BE :: Volume #10

#920: Creating a scene 【Three】

Three hours, then passed by in a flash. 三个小时,一晃便过去了。 Xie Aoyu then permission makes the human come, but these three hours regarding thousand said island institute et al., actually quite uncomfortable, even were the suffering. 谢傲宇这才允许让人进来,而这三个小时对于千曰岛所格萨等人来说,却是相当的难受,甚至是煎熬。 Again after the arrival, these people were obviously law-abiding. 重新到来之后,这些人显然安分了许多。 Sits. „ Xie Aoyu has not lifted including the buttocks, sits. “都坐吧。“谢傲宇连屁股都没抬,就那么坐着。 Some people and others took a seat in abundance. 一干人等纷纷落座。 Thousand said that island institute said: Island host, why may I ask does not make our accompanying come in together? This also some ruled by force probably, appeared the island main as if no spirit.” 千曰岛所格萨道:“岛主,敢问为何不让我们的随从一起进来?这好像也有些过于霸道了吧,显得岛主似乎没气量。” He said was very polite, did not have sharply. 他说的很客气,没有了锋锐。 Main island main does not hope us to talk, but also some people disturb.” Xie Aoyu has swept one five people, is just like that so-called Gore, hey, probably is not south the people in day of island, his aura is probably closer from desert one generation, um, making me think that a little looks like with the floating world of day sacred place.” “本岛主不希望我们交谈,还有人来捣乱。”谢傲宇扫了一眼五人,“就好比那个所谓的戈尔,嘿嘿,好像也不是南天岛的人吧,他的气息好像更接近来自沙漠一代的人,嗯,让我想想,与天罗圣地的浮世远有点像。” Island hosts have misunderstood, Gore indeed is the person in my island.” south day of island SheLu Xin Lianse changes, hurries to say. “岛主误会了,戈尔的确是我岛的人。”南天岛佘卢辛脸色微变,赶紧说道。 Xie Aoyu sneers, he will certainly not misread, during will not misread these to accompany, there is a part from day sacred place and person of evil sacred place and day lonesome mountain, their appearances, Xie Aoyu has not seen, but the aura of person of six mahatma places has the characteristics respectively, is very difficult to hide the truth from him, is therefore, he on own initiative will attack, kills Gore, the goal must deter these people, must warn the person of that three mahatma places. 谢傲宇冷笑一声,他当然不会看错,更加不会看错那些随从当中,有部分就是来自天罗圣地、邪罗圣地和天寂山的人,他们的模样儿,谢傲宇没见过,可是六大圣地之人的气息却各有特色,很难瞒过他,也是因此,他才会主动出击,打死戈尔,目的就是要震慑这些人,更是要警告那三大圣地的人。 Hopes so.” Xie Aoyu light say (way). “但愿如此吧。”谢傲宇淡淡的道。 south day of island SheLu Xin Muguang glitters, has not said anything again. 南天岛佘卢辛目光闪烁,没有再说什么。 Island host, the beforehand taking the liberty action, indeed is our mistakes, but also looks at the island main do not care.” Choir of scud island said. “岛主,之前的冒昧举动,的确是我们的过错,还望岛主不要放在心上。”飞云岛的乔伊尔说道。 Xie Aoyu comfortable by chair. 谢傲宇舒服的靠在椅子上。 Ru Yan gentle is pinching the shoulders to him, comfortable he has closed the eye. 如烟则温柔的给他捏着双肩,舒服的他都闭上了眼睛。 Said that you ask the main island host to have any matter, but also rushes to my station hardly.” Xie Aoyu said slowly that the sound is gentle, as if has put down before , they rush to the anger that the station initiates. “说吧,你们来找本岛主有什么事,还硬闯我的驻地。”谢傲宇缓缓地说道,声音平和,仿佛真的放下了之前他们闯驻地引发的怒火。 The following five people each other looked at one mutually, finally the vision centralized in thousand said the island institute body. 下面的五人彼此互相看了一眼,最后目光都集中在了千曰岛所格萨的身上。 Institute not only somewhat happy, and somewhat worried, he steady mind, said: Our first several said that saw innumerable Dragon Clan worship the smoke madame 所格萨既有些高兴,又有些苦恼,他稳了稳心神,道:“我们前几曰看到有无数龙族对烟儿夫人进行朝拜” Brush! 刷! Xie Aoyu opens the eye suddenly, all people felt that in the tent as if flashes through together cold Dian, makes closing eye that they can not help, so as to avoid both eyes are injured. 谢傲宇猛然睁开眼睛,所有人就感到帐篷内仿佛闪过一道冷电,令他们都情不自禁的闭上眼睛,免得双目受伤。 Smoke madame? Institute, how you know what Dragon Clan worship is smoke?” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “烟儿夫人?所格萨,你如何知道龙族朝拜的是烟儿的?”谢傲宇沉声道。 I.” When institute Sadyn asked being at a loss for words. “我。”所格萨登时被问的张口结舌。 Watches all, Ru Yan shakes the head secretly, actually he already knows that the Xie Aoyu means that the deterrent, made them wait intentionally again for three hours outside, these five people of mood were so good, actually also affirmed chaotically, was so easy to make a mistake, was held the flaw by Xie Aoyu, counter-attacked. 将一切看在眼里,如烟暗自摇头,其实他早就知道谢傲宇的办法了,故意威慑,再让他们在外面等候三个小时,如此就算这五人的心境不错,却也肯定乱了,如此就容易出错,被谢傲宇抓住破绽,进行反击。 Really, this institute aperture, was held the flaw by Xie Aoyu, it is estimated that the following development, started to walk in the direction that is unable to predict that after all these person of back supporters, were stopped by Xie Aoyu forcefully outside, in can not enter, can only have them to do to decide. 果然,这所格萨一开口,就被谢傲宇抓住了破绽,估计接下来的发展,开始朝着无法预测的方向走了,毕竟这些人背后的支持者,被谢傲宇给强行阻挡在外,不得入内,只能有他们自己来做决定了。 Said how to know, this matter is knowing only several people, you know unexpectedly.” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu lets somebody cool off or calm down, is you thousand said the island here does have annihilates?!” “说,如何知道的,此事知道着仅有几人,你们居然知道。”谢傲宇冷冷的道,“难道是你千曰岛在我这里有内歼?!” Institute argued hurriedly: This is how possible, island hosts misunderstood.” 所格萨急忙辩解道:“这如何可能,岛主误会了。” You give me a reasonable explanation!” Xie Aoyu said. “那你给我一个合理的解释!”谢傲宇道。 Is I tells him.” Sees this situation, Choir of that scud island has opened the mouth finally, this matter is also the evil Luo Clan Zhuo Fan Ting girl tells me.” “是我告诉他的。”见此情形,那飞云岛的乔伊尔终于开口了,“此事也是邪罗族的卓凡婷姑娘告诉我的。” Xie Aoyu said: „, Is she, the mouth is really quick.” 谢傲宇道:“哦,是她啊,嘴真快。” Scud island Choir said: Zhuo Fan Ting girl added that the smoke madame obtained the source of Saint dragon, then can rein Dragon Clan, since we from sea area, at the present are the unions, shows no external differences, therefore we believe that the island main should also make the smoke madame give each of us two dragons?” 飞云岛乔伊尔道:“卓凡婷姑娘还说,烟儿夫人得到了圣龙之源,便能够统御龙族,既然我们都是来自海域,而今又是同盟,一致对外,所以我们大家认为,岛主是不是也该让烟儿夫人送给我们每人两条龙呢?” ! 噌! Even if Xie Aoyu early knows their goals, but this person still proposed that such greedy to shameless request, still made his anger burn crazily. 就算是谢傲宇早知道他们的目的,可这人仍然提出这么贪婪到无耻的要求,仍然令他怒火狂燃。 „Everyone two dragons, ha-ha, good, good.” The Xie Aoyu whole face is the smiling face, he looks to other people, „are you also this request?” “每人两条龙,呵呵,好,好。”谢傲宇满脸都是笑容,他看向其他人,“你们也是这个要求吗?” Right, ten thousand dragon worships, after island main two islands affirmations and Dragon Clan, relates is better very much, apportions our two dragons, like this we can better help island host, show no external differences here, gain a bigger benefit.” SheLu Xin of south day of island said. “没错,万龙朝拜,岛主的两个岛屿肯定与龙族以后关系很要好的,分给我们每人两条龙,这样我们在这里才能够更好的帮助岛主,一致对外,争取更大的利益。”南天岛的佘卢辛说道。 Other people also nod the name are. 其他人也都点头称是。 The Xie Aoyu smiling face was thicker, probably thought aloud say (way): Shameless has seen, like such shameless has not seen, puts out a hand obviously to others wants the thing, added must help others.” 谢傲宇的笑容更浓了,好像自言自语似的道:“无耻的见过,像这么无耻没见过,明明是伸手向人家要东西,还说的要帮助别人似地。” The scud island Choir five people of complexions change, but has not spoken. 飞云岛乔伊尔五人脸色都是微变,但均没有说话。 If I don't give?” Xie Aoyu asked. “若是我不给呢?”谢傲宇反问道。 „Won't island main so be parsimonious?” Scud island Choir said. “岛主不会如此吝啬吧?”飞云岛乔伊尔道。 Xie Aoyu light say (way): Do not say that the smoke present was unable to communicate with Dragon Clan, can the words, why do I want to give to you for no reason? Also a yawn takes two dragons, you do not ask yourselves, why? What qualifications do you have to come with me to demand?” 谢傲宇淡淡的道:“不要说烟儿现在还无法和龙族进行沟通,就算可以的话,我为什么要平白无故的送给你们?还一张口要两条龙,啧啧,你们也不问问自己,凭什么?你们有什么资格来跟我索要?” Scud island Choir stands up, sinking sound track: Island host, this you are not right, our alliance, moreover in the pledge stipulated that gains the benefit, hegemon first, but other people must assign, now the island hosts obtained such big advantage, actually does not assign to our point, cannot be justified.” 飞云岛乔伊尔站起身,沉声道:“岛主,这你就不对了,我们大家都联盟,而且盟中规定,得到利益,盟主先得,但其他人都要分配的,现在岛主得到了这么大的好处,却不分配给我们一点,是不是说不过去。” Indeed has the pledge gauge such, but, the premise is we collaborates to obtain, how many days smoke did obtain Saint dragon source of? You know, how also to strive?” Xie Aoyu said. “的确有这么盟规,不过,前提是我们大家联手得到的,烟儿得到圣龙之源多少天了?你们才知道,又怎么出力的?”谢傲宇道。 We indeed not before the smoke madame obtains the source of Saint dragon supports, was ten thousand dragon worships afterward, the outstanding heroes surround, if not there is our alliance, they feared that already began, therefore I thought that our support are very big, two dragons little wanted.” Scud island Choir said. “我们的确没有在烟儿夫人得到圣龙之源前支持,可是后来万龙朝拜,群雄围观,若非有我们联盟在,他们怕是早就动手吧,所以我觉得,我们的支持还是很大的,两条龙还是少要了。”飞云岛乔伊尔道。 According to pinching on Ru Yan of shoulder sinks to strength of Xie Aoyu. 谢傲宇按捏肩头的如烟手上力道就是一沉。 She was angry! 她生气了! Shameless described scud island Choir, not mistake. 无耻之极来形容飞云岛乔伊尔,一点都不过错。 The Xie Aoyu rhetorical question has stabilized, said: If I don't agree?” 谢傲宇反问稳定了下来,道:“若是我不同意呢?” We have to draw back the pledge.” Scud island Choir whole face disappointed say (way), we think that collaborates to get more interests, but the island main actually is only the one's own selfish interests, our scud island must choose to draw back the pledge.” “那我们只好退盟了。”飞云岛乔伊尔满脸失望的道,“我们以为联手能够获得更多的利益,可是岛主却只为一己之私,我们飞云岛只得选择退盟。” To his words, the Xie Aoyu accident does not have slightly, was still tranquil, said: Probably south a day of island and thousand said that the island is also plans to draw back the pledge?” 对他的话,谢傲宇丝毫意外都没有,仍旧平静,道:“大概南天岛和千曰岛也是打算退盟吧?” south day of island SheLu Xin He thousand said that island institute looks one, said: Yes.” 南天岛佘卢辛和千曰岛所格萨对望一眼,道:“是。” Xie Aoyu looks to golden eagle island gold Linfeng, cercis chinensis island Jing Xingchu. 谢傲宇又看向金鹰岛金林峰,紫荆岛荆星楚两人。 Our altogether onset and retreat.” Golden eagle island gold Linfeng also opens the mouth to say. “我们共进退。”金鹰岛金林峰也开口道。 Good, since everybody is willing to draw back the pledge, that hegemon announced that sea area forms an alliance dismisses officially!” The Xie Aoyu big hand wields, the clear and resonant voice said that from, did not have an alliance saying at this moment again.” “好,既然大家都愿意退盟,那本盟主就宣布,海域结盟正式解散!”谢傲宇大手一挥,朗声说道,“从此刻起,再无联盟一说。” Thousand said that island institute stares the big eye to stare at Xie Aoyu, how he has not thought that the Xie Aoyu agreement they draw back the pledge unexpectedly, even announced dismisses, this may stem from them to be unexpected. 千曰岛所格萨瞪大眼睛盯着谢傲宇,他怎都没想到谢傲宇居然真的同意他们退盟,甚至宣布解散,这可真的出乎他们意料之外。 Before they come again, already some discussion, the conclusion has been Xie Aoyu absolutely does not hope that the alliance dismisses, after all this is a very rare opportunity, the alliance can give the opportunity that Xie Aoyu one time demonstrates, will be he will compete for the start and foundation of sea area overlord in the future, how to give up. 他们再来之前,早就有过商议,结论就是谢傲宇绝对不希望联盟解散的,毕竟这是一个非常难得的机会,联盟能够给予谢傲宇一次展示的机会,也是未来他争夺海域霸主的起步和基础,怎会放弃。 Therefore they use to draw back the pledge to threaten. 所以他们用退盟来威胁。 But Xie Aoyu agreed that and announced that dissolves the alliance. 谢傲宇偏偏就是同意了,并且宣布解散联盟。 Dismissal of alliance, means that they lose a dependence similarly, must know that they with the respective back supporter, such as day sacred place and evil Luo Shengdi, the day lonesome mountain, Xin Jie Clan , etc. has the obvious strength disparity, can bargain back and forth, are treated equally, what are more is existence of this temporary small alliance. 联盟的解散,也意味着他们同样失去一个依靠,要知道他们与各自背后的支持者,如天罗圣地、邪罗圣地、天寂山、心劫族等都是有着明显的实力差距,能够讨价还价,平起平坐,更多的还是这个暂时的小型联盟的存在。 Once loses this small alliance, then and back supporter negotiated, will fall into enormously passively, what was main, although they on behalf of youth one generation, once left Angel Holy Island, even therefore affected the respective island the decision-making. 一旦失去这个小联盟,那么与背后支持者交涉的时候,就会陷入极大地被动当中,更主要的是,虽然他们只是代表青年一代,可是一旦离开天使圣岛,甚至因此而影响到各自海岛的决策的。 Island host, aren't you many consider?” Thousand said that island institute said. “岛主,你不多考虑一下?”千曰岛所格萨道。 Xie Aoyu said: I consider was very clear, is five island youth one generation of leaders, unexpectedly with drawing back the pledge threatens, this grade of quality, this ability, making me suspect that cooperates with you, is creates a scene, I did not have the interest, perhaps your island main and I negotiated, my a little interest, will be good, here did not have the custom of keeping a guest person, you walked.” His speaker said to outside that Luo Ke Dru, Chilao, sees a visitor out!” 谢傲宇道:“我考虑的很清楚了,身为五岛青年一代的领军人物,居然用退盟来威胁,这等素质,这点能力,让我怀疑,与你们合作,也就是无理取闹罢了,我已经没有了兴趣,或许你们的岛主们与我来交涉,我还会有点兴趣,好了,我这里也没有留客人的习惯,你们还是走吧。”他扬声对外面道,“洛克德鲁,奇拉奥,送客!” Order for a guest to leave, these five people also want to say anything also late. 逐客令一下,这五人还想说什么也晚了。 Departure that their heart unwilling sentiments do not hope. 他们心不甘情不愿的离开了。 When they leave, Luo Ke Dru and Chilao came back, looks appearance that Xie Aoyu has is starting to speak but hesitating. 待他们离开,洛克德鲁和奇拉奥两人回来了,看着谢傲宇都有是一副欲言又止的样子。 Had any matter to say.” Xie Aoyu said. “有什么事就说。”谢傲宇道。 Luo Ke Dru said: Island host, do we such dissolve the alliance not quite to be good?” 洛克德鲁道:“岛主,我们就这么解散联盟是不是不太好啊?” What has not to be good?” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “有什么不好的?”谢傲宇笑道。 I thought that this small alliance is the island main display strength, leaves their deep impression time, but can also seize the chance by the matter of alliance, strengthens the relation with the person of each island, particularly some of our sea area second-class islands, we can definitely be so strong in the island principal representation, the smoke madame made the turning points of ten thousand dragon worships, makes them transfer goes to our.” Luo Ke Dru reorganized mentality to say. “我觉得这个小联盟是岛主发挥实力,留给他们深刻印象的时候,还能趁机凭借联盟的事情,与各个海岛的人加强联系,尤其是一些我们海域的二流海岛,我们完全可以在岛主表现如此强势,烟儿夫人令万龙朝拜的契机,来令他们转投向我们的。”洛克德鲁整理了一下思路说道。 The Xie Aoyu nod said: You said right, but I dissolve the alliance, must exactly so.” 谢傲宇点头道:“你说的没错,而我解散联盟,也恰恰是要如此的。” Luo Ke Dru and Chilao look one, full is the puzzled color. 洛克德鲁和奇拉奥对望一眼,满是不解之色。 Ru Yan indicated with a smile: A lot can look in turn.” 如烟笑着点拨道:“很多事情可以反过来看的。” In turn?” Luo Ke Dru's eyes one bright, I understood, the island main meaning is, we formed an alliance before, got the suitable interests, this is the forming an alliance strength, but now has dismissed, the strength is scattered, wants to get the interests again, somewhat was difficult, so they will fondly remember forms an alliance, fondly remembers the island main this hegemon, but these second-class influences, will note this point, what is main is the smoke madame makes ten thousand dragon worships, is doomed to become Dragon Clan rein, after that i.e. our two Saint islands, is doomed to have the Dragon Clan strength, strength nature suddenly to increase, So is far in excess of other five islands, if in addition hires oneself we, but also obtains Long Chong hopefully, what is main is three mahatmas expressed that has strongly supported our wishes, therefore dissolves the alliance instead after leaving Angel Holy Island, is easier to affect these second-class influences youth one generation, thus made the island of influence they were at main then go to us.” “反过来?”洛克德鲁的眼睛一亮,“我明白了,岛主的意思是,我们之前结盟,已经获得了相当的利益,这就是结盟的力量,而现在解散了,力量分散,再想获得利益,就有些困难了,如此他们就会怀念结盟的时候,怀念岛主这个盟主,而那些二流势力,也会注意到这一点,更主要的是烟儿夫人令万龙朝拜,注定要成为龙族的统御者,那就是说我们两圣岛以后注定要有龙族的力量,力量自然暴增,如此就远远超越其他五岛,加上若是投靠我们,还有希望得到龙宠,更主要的是三大圣地都表示出了强烈支持我们的意愿,所以解散联盟反而在离开天使圣岛之后,更容易影响到这些二流势力的青年一代,从而令他们所在的势力的岛主转而投向我们。”
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