BE :: Volume #10

#911: Ten thousand dragon worship 【One】 First!

The summit of sacrificial altar, the keel sword was summoning. 祭台之巅,龙骨剑在召唤。 Above Kowloon soul in turbulent, their designs very bright, was showing their once magnificence, but the overlord keel body has not left any trace, it already in thorough integration keel sword, became the main body of keel sword. 上面九龙魂在动荡,它们的图案非常的明亮,展现着它们曾经的辉煌,而霸王龙骨体则没有留下任何痕迹,它已经彻底的融入龙骨剑内,成为龙骨剑的主体。 Looks at that near at hand keel sword, the Xie Aoyu heartbeat is speeding up. 望着那近在咫尺的龙骨剑,谢傲宇的心跳加快。 He as if felt the Ru Yan aura. 他仿佛感觉到了如烟的气息。 The Kowloon soul that nine Saint Long Long Hun and Ru Yan in that keel sword obtain gathers, is complete Saint Long Long Hun, because of so, the strengths of nine Saint keel bodies is also very weak, if the Ru Yan Kowloon soul integrates, after they die, the battle efficiency was already intrepid. 那龙骨剑内的九圣龙龙魂与如烟得到的九龙魂合起来,才是完整的圣龙龙魂,也因为如此,九圣龙骨体的战力很弱,若是如烟的九龙魂融入起来,它们就算是死后,战斗力已然强悍的。 Humanity!” “人类!” The wild with rage sound mixes with endless killing to read. 狂怒的声音夹杂着无尽的杀念。 Six mahatmas protect Demon Beast always strength quite, but at this moment, the passing Tianlong lion of Xuantian Gong manifests to be higher than an ability finally. 六大圣地守护魔兽向来实力相当,而这一刻,玄天宫的通天龙狮终于体现出高出一线的能力。 It ascends to heaven actually, treads all hindrance, throws other Demon Beast behind. 它硬是登天,踏碎一切阻碍,将其他魔兽抛在身后。 Distant, passes the Tianlong lion then to spout together the roaring flame to Xie Aoyu. 遥遥的,通天龙狮对着谢傲宇便喷出一道烈焰。 Bang!” “轰!” The roaring flame flaming flies vertical, high of its temperature, shocking, just exported merely, is similar to the god fire arrives, surrounding area bone dragon entirely being reduced to ashes within hundred meters. 烈焰熊熊飞纵,其温度之高,骇人听闻,仅仅是刚出口,就如同神火降临,方圆百米内的骨龙统统的化为灰烬。 The terrifying strength, did not have the impact that may prevent in the past. 恐怖的力量,无可阻挡的冲击过去。 Dragon Clan rises the hope not to allow to be disillusioned!” 龙族崛起希望绝不容破灭!” A bone dragon shoots up to the sky. 一条骨龙冲天而起。 This bone dragon pan- the pale golden ray, its volume is not the least bit off compared with these nine mahatma dragons all over the body, it is in the Dragon Clan hundred kinds, was known as that the Dragon King first three strengths Jinjia explodes Dragon King bone body. 这骨龙通体泛起淡金色的光芒,其体积比那些九大圣龙丝毫不差,它正是龙族百类中,号称龙王前三名实力的金甲爆龙王骨体。 The defense is invincible, even if were bone body were still fearful. 防御无敌,哪怕是骨体仍旧可怕。 A tyrannosaurus anger, reactionary reign of terror! 暴龙一怒,血雨腥风! Dragon Clan hopes that the keel sword opportunity at present, Jinjia explodes Dragon King, for the hope of this Dragon Clan also without hesitation chooses has taken the thorough dissipation as the price impediment. 龙族希望龙骨剑机会就在眼前,金甲爆龙王为了这龙族的希望也毫不犹豫的选择了以彻底的消散为代价的进行阻挡。 Bang!” “轰!” That roaring flame was similar to the god spear pierces Jinjia to explode Dragon King bone body directly. 那烈焰如同神枪般直接洞穿了金甲爆龙王骨体。 Bone body also along with it change dust. 骨体也随之化为尘埃。 The roaring flame still led the way. 烈焰仍旧前行。 Whiz whiz whiz “嗖嗖嗖” Saw that Xie Aoyu must hold keel sword, innumerable bone dragon shooting up to the sky in abundance, so Xie Aoyu and passes between the Tianlong lions the big distance, does not know that the bone bodies of several hundred Dragon Clan span there, protected him with the death. 眼看着谢傲宇就要抓住龙骨剑,无数的骨龙纷纷的冲天而起,如此谢傲宇和通天龙狮之间偌大的距离,不知有几百只龙族的骨体横亘在那里,用死亡来保护他。 Xie Aoyu bites the steel tooth, the steps ascends to heaven, one step steps up to sacrificial altar most peak. 谢傲宇咬碎钢牙,踏步登天,一步跨上祭台最顶端。 Bang bang bang “嘭嘭嘭” The report is unceasing. 爆裂声不断。 These bone dragon exploding in abundance are broken, are no exception. 那些骨龙纷纷的爆碎,无一幸免。 This roaring flame passes the strength basis of Tianlong lion, the formidable monster nearly is evil, the terrifying strength powerful passes through several hundred bone dragons, but these bone dragons are the strength insufficient before death 1/10, but their bone bodies eventually are incomparably tenacious, that roaring flame consuming only remaining together only then the thumb thick or thin small flame, has fired into Xie Aoyu. 这烈焰就是通天龙狮的力量根本,强大的近乎妖邪,恐怖的力量强势贯穿数百骨龙,但这些骨龙就算是实力不足生前1,可是它们的骨体终究是无比坚韧的,也将那烈焰给消耗了的只剩下一道只有拇指粗细的小火苗,冲向了谢傲宇 Shouted “呼” Sees that small flame, passed the Tianlong lion in short supply heart to put down finally, it has also shown the smiling face, do not despise that is small flame, that was passes the Tianlong lion strength the source to be, small flame can rumble to kill any Ten Kings Level Master absolutely, even the Battle King level was dangerous. 看到那一丝小火苗,通天龙狮紧张的心终于放下了,它也露出了笑容,别小看那是一丝小火苗,那可是通天龙狮力量的本源所在,一丝小火苗绝对能够轰杀任何一名十王级高手,甚至战王级都要危险的。 Xie Aoyu itself nothing but is the Emperor level boundary, it naturally to this small flame confidently. 谢傲宇本身无非是天王级境界,它自然对这一丝小火苗信心十足了。 It falls from the upper air. 它从高空落下。 At this moment, all fights as if in a flash stopped. 这一刻,所有的战斗仿佛一瞬间停止了。 All Demon Beast and bone dragon entirely looks to the sacrificial altar, stares at that small flame, the victory and defeat in the flash was deciding that keel sword can be born? 所有的魔兽、骨龙统统的看向祭台上方,盯着那小火苗,胜负都在一瞬间决定的,那龙骨剑能否出世? Small flame arrow, if quickly electric light. 小火苗似箭,快若电光。 Xie Aoyu stands by the keel sword, searches the movement that the hand stresses to be also forced to stop, he can induce to that small flame in fearful the strength. 谢傲宇站在龙骨剑旁,探手抓去的动作也被迫停止了,他能感应到那小火苗内可怕的力量。 Clank!” “铮铮!” He has not moved aside, is unable to move aside, after all the small flame speed is too fast, even if he displays such as the rain wind to be not necessarily able to shunt, who let pass the rank of Tianlong lion to be too high. 他没有躲闪,也是无从躲闪,毕竟小火苗速度太快,就算是他施展如雨似风都未必能够躲开,谁让通天龙狮的级别太高了呢。 In this life and death time, Xie Aoyu Moon Falling Blade horizontally before the body. 在这生死时刻,谢傲宇月陨刀横在身前。 Qi of his whole body has surged. 他全身的斗气都激荡了起来。 Instills into to the strong strength since moon/month falls in the Emperor blade, making Moon Falling Blade fiercely shiver, emitted radiant brilliance, but that above design was also similar to the free wheeling generally. 至强的力量灌输进入月陨天王刀内,使得月陨刀都剧烈的颤动了起来,放射出璀璨的光华,而那上面的图案也如同活转了一般。 Hissing “嘶” In the neighing sound, Gold Flame Hawk brilliance Sheng, unsurpassed flame Gold Flame also ascended greatly. 嘶鸣声中,金焱神鹰光华大盛,无上的火焰金焱也升腾了起来。 Because the original Gold Flame form design is only a remnant soul, the might is limited, but before arriving here, it may cracking Sky Demon Niu Wang and two big Demon Beast Beastly Soul strengths of violence demon bear absorbing about 70-80% quantities, but how Xie Aoyu had not actually realized that Moon Falling Blade has anything to change, that only then a possibility, Gold Flame Hawk that soul all strengths swallowing. 原来的金焱身影图案因为只是一丝残魂而已,威力有限,可是在来到这里之前,它可将裂天魔牛王和暴力魔熊的两大魔兽兽魂力量给吸收了将近百分之七八十的量,而谢傲宇却怎么都没有察觉到月陨刀有什么变化,那就只有一种可能,金焱神鹰的那一丝灵魂将所有的力量给吞噬了。 Then present Gold Flame Hawk design strength how? 那么现在的金焱神鹰图案力量如何? Xie Aoyu does not know. 谢傲宇不知道。 But the Gold Flame Hawk design actually has shown, opens mouth direct to be passed the Tianlong lion to think that can extinguish with ease kills the Ten Kings Level Master small flame swallowing. 可是金焱神鹰图案却展现了出来,张开嘴巴直接一口将那一丝被通天龙狮认为可以轻松灭杀十王级高手的小火苗给吞噬了。 Although is so, but strength rebellion of that implication, still Xie Aoyu shaking skidded backward 67 meters distance, but the small flame had actually been swallowed. 虽是如此,可那蕴含的力量暴动,仍旧将谢傲宇给震的向后滑动了67米的距离,可是小火苗却已经被吞噬了。 That Gold Flame Hawk design became was brighter, above flew vertical Gold Flame as if also to promote. 金焱神鹰图案则变得更加的明亮了,上面飞纵的金焱似乎也有所提升。 Damn!” Passes the Tianlong lion immediately the violent anger, that is any thing, the Gold Flame Hawk this trash Demon Beast soul can also swallow my source strength unexpectedly.” “该死的!”通天龙狮当即暴怒,“那是什么东西,金焱神鹰这垃圾魔兽的灵魂居然也能吞噬我的本源力量。” Roar!” “吼!” Innumerable bone dragons send out wild with joy Long to recite. 无数的骨龙则发出狂喜的龙吟。 Xie Aoyu is the heartbeat speeds up, somewhat rejoiced, is somewhat sigh with emotion, Gold Flame Hawk since obtains some Four Big God Beasts doing several things at the same time strengths, had the earth-shaking sweeping change, but retains a remnant soul, unexpectedly can also rise, what from beforehand is different, that time Gold Flame Hawk was compelled, finally rather dies, was not being controlled by grass, but now this remnant soul, although is cruel, actually does not repel to Xie Aoyu. 谢傲宇则是心跳加快,有些庆幸,也有些感慨,金焱神鹰自从得到四大神兽分身部分力量,真的是发生了天翻地覆的大变化,只是保留一丝残魂,居然也能崛起,与之前不同的是,那时候的金焱神鹰是被逼的,最后宁可死,也绝不在被艹控,可现在这一丝残魂,虽然暴戾,却对谢傲宇并不排斥的。 He also has no time to think that diving posture plunges the keel sword. 他也无暇多想,飞身扑向龙骨剑。 Only then pulls out the keel sword, is the key, other is false. 只有将龙骨剑拔出来,才是关键,其他的都是假的。 Thump!” “咚!” Then at this time, on that day on the lonesome demon wolf suddenly sent out one to make the person palpitation aura cause all Demon Beast and human is the heart suddenly beats. 便在这时,那天寂魔狼身上陡然散发出一股令人心悸的气息使得所有的魔兽、人都是心猛然跳动一下。 Even if bone dragon feels the inexplicable fear, even if only the bone body. 就算是骨龙都感到莫名的恐惧,哪怕只是骨体。 Talent magical powers die out!” “天赋神通寂灭!” Listens to lonesome demon wolf of that day to open the mouth slowly, sends out low and deep whooshing, then shook void, its both eyes pan- dark halo. 就听那天寂魔狼缓缓地开口,发出低沉的嘶吼,虚空便震荡了起来,它的双目泛起幽暗的光晕。 A boundless fluctuation of energy transmits. 一股磅礴的能量波动传来。 That is the deathly stillness strength, as if came from the strength of hell. 那是死寂的力量,仿佛来自地狱的力量。 Sees along with it towering appearance black an vortex above the sacrificial altar, as if has communicated the hell, surges to make the person death air/Qi irresistibly. 随之就看到在祭台上方突兀的出现一个黑色的漩涡,仿佛沟通了地狱,涌动出令人无法抵抗的死气。 This is a day of lonesome mountain protects the Demon Beast day lonesome demon wolf strongest strength dead out. 这便是天寂山守护魔兽天寂魔狼最强的力量寂灭。 Demon Beast has million types fully, actually only then has the talent ability less than ten Demon Beast, can be said as the different ability, is inborn. 魔兽足有数以百万的种类,其中却只有不足十种魔兽具备天赋能力,也可以说是异能力,是天生的。 Day lonesome demon wolf then has this ability. 天寂魔狼便具备这种能力。 This kind of ability one, is other five big Demon Beast reveals to dread the color, in their eyes deeply alerts, as if they do not know that the day of lonesome demon wolf also has the talent magical powers unexpectedly . Moreover the talent magical powers are in the fable can make all powerhouses unexpectedly, even if were known as that through the ages the strongest powerhouses dying out that may die. 此类能力一出,就是其他五大魔兽都流露出忌惮之色,它们的眼中是深深地戒备,似乎它们都不知道天寂魔狼居然还有天赋神通,而且天赋神通居然是传说中能够令一切强者,哪怕是号称古往今来最强的强者都有可能陨落的寂灭。 Dies out, must die without doubt. 寂灭一出,必死无疑。 This is the fearful place of this kind of talent magical powers. 这是此类天赋神通的可怕之处。 The day lonesome demon wolf itself with the aid of the startled day beast spirit body physique, reluctantly occupies his body, the great distance does not know that far distance transmission has the main body to transmit the strength to come, can only display the normal strength 30%-40%, in addition just now consumes, what is main, displays this kind of talent magical powers the foundation at least to want 50% strengths to be good. 只是天寂魔狼本身就是借助项惊天的兽灵体体质,勉强占据他的身体,还是相隔不知多远的距离传送有本体传送力量过来,只能发挥出正常力量三四成而已,加上方才消耗,最主要的是,施展此类天赋神通的基础是至少要五成的力量才行。 It displays forcefully, the might feared that is company most powerful time extremely one was inferior, even if so, it as soon as displays, then falling of some energetic dispiriteds on the ground, the back Beastly Soul form become fuzzy, but it the strength in startled heavenly body is also declining, the opposite startled day spirit started to enliven. 它强行施展出来,威力怕是连最强盛时期的万分之一都不如,就算如此,它一施展完毕,便有些精神萎靡的落在地上,背后的兽魂身影变得模糊起来,而它在项惊天体内的力量也在衰退,相反的项惊天的精神开始活跃起来了。 The void black vortex descends. 虚空黑色漩涡降落。 Regarding that black vortex, Xie Aoyu does not pay attention, he has displayed the limit the speed, only then six meters distance, he spelled. 对于那黑色漩涡,谢傲宇根本不理睬,他已经将速度发挥到了极限,只有六米的距离,他拼了。 Six meters, regarding grasping Wind and rain line movement Fights Technique Xie Aoyu, the time that ordinary that radically is blinking, does not care completely, but actually races against time now, even if one centimeter disparity is not good, therefore he also went all out. 六米,对于掌握风雨行身法斗技谢傲宇而言,平常那根本就是眨眼的功夫,完全不放在心上,可是现在却争分夺秒,哪怕是一厘米的差距都不行,所以他也拼命了。 Brushes!” “刷!” The black vortex lowers. 黑色漩涡降下。 Xie Aoyu also searches the hand to grasp. 谢傲宇也探手抓去。 Bang!” “嘭!” His palm one held the sword hilt of keel sword, but that black vortex is also away from his top of the head is about three centimeters, and releases the strong death air/Qi, incomparably evil and cruel aura, compared with violently poisonous also poisonous. 他的手掌一下抓住了龙骨剑的剑柄,而那黑色漩涡也距离他的头顶不过三厘米而已,并且释放出浓重的死气,无比歹毒的气息,比剧毒还毒。 Kills by poison him!” The dark hydra is almost roar of clenching jaws makes noise. “毒死他!”暗黑九头蛇几乎是咬牙切齿的吼出声的。 But now Xie Aoyu facing these six big Demon Beast, without any counter- resisting force, only to violently poisonous exception, so violently poisonous under his Medical Spirit Finger, anything uses not to have. 怎奈现在谢傲宇面对这六大魔兽,没有任何反抗力,唯独对剧毒例外,如此剧毒在他的药神指之下,啥用都没有。 Xie Aoyu grips the keel sword then suddenly outward to draw out. 谢傲宇握住龙骨剑便猛然往外拔出。 Black vortex also along with it falling. 黑色漩涡也随之落下。 PS: Today ten, the brothers and sisters, the fresh flower and distinguished guest ticket pound entirely, I did not fear that pounds ~~~ PS:今天十更,兄弟姐妹们,鲜花、贵宾票统统砸来吧,我不怕砸的~~~
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