BE :: Volume #10

#905: Beastly soul 【One】 Seventh!

Bang bang bang “嘭嘭嘭” Above floating world far wild with rage tramples Incantation technique only to cover with the foot continuously, no matter what he exhausts the strength, that Incantation technique only furred ceiling many also slightly produces a ripple, is unable to shake the iota. 上面的浮世远狂怒的连续用脚踹咒术光罩,可是任他用尽力量,那咒术光罩顶多也就是略微产生一丝波纹而已,根本无法撼动分毫。 Under, who you are, dares to snatch including our things!” Floats the world distant point to refer to Xie Aoyu, shouted abuse, bastard thing, rolled to the father.” “下面的,你是谁,连我们的东西也敢抢!”浮世远点指谢傲宇,破口大骂,“混蛋东西,给老子滚出来。” Xie Aoyu is disinclined to respond him. 谢傲宇懒得搭理他。 He starts to focus in this air/Qi of murdering. 他开始将目光放在这杀伐之气上面。 The air/Qi of murdering only has these to have been through repeatedly the genuine sandy plain, slaughters innumerably, being similar that one that can form has the natural striking power in the world vitality, has different one to exist mysteriously, after the absorption, then can make Qi have more formidable striking power, this is the function of air/Qi of murdering. 杀伐之气唯有那些历经真正的沙场,杀戮无数,才会形成的一种具有天然的攻击力的类似于天地元气,却有不同的一种玄妙存在,吸收之后,便可以令斗气拥有更强大的攻击力,这便是杀伐之气的作用。 But that mixes the abilities of world three demon swords also to show that their uncommonness, so terrifying mixing world three demon swords, asked their once masters, takes the person who they are cutting to kill possibly is the weak one? 而那混世三魔剑的能力也已经证明它们的不凡,如此恐怖的混世三魔剑,试问它们曾经的主人,拿着它们所斩杀的人可能是弱者吗? That inevitably is the extraordinary master. 那必然是非凡的高手。 War intent of extraordinary powerhouse, kills to read the air/Qi of murdering the condensation becomes, that compared with condense pure that becomes after the sandy plain, and might wins, the function is bigger. 非凡强者的战意、杀念凝聚而成的杀伐之气,那要比经过沙场凝聚而成的更加的纯粹,且威力更胜,作用更大。 Xie Aoyu has certainly enormously the idea to this air/Qi of murdering. 谢傲宇当然对这杀伐之气有着极大地想法了。 „” “咻咻咻” That murders sharp sword that the gasification makes to flash when this space unceasingly, since Xie Aoyu sends out Incantation technique has the response, these air/Qi of murdering again have not then weakened, vanish, throughout is maintaining certain might, Xie Aoyu is joyful, then prepares to start to practice, derives these air/Qi of murdering. 那杀伐之气化作的利剑在这空间内不断地闪动,自从谢傲宇出动咒术产生反应之后,这些杀伐之气便没有再减弱,消失,始终保持着一定的威力,谢傲宇欣喜之余,便准备开始修炼,汲取这些杀伐之气。 He just about to sits cross-legged to sit, feels an air/Qi of fierce fluctuation all around murdering. 他刚要盘腿而坐,就感到四周的杀伐之气一阵剧烈的波动。 In Xie Aoyu Space Ring, properly speaking has Space Ring and outside isolates, was impossible to induce to Moon Falling Blade of outside also to shiver. 就是谢傲宇空间戒指内,按理说有空间戒指与外界隔绝,不可能感应到外界的月陨刀也颤动了起来。 Pit-a-pat “突突” Xie Aoyu took Moon Falling Blade immediately. 谢傲宇当即将月陨刀拿了出来。 Moon Falling Blade just came out, vibration was fiercer, the result these air/Qi of murdering then crazy wells up to Moon Falling Blade, shortly by clean that it will absorb. 月陨刀刚出来,震动的更厉害了,结果那些杀伐之气便疯狂的向月陨刀涌去,顷刻间被它吸收的一干二净。 Xie Aoyu this master stares on helplessly. 谢傲宇这个主人则是干瞪眼。 What's all this about?” Xie Aoyu has the impulsion that one type must curse at people. “这是怎么回事?”谢傲宇有一种要骂人的冲动。 These air/Qi of murdering have very big help to him, unexpectedly by Moon Falling Blade swallowing. 那些杀伐之气可是对他有着非常大帮助的,竟然都被月陨刀给吞噬了。 Obtained air/Qi of murdering Moon Falling Blade all over the body pan- the bright ray, the knife above Gold Flame Hawk design clear, and faint passed sends out a cruel aura, the dragon shape of hilt place also as if there is wild flavor, the Moon Falling Blade feeling seemed to be is in any case fiercer. 得到杀伐之气的月陨刀通体泛起了明亮的光芒,刀身上面的金焱神鹰图案更加的清晰,且隐隐中透发出一股暴戾的气息,刀柄处的龙形也似乎有着狂暴的味道,反正月陨刀感觉就是似乎更加厉害了。 duo!” “咄!” The Xie Aoyu also future anxious research what's the matter, that Moon Falling Blade suddenly breaks away from his control, as if very huge strengths give the fetter it, suction. 谢傲宇还未来的急研究怎么回事,那月陨刀则突然脱离他的控制,仿佛有一股非常庞大的力量将它给束缚,吸走了。 The blade light has delimited. 刀光划过。 Void transmits tearing the sound. 虚空中传来撕裂的响动。 The space seemed lacerated, that Moon Falling Blade one then submerges the Xie Aoyu front about five meters far place, in -line enters to arrive at the hilt place. 空间似乎被割破了,那月陨刀一下便没入谢傲宇前方大约五米远的地方,直插入到达刀柄处。 Ka ka “咔咔咔咔” That Incantation technique strength not, therefore was disturbed. 咒术力量并没有因此受到干扰。 Instead is the ground transmits the sound, a crack presents, and rapid expansion, and ladder in that crack, although the ladder say (way) seems does not hate neatly, obviously after reorganization. 反而是地面传来响动,一条裂缝呈现出来,并且迅速的扩大,且有一条梯道在那裂缝内,虽然梯道看上去恨不工整,明显是经过整理的。 Xie Aoyu then followed that ladder to say. 谢傲宇便顺着那条梯道走了下去。 Fell from above as for Moon Falling Blade. 至于月陨刀已经从上面坠了下去。 Ladder is not very long, was 40-50 meters appearance, Xie Aoyu then has come probably also to the end, presents in present was two huge had Incantation technique to form the light cover that but in inside, then there are two Demon Beast forms. 梯道不是很长,大概也就是四五十米的样子,谢傲宇便走到了尽头,呈现在眼前的则是两个巨大的有咒术形成的光罩,而在里面,则有两个魔兽的身影。 The Demon Beast form is very big, more than ten meters high, the occupying land area position also is very fully broad. 魔兽身影很大,足有十多米高,占地方位也很广。 Moon Falling Blade then falls on two only covers the middle position, the air/Qi of murdering just now absorbs is still flowing in Moon Falling Blade, but these air/Qi of murdering actually had some marvelous relation with these two Demon Beast forms, seems Demon Beast in this only cover through the air/Qi of murdering Moon Falling Blade inhaling draw. 月陨刀便落在两个光罩中间的位置,方才吸收的杀伐之气还在月陨刀内流动着,而这些杀伐之气却与这两个魔兽身影发生了某种奇妙的联系,似乎就是这光罩内的魔兽通过杀伐之气将月陨刀给吸进来的。 Xie Aoyu looks to two Demon Beast. 谢傲宇看向两个魔兽 Beastly Soul? 兽魂 Witnessed the Ru Yan Kowloon soul to enter Profound Spirit one with own eyes, Xie Aoyu regarding the understanding of soul of Demon Beast, already had the understanding of enormous place. 亲眼见证了如烟的九龙魂进入玄灵的一幕,谢傲宇对于魔兽之魂的认识,早就有了极大地的认识。 Therefore he can recognize, this is Beastly Soul, moreover these two Beastly Soul belong not to have the ideology, in other words they are existences of unconsciousness, will not attack and defend, seems two stones is the same. 所以他能够一眼认出,这是兽魂,而且这两个兽魂属于没有思想意识的,也就是说它们是无意识的存在,不会攻击、防御,就好似两块石头一样。 Original Beastly Soul exists is not unusual, so long as after all the Demon Beast strength achieves above Ten Kings Level, can definitely after dying, through some special methods, making Beastly Soul not extinguish, but these two Beastly Soul appearances have actually brought to the attention of Xie Aoyu. 本来兽魂存在并不奇特,毕竟只要魔兽的实力达到十王级以上,完全可以在死后,通过一些特殊的手段,让兽魂不灭的,可这两个兽魂的模样儿却引起了谢傲宇的注意。 Left Beastly Soul, seems an demon cow, has ten meters high, top of the head two curving corners, thick long sharp, the body does not have the scale, has the black superficial knowledge, the whole body is the muscle, four legs are similar to Shizhuzi, what is most noticeable is between two corners has a white Wang Word mark, probably a handful mildew. 左侧的兽魂,好似一头魔牛,高有十米,头顶两根弯曲的犄角,粗长锋利,身上没有鳞片,有黑色的皮毛,浑身都是肌肉,四条腿都如同石柱子似地,最引人瞩目的是两根犄角中间有着一个白色的王字的印记,又好像一小撮白毛。 Right Beastly Soul, that is a big black bear, is well-built, the manpower compares its nearby demon cow also to want big majestic, the black wool is similar to the steel needle stands erect all over the body, two forearms especially loud, seems containing the infinite explosive force. 右侧的兽魂,那就是一只大黑熊,体格健壮,人力起来比它旁边的魔牛还要高大雄壮,通体黑毛都如同钢针般竖立起来,两只前臂格外的粗重,仿佛蕴含着无限的爆炸力。 In the Xie Aoyu mind reappears two Demon Beast appearances, each other is on good terms to gather with their appearances, is without change unexpectedly, associates to above their Zhuo Fan Ting again and floats the world respectively to come from evil sacred place and day sacred place, he concluded these two Beastly Soul status basically. 谢傲宇的脑海中浮现两种魔兽的样子,与它们的模样儿彼此相契合,竟然一般无二,再联想到上面两人卓凡婷和浮世远分别来自邪罗圣地和天罗圣地,他基本就断定这两个兽魂的身份了。 One is protection Demon Beast of evil sacred place cracks Sky Demon Niu Wang! 一个是邪罗圣地的守护魔兽天魔牛王! One is the protection Demon Beast violence demon bear of day of sacred place! 一个是天罗圣地的守护魔兽暴力魔熊! Two big Demon Beast before the Flood that were vertically and horizontally unsurpassed existences of world, was absolutely terrorist, they have actually left behind some Beastly Soul here, moreover did not have any ideology. 两大魔兽可是在上古时代那都是纵横天地的无上存在,绝对恐怖的,它们却留下了一些兽魂在这里,而且还是没有任何思想意识的。 Xie Aoyu cannot help but was lost in thought. 谢傲宇不由得陷入了沉思。 Judges according to these news that he obtains, Dragon Clan and Angel Clan chose to perish together in the past, finally of a coordinated process final moment Dragon Clan ten big powerhouses broke through unexpectedly, has to make Dragon Clan survive greatly, destroys completely the meaning of Angel Clan, the crucial result time, six from six mahatma places big protects Demon Beast actually not to know how to enter Angel Holy Island unexpectedly, will be actually mutually wounded, loses serious Dragon Clan and Angel Clan all extinguishes. 根据他得到的那些消息来判断,龙族天使族当年选择同归于尽,结果在最后关头龙族十大强者之一的一条龙竟然突破了,大有让龙族生存下去,灭掉天使族的意思,结果关键时刻,来自六大圣地的六大守护魔兽却不知道如何竟然进入了天使圣岛,硬是将已经两败俱伤,损失惨重的龙族天使族给全灭了。 This is the situation that he knows. 这是他知道的情况。 At the present here two Beastly Soul, their place above has mixes of dark green wolf demon swords world three demon swords before, what in this has to implicate? 而今这里却有两个兽魂,之前它们的上方有着混世三魔剑之一的苍狼魔剑,这里面是不是有什么牵连呢? Xie Aoyu thought throughout that the protection Demon Beast towering appearances of six mahatma places in Angel Holy Island, exterminate Dragon Clan and Angel Clan, the back has certainly a mystical hand to control all in grass, at the present six mahatmas teach other people having been through repeatedly for several thousand years later, at the same time is born, enters Angel Holy Island, if said that does not have what goal, is absolutely impossible. 谢傲宇始终觉得,六大圣地的守护魔兽突兀的出现在天使圣岛,灭绝龙族天使族,背后一定有着一只神秘的手在艹控着一切,而今六大圣地传人在历经数万年之后,同一时间出世,又是进入天使圣岛,若说没有什么目的,绝对不可能的。 His some do not understand has anything to be connected. 只是他有些不明白其中到底有什么关联。 Especially mixes the world three demon swords what's the matter? 尤其是混世三魔剑到底是怎么回事? One series of questions made a Xie Aoyu headache. 一串的疑问令谢傲宇一阵头疼。 Finally he simply did not go to think, did not think in any case clearly, he fell the vision on these two big Demon Beast Beastly Soul, without the thought that that means that they will not attack on own initiative, what then they did keep here goal are? 最后他干脆不去想了,反正也想不明白,他将目光落在这两大魔兽兽魂上面,没有思想,那就意味着它们是不会主动进攻的,那么它们留在这里的目的又是什么呢? Floats the world to be far, won't Zhuo Fan Ting goal be they? 浮世远、卓凡婷两人的目的不会就是它们吧? What two can Beastly Soul do? 可两个兽魂能干什么呢? They do not have the ideology, manufactures similar war soul Beastly Soul? Inadequate that is used to fight? 它们没有思想意识,难道制作成类似战魂的兽魂?用来战斗的不成? Xie Aoyu thinks of here, then puts out a hand to touch that only to cover, this that Beastly Soul covers is the Incantation technique strength, the feeling, seems not too strong, after all two big Beastly Soul simply do not have the ideology, is similar to the stone, oneself are impossible to move heedlessly, therefore protects their Incantation technique to prohibit them for the goal. 谢傲宇想到这里,便伸手去触摸那将兽魂笼罩起来的光罩,这是咒术的力量,就感觉而言,似乎不是太强,毕竟两大兽魂根本没有思想意识,就如同石头,自己是不可能乱动的,所以防护它们的咒术应该不是要封禁它们为目的的。 bo!” “啵!” A Xie Aoyu fingertip point, that only covered then the wave fluctuation gently. 谢傲宇手指尖轻轻一点,那光罩便水波般的波动了起来。 Really the strength is not very big. 果然力量不是很大。 Xie Aoyu then makes an effort a stamp, that only cover fluctuated was stronger, he wielded to fight with the fists immediately, bang, that only covered then bursts. 谢傲宇便用力一戳,那光罩波动更强了,他当即挥拳打去,“轰”的一声,那光罩便破裂了。 This only covers the defense strength only to be able in probably with the Emperor level compared with the position. 这光罩防御力量大概只能和天王级中位相比。 Only covers to shatter, Beastly Soul of violence demon bear then presents in the Xie Aoyu front, its aura very weak, probably possibly to shatter is momentarily same. 光罩破碎,暴力魔熊的兽魂便呈现在谢傲宇的面前,它的气息非常的微弱,好像随时都可能破碎一样。 When light cover diverges, the violence demon bear Beastly Soul strength also had the feeble sign, as if before can maintain is the light covers is protecting. 并且当光罩散去,暴力魔熊兽魂的力量也出现了衰弱的迹象,似乎之前能够保持是光罩在守护。 Xie Aoyu then transfers own psychic force immediately, according to initially controlled the Thunder Puppet Fighting Spirit method, is controlling Beastly Soul of violence demon bear. 谢傲宇当即便调动自己的精神力,按照当初掌控雷系战魂的方法,去掌控着暴力魔熊的兽魂 But the psychic force just touched Beastly Soul of violence demon bear then to be rebounded. 可是精神力刚刚触及暴力魔熊的兽魂便被反弹了开来。 It is not able to be controlled by grass. 无法被艹控。 That only then absorbed! 那就只有吸收了! But the Beastly Soul strength of violence demon bear, has Demon Beast to absorb, humanity is very difficult to absorb, let alone Xie Aoyu has not studied has absorbed the Demon Beast Beastly Soul strength the method. 可是暴力魔熊的兽魂力量,也就只有魔兽才能够吸收,人类是很难吸收的,何况谢傲宇也没有学过吸收魔兽兽魂力量的方法。 Clank!” “铮铮!” When Xie Aoyu tries to find the solution, Moon Falling Blade shivered slightly. 就在谢傲宇想办法的时候,月陨刀微微的颤动了一下。 In his heart moves, was, in Moon Falling Blade has the drop of essence and blood of tyrannosaurus, has a Gold Flame Hawk soul strength, whether can make Gold Flame Hawk absorb the Beastly Soul strength of violence demon bear? 他心中一动,是了,月陨刀内有着霸王龙的一滴精血,有着金焱神鹰一丝灵魂力量,是否可以让金焱神鹰来吸收暴力魔熊的兽魂力量呢? Xie Aoyu grasps conveniently. 谢傲宇随手一抓。 That inserts in the moon/month of ground falls the Emperor blade then tremble slightly, shoots automatically, flies into the hand of Xie Aoyu, he backhands then in Beastly Soul of Moon Falling Blade insertion violence demon bear. 那插在地面的月陨天王刀便轻微颤动,自动弹起,飞入谢傲宇的手中,他反手一下便将月陨刀插入暴力魔熊的兽魂内。 Beastly Soul not any sign of revolt. 兽魂并没有任何反抗的迹象。 But Moon Falling Blade had a change, that golden design glittered the dazzling ray, Gold Flame Hawk as if reactivated generally, started to strengthen the strength in Beastly Soul, was inflating unceasingly, was strengthening unexpectedly also the Beastly Soul strength as for that Moon Falling Blade dragon shape hilt. 月陨刀则发生了一丝变化,那金色的图案闪烁出了刺眼的光芒,金焱神鹰仿佛复活了一般,开始汲取兽魂内的力量,不断地膨胀着,至于那月陨刀的龙形刀柄竟然也在汲取着兽魂的力量。 Xie Aoyu is grasping the hilt, naturally also felt deriving the process of Beastly Soul strength. 谢傲宇握着刀柄,自然也感觉到了汲取的兽魂力量的过程。 This feeling is very subtle, as if that dragon shape hilt is existence of soul, he induced carefully, felt faintly, a strength that as if initially Four Big God Beasts did several things at the same time, after a strength fusion of tyrannosaurus drop of essence and blood, constitution one soul of dragon. 这种感觉很微妙,仿佛那龙形刀柄就是一个灵魂的存在,他仔细去感应了一下,隐隐感到,似乎是当初四大神兽分身的一丝力量,经过霸王龙一滴精血的力量融合之后,构成的一种龙的灵魂。 But this soul likely is not the true soul, Xie Aoyu felt, as if Moon Falling Blade in promotion might, with mixing of dark green wolf demon swords world three demon swords were somewhat similar, is only the disparity is very big. 可这种灵魂又不像是真正的灵魂,谢傲宇感到,仿佛月陨刀在提升威力,与混世三魔剑之一的苍狼魔剑有些相似了,只是差距还很大。 Moon Falling Blade evolution? 月陨刀进化? Xie Aoyu whispered at heart, somewhat did not make clear, but Beastly Soul of violence demon bear after being strengthened the strength, continually in the feeble process, he also has produced impulsive. 谢傲宇心里嘀咕,有些搞不清楚,但是暴力魔熊的兽魂在被汲取力量之后,不断地衰弱过程中,他也产生了一丝冲动。 Whether to draw support from Moon Falling Blade to absorb the Beastly Soul strengths of some violence demon bears? 是不是可以借助月陨刀来摄取一些暴力魔熊的兽魂力量呢?
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