BE :: Volume #10

#907: Sacred place goal 【One】

The person's shadow flashes, Die Ge Sarah has blocked the Xie Aoyu path. 人影闪动,迭戈萨拉已经挡住了谢傲宇的道路。 Xie Aoyu discovered that other people also quietly move, occupies an angle separately, unexpectedly has formed the encirclement ring, Xie Aoyu surrounding. 谢傲宇就发现,其他人也悄然行动,分别占据一角,居然形成了包围圈,将谢傲宇给包围了。 Can begin?” Xie Aoyu resembles the vaudeville, the right hand is playing with Moon Falling Blade, a leisurely appearance, possibly has not collaborated completely to care four big masters. “要动手?”谢傲宇好像杂耍般,右手玩弄着月陨刀,一副悠闲自得的模样儿,完全没有将四大高手可能联手放在心上。 He has taken a stride once again forward, to breakthrough edge, can say that traced the Ten Kings Level edge, has spread out with the general Emperor level superior boundary completely, is hoping that found the human to begin. 他已经再度向前跨出一大步,到了突破的边缘,也可以说摸到了十王级的边缘,与一般的天王级上位境界已经完全拉开了距离,也正希望找人动动手呢。 Xie brother has misunderstood, I want to try to prove several matters.” Die Ge chats. “谢兄误会了,我只是想求证几件事情。”迭戈萨拉道。 Does not have the issue, but, is my those words, first answered my issue, otherwise exempted discussed.” The reply of Xie Aoyu was still simple, leeway that did not discuss. “没问题,不过,还是我那句话,先回答我的问题,不然免谈。”谢傲宇的回答仍旧是干脆,毫无商量的余地。 Die Ge Sarah hesitates does not speak. 迭戈萨拉沉吟不语。 Other three people are also you visit me, I think you, if before Xie Aoyu release imposing manner, they really will also begin, but Xie Aoyu can compel to draw back easy southern China by the imposing manner, making them not have the assurance, let alone they also had a more important matter to process, if were seriously injured with the Xie Aoyu war, that was more disadvantageous. 其他三人也是你看我,我看你,若是谢傲宇释放气势之前,他们还真的会动手,可是谢傲宇能够凭借气势逼退易华南,令他们没有了把握,更何况他们还有更重要的事情要处理,若是与谢傲宇大战受重伤,那就更不利了。 Good, I return to the thanks brother's issue first.” Die Ge Sarah sinking sound track, why we know that mixes the world three demon swords here, why below has our six mahatmas to protect Demon Beast Beastly Soul, that is because mixes the world three demon swords to sneak attack several thousand years ago, caused heavy losses to our six mahatma places protection Demon Beast, and has stripped part their Beastly Soul forcefully, cancels all ideology, the seal in this place, and suppresses, we know that after is protects the Demon Beast severe wound to return, said.” “好,我先回答谢兄的问题。”迭戈萨拉沉声道,“为什么我们知道混世三魔剑在这里,为什么下面有我们六大圣地守护魔兽兽魂,那是因为混世三魔剑在数万年前偷袭,重创了我们六大圣地的守护魔兽,并且将它们的兽魂强行剥离了一部分,抹去一切思想意识,封印在此地,并且加以镇压,我们知道是守护魔兽重伤回归之后所说。” The Xie Aoyu heart shakes slightly. 谢傲宇心头微微一震。 In the past years, six mahatma places protection Demon Beast while Dragon Clan and Angel Clan mutually wounded time, utterly destroys them entirely, suddenly was actually mixed the attack severe wounds of world three demon swords, and mixed the world three demon swords cutting some Beastly Soul, cancelled the ideology, the seal here, who can mix the owners of world three demon swords is? Why such does? Seals sleepy Beastly Soul to do? 如此说来,在当年,六大圣地的守护魔兽趁着龙族天使族两败俱伤的时候,将他们统统斩尽杀绝,却也突遭混世三魔剑的攻击重伤的,并且并混世三魔剑给斩下了部分兽魂,抹去了思想意识,封印在这里的,可混世三魔剑的主人又是谁?为什么这么做?还有封困兽魂干什么? You thought that I believe? Why mixes the world three demon swords so to do? Since mixes the owners of world three demon swords to kill six big Demon Beast, why can leave behind Beastly Soul? Moreover cancelled consciousness, laughable, past that this said?” On the Xie Aoyu mouth so said that the regulations innermost feelings have approved. “你觉得我会相信吗?混世三魔剑为什么如此做?还有既然混世三魔剑的主人要杀六大魔兽,何必要留下兽魂?而且还被抹去的意识,可笑,这说的过去吗?”谢傲宇嘴上如此说,实则内心已经认可了。 Why mixes the world three demon swords so, that can only ask that their masters, we do not know.” Die Ge Sarah's light saying, why as for leaves behind Beastly Soul, that is because Beastly Soul stays behind, can make six of our six mahatma places big protect the Demon Beast sensation to the keel sword in the position, then comes to ruin the keel sword.” “混世三魔剑为什么如此,那就只能问它们的主人了,我们也不知道。”迭戈萨拉淡淡的说道,“至于为什么留下兽魂,那是因为兽魂留下,可以让我们六大圣地的六大守护魔兽感知到龙骨剑所在位置,进而前来将龙骨剑毁掉。” Xie Aoyu said: Wants you to ruin the keel sword? You have not cracked a joke, mixes the world three demon sword might is not stronger, why wants you to take the trouble?” 谢傲宇道:“要你们毁掉龙骨剑?你没开玩笑吧,混世三魔剑威力不是更强,何必要你们费心?” Yi Huanan taunted: That is mixes certainly the world three demon swords unable to the keel sword to begin, if, how can we begin.” He selects to refer to these keels, these keels are invalid to your me, but if mixes the world three demon swords and six big protects Demon Beast to come this, they already may be able to reactivate becomes the dead spirit-bones dragon launches the attack, that the keel of past nine mahatma dragons reactivated into the bone dragon, although the strength was weaken, but the quantity was placing there, mixed the world three demon swords to come to be ruined.” 易华南嘲讽道:“那当然是混世三魔剑无法对龙骨剑动手,若是可以的话,如何会我们来动手。”他点指那些龙骨,“这些龙骨对你我无效,可若是混世三魔剑和六大守护魔兽来此的话,它们既可会复活的成为死灵骨龙进行攻击的,那当年九大圣龙的龙骨复活成为骨龙,虽然实力减弱,可数量在那里摆放着,混世三魔剑来了就要被毁掉。” Complex, complex, initially mixed the world three demon swords to leave behind Beastly Soul for in view of the keel sword, that i.e. at that time the keel sword had not taken shape, why at that time did not want your six mahatma places six big Demon Beast to ruin the keel sword ahead of time, the so big fee is why flustered.” Xie Aoyu said. “复杂,复杂,当初混世三魔剑留下兽魂为的是针对龙骨剑,那就是说当时龙骨剑还未成型,那时候为什么不要你们六大圣地的六大魔兽提前毁掉龙骨剑,何必如此大费周章。”谢傲宇道。 At that time here was the Dragon Clan ten big powerhouses takes these Dragon Clan corpses as the price, mobilized the ultimate strength Incantation technique to ban how can break? Even if mixes world three demon swords also to spend the ban that several thousand years have then broken.” Easy southern China cold -ly snorted and said. “那时候这里是龙族十大强者以这些龙族尸体为代价,发动终极力量的咒术禁制,如何能够打破?就算是混世三魔剑也是花费了数万年这才破开的禁制。”易华南冷哼道。 The sentiment mixes world three demon sword suppression here, to break that ban. 感情混世三魔剑镇压在此,是为了破开那禁制啊。 Xie Aoyu said: Said that you came this's goal to destroy the keel sword actually.” 谢傲宇道:“这么说你们来此的目的其实就是为了毁灭龙骨剑了。” Good!” Easy southern China sinking sound track, keel sword is several thousand years ago Dragon Clan does not extinguish the will for an unsurpassed Excalibur that the foundation forms, its might is too strong, we must ruin.” “不错!”易华南沉声道,“龙骨剑乃是数万年前龙族不灭意志为基础形成的一把无上神剑,它的威力太强,我们必须毁掉。” You ruin, I can understand that after all your six mahatmas ruin the Dragon Clan murderer, but the keel sword is fierce, it is a weapon, probably mixes the world three demon swords again is also the weapon, if were subdued, still will deal with the original master, the weapon, don't you want to obtain the keel sword eventually?” Xie Aoyu asked. “你们毁掉,我能理解,毕竟你们六大圣地是毁掉龙族的凶手嘛,可龙骨剑再厉害,它就是兵器,就好像混世三魔剑再强也是兵器,若被人收服,仍然会对付原主人的,终究还是兵器,难道你们就不想得到龙骨剑?”谢傲宇反问道。 His vision also seized the chance to pass over gently and swiftly on four people of faces. 他的目光也趁机掠过四人的脸上。 The result obtains is an excited greedy color, may then reveal the color of renouncing. 结果得到的都是一丝心动的贪婪之色,可随之便都露出了决绝之色。 Keel sword must ruin.” Die Ge chats. “龙骨剑必须毁掉。”迭戈萨拉道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: I looked that is you were worried about whom, if obtains, then has the master who keel sword the most powerhouse in that sacred place may sweep away other five mahatma places, therefore you each other suspected that the best means ruin the keel sword, everybody feels at ease.” 谢傲宇笑道:“我看是你们担心谁要是得到的话,那么拥有龙骨剑的那个圣地的最强者就有可能横扫其他五大圣地的高手吧,所以你们彼此猜忌,最好的办法还是毁掉龙骨剑,大家都安心吧。” Snort! Xie brother asking of unconsciously were too many, now you should answer our issues.” Die Ge chats. “哼!谢兄不觉的问的太多了吗,现在你该回答我们的问题了吧。”迭戈萨拉道。 I have the last issue.” Xie Aoyu said. “我还有最后一个问题。”谢傲宇道。 Die Ge Sarah knits the brows: What issue also has?” 迭戈萨拉皱眉道:“还有什么问题?” The Xie Aoyu vision jumps suddenly projects together the none remaining, is watching intently Die Ge Sarah, the sinking sound track: Who mixes the owners of world three demon swords is!” 谢傲宇的目光陡然迸射出一道精光,逼视着迭戈萨拉,沉声道:“混世三魔剑的主人是谁!” Through their exchanges, in addition Xie Aoyu , the matter that knows, Xie Aoyu gets an answer, that behind has a mystical hand in six mahatmas, but this hand mixes the owners of world three demon swords certainly to have some relation with this, even may be a person. 通过他们的交流,加上谢傲宇之前所知的事情,谢傲宇得到一个答案,那就是在六大圣地背后有一只神秘的手,而这只手与这混世三魔剑的主人一定有着某种联系,甚至都有可能是一个人。 You thought that mixes the world three demon sword mastership such matters, by us the status in respective sacred place and status, some qualifications knows?” Falls the Die Ge Sarah's light say (way), „, if not this time we follow orders to come, feared that is some questions that you asked are impossible to know.” “你觉得混世三魔剑主人身份这样的事情,以我们在各自圣地内的身份、地位,有资格知道吗?”跌迭戈萨拉淡淡的道,“若非此次我们奉命前来,怕是连你方才所问的一些问题都不可能知道。” This saying but actually also right, after all six mahatmas, definitely are the masters, if said that feared is accurate Battle Emperor not necessarily has one person, Xie Aoyu said: Words, although so, you should know that a clue is right, impossible anything not to know.” 这话倒也没错,毕竟六大圣地内,肯定是高手若云,怕是准战皇都未必只有一人的,谢傲宇道:“话虽如此,你们应该知道一点线索才对,不可能什么都不知道吧。” You did not think asked were too many?” On that day lonesome mountain the say (way) of startled day letting somebody cool off or calm down. “你不觉得问的太多了?”那天寂山的项惊天冷冷的道。 Said these many, it is necessary to intertwine this?” Xie Aoyu said. “已经说了这么多,有必要纠结这点吗?”谢傲宇道。 Startled day cold snort, no longer said a word. 项惊天冷哼一声,不再言语。 Die Ge chats: We only know that mixes the owners of world three demon swords is the several thousand years ago characters, he must die at that time, does not know that with any means that the seal in Angel Holy Island, will enter from now on then in the deep sleep of long years, until one day, Dragon Clan and Angel Clan choice perishes together, that strength awakens from the deep sleep him, he also replies on that strength, displayed has gone against heaven's will seizes the life Incantation technique, making oneself start to reactivate, but his reactivating as if also has very big conflict with Dragon Clan and Angel Clan, how many will therefore save forcefully did not know year, that condensed. The strength displays, big protects Demon Beast arresting Angel Holy Island six of our six mahatma places, the following matter thinks that you also knew, according to six big protect Demon Beast says, mixes departures of world three demon swords, is he starts to recover the time.” 迭戈萨拉道:“我们只知道,混世三魔剑的主人是数万年前的人物,他当时本已必死,不知用什么办法,将自己封印在天使圣岛,自此便进入了漫长岁月的沉睡中,直到有一天,龙族天使族选择同归于尽,那力量才将他从沉睡中唤醒,他也借助那股力量,施展了逆天夺命的咒术,令自己开始复活,可他的复活似乎与龙族天使族又有着很大的冲突,所以强行将积攒了不知多少年,才凝聚的一点。力量施展出来,将我们六大圣地的六大守护魔兽给拘进天使圣岛,后面的事情想必你也都知道了,根据六大守护魔兽的所言,混世三魔剑的离开,也就是他开始复苏的时候。” Recovery! 复苏! Once unified a wee bit strengths to be able six mahatmas six big to protect the Demon Beast detention, but to person reactivating of Angel Holy Island, what boundary is he? 一个曾经只是凝聚了一丁点力量就能够将六大圣地六大守护魔兽拘禁而至天使圣岛的人复活,那他是什么境界? To this issue, Xie Aoyu felt that the situation seems expecting toward him beside development. 对这个问题,谢傲宇感到事态似乎正朝着他预想之外的发展。 You definitely are having doubts six big to protect the Demon Beast strength, how to be detained? Actually is very simple, past six big protect Demon Beast in person Wang Dazhan in not only severe wound, but also falls ten ranks continually, the strength dropped the freezing point, by that person of relaxed detention, they at that time can destroy completely Dragon Clan and Angel Clan, the abatement two clans were mutually wounded, respective understrength 12 tenths, what was main mixes the unsurpassed big magical powers technique that the owners of world three demon swords used, some time banned that their strengths can only display probably only then itself strength 1%, so six big Demon Beast were still paid to carry the severe wound, the price of almost falling from the sky, but you should also understand now, why after Dragon Clan perished., They, although hates our six mahatma bones to inter the body, actually still aimed at aiming at our six mahatmas, but aims at mixing the owners of world three demon swords, has made the reason of this keel sword.” Die Ge Sarah gave to explain the questions in all Xie Aoyu brains. “你肯定在疑惑六大守护魔兽的力量,如何被拘禁吧?其实很简单,当年的六大守护魔兽在与人王大战中不但重伤,而且连掉十个等级,实力跌落到了冰点,才会被那人轻松拘禁的,他们那时候能够灭掉龙族天使族,除却两族已经两败俱伤,各自力量不足12成,更主要的还是混世三魔剑的主人施展的无上大神通术,在一段时间内禁制他们双方的力量只能发挥大概只有本身力量的1,如此六大魔兽仍是付出身负重伤,差点陨落的代价,而你现在也应该明白,为什么龙族灭亡之后。,他们虽然恨我们六大圣地入骨,却仍旧不是以针对我们六大圣地为目标的,而是以混世三魔剑的主人为目标,制造了这把龙骨剑的原因了吧。”迭戈萨拉一口气将所有谢傲宇头脑中的疑问都给解释了。 Xie Aoyu will mix all that among the world three demon sword owners, six mahatmas, Dragon Clan and Angel Clan experience finally, gave to comb clearly. 谢傲宇终于将混世三魔剑主人、六大圣地、龙族天使族之间所经历的一切,都给梳理清楚了。 In the final analysis, mixes the owners of world three demon swords is the genuine murderer. 说到底,混世三魔剑的主人才是真正的凶手。 Mixes the status of world three demon sword owners to this, Xie Aoyu does not have the clue, but a few words in Die Ge Sarah mouth, made him feel some familiar. 对这个混世三魔剑主人的身份,谢傲宇是毫无头绪,可迭戈萨拉口中的一句话,却令他感到一些熟悉。 These words are to use the unsurpassed big magical powers technique, made Dragon Clan and Angel Clan the bilateral strength can only display 1% within certain amount of time. 这句话就是施展无上大神通术,令龙族天使族在一定时间内双方力量只能发挥出1。 This method as if Master Ge Telixie also has. 此手段似乎哥特里谢大师也拥有。 Initially Xie Aoyu, Qin Yueyi and Zhou Zhenwang, Yan Ling Wu, Lang Zhantian, Lin Dongyun, Bing Ge composed the new seven heroes intruded the Tianzai Clan station the time, not with the aid of the kind of method that Master Ge Telixie did use? 当初谢傲宇秦月依、周震王、燕玲舞浪战天林动云冰戈七人组成新七英雄闯入天灾族驻地的时候,不正是借助哥特里谢大师施展的此类手段吗? Perhaps this mixes the status of world three demon sword owners to be able from Master Ge Telixie there to obtain some clues. 或许这个混世三魔剑主人的身份能够从哥特里谢大师那里得到一些蛛丝马迹。 Xie Aoyu said: Now I understood, all understood, does not know that what strength this does mix the owners of world three demon swords is? Age that the person king bans, even if regains consciousness, he should not break the person king to ban practice principle that the bloodline leave behind?” 谢傲宇道:“现在我明白了,一切都明白了,就是不知道这个混世三魔剑的主人到底是什么实力?人王禁制的年代,就算是苏醒,他应该也不会打破人王禁制血脉留下的修炼法则吧?”
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