BE :: Volume #10

#906: Beastly soul 【Two】 Eighth!

Saw that the Beastly Soul strength of two souls in Moon Falling Blade in swallowing, some Xie Aoyu also ideas, then released some of their psychic force, entered in Moon Falling Blade. 眼看着月陨刀内的两个灵魂在吞噬兽魂力量,谢傲宇也有些想法了,便将自己的精神力释放出一些,进入月陨刀内。 His first choice is Gold Flame Hawk. 他第一个选择是金焱神鹰 By his feeling, the Beastly Soul strength of Gold Flame Hawk design absorption continues compared with the multi- several folds that the dragon shape hilt absorbs, is his psychic force transportation in the past, instantly then the repel. 以他的感觉,金焱神鹰图案吸收的兽魂力量远比龙形刀柄吸收的多数倍不止,可是他的精神力输送过去,即刻便有一丝排斥。 As if Gold Flame Hawk that weak soul to his repel. 似乎金焱神鹰那一丝微弱灵魂对他的排斥。 Xie Aoyu is startled first, along with, even if has smiled, initially Gold Flame Hawk rather from exploding, does not submit, thinks that a Gold Flame Hawk soul of this surviving has repelled to him is also natural, then distracted the dragon shape hilt place the attention, goes the strange soul that formed with here to unify. 谢傲宇先是一怔,随即便笑了起来,当初金焱神鹰宁可自爆,也绝不屈服,想必这残存的一丝金焱神鹰灵魂对他有所排斥也是理所当然的,便将目标转移到了龙形刀柄处,去与这里形成的奇异的灵魂相结合。 A both contact, then fuses. 两者一接触,便融合起来。 The dragon shape hilt does not repel. 龙形刀柄丝毫不排斥。 After the fusion, the Beastly Soul strength of dragon shape hilt inner absorption itself are not many, Xie Aoyu fuses with it, obtained a very scarce Beastly Soul strength, to is almost unable to determine that scarcely whether exists. 融合之后,龙形刀柄内吸收的兽魂力量本身就不多,谢傲宇与之融合,也得到了非常非常稀少的一丝兽魂力量,稀少到几乎无法确定是否存在。 Xie Aoyu had not expected that has too many Beastly Soul strengths to be obtained by him, can be a little good, the strength that will obtain immediately then carries on to build up, supplements in his Qi. 谢傲宇也没奢望有太多的兽魂力量被他得到,能有一点已经不错了,当即便将得到的力量进行炼化,补充到他的斗气内。 Then, a half after enough hour, violence demon bear that many Beastly Soul strengths were consumed completely the son. 就这样,足足半个小时之后,暴力魔熊那本就不多的兽魂力量便被消耗殆尽儿。 Xie Aoyu examines Moon Falling Blade, on the surface not sweeping change. 谢傲宇查看月陨刀,从表面看并没有大变化。 He tries to input Qi to feel, has little change. 他试着输入斗气感觉,还是没太大变化。 Is difficult to be inadequate must be well-prepared, after achieving enough strength, voluntarily evolution?” Xie Aoyu thinks evolves voluntarily, oneself also smiled. “难不成是要厚积薄发,达到足够的力量之后,自行进化?”谢傲宇想到自行进化,自己也笑了。 Although mixes the performance of world three demon swords, explained that the weapon also can indeed produce the sword to work, but that does not know how long needs to achieve, therefore voluntarily the evolution possible surname is almost zero. 虽说混世三魔剑的表现,说明兵器也的确能够产生剑灵,可那不知道需要多长时间才能做到,所以自行进化可能姓几乎是零。 A little can conclude in any case that Moon Falling Blade definitely has the change. 反正有一点可以断定,月陨刀肯定有变化。 This change is very possible intrinsic. 只是这变化很可能是内在的。 Xie Aoyu induces again own Qi, the Beastly Soul strength that although he obtains feared that is 1%, but can still feel that Qi has the considerable enhancement, thus it can be seen, the violence demon Kumamoto body has formidable how. 谢傲宇再感应一下自己的斗气,虽然他得到的兽魂力量怕是1不到,但仍旧能感觉到斗气有着相当的增强,由此可见,暴力魔熊本体有多么的强大。 Then Xie Aoyu will focus on that cracking on Sky Demon good king Beastly Soul. 接着谢傲宇将目标放在那裂天魔牛王兽魂上面。 Cracks Sky Demon Niu Wang and Beastly Soul strength of violence demon bear quite, but has not started Xie Aoyu not to know how to absorb the Beastly Soul strength time has vanished the strength. 天魔牛王与暴力魔熊的兽魂力量相当,只是没有开始谢傲宇并不知道怎么吸收兽魂力量的时候消失过力量。 Absorption that once again starts. 又一次开始的吸收。 Xie Aoyu also as before belongs to dine the kind. 谢傲宇也依旧属于蹭饭类的。 He absorbs was still least, feared that was 1% strengths, even if so, when cracked Sky Demon Niu Wang Beastly Soul has not consumed completely, Xie Aoyu actually felt that own cultivation to have a qualitative leap, strided in the breakthrough edge all of a sudden. 他吸收的仍旧是最少,怕是1的力量,可是即便如此,当裂天魔牛王的兽魂还没有完全消耗的时候,谢傲宇竟然感觉到自己的修为有了一次质的飞跃,一下子跨入到了突破的边缘。 In other words, by fearing that this 1% two big Demon Beast leave behind is ten points of Beastly Soul strength 1% strengths, he has taken a stride unexpectedly forward. 也就是说,凭借这1的两大魔兽留下的怕是十分之一兽魂力量的1的力量,他居然向前跨出了一大步。 So infers two big Demon Beast main bodies the strengths, Xie Aoyu felt that is looks up to is hard to see the peak. 如此推断两大魔兽本体的力量,谢傲宇都感到那是仰望都难以看到顶端的。 He cultivation to obtain promotes enormously. 他是修为得到极大地提升。 But Moon Falling Blade was still the old style. 可是月陨刀仍旧是老样子。 Xie Aoyu inputs Qi, had not discovered that it has anything to change, but two big Demon Beast Beastly Soul strengths had been absorbed the major part by Moon Falling Blade, this is also the fact. 谢傲宇输入斗气,也没发现它到底有什么变化,但是两大魔兽兽魂的力量被月陨刀吸收了绝大部分,这也是事实。 Brushes 刷刷刷 Along with swallowing of Moon Falling Blade, that cracks the Sky Demon Niu Wang Beastly Soul strength in rapid weakening, finally becomes more and more gloomy, is less unreal. 随着月陨刀的吞噬,那裂天魔牛王的兽魂力量正在飞速的减弱中,最后变得越来越暗淡,越来越不虚幻。 Finally dissipates thoroughly. 最后彻底消散。 Two big Demon Beast Beastly Soul strengths were swallowed thoroughly. 两大魔兽兽魂力量彻底被吞噬。 Xie Aoyu therefore successful once again has also been promoted the strength, arrived at the breakthrough edge, in other words, he has touched the Ten Kings Level edge. 谢傲宇也因此成功将实力再度得到提升,已经到了突破边缘,换言之,他已经触摸到了十王级的边缘。 Ka! Ka! Ka “咔!咔!咔” He has not adapted to his Qi, hears the sound that the ground broadcasts once again splits, the place that two big Demon Beast Beastly Soul are at opened a slit unexpectedly respectively, and spreads to the opposite party respectively, finally coincided, has formed a giant channel, extended under. 他还未适应自己的斗气,就听到地面再度传来裂开的声音,两大魔兽兽魂所在的地方竟然各自开启了一条缝隙,并且分别向对方蔓延,最后相合,形成了一条巨大的通道,延伸到下方。 Not?” Xie Aoyu said. “不会吧,还有?”谢傲宇道。 Has not gone down the ladder saying that the strong resentment and dead air/Qi transmit from that the strong degree made some Xie Aoyu stable mood as if fluctuations. 还未曾走下梯道,就有一股浓重的怨气、死气从那下面传递上来,浓重程度令谢傲宇稳定的心境似乎都有些波动。 So heavy aura Xie Aoyu has only met one time, after is the God Beast White Tiger transformation achievement tyrannosaurus, 12 dragon eggs that found were ruined the overflow the resentment, is extremely heavy, compared with this, has the long distance disparity. 如此重的气息谢傲宇只遇到过一次,就是神兽白虎蜕变成就霸王龙之后,找到的12枚龙蛋被毁掉溢出的怨气,极重,与这个相比,却有着十万八千里的差距。 Xie Aoyu has not walked, but flutters. 谢傲宇没有走路,而是飘飞起来。 He flies down slowly. 他缓缓地向下飞去。 Moon Falling Blade also grips tightly in the hand, within the body billowing such as the Qi circulation of perpetual flow continuous, his spiritual also high degree of concentration, the auricle passed opens completely. 月陨刀也紧握在手中,体内滚滚如长河的斗气流转不休,他的精神也高度集中了起来,心耳通完全开启。 Below has the intermittent strong winds to howl, is having that resentment, seems has the devil to whin. 下面有着阵阵的狂风呼啸,带着那怨气,好似有魔鬼在哀嚎。 Flies the ladder saying that mixes with the moist death air/Qi odor flavor to head on. 飞下梯道,夹杂着潮湿的死气恶臭的味道扑面而来。 Xie Aoyu optional waving, Qi surges, then gives the parry this aura, he then dodges the item to watch, pleasant is piece of bones of the dead. 谢傲宇随意的一挥手,斗气涌动,便将这股气息给挡开,他这才闪目观看,入眼是一片的白骨。 And the bones of the dead unexpectedly all is a keel. 且白骨竟然全都是龙骨。 Here unexpectedly is Dragon Clan the place of burying. 这里居然是龙族的埋葬之地。 Side broad of here occupying land area range, Xie Aoyu could not have seen unexpectedly, may almost be every other 2-3 meters will have a bone body of dragon to lie down on the ground, moreover each keel is bursts, not having one to be complete, some main item did not even have, the remaining bodies, some bone wings did not only have. 此处占地范围之广,谢傲宇一眼竟然还看不到边,可几乎是每隔两三米就会有一具龙的骨体躺在地上,而且每一具龙骨都是破裂的,没有一个是完整的,有的甚至龙头都没了,只剩下身子,有的骨翼没了。 Judges from the appearance of keel purely, these dragons were killed. 单纯从龙骨的模样儿来判断,这些龙生前都是被杀死的。 Xie Aoyu slow flight. 谢傲宇缓慢的飞行。 His vision is examining the bone bodies of some dragons unceasingly, Dragon Clan that in these fables almost Xie Aoyu knows have everything expected to find, sees many Dragon Clan Dragon King rank the keel. 他的目光不断地查看着一些龙的骨体,几乎谢傲宇所知道的那些传说中的龙族是应有尽有,其中还看到不少的龙族龙王级别的龙骨。 Along with his counter- flight, discovered gradually that huge of this space, flew for more than ten minutes, stretches as far as eye can see unexpectedly, everywhere is the keels. 随着他反的飞行,渐渐地发现,这空间的庞大,足足飞行了十多分钟,竟然还是一望无尽,满地都是龙骨。 Xie Aoyu simply from airborne falls. 谢傲宇干脆从空中落下。 Finally his both feet falls to the ground, breeze that brings has stroked, a nearby keel then changed to the powder at the scene, obviously they existed are extremely remote. 结果他双脚落地,带起的一股微风拂过,附近的一具龙骨当场便化作了粉末,显然它们存在太过久远了。 Continues to go forward. 继续前进。 Ten minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes 十分钟,20分钟,30分钟 The Xie Aoyu speed is speeding up, has spent for nearly 50 minutes, sees a distant place giant sacrificial altar, naturally these, the keel distance is also expanding, is 1-2 meters then keel, afterward was almost more than ten meters, more than 20 meters will have a keel, even if this, in the so huge range, the bone body quantity of that dragon also were really the terror. 谢傲宇的速度在加快,足足花费了将近50分钟,才看到远处一个巨大的祭台,自然这其中,龙骨彼此间的距离也在扩大,原先都是一两米便有一具龙骨,后来几乎是十多米,20多米才会有一具龙骨的,即便这样,如此庞大的范围内,那龙的骨体数量也实在是恐怖之极的。 The distant place sacrificial altar best pupil has 30 meters, nine stairs, and above full cloth Incantation technique mark, is glittering the point halo, but on that nine stairs the giant keels are also lying down. 远处祭台高足有30米,共有九个台阶,且上面满布咒术符号,闪烁着点点的光晕,而那九个台阶上面也都有一个巨大的龙骨躺着。 Xie Aoyu then recognizes, what on the ninth stair is lying down is the keels of three golden Saint dragons, the eighth stair is Battle Dragon, with the keel of this downward each stair unexpectedly is the Saint dragon keel , was known as that Dragon Clan nine Saints Saint dragon keels, naturally does not have the dragon of three Brontosaurus's tumultuous times keels, is Saint dragon keel that another Dragon Clan Dragon King evolves becomes. 谢傲宇一眼便认出,其中第九个台阶上面躺着的正是三首黄金圣龙的龙骨,第八个台阶是战龙,以此往下每一个台阶的龙骨竟然全都是圣龙龙骨,也就是号称龙族九圣的圣龙龙骨,自然其中没有乱世之龙三眼雷龙的龙骨,是另外一种龙族的龙王进化而成的圣龙龙骨。 As for the uppermost, is inserting a sword. 至于最上面,则插着一把剑。 That is a keel sword, has in the keel the hardest part to build, does not have the light all over the body, as if averagely not wonderful, but Xie Aoyu sees it actually strange feelings, this keel sword is not absolutely simple. 那是一把龙骨剑,有龙骨中最坚硬的部分打造而成的,通体无光,似乎平平无奇,可是谢傲宇看到它却有一种奇异的感觉,此龙骨剑绝对不简单。 Original Xie Aoyu also wonders, what that dark green wolf demon sword suppresses is anything, now looks like, is very likely is this keel sword. 本来谢傲宇还纳闷,那苍狼魔剑镇压的是什么,现在看来,极有可能就是这把龙骨剑。 Then in he ponders, ear transmits the sound. 便在他沉思中,耳边传来响动。 Sees only about departs four people respectively. 只见左右各自飞出四人。 They easy southern China from Xuantian Gong, the startled day of day lonesome mountain, Die Ge Sarah as well as the hei deep pool palace of Yaqi bright sea, are four mahatmas teach other people impressively. \\ N 他们赫然是来自玄天宫的易华南,天寂山的项惊天,光明海的迭戈萨拉以及黒渊殿雅琪,是四大圣地传人。\\n Xie Aoyu looked that to direction that they come, mixes the direction that another two demon swords in world three demon swords are, during the thoughts rotations, he still understands that mixes the world three demon swords is suppressing that sacrificial altar above keel sword radically is, as for Demon Beast Beastly Soul, to aim at right of keel sword probably, otherwise why six mahatmas teach other people can arrive as if by prior agreement. 谢傲宇看向他们来的方向,正是混世三魔剑中的另外两把魔剑所在的方向,心思转动间,他依然明白,混世三魔剑根本就是在镇压那祭台上面的龙骨剑才是,至于其中的魔兽兽魂,大概也是为针对龙骨剑的才对,不然为什么六大圣地传人都能不约而同的到来。 Xie Aoyu?” That easy southern China first of Xuantian Gong to discover Xie Aoyu, surprised visits him, floats the world to be far and Zhuo Fan Ting!” 谢傲宇?”那玄天宫的易华南第一个发现谢傲宇,不由吃惊的看着他,“浮世远和卓凡婷呢!” The startled days of other three mahatma places, Die Ge Sarah and Yaqi are also startled, cannot believe looks at Xie Aoyu, as if the people of six mahatma places cannot come here, surprising them. 其他三大圣地的项惊天,迭戈萨拉和雅琪也都是一怔,不敢相信的看着谢傲宇,仿佛非六大圣地的人能够来到这里,令他们很意外。 Xie Aoyu disguises as Qin Ziao arrogant time and Yi Huanan have contacted, then easy southern China to give his feeling is very modest, did not put on airs, now is a stance of keeping aloof interrogated that his cannot help but laughed in one's heart, was asked itself probably at that time and they cooperates, therefore has not adopted this stance. 谢傲宇假扮秦紫傲的时候与易华南接触过,当时的易华南给他的感觉就是很谦虚,不摆架子,现在却是一种高高在上的姿态质问,他不由得一阵暗笑,大概当时是求自己与他们合作,所以没有摆出这副姿态吧。 You replied first I an issue, why your six mahatmas know that mixes the world three demon swords? Why under mixing world three demon swords has your six mahatmas to protect Demon Beast Beastly Soul? Why does here have the bone body of Dragon Clan? That keel sword what's the matter?” Xie Aoyu raised many puzzled issues continuously. “你先回答我一个问题,你们六大圣地为什么知道混世三魔剑?为什么在混世三魔剑下方有你们六大圣地守护魔兽兽魂?为什么这里还有龙族的骨体?那龙骨剑又是怎么回事?”谢傲宇连续抛出了诸多不解的问题。 Why must answer your issue.” Yi Huanan said. “为什么要回答你的问题。”易华南道。 Xie Aoyu shrugs, indifferent say (way): Why I must answer your issue.” 谢傲宇耸耸肩,无所谓的道:“那我为什么要回答你的问题。” Yi Huanan both eyes jump project together cold Mang, is watching intently Xie Aoyu. 易华南双目迸射出一道冷芒,逼视着谢傲宇 But Xie Aoyu looked that does not visit him. 怎奈谢傲宇看都不看他。 Yi brother, the proper business is important.” Die Ge of that bright sea chats. “易兄,正事要紧。”那光明海的迭戈萨拉道。 Easy southern China cold snort, not to be speaking. 易华南冷哼了一声,不在说话。 Die Ge chats: Xie brother, hopes that you can reply our issues, this is to us important.” 迭戈萨拉道:“谢兄,希望你能够回答我们的问题,这对我们来说非常重要。” Wants me to answer the issue, first answered me the issues, otherwise it will just be a waste of time.” The Xie Aoyu light say (way), also has, does not want self to think person who six mahatma places, is very extraordinary, in my eyes, six mahatmas do not have anything specially.” “要我回答问题可以,先回答我那些问题,否则免谈。”谢傲宇淡淡的道,“还有,不要自以为六大圣地的人,就很了不得,在我眼里,六大圣地也没什么特别的。” Four people of complexions simultaneously change. 四人脸色同时一变。 Easy southern China sinking sound track: Seizes him, I do not believe unable to ask the truth.” 易华南沉声道:“擒下他,我就不信问不出实情。” Brush! 刷! Xie Aoyu turns around suddenly, faces easy southern China directly, the huge imposing manner in that Emperor level superior breakthrough edge erupts suddenly, moving mountains general oppression in the past. 谢傲宇猛然一转身,正面面对易华南,那天王级上位突破边缘的庞大气势猛然爆发出来,排山倒海一般压迫过去。 The formidable imposing manner forms invisible strength, making easy southern China unexpected, backed up again and again 34 steps. 强大的气势形成无形的力量,令易华南猝不及防,连连倒退34步。 „Do you match?” Xie Aoyu cold say (way). “你配吗?”谢傲宇冷然道。 The easy southern China complexion becomes extremely ugly, he has not thought obviously the Xie Aoyu strength so is unexpectedly intrepid, can compel to draw back him with the imposing manner with ease. 易华南脸色变得极其难看,他显然没想到谢傲宇的实力居然如此强悍,能够轻松地用气势将他逼退。 Xie Aoyu carries Moon Falling Blade, observes the situation four people, I have said that must ask my question, first replied.” He said that takes a step then to walk toward that sacrificial altar. 谢傲宇扛着月陨刀,环视四人,“我说过,要问我问题,先回答。”他说完迈步便向那祭台走去。 He must take the keel sword, before four mahatma masters, completely has not placed here their four people, this stance made four people are angry. 他要取龙骨剑,就在四大圣地高手面前,完全没将他们四人放在这里,这种姿态令四人更是恼怒。 Holds on a minute!” “且慢!”
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