BE :: Volume #10

#914: What is that? 【Two】

The suction is big, Xie Aoyu is grasping the Moon Falling Blade one type by this suction to the attraction goes with soaring to the heavens of blade, flies toward the airborne that small sunspot. 吸力非常大,谢傲宇握着月陨刀都有一种被这股吸力给吸引的连人带刀的冲天而去,向着空中那个小黑点飞去。 He vibrates Qi, from standing firm oneself. 他震动斗气,强自稳住自己。 That suction is very special, does not have what function to Xie Aoyu itself, has very strong suction to Moon Falling Blade only, he then one receives Space Ring Moon Falling Blade, isolates with the outside. 那股吸力很特殊,对谢傲宇本身没有什么作用,唯独对月陨刀有着非常强的吸力,他便一下将月陨刀收入空间戒指,与外界隔绝。 So, Xie Aoyu did not have the attracted feeling immediately. 如此,谢傲宇顿时没有了被吸的感觉。 He turns head to look to the Female Wing Clan Lily silk, this woman also quite astute, feathers sword receiving Space Ring, and vibrates a pair of wing rapidly runs away to the distant place. 他扭头看向翼女族的莉莉丝,这女人也是相当的精明,也将飞羽剑给收入空间戒指,并且震动一对羽翼飞速的向远处逃走。 Under two pairs of wings, full speed fights for the speed, the Lily silk was the quick astonishment, Xie Aoyu slightly has also judged, must overtake, feared that was somewhat is also difficult, but also by the Lily silk introduction hostile camp, that had possibly been troubled, he then gave up chasing down, then waited and saw the airborne that small sunspot. 两对羽翼之下,全速拼速度,莉莉丝也是快的惊人,谢傲宇略微判断了一下,要追上,怕是也有些困难,还可能被莉莉丝引入敌营,那就麻烦了,他便放弃了追杀,转而观望空中那个小黑点。 The suction is the origin from airborne. 吸力就是来源自空中。 Xie Aoyu stands in the midair, looks all around. 谢傲宇站在半空,环顾四周。 He discovered that is centered on this place, has almost covered in a surrounding area several hundred li (0.5km) range, Dadinei endless strength lift-off in abundance, toward airborne small sunspot gathering in the past. 他发现以此地为中心,几乎覆盖了方圆数百里的范围内,大地内无尽的劲气纷纷的离地而起,向着空中小黑点汇聚过去。 Pondered a while, Xie Aoyu also flew to the upper air. 沉思了一会儿,谢傲宇也向高空飞去。 He wants to have a look at that sunspot is anything, obviously the so huge thing absolutely possibly is not humanity, may along with his rise, feel a formidable pressure from above turbulence. 他想要看看那黑点到底是什么,显然如此庞大的东西绝对不可能是人类的,可随着他的上升,却感到一股强大的威压从上面动荡下来。 At the first pressure is not very big, but Xie Aoyu more upward flies, the pressure is bigger, his upward difficulty is also increasing. 起初威压并不是很大,可谢傲宇越往上飞行,威压越大,他向上的难度也在加大。 Stands in the high place, waits and sees downward, the endless strength seems the crowded raindrop is ordinary, upflow in abundance, and is also bringing fresh breeze of faint trace, exudes the incisive howling sound. 站在高处,向下观望,无尽的劲气好似密集的雨点一般,纷纷的向上流动,并且还带着一丝丝的劲风,发出尖锐的呼啸声。 Side Xie Aoyu also has the strength to graze, and once for a while will have flies to shoot to come to him, making him have to discrete treatment. 谢傲宇身边也有劲气飞掠,并且时不时的会有一些向他飞射而来,令他不得不谨慎的对待。 When he by formidable influence, rise upper air about 10,000 meters times, that pressure already formidable to the situation that making Xie Aoyu must suffocate, he can only stop. 待他凭借强大的势力,上升高空约有10000米的时候,那威压已经强大到令谢傲宇要窒息的地步,他只能停了下来。 This position looked upwardly, although that still looks, only then fist size, after all left him is still being the distance of unattainable, but Xie Aoyu also faint saw that sunspot outline. 这个位置向上看,虽然那仍然看着只有拳头大小,毕竟离着他仍然是遥不可及的距离,可谢傲宇也隐隐中看出了那黑点的轮廓。 That is a mountain! 那是一座山! After Xie Aoyu sees clearly, somewhat suspected that his eye, he carefully looks once again, that indeed is a mountain, is the mountain, judges according to the distance, if this mountain falls, feared that is its high is also quite astonishing. 谢傲宇看清楚之后,有些怀疑自己的眼睛,他再度仔细看去,那的确是一座山,还是高山,根据距离来判断,若是这座山落下来,怕是其高也是相当惊人的。 Mixes the owners of world three demon swords in the mountain inadequate? 难道混世三魔剑的主人在山内不成? He is just thinking, discovery, on the mountainside of that mountain, has three Daoguang to glitter coldly, is the solar ray of reflection, Xie Aoyu centralized eyesight diligently looks. 他正想着,却发现,在那座山的山腰上面,有着三道光寒闪烁,是反照的太阳光芒,谢傲宇努力的集中眼力看去。 Three Daoguang coldly mixes the world three demon swords impressively! 三道光寒赫然是混世三魔剑! They insert in emptying Zhongzhi Shan, and sends out air/Qi of the murdering, but these from strength of earth absorption, is that type approaches in becoming the aura of air/Qi of murdering is also turning toward them to concentrate, 它们都插在空中之山上,并且散发出一份份的杀伐之气,而那些从大地吸收的劲气,也就是那种接近于成为杀伐之气的气息也都是在向着它们集中, This made Xie Aoyu want the short distance to wait and see. 这令谢傲宇更想要近距离观望。 But he exhausts the strength, is unable again forward one meter distance, that enormous and powerful pressure to be similar to the invincible might, making one is unable to revolt, oppression Xie Aoyu has the sensation of asphyxia. 怎奈他用尽力量,也无法再向前一米的距离,那种浩荡的威压如同神威,令人无法反抗,压迫的谢傲宇有窒息感。 But, Xie Aoyu must give up. 无奈之下,谢傲宇只得放弃。 He flies toward the distant place, flew for more than ten minutes, did not have that by the feeling of pressure oppression. 他向着远处飞去,足足飞行了十多分钟,才没有了那被威压压迫的感觉。 Xie Aoyu is far away from this region, falls on summit of the mountain, he looks at that to empty Zhongzhi Shan, this mountain is dropping slowly, the speed cannot say that quick, is not quite slow, by the judgment of Xie Aoyu, if this speed drop, feared that is takes three months to fall the ground. 谢傲宇远离这区域,落在一座高山之巅,他看着那空中之山,此山正缓缓地下降,速度说不上快,却也不太慢,以谢傲宇的判断,若是这种速度下降的话,怕是需要三个月才能够落到地上。 Does not know, when this mountain falls, what also will have? 只是不知当这山落下,又将会发生些什么呢? Since mixes the owners of world three demon swords to recover, then very possible mountain to fall to the ground, then can be the saying child who startled hugely changes starts, perhaps is person Wangfeng seal all bloodline by the remove saying child. 既然混世三魔剑的主人在复苏,那么很可能山落地,便会是一场惊天大变开始的曰子,或许是人王封印一切血脉被解除的曰子吧。 He is not thinking that left this place. 他不在多想,离开了此地。 The Holy City masters in dragon valley self-torture, have the tyrannosaurus and female celestial dragon, dragon valley special Dragon Clan banned that it can be said that safe tight, everybody decides however in the self-torture, Xie Aoyu was not worried but actually, he then turns toward Clouds Holy Island and direction of Holy Armor Island station flies. 圣城高手都在龙谷苦修,有霸王龙、仙女龙在,还有龙谷特殊的龙族禁制,可说是安全的紧,大家定然都在苦修,谢傲宇倒也不担心,他便向着云雾圣岛圣甲岛驻地的方向飞去。 Third, Xie Aoyu arrived at this place. 三曰后,谢傲宇来到了此地。 Now Ru Yan by the Qin Ziao arrogant status foreign, therefore Xie Aoyu has not put on makeup Qin Ziao to be arrogant, but displays Earth Escape Technique to enter. 现在如烟正在以秦紫傲的身份对外,所以谢傲宇也没有化装成秦紫傲,而是施展土遁术进入。 Contacts own that tent, wants to Ru Yan one pleasantly surprised, who knows that in spread unexpectedly to the speech sound, a sound impressively is Die Ge Sarah of bright sea. 接触自己的那顶帐篷,本想给如烟一个惊喜的,谁知道里面竟然传出了对话声,其中一个声音赫然是光明海的迭戈萨拉。 Xie Aoyu shifts the direction immediately, entered in the Luo Ke Dru's tent. 谢傲宇当即转移方向,进入了洛克德鲁的帐篷内。 At this time, Luo Ke virtue Lu Ye in that tent, here arrived is peaceful. 这时候,洛克德鲁也在那顶帐篷内,这里到是安静的很。 As soon as he recorded awning, then displays the auricle to pass listens attentively. 他一入帐篷,便施展心耳通倾听。 Finally Ru Yan in tent found an excuse, then walked from inside, to the Luo Ke Dru's tent, selected the curtain then to come in directly. 结果帐篷内的如烟找了个借口,便从里面走了出来,直接向洛克德鲁的帐篷内,一挑门帘便进来了。 How you know that I did come?” Xie Aoyu said in consternation, but he had not discovered that Profound Spirit has the change of any difference, Ru Yan can actually know how not to make him feel strange. “你怎么知道我来了?”谢傲宇愕然道,他可是没有发现玄灵有什么异样的变化的,如烟却能知道,怎不让他感到奇怪。 It told me.” Change that Ru Yan removes, restores the original appearance, stretched out the thin onion finger to select the Xie Aoyu heart position gently. “它告诉我的。”如烟褪去的变化,恢复本来模样儿,伸出细葱般的手指轻轻点了一下谢傲宇的心脏位置。 Since two people to help White Tiger complete the transformation, after that kisses, between Ru Yan and Xie Aoyu as if invisible within approached, did not have the barrier. 自从两人为帮助白虎完成蜕变,那一吻之后,如烟谢傲宇之间似乎无形间就靠近了许多,没有了隔阂。 Why haven't I induced?” Xie Aoyu said. “为什么我没有感应?”谢傲宇道。 Ru Yan said with a smile: Three days ago, in Profound Spirit the last consciousness of Kowloon soul vanishes, they fused with Profound Spirit thoroughly, after I also effectively master Profound Spirit transformed the ability, where therefore I can feel you, but where you actually cannot induce to me, naturally, you , to be able to induce me, only if she uses the finger to touch and go the chin of Xie Aoyu gently, seems a female hoodlum sexually harasses the man to be ordinary, likes me loving crazily, you unexpectedly have not gone to this situation now, disappoints me.” 如烟笑道:“三天前,玄灵内九龙魂的最后一丝意识消失,它们彻底与玄灵融合了,我也真正掌握了玄灵蜕变之后的能力,所以我能感觉到你在哪里,但是你却不能感应到我在什么地方,当然了,你要想能感应到我,除非”她用手指轻轻地擦过谢傲宇的下巴,好似个女流氓调戏男人一般,“爱我爱到疯狂才可以哦,你现在居然还没有达到这种地步,真让我失望啊。” Xie Aoyu hollow laugh, he does not want to get up many entanglements in this issue, said: You did say three days ago? At that time was the Kowloon soul flies from, was surrounding you? Ten thousand dragon worships?” 谢傲宇干笑一声,他可不想在这个问题上过多的纠缠,道:“你说三天前?当时是不是九龙魂飞离出来,环绕着你?还有万龙朝拜?” How do you know?” Ru Yan surprised say (way). “你怎么知道的?”如烟惊讶的道。 Originally at that time appeared in my present one is real, Xie Aoyu has put out the keel sword, gives Ru Yan it, this gives to you.” 原来当时出现在我眼前的一幕都是真实的,谢傲宇拿出了龙骨剑,将其交给如烟,“这个送给你。” Ru Yan looked at Xie Aoyu one puzzled, puts out a hand to grip the keel sword. 如烟不解的看了谢傲宇一眼,伸手握住龙骨剑。 Pit-a-pat “突突” In that keel sword nine dragon shades glitter immediately. 那龙骨剑内顿时九道龙影闪烁起来。 The Profound Spirit design between corresponding Ru Yan glabellas appears once again, inside nine dragon soul twinkles are uncertain, each other echoes, saw that the Kowloon soul and nine Saint dragon designs in keel sword each other project a light beam airborne overlap, the fusion, finally the hand of Ru Yan loosens, that keel sword blooms nine color halos. 相应的如烟眉心间的玄灵图案再度出现,里面九条龙魂闪烁不定,彼此相呼应,随之就看到九龙魂和龙骨剑内的九道圣龙图案彼此射出一道光束空中交叠,融合,最后如烟的手松开,那龙骨剑则绽放出九种颜色的光晕。 Brush! 刷! Under that halo covers, keel sword rapid reduction, and flies toward Profound Spirit, finally this such entered Profound Spirit the keel sword. 在那光晕笼罩之下,龙骨剑飞速的缩小,并且向着玄灵飞去,最后这把龙骨剑就这么进入了玄灵内部。 Recognizes the host?” Xie Aoyu indefinite say (way). “认主?”谢傲宇不确定的道。 Ru Yan closes the eye some little time, said: Recognized advocates.” 如烟闭上眼睛好一会儿,道:“认主了。” Keel sword is any rank, but can also integrate in Profound Spirit, is really unusual.” Xie Aoyu integrates the matter in within the body regarding the weapon, first time sees. “龙骨剑是什么级别,还能融入玄灵内,真是奇特。”谢傲宇对于兵器融入体内的事情,还是第一次见到。 Should be the Battle Emperor level weapon.” Ru Yan hesitates to say. “应该是战皇级兵器吧。”如烟沉吟道。 The division of weapon nothing but is Saint and Emperor level god soldier, now emits the Battle Emperor level weapon, Xie Aoyu also knows that the rank of this weapon also divides according to the practice boundary of person, that mixes the world three demon swords to think that is also the god soldier sharp weapon of Battle Emperor level, but this so-called Battle Emperor level god soldier sharp weapon as if common grounds, that should have the sword spirit is. 兵器的划分无非就是圣器和天王级神兵,现在冒出战皇级兵器,谢傲宇也就知道这兵器的等级也是根据人的修炼境界来划分的,那混世三魔剑想必也是战皇级的神兵利器,而这所谓的战皇级神兵利器似乎都有一个共同点,那就是应该有了剑灵才是。 Mixes the swords of world three demon swords spirit is the dark green wolf, tyrannosaurus and demon hawk. 混世三魔剑的剑灵就是苍狼、暴龙、魔鹰。 This keel sword? 这龙骨剑呢? Obviously was nine mahatma dragons. 显然就是九大圣龙了。 This made Xie Aoyu cannot help but think his Moon Falling Blade, Moon Falling Blade has swallowed certain amount crack Sky Demon Niu Wang and Beastly Soul strength of violence demon bear now, whether can also make Gold Flame Hawk transform into the sword works, thus achievement Battle Emperor god soldier? 这令谢傲宇不由得想到了他的月陨刀,现在月陨刀吞噬了一定量的裂天魔牛王和暴力魔熊的兽魂力量,是否也可以令金焱神鹰蜕变为剑灵,从而成就战皇神兵呢? Battle Emperor level weapon might how?” Xie Aoyu asked. 战皇级兵器威力如何?”谢傲宇问道。 Ru Yan hesitates saying: „It is very strong, has certain independent ability, god soldier sharp weapon who historically is widely known select the host, actually said is the Battle Emperor level weapon, however my strength is too weak, only if reaches the Battle Emperor level, otherwise, is unable to summon the keel sword to use.” She spoke of here, smiled, you gave me the so expensive gift, planned how made me thank you?” 如烟沉吟道:“很强很强,拥有一定的自主能力,历史上盛传的神兵利器自己择主,其实说的就是战皇级兵器,但是我的实力还太弱,除非达到战皇级,不然的话,根本无法召唤出龙骨剑来使用。”她说到这里,嫣然一笑,“你送给我如此贵重的礼物,打算让我怎么感谢你呢?” My request is very small.” Xie Aoyu puts out a hand to embrace the willow slender waist of Ru Yan, makes an effort area gently, Ru Yan then pours in his bosom, the jade buttocks sit on his leg, your with body permits.” “我的要求很小的。”谢傲宇伸手揽住如烟的杨柳细腰,用力轻轻的一带,如烟便倒在他的怀中,玉臀坐在他的腿上,“你就以身相许吧。” Good, will Bing Wu agree?” Asking that Ru Yan smiles. “好啊,冰舞会同意吗?”如烟笑眯眯的问道。 Xie Aoyu then must reply with a smile, near ear actually hears the sound, then said slightly: Um, a startled day and easy southern China, to float the world to be far, Zhuo Fan Ting, Yaqi their five people also came, hey, interesting, they must ruin the keel sword before, with my war, such quickly all assembled, what a moment ago Die Ge Sarah can discuss now?” 谢傲宇笑着便要回答,耳边却传来响声,略微一顿,便说道:“嗯,项惊天、易华南、浮世远、卓凡婷、雅琪他们五人也来了,嘿,有意思,他们之前要毁掉龙骨剑,与我一场大战,现在这么快又聚齐了,刚才迭戈萨拉要谈什么?” He is explicitly said that must cooperate, and forming an alliance contract that brought the bright sea true being in power person to send.” Ru Yan said. “他是来明确表示要合作的,并且拿来了光明海方面真正掌权人送来的结盟契约。”如烟说道。 Forming an alliance contract?” Xie Aoyu said that „before , did not say that must inspect my ability, how suddenly can cooperate now?” “结盟契约?”谢傲宇道,“之前不是说要考察我的能力吗,怎么现在突然就要合作了?” Ru Yan said: Also is not because I disguise as Qin Ziao to treat arrogantly here, result ten thousand Long Qiqi to the reason that I worship, they think probably I can control Dragon Clan.” 如烟道:“还不是因为我假扮秦紫傲待在这里,结果万龙齐齐向我朝拜的缘故,他们大概认为我能够控制龙族吧。” Xie Aoyu nods, really has this possibility, six mahatmas with the hatred of Dragon Clan already several thousand years, now Dragon Clan once again rise, but if six mahatmas want as far as possible pretends non-involvement with the Dragon Clan gratitude and grudges, even wants to control Dragon Clan, must tie to relate with Ru Yan, but in the present situation, will mix the owners of world three demon swords soon to regain consciousness, to six mahatmas, this threat will be bigger, naturally also in the situation that might unable to form an alliance again, will then carry on flagitious suppressing to kill, this also will be extremely possible, therefore he on is walks now in the cliff. On the above steel wire line, processing is not good, possibly lets Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island faced with encircling of six mahatma places, processing instead can draw support from six mahatma places appropriately the strengths. 谢傲宇点点头,确实有此可能,六大圣地与龙族的仇恨已然有数万年之久,现在龙族再度崛起,而六大圣地要想尽可能的与龙族的恩怨撇清的话,甚至想要控制龙族的,显然都必须与如烟结好关系,而现在的情况下,混世三魔剑的主人即将苏醒,对六大圣地而言,这位的威胁更大,自然也有可能再无法结盟的情况下,转而进行凶残的剿杀,这也是极其可能的,所以现在他就是走在悬崖。上面的钢丝线上面,一个处理不好,就可能让云雾圣岛圣甲岛面临六大圣地的围剿,处理得当反而能够借助六大圣地的力量。
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