BE :: Volume #10

#916: The attraction of dragon 【Two】

The barrier appears, that disintegrates their good opportunities. 隔阂出现,那就瓦解他们的好时机。 Island main hideaway also is really deep, main said before the island personally, feared that was nobody knows the traffic island main side also to have existence of smoke madame unexpectedly.” The startled day sound of day lonesome mountain is somewhat low and deep, the complexion is not too attractive, „, but does not know that the island main side is hiding also other masters?” “岛主隐藏的还真是深啊,在岛主亲口说出之前,怕是没人知道岛主身边居然还有烟儿夫人的存在吧。”天寂山的项惊天声音有些低沉,脸色也不是太好看,“但不知岛主身边是不是还隐藏着其他的高手呢?” Xie Aoyu may not have a favorable impression to this startled day, light say (way): I asked a brother, how many masters your day lonesome mountain had, whether a brother did consider?” 谢傲宇对这个项惊天可没有一点好感,淡淡的道:“那我问项兄,你们天寂山有多少高手呢,项兄可否相告?” I a startled day am at a loss for words. “我”项惊天张口结舌。 The card in a hand is the human easily will not expose, this is the general knowledge. 底牌是人都不会轻易暴露的,这是常识。 Xie Aoyu somewhat contemptuously has swept his one eyes, said: „To come six is very clear, our Clouds Holy Island special circumstance? That is we have existence of Astrologer master.” 谢傲宇有些轻蔑的扫了他一眼,道:“想来六位都很清楚,我们云雾圣岛的特殊情形吧?那就是我们有一位星相师的存在。” He does not have directly to reply that the startled day issue, proposed the Astrologer master has this view. 他没有正面回答项惊天的问题,却提出了星相师存在这个说法。 Notwithstanding, function of Astrologer master does not know that can forecast in the future the possible matter, thus becomes avoids disaster. 别的且不说,星相师的作用谁人不知,那就是能够预测未来一段时间内可能发生的事情,从而趋吉避凶。 This saying was saying actually also that he still had the card in a hand. 这话实际也是在说,他仍有底牌。 Now what exposes outside is only a point. 现在暴露在外面的只是一点而已。 No wonder island hosts can then become the island hosts in two mahatma islands in so the age, admire, admire.” The easy southern China whole face is the color of feeling. “难怪岛主能够在这般年龄便成为两大圣岛的岛主,佩服,佩服。”易华南满脸都是感慨之色。 Xie Aoyu gives a calm smile, said: Yi brother was polite.” 谢傲宇淡然一笑,道:“易兄客气了。” Told the facts.” Yi Huanan said that I thought that sea area seven Xiong, the island hosts controls two islands, the cercis chinensis island and golden eagle island is a body, so is the aspect that five Xiong strives for hegemony, although seems the island main strongest, but actual not so, after is strongly easy to draw on the envy, they could collaborate to resist, therefore island main finally becomes the possible surname of sea area overlord not to be instead high, now I must change this view.” “实话实说。”易华南道,“原本我觉得,海域七雄,岛主掌控两岛,紫荆岛和金鹰岛是一体,如此就是五雄争霸的局面,虽然看上去岛主最强,可实际不然,毕竟最强容易招来嫉妒,他们或许能联手对抗,所以岛主的最后成为海域霸主的可能姓反而不高,现在我要改变这个看法了。” Ha Ha, if Yi the brother can render the assistance, my Qin Ziao also spoke the sentence boast arrogantly, unifies sea area, by no means any difficult matter.” Xie Aoyu laughs saying that front a few words that he points out emphatically. “哈哈,若是易兄能够给予帮助,我秦紫傲也说句大话,统一海域,并非什么难事。”谢傲宇大笑道,他着重点明的前面一句话。 So long as the island main does not shut out, my Xuantian Gong fully supports absolutely.” Yi Huanan said. “只要岛主不嫌弃,我玄天宫绝对全力支持。”易华南道。 Die Ge Sarah interrupted: „The sphere of influence of Xuantian Gong in inland, must meddle the sea area strength, I looked that is not quite good, does Yaqi think?” 迭戈萨拉则插嘴道:“玄天宫的势力范围在内陆吧,要插手海域的实力,我看是不太好吧,雅琪觉得呢?” Saw that Xie Aoyu and easy southern China as if to walk near, Yaqi in advance united certainly Die Ge Sarah to show no external differences, said: Right, sea area is our domains, the strength of inland, good that do not enter casually, otherwise causes any unnecessary misunderstanding, that was not quite good.” 看到谢傲宇和易华南似乎走得近了,雅琪当然是先行联合迭戈萨拉一致对外,道:“没错,海域是我们的地盘,内陆的力量,还是不要随随便便进入的好,不然引起什么不必要的误会,那就不太好了。” Two easy southern China to open the mouth to refute. “两位”易华南开口反驳。 Yi brother do not say again, others are not clear, we have not known that six mahatmas according to the region division method, your Xuantian Gong and day lonesome mountain control inland, day sacred place and evil Luo Shengdi control the desert, sea area is the world of our bright sea and hei deep pool palace, easily do not surmount the demarcation line good, perhaps otherwise, in the event of the conflict, meets is not quite good.” \\ N “易兄就不要再说了,别人不清楚,难道我们大家自己还不知道吗,六大圣地是根据区域划分的,你们玄天宫和天寂山掌控内陆,天罗圣地和邪罗圣地主宰沙漠,海域是我们光明海和黒渊殿的天下,轻易还是不要跨越界线的好,不然的话,一旦发生冲突,恐怕会不太好吧。”\\n Looks that they aim at wisely, Xie Aoyu is laughs in one's heart. 看着他们机锋针对,谢傲宇则是暗笑不已。 He wants is this effect, breaks the unions of six mahatma places, but their six mahatmas know perfectly well so, have no alternative, because each other biggest enemy is the opposite party, perhaps even in the idea of Xie Aoyu, looked like the antiquity seven respected families in their eyes is not. 他要的就是这个效果,打破六大圣地的联合,而他们六大圣地就算明知如此,也无可奈何,因为彼此最大的敌人就是对方,甚至谢傲宇的想法中,恐怕像上古七大家族在他们的眼里都不是什么的。 Ru Yan put out a hand to pinch a leg of Xie Aoyu in secret, seemed saying that you were bad enough. 如烟暗中伸手掐了一把谢傲宇的腿,似乎在说,你够坏的。 Xie Aoyu gently has pinched the jade buttocks of Ru Yan, responds with the ambiguous smiling face. 谢傲宇则轻轻的捏了一下如烟的玉臀,报以暧昧的笑容。 Good, was being encountered, they were flirting in secret, an action of pair of people fell in the evil sacred place Zhuo Fan Ting's eyes, cannot bear snort one that let somebody cool off or calm down. 好嘛,被人在交锋,他们两个却在暗中调情,一对狗男女的举动落在邪罗圣地卓凡婷的眼里,忍不住冷冷的哼了一声。 Three, did you dispute enough?” Say (Way) that Zhuo Fan Ting lets somebody cool off or calm down. “三位,你们争执够了没有?”卓凡婷冷冷的道。 The Die Ge Sarah three people simultaneously stare, Qi Qi looks to her. 迭戈萨拉三人同时一愣,齐齐看向她。 Listens to Zhuo Fan Ting saying: „Before we come, has the agreement, whether to defer to the agreement to handle affairs, signed a common treaty of alliance with the island hosts, Die Ge Sarah also said that this was a fair treaty of alliance, not?” 就听卓凡婷道:“我们来之前,都是有协议的,是不是可以按照协议来行事,与岛主签订一个共同的盟约,迭戈萨拉也说了,这是一个公平的盟约,不是吗?” Die Ge Zarallo hesitates, serious say (way): I think now that some content as if also places of treaty of alliance need to revise, this matter retards to be quite good.” 迭戈萨拉略微沉吟一下,严肃的道:“我现在想想,盟约的内容似乎还有些地方需要修改,此事还是延迟一下比较好。” Um, right, retards for several days, we jointly discussed again.” Yaqi also agrees, other did not say that our beforehand considerations saw the island main ability, had actually forgotten the island main side also has the smoke madame, therefore I thought that we should readjust the treaty of alliance, otherwise, main is very unfair to the island, do not forget, the island main back also Astrologer master, that is existence that our six mahatmas are unable to hope to attain.” “嗯,没错,延迟几天,我们再共同商量一下。”雅琪也表示同意,“别的不说,我们之前的考虑只是看到了岛主的能力,却忘记了岛主身边还有烟儿夫人,所以我觉得,我们应该重新调整盟约,不然的话,对岛主很不公平,不要忘了,岛主的背后可是还有一位星相师,那可是我们六大圣地都无法企及的存在。” Other people hear „the Astrologer master three characters, shakes. 其他人听到“星相师”三个字,都是一震。 No matter what everyone knows that the important surname of Astrologer master, they instead start to suspect now, whether Xie Aoyu is that Astrologer master personally selects. 任谁都知道,星相师的重要姓,他们现在反而开始怀疑,谢傲宇是否就是那位星相师亲自挑中的呢。 Six don't, know this treaty of alliance?” Xie Aoyu said. “六位,不知这盟约?”谢傲宇道。 Die Ge chats: Temporary delay.” 迭戈萨拉道:“暂时延迟。” In the middle of six people, three people agree to retard, very natural this matter was forced to delay, so made a decision, before causing , the somewhat contradictory startled day, floats the world to be far, Zhuo Fan Ting three People for angry, they departed immediately. 六人当中,三人同意延迟,很自然的此事就被迫拖延了,如此决断,使得之前就有些矛盾的项惊天、浮世远、卓凡婷三人大为愤怒,他们三人当即离去。 Remaining wants and achieves the independent treaty of alliance. 剩下的则是都想要与达成单独盟约的。 Xie Aoyu is dark the one breath, making their six sides each other have the gap, this is he most desired, then before him, crisis also very natural remove that faces, but waits for his opportunity the hopeful serious offense crisis, so long as uses appropriately, then can achieve success one way or another. 谢傲宇暗出一口气,让他们六方彼此产生间隙,这才是他最希望看到的,那么他之前面临的危机也很自然的解除,而等待他的机遇将有望大过危机,只要利用得当,便能够左右逢源。 Three, they left, we also turned on the roof louvre window to speak the frank and straightforward remark, does not need to insinuate anything again.” Xie Aoyu makes a sincere appearance, you once had looked for me, wants to cooperate with me, I most hope naturally together unites foreign, but this obviously is impossible, is regarding your three mahatma places, my understanding in the books, is very also difficult to make the judgment, how therefore wants me to judge with your side cooperation, or the words of two side cooperation, I am thinking is not the decision that I can make, after all involves to your six mahatmas, that significance is too big, I must go back and my Clouds Holy Island Astrologer master make. After the discussion, then gives you to answer.” “三位,他们离开了,我们也打开天窗说亮话,没必要再影射什么。”谢傲宇做出一副真诚的模样儿,“你们都曾找过我,都想要与我合作,我最希望的自然是共同联合对外,可这显然是不可能的,可是对于你们三大圣地,我的认识也只是在书籍中,真的很难做出判断,所以要我如何判断与你们那一方合作,或者两方合作的话,我想着已经不是我能做出的决定了,毕竟牵扯到你们六大圣地,那意义太大,我必须要回去和我云雾圣岛星相师做出一番。讨论之后,然后再给予你们答复。” The Die Ge Sarah three people reveal the disappointed color unavoidably. 迭戈萨拉三人难免露出失望之色。 „The word of island host also right, the Astrologer master exists, naturally must add the use, supporter who perhaps the Astrologer master helps the island main choice, can be helps the island main trend to be successful.” Die Ge Sarah said that „, but, I am Hopen main before drawing the conclusion, goes to my bright sea to have a look, after all the Astrologer teachers in expensive island are only half, is not entire of forecast is right.” “岛主之言也没错,星相师存在,自然不可能不加利用,或许星相师帮助岛主选择的支持者,会是助岛主走向成功的。”迭戈萨拉说道,“不过,我还是希望岛主在做出结论之前,去我光明海看看,毕竟贵岛的星相师只是半个,并不是预测的全是对的。” Right, my Xuantian Gong also welcome the island main to be a guest.” Yi Huanan said. “没错,我玄天宫也欢迎岛主来做客。”易华南道。 They said that then said goodbye. 两人说完便告辞了。 Actually Yaqi throughout remains silent. 倒是雅琪始终都保持着沉默。 When the two leave, Yaqi looked that said to Ru Yan: „The smoke madame, does not know whether Yaqi and island main chatted alone, will not use too for a long time.” 待那两人离开,雅琪看向如烟道:“烟儿夫人,不知雅琪能否和岛主单独谈谈,不会用太长时间的。” Ok.” Ru Yan was saying setting out, the back to Yaqi, stared Xie Aoyu maliciously, seemed saying that does not permit you to have any idea to her. “可以。”如烟说着起身,背对雅琪,狠狠瞪了一眼谢傲宇,仿佛在说,不准你对她有什么想法。 Xie Aoyu yes smiles, put out a hand to pinch the cheek of Ru Yan, went back to wait for me, I must hug you to rest a while.” 谢傲宇则是嘿嘿一笑,伸手捏了一下如烟的脸蛋儿,“回去等着我哦,我要抱着你休息一会儿。” Ru Yan moved the lip, has not made the sound, but the shape of the mouth looks on two character Bing Wu. 如烟动了下嘴唇,没有发出声音,但是口型看就两个字冰舞 She always takes Bing Wu to cope with Xie Aoyu now. 她现在总是拿冰舞来对付谢傲宇 Ru Yan curls to go. 如烟袅袅而去。 Also left as for Luo Ke Dru and Chilao. 至于洛克德鲁和奇拉奥也离开了。 In the tent has Xie Aoyu and Yaqi. 帐篷内只有谢傲宇和雅琪。 Yaqi also the appearance that changes the beforehand wind to scratch with the finger, serious say (way): Island host, I am also same to their requests, is goes to our hei deep pool palace to walk, moreover I can guarantee that the hei deep pool palace will make the island hosts have the accident absolutely happily.” 雅琪也一改之前风搔的样子,一本正经的道:“岛主,我也与他们两人的要求一样,就是去我们黒渊殿走一走,而且我敢保证,黒渊殿绝对会让岛主有意外之喜的。” „The happiness of accident? Is the beautiful woman?” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “意外之喜?难道是美女?”谢傲宇笑道。 Yaqi gives a calm smile, said: My hei deep pool palace has a special ability, whether can see through the female maiden, even if the opposite party practices to have the special concealing method, is unable to hide the truth from us, the island main smoke madame actually now was still a maiden, right.” \\ N 雅琪淡然一笑,道:“我黒渊殿有一种特殊的能力,就是能够一眼看穿女子是否处女,哪怕对方修炼有特殊的掩饰手段,也无法瞒过我们的,岛主的烟儿夫人其实现在仍旧是处女,对吧。”\\n It seems like I underestimated the Yaqi girls.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile, was somewhat is at heart shocking, must know the Ru Yan practice, but the spirit desire hundred changed the techniques, was the accomplishment boundary, unexpectedly can also be seen through. “看来我低估雅琪姑娘了。”谢傲宇笑道,可是心里却有些震惊,要知道如烟修炼的可是灵欲百变术,还是大成境界的,居然还能被看穿。 Should be I underestimated that the island has advocated, the smoke madame decides however is the practice has Flatters Tech­nique, and island main can also bear, that can only be a possibility, the island main in the dependence smoke madame's Flatters Tech­nique practice mood.” Yaqi said. “应该是我低估岛主了,烟儿夫人定然是修炼有媚术,且岛主还能忍住,那就只能是一种可能,岛主在依靠烟儿夫人的媚术修炼心境吧。”雅琪说道。 Also is really not this, on the Xie Aoyu mouth naturally cannot say that „the Yaqi girls are very fierce.” He then smiles, „the Yaqi girls do not think that my aspect does have the issue?” 还真不是这样,谢傲宇嘴上自然不能这么说,“雅琪姑娘很厉害。”他转而一笑,“难道雅琪姑娘就不认为我那方面有问题?” Cluck-cluck “咯咯” Yaqi hear [words/that], tenderly has cannot help but smiled, not, we whether not only can look to the woman maiden, is the ability in man aspect, similarly can look, the island main Yang spirit is exuberant, probably was Yaqi has seen the most exuberant man, therefore the island main the desire in this aspect will be instead stronger, the ability was also stronger, may still be able to bear, island main willpower, was absolutely rare, therefore I think that the island commanding generals unified sea area, became the possible surname of overlord, is far higher, therefore my Hopen that they thought main can choose us. hei deep pool palace.” \\ N 雅琪闻言,不由得娇笑了起来,“绝不会,我们不但对女人是否处女能看出来,就是男人这方面的能力,同样能够看出来的,岛主的阳气非常旺盛,大概是雅琪见过的最旺盛的男人了,所以岛主在这方面的欲望反而会更强,能力也更强,可仍然能够忍住,岛主的意志力之强,绝对超乎寻常,所以我认为岛主将来统一海域,成为霸主的可能姓,远比他们认为的更高,故而我希望岛主能够选择我们。黒渊殿。”\\n Before making decision, I will certainly go to hei deep pool palace one line.” Xie Aoyu has not taken a stand immediately. \\ N “在做出决定前,我一定会去黒渊殿一行的。”谢傲宇并没有马上表态。\\n Yaqi said: I think that the island hosts wanted, will choose our.” She goes forward slightly one step, red lips are light, puts out wipes Xianglan, the whining sound track: Because we have to let the thing that island hosts move.” Speaks, she gets rid suddenly, holds the Xie Aoyu crotch department, tender fluttered with a smile, island was main, was quite majestic 雅琪道:“我想岛主只要去了,就会选择我们的。”她微微上前一步,朱唇轻起,吐出一抹香兰,嗲声道:“因为我们有让岛主动心的东西。”说着话,她陡然出手,一把抓住谢傲宇的裆部,随之娇笑着飘走了,“岛主好大哦,好雄壮哦” Her form disappears long time, Xie Aoyu lowers the head the place that has a look at to begin supinely, cannot help but blows out a thick mouth, my grass!” 她的身影消失良久,谢傲宇低头看看仰起头的地方,不由得爆出一句粗口,“我艹!” Was sexually harassed unexpectedly. 竟然被调戏了。 Was profited. 还是被占便宜了。 Xie Aoyu is been dry and hot by the whole body that this action does, the desire comes up in great numbers and from all sides, at present reappears Ru Yan just now to take off coat to exchange the female bodyguard to dress up the time the wireless character and style, cannot help but fiery, the going out tent in big strides, directly soars in the tent that Ru Yan is, planned that overthrowing said Ru Yan again. 谢傲宇被她这一举动搞的浑身燥热,欲望横生,眼前又浮现如烟方才宽衣换上女侍卫装扮时候的无线风情,不由得火热起来,大踏步的走出帐篷,直奔如烟所在的帐篷内,打算将如烟给推倒再说。 Was only a pity that he just now goes out of the tent, sees in the distant place, outside of station, Zheng Batian as well as a 26 or 27-year-old young man summons to him. 只可惜他才刚走出帐篷,就看到在远处,驻地的外面,郑霸天以及一名二十六七岁的青年男子向他呼唤。 Xie Aoyu sees them, that desire then abated. 谢傲宇看到他们,那欲望便消退了。 He discovered that the attraction of dragon is really big extraordinary, Zheng Batian this Ming knows that both sides had not cooperated possibly, must seek cooperates once again. 他发现龙的吸引力实在是大的出奇,就连郑霸天这明知道双方已经没有可能合作的,都要来寻求再度合作。 Xie Aoyu to is dealing with Zheng Batian Chilao who to beckon. 谢傲宇对着应付郑霸天两人的奇拉奥招招手。 He has not even returned to the tent, received outside. 他甚至没有返回帐篷,就在外面接见。 Zheng Batian arrive at the near, the Xie Aoyu access road: Zheng Batian, I did not tell you, we cut off the beforehand agreement, you also come to do.” 郑霸天两人来到近前,谢傲宇便道:“郑霸天,我不是跟你说了,我们已经断绝之前的协议,你还来干什么。” „The previous time matter, is we are not indeed right, but also asked the island hosts to excuse me.” The sincerity of Zheng Batian whole face, this time comes is apologizes.” “上次的事情,的确是我们不对,还请岛主见谅。”郑霸天满脸的真诚,“这次前来是赔罪的。” Xie Aoyu doubts visits him, said: Apologized?” 谢傲宇疑惑的看着他,道:“赔罪?”
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