BE :: Volume #10

#909: The unparalleled invincible might, the group dragon reactivates 【One】

„!” “嚓!” Regarding the provocation of Xie Aoyu, the Die Ge Sarah's action is very simple, backhandedly sword insertion underground, has put out a gaunglet (glove) from Space Ring, wears in the hand. 对于谢傲宇的挑衅,迭戈萨拉的举动很干脆,反手将剑插入地下,从空间戒指内拿出了一副拳套,戴在手上。 Floats the world to be far, Zhuo Fan Ting, I thinks that you should have the means to communicate protect the Demon Beast strength to your two mahatmas, no matter any price, must pay, because is your incompetent, making Xie Aoyu destroy our plan.” The Die Ge Sarah's light say (way), several thousand years of effort, cannot be in vain in light of this, Yi Huanan, Yaqi and a startled day, your three people also begin, this Xie Aoyu gives me to deal with.” “浮世远,卓凡婷,我想你们应该有办法能够沟通到你们两大圣地守护魔兽的力量吧,不管是什么代价,都必须要付出,因为是你们的无能,让谢傲宇破坏了我们的计划。”迭戈萨拉淡淡的道,“数万年的努力,不能就此白费,易华南、雅琪、项惊天,你们三人也动手吧,这个谢傲宇就交给我来应付。” Yi Huanan knits the brows: „Can you?” 易华南皱眉道:“你一个人可以吗?” Other source realized Xie Aoyu was formidable, he self-examined that has not grasped a person to contend with Xie Aoyu, therefore has this one to ask. 他方才可是体会到谢傲宇的强大了,他自问没有把握一个人抗衡谢傲宇的,所以才有此一问。 You begin freely relieved are.” Die Ge Sarah's self-confident say (way). “你们尽管安心动手便是。”迭戈萨拉自信的道。 „!” “嚓!” Xie Aoyu also studies his appearance to insert Moon Falling Blade in the ground, puts out Overlord Gloves to wear in the hand, I also want to take a look at your self-confident origin from anything.” 谢傲宇也学着他的样子将月陨刀插在地上,拿出霸王拳套戴在手上,“我也想看看你的自信来源自什么。” They face each other across a great distance. 两人遥遥相对。 The war is ready to be set off. 战事一触即发。 As for the masters of other five mahatma places rapid disperses to the both sides, bypasses them, walks toward that sacrificial altar, that floated the world bitterly to look at Xie Aoyu one, reading of hate was extremely heavy. 至于其他五大圣地的高手则迅速的向两侧散开,绕过他们,向那祭台走去,那浮世远则是恨恨的看了谢傲宇一眼,怨恨之念极重。 Five mahatma masters arrive at the surroundings of that sacrificial altar, occupies five directions. 五大圣地高手来到那祭台的周围,占据五个方向。 Can start?” The Die Ge Sarah's tone resembles among friends to exchange, does not have the slight vicious tendencies fluctuation, this is very self-confident performance. “可以开始了吗?”迭戈萨拉的口气就好像朋友之间在交流,没没有丝毫的戾气波动,这便是非常自信的表现。 Xie Aoyu sways from side to side the nape of the neck, said: Waited there for some time.” 谢傲宇扭动一下脖颈,道:“等候多时了。” Good, meets to incur!” “好,接招!” Die Ge Sarah lifts the right foot, takeoffs probably three centimeters altitude, along with it landing, is centered on him immediately, the ground then presented the surrounding area the whole within two meters to be hollow, strong winds surged, blow everywhere the dust, just now was temperate Die Ge Sarah suddenly is similar to the incarnation is the devil. 迭戈萨拉抬起右脚,大概离地三厘米的高度,随之落地,当即以他为中心,地面便出现了方圆两米内的整体凹陷,一股狂风激荡,吹起漫天的尘埃,方才还是温和的迭戈萨拉陡然间如同化身为恶魔。 His personal appearance electricity shoots. 他身形电射出去。 That inserts in the sharp sword of ground is also vibrated, the ball, follows closely him to fly to shoot toward Xie Aoyu, grasps the sword with the midair in the hand, leads the dust that everywhere dances in the air seems changed to terror Demon Beast, reveals the fierce facial features, opens the blood red extravagant mouth to reveal the dense denticle, is similar to the sharp sword, plunges Xie Aoyu wickedly. 那插在地上的利剑也受到震动,弹地而起,紧随着他的向着谢傲宇飞射过去,与半空中握剑在手,带动那漫天飞舞的尘埃好似化作了恐怖的魔兽,露出狰狞的面容,张开血红阔口露出森森的锯齿,如同利剑般,恶狠狠地扑向谢傲宇 Looks Die Ge Sarah is so crazy fiercely strikes, Xie Aoyu also judges, the Die Ge Sarah strength is indeed unusual, feared that strives to excel compared with other five people. 看着迭戈萨拉如此狂猛的一击,谢傲宇也就判断出,迭戈萨拉的确实力超凡,怕是比其他五人都要强一线。 His cross previous step, foot falls to the ground, that inserts in the ground Moon Falling Blade also ejection upper air, Xie Aoyu both hands lifts up high, Moon Falling Blade happen to falls, he takes advantage of opportunity is a blade cut down. 他跨前一步,脚落地,那插在地上的月陨刀也弹射高空,谢傲宇双手高举,月陨刀正好落下,他顺势就是一刀劈下。 Vervest collision. 最刚猛的碰撞。 Works as!” “当!” The fresh breeze four shoot, formidable strength centered on them scatters to all around. 劲风四射,强大的力量以他们为中心向四周散射出去。 The sword hit, their vision touches, seems has Mars to glitter, simultaneously backward backs up along with it them, this strikes, unexpectedly is evenly matched. 刀剑撞击,两人目光相碰,好似有火星闪烁,随之他们同时向后倒退,这一击,居然是势均力敌。 They simultaneously are startled, obviously has not thought of opposite party strength unexpectedly such. 两人同时一怔,显然都没想到对方的实力居然如此之强。 Strikes uselessly, Die Ge Sarah cold snort, the counter-attack is quicker, if his personal appearance to the arrow of string, kills once again, the human the sword unites, is similar to the poisonous snake attacks, only strove for striking to kill. 一击没用,迭戈萨拉冷哼一声,反击更快,他的身形如果离弦之箭,再度扑杀出去,人剑合一,如同毒蛇出击,只求一击必杀。 Xie Aoyu also rubs the body to kill. 谢傲宇也揉身杀上去。 Thereupon, their violent storm slaughters. 于是乎,他们两人狂风暴雨般厮杀开来。 The sword shade flutters about, inextricably involved that blade light sparkle, kills. 剑影纷飞,刀光闪耀,杀的难解难分。 In a minute, is still more than hundred moves to the bang, substantive Qi light beam and violent energy storm hit, after continual bellow, short idle time. 片刻间,依然是百余招对轰,实质般的斗气光束与猛烈的能量风暴撞击,在连续轰鸣声之后,短暂的停歇。 They were everyone had still not occupied a small advantage. 两人仍旧是谁也未曾占到一丝便宜。 Xie Aoyu also when the fierce combat, the corner of the eye split vision sweeps to the masters of another five mahatma places, this time five people were reciting the incantation, as if must carry on the utilization of some Incantation technique. 谢傲宇也在激战之余,眼角余光扫向另外五大圣地的高手,这时候的五人都在念动咒语,似乎要进行某种咒术的运用。 Feels at ease with me fights, the keel sword was destroyed is the matter of being doomed, no one can stop.” Die Ge Sarah is raising the sharp sword, somewhat lightly breathes heavily. “安心与我一战吧,龙骨剑被摧毁已经是注定的事情,谁也阻拦不了。”迭戈萨拉提着利剑,也有些轻喘。 They seem like the fierce combat of flash, is actually the bad risk extremely. 两人看似一瞬间的激战,却是凶险万分。 Good, I first solve you.” Xie Aoyu the Moon Falling Blade direction earth, facial expression becomes serious, no longer resembles just now like that the careless appearance. “好吧,那我就先解决你。”谢傲宇月陨刀指向大地,神情变得严肃起来,不再似方才那般吊儿郎当的样子。 Boast everybody will say.” Die Ge Sarah said with a smile. “大话谁都会说的。”迭戈萨拉笑道。 Xie Aoyu shows a faint smile, had not explained that but told him with the motion, the personal appearance rocked, without a trace that the human then vanished, was unsurpassed movement Fights Technique such as the rain wind. 谢傲宇微微一笑,也没有解释,而是用行动来告诉他,身形晃动,人便消失的无影无踪,正是无上身法斗技之如雨似风。 To the limit, surpasses the situation that the naked eye can overtake quickly. 快到极限,超过肉眼所能追及的地步。 For the first time hidden for the first time presently, Moon Falling Blade is having one thickly like the bucket, seems the electricity python from airborne cuts to fall, that impressively was antiquity Fights Technique Lei Baosha of Xie Aoyu practice. 乍隐乍现,月陨刀带着一道粗如水桶,好似电蟒从空中斩落,那赫然是谢傲宇修炼的上古斗技雷爆杀。 Lei Nu explodes, rupturing murder. 雷怒而爆,爆裂杀人。 So swift and violent attacking kills, the Die Ge Sarah's speed is also unusual, still did not have the time to avoid, must use the sword to resist, the sword collides, the terrifying strength then transmitted the past, immediately Die Ge Sarah shaking backed up again and again more than ten steps stabilizes the personal appearance, naturally this was not their strength disparities, but was Xie Aoyu by the perfect performance of speed and Fights Technique, making Die Ge Sarah in such a short time radically unable to choose the effect that the best countermove brought. 如此迅猛的攻杀,迭戈萨拉的速度也算超凡,仍然没有时间躲避,只得出剑抵挡,刀剑碰撞,恐怖的力量便传递过去,登时将迭戈萨拉给震的连连倒退十多步才算稳定身形,自然这不是两人的实力差距,而是谢傲宇凭借速度和斗技的完美表现,令得迭戈萨拉在那么短的时间内根本无法选择最佳的对抗手段带来的效果。 Strikes to get the winning side, Xie Aoyu naturally cannot let up this opportunity. 一击占据上风,谢傲宇自然不会放过这种机会。 After a blade, then is the second blade. 一刀之后,接着便是第二刀。 Broken Shield Cut! 破盾斩 This is almost Xie Aoyu many Fights Technique after various combinations, mutually after the use, obtains most can strike to kill the series combination attack of enemy. 这几乎已经是谢傲宇多种斗技经过各种组合,相互使用之后,得出的最能击杀敌人的连环组合攻击。 Lei Baosha, the tyrannical attack, shakes disperses enemy's resistance, the Broken Shield Cut connection attacks, adds on the Moon Falling Blade effect by its effect, defense thorough disintegration of match. 雷爆杀,暴虐攻击,震散敌人的抵抗,破盾斩连接出击,凭借其效果加上月陨刀的效果,将对手的防御彻底的瓦解。 Ka!” “咔!” Under the rupturing attack, that Die Ge shakes hand a sharp sword then cut emergence opening, backing up that backward Die Ge Sarah shakes once again. 爆裂攻击之下,那迭戈萨拉手中利剑便被斩的出现一个豁口,同时也将迭戈萨拉再度震的向后倒退。 His personal appearance has not come to a stop, Xie Aoyu third struck also arrives. 他的身形还未站稳,谢傲宇的第三击也到了。 Flying Dragon In The Sky! 飞龙在天 This is second Fights Technique that in the Dragon Overlord Boxing fist comprehends, this Fights Technique has two functions, one type is to attack to kill the ability, but is in addition of flying speed holds. 这是霸龙拳中领悟出来的第二种斗技,此斗技有着两种作用,一种是攻杀能力,而是飞行速度的加持。 In addition Xie Aoyu in such as the foundation of rain wind, the speed that the Flying Dragon In The Sky in addition holds, is almost the limit that the speed he has been able to reach, 1/10 wonderful, then arrives at the Die Ge Sarah's back, Moon Falling Blade also goes out of Flying Dragon In The Sky Fights Technique, the fierce blade light cuts together wickedly. 谢傲宇在如雨似风的基础中,加上飞龙在天加持的速度,几乎将速度达到了他所能达到的极限,连1妙都不到,便来到迭戈萨拉的背后,月陨刀也走出飞龙在天斗技,一道凶猛的刀光恶狠狠斩下。 The life and death crisis time, the Die Ge Sarah personal appearance rotates suddenly, has not transferred the body, in the hand the sword has been glittering the pale blue halo, in advance sets upright before the body. 生死危机时刻,迭戈萨拉身形猛然转动,还未转过身体,手中剑闪烁着淡蓝色的光晕,先行竖在身前。 Works as!” “当!” This blade cuts sharp sword once again. 这一刀再度斩中利剑。 Formidable shock-wave Die Ge Sarah hitting another backing up. 强大的冲击波将迭戈萨拉给打的又一次倒退。 Xie Aoyu looked indifferently, in the heart also secretly admires, even if in the so passive situation, Die Ge Sarah was still maintaining the stance of defense. 谢傲宇冷眼一看,心中也是暗自佩服,就算是如此被动的情况下,迭戈萨拉仍然是保持着防守的姿态。 This supple surname, it can be said that comprehended the true meaning of water. 这种柔姓,可说是领悟到了水的真谛。 Must kill this person, difficult! 要杀此人,难! Also so, Xie Aoyu choice without hesitation gives up, his getting rid goal points to that sacrificial altar above keel sword, captures the keel sword is basic, murder instead in next. 既如此,谢傲宇毫不犹豫的选择放弃,他的出手目标直指那祭台上面的龙骨剑,夺取龙骨剑才是根本,杀人反而在其次。 Easy southern China, careful Xie Aoyu to rob the keel sword!” Although Die Ge Sarah falls in leeward, does not have true suffering defeat, he consistently pays attention to the Xie Aoyu action, sees him to look to the keel sword, immediately understands his idea, instantly makes noise the reminder. “易华南,小心谢傲宇抢夺龙骨剑!”迭戈萨拉虽然落于下风,却没有真正的败北,他始终注意谢傲宇的举动,见到他看向龙骨剑,登时明白他的想法,即刻出声提醒。 The flash that the sound resounds, Xie Aoyu has also flown high. 声音响起的一瞬间,谢傲宇也已经凌空而起。 He is similar to the big bird, across world. 他就如同大鸟,横掠天地。 „” “咔嚓” That back to Xie Aoyu, facing the easy southern China tip of the toe place of sacrificial altar, the personal appearance to sway from side to side, the ground then had a piece of crack, he also then faces Xie Aoyu that grazes to come, both eyes explodes lightens wipes the none remaining. 那背对谢傲宇,面对祭台的易华南脚尖点地,身形扭动,地面便出现了一片裂缝,他也转而面对飞掠而来的谢傲宇,双目爆闪出一抹精光。 In his mouth was still reciting the incantation. 他的口中仍然在念动着咒语。 Stops rotating, the incantation of easy southern China had also ended, his both hands straighten up after bowing or performing the kowtow to about, make a fist to wield, listens to a wild tyrannical beast roar suddenly from it behind crack. 停止转动,易华南的咒语也结束了,他双手向左右平身,握拳挥动,就听一声狂野暴虐的兽吼陡然从其身后炸响。 Roar!” “吼!” A roar, shake presents rippling of sound ripple void. 一声吼,震荡的虚空出现一道道的声音波纹的荡漾。 Then a huge unreal form reappears in the midair. 接着一个巨大的虚幻身影浮现在半空中。 Passes the Tianlong lion! 通天龙狮! The huge form is similar to substantive, that passes Beastly Soul of Tianlong lion impressively, but made Xie Aoyu with amazement was, this Beastly Soul had the terrorist force unexpectedly, but before was not him, two mahatma Demon Beast Beastly Soul that met did not have the ideology. 庞大的身影如同实质般,那赫然是通天龙狮的兽魂,只是令谢傲宇骇然的是,这兽魂居然是拥有恐怖力量的,而不是他之前遇到的两大圣地魔兽兽魂毫无思想意识的。 The intention moves, Xie Aoyu then knew, the incantation that in the population of five mahatma places recited, was based on Demon Beast Beastly Soul that they obtained. 心念动间,谢傲宇便知道了,五大圣地的人口中念动的咒语,就是以他们得到的魔兽兽魂为基础的。 Roar!” “吼!” Passes the Tianlong lion is being roars to Xie Aoyu. 通天龙狮对着谢傲宇就是一声怒吼。 The roar turbulence, made to have the sign of tearing void, airborne Crazy New Tiger Xie Aoyu as if maliciously is brushed one, spurted the blood to fly upside down. 吼声动荡,令虚空出现撕裂的迹象,空中狂彪谢傲宇更是仿佛被狠狠的抽打了一记,喷血倒飞出去。 On Yi Huanan the face kills intent to soar to the heavens, both hands grasp in the front, delivers forward suddenly. 易华南脸上杀意冲天,双手握在胸前,向前猛然一送。 That Tianlong lion roared immediately shocking, forward impact. 那通天龙狮登时咆哮震天,向前冲击。 In order to pass the startled day supernatural power of Tianlong lion, is only a roar then makes the Xie Aoyu severe wound, thus it can be seen that might terror how, Incantation technique of this Beastly Soul link easy southern China use has certainly very not the general function, the fearfulness of otherwise not being the extent that by the judgment of Xie Aoyu, feared that is the present passes the strength of Tianlong lion, has surpassed the Battle King peak level. 以通天龙狮的惊天神力,仅是一吼便令谢傲宇重伤,由此可见那威力多么的恐怖,这兽魂联通易华南使用的咒术一定有着非常不一般的作用,否则决不至于如此的可怕,以谢傲宇的判断,怕是现在通天龙狮的力量,超过了战王巅峰级了。 Roar!” “吼!” An earthshaking Long recited also suddenly resounds. 一声惊天动地的龙吟也骤然响起。 Sees behind that easy southern China, what to is on sacrificial altar third is crawling the coordinated process bone, that is the Saint dragon ceremonial fire demon dragon. 就见那易华南背后,正对着的是祭台第三层上面爬着的一条龙骨,那是圣龙圣火魔龙。 The fire is Saint dragon, and is grasping very fearful ceremonial fire inborn, may burn down the myriad things. 火系圣龙,并且天生掌握着非常可怕的圣火,可焚烧万物。 Roar roar “吼吼” Intermittent Long recited the sound to get up one after another. 相继阵阵龙吟声响起。 Do not have the flesh and blood, only then the keel of skeleton has stood. 一条条没有血肉只有骨架的龙骨站立了起来。 Awful! Begins quickly!” The Die Ge Sarah complexion changes, running together of two syllables in rapid speech breaks shouts to clear the way. “糟糕!快动手!”迭戈萨拉脸色微变,急声断喝道 The master incantations of other four mahatma places speed up reciting, shortly sparsely will complete, only have fable Beastly Soul in Demon Beast to reappear in their back. 其他的四大圣地的高手咒语加快吟唱,顷刻间稀疏完成,一条条只存在传说中的魔兽兽魂浮现在他们的背后。 Day lonesome mountain day lonesome demon wolf Beastly Soul! 天寂山的天寂魔狼兽魂 Dark hydra Beastly Soul of hei deep pool palace! \\ N 黒渊殿的暗黑九头蛇兽魂!\\n Crack Sky Demon good king Beastly Soul of evil sacred place! 邪罗圣地的裂天魔牛王兽魂 Violence demon bear Beastly Soul of day sacred place! 天罗圣地的暴力魔熊兽魂 Passing Tianlong lion Beastly Soul of Xuantian Gong in addition easy southern China to summon! 外加易华南召唤出来的玄天宫的通天龙狮兽魂 Five big Demon Beast Beastly Soul all come, Xie Aoyu had also discovered difference, came from evil sacred place and day sacred place the strengths of two big Demon Beast Beastly Soul obviously be weaker than other three mahatma Demon Beast Beastly Soul, at all in a scale, naturally this is not Demon Beast difference, but is they simply has not obtained two big Demon Beast Beastly Soul, by Xie Aoyu Moon Falling Blade swallowing. 五大魔兽兽魂全部现身,谢傲宇也发现了其中的不同,其中来自邪罗圣地和天罗圣地的两大魔兽兽魂的力量明显要比其他三大圣地魔兽兽魂弱许多,根本不在一个档次,自然这不是魔兽本身的差别,而是他们两人根本没有得到两大魔兽兽魂,都已经被谢傲宇月陨刀给吞噬了。 As five big Demon Beast Beastly Soul come, and does not know that through any means that the strength can release, is such terror, actually also therefore inspired these dead does not know bone body reactivating of dragon many years, they as if induced once to cruelly harm their murderers to arrive, regained consciousness from the deep sleep in abundance. 随着五大魔兽兽魂现身,并且不知道通过什么办法,力量得以释放出来,还是如此的恐怖,却也因此引动了那些已经死去不知多少年的龙的骨体复活,它们似乎感应到了曾经残害它们的凶手来到了,纷纷从沉睡中苏醒。 Sacrificial altar nine stairs, nine Saint dragon keels, have stood completely. 祭台九个台阶,九条圣龙龙骨,全部站立了起来。
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