BE :: Volume #10

#915: The attraction of dragon 【One】

The crisis and opportunity on the pendulum in the Xie Aoyu front, go astray one step, has the possibility to be beyond redemption, nowadays the people of six mahatma places once again collaborate to arrive, Xie Aoyu knows that they must certainly force itself to make the commitment, at least must guarantee that does not have the conflict with six mahatmas, but this „ensure” is not good to do. 危机和机遇就摆在谢傲宇的面前,走错一步,就有可能万劫不复,现如今六大圣地的人再度联手到来,谢傲宇知道,他们肯定是要逼迫自己做出承诺的,至少要保证与六大圣地不发生冲突,可这个“保证”却不是那么好做的。 Pays lip service, is nobody believes that therefore this guarantee is to have strong restraint function inevitably, once at least breaks a contract to have greatly harms is possible. 只是嘴上说说,是没有人相信的,所以这个保证必然是具有非常强的约束作用,至少一旦违约会有极大地损害才可能。 Xie Aoyu was lost in thought. 谢傲宇陷入了沉思。 Even if Ru Yan sits in the bosom, he does not have the impulsion that has sexually harassed to profit, is really this seems like around the wireless happy opportunity has the too big risk. 哪怕如烟坐在怀中,他都没有了调戏占便宜的冲动,实在是这个看似无线美好的机遇周围有着太大的风险。 Forming an alliance contract? 结盟契约? Xie Aoyu thinks Die Ge Sarah of bright sea Ru Yan said brought the forming an alliance contract, must unite truly, but this forming an alliance contract was antiquity time one type has being similar of binding force in the thing of Incantation technique curse, once violated, will then encounter making a false counter-accusation that in the forming an alliance contract cursed. 谢傲宇想到如烟所说的光明海的迭戈萨拉拿来了结盟契约,是要真正的联合的,而这结盟契约就是上古时期一种非常具有约束力的类似于咒术诅咒的东西,一旦违背的话,那么就会遭遇结盟契约内诅咒的反噬。 Can restrain the forming an alliance contract of antiquity major part powerhouse, its intrinsic curse Incantation technique is very fearful, but takes whether violates the forming an alliance contract for the basis, once triggers, will certainly detonate. 能够约束上古绝大部分强者的结盟契约,其内在的诅咒咒术是非常可怕的,而就以是否违背结盟契约为根本的,一旦触发,必将引爆。 If the forming an alliance contract restrains but actually, Xie Aoyu has Medical Spirit Finger, accomplishment later Medical Spirit Finger can definitely disregard any curse, if the forming an alliance contract restrains, he can not need to be worried actually that instead can play with six mahatmas using the forming an alliance contract in applauses not necessarily may not, after all Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island two mahatma island masters are Qin Ziao arrogant is a false status, the honorable person are Xie Aoyu this matter, the person who knows are few, but also is the people who Xie Aoyu most trusts, will not disclose. 若是结盟契约来约束倒也罢了,谢傲宇有着药神指,大成之后的药神指是完全可以无视任何诅咒的,所以若是结盟契约来约束的话,他倒是可以不用担心,反而能够利用结盟契约将六大圣地玩弄于鼓掌之间也未必不可的,毕竟云雾圣岛圣甲岛两大圣岛主人是秦紫傲是一个假的身份,真人是谢傲宇这件事情,知道的人可是非常少的,还都是谢傲宇最信任的人,绝不会透露出去的。 „When Ru Yan, you with I leave this will say all matters that has, tell me in detail, remember, do not miss a detail.” Xie Aoyu racket fragrant shoulder of Ru Yan. 如烟,你将与我离开这段时曰发生的一切事情,详详细细的告诉我,记住,不要错过一个细节。”谢傲宇拍拍如烟的香肩。 Ru Yan sees his look to be serious, no longer cracks a joke, then in detail related, even includes with these days that Die Ge Sarah contacts, Die Ge Sarah's each action, each expression, is incomparable detailed, but in addition their Profound Spirit exists, as well as the spirit desire hundred change the abilities of technique, Xie Aoyu almost can read some parts from the Ru Yan memory. 如烟见他神色严肃,也不再开玩笑,便详细的诉说了一遍,甚至包括与迭戈萨拉接触的这段时间内,迭戈萨拉的每一个举动,每一个表情,都是无比的详细,而加上两人玄灵存在,以及灵欲百变术的能力,谢傲宇几乎能够从如烟的记忆中读取到一些部分的。 This.” Ru Yan said finally that Die Ge Sarah just put out the forming an alliance contract, I had not looked that you came, I happen to taking the opportunity leave, I think that he definitely is also thinking, I must consider should form an alliance with them.” “就这样的。”如烟最后说道,“迭戈萨拉刚拿出结盟契约,我还没有看,你就来了,我正好借机离开,我想他肯定也在想,我是要考虑一下是不是该与他们结盟吧。” Um, I knew, come, we trade a status.” Xie Aoyu has patted the jade buttocks of Ru Yan. “嗯,我知道了,来,我们换个身份。”谢傲宇拍了一下如烟的玉臀。 Ru Yan white his eyes, puts out a hand to hold the arm of Xie Aoyu, then displays the spirit desire hundred changes the technique. 如烟白了他一眼,伸手抓住谢傲宇的胳膊,便施展灵欲百变术。 They then had the change quickly. 两人很快便发生了变化。 Xie Aoyu incarnation Qin Ziao arrogant appearance, and Ru Yan will also execute Divine Knife to give him, prepares for completely, as for the Ru Yan incarnation for another pretty appearance, but also is in front of Xie Aoyu, took off the coat, exchanges one already to prepare the appropriate bodyguard attire. 谢傲宇化身秦紫傲的模样儿,并且如烟也将诛神刀交给他,做好完全准备,至于如烟则化身为另外一副娇俏的模样儿,还当着谢傲宇的面,将外套脱掉,换上一袭早就准备妥当的侍卫装束。 Thump!” “咕咚!” Looks at the Ru Yan action, Xie Aoyu cannot bear swallow the mouth saliva, you are teasing me.” 看着如烟的举动,谢傲宇忍不住咽口唾液,“你在挑逗我。” Ru Yan charming by in his bosom, hee hee said with a smile: You said right.” 如烟娇媚的靠在他的怀中,嘻嘻笑道:“你说对了。” Good, you are waiting for my retaliation.” Xie Aoyu smiles also very much annihilates to cheat, he tidies up the mood, determined one change over to the Qin Ziao arrogant this false status in temporarily the condition, this talent and Ru Yan leave. “好,你等着我的报复吧。”谢傲宇笑的也很歼诈,他收拾一下心情,确定自己暂时转入秦紫傲这个假身份的状态中,这才与如烟离开。 So discretely is also because Die Ge Sarah et al. the status is not ordinary, what is more important was they may say that each was the small foxes, astute very much, cannot expose a flaw absolutely, particularly in has carried on a battle after them, each other understanding should deeper. 如此谨慎也是因为迭戈萨拉等人身份不一般,更重要的是他们可说各个都是小狐狸,精明的很,绝对不能暴露一丝破绽,尤其是在与他们进行过一次争斗之后,彼此的了解应该更深了一层。 Reorganizes the mood, Xie Aoyu arrives at outside the tent. 整理一下心情,谢傲宇来到帐篷外。 In the tent has besides the six big masters of six mahatma places, Luo Ke Dru and Chilao are entertaining, Ru Yan this female bodyguard dresses up naturally must tuck in the curtain to him. 帐篷内有除了六大圣地的六大高手之外,还有洛克德鲁和奇拉奥两人在招待,如烟这个女侍卫装扮的自然要给他撩起门帘了。 Xie Aoyu takes a step to enter. 谢傲宇迈步进入。 Qin Daozhu!” “秦岛主!” Island main came finally.” “岛主终于现身了啊。” Die Ge Sarah, Yi Huanan et al. stand up, says the hello on own initiative. 迭戈萨拉、易华南等人纷纷站起,主动打起招呼。 Your honorable self visit, have to lose welcome, but also looks to excuse me.” Xie Aoyu is also all smile, 11 has seen with six people, his vision also emphatically passed over gently and swiftly a startled day and Zhuo Fan Ting, to float the world far three people, because these three people not only have battled with Xie Aoyu of his true body, has the war with present this false status Qin Ziao arrogantly, is whether same to other three parties, the sincerity must form an alliance, this is a noteworthy issue. “诸位大驾光临,有失远迎,还望见谅啊。”谢傲宇也满脸堆笑,与六人11见过,他的目光也着重掠过项惊天、卓凡婷、浮世远三人,因为这三人不光是与他真身的谢傲宇交战过,与现在这个假身份秦紫傲也有过大战,是否也与其他三方一样,真心要结盟呢,这是个值得注意的问题。 Has again is, six mahatma surfaces seem like friendly, the regulations except for are the common interests, for example copes with Dragon Clan, in view of mixing the owners of world three demon swords, other aspect that regards as the biggest enemy several other sides. 再有就是,六大圣地表面看似友好,实则除了为共同利益,比如对付龙族,针对混世三魔剑的主人,其他方面那都将其他几方视作最大的敌人。 Qin Daozhu, when your side came out such a pretty younger sister, how haven't we seen?” Yaqi in hei deep pool palace smiled, has swept Ru Yan, the sound was delightful. \\ N “秦岛主,你身边什么时候出来这么一位漂亮的妹妹啊,我们怎么从来没见过?”黒渊殿的雅琪嫣然一笑,扫了一眼如烟,声音悦耳动听。\\n Xie Aoyu laughed, puts out a hand to pinch in the waist of Ru Yan, said: My beautiful woman, I always likes hiding them, has a concubine is my hobby.” 谢傲宇哈哈一笑,伸手在如烟的腰间捏了一把,道:“我的美人,我向来都喜欢将她们藏起来的,金屋藏娇才是我的爱好。” Ru Yan felt that the Xie Aoyu palm falls from waist, while convenient secretly has pinched her outstanding buttocks, hates darkly, was really retaliates, oneself have not sent the revolt, must while others did not pay attention to the time, stared Xie Aoyu one, but such did not have the lethality. 如烟感觉到谢傲宇手掌从腰间滑落的时候,顺便偷偷捏了一下她的翘臀,不由的暗恨,果然是报复来了,自己还没发反抗,只得趁着别人不注意的时候,瞪了谢傲宇一眼,只是那样子却毫无杀伤力。 Cluck-cluck, is this, it seems like that the island main to collecting the beautiful woman was the comparison has been interested, did not know others this, island main interested?” Yaqi very draws out the milk-white bosom, the perfect curve will give the incisiveness that serves as contrast, is joined to some hei deep pool palace itself Flatters Tech­nique, is the inviting surname. \\ N “咯咯,原来是这样啊,看来岛主对收集美女是比较感兴趣了,不知人家这样的,岛主有兴趣吗?”雅琪挺起酥胸,将完美的曲线都给衬托的淋漓尽致,配上黒渊殿本身就有的媚术,更是充满诱惑姓。\\n The astonishing charm that this action, emits, made several men some changes in tent immediately, even if were steadiest Die Ge Sarah, this can say that in the male person eyes of hei deep pool palace mortal enemy passed over gently and swiftly wipes scalding hot, other Yi Huanan et al. had some absent-minded. \\ N 她这一举动,散发出来的惊人魅力,登时令帐篷内的几个男人都有些变化,就算是最稳重的迭戈萨拉,这个可以说黒渊殿死敌的男人眼中都掠过一抹灼热,其他的易华南等人更是有一些恍惚。\\n Completely is not affected as for Xie Aoyu. 至于谢傲宇则完全不受影响。 The attraction of Yaqi is very strong, may compare with his side Ru Yan beautiful woman, that missed far, at all not on a scale. 雅琪的诱惑力是很强,可和他身边这位如烟美人比起来,那就差得太远了,根本不在一个档次上面。 The response income eyegrounds of other people, on the Xie Aoyu face reveals the smiling face, said: Yaqi girl so beautiful woman, how could main island main does not move.” 将其他人的反应收入眼底,谢傲宇脸上则流露出笑容,道:“雅琪姑娘如此美人,本岛主又岂能不动心呢。” Others also main very much move to the island.” Some Yaqi cheek blood flushes, making people very difficult to judge her to disguise, is intentionally. “人家也对岛主很动心呢。”雅琪脸蛋儿有些潮红,让人很难判断她是假装的,还是故意的。 Xie Aoyu said: Good, packs off them a while, I hope that chatted with the Yaqi girls alone, does not know whether the Yaqi girls did want?” 谢傲宇道:“好啊,等会儿送走他们,我希望与雅琪姑娘单独谈谈,不知雅琪姑娘可否愿意呢?” Island hosts reached agreement, Yaqi naturally does not dare to shirk.” Yaqi supple sound track. “岛主相约,雅琪自然不敢推脱。”雅琪柔声道。 They seem like the exchanges that flirts with one another, but the complexions of other people actually changed. 两人看似打情骂俏的交流,可是其他人的脸色却都变了。 Is the goal that they come what? That naturally in view of ten thousand dragon worships, although each other has a tacit understanding, wants to form an alliance with this island host alone, may also understand that their six sides each other divert, that is very difficult, the best means must sign a treaty of alliance together. 他们前来的目的是什么?那自然是针对万龙朝拜的,虽然彼此都心照不宣,想要单独和这位岛主结盟,可也明白,他们六方彼此牵制,那是很难的,最好的办法还是要共同签订一份盟约的。 Now Xie Aoyu displays to approach with the relations of Yaqi, naturally made them worry. 现在谢傲宇表现出与雅琪的关系靠近,自然令他们着急了。 „!” “咳!” Die Ge Sarah the first enticement of Yaqi resisting, opens the mouth saying: Island host, this time we come, thinks that you also knew our goals.” 迭戈萨拉最先将雅琪的诱惑给抵挡住,率先开口道:“岛主,此次我们前来,想必你也知道我们的目的了吧。” Um, knew your excellency goal, other people also with your excellency same goal?” Xie Aoyu as if really does not understand general. “嗯,知道阁下的目的了,其他人难道也和阁下一样的目的吗?”谢傲宇仿佛真的不懂一般。 Die Ge Sarah who this saying asked had the impulsion that wanted the violent to walk. 这话问的迭戈萨拉有要暴走的冲动。 Several other people maliciously looks at Die Ge Sarah, their six people are the request moved together, finally Die Ge Sarah violates the contract unexpectedly, first one step. 其他几人则是狠狠的看着迭戈萨拉,本来他们六人是要求一起行动的,结果迭戈萨拉竟然违背契约,抢先一步。 „, Coughed Die Ge Sarah to cough lightly two, concealed the awkward facial expression, island main definitely also knows that you can make ten thousand dragon worships, that was equal to that the future could become the host of Dragon Clan, was similar to before the Flood one generation unsurpassed supreme, antiquity Saint Emperor was ordinary, controls Dragon Clan, can say, dragon to our attractions, therefore we want to sign a treaty of alliance with the island hosts, absolutely fair treaty of alliance.” “咳,咳”迭戈萨拉轻咳了两声,掩饰一下尴尬的神情,“岛主肯定也知道,你能够令万龙朝拜,那就等于未来有望成为龙族之主,如同上古时代一代无上至尊,上古圣皇一般,掌控龙族,也可以说,龙对我们的吸引力,故而我们想与岛主签订一份盟约,绝对公平的盟约。” Xie Aoyu faint smile looks at Die Ge Sarah, has not spoken. 谢傲宇似笑非笑的看着迭戈萨拉,没有说话。 His action so is not comfortable the whole body that Die Ge Sarah looks, cannot bear say: Why does island main so visit me? Did I speak incorrectly?” 他的这般举动把迭戈萨拉看的浑身不自在,忍不住道:“岛主为何如此看我?难道我说错了吗?” Indeed has made a mistake a point.” Xie Aoyu say (way) with a laugh, has not known probably, that command ten thousand dragon worships is not I.” “的确错了一点。”谢傲宇笑呵呵的道,“大概诸位还不知道吧,那令万龙朝拜的并非是我。” Anything!” “什么!” Who is!” “是谁!” This is how possible!” “这怎么可能!” The bonus is these people are the elite in elite, but the Xie Aoyu words still made them feel formidable shock, they cannot believe looks at Xie Aoyu. 饶是这些人都是精英中的精英,可是谢傲宇的话仍旧令他们感到了强大的震撼,他们不敢相信的看着谢傲宇 Easy southern China sinking sound track: „Haven't island hosts cracked a joke?” 易华南沉声道:“岛主没开玩笑吧?” How this matter can crack a joke.” Xie Aoyu serious say (way). “此事如何能开玩笑。”谢傲宇严肃的道。 May I ask that made ten thousand dragon worships is what kind of person? Whether we do see?” Yi Huanan said. “敢问那位令万龙朝拜的又是何许人?我们可否见一见?”易华南道。 Xie Aoyu looked at Ru Yan. 谢傲宇看了一眼如烟 They do not need to discuss, but a look then understood, Ru Yan said: Girl.” 两人无需商议,只是一个眼神便都明白了,如烟道:“正是小女子。” You?” Yaqi cannot bear the surprised say (way). “你?”雅琪忍不住惊疑的道。 Xie Aoyu said: This matter mentioned also strangely, at that time I with, hey, we were exchanging something, the situations of ten thousand dragon worships suddenly having, I have not ravelled to the present what's the matter.” 谢傲宇道:“此事说来也怪,当时我与,咳,嘿嘿,我们正在交流一些事情,突然就出现的万龙朝拜的情况,到现在我还没弄明白怎么回事呢。” His saying caused several men to visit them with the ambiguous look. 他这话引起了几个男人用暧昧的眼神看着他们。 Did not state clearly, the matter that only may get an idea was easiest to make one produce associates. 不言明,只可意会的事情最容易令人产生一些联想了。 Because of this matter, therefore I have made the decision.” Xie Aoyu grips the white hands of Ru Yan, from now on, she will be my First Lady, later I not, all matters will have her to process.” “正因为此事,所以我做出了决定。”谢傲宇握住如烟的玉手,“从现在开始,她就是我的第一夫人,以后我不在的时候,所有的事情就有她来处理。” On the face of Ru Yan also reveals to wipe the happy expression, she knows certainly that Xie Aoyu this started is the Qin Ziao arrogant this status leaves behind a rear guard, after all the Xie Aoyu itself matter is numerous, does not have the doing several things at the same time technique, is unable also to appear, then, can have Ru Yan frankly and uprightly processed the things of two islands, like this as woman foreign, always dressed up for the man her incarnation is more advantageous, after all her incarnation was Qin Ziao is arrogant, but surname standard and Xie Aoyu were different, the contact duration grew, will be seen the flaw by the person with high aspirations. 如烟的脸上也流露出一抹笑意,她当然知道,谢傲宇这已经开始为秦紫傲这个身份留下一条后路了,毕竟谢傲宇本身事情众多,也没有分身术,无法同时出现,那么以后就可以有如烟光明正大的来处理两岛的事物了,这样以女人身份对外,总比她化身为男人装扮更有利的,毕竟她化身为秦紫傲,但是姓格方面与谢傲宇不同,接触时间长了,还是会让有心人看出破绽的。 You have not seen the smoke madame, words that later she spoke, is regarded as my request.” Xie Aoyu said. “你们两个还不见过烟儿夫人,以后她说的话,就当做是我的要求。”谢傲宇道。 Luo Ke Dru and Chilao hurry to salute, has seen the madame!” 洛克德鲁和奇拉奥两人赶紧过来行礼,“见过夫人!” Ru Yan nods, you do not need to be overly courteous.” 如烟点点头,“你们不必多礼。” Luo Ke Dru hurries to send for by Xie Aoyu, has arranged the seat to Ru Yan. 洛克德鲁则赶紧派人在谢傲宇旁边,给如烟安排了座位。 „The island Lord prestige is unparalleled, there are smoke madame to obtain ten thousand dragon worships, it seems like my sea area rose was irresistible!” Yaqi joyful say (way). “岛主神威盖世,又有烟儿夫人得到万龙朝拜,看来我海域崛起已经是势不可挡了!”雅琪欣喜的道。 This saying also lets on Die Ge Sarah and easy southern China face to reveal the different kind smiling face, their back two mahatmas are also inspecting this island main Sir, supported sea area influence other people of three mahatma places as for other is complexion some is not quite attractive. 这话也让迭戈萨拉和易华南脸上流露出别样的笑容,他们两人的背后两大圣地也是在考察这位“岛主大人”的,至于其他支持了海域其他势力的三大圣地的人则是脸色有些不太好看。 Xie Aoyu watches, has smiled at heart, their barriers appeared finally. 谢傲宇看在眼里,心里笑了,他们的隔阂终于出现了。
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