BE :: Volume #10

#918: Creating a scene 【One】

„!” “噌!” Zheng Batian felt that the anger rushed to the top-beam all of a sudden, almost cannot bear a fist making into the fragment Xie Aoyu, before he was shamed by Xie Aoyu in the presence of everyone, at that time, Xie Aoyu was this smiling face, therefore saw this smiling face, he had one type to stress the crazy impulsion. 郑霸天就感觉怒火一下子冲到了顶梁,差点忍不住一拳将谢傲宇给打成碎片,之前他被谢傲宇当众羞辱,那个时候,谢傲宇就是这个笑容,所以看到这个笑容,他就有一种要抓狂的冲动。 What made his angry was, now he grasps actively. 更令他愤怒的是,现在他是掌握主动的。 Unexpectedly was also used in this to have the smiling face of despising to treat, how can not be angry. 居然还被用这中带着藐视的笑容对待,如何能不愤怒。 Huo Qiang, cuts his ear, the exciting blood gas cloud outbreak, making him taste the blood gas cloud evil and cruel.” Zheng Batian gets angry exclaims. “霍强,斩掉他的一只耳朵,刺激血毒雾发作,让他尝一尝血毒雾的歹毒。”郑霸天怒吼道。 A Huo Qiangwei nod, skill turns, that cold sickle then upwardly pulls up, left ear of goal Xie Aoyu, so long as bumps into, is the aspect that the ear falls to the ground. 霍强微一点头,手腕一翻,那冷冽的弯刀便向上撩去,目标正是谢傲宇的左耳朵,只要碰到,便是耳朵落地的局面。 Works as!” “当!” Is then upward in his sickle, is separated from the Xie Aoyu nape of the neck flash, the right hand of Xie Aoyu also swiftly lifts, like lightning to that sickle is being a ball. 便在他的弯刀向上,脱离谢傲宇的脖颈一瞬间,谢傲宇的右手也倏然抬起,闪电般对着那弯刀就是一弹。 Formidable Qi erupts loudly. 强大的斗气轰然爆发出去。 The sickle was shot to start immediately. 弯刀当即被弹开。 Meaning that restores free Xie Aoyu not to flinch, was plotted to make his suitable not being feeling well, naturally cannot give up in light of this, immediately lifted the foot to trample. 恢复自由的谢傲宇可没有退缩的意思,被人暗算令他相当的不爽,自然不能就此罢休,当即抬脚踹了出去。 Fights Technique Startling Thunderclap Leg ! 斗技惊雷腿 Because in the heart gets angry and hate their plotting, Xie Aoyu gets rid ruthlessly also quite spicy, therefore display Startling Thunderclap Leg also very astonishing, integrated that Thun­der and Light­ning fright, therefore a foot kicks, has innumerable Thun­der and Light­ning to explode to shoot, the leg shade that advance electric shock Zheng Batian and Huo Qiang, then everywhere dances in the air has then covered them. 由于心中恼恨他们的暗算,谢傲宇出手也是相当的狠辣,所以发挥的惊雷腿也非常的惊人,融入了那雷电惊魂,所以一脚踢出,就有无数的雷电爆射出去,先行电击郑霸天和霍强两人,然后漫天飞舞的腿影便笼罩了他们。 Awful, draws back!” Huo Qiang has a big shock. “糟糕,退!”霍强大惊失色。 His strength is tyrannical, it can be said that the master of Emperor level superior boundary, is Zheng Batian is not good, he is also in the Emperor level the position breakthrough edge, still had separation from the Emperor level superior. 他的实力强横,可说是天王级上位境界的高手,可是郑霸天不行,他还处于天王级中位突破边缘,距离天王级上位仍有一线之隔呢。 Therefore Huo Qiang has no other choice but only to get rid to protect Zheng Batian in advance. 所以霍强不得已只能出手先行保护郑霸天。 Protected Zheng Ba day rapid withdrawing. 得到保护的郑霸天迅速的后撤。 Bang bang bang “嘭嘭嘭” So Huo Qiang withstood the Xie Aoyu formidable attack, was trampled instantaneously then 30-40 feet, the whole person trampled flies horizontally, even if there is formidable defensive power, now was the skeleton is also trampled many, the body has also been hanging the evil customs, pounds Zheng Batian who retroceded, they tumbled together. 如此霍强则承受了谢傲宇强大的攻击,瞬间便被踹中三四十脚,整个人被踹的横飞起来,就算是拥有强大的防御力,现在也是骨骼被踹断了多处,身体也挂着恶风,砸中后退的郑霸天,两人一起翻滚出去。 Dares to plot against me!” Xie Aoyu is angry. “敢暗算我!”谢傲宇大怒。 He one step takes, stretches across a about 30 meters distance, then arrived at their sky, to strive for quickly, has not put out to execute Divine Knife, must be fastidious fast kills them, particularly Zheng Batian. 他一步迈出,横跨将近30米的距离,便到达了两人的上空,为了求快,都没拿出诛神刀,就是要讲究速杀两人,尤其是郑霸天。 If can kill Zheng Batian here, that is a good deed. 若是能够在这里将郑霸天干掉,那可是一件好事。 Summon Saint dragon!” Huo Qiangda exclaimed, on him was one that the roaring flame leapt has braved, was similar to changes to a hot person, in the hand the sickle is also hanging roaring flame of flaming combustion, did not give a thought to the defense, swept away the Xie Aoyu nape of the neck, is the means that adopted to perish together disintegrate this time inferiority. “召唤圣龙!”霍强大吼道,他身上则是烈焰腾的一下冒了出来,如同化作一个火人,手中弯刀也挂着一股熊熊燃烧的烈焰,不顾防守,横扫谢傲宇的脖颈,是采取同归于尽的办法来瓦解这次的劣势。 Good method! 好手段! Xie Aoyu shouted darkly intelligently, this Huo Qiang in the so critical time, can think that solved critically unexpectedly with this means that but can also remind Zheng Batian, indeed was an unusual master. 谢傲宇暗叫聪明,这霍强在如此危急时刻,居然能够想到用这种办法来解决危急,还能够提醒郑霸天,的确是一个少有的高手。 What what a pity he faces is my Xie Aoyu! 可惜他面对的是我谢傲宇 In the Xie Aoyu heart kills to read moved, since is the enemy, is the life and death foe, so full of potential youth master naturally can remove, cannot remain absolutely. 谢傲宇心中杀念已动,既然是敌人,还是生死仇敌,如此潜力十足的青年高手自然是能够除掉,绝对不能留着。 God Armor Technique! 神甲术 The intention moves, side the Xie Aoyu week was covered by a golden light cover. 心念一动,谢傲宇的周身边被一层金色的光罩覆盖起来。 Works as!” “当!” The sickle hits hard the golden color only to cover, exudes the metal impact noise, cannot make it produce a crack, this is the God Armor Technique fearful place, only if the strength strong Xie Aoyu, otherwise at all impossible to pose the threat to God Armor Technique, in other words Xie Aoyu is doomed to be invincible in same level. 弯刀重击金色光罩,也只是发出金属撞击声,未能令其产生一丝的裂缝,这就是神甲术的可怕之处,除非是实力强过谢傲宇的,否则根本不可能对神甲术构成威胁,也就是说谢傲宇在同级中注定是无敌的。 God Armor Technique resists the attack, the right hand of Xie Aoyu also shells. 神甲术抵挡住攻击,谢傲宇的右手也随之轰击出去。 That shining light covered immediately is similar to the running water rapid gathering above the fist of Xie Aoyu, has then been pounding to Huo Qiang forehead. 那金灿灿的光罩立刻如同流水般迅速的汇聚到了谢傲宇的拳头之上,对着霍强的头部便砸了过去。 To strong strength! 至强的力量! Huo Qiang turns head to give way to traffic rapidly, simultaneously the sickle pulls up upwardly, resists this to strike. 霍强迅速扭头避让,同时弯刀向上撩去,抵挡这一击。 Works as!” “当!” Whiz!” “嗖!” Result that sickle bumps into Xie Aoyu like that seems is bringing the fist of golden gaunglet (glove) immediately shake lets go to depart, to that Zheng Batian head flew directly. 结果那弯刀一碰到谢傲宇那般好似带着金色拳套的拳头登时被震的脱手飞出,直接向那郑霸天的脑袋飞去了。 Frightens Zheng Batian to move sideways hurriedly. 吓得郑霸天急忙一闪身。 This struck the palm of Huo Qiangwo blade was shakes to split, blood spout. 这一击更是震的霍强握刀的手掌裂开了,鲜血喷涌。 Xie Aoyu follows close on one step, the left leg knee then maliciously forward is going forward against, present he may, no matter anything Fights Technique, can strive before that three Brontosaurus comes out kills Huo Qiangcai to be main. 谢傲宇紧跟着向前一步,左腿膝盖便狠狠地向前顶去,现在的他可不管什么斗技斗技的,能够争取在那三眼雷龙出来前干掉霍强才是主要的。 Bang!” “嘭!” A knee layer on layer goes against on Huo Qiang's lower abdomen. 一膝盖重重顶在霍强的小腹上面。 Huo Qiangteng eyeball must stare, shameless red, the blue vein sticks out suddenly, the body is twitching, the five main internal organs (entrails) also turned each one. 霍强疼的眼珠子都要瞪出来了,老脸通红,青筋暴起,身体都在抽搐,五脏六腑也翻了个个。 At this time all Qi, the practice was useless. 这时候一切斗气,修炼都是白搭的。 Xie Aoyu lifted that is still golden light shining fist is being a fist had pounded to Huo Qiang back of the head, this struck is unretentive. 谢傲宇抬起那仍是金光灿灿的拳头对着霍强的后脑勺就是一拳砸了过去,这一击再无保留。 Roar!” “吼!” Meanwhile, a Long recited crack. 与此同时,一声龙吟炸响。 Three Brontosaurus by Zheng Batian releasing. 三眼雷龙被郑霸天给释放了出来。 Bang!” “嘭!” The similar sound also along with it resounding, the blood light spatters in all directions, Huo Qiang head then by a Xie Aoyu fist hitting smashing, he also rapidly retrocedes. 同样的声音也随之响起,血光迸溅中,霍强的脑袋便被谢傲宇一拳给打的粉碎,他本人也急速的后退。 Withdraws, that already hid in the Ru Yan also electricity of hidden place shoots, but, stands with Xie Aoyu shoulder to shoulder, the body bursts out a formidable aura. 后撤中,那早就隐藏在的暗处的如烟也电射而至,与谢傲宇并肩而站,身上更是迸发出一股强大的气息。 Saint dragon aura! 圣龙气息! This is the Kowloon soul, is the source of Saint dragon ability. 这是九龙魂,也就是圣龙之源的能力。 Is she!” Zheng Batian surprised say (way). “是她!”郑霸天吃惊的道。 Three Brontosaurus holds in the mouth Zheng Batian, throws is carrying on the back, shocks Long Yi, soars, circles two with the upper air, deep looked at Ru Yan, this departs. 三眼雷龙叼起郑霸天,扔在背上,震动龙翼,腾空而起,与高空盘旋两圈,深深的看了一眼如烟,这才离去。 Gazes after him to depart, Xie Aoyu disappointed say (way): Was a pity that if you can grasp the source of Saint dragon, had the opportunity to seize the chance to kill Zheng Batian.” 目送他离去,谢傲宇失望的道:“可惜啊,要是你能够掌握圣龙之源的话,就有机会趁机干掉郑霸天了。” Ru Yan grows the one breath, said: Release Saint dragon aura, was the maximum limit that I can achieve, must display the source of Saint dragon strength, the Qi quantity that needs to consume was too big, judges on the current situation, feared that must reach the Battle Emperor level to have the possibility, but Battle Emperor level.” She shook the head gently, „, although Profound Spirit made me have the opportunity, was the success probability was too small, almost can not consider.” 如烟则是长出一口气,道:“释放圣龙气息,是我能做到的最大极限了,要发挥圣龙之源的力量,需要消耗的斗气量太大了,就目前的情况来判断,怕是要达到战皇级才有可能,可战皇级。”她轻轻摇了摇头,“虽说玄灵让我有机会了,可是成功几率太小了,几乎可以不去考虑了。” Xie Aoyu said with a smile: No, perhaps is the percentage hundred probabilities.” 谢傲宇笑道:“不,或许将会是百分百的几率。” „?” Ru Yan surprised looks to Xie Aoyu, could see that Xie Aoyu is not cracking a joke, made her feel inconceivable. “啊?”如烟吃惊的看向谢傲宇,看得出谢傲宇不是在开玩笑,更令她感到不可思议了。 Xie Aoyu told first Luo Ke Dru et al. cleaned up Huo Qiang strength, he hugs Ru Yan saying: We went to say that is my this time captured the keel sword time, learned some important information that from Die Ge Sarah there, had about the person king bloodline seal may by the remove matter.” 谢傲宇先吩咐洛克德鲁等人清理霍强的实力,他则搂着如烟道:“我们进去说吧,是我这次夺取龙骨剑的时候,从迭戈萨拉那里得知的一些重要的情报,其中就有关于人王血脉封印有可能被解除的事情。” The Ru Yan smile of beautiful pupil circles of put in order. 如烟听的美眸圆整起来。 They then entered in the Xie Aoyu tent. 两人便进入了谢傲宇的帐篷内。 A recorded awning, Ru Yan then impatient say (way): Said quickly said quickly, the bloodline seal that human the king leaves behind can by remove? What's the matter? Can I also become the Battle Emperor level? Above Battle Emperor also has a higher boundary?” 一入帐篷,如烟便迫不及待的道:“快说快说,人王留下的血脉封印要被解除?到底是怎么回事?我也能成为战皇级了?是不是战皇以上还有更高的境界?” Do not be excited.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “不要激动。”谢傲宇笑道。 Naturally wanted excitedly, possibly not to be how excited.” Ru Yan already calm mood, because this person of king bloodline seal possible remove to rouse. “当然要激动了,怎么可能不激动。”如烟早就沉稳的心境,因为这人王血脉封印可能解除而振奋了。 Xie Aoyu say (way) with a smile: Wants me to reply, but, must be like this good.” She pokes head in forward, with Ru Yan four items of relative, I replied that an issue, you take off clothes.” 谢傲宇笑吟吟的道:“要我回答也可以,不过,必须这样才行。”她向前探头,与如烟四目相对,“我回答一个问题,你脱一件衣服。” Ru Yan is startled first, immediately elegant face red. 如烟先是一怔,随即俏脸就红了起来。 She not only through the Xie Aoyu words, hears that ambiguous words, what is main, through Profound Spirit, the feeling that she can be clear about that intense impulsion from Xie Aoyu, the impulsion of desire. 她不仅仅通过谢傲宇的言辞,听到那暧昧的话语,更主要的是,通过玄灵,她能够明确的感觉到来自谢傲宇的那股强烈的冲动,欲望的冲动。 Or I help you.” Xie Aoyu was saying then stretched out the wolf claw. “要不我帮你。”谢傲宇说着便伸出了狼爪。 „!” “啪!” Ru Yan wipes out his hand, has turned around, back to Xie Aoyu, breath somewhat rapid say (way): I, if wants!” Her words have not said that felt a fiery palm has climbed up her beautiful buttocks, and there are to extend the sign of exploration to her women's clothing. 如烟一把打掉他的手,转过身,背对谢傲宇,呼吸有些急促的道:“我要想啊!”她话还未说完,就感到一只火热的手掌攀上了她的美臀,并且有向她衣裙内伸进去探索的迹象。 My smoke madame.” Xie Aoyu is supporting her from behind, is nipping her earlobe, the say (way) of gentle voice, you were the matter of maiden by Yaqi in hei deep pool palace looking through.” \\ N “我的烟儿夫人。”谢傲宇从后面拥着她,咬着她的耳垂,柔声的道,“你还是处女的事情已经被黒渊殿的雅琪给看破了。”\\n Anything!” “什么!” The Ru Yan spirit that some meaning chaotic sentiments confused shakes, turns around suddenly, faces Xie Aoyu once more, makes the hand that Xie Aoyu explores be separated, this is impossible, the spirit desire hundred change the techniques, once displays, at all some impossible people able to see the flaw, how does she look through?” 本来有些意乱情迷的如烟精神一震,猛然一转身,再次面对谢傲宇,也让谢傲宇探索的手脱离开来,“这绝不可能,灵欲百变术一旦施展,根本不可能有人能够看出破绽的,她如何看破的?” Xie Aoyu said: This is the fact.” One smiles, just she was still the maiden regarded as you are I must pass you to come the informed and experienced her mood informed and experienced.” 谢傲宇道:“这是事实。”随之一笑,“只不过她把你仍是处女看作了是我要历练通过你来历练自己的心境。” Ru Yan is the look is dignified. 如烟却是神色凝重。 Xie Aoyu that had not cared about sees her so appearance, say (way) of doubts: „Were you? It is not able to be the hei deep pool palace grasps to have the special method.” \\ N 本来并没有太在意的谢傲宇见她这般模样儿,不由疑惑的道:“你这是怎么了?无法就是黒渊殿掌握有特殊的手段罢了。”\\n „It is not right.” Ru Yan shakes the head to say. “不对。”如烟摇头道。 Sees her so, Xie Aoyu has not then opened the mouth to disturb her mentality. 见她如此,谢傲宇便没有开口打扰她的思路。 Long time, Ru Yan opens the mouth saying: You may once hear the spirit desire hundred do change the technique has a flaw?” 良久,如烟才开口道:“你可曾听说过灵欲百变术有一个破绽吗?” Flaw?” Xie Aoyu shakes the head, he has not actually heard. “破绽?”谢傲宇摇摇头,他却是未曾听说过。 Spirit desire hundred change the spirits in technique, what refers to is the soul \; Desire, what refers to is the desire, is the meaning of Flatters Tech­nique, if wants truly to achieve the spirit desire hundred changes the highest boundary of technique, two possibilities, first is the soul is only inborn, this aspect Lian Yu Xiang has, but I do not have \; Second, must before the practice accomplishment, not release the desire in heart, with man synthesis, otherwise, even if the spirit desire hundred changes the technique accomplishment, will be wanting the aspect also to leave some traces, naturally this trace flaw average person will be is impossible to discover that but a person can discover.” Ru Yan sinking sound track. “灵欲百变术中的灵,指的是灵魂\;欲,指的是欲望,也就是媚术的意思,可是要想真正达到灵欲百变术的最高境界,唯有两种可能,第一就是灵魂天生强大,这方面炼雨香具备,但我不具备\;第二,就是必须在修炼未曾大成之前,释放心中的欲望,也就是与男人合体,不然,就算是灵欲百变术大成,在欲方面也会留下一些痕迹的,当然这种痕迹破绽一般人是不可能发现的,可是有一种人能够发现。”如烟沉声道。 Xie Aoyu looked that her complexion is getting more and more dignified, cannot help but also hit 12 spirit, said: The person who you said should be flowing of Yaqi.” 谢傲宇看她脸色越来越凝重,不由得也打起了12分的精神,道:“你说的这种人应该就是雅琪之流了吧。” Slight bow, Ru Yan said: Simple point said that is Yaqi is the same to me, she also practiced the spirit desire hundred changed the technique, moreover was the accomplishment boundary, until now is also maiden's body!” 微微点点头,如烟道:“简单点说,就是雅琪与我一样,她也修炼了灵欲百变术,而且也是大成境界,至今为止也是处女之身!” „Did she also practice spirit desire hundred changed the technique?!” Xie Aoyu surprised say (way). “她也修炼了灵欲百变术?!”谢傲宇惊讶的道。 Will not be wrong, moreover certainly with my same situation, otherwise cannot look through my true body.” Complexion dignified fearfulness of Ru Yan, she somewhat depressed looks at Xie Aoyu, in mainland, practices the spirit desire hundred changes the technique, as far as I know, only then I and Lian Yu Xiang, nowadays Lian Yu Xiang has substituted for by Evil Spirit, only then I.” “不会错的,而且还一定是跟我一样的情况,不然绝不能看破我的真身。”如烟的脸色凝重的可怕,她有些苦闷的看着谢傲宇,“大陆上,修炼灵欲百变术的,据我所知,只有我和炼雨香,现如今炼雨香已经被邪灵取代,就只有我了。” Xie Aoyu feels the back coolly whiz whiz to brave the cold air/Qi suddenly. 谢傲宇突感后背凉嗖嗖的直冒冷气。 The Ru Yan status was seen through! 如烟身份被识破了! At the present Ru Yan and Brilliant City break off, and he and Ru Yan relations also had the Brilliant City aspect already the circular to exit, in other words, his Xie Aoyu was the Qin Ziao arrogant this matter, was seen through by Yaqi! 而今如烟神武城决裂,并且他和如烟的关系也有神武城方面早就通告出去,也就是说,他谢傲宇就是秦紫傲这件事,被雅琪看穿了! He exposed! 他暴露了! No wonder, no wonder Yaqi alone will remain, no wonder she will say me, if goes to the hei deep pool palace, certainly will choose the hei deep pool palace, no wonder she will say that you were still a maiden, originally this was in intentional disclosed that she knew your my real status.” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu muttered. “难怪,难怪雅琪会单独留下来,难怪她会说我若去黒渊殿的话,一定会选择黒渊殿的,难怪她会说你仍是处女,原来她这是在故意的透露出来,她已经知道了你我的真实身份了。”谢傲宇喃喃自语的道。 Thinks of every means that exhausts the method, creates false Qin Ziao to come out arrogantly, cannot think that such was given to see through, made Xie Aoyu feel what was laughable, he was also pleased with oneself, can socialize was happy with six mahatmas that to win to rejoice initially, now knows, simplicity that six mahatmas did not imagine. 费尽心机,用尽手段,创造出一个虚假的秦紫傲出来,想不到就这么被人给识破了,更令谢傲宇感到可笑的是,他自己还沾沾自喜,能够为周旋与六大圣地而高兴,为初步获胜庆幸,现在才知道,六大圣地绝非想象的那么简单。 Exposed! 暴露了!
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