BE :: Volume #10

#912: Ten thousand dragon worship 【Two】 Second!

Time in this moment static. 时间在这一刻静止了。 The black vortex is away from Xie Aoyu, only then three centimeters distance, and at an exceptional pace drops, may in their eyes, unexpectedly be incomparable slow, every time drops one centimeter, purity that looks. 黑色漩涡距离谢傲宇只有三厘米的距离,并且以惊人的速度下降,可在他们的眼里,居然是无比的缓慢,每下降一厘米,都看的一清二楚。 Was the speed that Xie Aoyu drew a sword also as if slows down. 就是谢傲宇拔剑的速度也仿佛减缓了。 All these are similar to slow down the lens. 这一切就如同放慢镜头。 It is not artificial, but is the spirit is overly centralized, achieved has exceeded their limit the situation, the strange results of producing, can see all processes. 不是人为的,而是精神太过集中,达到了超出他们极限的地步,产生的奇异效果,能够看到一切过程。 Xie Aoyu shakes the hand of sword to make an effort. 谢傲宇握剑的手用力。 The keel sword leaves the sacrificial altar slowly. 龙骨剑缓缓离开祭台。 That represented black vortex of death to drop, was leading everywhere darkness aura alienation is waving, was similar to the devil has opened the large-mouthed vessel big mouth. 那代表着死亡的黑色漩涡则在下降,带动着漫天的黑暗的气息狂乱的舞动着,如同恶魔张开了血盆大嘴。 Ka! Ka!” “咔!咔!” The keel sword rubs the sound of sacrificial altar. 龙骨剑摩擦祭台的声响。 Brush! 刷! The black vortex lowers, the forehead of Xie Aoyu was covered part, his complexion immediately becomes pale incomparable, very ugly, vitality in rapid is passing. 黑色漩涡降下,谢傲宇的头部被笼罩一部分,他的脸色当即变得惨白无比,非常的难看,生命力都在飞速的流逝着。 Anxious six big Demon Beast revealed the color of relaxation, they grew the one breath. 紧张的六大魔兽都流露出了放松之色,它们长出一口气。 Talent magical powers dying out may extinguish fully kills Xie Aoyu. 天赋神通寂灭足可灭杀谢傲宇 The aspect has decided! 局面已定! Dies out the vitality of absorption, making Xie Aoyu have the change rapidly, but this change just occurred, actually immediately started to restore. 寂灭吸收的生命力,令谢傲宇迅速的发生了变化,只是这变化才刚刚发生,却又在第一时间开始恢复了。 But sees the Xie Aoyu heart position, pan- a light halo. 但见谢傲宇的心脏位置,泛起一丝淡淡的光晕。 The golden ray is glittering from the Xie Aoyu heart position together, and hovers erratically, surrounds that Profound Spirit, exciting Profound Spirit blooms temperate brilliance. 一道金色的光线从谢傲宇的心脏位置闪烁着,并且游动不定,将那一丝的玄灵环绕起来,刺激的玄灵绽放出温和的光华。 Golden ray Extremely Night God Light! 金色光线正是极夜神光 Extremely Night God Light, Xie Aoyu in the Snow Luo Mountain obtained marvelous work, afterward gave Gold Flame Hawk to help in the past its regains consciousness, finally Gold Flame Hawk from exploding, but Extremely Night God Light has not vanished, preserves in Xie Aoyu within the body, the link Thun­der and Light­ning spirit continues to maintain Evil Spirit initially the seal Tricolor God Core strength. 极夜神光,当年谢傲宇雪罗山所得的神品,后来送给金焱神鹰助其苏醒,结果金焱神鹰自爆,而极夜神光并没有消失,存留在谢傲宇的体内,联通雷电精魂继续维持着邪灵当初封印三色神丹的力量。 At the present the vitality passes, touched the Extremely Night God Light strength deep meaning exactly. 而今生命力流逝,恰恰触动了极夜神光的力量奥义。 Similarly, Profound Spirit was the antiquity Saint Emperor imperial concubine creates, to express existence of love, when Xie Aoyu crisis-charged, Profound Spirit very natural then has had the relation. 同样的,玄灵是上古圣皇的妃子所创,就是为了表达爱意的存在,当谢傲宇面临危机的时候,玄灵很自然的便产生了联系。 Remote place Profound Spirit of Ru Yan forehead is the fierce tremor, is on good terms to gather with that Profound Spirit that Xie Aoyu obtains, achieved the relation, surges the formidable strength, but forcefully to the deconstruction of black vortex. 遥远之处的如烟眉心处的玄灵更是剧烈的颤动起来,与谢傲宇得到的那一丝玄灵相契合,达成了联系,涌动出强大的力量,强行而至了黑色漩涡的毁灭。 Those who most made six big Demon Beast stare dumbfounded, in Xie Aoyu heart that Profound Spirit surged unexpectedly nine brilliance, flowed through his arm, entered in the keel sword. 最令六大魔兽瞠目结舌的是,谢傲宇心脏那一丝玄灵内居然涌动出九道光华,流经他的手臂,进入了龙骨剑内。 Bang!” “轰!” The keel sword erupts the startled day fluctuation of energy immediately, gives the inconsistency of bang that black vortex all of a sudden. 龙骨剑当即爆发出惊天的能量波动,一下子就将那黑色漩涡给轰的七零八落。 That nine brilliance naturally is nine mahatma dragon that through the Profound Spirit transmission comes by most the strength of soul Ru Yan obtains, exciting keel sword strength eruption. 那九道光华自然是九大圣龙那被如烟得到的绝大部分的灵魂的力量通过玄灵传递而来的,刺激的龙骨剑力量爆发。 Does not have to prevent, Xie Aoyu takes advantage of opportunity to draw a sword. 无所阻挡,谢傲宇顺势拔剑。 „!” “噌!” The keel sword leaves the sacrificial altar. 龙骨剑离开祭台。 The designs of sword blade above nine Saint dragons were simultaneously bright, fires an earthshaking Long to recite together, coordinates that sword whining noise, forms the endless pressure, enormous and powerful four wild eight sides. 剑身上面九条圣龙的图案同时明亮了起来,齐齐发出一声惊天动地的龙吟,配合那剑鸣声,形成无尽的威压,浩荡四野八方。 Xie Aoyu grabs the keel sword, feeling that one type is unable to grasp. 谢傲宇抓着龙骨剑,都有一种无法掌握的感觉。 Although he has the aura of tyrannosaurus, may after all not be the master who the keel sword selects, in the Xie Aoyu mind, the owner of general keel sword can only be a person, that is Ru Yan, beside her, others are unable to control. 虽然他拥有霸王龙的气息,可毕竟不是龙骨剑选中的主人,在谢傲宇的心目中,大概龙骨剑的主人只能是一个人,那就是如烟,非她之外,别人无法驾驭。 The sword called intermittently. 剑鸣阵阵。 Long Hun is shocked. 龙魂震动。 Is feeling that Dragon Clan filled with grief aura, looks at the Dragon Clan disruption everywhere the bone body, is thinking these rather become extinct, the Dragon Clan lofty character of also not lowering the head, the blood of Xie Aoyu seethed with excitement. 感受着那龙族悲怆的气息,看着满地的龙族碎裂的骨体,想着那些宁可绝灭,也绝不低头的龙族傲骨,谢傲宇的血液沸腾了。 He lifts up high the keel sword, crazy shouts to clear the way: Keel sword!” 他高举龙骨剑,狂喝道:“龙骨剑!” Bang!” “轰!” Keel sword brilliance explodes dodges, shining of this underground space photo like daytime, Xie Aoyu is also similar to the Spiritual God that grasps says fiercely, the military might is uncommon. 龙骨剑光华爆闪,将这个地下空间照的亮如白昼,谢傲宇也如同手持烈曰的神灵般,威武不凡。 Roar!” “吼!” An earthshaking Long recited from the keel sword resounds. 一声惊天动地的龙吟从龙骨剑内响起。 This was antiquity tyrannosaurus keeps last Long Yin in society. 这是上古霸王龙留在世间的最后一声龙吟。 Nine Saint dragon designs have flown from the keel sword suddenly, they are glittering respectively radiant brilliance, changes to about one meter form encirclement in the Xie Aoyu surroundings, gives such as the demon god military might that him serves as contrast. 九条圣龙图案突然飞离了龙骨剑,它们各自闪烁着璀璨的光华,化作大约一米大小的身影环绕在谢傲宇的周围,将他给衬托的更加如魔似神般的威武。 The huge strength erupts loudly. 庞大的力量轰然爆发出去。 That is the strength sources of nine mahatma dragons erupts. 那是九大圣龙的力量本源爆发。 Consumed the massive strengths six big Demon Beast to roar immediately, Beastly Soul dissipates, they enter the strengths of six big master bodies also to start lax, flying upside down in abundance. 本就耗费大量力量的六大魔兽登时怒吼起来,兽魂消散,它们进驻六大高手身体的力量也开始涣散,纷纷的倒飞出去。 Innumerable bone dragons in this moment, completely knee down. 无数的骨龙则在这一刻,全部跪倒在地。 Ten thousand dragon worships! 万龙朝拜! Grasps Xie Aoyu of keel sword to stand above the sacrificial altar, induces the Dragon Clan lofty character, the grief of Dragon Clan, the joy of Dragon Clan, the bird's eye view the innumerable bone dragons is kneeing down scene, in his mind towering flashing before together electro-optic, the mystery of that Dragon Overlord Boxing fist also reappears. 手持龙骨剑的谢傲宇站立在祭台之上,感应着龙族的傲骨,龙族的悲怆,龙族的喜悦,俯瞰着无数骨龙跪倒在地的场面,他的脑海中突兀的闪现一道光电,那霸龙拳的奥妙也随之浮现出来。 The scene of his at present reappearing shock. 他的眼前浮现一副震撼的场面。 Ten thousand Long Xiangkong, the tyrannosaurus stands proudly, ten thousand dragons admire, all Dragon Clan have the rank height to arrange to form strength one after another, sends out deafening whooshing together, shocks Long Yi together, forms the wild stance of combat nature, this is the Dragon Clan lofty character, the disrespecting day, disrespects, would rather die than to lower the head. 万龙翔空,霸王龙傲然而立,万龙拜服,所有的龙族有级别高低来排列形成一圈一圈的力量,一起发出震耳欲聋的嘶吼,一起震动龙翼,形成战天斗地的狂放姿态,这就是龙族的傲骨,不敬天,不敬地,宁死不低头。 The lofty character of dragon! 龙之傲骨! The eye of Xie Aoyu has closed, his spiritual infinite sublimation, that Ming became aware climbed up the heart, the Dragon Overlord Boxing fist last type deep meaning gradually in his explanation at heart. 谢傲宇的眼睛闭上了,他的精神无限的升华,那种明悟爬上心头,霸龙拳的最后一式奥义渐渐地在他的心里阐释。 Meanwhile, entire Angel Holy Island also vibrated. 与此同时,整个天使圣岛也震动了。 When the keel sword leaves that moment of sacrificial altar, in entire Angel Holy Island, no matter there is anything to curse the ban, as long as Long Dan rupturing in abundance. 当龙骨剑离开祭台的那一刻,整个天使圣岛内,不管是有什么诅咒禁制,但凡还是龙蛋的纷纷的爆裂。 Dragonets are born, under they swallow the dragon egg egg shell, swift and violent growth. 一条条的小龙出世,它们吞服下龙蛋蛋壳,迅猛的成长起来。 And Dragon King quantity many incredible that becomes after the variation. 其中经过变异而成的龙王数量多的令人难以置信。 But after these dragonets are born, actually soaring in abundance, soared the upper air, and turned toward a direction to fly entirely, there impressively was the direction that Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island were. 可是这些小龙诞生之后,却纷纷的腾空而起,飞翔到了高空,并且统统向着一个方向飞去,那里赫然是云雾圣岛圣甲岛所在的方向。 This action has brought to the attention of entire Angel Holy Island all masters immediately. 这一举动登时引起了整个天使圣岛所有高手的注意。 The Dragon Clan quantity of because being born are too really many, and after taking egg shell, the strength suitable terror, some even have other dragon egg egg shells in neighbor, therefore the strength went to the quite terrifying situation, therefore simply does not have that strength to dare to get rid to plunder these dragons. 由于诞生的龙族数量实在太多,且在服食蛋壳之后,力量都相当的恐怖,有些甚至在附近还有其他的一些龙蛋蛋壳,所以实力已经达到了相当恐怖的地步,所以根本没有那个实力敢于出手掠夺这些龙。 Ten thousand Long Xiangkong real appears in the horizon at the same time. 万龙翔空的真实一面出现在天际。 All masters tag along in abundance in many Dragon Clan, they must have a look but actually, these Dragon Clan must do. 所有的高手纷纷尾随在诸多龙族的身后,他们倒要看看,这些龙族是要干什么。 Thereupon, in Clouds Holy Island and surroundings of Holy Armor Island inhabited area, presents one that has shocked, several thousand Dragon Clan fly in circles fully spatially, is headed by Dragon King surrounds outside a biggest tent, but in these Dragon Clan outside is dense and numerous does not know has many human and Demon Beast are waiting and seeing. 于是乎,在云雾圣岛圣甲岛居住地的周围,出现了非常震撼的一幕,足有数万条龙族翔空,以龙王为首环绕在其中一个最大的帐篷外面,而在这些龙族的外面则是密密麻麻的不知道有多少的人、魔兽在观望。 Roar!” “吼!” In the tent spreads Long Yin suddenly. 帐篷内陡然传出一声龙吟。 That tent had not been lifted, but outside person can actually see that inside has nine dragon shades to dance in the air, forms a Dragon Clan unique Saint Longwei pressure. 那帐篷没有被掀开,可是外面的人却能够看到,里面有着九条龙影在飞舞,形成一股龙族特有的圣龙威压。 Roar!” “吼!” The group dragon of airborne soaring simultaneously sends out Long Yin, the universe that shocks is shaking, along with it ten thousand dragon worships. 空中飞翔的群龙同时发出一声龙吟,震撼的天宇都在摇颤,随之万龙朝拜。 Sees this, all people shocked. 看到这一幕,所有人都震撼了。 Who in that tent is?” “那帐篷内是谁?” Naturally is Clouds Holy Island and masters in Holy Armor Island two islands.” “当然是云雾圣岛圣甲岛两岛的主人啊。” Was too intrepid, unexpectedly can make Dragon Clan worship.” “太强悍了吧,居然能够让龙族朝拜。” This discussion sound resounds through all around. 这种议论声响彻四周。 All people are shocking. 所有人都在震撼。 Wu Dongtian, Zheng Batian at this time, has not made war, seems the friend stands in the same place generally, their complexions also respectively have the difference. 武动天、郑霸天两人这时候,也没有开战,好似朋友一般站在一块,他们的脸色也是各有不同。 I heard that leader Qin Ziao of this sea area Cenozoic arrogant on Angel Holy Island, displays the strength truly, only then one time, that has swept away many masters including my person, even the powerhouses of six mahatma places, were silent afterward, has not thought that unexpectedly has ability in this way, if can form an alliance with it, could form a dragon to ride the khaki cloth, then can have enormously the superiority in your my tripartite fight inevitably.” Wu Dongtian said. “我听说这个海域新生代的领军人物秦紫傲在天使圣岛上,真正施展力量只有一次,那就是横扫了包括我的人在内的诸多高手,甚至还有六大圣地的强者,随后便沉默了,没想到居然有如斯能力,啧啧,若是能与之结盟的话,或许能够组建一支龙骑军呢,那在你我三方战斗中必然能够占据极大地优势。”武动天说道。 Feared that was your Wu Family has not hope that he has killed Han Yue, ruined has iced Spirit Pearl, the relations with Western bog person was not good.” Say (Way) that Zheng Batian lets somebody cool off or calm down. “怕是你武家没希望了吧,他可是杀了韩越,毁掉了冰灵珠,与西方沼泽人的关系不好。”郑霸天冷冷的道。 Wu Dongtian said with a smile: Han Yue and ices Spirit Pearl to receive in exchange to have his support, I have gained, not?” He looks at Zheng Batian with a smile, as for with the Western bog person's relations, is not stiff, so long as adjusts, that is not easy, Zheng brother, the so formidable ally, pushes out actually unexpectedly on own initiative, yeah, it seems like that the strength in Zheng brother hand has not needed their support to defeat me and Xie Aoyu situation.” 武动天笑道:“一个韩越和冰灵珠能够换取得到他的支持,我赚了,不是吗?”他笑吟吟的看着郑霸天,“至于和西方沼泽人的关系,却也不僵,只要去调节,那还不容易,倒是郑兄啊,如此强大的盟友,居然主动推出去,哎,看来郑兄手中的力量已经不需要他们的支持就可以打败我和谢傲宇的地步了。” Snort!” “哼!” Zheng Batian nose was almost mad crookedly. 郑霸天的鼻子差点气歪了。 He cut off the relations somewhat to regret with him to two mahatma islands that at this time saw ten thousand dragon worships the grand occasions are must die, hates to Huo who that regrets died. 本来他就对两大圣岛与他断绝关系有些后悔,此时看到万龙朝拜的盛况更是后悔的要死,对那死去的霍都也恨得要死。 We have not cut off relations officially, Wu the brother, your opportunity is not big.” Zheng Batian cold -ly snorted and said. “我们还没有正式断绝关系,武兄,你的机会可不大。”郑霸天冷哼道。 Perhaps not so.” Wu Dongtian visits him with a smile, „the other people of roaring flame god clan, I did not understand really that is that three elder Huo Xingjia, hey, this woman, I heard that she approves the degree to son Huo, with spoiling to describe that is not enough to explain, her son by Qin Ziao Ao Bi from exploding, you thought that Huo Xingjia can not look for the Qin Ziao arrogant trouble? But who Qin Ziao arrogant is, has a look at ten thousand dragon worships, in addition behind the strength not inferior roaring flame god clans of two mahatma islands, let alone sea area itself has the hatred of not being able to untie with the roaring flame god clan, in addition Huo Xingjia that arteries the strength of roaring flame god clan opposed, hey, I can conclude that you can only become the enemies, is impossible again becomes the friend.” “恐怕不然吧。”武动天笑吟吟的看着他,“烈焰神族的其他人,我真的不怎么了解,可是那位三长老霍兴佳,嘿嘿,这个女人,我可是听说她对儿子霍都的认可程度,用溺爱来形容都不足以说明,她的儿子被秦紫傲逼的自爆,你觉得霍兴佳会不找秦紫傲的麻烦吗?而秦紫傲是什么人,看看万龙朝拜,加上背后的两大圣岛的力量也不逊色烈焰神族,何况海域本身就与烈焰神族有着解不开的仇恨,加上霍兴佳那一脉的烈焰神族的力量反对,嘿嘿,我敢断定,你们只能成为敌人,绝不可能再成为朋友。” Zheng Batian complexion is pale, just like Wu Dongtian analyzes, this all sorts of reasons advanced on him and two mahatma islands the opposite, he regretted for the initial action for the first time. 郑霸天脸色铁青,正如武动天分析的,这种种原因都将他和两大圣岛推到了对立面上,他首次为当初的举动感到后悔。 Nearby Bi Yuzhen is listening attentively, at heart is also a feeling, she also thought that both sides were doomed to break off, possibly again had already not collaborated, but all these were Zheng Batian create. 旁边的毕玉真倾听着,心里也是一阵感慨,她也觉得,双方注定决裂了,已然没有可能再联手了,而这一切都是郑霸天造成的。 Of here ten thousand dragon worships, seemed through Profound Spirit transmits in the Xie Aoyu mind, two pictures of ten thousand dragon worships overlapped, with the Dragon Overlord Boxing fist deep meaning superimposition, made Xie Aoyu grasping the deep meaning of that Dragon Overlord Boxing fist this last type last finally finally. 这里万龙朝拜的一幕,也好似通过玄灵传递到了谢傲宇的脑海中,两种万龙朝拜的景象相重叠,与霸龙拳最后一式的奥义叠加,最后终于令谢傲宇将那霸龙拳这最后一式的奥义给掌握了。 Ten thousand dragon worships! 万龙朝拜! Dragon Overlord Boxing fist last ten thousand dragon worships! 霸龙拳最后一式万龙朝拜! The Xie Aoyu spirit swiftly has also been the resounding boiling point, after that nine Saint dragon forms also send out deafening Long recited, then in return keel sword. 谢傲宇的精神也倏然达到了高亢的沸点,那九条圣龙身影也发出震耳欲聋的龙吟之后,便回归龙骨剑内。 The keel sword fell into quietly. 龙骨剑陷入了沉寂。 Xie Aoyu is taking it, did not have the feeling of strength again, he knows that this is because the keel sword has not recognized him for the focus reason, once recognizes the host, the strength of keel sword will certainly show. 谢傲宇拿着它,再没有了力量的感觉,他知道这是因为龙骨剑没有认他为主的原因,一旦认主,龙骨剑的力量必将展现出来。 Looks at these bone dragons again, as if lost all vitalities, lying down in abundance on the ground. 再看那些骨龙,仿佛失去了一切生命力,纷纷的躺在地上。 Xie Aoyu sighed one darkly, the Dragon Clan history of these before the Flood were completely had ended since then, here is their permanent tombs. 谢傲宇暗叹一声,自此之后,这些上古时代的龙族们历史算是彻底结束了,这里将是它们永久的墓地。 Observes the situation all around, Die Ge Sarah et al. early left, Xie Aoyu also receives Space Ring the keel sword, left this Dragon Clan tomb. 环视四周,迭戈萨拉等人早已经离开,谢傲宇也将龙骨剑收入空间戒指,离开了这龙族的墓地。
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