BE :: Volume #10

#908: Sacred place goal 【Two】

Other did not say, antiquity time, before human Wangfeng seal all bloodline, six of six mahatma places big protect the Demon Beast strength absolutely above highest boundary Battle Emperor that the present knows, even if caused heavy losses the king, the boundary falls ten ranks continually, but that mixes the owners of world three demon swords to unite a strength then to detain them to Angel Holy Island unexpectedly, then can be imagined, mixed the strengths of world three demon sword owners early to exceed beyond the imagination. 别的不说,上古时期,人王封印一切血脉之前,六大圣地的六大守护魔兽的实力绝对在现在所知的最高境界战皇之上,就算是被人王重创,境界连掉十个等级,可是那混世三魔剑的主人居然只是凝聚一点力量便能够将它们拘禁至天使圣岛,那么可想而知,混世三魔剑主人的实力早已经超出想象之外了。 Said such quite a while, you speak of the essential place now.” Die Ge Sarah smilingly looks at Xie Aoyu, said slowly, but his smiling face made Xie Aoyu feel was extremely uncomfortable. “说了这么半天,你现在才说到关键处。”迭戈萨拉笑眯眯的看着谢傲宇,缓缓地说道,只是他那笑容却令谢傲宇感到极其的不舒服。 Xie Aoyu is staring at Die Ge Sarah, said: Your this saying anything meaning.” 谢傲宇盯着迭戈萨拉,道:“你这话什么意思。” Meaning is, reason that our six mahatmas are born, reason that must come here, the true goal is this.” Die Ge Sarah said that „the person Wangfeng seal is very indeed strong, but is not invincible, if this person reactivates truly, then the seal of person king will therefore collapse.” “意思就是,我们六大圣地之所以出世,之所以要来到这里,真正的目的便是这个。”迭戈萨拉说道,“人王封印的确很强,但并不是无敌的,如果此人真正的复活过来,那么人王的封印就将因此崩溃。” Said this person of strength already with person Wang Tongji? Therefore he reactivated, broke the seal of person of king, thus made this bloodline seal thorough disintegration, we can hopeful practice antiquity time that unsurpassed boundary once again.” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “这么说这人的实力已经是与人王同级的喽?所以他复活了,也就打破了人王的封印,从而令这个血脉封印彻底的崩碎,我们就可以有望再度修炼到上古时期那种无上境界了。”谢傲宇沉声道。 Die Ge Sarah nods saying: Right!” 迭戈萨拉点头道:“没错!” Stares at this person, Xie Aoyu was saying: However your goals are to prevent his reactivating!” 盯着此人,谢傲宇道:“而你们的目标是阻止他的复活!” Why you said that if must prevent him, we why must ruin the keel sword, must know that the keel sword to mixing the world three demon swords has the absolute restraint function.” Die Ge Sarah said with a smile. “你为什么这么说,若是要阻止他,我们何必要毁掉龙骨剑,要知道龙骨剑对混世三魔剑可是有着绝对的克制作用的。”迭戈萨拉笑道。 This is very easy to understand that your six mahatmas should the strength be very balanced, this keel sword, if were obtained by whom, I want to upset the balance, do not deny that I saw with one's own eyes mixed the might of world three demon swords, can guess correctly the might of keel sword, naturally also the possibility surname, was the keel sword to your six mahatma places certain your based the basic thing also to have the restraint, which aspect no matter from said that the keel sword must ruin.” Xie Aoyu has cleared quickly then off the clue, prevents him as for you, that is once because this person reactivated, the human king's bloodline ban to the world will also collapse, then looks like the master who reaches the accurate Battle Emperor peak level, very natural can be separated from the physique that the beforehand bloodline cause unable to withstand Battle Emperor level boundary the imprisonment of Qi, thus breaks into the Battle Emperor level at one fell swoop, even also possibly attacks a higher boundary, this is not your six mahatmas is willing to see.” “这个很容易理解,你们六大圣地应该实力很平衡,这把龙骨剑若是被谁得到的话,我想就会打破平衡,不要否认,我亲眼看到了混世三魔剑的威力,就能猜到龙骨剑的威力,当然还有一个可能姓,就是龙骨剑对你们六大圣地的某些你们的立足根本的东西也有克制,所以不管从哪一个方面讲,龙骨剑必须毁掉。”谢傲宇很快便理清了头绪,“至于你们阻止他,那是因为一旦这人复活了,人王对人间的血脉禁制也将崩溃,那么像达到准战皇巅峰级的高手,就很自然的能够脱离之前的血脉导致的体质无法承受战皇级境界的斗气的禁锢,从而一举破入战皇级,甚至还可能冲击更高境界,这不是你们六大圣地愿意看到的。” Die Ge chats: Why we do not hope to see.” 迭戈萨拉道:“我们为什么不希望看到。” Brush! 刷! Both eyes of Xie Aoyu explode suddenly project together the none remaining, is watching intently Die Ge Sarah, the sinking sound track: Since that mixes the owners of world three demon swords to regain consciousness can explain the person of king boundary, then your six mahatmas existence that but crossed with person Wang Zhandou in the past, even if were at that time, the human the king also can only choose most powerhouse who defeats your six mahatma places, has not actually chosen with their six mahatmas contends comprehensively, can want to see your six mahatma places tyrannical, six big protect Demon Beast, the so formidable influence, I can conclude that your six mahatmas definitely had not been printed Wangfeng, in other words, you at all not by the influence of bloodline seal the person king formulates!” His cross previous step, is staring at the Die Ge Sarah's eyes swiftly stubbornly, the sinking sound track: You resemble this appearance, must prevent to mix reactivating of world three demon sword owners, because such, once breaks person of Wang Xuemai to ban that will have the massive people to break through Battle Emperor, achieves a higher boundary, thus threatens your six mahatma places, you do not permit such matter occurrence, therefore you must maintain the strength ban of person Wangfeng seal bloodline!” 谢傲宇的双目陡然爆射出一道精光,逼视着迭戈萨拉,沉声道:“既然那混世三魔剑的主人苏醒就能够破解人王境界,那么你们六大圣地可是当年与人王战斗过的存在,就算是当时,人王也只能选择击败你们六大圣地的最强者,却没有选择与他们六大圣地全面抗衡,可以想见你们六大圣地的强横,还有六大守护魔兽,如此强大的势力,我可以断定,你们六大圣地肯定没有被人王封印起来,也就是说,你们根本不受人王制定的血脉封印的影响!”他倏然跨前一步,死死盯着迭戈萨拉的眼睛,沉声道:“你们就好像这次出现,就是要阻止混世三魔剑主人的复活,因为那样一旦打破人王血脉禁制,就会有大量的人突破战皇,达到更高的境界,从而威胁到你们六大圣地,你们不允许这样的事情发生,所以你们仍然要维持人王封印血脉的力量禁制!” Ha-ha Die Ge Sarah has smiled suddenly, with a smile, his voice is getting more and more loud, finally turned into laughing wildly, Xie Aoyu is Xie Aoyu, I already very covert in avoiding this issue, you in these matters that can say before me explain unexpectedly, good, is very good, perhaps I choose to support Clouds Holy Island Qin Ziao arrogantly am also a mistake, selects your Xie Aoyu more suitable.” “呵呵”迭戈萨拉突然笑了起来,笑着笑着,他的声音越来越大,最后变成了狂笑,“谢傲宇就是谢傲宇,我已经很隐蔽的在回避这个问题,你竟然还是能够从我之前说的那些事情中解读出来,不错,很不错,或许我选择支持云雾圣岛秦紫傲也是一个错误,挑中你谢傲宇更适合。” Was only a pity I know were too many, therefore you had the murderous intention, must kill me, right?” Xie Aoyu light saying. “只可惜我知道的太多了,所以你们已经动了杀机,要杀我,对吧?”谢傲宇淡淡的说道。 Die Ge Sarah had not explained that said: Now this you answered our issues, day sacred place Zhuo Fan Ting of floating world far and evil sacred place?” 迭戈萨拉也没有解释,道:“现在该你回答我们的问题了,天罗圣地的浮世远和邪罗圣地的卓凡婷呢?” Shrugs, Xie Aoyu said: In outside, my original intention must plunder these air/Qi of murdering, has not thought that touched Incantation technique, isolated outside them.” 耸耸肩,谢傲宇道:“就在外面,我本意是要掠夺那些杀伐之气的,没想到触动了咒术,将他们隔离到外面去了。” How do you know dark green Langshan?” Die Ge chats. “你如何知道苍狼山的?”迭戈萨拉道。 Is the coincidence.” Xie Aoyu is naturally impossible to disclose that Xing Yun this Astrologer master forecasts, he rushes ahead of time, has the chance to come here, I closed up on choice dark green Langshan, the result has not thought that runs into such a matter.” “算是巧合吧。”谢傲宇自然不可能透露星云这个星相师预测出来的,他提前赶到,才有机缘来到这里的,“我本来就选择苍狼山闭关的,结果没想到碰到这么一件事情。” However Moon Falling Blade in your hand non- is the ordinary Emperor level god soldier sharp weapon can compare, you practice to have Bing Qi Shu certainly, therefore in Moon Falling Blade has the Demon Beast soul, the air/Qi of absorption murdering, satisfied just in time arrived here condition.” Die Ge Sarah as if saw the process. “而你手中的月陨刀又非是普通的天王级神兵利器所能比的,你修炼有绝兵奇术,所以月陨刀内有魔兽灵魂,吸收杀伐之气,正巧满足了来到这里的条件。”迭戈萨拉仿佛看到了过程似地。 The Xie Aoyu corners of the mouth curl upwards, said: Indeed is the coincidence.” 谢傲宇嘴角一翘,道:“的确是巧合。” He also secretly exclaimed in surprise that the ability of Xing Yun predict that gave to forecast unexpectedly the change of Moon Falling Blade. 他也是暗自惊叹星云预测的能力,居然将月陨刀的变化都给预测到了。 How you regard the keel sword.” Die Ge chats. “你如何看待龙骨剑。”迭戈萨拉道。 Keel sword, this, since is the Dragon Clan thing, but my dragon favors exactly is the Dragon Clan dragon emperor tyrannosaurus, you said how I will regard.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “龙骨剑,这既然是龙族的东西,而我的龙宠恰恰是龙族的龙皇霸王龙,你说我会怎么看待。”谢傲宇笑道。 Die Ge Sarah sighed lightly: Indeed, can obtain the tyrannosaurus to favor for the dragon, you very much may grasp the keel sword, but we actually must destroy it.” 迭戈萨拉轻叹道:“的确,能够得到霸王龙为龙宠,你就很有可能掌握龙骨剑,可我们却必须要将其摧毁。” During the speeches, the atmosphere became tight. 说话间,气氛已经变得紧张了起来。 Xie Aoyu was still holding appreciatively Moon Falling Blade, the appearance that being carefree and content, and other masters of mahatma places has not paid attention to Die Ge Sarah completely. 谢傲宇仍旧把玩着月陨刀,一副悠然自得的样子,完全没有将迭戈萨拉等四大圣地的高手放在眼里。 His AND startled day and Zhuo Fan Ting, floats the world far three people to fight, can guess correctly Die Ge Sarah, Yi Huanan, Yaqi strengths approximately, perhaps strives to excel, but will not be many, but he touched the Ten Kings Level edge, happen to tried own strength change with these four people. 他与项惊天、卓凡婷、浮世远三人交手过,大致也能猜出迭戈萨拉、易华南、雅琪三人的实力,或许要强,但绝不会强太多,而他则触摸到了十王级的边缘,正好拿这四个人来试试自己的力量变化。 Last issue.” Die Ge Sarah is staring at Xie Aoyu, look also becomes dignified, cracked Sky Demon Niu Wang and Beastly Soul strength of violence demon bear is voluntarily lax?” “最后一个问题。”迭戈萨拉盯着谢傲宇,神色也变得凝重起来,“裂天魔牛王和暴力魔熊的兽魂力量自行涣散了吧?” His saying asked the time, Xie Aoyu felt obviously these four people of palpitations somewhat speed up, as if to this issue very anxious. 他这话问出的时候,谢傲宇明显感觉到这四人的心跳有些加快,似乎对这个问题非常的紧张。 In his cannot help but heart moves, that Beastly Soul not only through the induction, knows the site probably, the master who lets six mahatma places comes to destroy the keel sword to be so simple, definitely also has other reasons. 他不由得心中一动,大概那兽魂不仅仅是通过感应,知道所在地,让六大圣地的高手前来摧毁龙骨剑那么简单吧,肯定还有其他的原因。 Naturally was lax, do your six mahatmas have to absorb the Demon Beast Beastly Soul strength the ability to be inadequate?” Xie Aoyu makes doubts expression. “当然涣散了,难道你们六大圣地还有吸收魔兽兽魂力量的能力不成?”谢傲宇做出一副疑惑的表情。 Die Ge Sarah narrows the eyes to focus to stare at Xie Aoyu enough one minute, he has smiled suddenly, I did not have the issue.” Speaks, he has put out a sharp long sword, you must capture the keel sword, we must its deconstruction, we are doomed is the opposition, Xie the brother, asked for advice the good idea.” 迭戈萨拉眯着眼盯着谢傲宇足足一分钟,他突然笑了,“我没有问题了。”说着话,他拿出了一把锋利的长剑,“你要夺取龙骨剑,我们要将其毁灭,我们注定是对立的了,谢兄,领教高招。” Other three people also put out their weapon. 其他三人也纷纷拿出自己的兵器。 Four people of imposing manners increase suddenly. 四人气势陡增。 Already so, why just now doesn't begin?” Xie Aoyu as if has not felt their killing intent. “既如此,方才为什么不动手?”谢傲宇仿佛未曾感觉到他们的杀意。 Because of me in protracted time.” Die Ge Sarah's say (way) with a smile. “因为我在拖延时间。”迭戈萨拉笑吟吟的道。 Is Xie Aoyu startled slightly, delays time? 谢傲宇微微一怔,拖延时间? He is wondering, hears the angry roar from behind to transmit. 他正纳闷,就听到愤怒的吼声从身后传来。 Two person's shadows rush. 两条人影赶到。 They are not others, day sacred place floats world far and evil sacred place Zhuo Fan Ting. 他们不是别人,正是天罗圣地浮世远和邪罗圣地卓凡婷。 Xie Aoyu!” Floated the world to roar directly was plunging Xie Aoyu, the fierce facial features appeared very fearful, both hands series grasped, as if must rip the fragment to be willingly Xie Aoyu. 谢傲宇!”浮世远直接怒吼着扑向了谢傲宇,狰狞的面容显得非常的可怕,双手连环抓去,似乎要将谢傲宇撕成碎片才甘心。 Narrows the eyes to focus to stare is floating the world to be far, judges his flight trajectory. 眯着眼盯着浮世远,判断他的飞行轨迹。 The corners of the mouth of Xie Aoyu overflow a happy expression, is very cold! 谢傲宇的嘴角溢出一丝笑意,很冷! If rain wind! 如雨似风! Also before floating the world to crash in his body about six meters, Xie Aoyu attacks suddenly, such as the rain wind will display the limit, vanishes swiftly, in the lines of sight of other five mahatma masters, baseless vanish, once again appeared arrived floated the world far front. 也就在浮世远冲进他身前大约六米的时候,谢傲宇陡然出击,将如雨似风发挥到了极限,倏然消失,就在其他五大圣地高手的视线中,凭空消失似地,再度出现已经到了浮世远的面前。 The floating world far fingernail that series gets rid to scratch almost touches the Xie Aoyu surface gate, has actually anchored at this time, on the face has also revealed astonished and color of pain. 连环出手抓挠的浮世远手指甲几乎触及到谢傲宇的面门,却在这时候停住了,脸上也露出了惊愕和痛苦之色。 Bang!” “嘭!” Foot numerous trampling of Xie Aoyu on floating world far lower abdomen, the formidable strength gushes out from his sole, maliciously passes through. 谢傲宇的脚丫子重重的踹在浮世远的小腹上面,强大的力量从他的脚底涌出,狠狠的贯穿进去。 „” “啊” Floats the world to call out pitifully, spurted the blood crazily, the whole person has flown upside down. 浮世远惨叫一声,狂喷鲜血,整个人都倒飞了出去。 Xie Aoyu raises the blade to kill again. 谢傲宇提刀再杀。 Brushes!” “刷!” The person's shadow flashes, the Die Ge Sarah's towering appearance in the Xie Aoyu opposite, has blocked his way, that sharp sword was also puncturing to Xie Aoyu. 人影闪动,迭戈萨拉突兀的出现在谢傲宇的对面,挡住了他的去路,那利剑也对着谢傲宇便刺了出去。 The Xie Aoyu secret passage is quite quick. 谢傲宇暗道好快。 Purely by speed, Xie Aoyu such as rain wind absolutely unsurpassed movement Fights Technique, the speed that but Die Ge Sarah displays is not unexpectedly inferior in him. 单纯论速度,谢傲宇的如雨似风绝对无上的身法斗技,可是迭戈萨拉表现出来的速度竟然不怎么逊色于他。 I block him, you ruin the keel sword!” Die Ge Sarah sinking sound shouts to clear the way. “我来拦他,你们毁掉龙骨剑!”迭戈萨拉沉声喝道 With Zhuo Fan Ting sinking sound track that floating the world rushes to together: „It is not good, our evil sacred place and two big Demon Beast Beastly Soul of day sacred place do not dissipate voluntarily, I and float the world distant place to use the mystique to summon, want to condense, but gathers the Beastly Soul strength that 1/10 of violence demon bear did not arrive, other Beastly Soul strengths did not have, obviously by Xie Aoyu is not known with any means plundering, must kill him first, brings back the Beastly Soul strength, we can ruin the keel sword.” 与浮世远一起赶到的卓凡婷沉声道:“不行,我们邪罗圣地和天罗圣地的两大魔兽兽魂不是自行消散的,我和浮世远方才使用秘法召唤,想要重新凝聚,只是聚集了暴力魔熊的1不到的兽魂力量,其他的兽魂力量都没了,显然是被谢傲宇不知用什么办法给掠夺去了,必须先干掉他,拿回兽魂力量,我们才能毁掉龙骨剑。” Works as!” “当!” Xie Aoyu backhands a blade to block the Die Ge Sarah's sharp sword attack, the personal appearance flies upside down backward, seized the chance to be separated from their encirclement ring, „the Beastly Soul strength was used to destroy the keel sword unexpectedly, I said that why a Beastly Soul not consciousness, sentimental true function here.” 谢傲宇反手一刀挡住迭戈萨拉的利剑攻击,身形向后倒飞,也趁机脱离了他们的包围圈,“兽魂力量居然是用来毁灭龙骨剑的,我说嘛,为什么兽魂没有一点意识,感情真正作用在这里。” Knows are more, dying is quicker!” Die Ge Sarah sinking sound track. “知道的越多,死的越快!”迭戈萨拉沉声道。 I look not necessarily. „ Xie Aoyu carries Moon Falling Blade, the point refers to Die Ge Sarah and other people, „ at least your six did not have that ability.” “我看未必。“谢傲宇扛着月陨刀,点指迭戈萨拉等六人,“至少你们六个还没那份能力。”
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