BE :: Volume #10

#904: The heavy treasure is born, world startled 【Two】 6

Mixes the world three demon swords to be towed by strength, erupts together the dreadful demon air/Qi in abundance, the invisible malignant influences fill Angel Holy Island, that three demon swords are similar to three black demon dragon agitations change constantly, sweep away a side the stance, fierce incomparable covers toward that Li Qingbiao's Feng Kunguang takes away as many things as possible. 混世三魔剑受到力量牵引,纷纷爆发出一道滔天的魔气,无形的煞气弥漫天使圣岛,那三把魔剑更如同三道黑色的魔龙搅动风云变幻,横扫一方的姿态,凶猛无匹的向着那李庆彪的封困光罩席卷而去。 Mixes the world three demon swords!” “混世三魔剑!” In Feng Kun Li Qingbiao speaker sends out sonic boom to drink. 那封困中的李庆彪扬声发出一声爆喝。 Along with his shouting out, as if body sends out a strange attraction, actually made three big demon swords rapid from the sky superimposed, as if constituted a peerless demon sword. 随着他的呼喝,似乎身上散发出一股奇异的吸引力,竟然令三大魔剑飞速的在空中叠加起来,仿佛构成一把绝世魔剑。 Three swords superimpose, the might multiplies simply. 三剑相叠加,威力简直是倍增的。 He was insane, must let mix the world three demon sword superimposition unexpectedly, this strength mixing the world three demon swords fused the later might also to miss are not quite more , not only can remove his seal ban strength, fear that was links him to give to destroy.” Zhuo Fan Ting looks exudes one to call out in alarm. “他疯了吗,竟然要让混世三魔剑叠加,这力量比混世三魔剑融合之后的威力也差不太多啊,不但能够解除他的封印禁制力量,怕是连他自己都给毁灭了吧。”卓凡婷看的发出一声惊呼。 Xie Aoyu shakes. 谢傲宇则是一震。 Mixes the world three demon swords to fuse in together, constitutes a true peerless demon sword, that time might will be more powerful, this information made Xie Aoyu feel panic-stricken. 混世三魔剑是可以融合在一起,构成一把真正的绝世魔剑的,那时候的威力会更为强大,这个信息令谢傲宇感到一阵惊骇。 Is who has this to mix the world three demon swords? 到底是什么人拥有这混世三魔剑呢? Opens!” “开!” Li Qingbiao is quiet, the ray that in both eyes projects is similar to two sword glow, pierces surely , the whole person as if turned into the tyrannical fiendish person, shakes the fist to mix the world three demon swords to superimpose the later attack that point bang has hit. 李庆彪沉静无比,双目中射出的光芒如同两道剑芒,洞穿千万里,整个人都仿佛变成了暴虐的魔王,挥拳对着混世三魔剑叠加之后攻击的那一点边轰的打了过去。 Bang!” “轰!” That sleepy Li Qingbiao does not know that many years the seals banned, in mixing the strength impacts of world three demon sword and under Li Qingbiao terror, explodes loudly broken, changes to the luminous spot to scatter in all directions to go. 那封困李庆彪不知多少岁月的封印禁制,在混世三魔剑和李庆彪恐怖的力量冲击之下,轰然爆碎,化作光点四散而去。 Li Qingbiao so with ease gets out of trouble unexpectedly. 李庆彪竟然如此轻松地脱困而出。 At this time, Xie Aoyu felt that in Ma Li Ya that with the aid of Tricolor God Core got up is shaken by Gold Flame Hawk strength seal of Evil Spirit suddenly greatly. 就在这时候,谢傲宇却感到那被邪灵借助金焱神鹰力量封印起来的三色神丹内的玛丽娅陡然间巨震了一下。 A painful aura transmits from Tricolor God Core. 一股痛苦的气息从三色神丹内传递出来。 The Xie Aoyu spirit shook suddenly, stares in a big way the eye, what's the matter, did Ma Li Ya have the response unexpectedly? Is which seal is related with her, said that is a coincidence?” 谢傲宇精神猛然一震,瞪大了眼睛,“怎么回事,玛丽娅居然有反应?是哪个封印和她有关,还是说是一种巧合呢?” The seal bans ruptures. 封印禁制爆裂。 Mixing world three demon sword swords that Li Qingbiao's fist also with that pack of putting together sharp numerous collides together. 李庆彪的拳头也就和那叠加在一起的混世三魔剑剑尖重重的碰撞在一起。 At this moment, Xie Aoyu can feel that floats the world to be far and Zhuo Fan Ting must suffocate, because in they know, mixes words that the world three demon swords superimpose, the might is infinite, even is it can be said that invincible. 这一刻,谢傲宇能感觉到浮世远和卓凡婷都要窒息了,因为在他们所知中,混世三魔剑叠加的话,威力是无穷的,甚至可以说是无敌的。 But Li Qingbiao unexpectedly must contend with the fist. 可是李庆彪居然要用拳头抗衡。 Works as! When! When!” “当!当!当!” Three vibratoes also resound. 三股颤音同时响起。 Saw that is considered as almost invincible mixing world three demon swords from the sky has drawn elegant arcs, was collapsed unexpectedly completely flies. 就看到那被认为是几乎无敌的混世三魔剑在空中划过一道道优美的弧线,竟然全部被崩飞了。 Li Qingbiao slightly backward backs up half step, his back space had the chap, terrifying cracks have more than ten meters thickness fully, spreads a lot of meters. 李庆彪则只是微微向后倒退半步,他背后的空间则出现了龟裂,一道道恐怖的裂缝足有十多米粗细,蔓延千百米。 Bloodline recover, build up my god body!” “血脉复苏,炼我神躯!” After repelling mixes the world three demon swords, a Li Qingbiao conveniently stroke. 击退混世三魔剑之后,李庆彪随手一划。 That had the descendants of his some bloodline to be withdrawn some essence and blood at the scene, condensed the blood dragon to surround Li Qingbiao's surroundings together, afterward he pointed at Lian Dian, some strange things rapid soared, a god of journeys hot day fell, gave to cover Li Qingbiao all. 那拥有他一些血脉的后裔们当场被提取了一些精血,凝聚成一道血龙环绕李庆彪的周围,随后他手指连点,一些奇异的东西飞速的飞腾起来,一道神火天降,将李庆彪在内的一切都给笼罩了起来。 Prevents him, he must refine the god body, the spirit meat unites, on nobody was his match.” Startled anger roared to resound, Luss form appeared, he killed the past rapidly. “阻止他,他要炼制神躯,灵肉合一,就无人是他对手了。”惊怒的吼叫响起,勒斯曼的身影出现,他飞速的扑杀过去。 Meanwhile, three forms also appear from northwest. 于此同时,三道身影也从西北方向出现。 They cover body with the cape. 他们都是用斗篷罩体的。 But looks at their imposing manners, is earthshaking, wild incomparable fierce, is not unexpectedly weaker than Luss of accurate Battle Emperor rank. 可是看他们的气势,却一个个都是惊天动地的,狂暴无匹的厉害,居然都不比准战皇级别的勒斯曼弱。 In other words these three capes cover the master of body are also the accurate Battle Emperor ranks. 也就是说这三个斗篷罩体的高手也是准战皇级别的。 Xie Aoyu sees them, has thought immediately then the Nangong spear had said in the middle of these insane subgroups people, they want the remove fetter, seems needs three accurate Battle Emperor catch up to have the possibility together. 谢傲宇看到他们,登时便想到了南宫戈所说过的那些疯子群当中的人,他们要解除束缚,似乎就是必须要三个准战皇一起发力才有可能。 This is accurate Battle Emperor in that crowd of lunatic! 这是那群疯子中的准战皇 Roar!” “吼!” Whooshes in the sound, mixes the world three demon swords also once again to explode to shoot. 嘶吼声中,混世三魔剑也再度爆射出去。 Although they do not have the thought that but is in the sword existence of ultra best quality goods, the stress feeling of quantity should, send out the attack automatically, must destroy Li Qingbiao. 它们虽然没有思想,可是属于剑中超极品的存在,受力量感应,自动发出攻击,要毁灭李庆彪。 So on, if four big accurate Battle Emperor, mix the world three demon swords to get rid in addition together. 如此就等若四大准战皇,加上混世三魔剑一起出手。 The suddenly time, the god fire abates, Li Qingbiao appears in the people line of sight once again, he already no longer was existence of soul condition, but had the brand-new mortal body. 只是眨眼间的功夫,那神火消退,李庆彪再度出现在众人视线中,他已然不再是灵魂状态的存在,而是有了全新的肉身。 Has not united while his spirit meat, kills him!” Luss exclaimed crazily. “趁他灵肉未曾合一,干掉他!”勒斯曼狂吼道。 Li Qingbiao's light say (way): You, do not match!” 李庆彪淡淡的道:“你们,不配!” He spoke, such as in the dream imaginary step, was similar to the duckweed in angry sea mighty waves, has not destroyed, had not been urged to extinguish, flowed along with wave, free shuttled back and forth in that attack, the whole person as if together unreal form, any attack did not have the effectiveness to him. 他说话间,如梦似幻般的步法中,便如同怒海波涛中的浮萍,不曾毁灭,不曾被催灭,随波而流,自如的在那攻击中穿梭,整个人就仿佛一道虚幻的身影似地,任何攻击都对他毫无效用。 Even if the step is wonderful, is unable to delay to the situation that your spirit meat unites.” Person in a three big cape masters opens the mouth to say indifferently. “纵然步法神妙,也无法拖延到你灵肉合一的地步。”三大斗篷高手中的一人冷漠的开口道。 This person retrocedes swiftly, three big cape masters then also get rid. 这人倏然后退,三大斗篷高手便同时出手。 A giant unreal great sword reappears in the upper air, their strengths carried on a perfect union, the sword air/Qi have vertically and horizontally surged 30,000 li (0.5km), the cold glow rocked ten thousand li (0.5km) electric light twinkle, was having the verve incomparable strength, bang dividing cut to Li Qingbiao. 一个巨大的虚幻的巨剑浮现在高空中,他们的力量进行了一次完美的结合,剑气纵横激荡30000里,冷芒晃动万里电光闪烁,带着刚猛无匹的力量,轰隆隆的劈斩向李庆彪。 The Li Qingbiao binocular cold brightness jumps shoots, his fist then separates the spatial bang to go. 李庆彪双目寒光迸射,他一拳便隔空轰去。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” Cracks void, the world shakes, the mountain avalanche, the world vitality is tumbling fiercely, floods in four wild eight sides, that holds up a day of great sword to be been broken by a fist bang immediately. 虚空崩裂,天地摇动,高山崩塌,天地元气剧烈的翻滚着,充斥在四野八方,那擎天巨剑当即被一拳轰碎。 Three big cape masters called out pitifully to fly horizontally 700-800 meters distance. 三大斗篷高手惨叫着横飞出去七八百米的距离。 You were too bad!” Li Qingbiao taunted, his pupil light electricity, the left hand held up, was grasping to the horizon. “你们太差了!”李庆彪嘲讽道,他眸光似电,左手举起,对着天际一抓。 Suddenly, strong winds writings, the roaring flame flies vertical, the meteor falls together from the horizon, is that stars stiffly from airborne is actually grasped to fall by his unsurpassed strength, the horizon myriad stars of inspiring are turbulent, said that the moon/month changes colors. 突然间,狂风大作,烈焰飞纵,一道流星从天际滑落下来,却是那星辰硬生生被他无上力量给从空中抓落下来,引动的天际万千星辰动荡,曰月为之失色。 The stars of that terror crash, pounds directly mixes the world three demon swords. 那恐怖的星辰坠落,直接砸中混世三魔剑。 Bang!” “轰!” Mixes the world three demon swords to be flown not to know many great distances that crash stars pound, did not have the trail. 混世三魔剑被那坠落星辰砸的飞出去不知多少千里,没了踪迹。 Li Qingbiao then looks to Luss. 李庆彪转而看向勒斯曼。 Snort!” “哼!” Luss Mangun this does not draw back, back wing fierce fanning, in the hand flashes before one to have two meters great sword fully, is dividing to cut maliciously to Li Qingbiao bowel movement. 勒斯曼根本不退,背后羽翼剧烈的扇动,手中闪现一把足有两米长的巨剑,对着李庆彪便恶狠狠地劈斩过去。 The sword air/Qi soars to the heavens, is vertically and horizontally incomparable. 剑气冲天,纵横无匹。 Remote Xie Aoyu felt that in the great distance Luss piercing chill in the air of strength inspiring, he is very difficult to imagine, so the strength, how the thereby person withstands. 远在千里之遥的谢傲宇都感觉到勒斯曼的力量引动的刺骨寒意,他很难想象,如此力量,在那附近的人如何承受。 Li Qingbiao's body surface has a god of journeys light circulation, as if the quartz is flowing, that sword air/Qi melting, him has been also killing to that great sword bang. 李庆彪的身体表面有一道神光流转,仿佛水晶在流动,将那剑气给融化了,他也对着那巨剑轰杀过去。 By sweeping across of Luss strength inspiring, but to the energy rough seas shake the fist along with Li Qingbiao, a then counter- volume went back, leads a scarier strength bang hitting hard in the past. 被勒斯曼力量引动的席卷而至的能量大浪随着李庆彪挥拳,一下便反卷回去,带动更为骇人的力量轰隆隆的重击过去。 „!” “咔嚓!” Prestige of the fist, is unstoppable. 一拳之威,无可抵挡。 That great sword explodes the broken, the fragment that formidable strength leads under Li Qingbiao's attack loudly exudes the sharp howl, puff puff instead pricks in Luss body. 那巨剑在李庆彪的攻击下轰然爆碎,强大的力量带动的碎片发出尖锐的啸声,“噗噗噗”的反刺入勒斯曼的身体内。 But Luss is actually laughs laughs wildly. 可是勒斯曼却是纵声狂笑。 Li Qingbiao, your spirit meat has not united, rash action source, you, if wants with the aid of this body increasing unsurpassed boundary, was already impossible, ha Ha Ha Luss laughter vibration entire Angel Holy Island. “李庆彪,你尚未灵肉合一,妄动本源,你要想借助这具身体攀升无上境界,已然不可能了,哈哈哈”勒斯曼的笑声震动整个天使圣岛 Li Qingbiao has not chased down, but is look is solemn. 李庆彪没有追杀,而是神色冷峻。 Most three years, I must conquer by killing Angel Clan, wants your permanent exterminations of the clan!” Li Qingbiao's desolate say (way), he then looks to the mixing world three demon swords of that collapse, three years later, you will become my weapon!” Finally he looked that to direction that three cape people are, plays tricks, if makes me know your status, wants you to regret this action surely.” “最多三年,我必血洗天使族,要你们永久的灭族!”李庆彪冷森森的道,他转而看向那崩溃的混世三魔剑,“三年后,你们将成为我的兵器!”最后他才看向那三个斗篷人所在的方向,“装神弄鬼,若让我知道你们身份,定要你们后悔此次举动。” Many masters, are repulsed completely. 诸多高手,全部败退。 Li Qingbiao powerful returns. 李庆彪强势回归。 But listens to Luss view, although Li Qingbiao has won, actually also lost, he did not have the spirit meat to unite, carries on so fights, has disadvantageously quite to him. 但听勒斯曼的说法,李庆彪虽然赢了,却也输了,他还没有灵肉合一,就进行如此大战,对他有着相当的不利。 Brushes!” “刷!” Li Qingbiao stands in the upper air, a right hand index finger gently point, light beam projects, center profound gust of wind beast the top of the head of that day, then all people see, the aura swift and violent inflation of day profound gust of wind beast. 李庆彪站在高空,右手食指轻轻一点,一道光束射出,正中那天玄疾风兽的头顶,接着所有人就看到,天玄疾风兽的气息迅猛的膨胀。 Was good, now you are the Battle King level, stays here to help Wu Dongtian.” Li Qingbiao said that soars to go, Luss, three years later, is your Angel Clan thoroughly exterminates.” “好了,现在你已经是战王级了,留在这里帮助武动天吧。”李庆彪说完,腾空而去,“勒斯曼,三年之后,便是你天使族彻底灭绝的时候。” His form also thoroughly disappeared in the line of sight of people. 他的身影也在众人的视线中彻底消失了。 Looks at the change of distant place, floats say (way) that world muttered: What strength Li Qingbiao is, is he possibly how casual a figure then to make the day of profound gust of wind beast stride in the Battle King level from ten king peak levels the boundary?” 看着远处的变化,浮世远喃喃自语的道:“李庆彪到底是什么实力,他怎么可能随便一指便能让天玄疾风兽从十王巅峰级跨入战王级的境界?” Zhuo Fan Ting is also stunned. 卓凡婷也是一阵错愕。 Xie Aoyu laughs in one's heart actually, these two look like are also in shock Li Qingbiao's great strength, unexpectedly could not see that is Li Qingbiao exercise the stature the time, the unnecessary strength gives the day of profound gust of wind beast. 倒是谢傲宇暗笑不已,这两人看来还处于震撼李庆彪的强大,居然看不出那是李庆彪自己练就身躯的时候,多余的力量送给天玄疾风兽的。 They are startled their, Xie Aoyu such will not be treating. 他们吃惊他们的,谢傲宇可不会这么待着。 Just now these two personally have said that after the dark green wolf demon sword is born, will leave behind the antiquity powerhouse to fight air/Qi of the purest murdering intent forms, how could Xie Aoyu to miss. 方才这两人可是亲口说过,苍狼魔剑出世之后,会留下上古强者战意形成的最纯粹的杀伐之气,谢傲宇岂能错过。 He displays Earth Escape Technique immediately. 他当即施展土遁术 Now the dark green wolf demon sword leaves, the air/Qi of murdering already entirely dissipated, Xie Aoyu Earth Escape Technique does not have the attack of air/Qi of murdering, he then goes to the place that dark green wolf demon sword leaves. 现在苍狼魔剑离开,杀伐之气已然统统消散,谢傲宇土遁术也没有杀伐之气的攻击,他便来到那苍狼魔剑离开的地方。 Inside has quite a fluctuation of air/Qi of murdering, seems one containing the strength sharp sword, glitters in that gulf, is dissipating slowly. 里面却有着相当一股的杀伐之气的波动,好似一把把蕴含着力量的利剑,在那深坑内闪烁着,正在缓慢的消散。 Xie Aoyu then enters immediately. 谢傲宇当即便进入其中。 His both feet falls to the ground, as if touched anything, sees under the foot ground pan- the innumerable Incantation technique marks, is glittering the point halo, this Incantation technique strength rapid proliferation, shortly this gulf entire covering, including the above entrance in. 他双脚落地,仿佛触动了什么,就看到脚底下的地面泛起无数的咒术符号,闪烁着点点的光晕,这咒术力量迅速的扩散,顷刻间就将这深坑整个给笼罩了起来,包括上方的入口处在内。 „It is not good, some people went in!” “不好,有人进去了!” What damn is who!” “该死的是谁!” Zhuo Fan Ting and floats the world to feel that the Incantation technique strength fluctuation then awakens, hurries to overrun, finally by that Incantation technique strength rebounding. 卓凡婷和浮世远感觉到咒术力量波动这才醒悟过来,赶紧冲了过去,结果就被那咒术力量给反弹开了。 Xie Aoyu sees that the great happiness, has the Incantation technique strength protection, he can derive these antiquity powerhouses to fight being mad of purest murdering intent forms relieved! 谢傲宇见状,不由大喜,有着咒术力量保护,他可以安心汲取这些上古强者战意形成的最纯粹的杀伐之气了! PS: I planned that in September 1 said 10 said that 100, but some people to my distinguished guest ticket stimulation not??! PS:我打算9月1曰到10曰,100更,可有人给我贵宾票刺激不??!
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