BE :: Volume #10

#903: The heavy treasure is born, world startled 【One】 Before down

The fluctuation of air/Qi of murdering made Xie Aoyu have the impulsion that wanted immediately to start to derive, that air/Qi of murdering was very pure, Xie Aoyu displayed Earth Escape Technique to induce that being near body of air/Qi of murdering, he then tried to absorb. 杀伐之气的波动令谢傲宇有着想要马上开始汲取的冲动,那杀伐之气很纯粹,谢傲宇施展土遁术感应那杀伐之气的临身,他便试着去吸收了一些。 These air/Qi of murdering enter the body, he instantly feels the change of Qi. 这些杀伐之气入体,他即刻感觉到斗气的变化。 Qi of mainland distinguishes is actually is surname, other views, have not been Qi of surname, the similar quantity, same Fights Technique, almost does not have anything to distinguish. 奇奥大陆的斗气其实区别就是属姓方面的,并没有其他的说法,同属姓的斗气,同样的量,同样的斗技,几乎没什么区别。 But the air/Qi of murdering enters within the body, Xie Aoyu then felt that own Qi had some subtle changes, if before, Qi temperate like water, then now in turning toward rupturing, carries on the change firm, as if under that tranquil sea, is hiding terrifying Demon Beast. 可是杀伐之气进入体内,谢傲宇便感到自己的斗气发生了一些微妙的变化,如果说之前,斗气温和如水,那么现在就是在向着爆裂,阳刚进行变化,就仿佛在那平静的大海下面,隐藏着一只恐怖的魔兽似地。 The change of Qi, made the Xie Aoyu nature joyfully. 斗气的这种变化,令谢傲宇自然欣喜不已。 Qi of itself everyone is different, his had this stronger explosive force, then fights time, must have the superiority. 本身每个人的斗气都不尽相同,他的却拥有了这种更强的爆发力,那么战斗的时候,显然就要占据优势的。 This made air/Qi of Xie Aoyu to the murdering have a bigger idea. 这就更让谢傲宇对杀伐之气有了更大的想法。 Zhuo girl, you said that this time Li Qingbiao wants the remove seal to get out of trouble, wants with the aid of mixing the strengths of world three demon swords?” Floats the world to say. “卓姑娘,你说这次李庆彪要解除封印脱困而出,是不是想要借助混世三魔剑的力量?”浮世远说道。 Zhuo Fan Ting cold -ly snorted and said: Absolutely so.” 卓凡婷冷哼道:“绝对如此。” „? Why so affirmed?” Floats the world long way. “哦?为什么如此肯定?”浮世远道。 Snort! Floats the brother, you why so, you do not think?” Zhuo Fan Ting sneers saying that Li Qingbiao's status, we have not made clear, however his strength obvious great strength, unexpectedly after dying, reactivates with the aid of a life strength that the strength of that person of reactivating sends out, this explained that his before death great strength, only has the so formidable person possibly after he died, was still sealed to be stranded, then Feng Kun the strength also absolutely is very fearful, including Li Qingbiao is unable remove, the nature to with the aid of mixing the strengths of world three demon swords uncovers Kaifeng to be sleepy.” “哼!浮兄,你何必如此,难道你心里就不是这么想的吗?”卓凡婷冷笑道,“李庆彪的身份,我们是没搞清楚,但是他的实力显而易见的强大,居然在死后,借助那人复活之力散发出来的一丝生命力量重新复活,这就说明,他生前的强大,也唯有如此强大之人才可能在他死后,仍然被封困起来,那么封困的力量也绝对是非常可怕的,连李庆彪都无法解除,自然要借助混世三魔剑的力量来揭开封困了。” Floats the world not to lose one's temper because of Zhuo Fan Ting's satire, said: Since is worried about him to reactivate, why initially didn't give to ruin his corpse? Gives back to his rebirth the opportunity?” 浮世远并没有因为卓凡婷的讽刺而动怒,道:“既然担心他复活,为什么当初不将他的尸体都给毁掉?还给他重生的机会?” How you know that his corpse hadn't been ruined?” Zhuo Fan Ting asked. “你又如何知道他的尸体没有被毁掉?”卓凡婷反问道。 Anything!” Floats the world to stare the big eye, you said that Li Qingbiao now is only the soul condition!” “什么!”浮世远瞪大眼睛,“你说李庆彪现在只是灵魂状态!” Zhuo Fan Ting said: Naturally, if not so, can explain the seal Dragon Clan strength by him with ease the Incantation technique big ability, perhaps already got out of trouble, but left . Moreover the bloodline Incantation technique big method that he must use cannot by taboo Incantation technique of one antiquity time the soul condition can display, but makes people very strange, since he must with the aid of mixing the strengths of world three demon swords, did not fear that mixes the world three demon swords to seize the chance to put to death it, said that he does have the absolute assurance to be able under mixing the world three demon swords lives? In this case, his true strength was too fearful, perhaps is fiercer than the most powerhouses of our six mahatma places.” 卓凡婷道:“当然,若非如此,以他能够轻松破解封印龙族力量的咒术大阵的能力,恐怕早就脱困而出了,而且他要施展的血脉咒术大法不就是必须以灵魂状态才能够施展的一种上古时期的禁忌咒术吗,只是让人很奇怪,他既然要借助混世三魔剑的力量,难道就不怕混世三魔剑会趁机将其诛杀,还是说他有绝对的把握能够在混世三魔剑之下活下来?若是这样的话,他的真正实力就太可怕了,恐怕比我们六大圣地的最强者都要厉害。” Has hesitated a while, floats world long way: On my feeling, Li Qingbiao should be has confidence such does is.” 沉吟了一会儿,浮世远道:“就我的感觉,李庆彪应该是有把握这么做才是。” In secret interception Xie Aoyu is one with amazement. 暗中窃听的谢傲宇则是一阵骇然。 He does not know that anything mixes the world three demon swords, may listen to meaning as if this dark green Langshan to hide an demon sword, the strength that but other source clearly sees is the spear results in the shape. 他不知道什么混世三魔剑,可听意思似乎这苍狼山内隐藏着一把魔剑,可是他方才分明看到的劲气是枪得形状啊。 demon sword? 魔剑? demon? 魔? Xie Aoyu feels somewhat irritably, he has had enormously the interest to this so-called mixing world three demon swords, has again is he is second hearing, there are in the population mentioned that person reactivating. 谢傲宇感到有些别扭,他对这所谓的混世三魔剑产生了极大地兴趣,再有就是他已经是第二次听到,有人口中提到“那个人”的复活了。 The first time is in Luss mouth says. 第一次是勒斯曼口中说出来的。 Now is in the mouth that six mahatmas teach other people spreads, then this so-called who that person is, as if this is six mahatmas arrives at the Angel Holy Island real objective. 现在又是六大圣地传人的口中传出,那么这个所谓的“那个人”到底是谁,似乎这才是六大圣地来到天使圣岛的真正目的。 What relations has this to mix the world three demon swords again and that person also has? 再有这混世三魔剑和“那个人”又有什么关系呢? Zhuo Fan Ting and floats world they had flown that dark green Langshan at this time seems the position of hammer, falls in front of the above stone, they put out the map to contrast, the determination are here. 卓凡婷和浮世远两人这时候飞到了那苍狼山的好似狼头的位置,落在上面一块石头面前,两人拿出地图对比了一下,确定就是这里。 Was it.” Floats the world long way. “就是它了。”浮世远道。 Opens.” Zhuo Fan Ting said. “打开吧。”卓凡婷道。 Floats the world deeply to inspire, said: Li Qingbiao must with the aid of mixing the world three demon swords gets out of trouble, can't we delay next time?” 浮世远深吸一口气,道:“李庆彪要借助混世三魔剑脱困,我们难道就不能延迟一下时间?” Zhuo Fan Ting said: „Do you think the possibility? Even if we do not open personally, will mix the world three demon swords to be similarly unearthed, when the time comes, feared that air/Qi of the purest murdering will be mixes the world three demon swords to carry war intent of antiquity powerhouse forms to carry off, our anything will unable to obtain.” 卓凡婷道:“你觉得可能吗?就算是我们不亲自打开,混世三魔剑同样会出土的,到时候,怕是混世三魔剑所携带的上古强者的战意形成的最为纯粹的杀伐之气都会带走的,我们什么也得不到。” Yeah!” “哎!” Floats the world far to sigh one lightly, said: Li Qingbiao already calculated, he was eats to decide us.” 浮世远轻叹一声,道:“李庆彪早就算准了,他是吃定我们了。” They each other look one, simultaneously backs up backward two steps. 两人彼此对望一眼,同时向后倒退两步。 They are away from that stone about two meters distance to stand firm, they have simultaneously gotten hold of the fist, their respective Qi fierce revolutions. 他们距离那块石头大约两米的距离站定,两人同时握紧了拳头,他们各自的斗气都剧烈的运转起来。 With the revolution of their strength, the world vitality has also surged. 伴随着他们力量的运转,天地元气也激荡了起来。 „” “啪啪啪啪” These are containing stone rupturing of air/Qi of murdering in abundance. 那些蕴含着杀伐之气的石块纷纷的爆裂。 The air/Qi of innumerable murdering fly to shoot. 无数的杀伐之气飞射出来。 Xie Aoyu watches once more, this discovered that these strength are not only the shapes of god spear, unexpectedly also has the sword, blade and other weapon of the shapes. 谢傲宇再次观看,这才发现,那些劲气并非只是神枪的形状,居然还有剑、刀等兵器的形状。 All air/Qi of murdering are not the direction of fire horizons, but flies between Zhuo Fan Ting and floats world them around that stone, the encirclement forms a strange vortex. 所有的杀伐之气都不是射向天际,而是飞向卓凡婷和浮世远两人中间的那块石头周围,环绕形成一道奇异的漩涡。 „” “咻咻咻” The air/Qi of murdering flies vertical, sends out to tear all metal fricatives. 杀伐之气飞纵,发出撕裂一切的金属摩擦声。 Each other fuses, these air/Qi of murdering then condensed an appearance of sword, surrounded that stone to revolve rapidly unceasingly. 彼此相融合,这些杀伐之气便凝聚成了一把剑的模样儿,环绕着那块石头在不断地飞转着。 Brushes!” “刷!” Floats the world to be far and Zhuo Fan Ting two eyes explode suddenly lighten wipe the none remaining, their Qi rapid gatherings above their right fist, have then been rumbling to that stone in the past. 浮世远和卓凡婷两人陡然间两双眼睛爆闪出一抹精光,他们的斗气飞速的汇聚到了自己的右拳之上,对着那石块便轰了过去。 Bang!” Bang!” “轰!”“轰!” Two fist might are boundless, hit hard that stone. 两拳威力无边,重击那石块。 Surrounds the sword shade of air/Qi of murdering the stone dances in the air not to stop, that stone was rumbled immediately broken, then air/Qi of wilder murdering shoots up to the sky from the stone to shatter place. 环绕石块飞舞的杀伐之气的剑影并没有阻拦,那石块当即被轰碎,接着一股更为狂暴的杀伐之气从石块破碎的地方冲天而起。 Bang!” “轰!” The sky seemed is pierced. 天空好似被洞穿了。 That encirclement the sword shade of air/Qi of murdering also integrates. 那环绕的杀伐之气的剑影也融入其中。 Two the air/Qi of sword shade friendly murdering then transfers the direction, before Xie Aoyu that air/Qi of heaviest place that murdering selects flushes away loudly. 两道相融的杀伐之气剑影便调转方向,向着谢傲宇之前选中的那杀伐之气最重的地方轰然冲去。 Explodes!” “爆!” Dark green Langshan is shivering. 苍狼山在颤动。 The air/Qi of murdering resembles the unsurpassed strength that the heaven lowers, the numerous bang fall. 杀伐之气就好像上天降下的无上力量,重重的轰落。 Roar!” “吼!” An earthshaking wolf spreads howlingly suddenly. 一声惊天动地的狼嚎骤然传出。 The Xie Aoyu spirit violently vibrates, he as if felt that a wicked wolf is regaining consciousness gradually, and blooms the terror strength. 谢傲宇精神都为之猛烈震动,他仿佛感到一条恶狼正在渐渐地苏醒,并且绽放出恐怖的力量。 Bang!” “轰!” That air/Qi of sword shade murdering dissipates. 那杀伐之气剑影消散。 Displacing is void place of a huge demon wolf soul from dark green Langshan reappears, as if it was banned there. 取而代之的则是一条巨大的魔狼魂从苍狼山上空的虚空处浮现出来,仿佛它就是被禁制在那里的。 Roar!” “吼!” This huge demon wolf soul sends out whooshing of startled world, the shake void is dragging, is makes the dark green Langshan surrounding area great distance in fierce shaking, some mountain ranges jump da, the river water flow backwards. 这巨大魔狼魂发出一声惊天地的嘶吼,震荡的虚空都在摇曳,更是令苍狼山方圆千里都在剧烈的摇动,一些山峦蹦跶,河水倒流。 Roar!” “吼!” Follows close on a Long to recite turbulently void. 紧跟着一声龙吟动荡虚空。 Xie Aoyu looks following the sound that sees in the remote southeastern direction, unexpectedly the huge souls are also fluttering, that impressively is the coordinated process soul. 谢傲宇顺着声音看去,就看到在遥远的东南方向,居然也有一个巨大的灵魂飘动着,那赫然是一条龙魂。 Hissing!” “嘶!” The neighing sound has also made a sound. 嘶鸣声也响了起来。 The position in the north, carefully looked that will discover, that is a soul of demon hawk, the similarly incomparable hugeness, vibrates the strong winds that the wings forms to make surrounding area hundred li (0.5km) goods change into the powder. 位置是在北方,仔细看,就会发现,那是一只魔鹰的灵魂,同样无比的巨大,震动双翼形成的狂风令方圆百里的物品都化为粉末。 Three big Demon Beast Beastly Soul after sending out to whoosh the sound, then in abundance changes to light beam to submerge underground. 三大魔兽兽魂在发出嘶吼声之后,便纷纷化作一道光束没入地下。 The demon wolf soul enters in the gulf that air/Qi of sword shade murdering has rumbled. 魔狼魂进入了那杀伐之气剑影轰出的深坑内。 Then Xie Aoyu then felt dark green Langshan fierce sways, sword whining noises from dark green Langshan transmits, that startled day the air/Qi of murdering intense. 接着谢傲宇便感到苍狼山剧烈的摇晃起来,一声声来自苍狼山底部的剑鸣声传递出来,那惊天的杀伐之气更加的强烈。 Pit-a-pat “突突突” Innumerable sword light shoot from the dark green Langshan implosion. 无数的剑光从苍狼山内爆射出来。 Suddenly, void Wan Jianfei vertical, dazzling multi- colors. 一时间,虚空万剑飞纵,炫目多彩。 Ka ka “咔咔咔咔” That gulf place starts to split slits outward, spread rapidly dozens meters distance, and each crack incomparable thickness. 那深坑处开始向外裂开一道道的缝隙,迅速的蔓延了几十米的距离,且每一道裂缝都无比的粗大。 Giant sword light projects from below. 一道巨大的剑光从下面射出。 Clank!” “铮铮!” Xie Aoyu felt Moon Falling Blade tremor fierce of more and more, he simple Moon Falling Blade the crescent moon hangs falling to receive in Space Ring, the relation of isolation and outside, this made it peaceful. 谢傲宇感到月陨刀颤动的越来越厉害,他干脆一把将月陨刀所化的月牙吊坠收入空间戒指内,隔绝与外界的联系,这才令它安静下来。 „!” “咻!” A sword of shake world called resounds suddenly. 一声震荡天地的剑鸣陡然响起。 A sword flies to shoot suddenly from the gulf. 一把剑突然从深坑内飞射出来。 The Xie Aoyu time is paying attention, then firmly engraves the personal appearance of this sword in own mind, this sword length approximately one meter about six, sword blade above has many strange designs, what is most unusual is the sword blade edge does not have Kaifeng, is very obtuse, sword hilt that is just now the appearance of that demon wolf soul. 谢傲宇时刻关注着,一眼便将这剑的身形牢牢地刻印在自己的脑海中,此剑长约一米六左右,剑身上面有着许多的奇异图案,最奇特的是剑刃都没开封的,很钝,剑柄那就是方才那条魔狼魂的模样儿。 At first sight comes up, Xie Aoyu actually felt that it and Moon Falling Blade are somewhat similar. 乍看上去,谢傲宇竟然感觉它与月陨刀有些相似。 Moon Falling Blade hilt that is the image of dragon. 月陨刀的刀柄那就是龙的形象。 Dark green wolf demon sword!” Floats the world to look that demon sword shoots up to the sky, still could not bear exude one to shout lowly. “苍狼魔剑!”浮世远看着那魔剑冲天而起,仍旧是忍不住发出了一声低呼。 Zhuo Fan Ting is also the item of semination light. 卓凡婷也是目射精光。 That dark green wolf demon sword turns toward the distant place to fly to shoot to go. 那苍狼魔剑则向着远方飞射而去。 Meanwhile, Xie Aoyu also saw that in place that just now Long Hun, the hawk soul present , the respective demon sword appears, is the dark green wolf demon sword is the same, flies to shoot toward the south. 于此同时,谢傲宇也看到,在方才龙魂、鹰魂出现的地方,也各自有一把魔剑出现,都是与苍狼魔剑一样,向着南方飞射去的。 Bang bang bang “嘭嘭嘭” In that remote south, a giant light cover reappears. 在那遥远的南方,一个巨大的光罩浮现出来。 Distinction that Xie Aoyu looks, that is Li Qingbiao is sealed the sleepy light cover impressively, although is remote, actually can still feel in the light that Feng Kun covers, the strength fluctuation of Li Qingbiao terror, looks at the present all, Xie Aoyu sighed darkly, he was really draws support mixes the strength remove bans of world three demon swords. 谢傲宇看的分明,那赫然就是李庆彪被封困的光罩,虽然非常遥远,却仍旧能够感觉到那封困的光罩内,李庆彪恐怖的力量波动,看着眼前的一切,谢傲宇暗叹,他果然是借助混世三魔剑的力量解除禁制。
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