BE :: Volume #10

#919: Creating a scene 【Two】

All that this exposition, thought before also came to naught. 这一暴露,之前所想的一切也都化为了泡影。 Yaqi was disclosing the news obviously very much, must with the hei deep pool palace cooperation, only have so possibly ensure Qin Ziao arrogant this has Xie Aoyu to create, the person who does not have continues to appear, otherwise, Qin Ziao arrogantly is the Xie Aoyu matter, will certainly expose. \\ N 很显然雅琪已经在透露出消息,必须要与黒渊殿合作,唯有如此才可能保证秦紫傲这个有谢傲宇创造出来,根本不存在的人继续出现,不然的话,秦紫傲就是谢傲宇的事情,必将曝光。\\n He is very difficult to imagine, what influence once this status exposure can bring, did not say that Brilliant City and Zheng Xiao Fang response, the other five mahatmas of six mahatma places will certainly react. 他很难想象,一旦这个身份曝光会带来什么样的影响,不说神武城和郑萧方的反应,六大圣地的其他五大圣地一定会做出反应的。 I and their six people battled, obtained the keel sword, you had the source of Saint dragon, both coincided, was still the matter of being settled, this matter, Yaqi also will definitely think, then your future rein Dragon Clan matter, almost did not have the suspense.” The Xie Aoyu sinking sound track, „the Yaqi following action, was noteworthy.” “我与他们六人交战,得到了龙骨剑,你拥有圣龙之源,两者相合,依然是板上钉钉的事情,这件事,雅琪肯定也会想到了,那么你将来统御龙族的事情,也几乎没有多大的悬念。”谢傲宇沉声道,“那么雅琪接下来的举动,就值得注意了。” She knows that now she is not probably good to determine should do anything, can definitely carry on the relation with the hei deep pool palace, has the hei deep pool palace to decide.” Ru Yan said. “她才知道,大概现在连她自己都不好确定该干点什么,必然会和黒渊殿进行联系,有黒渊殿来决定。”如烟道。 Xie Aoyu also thinks to be able so. 谢傲宇也觉得会如此。 After all Qin Ziao arrogantly is Xie Aoyu this matter is too powerful, has again is the keel sword and Ru Yan the source of meet of Saint dragon, obviously certainly will also create shocks enormously. 毕竟秦紫傲就是谢傲宇这个事情太有震撼力,再有就是龙骨剑和如烟的圣龙之源相遇,显然也一定会造成极大地震撼。 Therefore Yaqi decides however is very difficult to choose. 故而雅琪定然很难抉择。 If at this time massacred Xie Aoyu to say Yaqi in secret in a soft voice. “这时候若是将雅琪暗中杀掉的话”谢傲宇轻声道。 Ru Yan shakes the head gently, said: Is impossible, she also has the spirit desire hundred changes the technique, changed the appearance to be too easy, only if I can see her once more, had me to seek for her flaw, but how Yaqi will give us this kind of opportunity.” 如烟轻轻摇头,道:“不可能了,她也拥有灵欲百变术,改变外貌太容易了,除非我能再次见到她,有我来寻找她的破绽,可雅琪如何会给我们这样一个机会呢。” Xie Aoyu heaved a deep sigh, said: It seems like from now on, our destinies as if must by Yaqi pinching in the hand, have led by the nose, are not feeling well!” 谢傲宇长叹一声,道:“看来从现在开始,我们的命运似乎要被雅琪给捏在手中了,被人牵着鼻子走,不爽!” He is always driving. 他向来都是主动的。 Now was seen through, exposes status, since then starts, must by Yaqi diverting, but he with other five mahatma between or conflicts, or ambiguous, is doomed he unable to expose the status, once the status exposure, could be supported, but will be doomed to have a large number of people and he conflicts, then before he and Brilliant City, Zheng Xiao aspect has not decided the victory and defeat, definitely has the shortcoming not to have the advantage. 如今被人识破,曝光身份,从此开始,就要被雅琪给牵制了,而他与其他五大圣地之间的或冲突,或暧昧,都注定他不能曝光身份,一旦身份曝光,或许能够得到支持,但是注定会有相当一部分人与他冲突,那在他与神武城、郑萧方面未曾分出胜负之前,绝对是有弊无利的。 Therefore he can only anticipate Yaqi not his status exposure. 所以他只能期待雅琪不会将他的身份曝光。 This feeling made his suitable was not refreshed. 这个感觉令他相当的不爽快。 The initiative did not have. 主动权没了。 Sorry.” Ru Yan said in a low voice. “对不起。”如烟低声道。 Xie Aoyu puts out a hand to stroke tucks in luxuriant before Ru Yan volume, looks her is bringing remorse accommodates tenderly, supple sound track: This matter does not blame you, is I makes you come, must blame only to blame the destiny, who can know that the hei deep pool palace also has mystical powers to want hundred changes the technique . Moreover the spirit desire of Yaqi exactly practice hundred change the techniques, maiden's body cultivation utmost becomes the stage, said that you with Yaqi are also a fate, understands clearly the Lian Yu Xiang memory according to me, as if nobody can hundred change the technique accomplishment stage by maiden's body practice to the spirit desire, but you have actually achieved, but can also bump into the same place, can only say the arrangement of destiny.” \\ N 谢傲宇伸手抚摸撩起如烟额前的秀发,看着她那带着自责的娇容,柔声道:“这事不怪你,是我让你现身的,要怪只能怪命运,谁能知道黒渊殿也有灵欲百变术,而且雅琪恰好修炼的灵欲百变术,还是处女之身修至大成阶段,说说起来,你和雅琪也算是一种缘分吧,据我洞悉炼雨香的记忆,似乎并没有什么人能够凭借处女之身修炼至灵欲百变术大成阶段的,可你们却做到了,还能碰到一起,只能说命运的安排。”\\n Um.” “嗯。” Ru Yan has not said anything, is only gently by in the bosom of Xie Aoyu, is listening attentively to his powerful heartbeat, feels the incomparable calmness and steadiness. 如烟没说什么,只是轻轻的靠在谢傲宇的怀中,倾听着他强有力的心跳声,感到无比的安稳。 Has not blamed, this made Ru Yan feel that light warming flowed in the hearts. 没有责怪,这令如烟感到淡淡的温暖在心间流淌。 Is supporting Ru Yan, feels her remorse, Xie Aoyu the thought of the heart of hearts not having blamed, but somewhat take pity on is stroking Ru Yan luxuriant. 拥着如烟,感受到她的自责,谢傲宇从内心深处都没有责怪的念头,只是有些怜惜的抚摸着如烟的秀发。 The light body transmits fragrant, Xie Aoyu thinks that the Ru Yan life experience, is separated from Brilliant City for oneself, although Ru Yan with some always a little not too real feelings, but if does not have itself, Ru Yan was really the homeless person, thought of here, tight was supporting her. 淡淡的体香传来,谢傲宇想到如烟的身世,为自己而脱离神武城,虽然如烟与自己总是有那么一点不太真实的感觉,可若没有自己,如烟真的是无家可归的人了,想到这里,更是紧紧的拥着她。 At this moment, any status does not have by the thoughts that Yaqi saw through. 这一刻,什么身份被雅琪识破的心思都没了。 He only wants to make this woman feel at ease. 他只想让这个女人安心。 In the tent, the atmosphere is very warm. 帐篷内,氛围很温馨。 Outside actually transmits one to scratch with the finger chaotically, is noisy, damaged the exchanges of their silent heart, Xie Aoyu has raised the sound track: Outside what's the matter?” 外面却传来一阵搔乱,闹哄哄的,破坏了两人那种无声的心之交流,谢傲宇扬声道:“外面怎么回事?” Island host, thousand said that island institute, scud island Choir, golden eagle island gold Linfeng, cercis chinensis island Jing Xingchu, south day of island SheLu Xin has rushed, they must see the island host.” Chilao replied outside. “岛主,千曰岛所格萨,飞云岛乔伊尔,金鹰岛金林峰,紫荆岛荆星楚,南天岛佘卢辛闯进来了,他们要见岛主。”奇拉奥在外面回答道。 Rushes?! 闯进来?! Because Xie Aoyu originally the status by Yaqi was possibly seen through, but is somewhat annoyed, now and Ru Yan warm was broken, cannot help but in the anger hits. 谢傲宇本来因为身份可能被雅琪识破而有些恼火,现在与如烟的温馨又被打破,不由得怒火上撞。 He walked in big strides, the malignant influences are steaming. 他大踏步的走了出来,煞气腾腾。 Ru Yan follows. 如烟紧随其后。 They go out of the tent, saw that the leader in that five island was really shouting in confusion rushing, basic, no matter Luo Ke Dru et al. stops. 两人走出帐篷,就看到那五岛的领军人物果然是吵嚷着闯了进来,根本不管洛克德鲁等人的阻拦。 Who dares to proceed one step, kills without the amnesty!” Xie Aoyu cold sound shouts to clear the way. “谁敢往前一步,杀无赦!”谢傲宇冷声喝道 This throat is similar to the startling thunderclap, all around tent that shakes is fierce swaying. 这一嗓子如同惊雷,震的四周的帐篷都是一阵剧烈的摇晃。 The people in two Saint islands have been ordered, immediately has put out the weapon. 两圣岛的人得到命令,立刻拿出了兵器。 Institute and other island masters saw that also to stop. 所格萨等五岛高手见状也都停了下来。 Island host, what do you mean?” Thousand said that island institute said. “岛主,你这是什么意思?”千曰岛所格萨道。 Xie Aoyu is staring at him indifferently, what meaning you are, unexpectedly dares to rush to my station, knows that this is the domains in my two mahatma islands? Also has the main island host pays attention , am I also your hegemons?” 谢傲宇冷眼盯着他,“你们又是什么意思,居然敢闯我驻地,知不知道这是我两大圣岛的地盘?还有没有将本岛主放在眼里,我还是不是你们的盟主?” We are spur-of-the-moment, but also looks at the island main understanding.” Thousand said that island institute answered. “我们只是一时冲动而已,还望岛主谅解。”千曰岛所格萨解释道。 Good, I forgive to you.” The Xie Aoyu vision actually becomes sharp, exits to me, when I decide to receive your times, comes in again.” “好,我给你们谅解。”谢傲宇的目光却变得犀利起来,“都给我出去,待我决定接待你们的时候,再进来。” This saying exit, was similar to has slapped these people. 这话一出口,如同打了这些人的耳光。 Reason that they dare to rush, looked in share that in five islands unite, Xie Aoyu is strong, he is also only the hosts of two island, how cannot, actually not think that Xie Aoyu coaxes them to exit unexpectedly in the presence of everyone. 他们之所以敢闯进来,就是看在五岛联合的份上,谢傲宇就算强势,他也只是两岛之主,不敢如何的,却不曾想谢傲宇居然当众哄他们出去。 Island host, your this is not quite as if good.” Thousand said that island institute is represents five islands obviously the matter, after must in the sea area seven island rock row positions words, Clouds Holy Island be biggest, the Holy Armor Island next best, thousand said the island is third formidable. “岛主,你这样似乎不太好吧。”千曰岛所格萨显然是代表五岛来说事的,毕竟一定要在海域七岛中排名次的话,云雾圣岛最大,圣甲岛次之,千曰岛就是第三强大的了。 This has given you face.” The say (way) that Xie Aoyu lets somebody cool off or calm down, exits!” “这已经给你们面子。”谢傲宇冷冷的道,“出去!” Qin Ziao is arrogant!” 秦紫傲!” Some people fled from behind all of a sudden, loud shouts to clear the way, Qin Ziao Ao Daozhu, we respects you, do not think you to be able recklessly unseemly behavior 有人一下子从后面窜了出来,大声喝道,“秦紫傲岛主,我们尊敬你,不要以为你就可以肆意妄为” „!” “啪!” This logical expression has not said that a Xie Aoyu palm of the hand then fan in the past. 这人话还未说完,谢傲宇一巴掌便扇了过去。 This person immediately hit transferred same place three, opens mouth, puts out the mouthful the belt blood tooth, turned did not have the tooth male, a tooth has not stayed behind. 此人当即被打的原地转了三圈,一张嘴,吐出满嘴的带血牙齿,变成了无齿男,一颗牙齿都没留下。 You are any thing, dares to be so dissolute to me, is your island main in the main island main front does not dare so.” The glance that Xie Aoyu lets somebody cool off or calm down thousand said that island institute et al., remembers, I am two Saint island island hosts, is equal to me and your status, you do not have that qualifications! I again said now last time, exits!” “你是什么东西,也敢对我如此放肆,就是你们岛主在本岛主面前也不敢如此。”谢傲宇冷冷的扫视千曰岛所格萨等人,“记住,我是两圣岛岛主,不要将我与你们的身份等同,你们没那个资格!我现在再说最后一次,出去!” Imposing manner! 气势! Imposing manner of absolute domination above other people. 绝对的凌驾于他人之上的气势。 Has deterred these people thoroughly. 彻底震慑了这些人。 Island host.” Scud island Choir opens the mouth to say. “岛主。”飞云岛乔伊尔开口道。 Xie Aoyu looks indifferently, Choir who that formidable imposing manner oppression in the past, this desire spoke was similar to the bitter experience hammer, felt that suffocated, actually could not speak, even cannot help but backed up one step. 谢傲宇冷眼看去,那强大的气势压迫过去,本欲说话的乔伊尔如同遭遇锤击,感到一阵窒息,竟然说不出话来了,甚至不由自主的倒退一步。 Hey, since the island hosts spoke, we naturally must follow, before took the liberty, but also asked the island hosts to excuse me.” SheLu Xin Xiaodao of south day of island, initiative backlash. “嘿嘿,既然岛主发话了,我们当然要遵循了,之前冒昧,还请岛主见谅。”南天岛的佘卢辛笑道,主动后退。 He takes the lead, other people must retrocede. 他一带头,其他人也只得后退。 This action made Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island people are rouses. 这举动令云雾圣岛圣甲岛的人都是振奋不已。 They retrocede, that wiped out non- tooth male some of all teeth bitterly looks at Xie Aoyu, without any movement, stands there. 他们后退,那名被打掉所有牙齿的无齿男则有些恨恨的看着谢傲宇,没有任何的动作,就站在那里。 The corners of the mouth of Xie Aoyu overflow a happy expression, may fall in the eyes of all people, is actually similar to the smile of devil, making people somewhat tremble with fear. 谢傲宇的嘴角溢出一丝笑意,可落在所有人的眼里,却如同恶魔的微笑,令人有些不寒而栗。 Gore south day of island SheLu Xin Jiaodao. “戈尔”南天岛佘卢辛叫道。 Bang!” “嘭!” Xie Aoyu does not need he saying that flies a foot to trample this not to have the tooth male heart position, this sends the vigor, the formidable strength erupted loudly. 谢傲宇不待他说完,飞起一脚踹中这名无齿男的心脏位置,这可是发劲儿了,强大的力量轰然爆发出去。 That does not have the tooth male to call out pitifully immediately, the lift-off, flew from the station directly, falls before south day of island SheLu Xin's foot that just drew back, the breastbone breaks, the body twitches, could not live shortly. 那无齿男当即惨叫一声,离地而起,直接从驻地内飞了出去,落在刚刚退出去的南天岛佘卢辛的脚前,胸骨断裂,身体抽搐,眼看着活不了了。 „To see me, is waiting outside, if I did not agree that who dares to step into one step, kills without the amnesty!” Xie Aoyu malignant influences steaming shouts to clear the way. “想要见我,在外面等着,若我不同意,谁敢踏入一步,杀无赦!”谢傲宇煞气腾腾的喝道 Obeys the island to order!” Luo Ke Dru takes the lead to exclaim. “遵岛主令!”洛克德鲁带头吼道。 The imposing manner is unmatched. 气势一时无两。 Xie Aoyu returns to own tent, does not pay attention to thousand to say island institute, south day of island SheLu Xin rank. 谢傲宇随之返回自己的帐篷内,根本不理睬千曰岛所格萨,南天岛佘卢辛等人。 In the tent, Ru Yan and Xie Aoyu complexion somewhat is dignified. 帐篷内,如烟谢傲宇的脸色都有些凝重。 They are receive to mislead.” Ru Yan said. “他们是受到蛊惑来的。”如烟道。 Moreover misleads is very likely the person of evil Luo Shengdi, day sacred place and day lonesome mountain that they come, otherwise, dares to rush depending on the guts of which their coming.” Xie Aoyu said. “而且蛊惑他们前来的很有可能是邪罗圣地、天罗圣地和天寂山的人,否则的话,凭他们哪来的胆量敢闯进来。”谢傲宇道。 Ru Yan said with a smile lightly: You display are very natural.” 如烟轻笑道:“你方才的表现真的很潇洒。” Xie Aoyu said: I before always by youth one generation foreign, from now on, I must by the island main status foreign, should make them know my fierce.” 谢傲宇道:“我之前总是以青年一代来对外,从现在开始,我要以岛主的身份对外,也该让他们知道我的厉害了。” How long do you plan to let them outside?” Ru Yan said. “那你打算让他们在外面等多长时间?”如烟道。 Three hours!” Xie Aoyu spoke thoughtlessly to say. “三个小时!”谢傲宇随口说道。 Throws!” “扑哧!” Ru Yan cannot bear smile to make noise, you did not fear when the time comes they will feel embarrassed you?” 如烟忍不住笑出声,“你就不怕到时候他们会为难你?” Xie Aoyu light say (way): „Doesn't this feel embarrassed? I can conclude that their calibers are consistent, definitely also comes to Dragon Clan, although this is receives others' misleading to come, but their hearts of hearts definitely have the expectation to Dragon Clan, hey, the attraction of dragon was really too big.” 谢傲宇淡淡的道:“不这样就不为难了吗?我敢断定,他们的口径是一致的,肯定也是冲着龙族来的,虽然这是受到别人的蛊惑前来的,可他们的内心深处肯定也对龙族有着奢望,嘿嘿,龙的吸引力实在是太大了。” How do you plan to deal with?” Ru Yan asked. “你打算怎么应付?”如烟问道。 Xie Aoyu is as deep as a well smiles. 谢傲宇高深莫测的一笑。
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