BE :: Volume #10

#910: The unparalleled invincible might, the group dragon reactivates 【Two】

In entire tunnel innumerable keels, stands up, sends out earthshaking Long to recite completely, ten thousand Long Qiyin, that scene made Xie Aoyu shock magnificently. 整个地洞内无数的龙骨,纷纷站起,全部发出惊天动地的龙吟,万龙齐吟,那场面之壮观令谢傲宇都为之震撼。 Innumerable bone dragons in abundance from converges in all directions. 无数的骨龙纷纷的从四面八方会聚过来。 They the sacrificial altar give surrounding around solid. 它们将祭台周围给包围的严严实实的。 Terrifying Longwei also sends out from their bodies, condenses the Shenlong pressure, that is the energy that one type is unable to say a word, so the pressure superimposition, feared that is accurate Battle Emperor must be repulsed, after all the quantity were too many were too many, making this space almost be sealed to be stranded generally. 恐怖的龙威也从它们的身上散发出来,凝聚成神龙威压,那是一种无法言语的能量,如此威压叠加,怕是准战皇都要败退的,毕竟数量实在太多太多了,使得这空间几乎被封困了一般。 Roar!” “吼!” Passes the Tianlong lion is the head, many Beastly Soul call out in abundance. 通天龙狮为首,诸多兽魂纷纷嚎叫。 Their aura inflation rapidly. 它们的气息急速的膨胀。 Does not know that what's the matter, Xie Aoyu felt, these five big Demon Beast Beastly Soul strengths unexpectedly in the increasing of with geometry multiple, faint, seems has some marvelous strength to contact with them. 不知怎么回事,谢傲宇就感到,这五大魔兽兽魂的力量竟然在以几何倍数的递增着,隐隐中,好似有某种奇妙的力量与它们联系着。 So that ten thousand dragon the strength of Longwei superimposition was explained. 如此那万龙的龙威叠加的力量就被破解了。 As for that Die Ge Sarah's rapid vanguard, intrudes among five mahatma masters, rapid reading moves the incantation, the quick back appears swallows sea beast Beastly Soul. 至于那迭戈萨拉迅速的前行,闯入五大圣地高手中间,迅速的念动咒语,很快背后出现吞海兽兽魂 Xie Aoyu not by Beastly Soul strength protection, but these Longwei extrude his time, a boundless aura then sends out from his body, that is the aura of dragon emperor tyrannosaurus, in the Moon Falling Blade dragon shape hilt in hand is to send out Long impressively recites, echoes with it. 谢傲宇不受兽魂力量保护,可那些龙威挤压到他的身上时候,一股磅礴的气息便从他的身上散发出来,那赫然是龙皇霸王龙的气息,手中的月陨刀龙形刀柄内更是发出一声声的龙吟,与之相呼应。 Feeling that finally the Xie Aoyu actually one type enjoys that Longwei superimposition. 结果谢傲宇竟然有一种享受那种龙威叠加的感觉。 Was not hostile to by ten thousand dragons, Xie Aoyu as if becomes in the dragon, even the status is very as if high, he then can pay attention to the actions of six mahatma masters. 不受万龙敌视,谢傲宇仿佛成为龙中一员,甚至地位似乎还很高,他便得以关注六大圣地高手的举动。 Has discovered mystery under his attention finally. 在他的关注下终于发现了其中的奥妙。 The Beastly Soul strength increases came from their Die Ge Sarah unexpectedly and other people of bodies, seems sealing huge Demon Beast in their body within the body. 兽魂的力量增加居然来自他们迭戈萨拉等六人的身体内部,仿佛在他们的身体内封存着一只庞大的魔兽 Dragon emperor comes!” “龙皇现身吧!” Suddenly, both eyes of that Die Ge Lhasa become indifferent, in the mouth also sent out was entirely different from his voice, is full of the dignified thick crazy sound. 陡然间,那迭戈拉萨的双目变得冷漠起来,口中也发出了与他声音截然不同,充满威严的粗狂的声音。 Xie Aoyu two circles entire, almost calls out in alarm makes noise, that is bright sea protection Demon Beast swallows the sea beast! 谢傲宇两眼圆整,差点惊叫出声,那是光明海的守护魔兽吞海兽! Were they six people of bodies six big protected Demon Beast to occupy temporarily inadequately? 他们六人的身体难道是被六大守护魔兽给暂时占据了不成? Other Xie Aoyu rapid examination people. 谢傲宇迅速的查看其他人。 Finally is such that he suspects. 结果就是他所猜想的那样。 Six mahatmas protected Demon Beast to occupy their bodies really temporarily. 六大圣地守护魔兽真的暂时占据了他们的身体。 The function of Beastly Soul, this is the Beastly Soul true function! 兽魂的作用,这才是兽魂真正的作用! Xie Aoyu shouts wildly at heart, they must occupy six people of bodies through Beastly Soul unexpectedly temporarily, thus achieves to arrive at the Angel Holy Island goal. 谢傲宇心里狂呼不已,他们居然是要通过兽魂来暂时占据六人的身体,从而达到能够来到天使圣岛的目的。 Dragon emperor comes out!” The voice of easy southern China similarly is vigorous incomparable, passes the voice of Tianlong lion. “龙皇出来吧!”易华南的声音同样是浑厚无比,正是通天龙狮的声音。 Ka ka “咔咔咔” Sacrificial altar most peak transmits the sound. 祭台最顶端传来响动。 That keel sword also slightly shivered two. 那龙骨剑也微微的颤动了两下。 Then a huge bone dragon slowly has stood, it does not have flesh and blood all over the body, huge stature arrogant is standing, is the bone body appearance of Dragon Clan emperor tyrannosaurus. 接着一条庞大的骨龙缓慢的站立了起来,它通体没有一丝的血肉,庞大的身躯高傲的站立着,正是龙族皇者霸王龙的骨体模样儿。 You have not lost heart!” Overlord keel heavy sound track. “你们还不死心!”霸王龙骨体沉声道。 Passes the Tianlong lion to say with a smile ferociously: You are not several thousand years do not die, but must make this anything keel sword, we who harms several thousand years later, must come.” 通天龙狮狞笑道:“你们不也是数万年都不死吗,还要制造这什么龙骨剑,害的我们在数万年后,仍要前来。” Your I am different.” In the eye socket of overlord keel body reappears gradually two groups of black flame, flaming is burning, my Dragon Clan does not have the connection with your six mahatmas, you actually must extinguish my Dragon Clan, how could to give up in light of this.” “你我不同。”霸王龙骨体的眼眶内渐渐地浮现两团黑色的火焰,熊熊燃烧着,“我龙族与你六大圣地毫无瓜葛,你们却要灭我龙族,岂能就此罢休。” „Because you do not give up, therefore we must ruin your anticipation keel sword ahead of time, so as to avoid creates the unnecessary trouble to us.” Passes the Tianlong lion to say. “正因为你们不罢休,所以我们才必须提前将你们的期待龙骨剑毁掉,免得给我们造成不必要的麻烦。”通天龙狮道。 The black flame in overlord keel body eye socket is beating fiercely, seemed demonstrating its anger, you also do want to be the running dog to that person?” 霸王龙骨体眼眶内的黑色火焰剧烈的跳动着,似乎显示着它的愤怒,“你们还要给那人做走狗吗?” This saying stimulated six big Demon Beast probably, their unreal forms are one rock. 这话好像刺激了六大魔兽,它们那虚幻的身影都是一阵晃动。 Our trip of goals are to then ruin the keel sword, cuts off vitality that he reactivates!” Passes the Tianlong lion sound, if the mighty bell, you hand over the keel sword on own initiative, we begin.” “我们此行的目的便是毁掉龙骨剑,断绝他复活的生机!”通天龙狮声若洪钟,“你是主动交出龙骨剑,还是我们动手。” Roar!” “吼!” The overlord keel body heard that the word sends out an angry Long to recite. 霸王龙骨体闻言发出一声愤怒的龙吟。 Immediately ten thousand Long Qiyin. 当即万龙齐吟。 Bone Long Men was angry! 骨龙们愤怒了! You called again also uselessly, if you were the main body reactivate, we turned around walk, what a pity you were the bone dragons, can have once 1/10 strengths at most, this strength we have not paid attention.” Passes the Tianlong lion to say proudly that we exhaust the method, found such six to have the load bearing our strength special physique beast spirit body, you thought that you also do have the opportunity?” “你再叫也没用,如果你们是本体复活,我们掉头就走,可惜你们都是骨龙,顶多能够拥有曾经1的力量,这点力量我们还不放在眼里。”通天龙狮傲然道,“我们用尽手段,才找到这么六个拥有承载我们力量的特殊体质的兽灵体,你觉得你们还有机会吗?” The overlord keel body is wild with rage: „The Dragon Clan lofty character, does not lower the head!” 霸王龙骨体狂怒道:“龙族傲骨,绝不低头!” Roar!” “吼!” Ten thousand Long Qiyin. 万龙齐吟。 Since must revolt, that dies!” Passes the Tianlong lion to exclaim crazily. “既然要反抗,那都去死吧!”通天龙狮狂吼道。 Was occupied the six big masters of body also to attack by six big Demon Beast along with it temporarily, wild rush. 随之被六大魔兽暂时占据身体的六大高手同时出击,狂野的冲杀上去。 Pledges to fight to the death the revolt!” The overlord keel body eats delicacies to say crazily. “誓死反抗!”霸王龙骨体狂啸道。 Rush that innumerable bone dragons take place of the fallen. 无数的骨龙前仆后继的冲杀上去。 Nine mahatma keel dragons also in abundance rush ahead. 九大圣龙骨龙也纷纷冲杀下来。 Slaughters becomes the main melody in this moment. 厮杀在这一刻成为主旋律。 On Xie Aoyu has the aura of tyrannosaurus, these bone dragons have not attacked the surname to him, passed over gently and swiftly from his side, in abundance hit in the past. 谢傲宇身上有着霸王龙的气息,那些骨龙对他并没有攻击姓,都是从他的身边掠过,纷纷撞击过去。 He can stand in the one side waits and sees. 他得以站在一旁观望。 The fight completely is the lopsided aspect. 战斗完全是一面倒的局面。 Nine mahatma keel dragons are invincible before death, but after dying, for casting keel sword, they can also display 1/10 strengths, this is unable to contend with six big Demon Beast strengths. 九大圣龙骨龙生前所向无敌,可是死后,为了铸造这龙骨剑,它们也就是能够发挥出1的力量,这根本无法和六大魔兽的力量抗衡。 Other bone dragons do not say. 其他的骨龙更不要说了。 Almost passes to be killed the dregs by a fist bang the destiny. 几乎过去就是被一拳轰杀成渣的命运。 Does not have a bone dragon to stop. 却没有一条骨龙停下。 Impact that will never stop. 永不休止的冲击。 The overlord keel dragon has not moved, its strength is strongest, the summit of standing sacrificial altar, the black flame in eye socket flaming is actually burning, the low and deep dragon language resounds through unceasingly, these destroyed bone dragon changes to together the light in abundance, seems final Long Hun, flies into that keel sword completely. 霸王龙骨龙没有动,它的战力最强,却站立祭台之巅,眼眶内的黑色火焰熊熊燃烧着,低沉的龙语不断地响彻,那些被毁灭的骨龙纷纷化作一道光影,好似最后的一丝龙魂,全部飞入那龙骨剑内。 Obtains keel sword that the dragon soul nourishes also gradually pan- to shoot luminous. 得到龙魂滋养的龙骨剑也渐渐地泛射一丝的光亮。 Xie Aoyu then understands that sentimental keel sword has not completed. 谢傲宇这才明白,感情龙骨剑还未完成。 Roar!” “吼!” Saw that the keel sword is bright, that came from the bright sea protection Demon Beast to swallow the sea beast to open that almost to occupy its forehead 60% giant mouths immediately. 眼看着龙骨剑明亮起来,那来自光明海的守护魔兽吞海兽当即张开那几乎占据它头部60的巨型嘴巴。 Bang!” “轰!” Inundates the Tianshui arrow to fly to shoot all around, bone dragon entirely destroying that periphery will attack loudly, opportunity loose frame that even if that Saint dragon Battle Dragon bone body by its striking. 漫天水箭飞射四周,轰然将周围攻击的骨龙统统的摧毁,就算是那圣龙战龙骨体都被它一下击的机会散架。 Then kills. 随之便扑杀上去。 Other five big Demon Beast also in abundance send out to kill to incur. 其他的五大魔兽也纷纷出动杀招。 Respective one strikes, then surrounding dozens bone Long Hongsui, together with 1-2 Saint keel dragon also hit retreating in defeat again and again, the bone body presents the innumerable fissures. 各自一击,便将周围数十骨龙轰碎,连同一两个的圣龙骨龙也都被打的节节败退,骨体出现无数的裂痕。 Their strength of bone dragon was too weak. 骨龙的它们力量太弱了。 Six big Demon Beast attack to the sacrificial altar completely. 六大魔兽全部向祭台上方冲击。 Saint dragon returns!” The overlord keel dragon face upwards the long and loud cry. “圣龙归来!”霸王龙骨龙仰天长啸。 Roar!” Roar!” Roar “吼!”“吼!”“吼” Nine Long recited the turbulence. 九声龙吟动荡。 That nine mahatma keel dragons preserve final in this world remember that their bone bodies rupture voluntarily, instead changes to light, a final soul strength thorough emerges in that keel sword. 那九大圣龙骨龙存留在这个世界上最后的一点记忆,它们的骨体自行爆裂,反化作一道道的光影,最后的一丝灵魂力量彻底的涌入那龙骨剑之内。 Meanwhile, is in Clouds Holy Island and in the Ru Yan forehead in Holy Armor Island station is also the light coldly explodes dodges. 与此同时,身在云雾圣岛圣甲岛驻地的如烟眉心上也是光寒爆闪。 Profound Spirit of leaf appearance flashes before, nine dragon souls also appear, they are glittering luminous of faint trace, openly or covertly, releases a fluctuation of energy of faint trace unceasingly, surrounds in the Ru Yan surroundings. 叶子模样儿的玄灵闪现出来,九条龙魂同时出现,它们闪烁着一丝丝的光亮,或明或暗,不断地释放出一丝丝的能量波动,环绕在如烟的周围。 The Ru Yan tender body sat immediately straight. 如烟娇躯当即坐直了。 That nine dragon souls fly in abundance from Profound Spirit, their build be only more than one meter are long, surrounds Ru Yan to dance in the air unceasingly, exudes the low and deep sobbing sound, seems sobbing. 那九条龙魂纷纷从玄灵内飞出来,它们的体型只有一米多长,环绕着如烟不断地飞舞,发出低沉的呜咽声,似乎在哭泣。 Does not have the reason, Ru Yan feels the heart deep place pan- grieved. 没来由的,如烟感到芳心深处泛起一股酸楚。 Drop of tears fall from the corner of the eye. 一滴泪水从眼角滑落。 Roar “吼” Nine dragon souls exude the intermittent sobbing sound, finally returns to Profound Spirit. 九条龙魂发出阵阵的呜咽声,最后重新回归玄灵内。 Ru Yan opens the eye once again, in her pupil still has the tears twinkle, spooky say (way): Why I will cry, did a slim chance of survival why the Kowloon soul once had completely cut off?” 如烟再度睁开眼睛,她的眸子中仍然有着泪光闪烁,幽幽的道:“为什么我会哭,为什么九龙魂曾经拥有的一线生机彻底断绝了呢?” She looked takes to her puzzled to that the inexplicable grieved direction, but there is the directions of nine Saint keel dragon self-destruction. 她不解的看向那带给她莫名酸楚的方向,而那里正是九条圣龙骨龙自毁的方向。 The strength of nine Saint keel dragon final souls pour into the keel sword, causes keel sword brilliance greatly Sheng, above that sword blade appears intermittently the forms of nine mahatma dragons. 九条圣龙骨龙最后的一丝灵魂之力注入龙骨剑内,使得龙骨剑光华大盛,那剑身之上隐现九大圣龙的身影。 Xie Aoyu sees the form of that nine mahatma dragons, cannot help but the heart shakes, the condition of that design in Kowloon soul the shape of Ru Yan Profound Spirit is without change unexpectedly, is similar to a mold carves. 谢傲宇看到那九大圣龙的身影,不由得心头一震,那图案的状态居然与如烟玄灵内的九龙魂的形状一般无二,如同一个模子内刻出来的。 Nine Saint homing, keel formation.” The overlord keel body bird's eye view six big Demon Beast wild rushes, are slowly typical, six, he said that the keel sword can put to death you surely, for my Dragon Clan scrubbing shame.” “九圣归位,龙骨成型。”霸王龙骨体俯瞰六大魔兽狂野的冲杀过来,缓缓地道,“六位,他曰龙骨剑定能将你们诛杀,为我龙族洗刷耻辱。” Sacrificial altar casts the sword basis, seals the strength of sleepy keel sword, not having lived the life pulls out from the sacrificial altar it, I and others still had the opportunity to ruin it.” Passes the Tianlong lion to say with a smile crazily. “祭台是铸剑根本,也是封困龙骨剑的力量,没有活着的生命将它从祭台内拔出来,我等仍然有机会将它毁掉。”通天龙狮狂笑道。 The overlord keel body does not have the flesh and blood, but Xie Aoyu actually felt that at this moment it is smiling, and looked to him, immediately it sent out a startled Tianlong to recite suddenly. 霸王龙骨体没有血肉,可是这一刻谢傲宇却感觉到它在笑,并且看向了他,随即它陡然发出一声惊天龙吟。 Roar!” “吼!” Without the flesh and blood, actually bursts out the dreadful fluctuation of energy. 没有血肉,却迸发出滔天的能量波动。 Overlord keel body raising the head Long Yin, the pressure is enormous and powerful, Long Huang the imposing manner complete explosion, the body ruptures loudly, formidable energy wave directly six big Demon Beast to bombardment can also fly upside down, its soul is turbulent, submerges in that keel sword, caused the keel sword pan- the dazzling ray. 霸王龙骨体仰首龙吟,威压浩荡,龙皇的气势完全爆发出来,身体轰然爆裂,强大的能量波直接将六大魔兽给轰击的还能倒飞出去,其一丝灵魂动荡,也没入那龙骨剑内,使得龙骨剑泛起了刺眼的光芒。 Clank!” “铮铮!” The keel sword has exuded the sword whining noise. 龙骨剑发出了剑鸣声。 It is shivering! 它在颤动! The Xie Aoyu spirit shakes suddenly, blood has seethed with excitement, ten big Dragon Clan powerhouses will keep in this world a final trace to destroy, achievement keel sword. 谢傲宇精神猛然一震,血液沸腾了,十大龙族强者将留在这个世界上最后的一丝痕迹毁灭,成就龙骨剑。 But his mission is to draw out the keel sword. 而他的使命就是拔出龙骨剑。 At this moment, he had forgotten the pressure that six big Demon Beast bring, has forgotten the life and death, in his eye only then that keel sword, only then that has the Dragon Clan unyielding lofty character. 这一刻,他忘记了六大魔兽带来的威压,忘记了生死,他的眼中只有那龙骨剑,只有那有着龙族不屈的傲骨。 Clatter clatter clatter “嗒嗒嗒” The Xie Aoyu rapid to run quickly, the foot pedal earth, making the ground shiver, his personal appearance such as the wind such as the electricity like the light, drew near the limit, dashed to the most peak of that sacrificial altar. 谢傲宇飞速的奔驰,脚踏大地,令地面都在颤动,他的身形如风如电如光,快到了极限,直扑那祭台的最顶端。 Roar!” “吼!” Roars ear-spittingly. 怒吼震耳。 Six big Demon Beast personal appearance were still retroceding, see the Xie Aoyu action, they have gotten angry, thorough was enraged, if the keel sword draws out the sacrificial altar, then all will change. 六大魔兽身形仍在后退,看到谢傲宇的举动,它们怒了,彻底的被激怒了,如果龙骨剑拔出祭台,那么一切都将改变。 By overlord keel body under the strength that from exploding has hits hard, they do not give a thought to the possible fiercer injury, in abundance sends out the startled day to roar, sends out the attack respectively, the oath must intercept Xie Aoyu together. 被霸王龙骨体自爆产生的力量重击之下,它们不顾可能造成的更厉害的伤势,纷纷的发出惊天怒吼,各自发出一道攻击,誓要截杀谢傲宇 Roar!!!” “吼!!!” A Long recited is similar to the startling thunderclap is broken. 一声龙吟如同惊雷碎空。 Bone dragon that sees only the coordinated process king rank shoots up to the sky, using own bone body to hit the attack of that six big Demon Beast, protected the impact of Xie Aoyu with the death actually. 只见一条龙王级别的骨龙冲天而起,用自己的骨体撞击那六大魔兽的攻击,硬是用死亡来保护谢傲宇的冲击。 Roar roar “吼吼” Solemn and stirring Long recited the vibration. 一声声悲壮的龙吟震动不已。 Innumerable bone dragons rush. 无数的骨龙纷纷冲上去。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” The bone dragon of mass was rumbled broken, still did not have the bone dragon to flinch, rather dies, does not draw back Su, even if after is dies, still has the Dragon Clan lofty character, the lofty character of never lowering the head. 大批量的骨龙被轰碎,仍然没有骨龙退缩,宁可死,绝不退宿,就算是死后,仍然有着龙族的傲骨,永不低头的傲骨。 Six big Demon Beast were crazy. 六大魔兽疯狂了。 Their crazy was roaring, was launching the attack, the innumerable bone dragons died, thorough dissipation in world. 它们疯狂的咆哮着,发动着攻击,无数的骨龙陨落,彻底的消散在天地间。 Xie Aoyu has not gone to look that however in his eye had been flooded by the tears, his vision firm, stubbornly is staring at that tremor seemed is sobbing for dying of bone dragon. 谢傲宇没有去看,但是他的眼中已经被泪水充斥,他的目光更加的坚定,死死的盯着那颤动的好似在为骨龙的死去而呜咽。 His hurricane, on straight sacrificial altar peak. 他一路狂飙,直上祭台顶端。 PS: Today four, um, tomorrow starts to erupt consecutively for ten days, every day ten, restore to renew on the 11 th normally, naturally distinguished guest ticket were many, possibly continues ~~~ PS:今天四更,嗯,明天开始连续十天爆发,每天十更,11号恢复正常更新,当然贵宾票多了,可能持续下去~~~
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