才行。 Flies. 一路飞行。 About after a half hour, they in the altitude flying, Xie Aoyu actually saw that should float in the Angel Holy Island central zone mountain range. 大约半个小时之后,他们在高空飞行中,谢傲宇却看到了那座本该悬浮在天使圣岛中心地带的山峦。 This mountain dropped has quite been away from, but left the ground extremely to be still high. 此山已经下降了相当距离,但是离地面仍然极高。 Unexpectedly the float moves, Xie Aoyu looks at that float mountain, mixed the owners of world three demon swords to have the strong interest to that at heart, who this person was, has not reactivated truly, can have such power and influence, making a ten thousand meters mountain in airborne float, for can absorb the air/Qi of murdering? 居然漂浮移动,谢傲宇看着那悬浮之山,心里对那混世三魔剑的主人更产生了强烈的兴趣,此人到底是谁,还未真正复活,就能有如此威势,令一座万米高山在空中悬浮,为的就是要吸收杀伐之气? The air/Qi of murdering as if are not but many. 可是杀伐之气似乎并不多吧。 Then at this time, heard distant place calling out in alarm to transmit, more than ten weapons towering flew, flew to shoot directly to the upper air. 便在这时,就听到远处一声声的惊叫传来,十多件兵器突兀的飞起,直接向高空飞射上去。 Some people rise straight from the ground, the flying apsaras conscripts, wants to win, is the suction is too strong, is unable to seize, some people then gave up, careful waiting and seeing, some people grabbed the weapon to be attracted the upper air, has not arrived at the float mountain, the bodies of these people changed explode loudly, sprinkle everywhere the blood rain. 一些人拔地而起,飞天抓兵器,想要夺走,可是吸力太强,根本无法夺回来,有些人便放弃了,小心的观望,有些人则抓着兵器被吸上了高空,还未到达悬浮之山,那些人的身体变轰然而炸,洒下漫天的血雨。 Recently such matter occurred frequent?” Xie Aoyu inquired, he knows existence of float mountain, already caused a stir in entire Angel Holy Island, but he was busy with dealing with all influence, had no time to pay attention. “最近这样的事情发生的频繁吗?”谢傲宇询问道,他知道悬浮之山的存在,早就轰动整个天使圣岛了,只是他忙于应付各方势力,无暇关注罢了。 Chilao said: Is very frequent, just started, many people inquired about that almost all weapons suction, many people want to find out, died, it is said Ten Kings Level Demon Beast has also rushed, finally also died, the skeleton not saves, but leaves behind everywhere blood rain to float, the scene is very bloody.” 奇拉奥道:“很频繁,刚开始的时候,很多人去探寻,几乎所有的兵器都被吸走了,很多人想要一探究竟,也都死了,据说还有一只十王级魔兽冲上去过,结果也死了,尸骨无存,只是留下漫天血雨飘洒,场面很是血腥。” Weapon! 兵器! Some Xie Aoyu naturally also experiences, at that time he and Lily silk the fight, if not by that float mountain absorption weapon, were feared was the Lily silk died. 谢傲宇自然也有体会,当时他和莉莉丝的战斗,若非被那悬浮之山吸收兵器,怕是莉莉丝已经死了。 Aren't some clear, what absorb the weapon goal are? 只是有些不明白,吸收兵器目的是什么? „Can its motion path in a disorderly way follow?” Xie Aoyu asked. “它的移动轨迹有规律可循吗?”谢傲宇问道。 In a disorderly way may follow.” Chilao replied, according to observation, this float mountain was centered on the place that initially Li Qingbiao got out of trouble, is being away from the Angel Holy Island edge position void encirclement revolving about ten li (0.5km) place, moreover every time revolved for one week, will drop about one kilometer distance.” “有规律可循。”奇拉奥回答道,“根据观察,这悬浮之山是以当初李庆彪脱困的地方为中心,在距离天使圣岛边缘位置大约十里地的虚空环绕旋转,而且每旋转一周,就会下降大约一千米的距离。” Xie Aoyu said: Throughout is this path?” 谢傲宇道:“始终都是这个轨迹?” Chilao nod name is. 奇拉奥点头称是。 This float mountain so does, definitely has its goal, was only a pity that I am unable to untie this riddle topic, Xie Aoyu looked at a that float mountain, he fully realized, can untie these issues also had the people of six mahatma places. 这悬浮之山如此做,肯定有它的目的,只可惜我根本无法解开这个谜题,谢傲宇看了一眼那悬浮之山,他深知,能解开这些问题的也就只有六大圣地的人了。 Thinks of here, he then temporarily this float mountain casting behind. 想到这里,他便暂时将这悬浮之山给抛在脑后。 With it pondered that these could not have pulled the float mountain of big relations with him, not, if facing he more critical issue, he then leads the human to leave. 与其思考这些与他还扯不上多大关系的悬浮之山,不若面对他更为紧要的问题,他便带着人离开。 The suction range that the float mountain releases is extremely broad, can cover the surrounding area great distance the region. 悬浮之山释放下来的吸力范围极广,足足能笼罩方圆千里的区域。 They fly, saw unceasingly has the weapon to be attracted, saw the scene that some people died a tragic death, was gradually used to it, in did not have any feelings for this reason. 他们飞行中,不断看到有兵器被吸上去,更看到一些人惨死的场面,渐渐地也就习惯了,不在为此有什么感触。 Grandson is modest, you could not be inescapable!” “孙谦,你跑不了了!” Runs again, making Sir certainly hold makes you live to might as well die.” “再跑,让大爷们抓住一定让你生不如死。” , Cursing angrily sounds, transmit from the distant place suddenly. 陡然间,一声声的怒骂声,从远处传来。 Xie Aoyu did not want to pay attention, actually saw that Chilao and other people reveal the stunned expression, as if heard any unbelievable matter. 谢傲宇本不欲理睬,却看到奇拉奥等十人都流露出错愕的表情,仿佛听到了什么难以置信的事情。 How?” Xie Aoyu asked. “怎么了?”谢傲宇问道。 Chilao said: Island host, is Sun Qian.” 奇拉奥道:“岛主,是孙谦。” „Is grandson modest? What person?” Xie Aoyu to this name very strange, has never heard. “孙谦?什么人?”谢傲宇对这个名字非常的陌生,从未听说过。 Island hosts have not to know that this grandson is modest, but our sea area rare talent.” On Chilao face reveals a different kind expression, it is said Sun Qian from a small island, since practicing to Tuifan level, then started to travel for pleasure in all directions, has left behind some reputations, but was not resounding, afterward some people in the island discovered that some rare treasures, Sun Qian has also robbed, at that time he was also the Rainbow level lower position, since then, some people have counted, his every other three months will then appear one time, but appeared each time, the strength will break through, before entering Angel Holy Island, he was the Sage level superior boundary, one month ago, I saw him, He became the Emperor level lower position boundary.” “岛主有所不知,这个孙谦可是我们海域的奇才啊。”奇拉奥脸上流露出一丝别样的表情,“据说孙谦是来自一个小海岛,自从修炼至蜕凡级之后,便开始四处游历,留下了一些名声,但并不响亮,后来有人在海岛发现一些稀有的宝物,孙谦也去抢夺了,那时候他也不过是彩虹级下位而已,自此之后,有人统计过,他每隔三个月便会出现一次,而每次出现,实力都会有所突破,就在进入天使圣岛之前,他还是至圣级上位的境界,在一个月前,我见到他,他成为了天王级下位境界。” Here, Chilao then no longer said anything. 说到这里,奇拉奥便不再说什么了。 Xie Aoyu dodges an item of view to look, actually discovered the grandson who that runs away distressedly modestly unexpectedly is in the Emperor level the position boundary, and to breakthrough edge. 谢傲宇闪目观瞧,却发现那狼狈逃走的孙谦居然已经是天王级中位境界,并且到了突破的边缘。 In other words Sun Qian on Angel Holy Island, has made two breakthroughs, and third breakthrough soon will also arrive, momentarily possibly becomes the Emperor level superior boundary strength. 也就是说孙谦在天使圣岛上面,做出了两次突破,并且第三次突破也即将到来,随时都可能成为天王级上位境界的实力。 So progressive, knows by Xie Aoyu, as if in many masters who he knows, has two people able with it comparing favorably, that is Yan Ling Wu and Zhou Zhenwang. 如此进步,以谢傲宇所知,似乎在他认识的诸多高手中,也只有两个人能够与之媲美,那就是燕玲舞和周震王。 Talent, can with Yan Ling Wu and compared with Zhou Zhenwang, that be the super potential exists absolutely. 天赋方面,能够和燕玲舞、周震王相比的,那绝对是超级潜力存在。 This grandson is not modestly simple.” Xie Aoyu light say (way). “这个孙谦不简单啊。”谢傲宇淡淡的道。 Chilao et al. give a tongue-lashing the tooth , compared with this island host naturally is also not simple, is compared with them, that was too terrifying. 奇拉奥等人一呲牙,与这位岛主相比自然也就是不简单而已,可是与他们相比呢,那就是太恐怖了。 So the character, Xie Aoyu also has had an interest. 如此人物,谢傲宇也产生了一丝兴趣。 He then stands in the upper air waits and sees, instantly has not left, sees only that Sun Qian to be dirty, the body clothing is tattered, the whole body scar, was the weapon presented openings, obviously had frigid battle, he now with three people fought while drew back, flushes away toward the range that float mountain covered. 他便站在高空观望,并没有即刻离开,只见那孙谦灰头土脸的,身上衣衫破烂,满身的伤痕,就是兵器都出现了一个个的豁口,显然有过一场非常惨烈的厮杀,他现在是与三人边战边退,向着那悬浮之山笼罩的范围冲去。 Island host, do we want to lend a hand to help his helping hand? Could make him join us.” Chilao inquired in a low voice. “岛主,我们要不要出手助他一臂之力?或许能够让他加入我们呢。”奇拉奥低声询问道。 He has not arrived at final time.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “他还没到最后时刻。”谢傲宇笑道。 Sees only that grandson modestly staggering, flight very much uses energy, as if momentarily possibly from airborne drops, following three chasing down and his distance unceasingly are also pulling closer. 只见那孙谦踉踉跄跄,飞行都很费劲,似乎随时都可能从空中跌落下来,后面的三名追杀者与他的距离也在不断地拉近着。 Sun Qian clenches teeth, is insisting unceasingly. 孙谦咬着牙,不断地坚持着。 Hurry up, he did not have the strength.” “快点,他没力气了。” Pursues to kill him.” “追上去干掉他。” The following person clamored was more ominous. 后面的人叫嚣的更凶了。 Especially that has not opened the mouth to shout curses throughout the human, the speed is faster, pursued to being apart from the sister's grandson modestly less than three meters distance, he has raised in the hand the long blade, has been chopping to Sun Qianbian. 尤其是那始终没有开口叫骂之人,速度更快,已经追到距离孙谦不足三米的距离,他举起了手中长刀,对着孙谦便砍了下去。 Puff!” “噗!” The blood light spatters in all directions, Sun Qian the back was delimited together the blood trough, his body also forward dashes, bangs into the covering range of that float mountain all of a sudden, the human also drops to the ground. 血光迸溅中,孙谦的后背被划出一道血槽,他的身体也向前冲撞过去,一下子撞入那悬浮之山的笼罩范围之内,人也跌落向地面。 The following three people of great happiness, speed up overrunning. 后面三人大喜,加快冲过去。 But they just broke , the suction of that float mountain transmits immediately, their weapons immediately attracted flies to the upper air, three people of also subconscious getting hold of weapons. 可他们刚刚冲入其中,那悬浮之山的吸力登时传递出来,他们三人的兵器立刻被吸的向高空飞去,三人也下意识的握紧兵器。 At this time, the grandson of that severe wound modestly suddenly sent out a tiger to roar, his body flew upwards swiftly upwardly, was that sharp sword leads him to fly, one then arrived at three people of front, wielded a sword to sweep away suddenly, sprinkles the next dazzling eye-catching cold brightness, delimited to three people of napes of the neck. 就在这时候,那重伤的孙谦陡然发出一声虎吼,他的身体倏然向上飞升,却是那利剑带着他飞起来的,一下便到了三人的面前,猛然挥剑横扫,洒下一道刺眼夺目的寒光,划向三人的脖颈。 „” “啊” Calls out in alarm calls also to spread with the pain. 惊叫和痛叫同时传出。 When only coldly dissipates, four weapons simultaneously attracted flying upper air, three person's shadows from airborne crash, the two are chasing down, is covering the nape of the neck, actually cannot prevent outflow of blood, another is Sun Qian, he uses a final strength, attracts the strength of weapon with the aid of the float mountain, sends out strikes finally, actually also lost the final strength, but that strength strongest chasing down, actually in finally critical juncture, backward Yang Shen, but leaves behind a fearful fierce blood trough on the chest, has not been killed violently. 待光寒消逝,四把兵器同时被吸的飞上高空,三条人影从空中坠落,其中两人是追杀者,捂着脖颈,却阻挡不住鲜血的流出,另外一个就是孙谦,他利用最后的一点力量,借助悬浮之山吸引兵器的力量,发出最后一击,却也失去了最后的力量,但是那名实力最强的追杀者,却在最后危急关头,向后仰身,只是在胸膛上留下一条可怕狰狞的血槽,并没有毙命。 At this time sees under Sun Qianzhui, he sends out fierce whooshing, then threw. 此时看到孙谦坠下,他发出一声狰狞的嘶吼,便扑了下去。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Was the time!” 谢傲宇笑道:“是时候了!”
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