BE :: Volume #10

#917: The attraction of dragon 【Three】

These many somewhat stems from Xie Aoyu to be unexpected. 这一手多少还是有些出乎谢傲宇意料之外的。 After all initially his attitude toward Zheng Batian, that was equal to slapping his blatantly, discussed by Zheng Batian heart, seemed very difficult to achieve to apologize. 毕竟当初他对郑霸天的态度,那就等于公然打他的耳光,以郑霸天的心胸而论,似乎很难做到赔罪的吧。 Has again is Huo death, so is easy to understand? 再有就是霍都之死,难道就这么容易了解? But Huo back Huo Xingjia the famous ill-tempered woman, she spoiled Huo to arrive at the extreme, how possibly in light of this to let off him? Obviously is not realistic. 霍都背后的霍兴佳可是有名的母夜叉,她溺爱霍都到了极点,如何可能就此放过他呢?显然也不现实。 Apologized!” The Zheng Batian earnest say (way), island hosts have a look, both of us come, will have what other ideas to be inadequate?” “赔罪!”郑霸天认真的道,“岛主看看,就我们两人前来,难道还会有什么其他的想法不成?” Xie Aoyu light say (way): Said, how do you actually want?” 谢傲宇淡淡的道:“说说吧,你到底想如何?” Zheng Batian refers to with the person of his together coming, said: This is also the fierce fire god clan, named Huo Qiang, is one of the fierce fire god clan youth one generation of most powerhouses.” 郑霸天一指与他一起前来之人,道:“这位也是烈火神族的,名为霍强,是烈火神族青年一代最强者之一。” „?” Xie Aoyu looks to Huo Qiang. “哦?”谢傲宇看向霍强。 Huo Qiang , since arriving at Angel Holy Island, oneself outside practice, this time heard that Huo death, knows that is Huo own reason, cannot blame the island host, regarding makes us cut off the relations because of Huo, he also feels very distressed, therefore replaces the fierce fire god clan to come especially to the island main apology.” Zheng Ba sun. “霍强自从来到天使圣岛之后,就自己在外修炼,此番听说霍都之死,知道全都是霍都自己的原因,不能怪岛主,对于因霍都让我们双方断绝关系,他也是感到很痛心,所以特地代替烈火神族来向岛主道歉的。”郑霸天道。 Huo Qiang appearance is not outstanding, even can say is very ordinary, however his look is very sharp, to the feeling of person is very calm, stands there, resembles the wooden stake, not remarkable that type. 霍强长相并不出众,甚至可以说很普通,但是他的眼神很犀利,给人的感觉就是很沉稳,站在那里,就好像木桩,不会引人注意的那种类型。 He said to Xie Aoyu: Huo actions are his behavior, does not represent our fierce fire god clan, but also Hopen main because of Huo matter, but venting anger Ba Tianxiong.” 他向谢傲宇道:“霍都所作所为都是他一个人所为,并不代表我们烈火神族,还希望岛主不要因为霍都的事情,而迁怒霸天兄。” Words are so, is after these days observation, I to your Zheng Batian actually very disappointed.” Xie Aoyu gave a pretext with great difficulty with them pretends non-involvement relations, stood can make other influences offer the olive branch in one to him, can achieve success one way or another, how to look for a thing to fetter itself again. “话是如此,可是经过这段时间的观察,我对你郑霸天却非常的失望。”谢傲宇好不容易借口与他们撇清关系,站在一个能够让其他势力都向他伸出橄榄枝,可以左右逢源的时候,如何会再去找一个东西来束缚自己。 Island host, I knows before me, does so-called has the issue, may the temporary mistake, after not the representative, meets is wrong.” Zheng Batian said hurriedly that I believe I will not make the island be main.” “岛主,我知道我之前所做所谓是有问题,可一时的错误,不代表以后也会是错的。”郑霸天急忙说道,“我相信我不会让岛主失望的。” Um? 嗯? Xie Aoyu cannot help but up and down takes a look at Zheng Batian, this saying said probably to be how same in the statement, even if the Dragon Clan attraction is very big, seems also insufficient so. 谢傲宇不由得上下打量郑霸天,这话说的怎么好像在表态一样,就算是龙族的吸引力很大,似乎也不至于如此吧。 Once the arrogant person, had not arrived at the final time, possibly such submissive? 曾经高傲的人,根本未到最后时刻,可能这么低声下气的吗? Later again said.” Xie Aoyu beckons with the hand, he felt that a little does not suit, may unable to find there not to suit, then wants to send them, so as to avoid being possible any unpredictable matter. “以后再说吧。”谢傲宇摆摆手,他感觉有点不对劲儿,可又找不到那里不对劲儿,便想将他们打发走,免得可能出什么不可预料的事情。 Island host!” “岛主!” Huo Qiang forwards swiftly. 霍强倏然向前。 Sees this situation, Chilao then wants to export to berate. 见此情形,奇拉奥便欲出口喝斥。 Xie Aoyu beckons with the hand, light say (way): What did you have to say?” 谢傲宇摆摆手,淡淡的道:“你还有什么要说的?” „No matter how the island main and Huo relates, but our fierce fire god clan and island main do not hope to have any contradictory existence absolutely, to express apology, I am willing to bestow a treasure, but also looks at the island hosts to be able no longer to have any hatred on this matter to my clan.” Was saying he took a box, delivers to the Xie Aoyu front. “不管岛主与霍都的关系如何,但是我们烈火神族与岛主之间绝对不希望有任何矛盾的存在,为了表示道歉,我愿将一宝赠送,还望岛主能够不再就此事对我族产生任何的恨意。”说着他将一个盒子拿了出来,送到谢傲宇的面前。 Does not need so.” Xie Aoyu has not accepted. “不必如此。”谢傲宇没有收下。 The same treasure will be very indeed appealing, but sometimes actually cannot receive, like the present, if received the treasure, but also has clashes of opinion with Zheng Xiao Fang, then others will think to be perfidious, person, after cooperates with other people, was suspected easily, is hard to trust. 一样宝物的确会很吸引人,但是有时候却不能收,像现在,如果收了宝物,还与郑萧方闹矛盾的话,那么别人就会认为背信弃义,这样的人,在以后与他人合作的时候,容易被人怀疑,难以信任的。 Island main first has a look, may change you to pay attention.” Huo Qiangdao. “岛主还是先看看吧,或许会改变你注意的。”霍强道。 Xie Aoyu knits the brows, has a look at the box, has a look at Huo Qiang and Zheng Batian again, just now that type restless finally made him understand, these two at all were not apologize, but had the goal. 谢傲宇一皱眉,看看盒子,再看看霍强和郑霸天,方才那种不安终于让他明白了过来,这两人根本不是来道歉的,而是另有目的。 The best my judgment is wrong! 最好我的判断是错误的! His complexion does not change, may actually hit at heart 12 spirit, on the mouth said: Good, such being the case, I have a look am any treasure.” 他的脸色毫无变化,可心里却打起了12分的精神,嘴上说道:“好吧,既然如此,那我就看看是什么宝物。” He then put out a hand to hold the box, opened slowly. 他便伸手抓住了盒子,缓缓打开。 Zheng Batian and Huo Qiang look is invariable, as if in that indeed has the treasure, this made Xie Aoyu instead a little suspect own judgment. 郑霸天和霍强神色不变,仿佛那里面的确是有宝物,这令谢傲宇反而有点怀疑自己的判断了。 Ka!” “咔!” The box opens. 盒子打开。 Inside is a crystal ball of fist size, was saying fiercely glitters seven color halos, Xie Aoyu was saying: You said is this crystal ball?” 里面是一枚拳头大小的水晶球,在烈曰下闪烁着七彩光晕,谢傲宇道:“你们说的就是这个水晶球?” Right, is it.” Huo Qiangdao. “没错,就是它。”霍强道。 Zheng Batian said with a smile: Island hosts can examine, may discover that this crystal ball has any unique element, at least I can guarantee that it is not the ordinary crystal ball.” 郑霸天笑道:“岛主可以检验一下,或许会发现这枚水晶球有着什么特殊之处呢,至少我可以保证它不是普通的水晶球。” Is that special crystal ball that the Astrologer normal junior college uses?!” The Xie Aoyu heart shakes, if is really, that indeed has the greatest attraction to him. “难道是星相师专用的那种特殊的水晶球?!”谢傲宇心头一震,如果真是的话,那就的确对他有着莫大的吸引力了。 The crystal ball is the Astrologer master is used to forecast the future special-purpose product. 水晶球是星相师用来预测未来的专用品。 However the crystal ball also has the division of height, picture clear many that the high-grade crystal ball when the predict that will present in the future. 但是水晶球也有高低之分,高等级的水晶球在预测未来的时候,出现的画面就会清晰的多。 Right, this is I in Angel Holy Island discovered that should be some antiquity time Master Astrologer uses.” Huo Qiang said. “没错,这是我在天使圣岛内发现的,应该是上古时期某位星相大师所用的。”霍强说道。 Xie Aoyu hear [words/that], then with got up crystal ball the observation. 谢傲宇闻言,便将水晶球给拿了起来观察。 But he just took up the crystal ball, hears „”, that crystal ball then ruptures, red mist then spurted on his face. 可他刚刚拿起水晶球,就听到“啪”的一声,那水晶球便爆裂开来,一股红色的雾气便喷在了他的脸上。 Xie Aoyu calls out in alarm one, backs up backward. 谢傲宇惊叫一声,向后倒退。 Island host!” Chilao was startled to call out. “岛主!”奇拉奥惊叫道。 Huo Qiang is actually the look one cold, the skill turns, a cold sickle then appears in his hands, advances like lightning forward, one will bend the tool rest on the neck of Xie Aoyu, gets angry shouts to clear the way: „No one can move, otherwise I have killed him!” 霍强却是神色一冷,手腕一翻,一把冷冽的弯刀便出现在他的手中,闪电般向前突进,一下将弯刀架在谢傲宇的脖子上,怒喝道:“谁也不要动,不然我杀了他!” This change is extremely sudden, virtually impossible to guard against. 这一变化太过突然,令人防不胜防。 The people in two mahatma islands were also drunk to stop the movement. 两大圣岛的人也都被喝止了动作。 Zheng Batian has also revealed the fierce facial features, said with a smile cloudy: Qin Ziao Ao Daozhu, you have not thought that also will have today!” 郑霸天也露出了狰狞的面容,阴笑道:“秦紫傲岛主,你没想到也会有今天吧!” The red mist enters the body, Xie Aoyu felt that the skin numb acid is itchy, but not lasting, his Medical Spirit Finger instantly had the response, that feeling then retreated. 红色雾气入体,谢傲宇就感到皮肤酥麻酸痒,但是并没有持久,他的药神指即刻发生了反应,那感觉便退却了。 However Xie Aoyu has not gotten rid, but still set an uncomfortable appearance, you have used anything to me.” 但是谢傲宇并没有出手,而是仍旧做出一副难受的样子,“你们对我用了什么。” Anything, has not been blood gas cloud.” Zheng Batian said with a smile ferociously. “没什么,就是一点血毒雾而已。”郑霸天狞笑道。 Mean!” “卑鄙!” Shameless, Zheng Batian, your bastard!” “无耻,郑霸天,你混蛋!” As soon as the people in two mahatma islands listen, immediately is wild with rage. 两大圣岛的人一听,登时狂怒起来。 Blood gas cloud, in toxin toxin! 血毒雾,毒中之毒! This toxin very overbearing evil and cruel, can say that can be many violently poisonous first ten, but this toxin the fatal weakness, that is it presents the red, not with other is violently poisonously same, is colorless tasteless, virtually impossible to guard against, the use number of times of blood gas cloud instead is least, is very easy to make one guard, the function naturally drops. 此毒非常的霸道歹毒,可以说能够名列诸多剧毒中的前十名,但是此毒又有一个致命的弱点,那就是它呈现红色,不和其他的剧毒一样,都是无色无味,令人防不胜防,以至于血毒雾的使用次数反而是最少的,很容易令人防备,作用自然下降。 No one has thought that Zheng Batian and Huo Qiang have thought unexpectedly can cover the blood gas cloud with the crystal ball the color, thus strikes to go well. 谁也没想到郑霸天和霍强居然想到了用水晶球可以遮挡血毒雾的颜色,从而一击得手的。 Shuts up to me!” Huo Qiang gets angry shouts to clear the way, who dares to speak a few words again, I rip his ear!” “都给我闭嘴!”霍强怒喝道,“谁再敢说一句话,我就割掉他一只耳朵!” Fierce berating, making the people of two island only be able to suppress the anger. 狰狞的喝斥,令两岛之人只能强忍着愤怒。 Xie Aoyu depresses the anger in heart, made an appearance of poison as far as possible, said: Zheng Batian, even if we no longer are the partners, you as if are also insufficient so.” 谢傲宇压下心中的怒火,尽量令自己一副中毒的模样儿,道:“郑霸天,就算我们不再是合作伙伴,你似乎也不至于如此吧。” This must blame to blame you, can let ten thousand dragon worships unexpectedly, your Clouds Holy Island had the Astrologer master, enough attracted all influence has won over, currently unexpectedly had the rein Dragon Clan possibility, so six mahatmas will hold in high esteem to you, in the face of their strength attractions, you also possibly cooperates with me? Is impossible! Since is not the collaborator, that is an enemy, your such enemy was too fearful, therefore I must advance you remove!” Zheng Batian ferocious sound track. “这要怪还是要怪你自己,竟然能让万龙朝拜,本来你们云雾圣岛星相师,就已经足够吸引各方势力的拉拢了,现在居然有了统御龙族的可能,如此六大圣地都会对你们刮目相看,在他们的力量吸引面前,你还可能与我合作吗?不可能的!既然不是合作者,那就是敌人,你这样的敌人太可怕了,所以我必须先行将你除掉!”郑霸天狞声道。 Xie Aoyu said: Originally you were afraid.” 谢傲宇道:“原来你是害怕了。” Yes, I have been a little afraid, but, attracts my is the source of Saint dragon!” Zheng Batian both eyes pan- greedy vision. “是,我是有点害怕了,不过,更吸引我的是圣龙之源!”郑霸天双目泛起贪婪的目光。 „The source of Saint dragon?” Xie Aoyu said in consternation. “圣龙之源?”谢傲宇愕然道。 Zheng Ba sun: Right, the source of Saint dragon, you have not known probably, you can let ten thousand dragon worships , because you had the source of Saint dragon.” His both eyes burst out together the none remaining, is staring at Xie Aoyu stubbornly, „the source of Saint dragon, that is the thing that several thousand years rarely present, in Dragon Clan is also the tasteful chance, if not Angel Holy Island Dragon Clan and Angel Clan perish together, has accomplished this huge chance, how born, unexpectedly was given by you.” 郑霸天道:“没错,圣龙之源,大概你还不知道吧,你能够让万龙朝拜,就是因为你拥有了圣龙之源。”他双目迸发出一道精光,死死地盯着谢傲宇,“圣龙之源啊,那可是数万年都难得出现的东西,在龙族也是讲究机缘的,若非天使圣岛龙族天使族同归于尽,造就了这次天大的机缘,如何会诞生,居然被你给得到了。” Original nine mahatma Long Long Hun fuse the Kowloon chart of later constitution, called the source of Saint dragon. 原来九大圣龙龙魂融合之后构成的九龙图,叫圣龙之源啊。 Xie Aoyu was whispering at heart , can indeed be called the source of Saint dragon, after all Dragon Clan was always emperor nine Saints, the dragon souls of nine Saint dragons fused, that naturally was the source of Saint dragon. 谢傲宇心里嘀咕着,也的确可以称为圣龙之源,毕竟龙族向来都是一皇九圣的,九条圣龙的龙魂融合起来,那自然是圣龙之源了。 „Does the source of this Saint dragon have so big attraction to you?” Xie Aoyu wants to find out by secret inquiry source the mystery about Saint dragon from Zheng Batian mouth, after all during Ru Yan is also is ignorant. “这圣龙之源对你有如此大的诱惑力?”谢傲宇想要从郑霸天的口中多探知一些关于圣龙之源的奥妙,毕竟如烟对此也是处于懵懂之中。 Zheng Batian hey said with a smile: Naturally, the source of Saint dragon historically has appeared one time, that was antiquity Saint Emperor has, he by the source of Saint dragon can rein entire Dragon Clan, if not initially the support of Dragon Clan, how antiquity Saint Emperor can overcome so big base industry, the Dragon Clan powerful time, that has emperor nine Saint hundred Dragon King, Angel Clan of strength most powerful time must dread several points continually, if you we have been doomed to become the foes, I should seize the chance to win the source of your Saint dragon?” 郑霸天嘿嘿笑道:“当然,圣龙之源在历史上就出现过一次,那便是上古圣皇拥有的,他就是凭借圣龙之源才得以统御整个龙族的,当初若非龙族的支持,上古圣皇如何能够打下如此诺大的基业的,龙族强盛时期,那可是有着一皇九圣百龙王的,实力连最强盛时期的天使族都要忌惮几分,你若我们已经注定要成为仇敌了,我是不是该趁机夺走你的圣龙之源呢?” This, I can also, but, I am very strange, since you must begin, why does not use three Brontosaurus directly, it is the Saint dragon, but the source of my Saint dragon has not achieved to control the Dragon Clan situation now.” Xie Aoyu said. “该,如果是我的话,我也会的,只不过,我很奇怪,你既然要动手,为什么不直接动用三眼雷龙呢,它可是圣龙,而我的圣龙之源现在还远没有达到控制龙族的地步的。”谢傲宇道。 That is you do not know the source of Saint dragon fierce place.” Zheng Batian sneers saying that „, once obtains the approval of source of Saint dragon, even if did not have what strength to control Dragon Clan, but any Dragon Clan sees the source of Saint dragon master, besides the dragon emperor, all Dragon Clan is unable under does not agree, approaches, do not say began, once begins, will suffer the Dragon Clan most fearful curse.” “那是你不知道圣龙之源的厉害之处。”郑霸天冷笑道,“一旦得到圣龙之源的认可,就算是还没有什么力量去驾驭龙族,可是任何龙族见到圣龙之源的主人,除龙皇之外,一切龙族都无法在不同意之下,靠近的,更不要说动手了,一旦动手,就会遭受龙族最可怕的诅咒。” Xie Aoyu said: It seems like source of function this Saint dragon also is really very big.” 谢傲宇道:“看来这圣龙之源作用还真是很大。” Zheng Batian puts out a hand, said: Hands over.” 郑霸天伸出手,道:“交出来吧。” If I don't hand over?” Xie Aoyu light say (way). “若是我不交呢?”谢傲宇淡淡的道。 Brush! 刷! Huo Qiang skill turns, that cold and gloomy sickle then flashes through wipes the cold ray, leaves behind together the blood line on the Xie Aoyu nape of the neck, I have 100 types the means of suffering the human.” 霍强手腕一翻,那森冷的弯刀便闪过一抹冷冽的光芒,在谢傲宇的脖颈上留下一道血线,“我有100种折磨人的办法。” As if very scary appearance.” The say (way) that Xie Aoyu smiles, was a pity that is useless to me!” “似乎很吓人的样子。”谢傲宇笑眯眯的道,“可惜对我没用!”
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