BE :: Volume #10

#913: What is that? 【One】 Third!

Xie Aoyu does not have the old route to return, but leaves along the Xuantian Gong easy southern China and that road of day lonesome mountain top startled day coming, before this position distance, Li Qingbiao who sees got out of trouble recently, he wants to have a look at Li Qingbiao to fight the scenes of many accurate Battle Emperor masters to be what kind of own eyes. 谢傲宇并没有原路返回,而是沿着玄天宫易华南和天寂山项惊天前来的那条路离开的,这个位置距离之前看到的李庆彪脱困最近,他想亲眼去看看李庆彪大战诸多准战皇高手的场面是怎样的。 That accurate Battle Emperor above war, the process he has engraved firmly in the mind, if can fight in scene observing and emulating the consequence that at that time causes, regarding Xie Aoyu, will decide however will have very big help, particularly in Fights Technique comprehension, then his comprehension later brand-new sensibility to Dragon Overlord Boxing fist. 那种准战皇以上的大战,过程他已经牢牢刻印在脑海中,若是可以在现场观摩当时战斗造成的后果,对于谢傲宇而言,定然会有很大的帮助,尤其是在斗技领悟方面,接着他对霸龙拳的领悟之后的全新感悟。 Goes out of the Dragon Clan crypt. 走出龙族的地下墓室。 Outside sunlight is beautiful, the day fresh air is bright. 外面阳光明媚,天清气朗。 Xie Aoyu deeply inspires, felt that air incomparable freshness, whole person was also happier, before Dragon Clan made him solemnly and stirringly still some immersions was inescapably involved. 谢傲宇深吸一口气,感到空气无比的清新,整个人的心情也好了许多,之前龙族的悲壮令他仍有些沉浸其中不能自拔。 Calm and steady the mood, Xie Aoyu then flew to the position that Li Qingbiao got out of trouble. 安稳了心境,谢傲宇便向李庆彪脱困的位置飞去。 There distance place is not too far, about after a half hour, Xie Aoyu then arrived at this place, pleasant completely is the terrors gullies, each several hundred meters, a depth of more than ten meters, the consequence that this is Li Qingbiao sends out the strength that incurs with many accurate Battle Emperor wars. 那里距离此地并不是太远,大约半个小时之后,谢傲宇便来到了此地,入眼尽是一道道的恐怖的沟壑,每一条都有数百米长,深达十多米,这都是李庆彪与诸多准战皇大战散发出来的力量引发的后果。 The station here, the Xie Aoyu mind is also quiet. 站在这里,谢傲宇的心神也沉寂下去。 At that time his mind reappears each detail that fought, even if the facial expression that they spoke, has not missed entirely, wholeheartedly comprehended. 他的脑海中浮现当时战斗的每一个细节,哪怕是他们说话的神情,统统没有错过,就是一心去领悟。 Simultaneously Xie Aoyu also takes the sensibility of Dragon Overlord Boxing fist. 同时谢傲宇也将霸龙拳的感悟拿出来。 Dragon Overlord Boxing fist, unrivalled Fights Technique. 霸龙拳,旷世斗技 Perhaps Ye Chaofeng individual boundary is not very high, but he achievement in Fights Technique aspect may become through the ages the first person fully, its old age creation of Dragon Overlord Boxing fists three big Fights Technique it can be said that included the Fights Technique essence and, but this is not Ye Chaofeng strongest Fights Technique. 或许叶超峰的个人境界并不算很高,可是他在斗技方面的成就足可成为古往今来第一人,其晚年创造的三大斗技之一的霸龙拳可说是囊括了斗技的精华与其内,但这并不是叶超峰最强的斗技 His strongest Fights Technique is In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent, in the Xie Aoyu hand also has this Fights Technique, and has perceived through meditation long time, obtains Ye Chaofeng the explanation, may not become aware the thorough deep meaning throughout. 他最强斗技是“刹那芳华”,谢傲宇手中也有此斗技,并且参悟过很长时间,也得到叶超峰的讲解,可始终没有悟透彻其中的奥义。 Dragon Overlord Boxing fist relative In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent, appeared misses. 霸龙拳相对刹那芳华,就显得差了一些。 But this in the feeling of Xie Aoyu, that is the Dragon Overlord Boxing fist also has the possibility of promotion, perhaps Ye Chaofeng can only create seven Fights Technique it, why can unable to continue to walk along the path of Dragon Overlord Boxing fist? Has witnessed two generations of tyrannosauruses, is saw that nine mahatma dragons collapse oneself to help one of the keel sword, has a look at the process that this Li Qingbiao gets out of trouble to have again, all are enable Xie Aoyu to feel, oneself can the Dragon Overlord Boxing fist continuing enhancement might, Fights Technique of innovation more formidable Dragon Overlord Boxing fist. 而这在谢傲宇的感觉中,那就是霸龙拳还有提升的可能,或许叶超峰只能将它创造了七种斗技,可为什么自己不能继续沿着霸龙拳的路子走下去呢?亲眼目睹了两代霸王龙,更是看到九大圣龙崩溃自己成全龙骨剑的一幕,再看看这李庆彪脱困发生的过程,一切都是使得谢傲宇感到,自己可以将霸龙拳给继续的增强威力,创新更为强大的霸龙拳的斗技 The Xie Aoyu heart's core flashes through miraculous glows unceasingly. 谢傲宇的心灵深处不断地闪过一道道的灵光。 He is sensing the Fights Technique mystery. 他在感悟斗技的奥妙。 Formerly Xie Aoyu practiced Fights Technique, what was pure was perceives through meditation Fights Technique, but at this time, year to year the ginseng repaired the reason of Dragon Overlord Boxing fist probably, Ye Chaofeng who his actually one types in the soul can with fallen from the sky had the feeling of sympathetic chord, this does not need to go to the true exchange, even does not need to meet, has not talked, was that type through Dragon Overlord Boxing fist Fights Technique, felt Ye Chaofeng some mentalities as well as sensibility that at that time created the Dragon Overlord Boxing fist time wait / etc.. 从前谢傲宇修炼斗技,纯粹的是去参悟斗技,可这时候,大概是常年参修霸龙拳的缘故吧,他竟然有一种在灵魂上能够与已经陨落的叶超峰产生共鸣的感觉,这不需要去真正的交流,甚至不需要见面,也未曾交谈过,就是那种通过霸龙斗技,感觉到当时创造霸龙拳时候的叶超峰的心态以及一些感悟等等。 This kind of feeling still for the first time appeared. 此类感觉尚是首次出现。 Xie Aoyu somewhat is unavoidably sigh with emotion, after all so then can make him create the Fights Technique secret to have certain understanding to Ye Chaofeng, thus blazes a own homemade Fights Technique trail. 谢傲宇难免有些感慨,毕竟如此便能让他对叶超峰创造斗技的秘诀会有一定的了解,从而走出一条属于自己的自创斗技的路子。 Creates Fights Technique, particularly top Fights Technique, is not that simple. 创造斗技,尤其是顶尖斗技,可不是那么简单的。 He somewhat rejoiced actually so experienced. 他倒是有些庆幸有如此经历了。 Hissing hissing “嘶嘶” In his perceiving through meditation process, suddenly was feeling words that the aura fluctuation of airborne as if faint trace, carefully does not induce, but also is very difficult to discover. 正在他参悟过程中,突然感到空中似乎有一丝丝的气息波动,不仔细去感应的话,还真的很难发现。 If that aura fluctuation felt carefully that unexpectedly is the fluctuation of life aura. 那丝气息波动若仔细感觉,居然是生命气息的波动。 Xie Aoyu cannot help but opens the eye. 谢傲宇不由得睁开眼睛。 So the life fluctuates, making Xie Aoyu feel some bursting out laughing, because this life aura was too pure, arriving makes him suspect purely, even if that so-called life aura fluctuation that Sky Prison Wood King and Star Wood king releases were inferior pure that this wisp of life aura fluctuates. 如此生命波动,令谢傲宇感到有些哑然,因为这生命气息太纯粹了,纯粹到让他怀疑,就算是天牢木王天心木王释放出的那所谓的生命气息波动都不如这一缕生命气息波动来的纯粹。 He deeply inspires, life aura fluctuation inspiration within the body that this almost slightly cannot be observed, immediately can feel that own vitality seemed encouraged one section. 他深吸一口气,将这一丝几乎微不可察的生命气息波动吸入体内,登时就能感觉到自己的生命力仿佛被助长了一截。 The life aura is very weak, to almost could not feel weakly. 生命气息很弱,弱到几乎感觉不到。 May enter the body is very strong, making one have a vitality vigorous feeling. 可入体却很强,令人有一种生命力蓬勃的感觉。 Xie Aoyu cannot help but follows the origin of that life aura fluctuation to look that sees only the extremely high horizon, as if during the sunspot is dropping slowly, but the fluctuation sunspot of that life aura transmits. 谢傲宇不由得顺着那生命气息波动的来源看去,只见极高的天际,似乎有一个黑点正在缓慢的下降当中,而那生命气息的波动正是黑点传来的。 What is that?” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu muttered. “那是什么?”谢傲宇喃喃自语的道。 He has a look at that drop the sunspot, has a look at this place again, here is the region that Li Qingbiao reactivates, a thought cannot help but climbs up the Xie Aoyu heart. 他看看那下降的黑点,再看看这个地方,这里是李庆彪复活的区域,一个念头不由得爬上谢傲宇的心头。 His clear remembering, Luss had said that Li Qingbiao obtains a strength that that person reactivating has sent out, but can die and be reborn, now here has that weak vitality to fluctuate, but the airborne sunspot sends out, the eye of Xie Aoyu cannot help but stared in a big way. 他清楚的记得,勒斯曼曾经说过,李庆彪是得到了“那个人”复活散发出来的一丝力量而得以死而复生的,如今这里有那微弱的生命力波动,而空中的黑点散发出来的,谢傲宇的眼睛不由得瞪大了。 Mixes the owners of world three demon swords! 混世三魔剑的主人! Xie Aoyu looks at the airborne sunspot, he then wants the diving posture, wants to have a look what's the matter, that sunspot from the ground feared that has tens of thousands meters remote, the average person could not see, even if his eyesight can see that may also indicate that sunspot inevitably very huge is. 谢傲宇看着空中的黑点,他便欲飞身而起,想要去看看到底是怎么回事,那黑点距离地面怕是有几万米之遥,一般人根本看不到,就算是他的眼力能够看到,可也表明那黑点必然是非常非常的庞大才是。 At this moment, the broken rumor transmits from the distant place. 就在这时,破风声从远处传来。 Xie Aoyu that the time opening auricle passes first then heard. 时刻开启心耳通的谢傲宇第一时间便听到了。 He turns head to look, finally is actually an acquaintance. 他回头看去,结果却是一个熟人。 Comes behind the human to have the wings of two pairs of snow white, a golden long hair waves with the wind, the delicate and pretty appearance, a blue eye is passing an atmospheric boundless feeling. 来人背后有着两对雪白的羽翼,一头金色的长发随风舞动,俊美的容颜,一双个蓝色的眼睛透着一股大气磅礴的感觉。 Female Wing Clan comes the Angel Holy Island leader Lily silk. 正是翼女族前来天使圣岛的领军人物莉莉丝。 Did she come? Xie Aoyu sees her, has not hidden, now the Ru Yan status exposition, he also has naturally exposed in Brilliant City that status, does not need to disguise again, since that is the enemy, Xie Aoyu did not plan that made this female live again is leaving. 她怎么来了?谢傲宇看到她,并没有隐藏,现在如烟身份暴露,他在神武城的那个身份自然也就暴露了,没必要再假装下去,那么既然是敌人,谢傲宇就不打算让此女再活着离开了。 After all the talent of Lily silk is quite astonishing. 毕竟莉莉丝的天赋还是相当惊人的。 Lily silk flight quickly to this place time, saw Xie Aoyu, after she is startled, immediately on that face reappears wipes the wild with rage color, the back two pairs of wings fan, but instantly Crazy New Tiger. 莉莉丝飞行快到此地的时候,也看到了谢傲宇,她一怔之后,随即那张脸上浮现一抹狂怒之色,背后的两对羽翼扇动,即刻狂彪而至。 Xie Aoyu, this time looked where you toward run!” Lily silk big shouts to clear the way. 谢傲宇,这次看你往哪里跑!”莉莉丝大喝道 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: You looked that I do look like the appearance that runs?” 谢傲宇笑道:“你看我像跑的样子吗?” This saying exciting Lily silk whole body shivers, she selects to refer to Xie Aoyu, berated: Mean bastard, initially Zheng Batian they destroyed the restricted areas of our two clans, is you discloses secret information.” 这话刺激的莉莉丝浑身颤动,她点指谢傲宇,喝斥道:“卑鄙的混蛋,当初郑霸天他们去破坏我们两族的禁地,是不是你通风报信的。” You think that possibly is I, if I, Zheng Batian meeting do believe?” Xie Aoyu shot a look at a Lily silk quite to have the chest of scale, curled the lip saying that „the chest did not have the brain greatly!” “你认为可能是我吗,若是我的话,郑霸天会信吗?”谢傲宇瞥了一眼莉莉丝相当有规模的胸部,撇嘴道,“胸大无脑!” Shameless!” “无耻!” The Lily silk remembered initially Xie Aoyu to her shameless request, felt that ashamed and resentful, hears Xie Aoyu so to satirize her, is wild with rage. 莉莉丝本来想起当初谢傲宇对她的无耻要求,就感到一阵羞愤,听到谢傲宇如此讽刺她,更是狂怒不已。 In a blaze of passion, the Lily silk has put out a sharp long sword, this time I want you dead under my sword surely.” 盛怒之下,莉莉丝拿出了一把锋利的长剑,“这次我定要你死在我的剑下。” Your that skill, feared that is or line.” Xie Aoyu said. “你那点本事,怕是要不行。”谢傲宇道。 Ahem, you too overestimated yourself, I had been through repeatedly the race transformation, not only the strength promotion, the boundary also had the large scale promotion.” The Lily silk said proudly that do not treat as the person who just entered the Emperor level superior boundary me, in some time ago, me has killed three.” “哼哼,你太高估自己了,我可是历经了种族蜕变的,不但战力提升,境界也有大幅度的提升。”莉莉丝傲然道,“不要将我当做刚入天王级上位境界的人,就在不久前,我才杀了三个。” The Xie Aoyu eyebrow selects, looks like your progress is indeed quick.” 谢傲宇眉毛一挑,“看来你的进步的确很快。” The Lily silk holds up the sharp sword, cold say (way): My this feathers sword, is my Female Wing Clan older generation stays behind, some people have not had the qualifications two times born the contribution blood for it, takes you to hold a memorial service.” 莉莉丝举起利剑,冷然道:“我这把飞羽剑,也是我翼女族先辈留下的,尚未有人有资格为它二次出世贡献鲜血,就拿你来祭奠。” Excessively many idle talk, Xie Aoyu has not stretched out the finger to cancel again two to the Lily silk. 没有再过多的废话,谢傲宇只是伸出手指对着莉莉丝勾了两下。 Does not need to talk too much, they make war immediately. 无需多言,两人当即开战。 The feathers sword has the light cream halo to past, the sword glow turnover is uncertain, is the Female Wing Clan famous god soldier sharp weapon, only has the Female Wing Clan talented person to display its formidable prestige energy. 飞羽剑有着淡淡的乳白色的光晕流转着,剑芒吞吐不定,乃是翼女族的著名神兵利器,唯有翼女族人才能够发挥出它强大的威能。 Hissing hissing “嘶嘶” Likely is the Excalibur of being disillusioned world, that feathers sword has delimited, with the air friction, emits innumerable Mars, cut down to cut toward Xie Aoyu. 像是破灭世界的神剑,那飞羽剑划过,与空气摩擦,冒出无数的火星,向着谢傲宇劈斩过去。 Xie Aoyu narrows the eye to stare, when the feathers sword approaches, Moon Falling Blade attacks swiftly. 谢傲宇眯眼盯着,待飞羽剑临近,月陨刀倏然出击。 Works as!” “当!” Knife point point feathers sword sword blade edge. 刀尖点中飞羽剑剑刃。 Is strength one attacks, is relatively speaking, the knife point almost united the complete strength, but the feathers sword sword blade edge actually condenses and one, is somewhat scattered. 都是力量的一线出击,可是相对而言,刀尖几乎凝聚了全部的力量,而飞羽剑剑刃却是凝聚与一线的,有些分散。 A collision, they then disperse. 一声碰撞,两人便分散开来。 Xie Aoyu freezes, Lily silk shaken flies upside down backward. 谢傲宇原地不动,莉莉丝则是被震的向后倒飞出去。 If light electricity! 如光似电! Routs the attack of Lily silk, Xie Aoyu also along with it getting rid, he is similar to together the electro-optic plunders to empty, Moon Falling Blade is then cutting to Lily silk numerous dividing. 击溃莉莉丝的攻击,谢傲宇也随之出手,他就如同一道光电掠空而过,月陨刀对着莉莉丝便重重的劈斩下去。 „The wing of goddess!” “女神之翼!” Behind Lily silk two pairs of snow white color wing high-frequencies fans, the cream ray then sweeps together to Xie Aoyu, this is the strength deep meaning of wing of goddess, is the race talent, only has Female Wing Clan to have, but might strong and weak is very distinct, some Female Wing Clan masters, even if practices the Battle King level, the might of wing of her race talent goddess also weak is not necessarily able to kill the Sage level master. 莉莉丝背后的两对雪白色的羽翼高频率的扇动起来,一道乳白色的光芒便扫向谢傲宇,这是女神之翼的力量奥义,也算是种族天赋吧,唯有翼女族才拥有的,但是威力强弱的很分明,有些翼女族高手,就算是修炼到战王级,她的种族天赋女神之翼的威力也弱的未必能够杀死至圣级高手。 However Lily silk actually very fearful. 但是莉莉丝的却非常的可怕。 That cream halo was saying fiercely is glittering the brilliance, making one look at the elation, probably was the white crystal drills the carving, but the place of its passing through, was actually unstoppable. 那乳白色的光晕在烈曰下闪烁着光彩,令人看之心醉,好像是白色的晶钻雕刻而成的,可它经过之处,却是无可抵挡的。 Xie Aoyu Moon Falling Blade is wildly cut down to cut. 谢傲宇月陨刀则是狂野劈斩下去。 This blade tore that cream halo strength, then turned toward the Lily silk to go. 这一刀撕裂开了那乳白色光晕力量,而后向着莉莉丝而去。 Bang!” “轰!” Endless cream halo fills the air. 无尽的乳白色光晕弥漫开来。 That formidable blade air/Qi is the Lily silk that compels backs up unceasingly. 那强大的刀气更是逼的莉莉丝不断倒退。 This is impossible, you, how you possibly block the wing of my goddess, only if your strength arrived at the breakthrough edge.” The Lily silk stands firm the personal appearance, say (way) that is hard to suffocate. “这不可能,你,你怎么可能挡住我的女神之翼,除非你的实力已经到了突破边缘。”莉莉丝稳住身形,难以窒息的道。 Xie Aoyu shows a faint smile, said: I indeed have touched the Ten Kings Level edge!” His Moon Falling Blade point refers to the Lily silk, „the present knows that we who should take whose surname to assign.” 谢傲宇微微一笑,道:“我的确已经触摸到了十王级的边缘!”他的月陨刀点指莉莉丝,“现在知道我们谁该取谁的姓命了吧。” He raises the blade to attack once again. 他提刀再度出击。 The Lily silk wonderful item of ray twinkle is uncertain. 莉莉丝妙目光芒闪烁不定。 Touches Ten Kings Level boundary Xie Aoyu, that is higher than her some on the strength absolutely, struggles hard, she self-examines as if no what hope, the Lily silk then wants to run away. 触摸到十王级境界的谢傲宇,那绝对在实力上面高出她一些的,苦战下去,她自问似乎没有什么希望,莉莉丝便欲逃走。 „” “咻咻咻” , Airborne transmits a strange suction suddenly. 陡然间,空中传来一股奇异的吸力。 Dadinei explodes immediately projects invisible strength, toward airborne shoots, but Xie Aoyu and Moon Falling Blade and feathers in sword Lily silk hand also received the hauling of that formidable attraction, unexpectedly inspires them to fly to the upper air. 大地内登时爆射出一道道的无形的劲气,向着空中射去,而谢傲宇和莉莉丝手中的月陨刀和飞羽剑也受到了那股强大的吸引力的牵引,居然引动着两人向高空飞去。
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